
Table Of Contents

Error Messages

Error Messages

Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.

This chapter lists the Cisco ONS 15454, 15454 SDH, 15600, 15327, 15310-CL, and 15310-MA error messages. The error dialog box in Figure 4-1 consists of three parts: the error title, error ID, and error message. The table lists two types of messages: error messages (EID-nnnn) and warning messages (WID-nnnn). Error messages are alerts that an unexpected or undesirable operation has occurred which either indicates the risk of loss of traffic or an inability to properly manage devices in the network. Warnings are alerts that the requested operation could lead to an error. Warnings are sometimes used to convey important information.

Figure 4-1 Error Dialog Box

Table 4-1 gives a list of all error or warning message numbers, the messages, and a brief description of each message.

Table 4-1 Error Messages 

Error Warning ID
Error Warning Message


Invalid error ID.

The error ID is invalid.


Null pointer encountered in {0}.

Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) encountered a null pointer in the area described by the specified item.


The host name of the network element cannot be resolved to an address.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to launch CTC due to applet security restrictions. Please review the installation instructions to make sure that the CTC launcher is given the permissions it needs. Note that you must exit and restart your browser in order for the new permissions to take effect.

Refer to the error message text.


The host name (e.g., for the network element) was successfully resolved to its address, but no route can be found through the network to reach the address.

The node is not reachable from CTC client station.


An error was encountered while attempting to launch CTC.

Unexpected exception or error while launching CTC from the applet.


Problem Deleting CTC Cache: {0} {1}

Unable to delete the CTC cached JARs, because another application may have the JAR files running; for example, another instance of CTC.


An error occurred while writing to the {0} file.

CTC encountered an error while writing to log files, preference files, etc.


The URL used to download {0} is malformed.

The URL used to download the specified JAR file is incorrect.


An I/O error occurred while trying to download {0}.

An input or output exception was encountered when CTC tried to download the specified JAR file.


Password must contain at least 1 alphabetic, 1 numeric, and 1 special character (+, # or %).
Password shall not contain the associated user-ID.

The password is invalid.


Could not create {0}.
Please enter another filename.

CTC could not create the file due to an invalid filename.


Fatal exception occurred, exiting CTC.
Unable to switch to the Network view.

CTC was unable to switch from the node or card view to the network view and is now shutting down.


Unable to navigate to {0}.

CTC was uanble to display the requested view (node or network).


A session cannot be opened right now with this slot. Most likely someone else (using a different CTC) already has a session opened with this slot.
Please try again later.

Refer to the error message text.


This session has been terminated.
Terminations are caused when the session has timed out, the card resets, there is already a session with the slot, or password configuration is required.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to create Help Broker.

CTC was unable to create the help broker for the online help.


Error found in the Help Set file.

CTC encountered an error in the online help file.


Unable to locate help content for Help ID: "{0}".

CTC was unable to locate the content for the help ID.


Error saving table. {0}

There was an error while saving the specified table.


CTC cannot locate the online user manual files. The files may have been moved, deleted, or not installed. To install online user manuals, run the CTC installation wizard on the software or documentation CD.

Refer to the error message text.


CTC cannot locate Acrobat Reader. If Acrobat Reader is not installed, you can install the Reader using the CTC installation wizard provided on the software or documentation CD.

Refer to the error message text.


CTC experienced an I/O error while working with the log files. Usually this means that the computer has run out of disk space. This problem may or may not cause CTC to stop responding. Ending this CTC session is recommended, but not required.

Refer to the error message text.


WARNING: Deleting the CTC cache may cause any CTC running on this system to behave in an unexpected manner.

Refer to the warning message text.


Could not open {0}. Please enter another filename.

Invalid file name. CTC is unable to open the specified file. Ensure that the file exists and the filename was typed correctly.


The file {0} does not exist.

The specified file does not exist.


The version of the browser applet does not match the version required by the network element. Please close and restart your browser in order to launch the Cisco Transport Controller.

Refer to error message.


WARNING: Running the CTC with a JRE version other than the recommended JRE version might cause the CTC to behave in an unexpected manner.

Refer to warning message.


An error occured while closing the {0} connection.

CTC encountered an error while closing the specified connection.


No rolls selected. {0}

No rolls were selected for the bridge and roll.


The Roll must be completed or cancelled before it can be deleted.

You cannot delete the roll unless it has been completed or cancelled.


Error deleting roll.

There was an error when CTC tried to delete the roll.


No IOS slot selected.

You did not select a Cisco IOS slot.


CTC cannot find the online help files for {0}. The files may have been moved, deleted, or not installed. To install online help, run the setup program on the software or documentation CDs.

CTC cannot find the online help files for the specified window. The files might have been moved, deleted, or not installed. To install online help, run the setup program on the software CD.


Error editing circuit(s). {0} {1}.

An error occurred when CTC tried to open the circuit for editing.


Unable to save preferences.

CTC cannot save the preferences.


Unable to store circuit preferences: {0}

CTC cannot find the file needed to save the circuit preferences.


Unable to download package:

Refer to the error message text.


Delete destination failed.

CTC could not delete the destination.


Circuit destroy failed.

CTC could not destroy the circuit.


Reverse circuit destroy failed.

CTC could not reverse the circuit destroy.


Circuit creation error. Circuit creation cannot proceed due to changes in the network which affected the circuit(s) being created. The dialog will close. Please try again.

Refer to the error message text.


No circuit(s) selected. {0}

You must select a circuit to complete this function.


Unable to delete circuit {0}as it has one or more rolls.

You must delete the rolls in the circuit before deleting the circuit itself.


Unable to delete circuit.

CTC could not delete the tunnel as there are circuits that use the tunnel.


Error mapping circuit. {0}

There was an error mapping the circuit.


Circuit roll failure. The circuit has to be in the DISCOVERED state in order to perform a roll.

There was a failure in circuit roll. Change the circuit state to DISCOVERED and proceed.


Circuit roll failure. Bridge and roll is not supported on a DWDM circuit.

Refer to the error message text.


Circuit roll failure. The two circuits must have the same direction.

Refer to the error message text.


Circuit roll failure. The two circuits must have the same size.

Refer to the error message text.


Circuit roll failure. A maximum of two circuits can be selected for a bridge and roll operation.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to create new user account.

Refer to the error message text.


Node selection error.

There was an error during node selection.


This feature cannot be used. Verify that each of the endpoints of this circuit are running software that supports this feature.

Refer to the error or warning message text. For example, this error is generated from the node view Provisioning> WDM-ANS> tabs to indicate that the selected ring type is not supported by the endpoints of the circuit. Another example is the Provisioning> VLAN tabs in card view (Ethernet card only), where it indicates that the back-end spanning tree protocol (STP) disabling is not supported.


Unable to apply {0} request. {1}

Error occurred while attempting to switch a path protection circuit away from a span.


Error deleting circuit drop.

CTC could not delete the circuit drop.


Error removing circuit node.

CTC could not remove the circuit node.


The requested operation is not supported.

The task you are trying to complete is not supported by CTC.


Provisioning error.

There was an error during provisioning.


Error adding node.

There was an error while adding a node.


Unable to rename circuit. {0}

CTC could not rename the circuit.


An error occurred during validation. {0}

There was an internal error while validating the user changes after the Apply button was pressed. This error can occur in the Edit Circuit dialog box or in the BLSR table in the shelf view (rare condition).


Unable to add network circuits:

Refer to the error message text.


The source and destination nodes are not connected.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot delete this {0}.
LAN Access has been disabled on this node and this {0} is needed to access the node.

You cannot delete the DCC/GCC link as it is needed to access the node.


Application error. Cannot find attribute for {0}.

CTC cannot find an attribute for the specified item.


Invalid protection operation.

The protection operation you tried to execute is invalid.


Please select a node first.

You must select a node before performing the task.


No paths are available on this link. Please make another selection.

You must select a link that has paths available.


This span is not selectable. Only the green spans with an arrow may be selected.

Refer to the error message text.


This node is not selectable. Only the source node and nodes attached to included spans (blue) are selectable. Selecting a selectable node will enable its available outgoing spans.

Refer to the error message text.


This link may not be included in the required list. Constraints only apply to the primary path. Each node may have a maximum of one incoming signal and one outgoing link.

You must select only one link going in and out of a node. Selecting more than one link is contradictory to the path selection algorithm.


This link may not be included in the required list. Only one outgoing link may be included for each node.

Refer to the error message text.


Error validating slot number. Please enter a valid value for the slot number.

There was an error due to an invalid slot number.


Error validating port number. Please enter a valid value for the port number.

There was an error due to an invalid port number.


New circuit destroy failed.

CTC could not destroy the new circuit.


Circuit cannot be downgraded. {0}

The specified circuit cannot be downgraded.


Error during circuit processing.

There was an error during the circuit processing.


Endpoint selection error.

There was an error during the endpoint selection.


No endpoints are available for this selection. Please make another selection.

This error occurs in the circuit creation dialog only during a race condition that has incorrectly allowed entities without endpoints to be displayed in the combination boxes.


Communication error. {0}

An internal error occurred in Network Alarm tab while synchronizing alarms with the nodes.


Node deletion Error. {0}

There was an error during the node deletion.


No PCA circuits found.

CTC could not find any protection channel access (PCA) circuits for this task.


Error provisioning VLAN.

There was an error defining the VLAN.


Cannot delete VLAN. No VLAN(s) are selected. Please select a VLAN.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot delete default VLAN.

The selected VLAN is the default VLAN and cannot be deleted.


Error deleting VLANs.

