
Table Of Contents

Quick Start Guide for Cisco Monitor Manager 1.1

Supplemental License Agreement

Cisco Monitor Manager Overview

System Requirements

Installing Cisco Monitor Manager

Post-Installation Tasks

Register Your Runtime License

Create a New Cisco Monitor Manager User

Discover Devices

Additional Information

Backing Up the Cisco Monitor Manager Database

Restoring the Cisco Monitor Manager Database

Cisco ASA/Cisco PIX Device Support

Where to Go Next

Quick Start

Quick Start Guide for Cisco Monitor Manager 1.1

1 Supplemental License Agreement


IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This Supplemental License Agreement ("SLA") contains additional limitations on the license to the Software provided to Customer under the End User License Agreement between Customer and Cisco. Capitalized terms used in this SLA and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in the End User License Agreement. To the extent that there is a conflict among any of these terms and conditions applicable to the Software, the terms and conditions in this SLA shall take precedence.

By installing, allowing to be installed, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the Software or using the equipment that contains this Software, Customer agrees to be bound by the terms of this SLA. If Customer does not agree to the terms of this SLA, Customer may not install, download, access or otherwise use the Software. Customer may retain a third party ("Contractor") to install the Software for Customer, provided that (i) Customer and Contractor agree that the provisioning of installation services by Contractor to Customer creates an agency relationship and (ii) Customer shall remain fully responsible and liable for compliance by Customer and Contractor with the terms of the End User License Agreement and this SLA. When used below, the term "server" refers to a central processor unit owned or leased by Customer or otherwise embedded in equipment provided by Cisco.


The following terms will have the meanings ascribed to them below.

"Subscription Cycle" means the one (1) year period of time for which Customer pays the required Subscription Fees in advance. The Subscription Cycle is set forth in the applicable Purchase Order. The Subscription Cycle begins after successfully registering your copy of the Software online at Cisco's web site and applying the license file to the installed Software.

"Subscription Fees" means the license or subscription fees for Customer's use of the Software described in the applicable Purchase Order. Subscription fees are paid by Customer up-front at the beginning of each Subscription Cycle.

"Self Managed Cisco Monitor Manager" means the version of Cisco Monitor Manager that works as a software application as directed by the customer, but does not communicate with Cisco Monitor Director.

"Cisco Monitor Manager MSP" means the version of Cisco Monitor Manager that has the ability to communicate with Cisco Monitor Director and is provided to Customer for the Subscription Cycle.

"Cisco Monitor Manager Limited Version" means the version of either Self Managed Cisco Monitor Manager or Cisco Monitor Manager MSP that supports the monitoring of up to five networking devices, five access points and 50 IP phones.

"Cisco Monitor Manager Standard Version" means the version of either Self Managed Cisco Monitor Manager or Cisco Monitor Manager MSP that supports the monitoring of up to twenty networking devices, fifty access points and 250 IP phones.


Cisco hereby grants Customer a non-exclusive worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, nontransferable object code license (without sublicense rights) in Self Managed Cisco Monitor Manager to install and use the Software for network monitoring and management.

Cisco hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive worldwide, term, irrevocable, nontransferable object code license (without sublicense rights) in Cisco Monitor Manager MSP for use in connection with the use and license of Cisco Monitor Director.

Installation and Use. The Software components are provided to Customer solely to install, update, supplement, or replace existing functionality of the applicable Network Management Software product. During Customer's license of the Software and subject to the terms and condition of the End User License Agreement and this SLA, Customer may install and use on a single server, one (1) copy of the following software components, in object code form only, as included in, and for use solely with, the Software:

Runtime portions of the iAnywhere Standalone Adaptive Server Anywhere Embedded Program.

KavaChart Enterprise Edition.

Number of Devices. The number of devices monitored by Customer will be based on whether it purchases Cisco Monitor Manager Limited Version or Cisco Monitor Manager Standard Version as defined above.

Using Software to Provide Network Monitoring Services. Customer may use the Software to collect and analyze device information and communicate such information to authorized copies of Cisco Monitor Director to provide network monitoring services to third parties.

Reproduction and Distribution. Customer may not reproduce nor distribute software.


