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Table Of Contents
Installing Broadband Access Center
Installing Broadband Access Center
This chapter describes how to work with the Broadband Access Center (BAC) program to install the BAC components: the RDU and the DPE.
You can install the BAC components from the GUI or CLI. Both interfaces are supplied with the product.
CautionIf you interrupt the installation program after it begins copying files, you must manually clean up the locations of copied files, specifically BPR_HOME. For detailed information, see Uninstalling Broadband Access Center, page 5-1.
This chapter includes:
Installation Notes
This section describes some notes and recommendations to consider before and during the installation process. Use this information along with the installation startup processes and checklists described in Before Installing Broadband Access Center, page 2-1.
Be sure to install the RDU before installing the DPE. If you choose to install the DPE without installing the RDU, or without an RDU already installed on your system, the DPE fails to function normally.
When the program prompts you to enter a value during installation, note that the values in square brackets are default values. If you press Enter without entering fresh values, the program takes the default value.
The installation program, by default, installs the data directory (BPR_DATA) in a location other than that of the home directory (BPR_HOME). The default location for the data directory is /var/CSCObac.
Cisco recommends that the data directory be on a different physical disk than the home directory; for example, /var/disk0/CSCObac. However, it is not required. The disk should have at least 1 GB and up to 30 GB of free space.
The directory specified becomes the top-level directory under which the installation program creates a number of subdirectories; for example, /var/disk0/CSCObac/rdu/db.
The installation program, by default, installs the database transaction logs directory (BPR_DBLOG) in the same directory as the data directory (BPR_DATA). The default location for the database transaction logs is /var/CSCObac.
Cisco recommends that you locate the database transaction logs directory on the fastest disk on the system. Also, ensure that 1 GB disk space is available.
You must enter a listening port number for the RDU. This port is the interface that the RDU uses to communicate with the DPE. The default port is 49187.
During installation, the program generates a definitions file (bpr_definitions.sh), which is copied to the target home directory (BPR_HOME). The definition file stores the values for the:
installation location (BPR_HOME)
data location (BPR_DATA)
database transactions log location (BPR_DBLOG)
BAC class path (BPR_CP)
all installed components (COMPONENTS)
The bpr_definitions.sh file is updated whenever new components are installed or added.
Installing BAC
This section describes the procedures that you follow to install the individual components of BAC: the RDU and the DPE.
Before installing the DPE, you must install the RDU, or have the RDU already installed on your system. In the absence of the central server, the DPE fails to function normally.
You can install the BAC components from the GUI or CLI, as described in:
Installing the RDU
This section explains how to install the RDU. Install the RDU server on a Solaris 9 server that meets the requirements described in the "Hardware Requirements" section on page 1-2.
See the following sections for instructions on installing the RDU from the GUI or CLI:
Installing the RDU from the CLI.
Installing the RDU from the GUI.
Installing the RDU from the CLI
Complete the following procedure to install the RDU from the CLI:
Step 1
Log in to the intended BAC host as root.
Step 2
At the Solaris system prompt, change directory to your CD-ROM drive or other installation media. The installation program, setup.bin, is at the root of this drive.
Step 3
Enter this command to start the installation program:
> ./setup.bin -console
The installation program verifies that you have installed the correct patches to the Solaris operating system. When the verification is complete, the program displays welcome information.
Step 4
Press Enter to continue.
Step 5
When the installation program prompts you to select one or more components, at the RDU prompt, enter y and press Enter.
For example:
Installation Components
Select one or more components to install BPR.
Regional distribution unit (RDU) (y/n/?) [no] y
Device Provisioning Engine (DPE) (y/n/?) [no] n
Step 6
The program prompts you to confirm the components that you want to install. Enter y and press Enter to continue.
Step 7
The program displays a message that it is starting validation of the individual component installation parameters. Press Enter to continue.
For example:
Starting the individual component installation parameters validation.
