
Table Of Contents

Command Reference

[no] bridge bridge-group-number protocol {drpri-rstp | ieee | rstp}

[no] clock auto

interface spr 1

[no] ip radius nas-ip-address {hostname | ip-address}

microcode fail system-reload

[no] pos pdi holdoff time

[no] pos report alarm

[no] pos trigger defects condition

[no] pos scramble-spe

rpr-ieee atd-timer value

rpr-ieee fairness weight value

[no] rpr-ieee ri foreign

rpr-ieee keepalive-timer interval [east | west]

[no] rpr-ieee protection pref jumbo

[no] rpr-ieee protection request forced-switch {east | west}

[no] rpr-ieee protection request manual-switch {east | west}

rpr-ieee protection sonet holdoff-timer interval {east | west}

rpr-ieee protection timer fast rate {east | west}

rpr-ieee protection timer slow rate {east | west}

rpr-ieee protection wtr-timer {interval | never}

rpr-ieee flag c2 value

rpr-ieee pdi holdoff time interval

[no] rpr-ieee report alarm

[no] rpr-ieee ri {primary | secondary} peer peer-MAC-address

[no] rpr-ieee ri {primary | secondary} delay interval

[no] rpr-ieee shutdown {east | west}

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit high rate [east | west]

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit medium rate [east | west]

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit reserved rate [east | west]

[no] rpr-ieee tx-traffic strict

show controller pos interface-number [detail]

show controller rpr-ieee interface-number [detail]

show interface pos interface-number

show interface rpr-ieee interface-number

show ons alarm

show ons alarm defect eqpt

show ons alarm defect port

show ons alarm defect pos interface-number

show ons alarm defect rpr [interface-number]

show ons alarm failure eqpt

show ons alarm failure port

show ons alarm failure pos interface-number

show ons alarm failure rpr [interface-number]

show rpr-ieee counters

show rpr-ieee failure rpr-ieee interface-number

show rpr-ieee fairness detail

show rpr-ieee fairness history

show rpr-ieee protection

show rpr-ieee rate detail

show rpr-ieee topology detail

[no] shutdown

spr-intf-id shared-packet-ring-number

[no] spr load-balance {auto | port-based}

spr station-id station-id-number

spr wrap {immediate | delayed}

[no] xconnect [destination] [vc-id] [encapsulation mpls]

Command Reference

Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.

This appendix provides a command reference for those Cisco IOS commands or those aspects of Cisco IOS commands that are unique to ML-Series cards. For information about the standard Cisco IOS Release 12.4 commands, refer to the Cisco IOS documentation set available at

[no] bridge bridge-group-number protocol {drpri-rstp | ieee | rstp}

To define the protocol employed by a bridge group, use the bridge protocol global configuration command. If no protocol will be employed by the bridge group, this command is not needed. To remove a protocol from the bridge group, use the no form of this command with the appropriate keywords and arguments.

Syntax Description



The protocol that enables the Dual Resilient Packet Ring Interconnect (DRPRI) feature of the ML-Series cards.

Note DRPRI is not supported in Release 7.2.


IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol.


IEEE 802.1W Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.


The identifying number of the bridge group being assigned a protocol.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) or Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) can be implemented.


The following example assigns the protocol to the bridge group with the bridge group number of 100.

Router(config)# bridge 100 protocol rstp

Related Commands


[no] clock auto

Use the clock auto command to determine whether the system clock parameters are configured automatically from the TCC2/TCC2P card. When enabled, both daylight savings time and time zone are automatically configured, and the system clock is periodically synchronized to the TCC2/TCC2P card. Use the no form of the command to disable this feature.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default setting is clock auto.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The no form of the command is required before any manual configuration of summertime, timezone, or clock. The no form of the command is required if Network Time Protocol (NTP) is configured in Cisco IOS. The ONS 15454 SONET/SDH is also configured through Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) to use a NTP or Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server to set the date and time of the node.


Router(config)# no clock auto

Related Commands

clock timezone

clock set

interface spr 1

Use this command to create a shared packet ring (SPR) interface on an ML-Series card for a resilient packet ring (RPR) in Cisco proprietary RPR mode. If the interface has already been created, this command enters spr interface configuration mode. The only valid spr interface number is 1.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The command allows the user to create a virtual interface for the Cisco proprietary RPR/SPR. Commands such as spr wrap or spr station-id can then be applied to the proprietary RPR through SPR configuration command mode.

In this command, interface can be shortened to int.


The following example creates the shared packet ring interface:

Router(config)# interface spr 1

Related Commands


spr station-id

spr wrap

[no] ip radius nas-ip-address {hostname | ip-address}

The ML-Series card allows the user to configure a separate nas-ip-address for each ML-Series card. This allows the Remote Authentication Dial In User Services (RADIUS) server to distinguish among individual ML-Series card in the same ONS node. If there is only one ML-Series card in the ONS node, this command does not provide any advantage. The public IP address of the ONS node serves as the nas-ip-address in the RADIUS packet sent to the server.