Fees. Cisco may amend the pricing in Subscription Fees for Cisco Monitor Manager MSP from time to time upon prior notice, provided, however, that any amended pricing will not take effect until the beginning of the next Subscription Cycle. Cisco may also charge customer additional fees for upgrades of the Software

Payment Terms. Customer will pay to Cisco the Subscription Fees in advance for Cisco Monitor Manager MSP, and will make (a) the first Subscription Fee payment as specified in the Purchase Order; and (b) subsequent Subscription Fee payments at the beginning of each subsequent Subscription Cycle. All Subscription Fees are nonrefundable. For Self Managed Cisco Monitor Manager, Customer will pay to the Cisco the Fees in advance. All Fees are nonrefundable.

Effect of Termination. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Customer will promptly cease all use of the Software and destroy all copies of all or any part of the Software in its possession. Any payment obligations incurred prior to termination or expiration of this Agreement will survive such termination or expiration.

Expiration of Cisco Monitor Manager MSP. Upon expiration of Customer's license in Cisco Monitor Manager MSP, Cisco hereby grants Customer a non-exclusive worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, nontransferable object code license (without sublicense rights) in Self Managed Cisco Monitor Manager to install and use the Software for network monitoring and management.


Please refer to the Cisco Systems, Inc. End User License Agreement.

2 Cisco Monitor Manager Overview

Cisco Monitor Manager is an integrated network management application which monitors and configures basic device parameters on small-medium business (SMB)-class routers, switches, security appliances, access points, and IP phones. Cisco Monitor Manager remotely polls and collects data from these devices and works with Cisco Monitor Director to provide seamless, centralized network management across multiple customer sites.

The following list summarizes the features that Cisco Monitor Manager provides:

Device system parameter configuration

Network discovery

Device inventory management

Configuration file management

Performance monitoring

Collection of performance and fault history data



Support for the launch of Cisco device managers

In this document you will find:

Hardware and software requirements for optimal performance

Detailed installation and post-installation instructions

Pointers to relevant documentation

3 System Requirements

To ensure the proper installation and operation of Cisco Monitor Manager on your machine, verify that all of the requirements listed in the following table are met before proceeding.

Minimum Requirement

Available disk space

40 GB

Note During installation, files are unzipped into your machine's default temp directory (the directory specified by the TMP user environment variable). Also verify that there is at least an additional 1 GB of free disk space available to ensure the proper installation of Cisco Monitor Manager.


Limited Edition: 1 GB

Standard Edition: 2 GB

CPU processor

Intel Pentium IV 1.2 GHz or greater

Monitor resolution

1024 x 768 pixels or higher

Operating System

One of the following:

Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4

Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2


Enable the following protocols on your machine:



SNMP (applies only to voice monitoring devices)

Syslog—Verify that port 514 is not already used by another Syslog receiver application.

TFTP—Verify that port 69 is not already used by another application.

Note the following:

If Cisco Security Agent is installed on your machine, you will need to disable it before you install Cisco Monitor Manager, discover network devices, or add devices to a discovered network.

You cannot install both Cisco Monitor Manager and Cisco Monitor Director on the same machine.

It is recommended that you have administrator privileges on the machine you will install Cisco Monitor Manager onto.

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates used by Cisco Monitor Manager to provide secure communication are created and self-signed by Cisco Systems, Inc. If you prefer to use customized SSL certificates, see the "Creating Customized SSL Certificates" online help topic.

Make sure that the antivirus software installed on your machine has not been disabled. Otherwise, you will not be able to install Cisco Monitor Manager.

After you have installed Cisco Monitor Manager on a machine that also has McAfee VirusScan Enterprise installed, you will not be able to send emails from Cisco Monitor Manager until you unblock port 25. To do so:

a. Launch the VirusScan Console window.

b. Right-click the Access Protection task and then select Properties.

c. In the Port Blocking tab, uncheck the Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail check box and then click Apply.

d. Click OK.

By default, Windows Firewall is enabled on Windows XP machines. As a result, Cisco Monitor Manager instances cannot communicate with a Cisco Monitor Director instance installed on a Windows XP machine until you open the port used for HTTPS on that Windows XP machine through the firewall.