Press Enter to Continue or 'q' to Quit:
Validating the individual component installation parameters - Please wait.
Step 8
The Home Directory Destination prompt appears. To accept the default directory, /opt/CSCObac, press Enter; or enter a different directory.
For example:
Home Directory Destination
Home Directory Destination [/opt/CSCObac]
When the program asks if you want to create the default installation directory, press y and Enter.
For example:
Choosing yes will create the directory during the installation. Choosing no will allow a different directory to be chosen.
The directory /opt/CSCObac does not exist. Create it? (y/n/?) [yes]
Step 9
Confirm the directory; press y and Enter.
Step 10
The data directory destination prompt appears. To accept the default directory, /var/CSCObac, press Enter; or enter another directory.
For example:
Data Directory Destination
Data Directory Destination [/var/CSCObac] /var/disk0/CSCObac
Step 11
To confirm the directory, press y and Enter.
Step 12
You are then prompted to enter the database transaction logs destination. To accept the default directory, /var/CSCObac, press Enter; or enter another directory.
For example:
Logs Directory Destination
Logs Directory Destination [/var/CSCObac] var/disk1/CSCObac
To confirm the directory, enter y and press Enter.
Step 13
The program then prompts for the Regional Distribution Unit Host/Port. Enter the listening port for the RDU. To accept the default value, 49187, press Enter; or enter another port number.
CautionIf you change the default listening port value, ensure that the new value does not conflict with any existing port assignments. Also, ensure that you configure all DPEs with the correct RDU port number. Refer to the Cisco Broadband Access Center DPE CLI Reference, Release 3.0, for details on configuring the DPE.
The installation program obtains the IP address of the RDU automatically. You do not need to enter this value.
For example:
Regional Distribution Unit Host/Port
Enter the IP address and the listening port of the regional distribution unit (RDU) associated with this installation.
Enter the Host/IP address and address of the listening port for the RDU.
RDU Listening Port [49187]
Step 14
Confirm the listening port number. Enter y and press Enter.
Step 15
Enter the shared secret password that you want to use for authentication between the BAC servers; the default password is secret. Press Enter to continue.
You must use the same shared secret password for all RDUs and DPEs in your network.
For example:
Shared Secret Password
Enter the password to be used for authentication
between the BAC servers.
If you are performing a lab installation, then the password will be used for all the servers. If this is a component installation, then the password you enter must be the same as the components previously installed.
Enter the Shared Secret Password [secret]
Press Enter to continue the installation.
Step 16
The program displays the installation parameters that you selected. Enter y and press Enter to confirm the parameters, and install the RDU component.
For example:
The Component Installation will use the following parameters
to install the RDU component:
Home directory:/opt/CSCObac
Data directory:/var/disk0/CSCObac
Logs directory:/var/disk1/CSCObac
RDU Port:49187
Step 17
The program displays the Installation Summary when installation is complete.
For example:
Installation Summary
The installation program has successfully installed Cisco Broadband Access Center (BAC) on your system.
Press Enter to exit the installation program.
Installing the RDU from the GUI
Complete the following procedure to install the RDU from the GUI:
Step 1
By using an X-Windows client, log in to the computer on which you intend to install the BAC components, with root access.
Step 2
At the Solaris system prompt, navigate to the directory containing the setup.bin file. If you are using the BAC CD-ROM, you will find setup.bin at the root of your CD-ROM drive.
Step 3
Enter this command to start the installation program:
> ./setup.bin
The installation program verifies that you have installed the correct patches on the Solaris operating system. When the verification is complete, the program displays welcome information.
Step 4
Click Next. The Installation Components screen appears.
Step 5
On the Installation Components screen, check the Regional Distribution Unit check box. Click Next.
Step 6
The Home Directory Destination screen appears. To choose the location of the home directory (BPR_HOME), accept the default directory (/opt/CSCObac). Or, enter a new target directory. You can use the Browse button to select a new directory. Click Next.
