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April 25, 1996
This release note discusses CiscoWorks Blue Maps, Release 1.0, on the following platforms:
Use this document in conjunction with the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide.
This release note contains the following sections:
CiscoWorks Blue Maps imposes requirements on the workstation and the Cisco routers to be managed.
CiscoWorks Blue Maps can run on the following systems:
The network management systems listed here (NetView for AIX, HP OpenView, and SunNet Manager) are optional but recommended.
All platforms require the following hardware and software:
To verify your workstation's compliance with the requirements in this section, see Table 1.
Verify | on AIX | on SunOS | on HP-UX |
Hard Disk Space | df -I
| df -a
| bdf
OS Version | oslevel
| uname -a
| uname -a
NMS Version | lslpp -L
| $SNMHOME/bin/ | /usr/OV/bin/ |
RAM Size | lscfg | grep mem
| dmesg | grep mem
| /etc/dmesg | grep
Swap Space Size | lsps -a
| pstat -s
| swapinfo
X Window System | Ask your system administrator. |
To create a file system, see the mkfs, fsck, mkdir, and mount manual pages.
To be manageable by CiscoWorks Blue Maps applications, all routers must be running the appropriate software version:
Configure the Cisco IOS software in every managed router as follows:
snmp-server community string RO
string is the read community string (a password for access to SNMP) in this router.
specifies read-only access to SNMP in this router.
For the RSRB Trap daemon (cwbrsrbtrapd) to perform optimally, all RSRB-enabled routers must specify their addresses in the traps that they generate. Therefore, configure the Cisco IOS software in every RSRB-enabled router as follows:
snmp-server trap-source interface
interface specifies the router interface (such as tokenring1) whose IP address is used as the local address for RSRB peering and stamped on the traps this router generates.
In addition, all RSRB-enabled routers must specify the CiscoWorks Blue Maps management host as the destination of RSRB traps. Therefore, configure the Cisco IOS software in every RSRB-enabled router as follows:
snmp-server host address string rsrb
address is the IP address of the management host, such as 123.45.678.90.
string is the read community string for access to SNMP in the management host.
limits the traps sent to address to RSRB-related traps.
See the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide.
Follow these steps to install and configure Maps on SunOS and HP-UX. The installation and configuration processes take at least 30 minutes.
Step 1 If you are installing from a remote CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM into the drive on a remote system and export the CD-ROM file system (make it available to an outside system). See "Exporting a CD-ROM File System from a SunOS or HP-UX System" and "Mounting a Remotely Exported CD-ROM File System on a Local System."
If you are installing from a local CD-ROM drive, insert the CD-ROM into the drive on the local system, then mount the CD-ROM file system on the local system. See "Mounting a Local CD-ROM on SunOS or HP-UX."
Step 2 Perform installation. See "Installing on SunOS and HP-UX."
Step 3 Perform configuration. See "Configuring Maps on SunOS or HP-UX."
Step 4 After successful configuration, remove log files. See "Removing Log Files on SunOS or HP-UX."
![]() | Caution The instructions for mounting a remotely exported CD-ROM drive on a local system are for like systems. For example, the instructions are for exporting a CD-ROM file system from an HP-UX system and mounting it on another HP-UX system for installation, and for exporting from a SunOS system and mounting on SunOS, but not for cross-platform operation. If necessary, your system administrator can help you with cross-platform exporting and mounting. |
If it is necessary to reinstall a CiscoWorks Blue product, deinstall the existing software using procedures in "Deinstalling on SunOS or HP-UX," then reinstall as if it were a new installation.
To stop the SunOS or HP-UX installation or configuration process at any time, press Break or Ctrl-C.
To export a CD-ROM file system from a SunOS or HP-UX system, perform the following steps on the remote system:
Step 1 Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.
Step 2 Log in as the root user.
Step 3 Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom
If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.
Step 4 Create an /etc/exports file using a text editor, if the file does not exist.
