
Table of Contents

IP Networking
4.1 Before You Begin
4.2 Scenario 1: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH Nodes on Same Subnet
4.3 Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH Nodes Connected to Router
4.4 Scenario 3: Using Proxy ARP to Enable an ONS 15454 SDH Gateway
4.5 Scenario 4: Default Gateway on CTC Computer
4.6 Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs
4.7 Scenario 6: Static Route for Multiple CTCs
4.8 Scenario 7: Using OSPF
4.9 Scenario 8: Using RIP
4.10 Scenario 9: Using the Proxy Server Features
4.11 Viewing the ONS 15454 SDH Routing Table

IP Networking

This chapter explains how to set up Cisco ONS 15454 SDH nodes in IP networks. The chapter does not provide a comprehensive explanation of IP networking concepts and procedures.

Note   To set up ONS 15454 SDH nodes within an IP network, you must work with a LAN administrator or other individual at your site who has IP network training and experience. To learn more about IP networking, many outside resources are available. IP Routing Fundamentals, by Mark Sportack (Cisco Press, 1999), provides a comprehensive introduction to routing concepts and protocols in IP networks.

Table 4-1 lists IP networking topics. Table 4-2 lists IP networking routing procedures on the ONS 15454 SDH.

Table 4-1   IP Networking Topics

IP Networking Topics 

4.1 Before You Begin

4.2 Scenario 1: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH Nodes on Same Subnet

4.3 Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH Nodes Connected to Router

4.4 Scenario 3: Using Proxy ARP to Enable an ONS 15454 SDH Gateway

4.5 Scenario 4: Default Gateway on CTC Computer

4.6 Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs

4.7 Scenario 6: Static Route for Multiple CTCs

4.8 Scenario 7: Using OSPF

4.9 Scenario 8: Using RIP

4.10 Scenario 9: Using the Proxy Server Features

4.11 Viewing the ONS 15454 SDH Routing Table

Table 4-2   IP Networking Procedures

IP Networking Procedures 

Procedure: Create a Static Route

Procedure: Set Up OSPF

Procedure: Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol

4.1 Before You Begin

Determine how your network will be connected. There are many different ONS 15454 SDH connection options within an IP environment:

ONS 15454 SDH IP addressing generally has eight common scenarios or configurations. Each of these scenarios is described in this chapter. Use the scenarios as building blocks for more complex network configurations.

Table 4-3 provides a general list of items to check when setting up ONS 15454 SDH nodes in IP networks. Additional procedures for troubleshooting Ethernet connections and IP networks are provided in "Ethernet Operation."

Table 4-3   General ONS 15454 SDH IP Networking Checklist

Item  What to Check 


Each CTC computer must have the following:

  • Web browser
  • Java Runtime Environment
  • Java.policy file (modified for CTC)

See the "Check Computer Software Requirements" section for detailed information.

Link integrity

Link integrity exists between:

  • CTC computer and network hub/switch
  • ONS 15454 SDH nodes (backplane wire-wrap pins or RJ-45 port) and network hub/switch
  • Router ports and hub/switch ports

ONS 15454 SDH hub/switch ports

Set the hub or switch port that is connected to the ONS 15454 SDH to 10 Mbps half-duplex.


Ping the node to test connections between computers and ONS 15454 SDH nodes.

IP addresses/subnet masks

ONS 15454 SDH IP addresses and subnet masks are set up correctly.

Optical connectivity

ONS 15454 SDH optical trunk ports are in service; DCC is enabled on each trunk port.

4.2 Scenario 1: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH Nodes on Same Subnet

Scenario 1 shows a basic ONS 15454 SDH LAN configuration (Figure 4-1). The ONS 15454 SDH nodes and CTC computer reside on the same subnet. All ONS 15454 SDH nodes connect to LAN A, and all ONS 15454 SDH nodes have DCC connections.

Note   Instructions for creating DCC connections are provided in "SDH Topologies" within the MS-SPRing, SNCP, and linear ADM procedures.

Figure 4-1   Scenario 1: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH nodes on same subnet

4.3 Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH Nodes Connected to Router

In Scenario 2, the CTC computer resides on a subnet ( and attaches to LAN A (Figure 4-2). The ONS 15454 SDH nodes reside on a different subnet ( and attach to LAN B. A router connects LAN A to LAN B. The IP address of router interface A is set to LAN A (, and the IP address of router interface B is set to LAN B (

On the CTC computer, the default gateway is set to router interface A. If the LAN uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), the default gateway and IP address are assigned automatically. In the Figure 4-2 example, a DHCP server is not available.