There was an error deleting the specified VLAN.


Cannot import profile. Profile "{0}" exists in the editor and the maximum number of copies (ten) exists in the editor. Aborting the import. The profile has already been loaded eleven times.

Cannot import the profile because the profile has reached the maximum number of copies in the editor.


Unable to store profile. Error writing to {0}.

CTC encountered an error while trying to store the profile.


File write error. {0}

CTC encountered an error while writing the specified file.


Unable to load alarm profile from node.

CTC encountered an error trying to load the alarm profile from the node.


File not found or I/O exception.
(No such file or directory)

Either the specified file was not found, or there was an input/output exception.


Failure deleting profile. {0}

There was a failure in deleting the specified profile.


Only one column may be highlighted.

You cannot select more than one column during clone action.


Only one profile may be highlighted.

You cannot select more than one profile.


This column is permanent and may not be removed.

You cannot delete a permanent column.


Select one or more profiles.

You have not selected any profile or column. Reset operation is done by right-clicking the selected column.


This column is permanent and may not be reset.

A permanent column is non resettable.


This column is permanent and may not be renamed.

You cannot rename a permanent column.


At least two columns must be highlighted.

You connot compare two profiles unless you select two columns.


Cannot load alarmables into table. There are no reachable nodes from which the list of alarmables may be loaded. Please wait until such a node is reachable and try again.

Refer to the error message text.


Node {0} has no profiles.

The specified node does not have any profiles.


Error removing profile {0} from node {1}.

There was an error while removing the specified profile from the specified node.


Cannot find profile {0} on node {1}.

CTC cannot find the specified profile from the specified node.


Error adding profile {0} to node {1}.

There was an error adding the specified profile to the specified node.


Invalid profile selection. No profiles were selected.

You tried to select an invalid profile. Select another profile.


Invalid node selection. No nodes were selected.

You tried to select an invalid node. Select another node.


No profiles were selected. Please select at least one profile.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid profile name.

The profile name cannot be empty.


Too many copies of {0} exist. Please choose another name.

Select a unique name.


No nodes selected. Please select the node(s) on which to store the profile(s).

You must select one or more nodes on which you can store the profile.


Unable to switch to node {0}.

CTC is unable to switch to the specified node.


General exception error.

CTC encountered a general exception error while trying to complete the task.


Not enough characters in name. {0}

The name must have a minimum of six characters.


Password and confirmed password fields do not match.

You must make sure the two fields have the same password.


Illegal password.

The password you entered is not allowed.


The user must have a security level.

You must have an assigned security level to perform this task.


No user name specified.

You did not specify a user name.


Ring switching error.

There was an error during the ring switch.


Please select at least one profile to delete.

You have not selected the profile to delete.


Protection switching error.

There was an error during the protection switching.


The forced switch could not be removed for some circuits. You must switch these circuits manually.

The forced switch could not be removed for some circuits. You must switch these circuits manually.


Error upgrading span.

There was an error during the span upgrade.


Unable to switch circuits back as one or both nodes are not reachable.

This error occurs during the path protection span upgrade procedure.


The node name cannot be empty.

You must supply a name for the node.


Error adding {0}, unknown host.

There was an error adding the specified item.


{0} is already in the network.

The specified item exists in the network.


The node is already in the current login group.

The node you are trying to add is already present in the current login group.


Please enter a number between 0 and {0}.

You must enter a number in the range between 0 and the specified value.


This node ID is already in use. Please choose another.

Select a node ID that is not in use.


Cannot set extension byte for ring.

CTC cannot set the BLSR/MS-SPRing extension byte.


Card communication failure. Error applying operation.

This error can occur during an attempt to apply a BLSR protection operation to a line.


Error applying operation.

There was an error in applying the specified operation.


Invalid extension byte setting for ring.

The extension byte set for the specified ring is invalid.


Cannot delete ring. There is a protection operation set. All protection operations must be clear for ring to be deleted.

Clear all the protection operations for the ring before deleting it.


Cannot delete {0} because a protection switch is in effect. Please clear any protection operations, make sure that the reversion time is not "never" and allow any protection switches to clear before trying again.

Clear all protection operations or switches before deleting the ring.


The following nodes could not be unprovisioned
Therefore you will need to delete this {1} again later.

The specified nodes could not be unprovisioned. Try deleting this BLSR or MS-SPRing later.


Cannot upgrade ring.

CTC cannot upgrade the specified ring.


Inadequate ring speed for upgrade. Only {0} (or higher) {1} can be upgraded to 4-fiber.

You have selected an incorrect ring speed for upgrade. Only rings within the specified parameters can be upgraded to 4-fiber BLSR.


Verify that the following nodes have at least two in-service ports with the same speed as the 2-fiber {0}. The ports cannot serve as a timing reference, and they cannot have DCC terminations or overhead circuits. {1}

Nonupgradable nodes. Verify that the specified nodes have at least two IS-NR ports with the same speed as the 2-fiber BLSR.
The specified ports cannot serve as a timing reference, and they cannot have data communications channel (DCC) terminations or overhead circuits.


You cannot add this span because it is connected to a node that already has the east and west ports defined.

Refer to the error message text.


You cannot add this span as it would cause a single card to host both the east span and the west span. A card cannot protect itself.

Refer to the error message text.


OSPF area error.


There is an Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) area error.


You cannot add this span. It would cause the following circuit(s) to occupy different {0} regions on different spans:

Either select a different span or delete the above circuit(s).

A circuit cannot occupy different STS regions on different spans. You may add a different span or delete the specified circuit.


Illegal state error.

An internal error occurred while trying to remove a span from a BLSR.

This alarm occurs in the network-level BLSR creation dialog box.


This port is already assigned. The east and west ports must be different.

Refer to the error message text.


The ring ID value, {0}, is not valid. Please enter a valid number between 0 and 9999.

Enter a ring ID value between 0 and 9999.


Cannot set reversion to INCONSISTENT.

You must select another reversion type.


Unable to store overhead circuit preferences:


Input/Output error. Unable to store overhead circuit preferences.


Circuit merge error. {0}

There was an error while merging the circuits.


Cannot delete all destinations. Please try again.

Refer to the error message text.


Error updating destinations.

There was an error in updating the circuit destinations.


No online help version selected. Cannot delete the online help book.

Select the version of online help, and proceed.


Error deleting online help book(s).

You cannot delete the specified online help.


Unable to locate a node with an IOS card.

Refer to error message.


Security violation. You may only logout your own account.

You cannot logout of an account other than your own.


Security violation. You may only change your own account.

You cannot change an account other than your own.


Security violation. You may not delete the account under which you are currently logged in.

You cannot delete the account you are currently loggd in.


There is nothing exportable on this view.

Refer to the error message text.


Node {0} is not initialized. Please wait and try again.

Wait till the specified node is initialized and try again.


Spanning tree protection is being disabled for this circuit.

Refer to the warning message text.


Adding this drop makes the circuit a PCA circuit.

Refer to the warning message text.


Disallow creating monitor circuits on a port grouping circuit.

Refer to the warning message text.


Only partial switch count support on some nodes.

The specified nodes do not support switch counts completely.


Manual roll mode is recommended for dual rolls. For auto dual rolls, please verify that roll to facilities are in service and error free.

Refer to the warning message text.


Cannot complete roll(s).

CTC could not complete the roll because the roll is destroyed, in an incomplete state, in a TL1_roll state, is cancelled, or is not ready to complete.


Invalid roll mode.

There are two roll modes: auto and manual. For a one-way circuit source roll, the roll mode must be auto and for a one- way circuit destination roll, the roll mode must be manual.


Roll not ready for completion.

The roll is not ready for completion.


Roll not connected.

Refer to error messge text.


Sibling roll not complete.

One of the rolls is not completed for the dual roll. If it is auto roll, it will be completed when a valid signal is detected. If it is a manual roll, you must complete the roll from CTC if Bridge and Roll is operated from CTC, or from TL1 if Bridge and Roll is operated from TL1.


Error during roll acknowledgement.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot cancel roll.

CTC cannot cancel the roll.


Roll error.

CTC encountered a roll error.


The MAC address of node {0} has been changed. All circuits originating from or dropping at this node will need to be repaired.

Repair the circuits that originate from or drop at the specified node, with the new MAC address.


Unable to insert node into the domain as the node is not initialized.

Initialize the node and proceed.


Insufficient security privilege to perform this action.

You do not have the previlege to perform this action.


Warnings loading{0}. {1}

CTC encountered warnings while loading the alarm profile import file.


One or more of the profiles selected do not exist on one or more of the nodes selected.

The profile selected does not exist on the node. Select another profile.


The profile list on node {0} is full. Please delete one or more profiles if you wish to add profile.

The number of profile that can exist on a node has reached the limit. To add a profile, delete any of the existing profiles.


You have been logged out. Click OK to exit CTC.

Refer to the warning message text.


The CTC CORBA (IIOP) listener port setting of {0} will be applied on the next CTC restart.

The Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) listener port setting for the CTC Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) will be applied on the next CTC restart.


Port unavailable. The desired CTC CORBA (IIOP) listener port, {0}, is already in use or you do not have permission to listen on it. Please select an alternate port.

Select an alternate port, as the current port is either in use or you do not have enough permission on it.


Invalid number entered. Please check it and try again.

You entered an invalid firewall port number. Try again.


Extension byte mismatch.

There is a mismatch with the extension byte.


Not all spans have the same OSPF Area ID. This will cause problems with protection switching. To determine the OSPF Area for a given span, click on the span and the OSPF Area will be displayed in the pane to the left of the network map.