Step 5 Edit the /etc/exports file to include the following line:
/cdrom -ro
Step 6 If you just created /etc/exports (in Step 4), you must enable your workstation as an NFS server. Start the nfsd server option by entering the following at the UNIX command line:
# /etc/nfsd 8 &
# /usr/etc/rpc.mountd -n
Step 7 Mount the CD-ROM by entering the following command:
On SunOS:
# /etc/mount -r -t hsfs /dev/device_filename /cdrom
# /etc/mount -o ro -t cdfs /dev/device_filename /cdrom
In the SunOS command, the -r option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.
In the HP-UX command, the -o ro option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.
In each command, -t indicates the type of file system: hsfs for the ISO 9660 standard and cdfs for the High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions.
In the SunOS command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/sr0.
In the HP-UX command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/dsk/c201d2s0 or a different device number reported by the /etc/ioscan program for the CD-ROM device.
Step 8 If the /etc/exports file existed previously (before Step 4), enter the following command to run exportfs:
# exportfs -va
Step 9 If /etc/exports did not exist previously, reboot your system.
# reboot
Step 10 Go to "Mounting a Remotely Exported CD-ROM File System on a Local System."
To mount a file system that is exported from a remote system, perform the following steps on the local SunOS or HP-UX system:
Step 1 Log in as the root user.
Step 2 Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not already exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom
Step 3 To mount a file system that is exported from a remote system, enter the following at the command prompt:
hostname# mount remote_hostname:remote_filesystem local_mount_point
For example, to mount the /cdrom file system from a remote host called faraway on a local directory named /cdrom, enter the following command at the prompt:
hostname# mount faraway:/cdrom /cdrom
The remote CD-ROM is ready for installation of software on the local system.
Step 4 Go to "Installing on SunOS and HP-UX."
To prepare the system for installation of software from a local CD-ROM drive, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Place the CD-ROM in its caddy and insert it into the CD-ROM drive.
Step 2 Log in as the root user.
Step 3 Create a /cdrom directory, if one does not exist, by entering the following command:
# mkdir /cdrom
If the /cdrom directory already exists, proceed to the next step.
Step 4 Mount the CD-ROM by entering the following command:
On SunOS:
# mount -r -t hsfs /dev/device_filename /cdrom
# /etc/mount -o ro -t cdfs /dev/device_filename /cdrom
In the SunOS command, the -r option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.
In the HP-UX command, the -o ro option mounts the CD-ROM in read-only mode.
In each command, -t indicates the type of file system: hsfs for the ISO 9660 standard and cdfs for the High Sierra standard with Rock Ridge extensions.
In the SunOS command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/sr0.
In the HP-UX command, replace the device_filename variable with /dev/dsk/c201d2s0 or a different device number reported by the /etc/ioscan program for the CD-ROM device.
Step 5 Go to "Installing on SunOS and HP-UX."
After the CD-ROM is mounted, use this procedure to move the software to the host system.
The default for each prompt is the value in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter. Note that you can press Break or Ctrl-C to stop the installation script at any time.
Step 1 Start the interactive installation and configuration script by entering the following commands:
# cd /cdrom
# cwbinstall
Step 2 In response the the following prompt, enter the source of the software to be installed.
On SunOS, press Enter to accept the default directory.
Source Directory :[/cdrom]
On HP-UX, enter the image file in which the software is stored.
Source File:[/cdrom/cwbmaps.tar]
Step 3 In response the the following prompt, press Enter. Do not override the default.
Where do you want to install the product :[/usr/cw-blue]
Step 4 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to accept a full installation of the RSRB, DLSw, and APPN Map applications.
What filesets do you want to install : [CWBIC CWBLUE-RSRB CWBLUE-DLSW CWBLUE-APPN]
CWBIC is a fileset containing configuration scripts for each Map application, so always install it. To install CiscoWorks Blue RSRB Map application only, type:
To install the RSRB and DLSw Map applications, type:
Step 5 The installation program reviews your responses to the previous questions and asks:
Do you wish to continue? (y/n)[y]:
Press Enter to continue, or type n and press Enter to terminate installation.
Step 6 The program installs the software from CD-ROM and reports on its progress.
Step 7 Examine /tmp/update.log for error messages by typing the following command:
On SunOS, type:
# more /usr/cw-blue/log/cwb_install.log
On HP-UX, type:
# more /tmp/update.log
Press Enter to advance the display one screenful at a time.