Figure 4-2   Scenario 2: CTC and ONS 15454 SDH nodes connected to router

4.4 Scenario 3: Using Proxy ARP to Enable an ONS 15454 SDH Gateway

Scenario 3 is similar to Scenario 1, but only one ONS 15454 SDH (Node 1) connects to the LAN (Figure 4-3). Two ONS 15454 SDH nodes (2 and 3) connect to ONS 15454 SDH 1 through the SDH DCC. Because all three ONS 15454 SDH nodes are on the same subnet, Proxy ARP enables ONS 15454 SDH 1 to serve as a gateway for ONS 15454 SDH nodes 2 and 3.

Figure 4-3   Scenario 3: Using Proxy ARP to enable an ONS 15454 SDH gateway

ARP matches higher-level IP addresses to the physical addresses of the destination host. It uses a lookup table (called ARP cache) to perform the translation. When the address is not found in the ARP cache, a broadcast is sent out on the network with a special format called the ARP request. If one of the machines on the network recognizes its own IP address in the request, it sends an ARP reply back to the requesting host. The reply contains the physical hardware address of the receiving host. The requesting host stores this address in its ARP cache so that all subsequent datagrams (packets) to this destination IP address can be translated to a physical address.

Proxy ARP enables one LAN-connected ONS 15454 SDH to respond to the ARP request for ONS 15454 SDH nodes not connected to the LAN. (ONS 15454 SDH Proxy ARP requires no user configuration.) For this to occur, the DCC-connected ONS 15454 SDH nodes must reside on the same subnet. When a LAN device sends an ARP request to an ONS 15454 SDH that is not connected to the LAN, the gateway ONS 15454 SDH returns its MAC address to the LAN device. The LAN device then sends the datagram for the remote ONS 15454 SDH to the MAC address of the proxy ONS 15454 SDH. The proxy ONS 15454 SDH uses its routing table to forward the datagram to the non-LAN ONS 15454 SDH. The routing table is built using the OSPF IP routing protocol. (An OSPF example is presented in the "Scenario 7: Using OSPF" section.)

4.5 Scenario 4: Default Gateway on CTC Computer

Scenario 4 is similar to Scenario 3, but Nodes 2 and 3 reside on different subnets, and, respectively (Figure 4-4). Node 1 and the CTC computer are on subnet The network includes different subnets because Proxy ARP is not used. In order for the CTC computer to communicate with ONS 15454 SDH nodes 2 and 3, ONS 15454 SDH 1 is entered as the default gateway on the CTC computer using the "Setting Up the CTC Computer" section.

Figure 4-4   Scenario 4: Default gateway on a CTC computer

4.6 Scenario 5: Using Static Routes to Connect to LANs

Static routes are used for two purposes:

In Figure 4-5, one CTC residing on subnet connects to a router through interface A. (The router is not set up with OSPF.) ONS 15454 SDH nodes residing on subnet are connected through ONS 15454 SDH 1 to the router through interface B. Proxy ARP enables ONS 15454 SDH 1 as a gateway for ONS 15454 SDH nodes 2 and 3. To connect to CTC computers on LAN A, a static route is created on ONS 15454 SDH 1.

Figure 4-5   Scenario 5: Static route with one CTC computer used as a destination

The destination and subnet mask entries control access to the ONS 15454 SDH nodes.

The IP address of router interface B is entered as the next hop, and the cost (number of hops from source to destination) is 2.

Figure 4-6   Scenario 5: Static route with multiple LAN destinations

Procedure: Create a Static Route


Use this procedure to create a static route. Static routes are used for two purposes:

  • To connect ONS 15454 SDH nodes to CTC sessions on one subnet connected by a router to ONS 15454 SDH nodes residing on another subnet.
  • To enable multiple CTC sessions among ONS 15454 SDH nodes residing on the same subnet.


Onsite or remote

Step 1   Start CTC for an ONS 15454 SDH node and choose the Provisioning > Network tabs.

Step 2   Click the Static Routing tab. Click Create.