Refer to the warning message text.


Only one edit pane can be opened at a time. The existing pane will be displayed.

Refer to the warning message text.


There is no update as the circuit has been deleted.

Refer to the warning message text.


CTC initialization failed in step {0}.

CTC initialization has failed in the specified step.


This link may not be included as it originates from the destination.

You must not include this link as it originates from destination of a circuit. It is against the path selection algorithm.


The value of {0} is invalid.

The value of the specified item is invalid.


Circuit roll failure. Current version of CTC does not support bridge and roll on a VCAT circuit.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot enable the STP on some ports because they have been assigned an incompatible list of VLANs. You can view the VLAN/Spanning Tree table or reassign ethernet ports VLANs.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot assign the VLANs on some ports because they are incompatible with the Spanning Tree Protocol. You can view the VLAN/Spanning Tree table or reassign VLANs.

Refer to the error message text.


Software download failed on node {0}.

The software could not be downloaded onto the specified node.


The maximum length for the ring name that can be used is {0}. Please try again.

You must shorten the length of the ring name.


The nodes in this ring do not support alphanumeric IDs. Please use a ring ID between {0} and {1}.

The ring ID should not contain alphanumeric characters, and must be in the specified range.


TL1 keyword "all" can not be used as the ring name. Please provide another name.

Refer to the error message text.


Adding this span will cause the ring to contain more nodes than allowed.

You have reached the maximum number of nodes allowed.


Ring name must not be empty.

You must supply a ring name.


Cannot find a valid route for the circuit creation request.

CTC could not complete the circuit creation request either beacuse there are no physical links, or the bandwidth of the available links are already reserved.


Cannot find a valid route for the circuit drop creation request.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot find a valid route for the roll creation request.

Refer to the error message text.


The circuit VLAN list cannot be mapped to one spanning tree.
You can view the VLAN/Spanning Tree table or reassign VLANs.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to relaunch the CTC. {0}

There is an error relaunching CTC.


CORBA failure. Unable to proceed.

There was a CORBA failure, and the task cannot proceed. Verify the Java version.


Unable to switch to the {0} view.

CTC is unable to switch to the specified view.


Login failed on {0} {1}

The login failed on the specified tasks.


CTC has detected a jar file deletion. The jar file was used to manage one or more nodes. This CTC session will not be able to manage those nodes and they will appear gray on the network map. It is recommended that you exit this CTC session and start a new one.

Refer to the error message text.


Intra-node circuit must have two sources to be Dual Ring Interconnect.

Intranode circuit must have two sources to be a dual ring interconnect (DRI).


No member selected.

You must select a member.


Number of circuits must be a positive integer

The number of circuits cannot be zero or negative.


Circuit Type must be selected.

You must select a circuit type.


Unable to autoselect profile! Please select profile(s) to store and try again.

Refer to the error message text.


You cannot add this span. Either the ring name is too big (i.e., ring name length is greater than {0}) or the endpoints do not support alphanumeric IDs.

Reduce the length of the ring name, or remove the alphanumberic characters from the end points.


This is an invalid or unsupported JRE.

The version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is either invalid or unsupported.


The user name must be at least {0} characters long.

The user name must be at least of the specified character length.


No package name selected.

You must select a package name.


No node selected for upgrade.

You must select a node for the upgrade.


Protected Line is not provisionable.

The protected line cannot be provisioned. Choose another line.


The current type or state of some drops does not allow the new circuit state of {0} to be applied to them indirectly.

The circuit state, specified by {0} cannot be applied to the selected drops.


The node is disconnected. Please wait till the node reconnects.

Refer to the error message text.


Error while leaving {0} page.

There was an error while leaving the specified page.


Error while entering {0} page.

There was an error while entering the specified page.


Some conditions could not be retrieved from the network view

Refer to the error message text.


Bandwidth must be between {0} and {1} percent.

The bandwidth must be within the specified parameters.


Protection operation failed, XC loopback is applied on cross-connection.

As the protection operation failed, a cross-connect (XC) loopback will be applied on cross-connection.


The tunnel status is PARTIAL. CTC will not be able to change it. Please try again later

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot find a valid route for the unprotected to {0} upgrade request.

Refer to the error message text.


One or more of the following nodes are currently part of a 4-fiber {0}. Only a single 4-fiber {0} is supported per node.

The nodes, specified by {1}, are already part of a 4-fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing type (specified by {0}).


Only one circuit can be upgraded at a time.

Refer to the error message text.


This link may not be included as it terminates on the source.

Refer to the error message text.


No valid signal while trying to complete the roll. (0)

Roll can be completed only when a valid signal is detected. If not, the roll completion may result in an error.


Circuit roll failure.

Refer to the error message text.


This VCAT circuit does not support deletion of its member circuits.

You can not delete a circuit that is a member of VCAT circuit.


Error deleting member circuits.

Refer to the error message text.


Not all cross-connects from selected circuits could be merged into the current circuit. They may appear as partial circuits.

Refer to the warning message text.


Circuit roll failure.
Bridge and roll is not supported on a monitor circuit.

A monitor circuit does not support Bridge and Roll.


Circuit upgrade error.

Refer to the error message text.


You have failed {0} times to unlock this session. CTC will exit after you click OK or close this dialog box.

The maximum amount of attempts to unlock this session has been reached.


Currently, CTC does not support bridge and roll on circuits that are entirely created by TL1. To continue with bridge and roll in CTC, selected circuits must be upgraded.

OK to upgrade selected circuits and continue bridge and roll operation?

Refer to the warning message text.


Currently, CTC does not support bridge and roll on circuits that are partially created by TL1. To continue with bridge and roll in CTC, selected circuits must be upgraded.

OK to upgrade selected circuits and continue bridge and roll operation?

Refer to the warning message text.


Circuit reconfigure error.

The attempt to reconfigure the specified circuit has failed.


{0} of {1} circuits could not be successfully created.

A few circuits could not be created.


Circuit verification: selected {0} invalid!


The selected item, specified by {0}, is invalid as per the details, specified in {1}.


Deleting {0} may be service affecting.

Deleting the item can affect the service of CTC.


Hold-off timer validation error in row [0].
{1} hold-off timer for {2} must be between {3}-10,000 ms, in steps of 100 ms.

Refer to the error message text.


An Ethernet RMON threshold with the same parameters already exists. Please change one or more of the parameters and try again.

Change a few parameters in an Ethernet remote monitoring (RMON) threshold and try again.


Error retrieving defaults from the node: {0}

There was an error while retrieving the defaults from the specified node.


Cannot load file {0}.

CTC cannot load the specified file.


Cannot load properties from the node

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot save NE Update values to file {0}

CTC cannot save the network element (NE) update values to the specified file.


Cannot load NE Update properties from the node

Refer to the error message text.


Provisioning Error for {0}

There was a provisioning error for the specified item.


Not a valid Card

You cannot perform DWDM automatic node setup (ANS) from the Card view. Please navigate to the Node view and try again.


No {0} selected

Select the specified item, for example, VLAN, port, slot, etc.


Unable to create bidirectional optical link

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid subnet address.

Refer to the error message text.


Subnet address already exists.

Refer to the error message text.


Standby TSC not ready.

The standby Timing and Shelf Control card (TSC) not ready.


Incomplete internal subnet address.

Enter the complete internal subnet address.


TSC One and TSC Two subnet addresses cannot be the same.

A node's internal subnet must be different from one another as each TSC is on separate ethernet buses, isolated by broadcast domains.


An error was encountered while retrieving the diagnostics:

Refer to the error message text.


Requested action not allowed.

The requested action is not allowed.


Unable to retrieve low order cross connect mode.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to switch {0} cross connect mode.

Please verify that the type and/or number of circuits provisioned does not exceed the criterion for switching modes.

CTC cannot switch the cross-connect mode for the specified item, as the type or the number of circuits does not match with the criterion for switching modes.


Error while retrieving thresholds.

There was an error retrieving the thresholds.


Cannot modify send DoNotUse.

You cannot modify the Send DoNotUse field.


Cannot modify SyncMsg.

You cannot modify the SyncMsg field.


Cannot change port type.

You cannot change the port type.


Unable to switch to the byte because an overhead change is present on this byte of the port.

Refer to the error message text.


Error hard-resetting card.

There was an error while resetting card hardware.


Error resetting card.

There was an error while resetting the card.


The lamp test is not supported on this shelf.

Refer to the error message text.


The cross connect diagnostics cannot be performed

Refer to the error message text.


The cross connect diagnostics test is not supported on this shelf.

The cross-connect diagnostics test is not supported on this shelf.


Card change error.

There was an error while changing the card.


Invalid card type.

The selected card type is invalid.


Error applying changes.

CTC is unable to create a protection group. Check if the protect port supports circuits, a timing reference, SONET SDCC, orderwire, or a test access point.


The flow control low value must be less than the flow control high value for all ports in the card.

Refer to the error message text.


The flow control water mark value must be between {0} and {1}, inclusive.

The flow control watermark value must be between the two specified values.


The file named {0} could not be read. Please check the name and try again.

Refer to the error message text.


There is no IOS startup config file available to download.

CTC could not find the configuration file for IOS startup.


There is an update in progress so the download cannot be done at this time.

Refer to the error message text.


An exception was caught trying to save the file to your local file system.

Check whether the file already exists and cannot be over written, or there isa space constraint in the file system.


The maximum size for a config file in bytes is: {0}

The size of the configuration file should not exceed the specified number of bytes.


