
Table of Contents

Installing CiscoWorks Blue in a Different Zone

Installing CiscoWorks Blue in a Different Zone

This section describes how to install the CiscoWorks Blue mainframe components in a mainframe zone other than the default MVS zone. To see an example of creating such a zone, see the following members in the NSPSINST dataset:

This appendix contains the following sections:

Installing the Mainframe Application in Another Zone

This section describes how to install the mainframe application in a zone other than the MVS zone. To install the mainframe application in another zone, follow the steps described below.

Step 1 Unload the SMP/E installation samples from the distribution tape using the sample UNLOAD JCL shown in the "Installing the Mainframe Application" section.

Step 2 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named ALLOC, in prefix.NSPS200I.NSPSINST, to allocate your target and distribution libraries.

Step 3 Submit (run) the SMP/E JCL named MOVNSP that is located in the prefix.NSPS200I.NSPSINST data set. This JCL copies the contents of the distribution tape to DASD.

Step 4 Edit the prefix.NSPS200I.SMPMCS member, changing the value of ++VER(Z038) to the preferred zone.

Step 5 Submit (run) the SMP/E JCL named RECNSPD, in the prefix.NSPS200I.NSPSINST data set, to receive the mainframe application.

Step 6 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named APPNSP, in prefix.NSPS200I.NSPSINST, to apply the mainframe application.

Step 7 Use the sample SMP/E JCL named ACCNSP, in prefix.NSPS200I.NSPSINST, to accept the mainframe application.

You have completed loading the mainframe application files from the distribution tape. The next step is to configure the mainframe application software. Go to the chapter, "Updating the Mainframe Application Software."

Defining the Option and Utility for Assembler

You might also need to define the option and utility for the assembler. The following steps can be used (these steps might vary slightly at your site).

Step 1 Access the SMP/E Primary Menu.

Step 2 Select ADMINISTRATION and select the dataset name.

Step 3 Select DEFINITION.

Step 4 Select the GLOBAL zone and confirm the selection.

Step 5 From the Entry Type Selection menu, select OPTIONS.

Step 6 Select NSPOPT.

Step 7 Select the option to define a utility.

Step 8 For assemblies, define ASMA90.

Step 9 Return to the Entry Type Panel, and select UTILITY. The utility name is ASMA90.

Step 10 Enter your installation information. For example:

Posted: Wed Jun 30 06:29:09 PDT 1999
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