Step 8 Installation is complete. Go to "Configuring Maps on SunOS or HP-UX."
If it is necessary to deinstall any or all CiscoWorks Blue Maps applications, see "Deinstalling on SunOS or HP-UX."
If it is necessary to deinstall CiscoWorks Blue Maps, such as after a failed installation, follow this procedure. Note that you can press Break or Ctrl-C to stop the deinstallation script at any time.
Step 1 Log in as the root user and set the following environment variables: CWBROOT, NMSROOT, SYBASE, DSQUERY, and DBNAME.
If you are using the K shell, type commands like the following:
# export CWBROOT=/usr/cw-blue
If you are using the C shell or the TC shell, type commands like the following:
# setenv CWBROOT /usr/cw-blue
Step 2 To start the interactive deinstallation script, type the following commands:
# cd /usr/cw-blue/install/bin
# cwbdeinstall
The deinstallation script lists the Maps filesets that are installed (plus the CWBLUE-SNAVIEW dataset if CiscoWorks Blue SNA View is already installed).
Step 3 Press Enter to accept the default group of filesets to deinstall, or type an alternate set of filesets and press Enter. To deinstall the RSRB Map and APPN Map applications only, type the following:
The CiscoWorks Blue Maps database will be removed if you delete the CWBIC fileset.
Step 4 In response to the following prompt, press Enter to begin the deinstallation of filesets, or type n and press Enter to terminate deinstallation.
Do you wish to de-install? (y/n)[y]:
Step 5 When the system prompt returns, examine the deinstallation log file. Unless you see an error message in that file, deinstallation is complete.
On HP-UX, type:
more /tmp/cwb_deinstall.log
On SunOS, there is no deinstallation log file.
Step 6 Remove the deinstallation log file. On HP-UX, type:
rm /tmp/cwb_deinstall.log
Step 7 Remove the home directory of the cwblue user.
rmdir /users/cwblue
You can now reinstall the software.
Perform these steps on a SunOS or HP-UX system when installation of the software in complete.
The default for each prompt is the value in brackets. To accept any default value, press Enter. Note that you can press Break or Ctrl-C to stop the configuration script at any time.
Step 1 On HP-UX only, shut down CiscoWorks and enter the following commands to circumvent a bug:
# SYBASE/bin/isql -Usa -Psybasesa
1> shutdown with nowait
2> quit
Step 2 To start the interactive configuration script, type the following commands:
# cd /usr/cw-blue/install/bin
# cwbconfigure
Step 3 The following prompt appears only if the CWBROOT variable is not already set. Press Enter to accept the default (the same directory in which you placed the software during installation), or type an alternate directory name.
CiscoWorks Blue root directory: [/usr/cwblue]
Step 4 In response the the following prompt, press Enter to accept the default Sybase home directory detected by the configuration program, or type another directory and press Enter.
Sybase home directory: [/usr/nms/sybase]
Step 5 In response the the following prompt, press Enter to accept the Sybase server name detected by the configuration program, or type another directory and press Enter.
Sybase Server Name :[CW_SYBASE]
Step 6 In response the the following prompt, type the Sybase system administrator's password, typically sybasesa, and press Enter.
Sybase sa password:
Step 7 In response the the following prompt, press Enter to accept the creation of a Sybase database for CiscoWorks Blue Maps called SNA, or type a different name and press Enter.
CWBlue database name :[SNA]
Step 8 In response the the following prompt, press Enter to accept the default database size of 250 Mb, or type another value and press Enter.
CWBlue database size :[250]
Step 9 The configuration program reviews your responses to the previous questions and asks:
Do you wish to continue? (y/n)[y]:
Press Enter to continue, or type n and press Enter to terminate configuration.
Step 10 The program performs the configuration and reports on its progress.
Step 11 Unmount the CD-ROM by entering the following commands:
# cd /
# umount /cdrom
Step 12 Eject the CD-ROM.
Step 13 Configuration is complete. Go to "Removing Log Files on SunOS or HP-UX."
During installation and configuration, messages are recorded in a log file to provide diagnostic information in case a problem arises. Perform these commands on a SunOS or HP-UX system when you are satisfied that configuration of the software is complete.