There was an error saving the config file to the TCC.

Refer to the error message text.


The value of {0} must be between {1} and {2}

The value of the item must be between the specified values.


Cannot remove provisioned input/output ports or another user is updating the card, please try later.

Another user may be updating the card. You can try again later.


Cannot create soak maintance pane.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot save defaults to file {0}

CTC cannot save the defaults to the specified file.


Cannot load default properties from the node.

Refer to the error message text.


File {0} does not exist.

Refer to the error message text.


Error encountered while refreshing.

There was an error while refreshing.


The ALS Recovery Pulse Interval must be between {0} seconds and {1} seconds.

The automatic laser shutdown (ALS) Recovery Interval must be between the specified range of seconds.


The ALS Recovery Pulse Duration must be between {0} seconds and {1} seconds.

The automatic laser shutdown (ALS) Recovery Duration must be between the specified range of seconds.


Error encountered while setting values.

Refer to the error message text.


Not a G1000 Card.

This card is not a G1000-4 card.


An error was encountered while attempting to create RMON threshold:

You must wait some time before you try again.


Minimum sample period must be greater than or equal to 10.

Refer to the error message text.


Rising Threshold: Invalid Entry, valid range is from 1 to {0}

This is an invalid rising threshold entry. The valid range is from 1 to the specified value.


Falling Threshold: Invalid Entry, valid range is from 1 to {0}

This is an invalid falling threshold entry. The valid range is from 1 to the specified value.


Rising threshold must be greater than or equal to falling threshold.

Refer to the error message text.


Error in data for ports {0} Exactly one VLAN must be marked untagged for each port. These changes will not be applied.

CTC encountered data error for the specified ports. Only one VLAN should be marked untagged for each port.


Get Learned Address

Unable to retrieve the learned MAC address from the NE.


Clear Learned Address

Failure attempting to clear the learned MAC address from a specific card or Ether group.


Clear Selected Rows

Failure attempting to clear the learned MAC address from a specific card or Ether group.


Clear By {0}

Error encountered trying to clear the learned MAC address from either a VLAN or a port.


At least one row in param column needs to be selected.

Refer to the error message text.


CTC lost its connection with this node. The NE Setup Wizard will exit.

Refer to the error message text.


No optical link selected.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to create optical link.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot apply defaults to node: {0}

CTC cannot apply the defaults to the specified node.


Cannot go to the target tab {0}

CTC cannot go to the specified target tab.


Port type cannot be changed.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot modify the {0} extension byte.

You cannot modify the specified extension byte.


Error encountered while trying to retrieve laser parameters for {0}

There is no card, or there was an internal communications error when attempting to get the laser parameters for the card.


No OSC Terminations selected

Select an OSC termination and proceed.


One or more Osc terminations could not be created.

Refer to the error message text.


OSC termination could not be edited.

Refer to the error message text.


No {0} card to switch.

No card of the specified type to switch.


Cannot use/change {0} state when {1} is failed or missing.

Cannot use or change the specified state when the card is failed or missing.


Cannot perform operation as {0} is {1}LOCKED_ON/LOCKED_OUT.

Cannot perform operation.


Cannot perform the operation as protect is active.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid service state. The requested action cannot be applied.

Select another service state and proceed.


Cannot perform the operation as duplex pair is {0}locked.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot perform the operation as no XC redundancy is available.

You cannot perform the requested operation on the cross connect card without having a backup cross connect card.


Deletion failed since the circuit is in use

Refer to the error message text.


Internal communication error encountered while trying to retrieve laser parameters. This can happen when equipment is not present or when equipment is resetting. Check the equipment state and try to refresh the values again.

Refer to the warning message text.


The ring termination is in use.

The ring termination you are trying to access is in use. Try after sometime.


No ring terminations selected.

Select one of the ring terminations.


Sorry, entered key does not match existing authentication key.

Check the authentication key and reenter.


Error encountered during authentication.

There was an error in authentication. Verify that the key does not exceed the character limit .


DCC Metric is not in the range 1 - 65535.

The DCC metric should be in the range of 1 to 65535.


Invalid DCC Metric

There was an invalid DCC metric.


Invalid IP Address: {0}

The IP address is invalid.


Router priority is not in the range of 0 - 255

The router priority should be in the range of 0 to 255.


Invalid Router Priority

The router priority is invalid.


Hello Interval is not in the range of 1 - 65535

The hello interval should be in the range of 1 to 65535.


Invalid Hello Interval

The hello interval is invalid.


Invalid Dead Interval value. Valid range is 1 - 2147483647

The dead interval value must be between 1 and 2147483647.


Dead Interval must be larger than Hello Interval

Refer to the error message text.


LAN transit delay is not in the range of 1 - 3600 seconds

The LAN transit delay should be in the range of 1 to 3600 seconds.


Invalid Transmit Delay

The transmit delay is invalid.


Retransmit Interval is not in the range 1 - 3600 seconds

The retransmit interval should be in the range of 1 to 3600 seconds.


Invalid Retransit Interval

The retransmit interval is invalid.


LAN Metric is not in the range 1 - 65535.

The LAN metric should be in the range of 1 to 65535.


Invalid LAN Metric

The LAN metric is invalid.


If OSPF is active on LAN, no DCC Area Ids may be Please change all DCC Area Ids to non- values before enabling OSPF on the LAN.

Refer to the error message text.


If OSPF is active on LAN, LAN Area ID may not be the same as DCC Area Id.

LAN must be part of a different OSPF area other than the DCC network.


Validation Error

CTC was unable to validate the values entered by the user. This error message is common to several different provisioning tabs within CTC (examples include the SNMP provisioning tab, the General> Network provisioning tab, the Security > Configuration provisioning tab, etc.).


No object of type {0} selected to delete.

Choose an object of the specified type to delete.


Error Deleting {0}

There is an error deleting the item.


No object of type {0} selected to edit.

Choose an object of the specified type to edit.


Error Editing {0}

There was an error editing the item.


{0} termination is in use.
Delete the associated OSPF Range Table Entry and try again

Refer to the error message text.


No {0} Terminations selected.

No specified terminations are selected.


{0} termination could not be edited.

CTC could not edit the specified termination.


Unable to provision orderwire because E2 byte is in use by {0}.

Refer to the error message text.


The authentication key may only be {0} characters maximum

The authentication key cannot exceed the specified number of characters.


The authentication keys do not match!

Refer to the error message text.


Error creating OSPF area virtual link.

CTC encountered an error while creating the area virtual link.


Error creating OSPF virtual link.

CTC encountered an error creating the virtual link.


Error setting OSPF area range: {0}, {1}, false.

CTC encountered an error while setting the area range for the specified values.


Max number of OSPF area ranges exceeded.

OSPF area ranges exceeded the maximum number.


Invalid Area ID. Use DCC OSPF Area ID, LAN Port Area ID, or

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid Mask

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid Range Address

The range address is invalid. Try again.


Your request has been rejected because the timing source information was updated while your changes were still pending. Please retry.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid clock source for switching.

You have selected an invalid clock source. Choose another clock.


Cannot switch to a reference of inferior quality.

Refer to the error message text.


Higher priority switch already active.

You cannot switch the timing source manually when a higher priority switch is already active.


Attempt to access a bad reference.

Refer to the error message text.


No Switch Active.

None of the switches are active.


Error creating static route entry.

CTC encountered an error while a creating static route entry.


Max number of static routes exceeded.

The number of static routes has exceeded its limit.


RIP Metric is not in the range 1-15.

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) metric should be in the range of 1 to 15.


Invalid RIP Metric

Refer to the error message text.


Error creating summary address.

There was an error while creating the summary address.


No Layer 2 domain has been provisioned.

You must provision any one of the layer 2 domain.


Unable to retrieve MAC addresses.

Refer to the error message text.


The target file {0} is not a normal file.

The specified target file is not a normal file.


The target file {0} is not writeable.

The target file is not writeable. Specify another file.


Error creating Protection Group

CTC encountered an error creating Protection Group.


Cannot delete card, it is in use.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot {0} card, provisioning error.

CTC cannot perform the task on the card.


Error Building Menu

CTC encountered an error building the menu.


Error on building menu (cards not found for {0} group)

CTC encountered an error while building the menu, as cards could not be found for the specified group).


Unable to set selected model: unexpected model class {0}

CTC encountered an unexpected model class while trying to complete the task.


Unable to switch, a similar or higher priority condition exists on peer or far-end card.

Refer to the error message text.


Error applying operation.

CTC encountered an error while applying this operation.


{0} error encountered.

CTC encountered the specified error.


Ring Upgrade Error

An error was encountered while attempting to upgrade the BLSR. Refer to the details portion of the error dialog box for more information.


This protection operation cannot be set because the protection operation on the other side has been changed but not yet applied.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot validate data for row {0}

CTC cannot validate the data for the specified row.


New Node ID ({0}) for Ring ID {1} duplicates ID of node {2}

The new specified node ID for the specified ring ID is the same as another node ID.


The Ring ID provided is already in use. Ring IDs must be unique

Refer to the error message text.


Error refreshing {0} table

CTC encountered an error while refreshing the specified table.


Slot already in use

Refer to the error message text.


Provisioning Error

An error was encountered while attempting the specified provisioning operation. Refer to the details portion of the error dialog box for more information.


Error Adding Card

CTC encountered an error while adding the card.


Cannot delete card, {0}

Refer to the error message text.


Error creating Trap Destination

CTC encountered an error creating the trap destination.


