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Table Of Contents
Cisco Networking Services Components
CNS NR Installation Considerations
CNS AR Installation Considerations
Cisco Networking Services Components
The intention of this appendix is to present initial installation and configuration procedures for the components of the BACBA product. It takes you through the initial steps required to install and configure components that integrate with BACBA and provides links to each component's documentation site. If you wish to understand the full capabilities of each component, then refer to the individual component documentation site
The Cisco Broadband Access Center for Broadband Aggregation (BAC) can consist of several functional components that are integrated to provide a management solution for broadband aggregation. If you install Cisco Broadband Access Center for Broadband Aggregation in your system, then you should install the CNS Network Registrar, CNS Access Registrar, and CNS Notification Engine components to provide you with a complete BAC system.
This appendix includes the following topics:
"CNS Network Registrar" section
"CNS Access Registrar" section
CNS Network Registrar
CNS Network Registrar (CNS NR) automates enterprise IP address management. It increases the reliability and efficiency of the address assignment process. This section describes information that you need to properly install CNS NR, specific pre-installation steps, links to component installation documentation, and specific setup and specific configuration information.
CNS NR Installation Considerations
Read this information before you begin to install the BACBA software package.
Before you begin installing Cisco Broadband Access Center (BAC) server, you must install the CNS NR machine.
You must configure a specific configuration file during BAC installation in order for BAC to work with CNS Network Registrar configuration settings.
During installation of the BACBA product, you can edit the Network Registrar related $BAC_HOME/resourceMgr/common/resourceMgr.cfg and ipservice.cfg configuration files by indicating that you wish to configure the Network Registrar product.
The CNS NR software must be installed on a separate system from that on which the Broadband Access Center (BAC) server and the Oracle database are installed.
For detailed information about how to configure CNS NR, go to:
You must install CNS NR on a different host machine from the CNS Access Registrar (CNS AR). Verify that CNS AR and CNS NR reside on different servers.
If you are configuring secure login to the Web UI, you must create a keystore file using the Java keytool utility, located in the JAVA_HOME/bin directory. This utility defines a self-signed certificate or points to a file for a certificate that you obtained from an external signing authority:
To create a keystore file for a secure log in containing a self-signed certificate that is valid for one year, go to the CNS Network Registrar URL and follow the instructions:
CautionYou must use the software license key shipped with Network Registrar 6.0 and enter it when you run the product. License keys that were valid for previous versions will not work. To avoid delays in accessing the user interfaces, ensure that the new license key is available before you install or upgrade.
Installing CNS NR
Before you install CNS NR, Release 6.0 installation, read the following initial CNS NR installation steps:
Step 1
Read and comply with all CNS NR prerequisites as described in the following URL:
Step 2
Login in a root or su - root.
Step 3
Move to the location of the code. Type:
cd <location of code>
Step 4
To start CNR install, type the following command and perform the steps listed:
pkgadd -d
Accept defaults for directories.
Select 1 for both server and client.
Accept default port for CCM management SCP port (1234).
Enter /usr/j2sdk directory for the JRE directory installed.
Enter 3 for the UI to use HTTP and HTTPs.
Accept the default port, 8080, for HTTP.
Enter /usr/j2sdk for JSSE information and /opt/keys/conf/.keystore for the keystore that you created. Enter the password that you set for the keystore. Lastly, accept the default port, 8443, for HTTPs.
Step 5
Install CNS NR. Access the Cisco CNS Network Registrar Installation Guide available on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) at:
CNS Access Registrar
CNS Access Registrar is a RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) server that allows multiple dial-in Network Access Server (NAS) devices to share a common authentication, authorization, and accounting database.
This section lists BACBA considerations that you must read before you install the CNS Access Registrar (CNS AR) for AAA RADIUS services and provides the link to the CNS AR Installation Guide.
CNS AR Installation Considerations
Before you begin to install the CNS Access Registrar component, read the following information.
CNS Access Registrar, Release 3.0 can only be used with Solaris Version 8 operating system.
Before you begin to install the CNS AR software, check your workstation's /etc/group file and make sure that group staff exists. The software installation will fail if group staff does not exist before you begin.
BACBA uses the CNS Access Registrar product for PPP authentication. To allow these operations to work successfully, you must configure BACBA to work with the CNS Access Registrar component.
Cisco BAC does not require CNS Access Registrar for the authentication to be successful. BAC needs a RADIUS server which supports RFC1661 and later PPP RFC.
You must install CNS AR on a different host machine from the CNS Network Registrar. Verify that CNS AR and CNS Network Registrar (CNS NR) are on different servers.
During installation of the BACBA product, you can edit the CNS Access Registrar related $BAC_HOME/common/serviceMgr.cfg configuration file by indicating that you wish to configure the CNS Access Registrar product.
The Subscriber Access Manager component of BACBA provides the interface to CNS Access Registrar. To enable the integration of Subscriber Access Manager with CNS Access Registrar, keep in mind the following considerations:
If you install CNS Access Registrar on a different server than the Oracle server, make sure you install the Oracle client on the CNS Access Registrar server.
During CNS Access Registrar installation, provide the Oracle database directory information for BACBA.
Verify that the local host setting in CNS Access Registrar is /Radius.
Verify that the local-file service setting in CNS Access Registrar is /Radius/Services.
Change the log directory and data directory permissions for each user other than root to 777.
If you intend to use CNS Access Registrar for AAA services, make sure it is properly configured. After installing BAC, go to this URL for instructions about configuring CNS AR:
If another AAA server is used, then be aware that some system integration work may be required on a case by case basis. Check with your system administrator.
Installing CNS AR
To install CNS AR software, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Log in as root user. Type su and password.
Step 2
Change to the location of untarred code. Enter:
pkgadd -d
Step 3
Install CNS AR. Go to the following URL and access the Cisco CNS Access Registrar Installation and Configuration Guide available on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) at:
Step 4
To download CNS AR from Cisco CCO or from a CD-ROM, go to the following URL:
Posted: Mon Jan 31 17:05:15 PST 2005
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