To open the port through the firewall:

Step 1 From the machine Cisco Monitor Director is installed on, select Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall. The Windows Firewall dialog box appears.

Step 2 Click the Exceptions tab and then click Add Port.... The Add a Port dialog box appears.

Step 3 Enter the name and number of the port used for HTTPS (the default port is 443).

Step 4 Ensure that the TCP radio button is selected and then click OK.

Note If Cisco Monitor Director is installed on a machine with an application that already uses port 443, the port might be assigned to that application instead of to Cisco Monitor Director after a machine restart. If this happens, Cisco Monitor Director will prompt you to change the port it uses for HTTPS. After doing so, you will then need to open this port through the firewall.

4 Installing Cisco Monitor Manager

Step 1 Obtain a runtime license.

a. Determine the MAC address of the machine you will install Cisco Monitor Manager on by opening a command prompt and entering the following command: ipconfig /all

The value displayed in the Physical Address field is the MAC address of your machine.

Note If your machine has multiple MAC addresses, you can use any of them to obtain a runtime license. It is recommended that you use a MAC address that is not associated with a remote VPN tunnel or a module you might remove in the future. If you later decide to run Cisco Monitor Manager on a different machine, or you remove the hardware that corresponds to the MAC address you registered Cisco Monitor Manager under, you will need to contact Cisco for a new license.

b. Obtain a Product Authorization Key (PAK) from either your reseller or your Cisco sales representative.

c. Launch the following URL:

The Authentication Required dialog box appears.

d. Enter the username and password you use to log into and then click OK. Note that you may be prompted to enter your username and password a second time.

The Product License Registration wizard launches.

e. In the Product Authorization Key (PAK) field, enter the appropriate PAK and then click SUBMIT to proceed to the Validate Features wizard page.

f. Verify that the correct product SKU for the Cisco Monitor Manager version you purchased is displayed and then click Continue to proceed to the Designate Licensee wizard page.

g. Do the following and then click Continue to proceed to the last wizard page:

In the MAC Address field, enter the MAC address (dashes omitted) of the machine you will install Cisco Monitor Manager on.

After reading the End-User License Agreement, select the Agreement check box to accept its conditions.

Enter the appropriate contact information in the Registrant Information section of the page.

If you are not the end-user of this Cisco Monitor Manager installation, select the Licensee (End-User) check box and enter the appropriate contact information in the End User Information section of the page.

h. Verify that the information provided is accurate and then click Submit.

The wizard page will indicate when registration is complete. Your runtime license will be sent to the e-mail address specified during the registration process. If you do not receive a license within one hour, open a service request using the TAC Service Request Tool.

i. Save the runtime license onto your machine.

Step 2 Download the Cisco Monitor Manager installer file from

Note If you have the Cisco Monitor Manager installation CD, skip this step and proceed to Step 3.

a. Launch the following URL:

The Authentication Required dialog box appears.

b. Enter the username and password you use to log into and then click OK.

The Software Download page appears.

c. Click the cisco-monitor-manager-1_1-win32-k9.exe link.

The Software Download page updates, displaying details for the software you will download.

d. Click Next.

The rules that apply to the download are displayed.

e. After reading through the rules, click Accept to accept their conditions.

The Authentication Required dialog box appears.

f. Enter the username and password you use to log into and then click OK.

g. Save the Cisco Monitor Manager installer file onto your machine.

Step 3 Launch the Cisco Monitor Manager installation wizard by doing one of the following:

If you have the Cisco Monitor Manager installation CD, insert it into your machine's CD-ROM drive.

If you downloaded the installer file from, navigate to and double-click cisco-monitor-manager-1_1-win32-k9.exe to launch the installation wizard.

The first wizard screen appears.

Step 4 Click Next.

The second wizard screen appears, displaying the End User License Agreement.

Step 5 After reading through the license agreement, click the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button and then click Next.

The third wizard screen appears, indicating the minimum amount of disk space and RAM required to proceed with the installation.

Step 6 Verify that your machine meets these requirements and then click Next.

The fourth wizard screen appears.

Step 7 Do one of the following:

In the Directory Name field, enter the directory in which you want to install Cisco Monitor Manager.

Click Browse... to navigate to the desired Cisco Monitor Manager installation directory and then click Open.