No RMON Thresholds selected

Select an RMON threshold.


The contact "{0}" exceeds the limit of {1} characters.

The specified contact exceeds the specified character limit.


The location "{0}" exceeds the limit of {1} characters.

The specified location exceeds the specified character limit.


The operator identifier "{0}" exceeds the limit of {1} characters.

The specified operator identifier exceeds the specified character limit.


The operator specific information "{0}" exceeds the limit of {1} characters.

The specified operator specific information exceeds the specified character limit.


The node name cannot be empty.

The specified name is empty.


The name "{0}" exceeds the limit of {1} characters.

The specified name exceeds the specified character limit.


Protect card is in use.

Refer to the error message text.


1+1 Protection Group does not exist.

Create a 1+1 protection group.


Y Cable Protection Group does not exist.

Refer to the error message text.


The Topology Element is in use and cannot be deleted as requested

You cannot delete the topology element which is in use.


Error Deleting Protection Group

CTC encountered an error while deleting the protection group.


No {0} selected.

You must select an item before completing this task.


There is a protection switch operation on this ring. Therefore, it cannot be deleted at this time.

Refer to the error message text.


Busy: {0} is {1} and cannot be deleted as requested.

The request cannot be completed.


Error deleting trap destination.

CTC encountered an error deleting the trap destination.


Could not get number of HOs for line.

The number of High Orders (STS/STM) for the line is not available.


Error in refreshing.

Used frequently in pane classes to indicate a general error condition when trying to refresh from the model.


Invalid proxy port.

Refer to the error message text.


Could not refresh stats.

CTC could not refresh statistics values.


Unable to launch automatic node setup.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to refresh automatic node setup information.

Failure trying to retrieve automatic node setup information.


Error refreshing row {0}

Error refreshing the specified row.


Could not clear stats.

Refer to the error message text.


Error while refreshing pane.

Used frequently in pane classes to indicate a general error condition when trying to refresh from the model.


{0} termination(s) could not be deleted. {1}

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to record a baseline, performance metrics will remain unchanged.

CTC failed to set the baseline values while provisioning NE. Previous values remain unchanged.


{0} termination(s) could not be created.


Refer to the error message text.


RIP is active on the LAN. Please disable RIP before enabling OSPF.

Turn off the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) on the LAN, before enabling OSPF.


OSPF is active on the LAN. Please disable OSPF before enabling RIP.

Turn off the OSPF on the LAN before enabling RIP.


Error in Set OPR

An error was encountered while attempting to provision the optical power received (OPR).


Cannot transition port state indirectly because the port is still providing services: if the port state should be changed, edit it directly via port provisioning.

Edit the port state while provisioning the port.


Current loopback provisioning does not allow this state transition.

Refer to the error message text.


Current synchronization provisioning does not allow this state transition

You cannot transition the port state to the target date while in the current synchonization state.


Cannot perform requested state transition on this software version.

Refer to the error message text.


Database Restore failed. {0}

CTC failed to restore the specified database.


Database Backup failed. {0}

CTC failed to backup the specified database.


Send PDIP setting on {0} is inconsistent with that of control node {1}

The send payload defect indicator path (PDI-P) setting on the specified item should be consistent with that of the specified control node.


The overhead termination is invalid

Refer to the error message text.


The maximum number of overhead terminations has been exceeded.

Overhead terminations have exceeded the limit.


The {0} termination port is in use.

The specified termination port is in use. Select another port.


An {1} exists on the selected ports.
Therefore, you must create the {0}s one by one.

The specified DCC already exists on the selected port. You can create a DCC of another type.


The port you have chosen as an {0} endpoint already supports an {1}. The port cannot support both DCCs. After the {0} is created, verify that no EOC alarms are present and then delete the {1} to complete the downgrade.

The same port can not be used by multiple DCCs.


An {0} exists on the selected ports.
Therefore, you must create the {1}s one by one.

The specified DCC already exists on the selected port. You can create a DCC of another type.


The port you have chosen as an {1} endpoint already supports an {0}. The port cannot support both DCCs. After the {1} is created, verify that no EOC alarms are present and then delete the {0} to complete the upgrade.

The port selected as a DCC endpoint already supports another DCC. Refer to the warning message text.


Wizard unable to validate data: {0}

CTC encountered an error.


Ordering error. The absolute value should be {0}

The absolute value entered was wrong.


Wrong parameter is changed: {0}

CTC changed the incorrect parameter.


Invalid voltage increment value.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid power monitor range.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to complete requested action. {0}

CTC could not complete the specified action.


No download has been initiated from this CTC session.

Refer to the error message text.


Reboot operation failed. {0}

Refer to the error message text.


Validation Error. {0}

The Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) was unable to validate the values entered by the user, specified by {0}. This error message is common to several different provisioning tabs within the CTC.


Cannot change timing configuration, manual/force operation is performed.

Refer to the error message text.


Could not assign timing reference(s) because - at least one timing reference has already been used and/or - a timing reference has been attempted to be used twice.
Please verify the settings.

Refer to the warning message text.


Duplicate DCC number detected: {0}.

CTC detected more than one occurene of the a DCC number. Remove one of them.


There was a software error attempting to download the file. Please try again later.

Refer to the error message text.


Create FC-MR Threshold

You must create a Fibre Channel Multirate (FC_MR) card threshold.


An error was encountered while provisioning the internal subnet:

The specified internal subnet could not be provisoned.


The port rate provisioning cannot be changed while circuits exist on this port.

Refer to the error message text.


The port provisioning cannot be changed when the port status is not OOS.

You must provision the ports only when the port is Out of Service.


You are using Java version {0}. CTC should run with Java version {1}. It can be obtained from the installation CD or

CTC is being launched with the wrong version of the JRE {0}. This version of CTC requires a particular version of the JRE {1}. The CTC and browser must be closed and restarted to allow the correct Java version to be loaded.


The port provisioning cannot be changed while the port is {0}.

You must modify the port provisioning only when the port is out of service.


Error modifying Protection Group

Protection Group could not be modified.


Conditions could not be retrieved from the shelf or card view.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot edit XTC protection group.

Refer to the warning message text.


Invalid entry. {0}

The specified entry is invalid.


{0} was successfully initiated for {1} but its completion status was not able to be obtained from the node. {0} may or may not have succeeded. When the node is accessible, check its software version.

Refer to the error message text.


The file {0} does not exist.

The specified file does not exist.


The value entered must be greater than {0}.

The value entered must be greater than the specified value.


Entry required

An entry is required to complete this task.


{0} already exists in the list.

The specified item already exists in the list.


A software upgrade is in progress. Network configuration changes that results a node reboot can not take place during software upgrade. Please try again after software upgrade is done.

Refer to the warning message text.


Make sure the Remote Interface ID and the Local Interface ID on the two sides are matched. (Local Interface ID on this node should equal Remote Interface ID on the neighbor node and vice-versa.)

Refer to the warning message text.


Both {0} and {1} exist on the same selected port.

The specified port has both SDCC and LDCC.


The description cannot contain more than {0} characters. Your input will be truncated.

The input exceeds the character limit. The value will be truncated to the maximum chacter limit.


Card deleted, returning to shelf view.

CTC returns to node view.


ALS will not engage until both the protected trunk ports detect LOS.

Refer to the warning message text.


Performing a software upgrade while TSC 5 is active could result in a service disruption. It is recommended that you make TSC 10 the active TSC by performing a soft reset of TSC 5. The following 15600s are currently unsafe to upgrade...

Refer to the warning message text.


Before activating a new version, make sure you have a database backup from the current version.

Refer to the warning message text.


Reverting to an older version.

CTC is being reverted to an older version of application.


Applying FORCE or LOCKOUT operations may result in traffic loss.

Refer to the warning message text.


The ring status is INCOMPLETE. CTC cannot determine if there are existing protection operations or switches in other parts of the ring. Applying a protection operation at this time could cause a traffic outage. Please confirm that no other protection operations or switches exist before continuing.

Refer to the warning message text.


There is a protection operation or protection switch present on the ring. Applying this protection operation now will probably cause a traffic outage.

Refer to the warning message text.


This ring status is INCOMPLETE. CTC will not be able to apply this change to all of the nodes in the {0}.

Change the ring status to apply the change to all nodes in the ring type.


Unable to delete specified provisionable patchcord(s).

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot change revertive behavior due to an active protection switch.

Protection switch should not be active to change the revertive behaviour.


Error resetting shelf.

CTC encountered an error while resetting the node.


No such provisionable patchcord.

You are attempting to delete a provisionable patchcord that does not exist. This happens when multiple instances of CTC are running and attempting to delete the same provisionable patchcord concurrently.


No RMON thresholds available for selected port.

Refer to the error message text.


This card does not support RMON thresholds.

Refer to the error message text.


Buffer-to-buffer credit is only supported for Fibre Channel (FC) and FICON.

Refer to the error message text.


ALS Auto Restart is not supported by this interface.

Refer to the error message text.


Can not have duplicate OSPF area IDs.

OSPF area IDs should be unique.


LAN metric may not be zero.

Refer to the error message text.


Standby {0} not ready.

Standby controller card is not ready.


DCC Area ID and {0} conflict.

DCC Area ID and ring type, specified by {0}, conflict each other due to the details specified by {1}.


DCC number is out of range.

Enter a DCC number that is within the range


Can not have OSPF turned on on the LAN interface and the back bone area set on a DCC interface.

You cannot have the default OSPF area on a DCC while OSPF is enabled on the LAN.


Ethernet circuits must be bidirectional.

Refer to the error message text.