Figure 4-7   Create Static Route dialog box

Step 3   In the Create Static Route dialog box enter the following:

Step 4   Click OK. Verify that the static route displays in the Static Route window, or ping the node.

4.7 Scenario 6: Static Route for Multiple CTCs

Scenario 6 shows a static route used when multiple CTC computers need to access ONS 15454 SDH nodes residing on the same subnet (Figure 4-8). In this scenario, CTC 1 and 2 and all ONS 15454 SDH nodes are on the same IP subnet; ONS 15454 SDH 1 and CTC 1 are attached to LAN A. ONS 15454 SDH 2 and CTC 2 are attached to LAN B. Static routes are added to ONS 15454 SDH 1 pointing to CTC 1, and to ONS 15454 SDH 2 pointing to CTC 2. The static route is entered from the node's perspective.

Figure 4-8   Scenario 6: Static route for multiple CTCs

4.8 Scenario 7: Using OSPF

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link state Internet routing protocol. Link state protocols use a "hello protocol" to monitor their links with adjacent routers and to test the status of their links to their neighbors. Link state protocols advertise their directly connected networks and their active links. Each link state router captures the link state "advertisements" and puts them together to create a topology of the entire network or area. From this database, the router calculates a routing table by constructing a shortest path tree. Routes are continuously recalculated to capture ongoing topology changes.

ONS 15454 SDH nodes use the OSPF protocol in internal ONS 15454 SDH networks for node discovery, circuit routing, and node management. You can enable OSPF on the ONS 15454 SDH nodes so that the ONS 15454 SDH topology is sent to OSPF routers on a LAN. Advertising the ONS 15454 SDH network topology to LAN routers eliminates the need to manually enter static routes for ONS 15454 SDH subnetworks. Figure 4-9 shows the same network enabled for OSPF. Figure 4-10 shows the same network without OSPF. Static routes must be manually added to the router in order for CTC computers on LAN A to communicate with ONS 15454 SDH 2 and 3 because these nodes reside on different subnets.

OSPF divides networks into smaller regions, called areas. An area is a collection of networked end systems, routers, and transmission facilities organized by traffic patterns. Each OSPF area has a unique ID number, known as the area ID, that can range from 0 to 4,294,967,295. Every OSPF network has one backbone area called "area 0." All other OSPF areas must connect to area 0.

When you enable ONS 15454 SDH OSPF topology for advertising to an OSPF network, you must assign an OSPF Area ID to the ONS 15454 SDH network. Coordinate the area ID number assignment with your LAN administrator. In general, all DCC-connected ONS 15454 SDH nodes are assigned the same OSPF Area ID.

Figure 4-9   Scenario 7: OSPF enabled

Figure 4-10   Scenario 7: OSPF not enabled

Procedure: Set Up OSPF


Use the following procedure to enable OSPF on each ONS 15454 SDH node that you want included in the OSPF network topology.

Prerequisite Information

ONS 15454 SDH OSPF settings must match the router OSPF settings, so you will need to get the OSPF Area ID, Hello and Dead intervals, and authentication key (if OSPF authentication is enabled) from the router to which the ONS 15454 SDH network is connected before enabling OSPF.


Onsite or remote

Step 1   Start CTC for an ONS 15454 SDH node.

Step 2   In node view, choose the Provisioning > Network > OSPF tabs. The OSPF pane has several options (Figure 4-11).

Figure 4-11   Enabling OSPF on the ONS 15454 SDH

Step 3   Complete the following:

Step 4   In the OSPF on LAN area, complete the following:

Step 5   In the Authentication Type area, click the button that says No Athentication or Simple Password and complete the following:

Step 6   Complete the following (Figure 4-12):

Note    The OSPF priority and intervals default to values most commonly used by OSPF routers. In the Priority and Invervals area, verify that these values match those used by the OSPF router where the ONS 15454 SDH is connected.

Figure 4-12   The OSPF area range table and virtual link table

Step 7   In the OSPF Area Range Table area, complete the following:

Note    Area range tables consolidate the information that is propagated outside an OSPF Area border. One ONS 15454 SDH in the ONS 15454 SDH OSPF area is connected to the OSPF router. An area range table on this node points the router to the other nodes that reside within the ONS 15454 SDH OSPF area.

    a. Under OSPF Area Range Table, click Create.

    b. In the Create Area Range dialog box, enter the following:

    c. Click OK.

