
Table of Contents

Alerts and Alert Messages
Alert Messages

Alerts and Alert Messages

This appendix identifies all alert messages that Broadband Access Center for Cable (BAC) generates.

Alert Messages

BAC generates alerts through the UNIX syslog service. Syslog is a client-server protocol that manages the logging of information on UNIX. BAC syslog alerts are not a logging service. They provide a notification that a problem exists, but do not necessarily define the specific cause of the problem. This information might be found in the appropriate BAC log files.

Message Format

This is the format of alert messages generated by BAC:

XXX-#-####: <Message>


RDU Alerts

Whenever an RDU syslog alert is sent, additional details (if any) can be found in log file <BPR_DATA>/rdu/logs/rdu.log. Table B-1 identifies the RDU alerts.

Table B-1   RDU Alerts

Alert  Description 

RDU-1-101: RDU ran out of disk space

This alert indicates that the hard drive partition used by the RDU server has run out of space. You can remove or compress some of the log files.

See "Broadband Access Center for Cable Support Tools and Advanced Concepts," for additional information on upgrading the disk.

RDU-1-103: RDU ran out of memory

This alert tells you that the RDU has run out of memory.

RDU-1-111: Evaluation key for technology [<technology_name>] expired

This alert appears whenever an evaluation key for the technology specified expires. You must contact Cisco sales or TAC for a new license key.

RDU-1-115: You have used [<percent>]% of available [<technology_name>] licenses.

This alert identifies the quantity of licences used (in percentage) out of the total number of allowable licenses. This alert starts to appear when you reach 80% of the license capacity.

DPE Alerts

Whenever a DPE syslog alert is sent, you can find additional details in the DPE logs.

You can use the show log command to access the DPE logs. See "show log" section for additional information.

Some DPE errors are also propagated to the RDU server log files. You can find these in the <BPR_DATA>/rdu/logs/rdu.log file. Table B-2 identifies the DPE alerts.

Table B-2   DPE Alerts

Alert  Description 

DPE-1-102: DPE ran out of disk space

This alert notifies you that the DPE hard drive is full. There are three different actions you can perform:

    a. Clear out any excess support bundles that may reside on the disk. You can do this by moving those support bundles to another machine and then running the clear bundles command from the DPE CLI.

    b. Run the clear logs command from the DPE CLI, to clear more disk space.

    c. As a last resort, run the clear cache command from the DPE CLI. This will remove any cache files and force the DPE to resynchronize with the RDU server.

DPE-1-104: DPE ran out of memory

This alarm indicates that the DPE process has run out of memory.

Determine how many device configurations are on the DPE; the more device configurations that exist, the more memory is used. The way to reduce device configurations is to limit the number of provisioning groups, either primary or secondary, that the DPE serves.

DPE-1-109: Failed to connect to RDU

This alert indicates that the RDU cannot be contacted. You must:

    a. Verify that the DPE network is configured and connected correctly.

    b. Check that the DPE is configured to connect to the proper RDU, and that the connecting port is configured properly, using the dpe rdu-server command.

    c. Check that the RDU process is running on the correct server and listening on the correct port. The DPE attempts to reconnect to the RDU process every few seconds until a connection is established.

Agent Alerts

Whenever a syslog alert is sent by the watchdog agent process, you can find error details (if any) in the <BPR_DATA>/agent/logs/ agent_console.log file and the log files corresponding to the specific component mentioned in the alert (if any). For example, if you receive an alert similar to The [rdu] unexpectedly terminated, you would check the RDU server log file (<BPR_DATA>/rdu/logs/rdu.log) for additional information. Table B-3 identifies the agent alerts.

Table B-3   Agent Alerts

Alert  Description 

AGENT-3-9001: Failed to start the [<component>]

This alert indicates that the process has failed to start the specified component.

AGENT-3-9002: The [<component>] unexpectedly terminated

This alert indicates that the specified component, monitored by the agent process, has unexpectedly failed.

AGENT-3-9003: Failed to stop the [<component>]

This alert indicates that a component did not stop when the agent attempted to stop it gracefully.

AGENT-6-9004: The [<component>] has started

This alert is generated any time a component is successfully started by the agent.

AGENT-6-9005: The [<component>] has stopped

This alert is generated any time a component has been successfully stopped through the watchdog agent. This message is for informational purposes only.

The [<component>] variable presented in the agent alerts list shown in Table B-3 represents any of these component values:

Network Registrar Extension Point Alerts

Whenever a BAC Network Registrar extension point syslog alert is sent, you can find additional details in the Network Registrars log file.

Table B-4   Network Registrar Extension Point Alerts

Alert  Description 

NR_EP-1-106: Failed to connect to RDU

This alert notifies you that the Network Registrar server cannot connect to the RDU. You should verify that the RDU process is running and, if it is not already running, start the RDU.

If the RDU is running, use the Network Registrar computer to ping the RDU. If you are unable to ping the RDU, fix the routing tables or other communication parameters, between the two devices.

If this alert is frequently repeated, you may have an unstable connection between the two hosts. Use generally accepted network troubleshooting techniques to improve the connectivity between the two hosts.

NR_EP-1-107: Failed to connect to any DPEs

This alert notifies you that the Network Registrar extension cannot connect to the DPEs.

Check that there are DPEs in the provisioning group for each Network Registrar extension. If not, change the Network Registrar provisioning group to one that has DPEs available. If DPEs are in the provisioning group, ensure that the Network Registrar extension has registered with the RDU, if it has not, it will not recognize any of the DPEs.

If, after completing the check, the alert continues, check that there is network connectivity between the Network Registrar extension and the DPEs in the provisioning group.

If this alert is frequently repeated, you may have an unstable connection between the two hosts. Use generally accepted network troubleshooting techniques to improve the connectivity between the two hosts.

Posted: Tue Nov 25 06:37:55 PST 2003
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