Error while creating connection object at {0}.

CTC encountered an error at the specified connection while creating the connection.


DWDM Link can be used only for optical channel circuits.

Refer to the error message text.


OCH-NC circuit: link excluded - wrong direction.

The optical channel (circuit) does not allow the specified link to be included because it is in the wrong optical direction.


DWDM Link does not have wavelength available.

Refer to the error message text.


Laser already on.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to change the power setpoint {0} {1}

CTC cannot change change the power setpoint. The new setpoint would either make the thresholds inconsistent or set the fail threshold outside the range.


Unable to modify offset. Amplifier port is in service state.

Refer to the error message text.


Requested action not allowed. Invalid state value.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to perform operation.

CTC is unable to perform operation.


Wrong node side.

This task was applied to the wrong node side.


Name too long.

Reduce the number of charcters in the name.


Illegal name.

The name you entered is illegal.


Wrong line selection.

Select another line


Unable to delete optical link.

CTC cannot delete the optical link.


This feature is unsupported by this version of software.

Refer to the error message text.


Equipment is not plugged-in.

Plug-in the equipment and proceed.


APC system is busy.

Automatic Power Control (APC) system is busy.


No path to regulate.

There is no circuit path to regulate.


Requested action not allowed.

Generic DWDM provisioning failure message.


Wrong input value.

The input value is incorrect.


Error in getting thresholds.

There was an error retrieving the thresholds. This message is displayed only for the OSCM/OSC-CSM line thresholds.


Error applying changes to row {0}.Value out of range.

There was an error applying the changes to the specified row. The value is out of range.


Unable to switch to the byte because an overhead channel is present on this byte of the port.

Refer to the error message text.


Error applying changes to row.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot change timing parameters on protect port.

You cannot change timing parameters on protect port.


The type of this port cannot be changed: SDH validation check failed. Check if this port is part of a circuit, protection group, SONET DCC, orderwire, or UNI-C interface.

Refer to the error message text.


Error on reading a control mode value.

The Control Mode must be retrieved.


Error on setting a set point gain value.

The Gain Set Point must be set.


Error on reading a set-point gain value.

The Gain Set Point must be retrieved.


Error on setting a tilt calibration value.

The tilt calibration must be set.


Error on setting expected wavelength.

The expected wavelength must be set.


Error on reading expected wavelength.

The expected wavelength must be retrieved.


Error on reading actual wavelength.

The actual wavelength must be retrieved.


Error on reading actual band.

The actual band must be retrieved.


Error on reading expected band.

The expected band must be retrieved.


Error on setting expected band.

The expected band must be set.


Error retrieving defaults from the node: {0}.

There was an error retrieving defaults from the specified node.


Cannot load file {0}.

CTC cannot load the specified file.


Cannot load properties from the node.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot save NE Update values to file.

Check your file system for space constraint or any other problem.


Cannot load NE Update properties from the node:

Refer to the error message text.


File {0} does not exist.

The specified file does not exist.


Error on setting value at {0}.

There was an error while setting the value at the specified location.


There is no such interface available.

The interface specified is not present in CTC.


Specified endpoint is in use.

Select another endpoint that is not in use.


Specified endpoint is incompatible.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to calculate connections.

Refer to the error message text.


Optical link model does not exist for specified interface.

Create an optical linkmodel for the interface, and proceed.


Unable to set optical parameters for the node.

Refer to the error message text.


Ring termination is in use. Error deleting ring termination

You cannot delete a ring in use.


Error deleting ring termination.

There was an error while deleting ring termination.


No ring terminations selected.

You must select a ring termination.


Error creating ring ID.

There was an error while creating the ring ID.


OSC termination is in use.

Select another optical service channel (OSC) which is not in use.


Unable to delete OSC termination.

There was an error deleting the OSC termination.


No optical link has been selected

You must select an optical link.


Error while calculating automatic optical link list.

Refer to the error message text.


Attempt to access an OCHNC connection that has been destroyed.

CTC destroyed an external attempt to access an optical channel network connection.


Expected span loss must be set.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to retrieve measured span loss.

Refer to the error message text.


Wrong interface used.

The interface used for the card is wrong.


Duplicate origination patchcord identifier.

The provisionable patchcord identifier to the patchcord you are attempting to provision is already in use by another patchcord on the origination node.


Duplicate termination patchcord identifier.

The provisionable patchcord identifier to the patchcord you are attempting to provision is already in use by another patchcord on the remote node.


Unable to locate host.

Refer to the error message text.


Maximum Frame size must be between {0} and {1} and may be increased in increments of {2}.

The frame size must be in the specified range. This can incremented by the specified value.


Number of credits must be between {0} and {1}.

The number of credits must be between the specified values.


GFP Buffers Available must be between {0} and {1} and may be increased in increments of {2}.

The GFP buffers must be in the specified range. This can incremented by the specified value.


You are about to force the use of Secure Mode for this chassis. You will not be able to undo this operation. OK to continue?

Refer to the warning message text.


{0}. Delete circuits, then try again.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to provision transponder mode:

The specified transponder mode canot be provisioned.


You must change port{0} to an out-of-service state before changing card parameters. Click Reset to revert the changes.

All the card ports should be changed to out-of-service before changing the parameters.


Unable to change the card mode because the card has circuits.

Refer to the error message text.


Error encountered while changing the card mode.

Refer to the error message text.


Port is in use.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to change the port rate because the port has been deleted.

You cannot change the port rate of a card that has been deleted.


Could not assign timing reference(s) because - with external timing, only a single protected, or two unprotected timing references per BITS Out may be selected. Please use the "Reset" button and verify the settings.

Refer to the warning message text.


Could not assign timing reference(s) because - with line or mixed timing, only a single unprotected timing reference per BITS Out may be selected. Please use the "Reset" button and verify the settings.

Refer to the warning message text.


Error refreshing Power Monitoring values.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid Configuration: {0}

CTC encountered an error in IP address, net mask length, or default router, or a restricted IIOP port was selected.


Invalid Configuration: The standby controller card is not a TCC2P card.

The standby controller card should be a TCC2P card.


Wrong version for file {0}.

The specified file is of wrong version.


Cannot delete PPM.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot delete PPM. It has port(s) in use.

Remove the ports coonected to the Pluggable Port Module before it can be deleted.


Unable to switch, force to Primary Facility not allowed.

Refer to the error message text.


{0} cannot be provisioned for the port while {1} is enabled.

The relationship between parameters {0} and {1} are such that enabling either one, prevents the provisioning of the other.


Unable to complete the switch request.
The {0} card is either not present or is not responding. Try again after ensuring that the {0} card is present and is not resetting.

Refer to the error message text.


Admin state transition has not been attempted on the monitored port.

Refer to the error message text.


The far end IP address could not be set on the {0} termination. The IP address cannot be:
loopback (

class D (

class E (

broadcast (

internal {1}

Refer to the error message text.


The {0} ring name cannot be changed now. A {0} switch is active.

You cannot change the ring name because a switch of the same ring type is active.


The {0} ring ID cannot be changed now. A {0} switch is active.

You cannot change the ring ID because a switch of the same ring type is active.


CAUTION: Reverting to an earlier software release may result in TRAFFIC LOSS and loss of connectivity to the node. It may require onsite provisioning to recover.
If the node was running {0} before, reverting will restore the {0} provisioning, losing any later provisioning. If the node was running some other version, reverting will LOSE ALL PROVISIONING.

Refer to the warning message text.


The IOS console is disabled for the card in slot {0}.

The card may not be an IOS-based card or it may be rebooting.


Error cancelling software upgrade.

CTC encountered an error while cancelling the software upgrade.


{0} encountered while performing DB backup.

CTC encountered the specified error during database backup.


The file {0} does not exist or cannot be read.

Refer to error message.


The size of {0} is zero.

The size of the file that is being backed up or restored is zero.


A software upgrade is in progress.
{0} can not proceed during a software upgrade.
Please try again after the software upgrade has completed.

The specified action cannot be performed during a software upgrade. You must try after the upgrade process is completed.


{0} encountered while restoring database.

CTC encountered the specified error while restoring the database.


The operation was terminated due to the following error:

Refer to the error message text.


Provisioning error:

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot find a valid route for tunnel change request.

Refer to the error message text.


Tunnel could not be changed.

Refer to the error message text.


Tunnel could not be restored and must be recreated manually.

Refer to the error message text.


Circuit roll failure.


Refer to the error message text.


There is already one 4F {0} provisioned on the set of nodes involved in {1}. The maximum number of 4F {0} rings has been reached for that node.

There is already one 4F BLSR provisioned on the set of nodes involved in the ring. The maximum number of 4F BLSR rings has been reached for that node.


A non-zero hold-off time can violate switching time standards, and should only be used for a circuit with multiple path selectors.

Refer to the warning message text.


Warning: Different secondary {0} node should only be used for DRI or Open-ended path protected circuits.

You should use different secondary end point only for DRI or open-ended path protected circuits.


If you change the scope of this view, the contents of this profile editor will be lost.

Refer to the warning message text.


Please make sure all the protection groups are in proper state after the cancellation.

Refer to the warning message text.


Circuit {0} not upgradable. No {1} capable {2}s are available at node {3}.

No VT capable STSs are available at the node.


Domain name already exists.

Refer to the error message text.


Domain name may not exceed {0} characters.

You may have reached the maximum number of charcters.


Software load on {0} does not support the addition of a node to a 1+1protection group.

Refer to the warning message text.


{0} doesn't support Bridge and Roll Feature. Please select a different port.