Identifying the specific ML-Series card that sent the request to the server can be useful in debugging from the server. The nas-ip-address is primarily used for validation of the RADIUS authorization and accounting requests.

If this value is not configured, the nas-ip-address is filled in by the normal Cisco IOS mechanism using the value configured by the ip radius-source command. If no value is specified, then the best IP address that routes to the server is used. If no address routing to the server is available, the IP address of the server is used.

Syntax Description



The host name of the ML card as defined by "hostname" command.


The IP address assigned to one of the ML interfaces, usually a front-end interface such as Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command allows the user to specify the IP address or hostname of attribute 4 (nas-ip-address) in the radius packet.


The following example creates an IP address for attribute 4 of the RADIUS packet:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# [no] ip radius nas-ip-address

Related Commands

aaa new-model

aaa authentication login

microcode fail system-reload

In the event of a microcode failure, use this command to configure the ML-Series card to save information to the flash memory and then reboot. The information is saved for use by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (Cisco TAC). To contact TAC, see the Obtaining Technical Assistance, page xxxiv.



Command Modes

Global configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command and feature is specific to ML-Series card.


router(config)# microcode fail system-reload

Related Commands


[no] pos pdi holdoff time

Use this command to specify the time, in milliseconds, to hold off sending the path defect indication (PDI) to the far end when a virtual concatenation (VCAT) member circuit is added to the virtual concatenation group (VCG). Use the no form of the command to use the default value.

Syntax Description



Delay time in milliseconds, 100 to 1,000


The default value is 100 milliseconds.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode (packet-over-SONET/SDH [POS] only)

Usage Guidelines

This value is normally configured to match the setting on the peer terminal equipment (PTE). The time granularity for this command is 1 millisecond.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Gateway(config)# int pos0
Gateway(config-if)# pos pdi holdoff 500

Related Commands

pos trigger defects

[no] pos report alarm

Use this command to specify which alarms/signals are logged to the console. This command has no effect on whether alarms are reported to the TCC2/TCC2P and CTC. These conditions are soaked and cleared per Telcordia GR-253. Use the no form of the command to disable reporting of a specific alarm/signal.

Syntax Description



The SONET/SDH alarm that is logged to the console. The alarms are as follows:

all—All link down alarm failures

ber_sd_b3—PBIP BER in excess of signal degrade (SD) threshold failure

ber_sf_b3—PBIP BER in excess of signal fail (SF) threshold failure

encap—Path signal label encapsulation mismatch failure

pais—Path alarm indication signal failure

plop—Path loss of pointer failure

ppdi—Path payload defect indication failure

pplm—Payload label mismatch path

prdi—Path remote defect indication failure

ptim—Path trace indicator mismatch failure

puneq—Path label equivalent to zero failure


The default is to report all alarms.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode (POS only)

Usage Guidelines

This value is normally configured to match the setting on the peer PTE.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Gateway(config)# int pos0
Gateway(config-if)# pos report all

Related Commands

pos trigger defects

[no] pos trigger defects condition

Use this command to specify which conditions cause the associated POS link state to change. Use the no form of the command to disable triggering on a specific condition.

Syntax Description



The SONET/SDH condition that causes the link state change. The conditions are as follows:

all—All link down alarm failures

ber_sd_b3—PBIP bit error rate (BER) in excess of SD threshold failure

ber_sf_b3—PBIP BER in excess of SF threshold failure

encap—Path Signal Label Encapsulation Mismatch failure

pais—Path Alarm Indication Signal failure

plop—Path Loss of Pointer failure

ppdi—Path Payload Defect Indication failure

pplm—Payload label mismatch path

prdi—Path Remote Defect Indication failure

ptim—Path Trace Indicator Mismatch failure

puneq—Path Label Equivalent to Zero failure


The default is to report all conditions. For a list of all conditions, see the list in the Syntax Description.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode (POS only)

Usage Guidelines

This value is normally configured to match the setting on the peer PTE.

Note In previous Cisco IOS releases, the pos trigger delay command was used to modify the triggering interval. In Release 7.2, this command is not supported.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Gateway(config)# int pos0
Gateway(config-if)# pos trigger defects all

Related Commands


[no] pos scramble-spe

Use this command to enable scrambling.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default value depends on the encapsulation.



pos scramble-spe


no pos scramble-spe

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode (POS only)

Usage Guidelines

This value is normally configured to match the setting on the peer PTE. This command might change the pos flag c2 configuration.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Gateway(config)# int pos0
Gateway(config-if)# pos scramble-spe

Related CommandsRelated Commnads


rpr-ieee atd-timer value

Use this command to configure the attribute discovery (ATD) timer, which controls the frequency of ATD packet transmissions on the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface.