Step 8   All OSPF areas must be connected to Area 0. If the ONS 15454 SDH OSPF area is not physically connected to Area 0, use the following steps to create a virtual link table that will provide the disconnected area with a logical path to Area 0:

    a. Under OSPF Virtual Link Table, click Create.

    b. In the Create Virtual Link dialog box, complete the following fields. (The OSPF settings must match OSPF settings for the ONS 15454 SDH OSPF area.)

    c. Click OK.

Step 9   After entering ONS 15454 SDH OSPF area data, click Apply.

If you changed the Area ID, the TCC-I cards will reset, one at a time.

4.9 Scenario 8: Using RIP

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is widely used for routing traffic in the global Internet. RIP is an interior gateway protocol, which means that it performs routing within a single autonomous system. Exterior gateway protocols, such as the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), perform routing between different autonomous systems.

RIP sends routing-update messages at regular intervals and when the network topology changes. When a router receives a routing update that includes changes to an entry, it updates its routing table to reflect the new route. The metric value for the path is increased by one, and the sender is indicated as the next hop. RIP routers maintain only the best route (the route with the lowest metric value) to a destination. After updating its routing table, the router immediately begins transmitting routing updates to inform other network routers of the change. These updates are sent independently of the regularly scheduled updates that RIP routers send. To configure the ONS 15454 SDH for RIP, see the "Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol" procedure.

Procedure: Set Up or Change Routing Information Protocol


Use this procedure to enable RIP on the ONS 15454 SDH. Perform this task if you want to include the ONS 15454 SDH in RIP-enabled networks.

Prerequisite Procedures

"Log Into CTC" procedure

You will need to create a static route to the router adjacent to the ONS 15454 SDH in order for the ONS 15454 SDH to send its routing information out to the network. See the "Create a Static Route" procedure for more information.


Onsite or remote

Step 1   Display the node view.

Step 2   Click the Provisioning > Network > RIP tabs.

Step 3   Check the RIP Active? check box if you are activating RIP.

Step 4   Choose either RIP Version 1 or RIP Version 2 from the drop-down menu, depending on which version is supported in your network.

Step 5   Set the RIP metric. The RIP metric can be set to a number between 1 and 15 and represents the number of hops.

Step 6   Under Authentication, select the authentication type. If the router where the ONS 15454 SDH is connected requires authentication, choose Simple Password. Otherwise, choose No Authentication. (default). You must click the No Authentication button to choose the Simple Password option.

4.10 Scenario 9: Using the Proxy Server Features

The ONS 15454 proxy server is a set of functions that allows you to network ONS 15454 SDH nodes in environments where visibility and accessibility between ONS 15454s and CTC computers must be restricted. For example, you can set up a network so that field technicians and network operation center (NOC) personnel can both access the same ONS 15454 SDH nodes while preventing the field technicians from accessing the NOC LAN. To do this, one ONS 15454 SDH is provisioned as a gateway NE (GNE) and the other ONS 15454 SDH nodes are provisioned as element NEs (ENEs). The GNE ONS 15454 SDH tunnels connections between CTC computers and ENE ONS 15454 SDH nodes, providing management capability while preventing access for non-ONS 15454 SDH management purposes.

The ONS 15454 SDH proxy server performs the following tasks:

The ONS 15454 SDH proxy server is provisioned using the following three check boxes in the Provisioning > Network > General tab (see Figure 4-13):

Figure 4-13   Proxy server gateway settings

Figure 4-14 shows an ONS 15454 SDH proxy server implementation. A GNE ONS 15454 SDH is connected to a central office LAN and to ENE ONS 15454 SDH nodes. The central office LAN is connected to a NOC LAN, which has CTC computers. The NOC CTC computer and craft technicians must both be able to access the ONS 15454 SDH ENEs. However, the craft technicians must be prevented from accessing or seeing the NOC or central office LANs.

In the example, the ONS 15454 SDH GNE is assigned an IP address within the central office LAN and is physically connected to the LAN through its LAN port. ONS 15454 SDH ENEs are assigned IP addresses that are outside the central office LAN and given private network IP addresses. If the ONS 15454 SDH ENEs are co-located, the craft LAN ports could be connected to a hub. However, the hub should have no other network connections.