The specified port does not support Bridge and Roll.


An automatic network layout is already in progress, please wait for it to complete for running it again.

You must for the automatic network layout to complete before running it again.


{0} cannot be applied to {1}.

You cannot apply the admin state operation, specified by {0}, to port count, specified by {1}.


An error was encountered while attempting to provision the {0}. {1}

CTC encountered an error while provisioning the card.


Unable to rollback provisioning, the {0} may be left in an INCOMPLETE state and should be manually removed.

You may have to remove the BLSR manually as it was left incomplete.


{0} is {1} node and cannot be added to {2} network.

You cannot add the node {0} of type {1} to the host node of type {2}. This prevents you from hosting both SONET and SDH nodes in the same session.


Manual mode for this equipment does not support an expected string consisting of all null characters. Please change the expected string or the path trace mode.

The path trace mode does not support strings that consist of null characters. You must either change the expected string or the path trace mode.


Unable to transition port state indirectly because the port aggregates low order circuits: if the port state should be changed, edit it directly via port provisioning

Refer to the warning message text.


No nodes are selected. Please choose a node.

Refer to the error message text.


Warning: Ethergroup circuits are stateless (i.e., always in service).
Current state selection of {0} will be ignored.

Refer to the warning message text.


Unable to communicate with node.
Operation failed.

CTC encountered a network communication error. Connectivity between CTC and the NE was disrupted, either transiently or permanently.


Overhead circuit will not be upgraded.

Refer to the error message text.


The path targeted for this switch request is already active. The switch request can be applied, but traffic will not switch at this time.

Refer to the warning message text.


A 15600 cannot serve as the primary or secondary node in a 4 Fiber {0} circuit. Please change your ring and/or node selections so that a 15600 is not chosen as the primary or secondary node in this 4 Fiber {1} circuit.

Refer to the error message text.


The {0} Edit Window for {1} has been closed due to significant provisioning changes. These changes may only be transitory, so you may re-open the {0} Edit Window to view the updated state.

Re-open the BLSR/MS-SPRing edit window to view the updated state of the ring.


Warning: This operation should only be used to clean up rolls that are stuck. It may also affect completeness of the circuit.
Continue with deletion?

Refer to the warning message text.


A software downgrade cannot be performed to the selected version while an SSXC card is inserted in this shelf. Please follow the steps to replace the SSXC with a CXC card before continuing the software downgrade.

Refer to the error message text.


A software downgrade cannot be performed at the present time.

Try the software downgrade later.


Cancelling a software upgrade during standby TSC clock acquisition may result in a traffic outage.

Refer to the warning message text.


Error accepting load.

Refer to the error message text.


Unable to load profile.
Error decoding characters.

CTC detected an error while decoding characters and could not load the profile.


Unable to load profile.
File format error.

CTC detected an error and could not load the profile.


Unable to load profile.
File read error.

CTC could not read the file and is therefore unable to load the profile.


The GNE Host Name {0} is invalid.

The specified host name is invalid. CTC could not resolve the host name to any valid IP address


Provisionable patchcords cannot be created between transponder trunk ports and mux/demux ports on the same node.

You must create provisionable patchcords between transponder trunk ports and mux/demux ports that are on different nodes.


Provisionable patchcords created between transponder trunk ports and mux/demux ports must use the same wavelength:
{0} is not equal to {1}.

Wavelengths used by provisionable patchcords for transponser trunk ports and mux/demux ports must be the same.


Provisionable patchcords created between transponder trunk ports and mux/demux ports must use the same wavelength:
{0} is not equal to {1}.
Please provision the {2} wavelength on {3}.

Transmitter and receiver port wavelengths are not equal. Provision the receiver and transmitter wavelengths on transmitter and receiver ports respectively.


Provisionable patchcords between OC3/OC12 ports and mux/demux ports are not supported.

Refer to the error message text.


Provisionable patchcords between non-colored OCn trunk ports and mux/demux ports are not supported.

Refer to the error message text.


Provisionable patchcords created between OCn trunk ports and mux/demux ports must use the same wavelength:
{0} is not equal to {1}.

Wavelengths used by provisionable patchcords for OC-N trunk ports and mux/demux ports must be the same.


Warning: line card is only provisioned:
wavelength compatibility check is skipped.

Refer to the warning message text.


Virtual link can be used only for OCH trail circuits.

Refer to the error message text.


Virtual link does not have wavelength available.

Set wavelengths for the virtual link and proceed.


Warning: if you select "Use OCHNC Direction" your circuit will be limited to nodes prior to release 07.00.

Refer to the warning message text.


Provisionable patchcords between OC3/OC12 ports are not supported.

Refer to the error message text.


Provisionable patchcords between non-colored OCn trunk ports are not supported.

Refer to the error message text.


Provisionable patchcords between non-colored OCn trunk ports and mux/demux ports are not supported.

Refer to the error message text.


Cannot find Element Model:

The specified Element Model cannot be located.


Unable to transition port state indirectly because the port aggregates OCH CC circuits: if the port state should be changed, edit it directly via port provisioning

Refer to the warning message text.


The operation is not valid for the connection type

You may have selected the incorrect switch.


The operation cannot be performed because the connection is under test access

Refer to the error message text.


TL1 Tunnel Open Failed: {0}

Refer to the error message text.


Some patchcords were not deleted. Patchcords cannot be deleted if they are incomplete or support any circuits, or if the nodes supporting them are not connected.

Refer to the error message text.


This PPC cannot be deleted because one or more circuits are provisioned over it.

Remove the circuits provisioned over the provisionable patchcord before trying to delete it.


Adding last node not completed yet.
Please wait before trying to add new node.

Refer to the error message text.


OCHNC Upgrade is applicable only to bidirectional circuits.

Refer to the error message text.


OCHNC upgrade failed.
One or more communication failures occurred during the operation.

CTC encountered a complete failure while upgrading optical channel network connection.


OCHNC upgrade partially failed.
One or more communication failures occurred during the operation.
Create the OCH CC manually.

CTC encountered a partial failure while upgrading an optical channel network connection.


Overhead circuit source and destination must reside on the same shelf.

Refer to the error message text.


Platform does not support power monitoring thresholds

Refer to the error message text.


One of the XC cards has failures or is missing.

Check whether all the cross-connect cards are installed and working.


One of the XC cards is locked.

Unlock the cross-connect card.


Unable to create OSC termination.
Ring ID already assigned.

Enter a new ID for the ring.


Unable to perform a system reset while a BLSR ring is provisioned on the node.

Remove the BLSR from the node and continue with the reset procedure.


Could not assign timing references:
- Only two DS1 or BITS interfaces can be specified.
- DS1 interfaces cannot be retimed and used as a reference
- BITS-2 is not supported on this platform.

Refer to the error message text.


Could not assign timing references:
- NE reference can only be used if timing mode is LINE.
- A BITS reference can only be used if timing mode is not LINE.
- A line reference can only be used if timing mode is not EXTERNAL.

Refer to the error message text.


SF BER and SD BER are not provisionable on the protect line of a protection group.

Refer to the error message text.


If Autoadjust GFP Buffers is disabled, GFP Buffers Available must be set to an appropriate value based on the distance between the circuit end points.

Refer to the warning message text.


If Auto Detection of credits is disabled, Credits Available must be set to a value less than or equal to the number of receive credits on the connected FC end point.

Refer to the warning message text.


Idle filtering should be turned off only when required to operate with non-Cisco Fibre Channel/FICON-over-SONET equipment.

Refer to the warning message text.


Could not change the retiming configuration. There are circuits on this port.

You cannot change the timing configuration on this port unless the circuits on this port are deleted.


NTP/SNTP server could not be changed.


Refer to the error message text.


Operation failed. The reference state is OOS.

Change the Out-of-service state to Active.


Distance Extension cannot be disabled if the port media type is FICON 1Gbps ISL or FICON 2Gbps ISL.

Refer to the error message text.


Card mode cannot be changed to Fibre Channel Line Rate if the port media type is FICON 1Gbps ISL or FICON 2Gbps ISL.

Refer to the error message text.


The destination of a {0} route cannot be a node IP address.

A node IP address cannot be the destination for a static route.


The destination of a {0} route cannot be the same as the subnet used by the node.

Refer to the error message text.


The destination of a static route cannot be

The network address such as is not valid. Enter a valid address.


The destination of a static route cannot be the loopback network (

Refer to the error message text.


The subnet mask length for a non-default route must be between 8 and 32.

Length of subnet mask must be within the specified range.


The subnet mask length for a default route must be 0.

Refer to the error message text.


The destination of a {0} route cannot be an internal network{1}.

The destination of a static route must not be an internal network.


The destination of a {0} route cannot be a class D ( or class E ( address.

The destination of a static route must not be a class D or class E address.


The destination of a {0} route cannot be a class A broadcast address (x.255.255.255/8)

The destination of a static route must not be a class A broadcast address. It should be (xxx.0.0.0).


The destination of a {0} route cannot be a class B broadcast address (x.x.255.255/16)

The destination of a static route must not be a class B broadcast address.


The destination of a {0} route cannot be a class C broadcast address (x.x.x.255/24)

The destination of a static route must not be a class C broadcast address.


The destination of a {0} route cannot be the subnet broadcast address associated with a node IP address.

The destination of a static route must not be a subnet broadcast address of a node IP.


The next hop of a static route cannot be the same as the destination of the route or an internal network{0}.

Static route must have the default route as the next hop, and not destination of the route or internal network.


The next hop of a static default route must be the provisioned default router.