On SunOS:
rm /usr/cw-blue/log/cwb_install.log
rm /tmp/update.log
The caveats in this section apply to CiscoWorks Blue Maps on AIX, HP-UX, and SunOS workstations.
Table 2 lists the environment variables applicable to CiscoWorks Blue Maps on AIX, HP-UX, and SunOS. This table supercedes the one on page 2-16 of the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide.
Variable | RSRB | DLSw | APPN | Typical Value |
CWBROOT | yes | yes | yes | /usr/cw-blue |
yes | yes | yes | /usr/nms | |
yes | yes | yes | $CWBROOT/Xdefaults | |
yes | yes |
| On AIX: $NMSROOT/sybase10 | |
yes | yes |
| the name of the Sybase database server, such as | |
yes | yes | yes | $NMSROOT/hyperhelp | |
yes | yes | yes | $NMSROOT/hyperhelp/bin | |
DBNAME | yes | yes |
| If you specify any database name other than the default |
You do not have to set the environment variables described in Step 3 of "Installing CiscoWorks Blue Maps Software Modules" in the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide. The SMIT installation process performs this step automatically.
Before deinstalling the Maps from any platform, you must set the following environment variables by hand: CWBROOT, NMSROOT, SYBASE, DSQUERY, and DBNAME.
The CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide describes installation of the product using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) that is part of AIX 3.2.5. In AIX 4.1, the SMIT screens are slightly different.
When you are using SMIT to install the CiscoWorks software from the CD-ROM onto the AIX system, and you reach the Multi-Select List dialog on page 3-9 of the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide, follow the instructions carefully. Click the individual object names that you want to install, but do not click the Select All button at the bottom of the dialog window. The Select All button activates a SMIT/AIX software bug.
When installation is complete, the user must assign a password to the cwblue user.
The following errata have been discovered in the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide and online help system.
The tips and caveats in this section apply to all CiscoWorks Blue Maps application on all platforms unless otherwise noted.
To run any Map application from an NMS menu, you must have set the CWBROOT environment variable before starting the NMS.
If you are using the K shell, type the following on the command line:
# export CWBROOT=/usr/cw-blue
If you are using the C shell or the TC shell, type the following on the command line:
# setenv CWBROOT /usr/cw-blue
To launch a CiscoWorks Blue Maps application from SunNet Manager, you must have started SunNet Manager with the the -i option. For example:
# snm -i
The following features (described in both the installation guide and online help) are not implemented in any Map application:
Only a member of the CiscoWorks group can select and execute Tools> Path Tool. The default name of the CiscoWorks group (set during configuration of the prerequisite CiscoWorks product) is cscworks.
After installation, you can modify the color scheme of the Map applications by copying any Color.
schemename file in the $CWBROOT/Xdefaults
directory to the file named $CWBROOT/Xdefaults/Color
. For example:
$ cd $CWBROOT/Xdefaults
$ cp Color.Rembrandt Color
A new color scheme takes effect the next time you start a Map application (but does not affect the CiscoWorks Blue SNA View product).
Using Admin> Discover to launch discovery of devices known to the SunNet Manager database is time consuming because all devices in that database are queried. [CSCdi48739]
Using Admin> Discover to launch discovery of devices listed in a seed file, the default read community string is public. If the read community string of your routers is not public, type each router's read community string into the seed file. [CSCdi52040]
The user is sometimes prevented from using the application because it is busy handling screen updates. The updates also affect views that do not require updates (no objects on the view have changed state). [CSCdi52042]
In information dialog boxes like Virtual Ring Info and the Locator window, the user is not notified the interface is busy by means of a busy cursor. [CSCdi52044]
If Peer Info fails in the RSRB Map application, the dialog box appears with all values set to zero. [CSCdi52047]
If multiple virtual rings are configured on the router:
In routers that have both RSRB and DLSw configured, the RSRB Map application cannot distinguish between virtual rings/PUs that are associated with DLSw and those associated with RSRB. Both are drawn. [CSCdi52056]
If no device is selected on the map, Edit> Modify prompts you for a device name. If the device name you specify is in the database, but not drawn on the map, you cannot select, create, or modify it. [CSCdi52057]
If you use Edit> Modify to modify a device (to correct a community name, for example) it is marked as undiscovered and will not be picked up by the polling process. The user should "discover" that device individually or wait for the discover daemon (if running) to discover it. [CSCdi52049]
The user is not warned if the Monitor or Poller daemons fail or are stopped. [CSCdi52074]
When a daemon terminates abnormally, the Admin> Process Control window still reports it as running. [CSCdi49334]
If you modify the layout of a view, either by moving an object or by selecting a layout other than the default, you must save that layout with File> Save before changing views if you intend to see the modified view again. [CSCdi52079]
Routers, links, and rings are occasionally drawn on top of one another. In particular, if there are three objects in a view, some of the links may overlap completely. [CSCdi50367 and CSCdi50221]
When a large number of objects are being added to the screen, the objects are all placed in the upper left hand corner of the view before being laid out. This process can take minutes. [CSCdi52041]
If a view appears blank but the Locator window is not blank, use the Locator to bring the objects into the view.