Step 8 Click Install.

Cisco Monitor Manager is installed on your machine.

Step 9 C lick Finish to close the wizard and launch the License Registration page.

5 Post-Installation Tasks

After you have installed Cisco Monitor Manager, you must complete the following tasks before using the application for the first time:

1. Register Your Runtime License

2. Create a New Cisco Monitor Manager User

3. Discover Devices

Register Your Runtime License

Since this is the first time you have launched the application, the License Registration page appears.

Step 1 Select the Activate License Now radio button.

Step 2 Click Browse... to navigate to your runtime license and then click Open.

A message appears, indicating that you have successfully registered your license.

Step 3 Click OK to close this message, and then click OK to launch the Customer and Cisco Monitor Director Information dialog box.

Note the following:

If you have any problems registering your runtime license, you can still launch the trial version by selecting the Start Evaluation Version radio button and then clicking OK.

If you click Cancel, Cisco Monitor Manager closes. To access this page again, you will need to restart the application.

Create a New Cisco Monitor Manager User

After registering your runtime license or starting the trial version of the application, the Customer and Cisco Monitor Director Information dialog box appears. Here, you can enter the contact information for both yourself and your reseller (if applicable), as well as the information required to establish a connection between your Cisco Monitor Manager instance and the Cisco Monitor Director instance your reseller manages.

Note the following:

To proceed to the Discover Devices dialog box, you must enter the following information in the Customer Information tab: username, password, and customer name. You can enter the rest of the information for this tab and the Cisco Monitor Director Communication tab later in the Contact Information window (select Administration from the features pane and then select Options > Contact Information) and the Cisco Monitor Director Information window (select Administration from the features pane and then select Options > Cisco Monitor Director).

You can configure additional Cisco Monitor Manager users later from the Application Access window (select Administration from the features pane and then select Application Access).

Step 1 Enter the information specified in the following table.

GUI Element
Customer Information tab: Create CMM User pane

Username field

Enter the username for a new Cisco Monitor Manager user.

Valid Cisco Monitor Manager usernames:

Range from 8 to 80 characters in length

Contain only letters and numbers (special characters/symbols are not accepted)

Begin with a letter

Password field

Enter the password for this user.

To modify a user's password and privilege level later:

1. Select Administration from the features pane and then select Application Access.

2. Select that user in the table and then click Edit....

Confirm Password field

Re-enter the password you just typed.

Customer Information tab: Contact Information pane

Enter the appropriate contact information for your company/organization.

Cisco Monitor Director Communication tab: Contact Information pane

If applicable, enter the appropriate contact information for your reseller.

Cisco Monitor Director Communication tab: Cisco Monitor Director Communication pane

Enable Communication with Cisco Monitor Director check box

Select to enable communication between this instance of Cisco Monitor Manager and your reseller's Cisco Monitor Director instance.

Reseller Console Address field

Enter the IP address of the machine Cisco Monitor Director is installed on. If a port other than 443 is used for HTTPS on that machine, the value you enter here should be formatted as follows: IP address:port number.

Shared Key field

Enter the key required to establish a connection with your reseller's Cisco Monitor Director instance.

Confirm Shared Key field

Re-enter the key required to establish a connection with your reseller's Cisco Monitor Director instance.

Customer ID field

Enter your customer identification string.

Test... button

After entering the information above, click to verify that a connection with your reseller's Cisco Monitor Director instance has been established.

Step 2 Click OK to close the dialog box and save your changes.

Discover Devices

After completing the Customer and Cisco Monitor Director Information dialog box, the Discover Devices page appears. From here, you can discover new devices, import devices from Cisco Configuration Assistant (CCA), and select which devices are managed by Cisco Monitor Manager.

Step 1 Click Create... to launch the Create New Location dialog box and configure a new device location.

A device location simply indicates where a group of devices is physically located.

Step 2 Enter the name and description of a new device location and then click OK.

By default, the community string used by Cisco Monitor Manager for SNMP connectivity is public. If you want to change this string, click SNMP Community... and proceed to Step 3. Otherwise, skip to Step 4.