Figure 4-14   Scenario 9: ONS 15454 SDH Proxy Server with GNE and ENEs on the same subnet

Table 4-4 shows recommended settings for ONS 15454 SDH GNEs and ENEs in the configuration shown in Figure 4-14.

Table 4-4   ONS 15454 SDH Gateway and Element NE Settings

Setting  ONS 15454 SDH Gateway NE  ONS 15454 SDH Element NE 

Craft Access Only



Enable Proxy



Enable Firewall






SNTP Server (if used)

SNTP server IP address

ONS 15454 SDH GNE IP address

SNMP (if used)

SNMPv1 trap destinations

Set SNMPv1 trap destinations to ONS 15454 SDH GNE

Figure 4-15 shows the same proxy server implementation with ONS 15454 SDH ENEs on different subnets. Figure 4-16 shows the implementation with ONS 15454 SDH ENEs in multiple rings. In each example, ONS 15454 SDH GNEs and ENEs are provisioned with the settings shown in Table 4-4.

Figure 4-15   Scenario 9: ONS 15454 SDH Proxy Server with GNE and ENEs on different subnets

Figure 4-16   Scenario 9: ONS 15454 SDH Proxy Server with ENEs on multiple rings

Table 4-5 shows the rules the ONS 15454 SDH follows to filter packets when Enable Firewall is enabled. If the packet is addressed to the ONS 15454 SDH, additional rules, shown in Table 4-6, are applied. Rejected packets are silently discarded.

Table 4-5   Proxy Server Firewall Filtering Rules

Packets Arrive At  Accepted 

TCC-I Ethernet Interface

  • The ONS 15454 SDH itself
  • The ONS 15454 SDH's subnet broadcast address
  • Within the network (reserved network used for standard multicast messages)

DCC Interface

  • The ONS 15454 SDH itself
  • An OSPF peer (another DCC-connected ONS 15454 SDH)
  • Within the network

Table 4-6   Proxy Server Firewall Filtering Rules When Packet Addressed to ONS 15454 SDH

Packets Arrive At  Accepted  Rejected 

TCC-I Ethernet Interface

  • All UDP packets except those in the Rejected column
  • UDP packets addressed to the SNMP trap relay port (391) are rejected.

DCC Interface

  • All UDP packets
  • All TCP packets except those in the Rejected column
  • OSPF packets
  • ICMP packets
  • TCP packets addressed to the Telnet port are rejected.
  • TCP packets addressed to the IO card Telnet ports are rejected.
  • TCP packets addressed to the proxy server port are rejected.
  • All other packets are rejected.

If you implement the proxy server, keep the following rules in mind:

1. All DCC-connected ONS 15454 SDH nodes on the same Ethernet segment must have the same Craft Access Only setting. Mixed values will produce unpredictable results, and may leave some nodes unreachable through the shared Ethernet segment.

2. All DCC-connected ONS 15454 SDH nodes on the same Ethernet segment must have the same Enable Firewall setting. Mixed values will produce unpredictable results. Some nodes may become unreachable.

3. All DCC-connected ONS 15454 SDH nodes in the same SDCC area must have the same Enable Firewall setting. Mixed values will produce unpredictable results. Some nodes may become unreachable.

4. If you check Enable Firewall, always check Enable Proxy. If Enable Proxy is not checked, CTC will not be able to see nodes on the DCC side of the ONS 15454 SDH.

5. If Craft Access Only is checked, check Enable Proxy. If Enable Proxy is not checked, CTC will not be able to see nodes on the DCC side of the ONS 15454 SDH.

If nodes become unreachable in cases 1 and 2, you can correct the setting by performing one of the following:

4.11 Viewing the ONS 15454 SDH Routing Table

ONS 15454 SDH routing information is displayed on the Maintenance > Routing Table tabs (Figure 4-17). The routing table provides the following information:

Figure 4-17   Viewing the ONS 15454 SDH routing table

Table 4-7 shows sample routing entries for an ONS 15454 SDH.

Table 4-7   Sample Routing Table Entries

Entry  Destination  Mask  Gateway  Interface 











Entry 1 shows the following:

Entry 2 shows the following:

Entry 3 shows the following:

Entry 4 shows the following:

Entry 5 shows a DCC-connected node that is accessible through a node that is not directly connected:

Posted: Thu Jul 24 14:23:04 PDT 2003
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