The default route is selected for networks that do not have a specific route.


No more static routes can be created.

You have reached the maximum number of static routes.


This static route already exists.

Refer to the error message text.


Previous operation is still in progress.

Another operation is in progress. You must try after sometime.


Parent entity does not exist.

Refer to the error message text.


Parent PPM entity does not exist.

Create a parent entity for the PPM.


Equipment type is not supported.

CTC does not support this equipment.


Invalid PPM port.

Refer to the error message text.


Card is part of a regeneration group.

Select another card.


Out of memory.

Refer to the error message text.


Port is already present.

Refer to the error message text.


Port is used as timing source.

Choose another port because the selected port is being used as a timing source.


DCC or GCC is present.

Refer to the error message text.


Card or port is part of protection group.

Refer to the error message text.


Port has overhead circuit(s).

Refer to the error message text.


G.709 configuration is not compatible with data rate.

Refer to the error message text.


Port cannot be deleted because its service state is OOS-MA,LPBK&MT.

To delete the port, you must change the port state to OOS-DSBLD.


{0} is {1}.

The trunk port is in the wrong state to carry out the action.


Mode {0} is not supported.

CTC does not support the mode of operation requested on the card.


Some {0} terminations were not {1}d.

Refer to the error message text.


All {0} terminations were {1}d successfully.

Refer to the warning message text.


The authentication key can not be blank.

Enter an authentication key.


No more SNMP trap destinations can be created.

You have reached the maximum number of SNMP trap destinations.


{0} is not a valid IP address for an SNMP trap destination.

The IP address specified is not a valid receiver of SNMP traps.


The IP address is already in use.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid SNMP trap destination. {0}

The specified SNMP trap destination is invalid. Choose another destination.


Changing the card mode will result in an automatic reset.

Refer to the warning message text.


Max number of IP Over CLNS tunnels exceeded.

Refer to the error message text.


The specified IP Over CLNS tunnel already exists!

Specify another IP Over CLNS tunnel.


Cannot {0} IP Over CLNS tunnel entry:

Refer to the error message text.


Error deleting IP Over CLNS tunnel entry.

CTC encountered an error while deleting the IP Over CLNS tunnel entry.


Selected IP Over CLNS tunnel does not exist.

Create a IP Over CLNS tunnel.


Selected router does not exist.

Create a router.


MAA address list is full.

Refer to the error message text.


Selected area address is duplicated.

Enter another area address.


Primary area address can not be removed.

Refer to the error message text.


Selected area address does not exist.

Choose another area address.


The IP Over CLNS NSEL may not be modified while there are IP Over CLNS Tunnel Routes provisioned.

You cannot change the NSEL address if tunnels are provisioned.


The node is currently in ES mode. Only router #1 may be provisioned.

An End System needs only one provisioned router.


No router selected.

Select a router.


Cannot flush TARP data cache.

You cannot flush the cache in the Tunnel identifier Address Resolution Protocol (TARP) state.


Cannot add TARP data cache entry:

You cannot add the specified cache entry.


TARP request has been initiated.
Try refreshing TARP data cache later.

Refer to the warning message text.


End System mode only supports one subnet.

Refer to the error message text.


Trying to remove MAT entry that does not exit.

CTC is removing the MAT entry.


Cannot {0} TARP manual adjacency entry:

CTC cannot add the specified adjacency entry for reasons unknown.


Area address shall be 1 to 13 bytes long.

The area address should not be more than 13 characters.


TDC entry with TID {0} does not exist in the table.

The specified Tunnel Identifier does not exist.


Unable to remove TDC entry with TID {0}.
Please verify that TARP is enabled.

You must enable TARP inorder to remove the TDC entry.


Router #{0} does not have an area address in common with router #1. Switching from IS L1/L2 to IS L1 in this case will partition your network.

Refer to the warning message text.


The limit of 10 RADIUS server entries has been reached.

CTC does not allow more than 10 RADIUS servers.


{0} cannot be empty.

The Shared Secrets field should not be empty.


The entry you selected for editing has been altered by other.
Changes cannot be committed.

Refer to the error message text.


The RADIUS server entry already exists.

Specify another RADIUS server entry.


Disabling shell access will prevent Cisco TAC from connecting to the vxWork shell to assist users.

Refer to the warning message text.


Cannot change card. Card resources are in use.

The card you are trying to remove is being used. Cannot change the card.


Cannot change card. The new card type is invalid or incompatible.

Refer to the error message text.


This line cannot be put into loopback while it is in use as a timing source

Refer to the error message text.


Interface not found. {0}

CTC cannot find the specified interface.


Interface type not valid for operation. {0}

Choose another interface.


The current state of the interface prohibits this operation. {0}

The port is in an invalid state to set a loopback.


Operation prohibited for this interface. {0}

CTC does not allow this operation for the specified interface.


Max number of Tarp Data Cache entries exceeded.

You have exceeded the number of characters permitted.


Max number of Manual Adjacency Table entries exceeded.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid Ais/Squelch mode.

Refer to the error message text.


Default IP Over CLNS tunnel route is only allowed on a node without a default static route and a default router of

Refer to the error message text.


The authorization key does not comply with IOS password restrictions.

Specify another authorization key.


Default static route is not allowed when default IP Over CLNS tunnel exists

Refer to the error message text.


You cannot create a subnet on a disabled router.

Create the subnet on an active router.


Disabling a router that has a provisioned subnet is not recommended.

Refer to the warning message text.


The MAT entry already exists.

Refer to the error message text.


The new card has less bandwidth than the current card. Circuits using VT15 and higher will be deleted.

Refer to the warning message text.


The TDC entry already exists.

Specify another entry for TARP Data Cache.



Automatic Power Control is aborted.


The 'Change Card' command is valid for MRC cards only when port 1 is the sole provisioned port.

Refer to the error message text.


To delete all RADIUS server entries, RADIUS authentication must be disabled.

Disable Radius authentication and proceed.


The node failed to restart the TELNET service on the selected port. Try using another unreserved port that is not being used within the following ranges:
23, 1001-9999 (with the exception of 1080, 2001-2017, 2361, 3081-3083, 4001-4017, 4022, 4081, 4083, 5000, 5001, 7200, 9100, 9300, 9401).

Refer to the error message text.


That port is already in use.

Restart a TELNET session.


Error: A section trace is active on the trunk port. The action cannot be completed.

Actions such as putting the port in an incomplete state are not permitted while a section trace is active.


Max number of TARP requests reached.

You have exceeded the maximum number of TARP requests.


The card in {0} cannot be removed because it is the protected card.

Refer to the error message text.


Error adding shelf, {0}

The shelf ID specified is invalid or already exists, the equipment does not support multishelf, the specified shelf position is out of range, or the specified shelf position is already in use.


Cannot delete shelf, {0}

One or more of the equipment modules (provisioned virtual links, provisioned server trails, provisioned protection groups, or provisioned DCCs) in the shelf is currently in use. Delete cards from all the slots and try again.


The maximum number of supported shelves have already been provisioned.

Refer to the error message text.


There are bad or duplicate shelf positions.
Valid rack numbers are {0} to {1}.
Valid rack positions are {2} to {3}.

Refer to the error message text.


Attempt to access an OchTrail connection that has been destroyed.

Software has prevented an attempt to access an OCH trail .


Attempt to access an OchTrail adit that has been destroyed.

The resource cannot be accessed because it is released or fully utilized.


The following slots are provisioned but do not have cards installed:
CTC will assume they are ITU-T interfaces.

Refer to the warning message text.


Unable to rearrange the shelves.

One of the following conditions is present: duplicate shelf positions, invalid shelf positions, or concurrent movement (two CTC sessions are attempting to rearrange the shelves at the same time.)


This equipment does not support multishelf.

Refer to the error message text.


This internal patchcord can not be provisioned because the end points have no compatible wavelengths

The end points of an internal patchcord should have compatible wavelengths.


Unable to start the wizard.

CTC was unable to initiate the wizard due to the specified reason.


OSI request can not be completed successfully.

A communication failure occurred.


Invalid ALS recovery pulse interval.

Refer to the error message text.


Invalid ALS recovery pulse duration.

Refer to the error message text.


The current setting does not support the specified ALS mode.

Refer to the error message text.


All enabled routers are required to have the same area.

Refer to the error message text.


A software download is in progress. Configuration changes that results a card reboot can not take place during software download. Please try again after software download is done.

Refer to the error message text.


The payload configuration and card mode are incompatible.

Refer to the error message text.


DCC is present.

A data communication channel (DCC) already exists.


Unable to provision: {0}

CTC was not able to provision the specified port or card.


Cannot disable multishelf.

Multishelf is not supported on equipment, is already disabled, or modules on the shelf are currently in use.


Invalid LAN configuration.

Verify the LAN configuration.


Invalid card(s) present.
Please remove all non-MSTP cards and try again.

Non-DWDM cards cannot be added to an a DWDM node. Remove the cards.


The shelf identifier for a subtended shelf cannot be provisioned via CTC. It must be changed using the LCD.

Refer to the error message text.


DHCP server could not be changed.

Refer to the error message text.


The port provisioning cannot be changed when the port media is Undefined.

If the port is not pre-provisioned with the type of media that is going to be inserted, you cannot access any of the existing values for the port.

1 EID-3159 can appear if you attempt to perform another switching operation within a certain time interval. This interval is an algorithm of three seconds per working card in the protection group. The maximum interval is 10 seconds.


Posted: Fri Oct 5 02:22:24 PDT 2007
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