Step 7
The installation program displays the Create Directory dialog box. Click Yes to continue.
Step 8
The Data Directory Destination screen appears. To install the data directory (BPR_DATA), accept the default directory (/var/CSCObac). Or, enter a new directory. You can use the Browse button to select a new directory. Click Next.
Step 9
The Database Transaction Logs Destination screen appears. Enter the target directory to install the transaction logs (BPR_DBLOG). The default directory is /var/CSCObac. Or, use the Browse button to select a new directory. Click Next.
Step 10
The Regional Distribution Unit Host/Port screen appears. Accept the default listening port number (49187). Or, enter a new port number. Click Next.
CautionIf you change the default listening port value, ensure that the new value does not conflict with any existing port assignments. Also, ensure that you configure all DPEs with the correct RDU port number. Refer to the Cisco Broadband Access Center DPE CLI Reference, Release 3.0, for details on configuring the DPE.
The installation program obtains the IP address of the RDU automatically. You do not need to enter this value.
Step 11
The Shared Secret Password screen appears. Enter and confirm the shared secret password. Remember to use the same shared secret for all the RDUs and the DPEs in your network. Click Next.
Step 12
The Installation Parameters screen appears. This screen identifies the values that you have entered in the previous screens. To change any of the values entered previously:
Click Back until the correct screen appears.
Make the necessary changes.
Click Next repeatedly until you return to this screen.
Or, just click Next.
Step 13
When the installation is complete, the Installation Summary screen appears. Click Finish to exit the installation program.
Installing the DPE
This section explains the procedures that you follow to install the DPE from the GUI or CLI.
Installing the DPE from the CLI
Installing the DPE from the GUI
Installing the DPE from the CLI
Before proceeding to install the DPE, ensure that the RDU resides on your system. For details on installing the RDU, see the "Installing the RDU from the CLI" section.
To install the DPE from the CLI:
Step 1
Log in to the intended BAC host as root.
Step 2
At the Solaris system prompt, change directory to your CD-ROM drive or other installation media. The installation program, setup.bin, is at the root of this drive.
Step 3
Enter this command to start the installation program:
> ./setup.bin -console
The installation program verifies that you have installed the correct patches to the Solaris operating system. When the verification is complete, the program displays welcome information.
Step 4
Press Enter to continue.
Step 5
When the installation program prompts you to select one or more components, press y and Enter at the DPE prompt.
For example:
Installation Components
Select one or more components to install BPR.
Regional Distribution Unit (RDU) (y/n/?) [no] n
Device Provisioning Engine (DPE) (y/n/?) [no] y
Step 6
The program prompts you to confirm the components that you want to install. Enter y and press Enter to continue.
Step 7
The program displays a message that it is starting individual component validation. Press Enter to continue.
Validation involves checking to verify that the correct patches have been installed. If they are not, error messages appear.
Step 8
When validation is complete, the program prompts you to enter the home directory destination. To accept the default home directory destination (/opt/CSCObac), press Enter, or enter another directory.
When the program asks if you want to create the default installation directory, press y and Enter.
For example:
Home Directory Destination
Home Directory Destination [/opt/CSCObac]
Choosing yes will create the directory during the installation. Choosing no will allow a different directory to be chosen.
The directory /opt/CSCObac does not exist. Create it? (y/n/?) [yes]
Step 9
Confirm the directory; enter y and press Enter.
Step 10
The program prompts you to enter the data directory destination. To accept the default data directory destination (/var/CSCObac), press Enter, or enter another directory.
For example:
Data Directory Destination
Data Directory Destination [/var/CSCObac]
Step 11
To confirm the target directory, enter y and press Enter.
Step 12
You must then enter the listening port and the IP address for the RDU. To enter the IP address of the RDU, enter the hostname of the system on which the RDU is installed. Press Enter.
