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Cisco ONS 15600 SDH TL1 Test Access
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Cisco ONS 15600 SDH TL1 Test Access
1 Test Access
The test access (TACC) feature allows a third-party Broadband Remote Test Unit (BRTU) to create nonintrusive test access points (TAPs) to monitor the circuits on the ONS 15600 SDH for errors. The test access feature also allows the circuit to be split (intrusive), so that the transmission paths can be tested for bit errors via the use of various bit test patterns. The two BRTUs supported by the ONS 15600 SDH are the Hekimian/Spirent BRTU-93 (6750) and the TTC/Acterna Centest 650.
The test access functionality provides TL1 commands for creating and deleting TAPs, connecting or disconnecting TAPs to circuit cross-connects, and changing the mode of test access on the ONS 15600 SDH. You can view test access information in CTC; in node view click the Maintenance > Test Access tabs.
A TAP provides the capability to connect the circuit under test to a BRTU. This connection initially provides in-service monitoring capability to permit the tester to determine that the circuit under test is idle. The monitor connection should not disturb the circuit under test. The access point and remote test unit (RTU) also provide the capability of splitting a circuit under test. A split consists of breaking the transmission path of the circuit under test. This is done out of service. The two sides of the access point are called the Equipment (E) and Facility (F) directions. For a 4-wire or 6-wire circuit, the transmission pairs within the access point are defined as the A and B pairs. The circuit under test should be wired into the access point so the direction of transmission on the A pair is from E to F, and the transmission direction for the B pair is from F to E ( Figure 1).
Figure 1 Circuit with No Access (Dual FAD TAP)
A dual facility access digroup (FAD) TAP uses twice the bandwidth of the circuit under test. This can be specified by the TAPTYPE parameter as shown in ED-<MOD2> command syntax in the "ED-<rr>" section. The values are SINGLE/DUAL. It defaults to DUAL.
A single FAD TAP uses half the bandwidth as that of the dual FAD, that is, it will use the same bandwidth as the circuit accessed for the TAP creation. This can be specified by the TAPTYPE parameter as shown in the "ED-<rr>" section. The values are SINGLE/DUAL. The MONEF, SPLTEF, and LOOPEF modes are not supported by SINGLE FAD TAPs ( Figure 2).
Figure 2 Circuit with No Access (Single FAD TAP)
2 TL1 Interface Commands
TL1 supports commands to create, delete, connect, change, retrieve, and disconnect TAPs.
TAP Creation/Deletion
The edit command (ED-<rr>) is used to change an existing Port/VC to a TAP.
ED- {VC4| VC44C| VC48C| VC416C| VC464C}:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>[:::TACC=<TACC>],[TAPTYPE=<TAPTYPE>];
Edit an existing Port/ VC and change it to a TAP so it can be used when requesting TACC connections. This includes an optional parameter TACC=n that defines the port/VC as a test access point with a selected unique TAP number. This TAP number will be used when requesting test access connections to circuit cross-connects under test. The TAP creation will fail if the port/VCn already has a cross-connect on it.
The TAPTYPE parameter value is SINGLE or DUAL. The MONEF, SPLTEF, and LOOPEF modes are not supported by single FAD TAPs. It defaults to DUAL.
This command generates a REPT DBCHG message.
The alarms and conditions on TACC paths can be retrieved by the RTRV-ALM-ALL or RTRV-ALM-<MOD2> commands.
The TAP is a persistent object; it will exist even after the user has logged out of the TL1 session.
The following apply to TAP numbers:
A TAP number is an integer in the range of 1 to 999. When TACC=0 is specified, the TAP is deleted (if already present).
A TAP number is unique across VC4 TAPs in the system.
A TAP number is not editable.
When an ED-VC4n is executed for a TACC it assigns the VC path for the first two-way test access connection and VC+1 as the second two-way connection. Similarly, for VC42c, VC43c, VC44c, VC48c, and VC416c, the next consecutive VC of same width is chosen. The TAP creation fails if either of the consecutive VC's are not available. The command in Example 1 creates a TAP on VC4-5-1-1 and VC4-5-1-2.
