
Table of Contents

Controlling PU and LU Activation and Deactivation

Controlling PU and LU Activation and Deactivation

Using the Maps Motif interface, you can activate and deactivate PUs from the PU List window and you can activate and deactivate LUs from the LU List window. But before you can activate or deactivate PUs or LUs, you must do the following:

The following sections describe how to enable and disable SNA activation and deactivation:

Enabling SNA Activation and Deactivation

To enable SNA activation and deactivation, use the following procedure to create the $CWBROOT/etc/SnaActDeactOn file:

Step 1 Exit any Maps application by selecting File>Exit Program from the menu bar.

Step 2 Become the root user by entering the following command:

    su root

Step 3 When prompted, enter the root user's password.

Step 4 Change to the $CWBROOT/etc directory by entering the following command:

    cd /opt/CSCOcb/etc

Step 5 Create an SNA activation/deactivation file by entering the following command:

    touch SnaActDeactOn

Step 6 Change back to your username by entering the following command:


Step 7 Ensure that the mainframe SEC parameter card is set to NO in NSPPARM.

Step 8 Restart the application.

Disabling SNA Activation and Deactivation

To disable SNA activation and deactivation, use the following procedure to remove the $CWBROOT/etc/SnaActDeactOn file:

Step 1 If you are already running a Maps application, exit the application by selecting File>Exit Program from the menu bar.

Step 2 Become the root user by entering the following command:

    su root

Step 3 When prompted, enter the root user's password.

Step 4 Change from the current directory to the $CWBROOT/etc directory by entering the following command:

    cd /opt/CSCOcb/etc

Step 5 Remove the SNA activation/deactivation file with the following command:

    rm SnaActDeactOn

Step 6 Switch back to your username by entering the following command:


Step 7 Restart the application.

Posted: Wed Jun 30 06:31:08 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.