Note You will not have the option to update SNMP community string settings on subsequent launches of the Discover Devices page. To access the SNMP Community Strings dialog box, select Administration from the Features pane and then select SNMP Community.

Step 3 Modify the default SNMP community string:

a. Select the table entry and then click Edit....

b. In the Read String field, enter the appropriate string and then click OK.

c. Click OK to close the SNMP Community Strings dialog box.

Step 4 Select one of the following radio buttons:

Specify a Seed IP Address: Select to discover all devices associated with the device you enter here.

Use My PC Gateway IP Address as the Seed IP Address: Select your machine's gateway IP address from the list to discover your machine as well as its 4-hop neighbor devices (connected via CDP).

Note If Cisco Security Agent is running on your machine, your machine's gateway IP address will not be displayed. To work around the problem, close the Discover Devices window, disable Cisco Security Agent, and then reopen the Discover Devices window.

Import Devices from Cisco Configuration Assistant (CCA): With this radio button selected, click Import... to launch the Import CCA Communities dialog box and select which device group will be imported from CCA into Cisco Monitor Manager. Note that this feature is available only when CCA and Cisco Monitor Manager are installed on the same machine.

Step 5 Click Start to begin the discovery process.

Step 6 When prompted, enter the appropriate username and Level 15 password for the device you want to discover.

The table at the bottom of the page is populated with the devices that Cisco Monitor Manager has discovered.

Step 7 Select the check box for every device you want to manage and then click OK.

The discovery process completes and the topology map displays the devices you selected.

Tip To quickly select all of the devices in the table that can be managed by Cisco Monitor Manager, click the topmost check box in the first column.

Note the following when discovering devices:

At any given time, Cisco Monitor Manager can manage a maximum of 20 networking devices, 50 access points, and 250 IP phones.

Cisco Monitor Manager does not treat a stack device as a single device. For example, if a stack device consists of 1 master device and 3 member devices, Cisco Monitor Manager counts that stack device as 4 devices.

To view the list of devices that Cisco Monitor Manager supports, see Supported Devices Table for Cisco Monitor Manager 1.1.

There may be times when multiple devices in your network have the same IP address. (This will most likely happen when you dismantle the devices in a stack device.) As a result, the information displayed for a particular device may actually be the information collected from another device with an identical IP address. To avoid this:

Make sure that the IP addresses of network devices are unique.

When dismantling a stack device, first remove the stack device from Cisco Monitor Manager management and then rediscover the individual devices.

Cisco ASA and Cisco PIX devices cannot be discovered via CDP. To add these types of devices to your network:

Step 1 Select Setup from the features pane, then select Add Device.

Step 2 Enter the appropriate information.

GUI Element

IP Address field

Enter the IP address of the device you want to add.

Location list

Select the location of the device you want to add. If no locations are available for selection, you will need to create a new one by clicking Create.

Create... button

Click to launch the Create New Location dialog box.

Device Family list

Select the appropriate device family for the device you want to add. There are five possible values:






Device Manager URL field

Enter the URL of the device manager used to manage this device.

Step 3 Click OK to close the dialog box and save your changes.

6 Additional Information

This section provides information on the following topics:

Backing Up the Cisco Monitor Manager Database

Restoring the Cisco Monitor Manager Database

Cisco ASA/Cisco PIX Device Support

Backing Up the Cisco Monitor Manager Database

Step 1 Verify that Cisco Monitor Manager is running.

Step 2 On the machine Cisco Monitor Manager is installed on, launch a command prompt.

a. From the Windows taskbar, select Start > Run.... The Run dialog box appears.

b. Enter the following command and then click OK: cmd

Step 3 Navigate to the directory that contains your database information. For example, assuming that Cisco Monitor Manager is installed in C:\Program Files, you would enter:
cd C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\CiscoSMB\Cisco Monitor Manager\Database\Data

Step 4 Back up your database by entering the following command:
backup_CiscoMM.cmd <backup directory>

For example, if you want to back up your database information in a folder named "10082006" on your D: drive, you would enter:
backup_CiscoMM.cmd D:\10082006

The files CiscoENM.db and CiscoENM.log, which contain your network's database information, are now available in the backup directory you specified.

Note Backing up your database is a CPU-intensive operation. It will take longer than usual to launch an application window until the database backup completes.