Example 1 Creating a Single TAP
ED-VC4::VC4-5-1-1:12:::TACC=4; DV9-99 1970-01-02 03:16:11 M 12 COMPLD ;
These VC paths cannot be used for the creation of cross-connects until the TAP is deleted.
The command in Example 2 creates a VC48c DUAL TAP on VC4-6-1-1 and VC4-6-1-25.
Example 2 Creating a Dual TAP
ED-VC48C::VC4-6-1-1:12:::TACC=5; DV9-99 1970-01-02 03:16:11 M 12 COMPLD ;
These VC paths cannot be used for the creation of cross-connects until the TAP is deleted.
TAP Connections
The CONN-TACC command (CONN-TACC-<rr>) is used to make a connection between the TAP and the circuit or cross-connect under test.
CONN-TACC-{VC4| VC44C| VC48C| VC416C| VC464C}:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>::<TAP>:MD=<MD>;
Connect the port/VC4n defined by <AID> to the port/VC4n defined by the <TAP> number. The Mode of Test Access to the circuit/cross-connect is specified by <MD>. The mode can be monitor (MONEF), split (SPLTEF), or loop (LOOPEF). The modes are described in the "Test Access Configurations" section.
The connection is maintained only for the duration of the TL1 session (nonpersistent).
The TAP number is displayed at the output if the CONN-TACC command completes successfully.
Table 1 shows the error codes supported for the CONN-TACC-<rr> command.
An example of the CONN-TACC-<rr> command is provided in Example 3 Table 1 Table 1.
Example 3 CONN-TACC-<rr> Command Example
CONN-TACC-E1::FAC-1-3:12::1:MD=MONE; DV9-99 1970-01-02 02:51:54 M 12 COMPLD 1 ;
This creates a connection between TAP with number 1 and the port/facility FAC-1-3 with access mode as MONE. The various modes are explained in detail in the "Test Access Mode Definitions" section.
Change Access Mode
CHG-ACCMD- {VC4| VC44C| VC48C| VC416C| VC464C}:[<TID>]:<TAP>:<CTAG>::<MD>;
Change the type of test access. This might be a change from monitoring the data to inserting data into the VC. This command can only be applied to an existing TAP connection. If an existing connection does not exist, a RTEN error is returned.
Table 2 shows the error codes supported for the CHG-ACCMD-<rr> command.
Table 2 Error Codes Supported for the CHG-ACCMD-<rr> Command
Code DefinitionSRCN
An example of the CHG-ACCMD-<rr> command is provided in Example 4 Table 1 Table 1.
Example 4 CHG-ACCMD-<rr> Command Example
CHG-ACCMD-E1::1:12::LOOPE; DV9-99 1970-01-02 02:59:43 M 12 COMPLD ;
This changes the access mode of TAP 1 to LOOPE.
The access mode cannot be changed if the TAP is not connected.
This command generates a REPT DBCHG message.
Retrieving TAP Information
RTRV- {VC4| VC44C| VC48C| VC416C| VC464C}:[<TID>]:<AID>:<CTAG>;
These commands are modified to include the return of a TAP number if the requested AID is defined as a TAP. An optional TACC=<TAPNUMBER> will be displayed in the output list if the requested AID is defined as a TAP. The TAPTYPE is supported starting with ONS 15600 SDH R1.4.
An example of the RTRV-<rr> command is provided in Example 5.
Example 5 RTRV-<rr> Command Example
RTRV-E1::FAC-1-1:D; VA454E-96 2003-04-24 20:06:46 M D COMPLD "FAC-1-1::LINECDE=HDB3,FMT=E1-MF,TACC=1,TAPTYPE=DUAL,SOAK=32:OOS," ;
The parameters supported by the RTRV-<rr> command are listed in Table 3.
Disconnect a TAP
Disconnect the TAP and put the connection back to its original state (no access).
Table 4 shows the error codes supported for the CHG-ACCMD-<rr> command.
Table 4 Error Codes Supported by the DISC-TACC Command
Code DefinitionSADC
An example of the DISC-TACC command is provided in Example 6.
Example 6 DISC-TACC Command Example
DISC-TACC::1:12; DV9-99 1970-01-02 02:59:43 M 12 COMPLD ;
This disconnects TAP 1 from the circuit/cross-connect under test.