On HP-UX only, Layout> Zoom In and Layout> Zoom Out do not work.
If the CapsLock or NumLock keys on the keyboard are pressed (set), the mouse and mouse buttons do not work on map objects. [CSCdi52080]
If you create a new window or clone one, and then you use Option> Show Locator to activate the Locator, and then you close the window, the Locator remains but is inoperative. Attempts to use this locator window results in the application crashing. Use Option> Show Locator to deactivate the Locator without trying to use or move it. [CSCdi52092]
If you use APPN's View> Locate tool when the Locator window is deactivated (by use of Option> Show Locator), the target device will be highlighted if found but you might have to scroll horizontally or vertically to bring it into view.
If you use APPN's View> Locate tool when the Locator window is operating (by use of Option> Show Locator), the target device will be highlighted if found but you might have move the Locator box to bring it into view on the map window.
All Map applications fail if you open a map file not created by the same application. [CSCdi49680]
Periodically use the dbutil program to verify that the transaction log does not exceed 20% of the "CW Blue Database Size" you configured during installation.
The dbutil program does not work on HP-UX.
The DLSw Map application reports some statistics as 0. With a future release of the Cisco IOS, the DLSw Map application will yield more complete statistics.
The RSRB and DLSw Map applications can create a database contention problem.
On HP-UX, the Edit> Rediscover menu item causes the RSRB and DLSw Map applications to fail.
To have more than one instance of any Map application, start each instance under a different user name.
A router with multiple IP addresses might appear on a map as multiple routers.
If you list the multiple IP addresses of one router in the seed file, the router will appear multiple times on the map.
An incorrectly formatted seed file can cause any Map application to fail. Extraneous space characters at the end of a line are one culprit.
This section describes how to detect and correct problems with a Map application. It replaces the "Troubleshooting CiscoWorks Blue Maps" chapter in the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide.
If the RSRB or DLSw Map applications fail to operate correctly, perform each of the following diagnostic procedures as the root user:
Step 1 In the runrsrb or rundlsw script, verify that the environment variables are set according to the table in the "Installing CiscoWorks Blue Maps" chapter of the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide.
Step 2 Verify that the Sybase dataserver that you named during installation is active by using the showserver command in the $SYBASE/install directory.
Step 3 Use the dbutil command in the $CWBROOT/etc directory to verify that the database transaction log space is at least 20 percent the size of the database.
If the problem has not been resolved, a daemon might have failed. Consider the following possibilities.
$ SYBASE/bin/isql -Usa -Psybasesa
1> use SNA
2> go
3> select count(*) from snasuper.devices
4> go
5> select device_name from snasuper.devices
6> go
7> quit
$ SYBASE/bin/isql -Usa -Psybasesa
1> dump tran SNA with NO_LOG
2> go
3> quit
If the problem still has not been resolved, see "Running Daemons in Debug Mode."
You can restart any or all suspect daemons in the debug mode (with the -d option detailed in the "CiscoWorks Blue Maps Daemons" appendix of the CiscoWorks Blue Maps Installation Guide), read their output on stdout, and report your observations to the TAC if necessary. If you restart the Monitor daemon with the -c option, you must restart the RSRB, DLSw, or APPN Map applications.