Step 5 Verify that the size of these two files is identical to the size of CiscoENM.db and CiscoENM.log, located in the Cisco Monitor Manager installation directory.

Restoring the Cisco Monitor Manager Database

Step 1 Shut down Cisco Monitor Manager.

Step 2 On the machine Cisco Monitor Manager is installed on, launch a command prompt.

a. From the Windows taskbar, select Start > Run.... The Run dialog box appears.

b. Enter the following command and then click OK: cmd

Step 3 Navigate to the directory that contains your database information. For example, assuming that Cisco Monitor Manager is installed in C:\Program Files, you would enter:
cd C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\CiscoSMB\Cisco Monitor Manager\Database\Data

Step 4 Restore your database by entering the following command:
restore_CiscoMM.cmd <backup directory>

For example, if you backed up your network's database information in a folder named "10082006" on your D: drive, you would enter the following to restore that information: restore_CiscoMM.cmd D:\10082006

After you enter this command, three things happen:

The files CiscoENM.db and CiscoENM.log are copied from the backup directory to the Cisco Monitor Manager database directory.

The previous versions of CiscoENM.db and CiscoENM.log in the Cisco Monitor Manager database directory are appended with the extension .old.

CiscoENM.log is truncated.

Step 5 Restart Cisco Monitor Manager and verify that the database information is correct.

Cisco ASA/Cisco PIX Device Support

Note the following when Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances (Cisco ASA) and Cisco PIX devices are present in a network managed by Cisco Monitor Manager:

Cisco Monitor Manager fully supports only Cisco ASAs and Cisco PIX devices running in routed, single-context mode. Devices running in transparent mode or running multiple contexts will only allow either Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager (Cisco ASDM) or Cisco PIX Device Manager (Cisco PDM) to be launched.

Cisco Monitor Manager will configure or monitor only the active device of a Cisco ASA and Cisco PIX device failover pair.

Cisco Monitor Manager cannot access any Cisco ASA, Cisco Firewall Services Module (Cisco FWSM), or Cisco PIX device unless HTTPS is enabled on that device. When enabling HTTPS service (which runs on port 443, by default) on a device, specify the IP address of the machine Cisco Monitor Manager is installed on to enable communication between the two. Note the following:

On Cisco ASAs running software version 7.0, 7.1, or 7.2, WebVPN requires that Cisco ASDM access be configured with an HTTPS port other than 443, which prohibits Cisco Monitor Manager connections. Note that this does not apply to Cisco ASAs running software version 8.0.

If Cisco Monitor Manager must communicate with a device through a VPN tunnel, then the management interface reachable through that tunnel must be configured for management access. To enable management access, enter the following CLI command, where interface is the nameif identifier assigned to an interface:
management-access interface

If a Cisco ASA 5505 or Cisco PIX 501 device is configured for either a remote-access or remote-client VPN rather than a site-to-site IPSec VPN, Cisco Monitor Manager will not recognize the remote access tunnel. However, Cisco Monitor Manager may still contact a management interface through that tunnel.

Unless a Cisco ASA or Cisco PIX device is configured to allow ICMP responses, a firewall will respond to ping and other ICMP requests by default. As a security measure, a fully functional firewall may not appear to be available on a network, even though Cisco Monitor Manager can access it.

It is recommended that you use Cisco ASDM to configure Cisco Monitor Manager access on supported Cisco ASAs or Cisco PIX devices. Cisco ASDM provides wizards for setting up these devices and establishing VPN connections with them.

See the following for more information on this topic:

Supported Devices Table for Cisco Monitor Manager 1.1: Provides device support information for this release.

"Accessing Cisco Device Managers" online help topic: Provides links to the documentation for the various Cisco device managers you can launch from Cisco Monitor Manager.

7 Where to Go Next

For more information on Cisco Monitor Manager, see the following documentation:

Release Notes for Cisco Monitor Manager 1.1: Describes known product bugs and their workarounds (if available)

Context-sensitive online help: Describes the features provided in this release

Note Although every effort has been made to validate the accuracy of the information in the electronic documentation, you should also check for any updates.


Posted: Tue May 15 18:25:02 PDT 2007
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