This command generates a REPT DBCHG message.
3 Test Access Configurations
Figure 3 shows a single node configuration.
Figure 3 Single Node View (Node 1)
To configure a single-node TAP, use the following sample code:
This code changes VC4 1 and VC4 2 on Slot 1 to a TAP. The CTAG is 90. This command also sets the TAP number to 1.
To connect the AID to the TACC defined by TAP 1 on the E side, use the following code (where the CTAG is 91)
The connection made in the CONN-TACC command can use MONE to connect to the F side AID. The AID provided designates the E side and the other automatically becomes the F side. For example if an AID F is supplied to a MONE connection, then the top line is connected to the other side of the path (shown in the diagram as the F side). After a CONN-TACC is set up, these designations cannot change until a DISC-TACC or another CONN-TACC command is executed. The connection is based on the AID supplied.
Figure 4 Multi-node View (MONE Example)
To create a multi-node configuration:
Step 1
Enter the following command on NE3:
ENT-CRS-VC::<AID I-G>:100::2WAY;
This is a connection, not a TAP. The CTAG is 100.
Step 2
Enter this command on NE3:
ENT-CRS-VC::<AID J-H>:101::2WAY;
This second connection is not a TAP.
Step 3
Enter the following command on NE1. Assume that the path from A to B is already entered. The A and B points in the diagram refer to entry and exit points on the node or different cards. The E/F designators refer to the two 2-way connections from NE3.
This creates a TAP with VC4-1-1-1 and VC4-1-1-2 through NE1. The TAP number assigned is 4.
Step 4
To connect TAP 4 to the circuit, enter the following command:
CONN-TACC-VC::<AID A or B>:102::4:<MD>
The I and J connections in Figure 4 are TAPS, but are normal connections in this configuration.
4 Test Access Mode Definitions
The following diagrams show what the different test access modes <MD> refer to. Figure 5 shows a circuit with no access (DUAL FAD TAP), Figure 6 shows a circuit with no access (SINGLE FAD TAP), followed by all the modes. The QRS might be generated by an outside source, that is, the empty connection of the BRTU.
Intrusive and Nonintrusive Modes
MONE, MONF, and MONEF access modes are non-service-affecting and can be applied to an IS (in service) port.
LOOPE, LOOPF, SPLTE, SPLTF, SPLTEF, SPLTA, SPLTB, and SPLTAB access modes are intrusive and can only be applied to a circuit/port that is in the OOS_MT (out of service, maintenance) state. The network element (NE) will change the state of the circuit under test to OOS_MT during the period of TACC and restore it to the original state after the connection between the TAP and the circuit is dropped.
Figure 5 Circuit with No Access (DUAL FAD TAP)
Figure 6 Circuit with No Access (SINGLE FAD TAP)
Monitor E (MONE) indicates a monitor connection provided from the FAD to the A transmission path of the accessed circuit ( Figure 7 and Figure 8). This is a nonintrusive mode.
Figure 7 MONE Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 8 MONE Access DUAL TAP
Monitor F (MONF) indicates that the FAD is providing a monitor connection to the B transmission path of the accessed circuit ( Figure 9 and Figure 10). This is a nonintrusive mode.
Figure 9 MONF Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 10 MONF Access DUAL TAP
The MONE and SPLTA modes are applicable to unidirectional circuits from E to F. The MONF and SPLTB modes are applicable to unidirectional circuits from F to E.
Monitor EF (MONEF) is a monitor connection provided from the FAD 1 (odd pair) to a dual facility access digroup (DFAD) to the A transmission path, and from FAD2 (even pair) of the same DFAD to the B transmission path of the accessed circuit ( Figure 11). This is a nonintrusive mode.
MONEF for T3 (DS3 HCDS) indicates that the odd pair of a FAP is providing a monitor connection to the A transmission path and from the even pair of a facility access path (FAP) to the B transmission path of the accessed circuit.
Figure 11 MONEF Access DUAL TAP
Split E (SPLTE) splits both the A and B paths and connects the E side of the accessed circuit to the FAD ( Figure 12 and Figure 13).