Step 13
To accept the default listening port number for the RDU, 49187, press Enter; or enter another port number.
CautionIf you change the default listening port value, ensure that the new value does not conflict with any existing port assignments. Also, ensure that you configure all DPEs with the correct RDU port number. See the Cisco Broadband Access Center DPE CLI Reference, Release 3.0, for more information about configuring the DPE.
For example:
Regional Distribution Unit Host/Port
Enter the IP address and the listening port of the regional distribution unit(RDU)associated with this installation.
Enter the Host/IP address and address of the listening port for the RDU.
RDU IP Address [abc.xyz.com]
RDU Listening Port [49187]
Step 14
The program then prompts you to confirm the IP address and the listening port number. Press y and Enter.
Step 15
Enter the shared secret password that you want to use for authentication between the BAC servers; the default password is secret. Press Enter to continue.
You must use the same shared secret password for all RDUs and DPEs in your network.
For example:
Shared Secret Password
Enter the password to be used for authentication
between the BAC servers.
If you are performing a lab installation, then the password will be used for all the servers. If this is a component installation, then the password you enter must be the same as the components previously installed.
Enter the Shared Secret Password [secret]
Step 16
The program displays the installation parameters that you selected. Enter y and press Enter to confirm the parameters, and install the DPE.
For example:
Installation Parameters
This screen shows the installation parameters that you have chosen:
========== Confirmation ==========
The Component Installation will use the following parameters
to install the DPE component:
Home directory: /opt/CSCObac
Data directory: /var/CSCObac
Step 17
The program displays the Installation Summary when installation is complete.
For example:
Installation Summary
The installation program has successfully installed
Cisco Broadband Access Center (BAC) on your system.
Press Enter to exit the installation program.
Installing the DPE from the GUI
You must install the RDU before installing the DPE. For details on installing the RDU, see the "Installing the RDU from the GUI" section.
Complete the following procedure to install the DPE from the GUI:
Step 1
By using an X-Windows client, log in to the computer on which you intend to install the BAC components, with root access.
Step 2
At the Solaris system prompt, navigate to the directory containing the setup.bin file. If you are using the BAC CD-ROM, you will find setup.bin at the root of your CD-ROM drive.
Step 3
Enter this command to start the installation program:
> ./setup.bin
The installation program verifies that you have installed the correct patches on the Solaris operating system. When the verification is complete, the program displays welcome information.
Step 4
Click Next. The Installation Components screen appears.
Step 5
On the Installation Components screen, check the Device Provisioning Engine check box, then click Next to continue.
Step 6
The Home Directory Destination screen appears. Enter the path for the home directory (BPR_HOME). The default directory location is /opt/CSCObac. Or, click the Browse button to locate the correct directory. Click Next.
Step 7
The installation program performs some validation and, if necessary, prompts you to create the directory. Click Yes.
Step 8
The Data Directory Destination screen appears. To install the data directory (BPR_DATA), accept the default directory (/var/CSCObac), or enter a new directory. You can use the Browse button to select a new directory. Click Next.
Step 9
The Regional Distribution Unit Host/Port screen appears. Enter the hostname of the machine on which the RDU is installed. For the listening port number, you can use the default port, 49187, or enter a new port number. Click Next.
CautionIf you change the default listening port value, ensure that the new value does not conflict with any existing port assignments. Also, ensure that you configure all DPEs with the correct RDU port number. Refer to the Cisco Broadband Access Center DPE CLI Reference, Release 3.0, for details on configuring the DPE.
Step 10
The Shared Secret Password screen appears. Enter the shared secret password and confirm it. Click Next.
Step 11
The Installation Parameters screen appears. After verifying that the parameters are correct, click Next to install the DPE, or Back to change the parameters.
Step 12
When installation is complete, the Installation Summary screen appears. Click Finish to end the installation process and exit the installation program.
Posted: Wed Sep 6 05:43:32 PDT 2006
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