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Fault data is available for managed chassis, module, and interface objects regarding the overall management connectivity and environmental aspects. Fault management functionality is supplemental to the processing of alarm notifications from the Cisco Catalyst 8500 router. Some data the fault management windows provide lead to alarms, while other data is purely statistical and may not require further action. For information on the alarms supported, see "Alarms".
Not all the data which the fault management windows provide produce alarms. Alarms occur when specific system occurrences coincide with the definitions of SNMP traps. If the set trap data is met, Cisco EMF translates the trap data into an alarm. For further information on traps and alarms, see the "Alarms".
Fault information for both chassis and module objects provides availability data, including up time, the most recent object change and restart. In addition, module fault data indicates the operational status and the amount of free memory. Chassis fault data extends to environmental fault management information. Environmental fault management data displays in the form of four tables that report on the status of power supplies, voltage, temperature and fans within the chassis. Each table contains a column that indicates the current state of each testpoint. This can be either Normal, Warning, Critical, Shutdown or Not Present. The C8500MGR currently does not present power supply, voltage, temperature, or fan fault data.
Interface fault management is only applicable to ATM interfaces. The data which displays consists of statistical count of errors the interface encounters, including total number of errors, transmit errors, SONET errors, and DS1/E1/DS3/E3 errors.
The Fault Management chapter covers the following:
The Chassis Fault Management window is a read-only window that provides fault information for a selected chassis.
To view the Chassis Fault Management window, proceed as follows:
The Chassis Fault Management window appears displaying the General tab.
Step 2 Select the Chassis for which you want to view fault data from the Chassis list box at left of the window.
Chassis-level fault information displays in the areas to the right.
Chassis-level fault information displays in the General tab as follows:
The LED Status area displays colored indicators for the processor card and the Ethernet link status.
The Cisco Contact Details area displays contact resources.
Step 3 Click the Power Supply tab.
The power supply and voltage details for the chassis appear. The C8500MGR currently does not support power supply fault data.
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Tip Text wider than the column width truncates. Column width alteration is possible, allowing you to view information within the column more clearly. To change the width of a column: (1) Move the mouse pointer to the left of the column heading. The mouse pointer changes to a double headed arrow. (2) Click and hold the left mouse button. A line appears down the length of the column. (3) Drag the line to the desired width, then release the mouse button. Columns return to their default width when you close the window. |
The Power Supply pane displays the following information for each power supply (in tabular format):
The Voltage pane displays the following (in tabular format):
The minimum and maximum threshold values specify the range that can be associated with the object before an emergency shutdown is initiated.
If required, use the More (arrow) button in either pane to view all of the information.
Step 4 Click the Temperature tab.
The temperature details for the selected chassis appear. The C8500MGR currently does not support temperature fault data.
The Temperature pane displays the following details for the core temperature status and the inlet temperature status:
If required, use the More (arrow) button in either pane to view all of the information.
Step 5 Click the Fan tab.
The fan details for the selected chassis appear in the tab. The C8500MGR currently does not support fan fault data.
The Fan pane displays a description and the current state of the fan status (in tabular format) as follows:
If required, use the More (arrow) button in either pane to view all of the information.
Step 6 Review the data on each tab as necessary.
Step 7 Choose File > Close to close the Chassis Fault Management window.
The Module Fault Management window is a read-only window that provides fault information for a selected module.
To view the Module Fault Management window, proceed as follows:
The Module Fault Management window appears.
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box at left of the window, then select a module from the Module list box.
Fault information for the selected module appears, along with Cisco contact resources. The Module Availability area displays the following:
An authentication failure occurs when the SNMP agent on the device receives a protocol message that is not properly authenticated.
Step 3 Review the data as necessary.
Step 4 Choose File > Close to close the Module Fault Management window.
Fault data for interfaces within the EM is limited to ATM interfaces. The ATM Interface Faults window is a read-only window which provides fault information for a selected ATM interface.
To view the ATM Interface Faults window, proceed as follows:
The ATM Interface Faults window appears.
Step 2 Select a chassis from the Chassis list box at left of the window, select a module from the Module list box, then select an interface from the Interface list box.
Fault information for the selected interface appears in the areas on the right. The General Errors area displays the following:
The SONET Frame Errors area displays the following:
The DS1/E1/DS3/E3 Errors area displays the following:
Step 3 Review the data as necessary.
Step 4 Choose File > Close to close the ATM Interface Faults window.
Posted: Wed Feb 26 03:57:42 PST 2003
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