
Table of Contents

Improving Performance

Improving Performance

This chapter describes some techniques that you can use to improve the performance of the Maps applications. It contains these main sections:

Stop the Monitor Daemon

If you are locked out of Maps views due to continual view updates, try stopping the monitor daemon so that it will not continually try to update the maps. To stop the monitor daemon, use the Process Manager client or use the cwb stop cwbmonitord command. You must now manually refresh the Maps views because they are no longer automatically updated.

Stop the Poller Daemon While Doing Discovery

Before you select Admin>Discover to discover your DLSw or RSRB network, stop the poller daemon using either the cwb stop cwbrsrbpollerd or cwb stop cwbdlswpollerd command or the Process Manager. When discovery is done, you can again start the poller daemon using the cwb start cwbrsrbpollerd or cwb start cwbdlswpollerd command or the Process Manager.

Limit Remote Users

If you are running short of memory at the Maps workstation, you should limit the number of remote Maps users. Each Maps session requires about 20 MB of system memory in addition to the memory needed to display each graphical map.

Close Unused Maps Windows

You should close Maps windows when you no longer need them open. When several Maps windows are open, any change in a view to any one of the open windows causes all Maps windows to hang until the changing view has been completely refreshed. The delay is especially noticeable when a change occurs in a global view, in which any network change can result in a lengthy update cycle.

Improve DLSw Poller Performance

There are several changes you can make to improve the performance of the DLSw poller. You can customize the number of active threads to improve the bandwidth or the response time, and you can limit the amount of polling in the network.

Improving Bandwidth or Response time

You can make changes to the DLSw poller's threads and sleep times (described in the "Using cwbinit to Configure Polling Intervals" section) that will improve either bandwidth (the amount of network resources consumed by DLSw) or response time (the time it takes the DLSw application to detect a change in the network):

You can change the number of threads by changing the values of the numKeyPeerPollThreads, numNonKeyPeerPollThreads, and numKeyCircuitPollThreads variables in the cwbinit file.

You can change the sleep times by changing the values of the keyCircuitPollSleepTime, nonKeyPeerPollSleepTime, and directedPollSleepTime variables in the cwbinit file.

Limiting Polling

You can make changes that will limit the amount of polling done by the DLSw application.

Posted: Wed Jun 30 06:37:01 PDT 1999
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