On startup, every daemon checks for a running instance of itself. If you restart any daemon with the -f or -s option, an existing instance is automatically killed. Without -f or -s, the existing instance survives and a new instance does not start.
For a list of running RSRB and DLSw daemons and their process identification numbers, use the cwbdaemons utility in the $CWBROOT/etc directory.
These error messages are shared by the RSRB Map and DLSw Map applications.
Explanation The application failed to query network devices.
Recommended Action On HP-UX and AIX, use /usr/OV/bin/ovstatus to verify that the HP OpenView daemons are running.
Explanation The monitor daemon is not running.
Recommended Action Use Admin> Process Control to start or reset the Monitor daemon.
Explanation Edit> Add detected that the device you specified already has an entry in the database.
Recommended Action If you receive this message in error, log in to the Sybase database and delete the entry for device in the Devices table.
Explanation The device_name is not known to the operating system or the domain name server.
Recommended Action Check to see whether the domain name server has been configured.
Explanation A copy of daemon_name is already running.
Recommended Action Select the Reset button in the Process Control window.
Explanation The SNMP query to a device was not successful. Either the device is no longer reachable from the management station or it is not responding to the SNMP query.
Recommended Action Ping the router. Telnet to the router and check the configuration.
Explanation Application either cannot get to the data server or cannot log in.
Recommended Action Check the environment variables, try to log in to the dataserver from a separate window, and check the transaction log. Then try to restart the application.
Explanation Failure to connect to the NMS database before discovery.
Recommended Action Verify integrity of the network management processes by running the OVstatus command in the /usr/OV/bin directory.
This section presents scenarios and troubleshooting techniques for the APPN Map application.
These error messages are unique to the APPN Map application.
Explanation The application must send an SNMP MIB request to a node, but no device name is known for this node.
Recommended Action If the displayed default is not correct, enter the device name and read community string. Your input also sets the default for future SNMP MIB requests. If you don't know the device name or the node cannot be an SNMP agent, click Cancel to terminate the request.
Explanation The startup dialog is being displayed because the application has not yet accessed a network topology agent. If a valid CP Name has been selected, it may require a device name to be filled in.
Recommended Action Select a valid CP Name or device name, or discover a network topology agent. To prevent this dialog from being shown in the future, specify an agent in the appninit file or as an option to the runappn command.
Explanation An Adjacent Nodes view is being shown for a node that does not have local topology information available. Only adjacent nodes learned from the global view or from local topology collection from other nodes are displayed. Adjacent end nodes and LEN nodes are most likely not shown.
Recommended Action If this node can act as an agent and you know its IP address, or device name and read community string, collect its local topology now.
Explanation A view requires data that is not available to the application. Most commonly this is the Ports and Links view, and local topology is not available from the target node.
Recommended Action If this node can act as an agent and you know its IP address, or device name and read community string, collect its local topology now.
Explanation A network topology agent has been selected, but is not returning network topology information. No global map is currently available. The application will retry this agent at the network topology polling rate.
Recommended Action Perform the following steps in order. Stop when one is successful.
Step 1 You may select Admin> Discovery to discover a new network topology agent.
Step 2 Ensure the selected agent is an APPN network node with the APPN MIB, and that the IP address or device name you specified is correct. If not, stop the application and restart with a new network topology agent.
Step 3 Ensure that the APPN protocol is active on the target agent.
Step 4 Ping the agent to see if it is alive and a path to it is available.
Explanation Failure to connect to the NMS database before discovery.
Recommended Action Verify integrity of the network management processes by running the OVstatus command in the /usr/OV/bin directory.
Explanation Discovery was completed but a network topology agent was not found.
Recommended Action Review the devices in the seedfile or NMS database to ensure that at least one active APPN network node exists. Then use Admin> Discover to retry, or exit the application and restart it and specify a known-good network topology agent in the startup dialog.
Explanation There were no devices available to be discovered.
Recommended Action Review the device list in the seedfile or NMS database so that discovery has a chance of success. Then use Admin> Discover to retry, or exit the application and restart it and specify a known-good network topology agent in the startup dialog.
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Posted: Thu Aug 19 11:43:36 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.