Figure 12 SPLTE Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 13 SPLTE Access DUAL TAP
Split F (SPLTF) splits both the A and B paths and connects the F side of the accessed circuit to the FAD ( Figure 14 and Figure 15).
Figure 14 SPLTF Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 15 SPLTF Access DUAL TAP
Split EF (SPLTEF) for T1 (DS1 HCDS) splits both the A and B paths, connects the E side of the accessed circuit to FAD1 and the DFAD pair, and connects the F side to the FAD 2 of the same DFAD pair. SPLTEF for T3 (DS3 HCDS) splits both the A and B paths and connect the E side of the accessed circuit to the odd pair of the FAP and the F side to the even pair of the FAP ( Figure 16).
Figure 16 SPLTEF Access DUAL TAP
Loop E (LOOPE) splits both the A and B paths, connects the incoming line from the E direction to the outgoing line in the E direction, and connects this looped configuration to the FAD ( Figure 17 and Figure 18). Loop E and F modes are basically identical to the SPLT E and F modes except that the outgoing signal is the incoming signal and not the signal from the remote test unit (RTU).
Figure 17 LOOPE Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 18 LOOPE Access DUAL TAP
Loop F (LOOPF) splits both the A and B paths, connects the incoming line from the F direction to the outgoing line in the F direction, and connects this looped configuration to the FAD ( Figure 19 and Figure 20).
Figure 19 LOOPF Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 20 LOOPF Access DUAL TAP
Split A (SPLTA) indicates that a connection is provided from both the E and F sides of the A transmission path of the circuit under test to the FAD and the A transmission path is split ( Figure 21 and Figure 22). These modes are similar to the Split E and F modes, except the signals are sent to the RTU, not the NE signal configuration.
Figure 21 SPLTA Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 22 SPLTA Access DUAL TAP
Split B (SPLTB) indicates that a connection is provided from both the E and F sides of the B transmission path of the circuit under test to the FAD and the B transmission path is split ( Figure 23 and Figure 24).
Figure 23 SPLTB Access SINGLE TAP
Figure 24 SPLTB Access DUAL TAP
5 Unmapped AID TAP Connections
The Cisco ONS 15600 SDH also supports connections to unmapped AIDs (unmapped circuits). The TAPs can be connected to an unmapped AID (an AID that does not have a cross-connect on it). The access modes supported are MONE, SPLTE, and LOOPE. Example 7 creates a TAP on VC4-5-1-1. Table 5 describes the modes and the circuit types that support them.
Example 7 Sample TAP on VC4-5-1-1
ED-VC4::VC4-5-1-1:12:::TACC=1; DV9-99 1970-01-02 03:16:11 M 12 COMPLD ;
Example 8 creates an unmapped AID connection with a MONE access mode. VC-5-1-3 does not have a cross-connect on it. VC-5-1-3 becomes unusable until the connection is disconnected by the DISC-TACC command.
Example 8 Sample Unmapped AID Connection with MONE Access Mode
CONN-TACC-VC4::VC4-5-1-3:12::1:MD=MONE; DV9-99 1970-01-02 02:51:54 M 12 COMPLD 1 ;
The AID provided in the CONN-TACC command designates the E side and the other automatically becomes the F side.
In the case of all one-way circuits (1-way, UPSR_HEAD, UPSR_DROP,UPSR_DC, and UPSR_EN), if the AID specified is the source AID, the direction is designated as from E in Table 5. If the AID specified is the destination AID or the drop side, the direction is designated as from F in Table 5.
6 Parameter Types
The test access mode parameter values are described in Table 6.
The test access modifier parameter values are provided in Table 7.
Table 7 MOD_TACC Parameter Values
MOD_TACC Values DescriptionVC44C
VC44C path
VC464C path
VC48C path
VC4 path
VC416C path
The test access path/point type parameter values are provided in Table 8.
Table 8 TAPTYPE Parameter Values
TAPTYPE Values DescriptionDUAL
Dual-FAD type
Single-FAD type
7 Test Access Terminology
Table 9 lists test access terminology and definitions. Path naming conventions are listed in Table 10.
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Posted: Mon Aug 22 20:05:24 PDT 2005
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