Syntax Description



Value expressed in seconds. Range is 1 through 10.


Default is 1 second.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

The ATD timer value is very rarely changed. This is usually done only if other equipment uses a different ATD value or has processor limitations and cannot handle frames at one per second.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
router(config-if)# rpr-ieee atd-timer 1

Related Commands


rpr-ieee fairness weight value

Use this command to configure the fairness weight of an IEEE 802.17b based RPR station.

Syntax Description



Number, expressed as an exponent of two. Range is 0 through 7.


The default is 0.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Weighted fairness is used to allow one card greater access (that is, transmission rate) to the ring than other cards have. This command sets the fairness weight of the particular IEEE 702.17b based RPR interface. By default when a ring is congested, fairness controls ring traffic to allow each station the same amount of added traffic (or transmission rate). A higher fairness weight value on one interface allows the station to add traffic at a higher rate during periods of congestion.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee fairness weight 3

Related Commands

rpr-ieee fairness active weights detect

rpr-ieee fairness mode

[no] rpr-ieee ri foreign

Use this command to control the secondary card laser states and the interface wait to restore (WTR) timer when changing from secondary mode to primary.

Foreign mode indicates that the secondary card's transmit laser(s) are turned off while in standby mode. In turn, the secondary card's partner card does not send traffic through the ring redundant interconnect (RI) interface. The time used to turn the lasers back up causes longer WTR during switchover to primary mode.

If foreign mode is turned off as in the default setting or by using the no form of this command, the secondary card's transmit laser(s) remain turned on while in standby mode, and the RI interface ucode is set to standby. In this case, the secondary card's partner card continues to send traffic through the ring RI interface, and the WTR time during switchover to primary mode is faster.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default form is no rpr-ieee ri foreign.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command should be used if the ring is connected to a switch.

The no form of the command reduces a traffic outage if there is a switch from a secondary card to a primary. The secondary card stays in active mode during the WTR interval; the primary card is in active mode with the ucode set to standby during the WTR.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# no rpr-ieee ri foreign

Related Commands


rpr-ieee keepalive-timer interval [east | west]

Use this command to configure the keepalive timer configuration on a specific IEEE 802.17b based RPR span (east or west).

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.


Timer interval expressed in milliseconds. Protection switch keepalive range from 0 to 200 milliseconds.


The default is 1 second.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

If a station does not receive fairness frames from its neighboring stations in the ring, the keepalive timer value determines how much time will elapse before a protection event is triggered. The keepalive timer works in tandem with the SONET holdoff timer. You would lengthen both of these timer intervals to avoid double hits when IEEE 802.17b based RPR is running over a SONET-protected network.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee keepalive-timer 100 east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee protection sonet holdoff-timer

[no] rpr-ieee protection pref jumbo

Use this command to set the IEEE 802.17b based RPR station MTU preference to jumbo Ethernet frames. If all stations on the ring select jumbo preference, the ring MTU is 9,000 bytes; otherwise, it is 1,500 bytes. Use the no form of this command to select normal MTU preference.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default is jumbo preference: not set (that is, the ring does not support jumbo frames).

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Jumbo frame support would be enabled to support frames larger than the standard Ethernet MTU of 1518 bytes across the IEEE 802.17b based RPR ring. In this command, protection can be shortened to prot.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee prot pref jumbo

Related Commands


[no] rpr-ieee protection request forced-switch {east | west}

Use this command to trigger a forced-switch protection event on the specified IEEE 802.17b-based RPR span. Use the no form of this command to clear the switch.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.



Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

If the IEEE 802.17b based RPR forced switch is initiated with this command at the command-line interface (CLI), traffic steers away from this span. To clear the force, use the no form of thecommand.

Note The command is not cleared if you change the port service state in CTC from OOS,DSBLD (Locked,disabled) to IS/IS,AINS, or OOS,MT (Unlocked,enabled,automaticInService or outofservice Maintenance).

IEEE 802.17b based RPR switching options are similar to the path protection and bidirectional line switched ring (BLSR) protection switching options, but RPR-IEEE switching functions are only available at the CLI and not in CTC.

In this command, protection can be shortened to prot and request can be shortened to req.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee prot req forced-switch east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee protection request manual-switch

[no] rpr-ieee protection request manual-switch {east | west}

Use this command to trigger a manual-switch protection event on the specified IEEE 802.17b based RPR span. Use the no form of this command to deactivate the switch.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.



Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

IEEE 802.17b based RPR switching options are similar to the path protection and BLSR protection switching options, but RPR-IEEE switching is only available at the CLI and not in CTC.

In this command, protection can be shortened to prot and request can be shortened to req.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee prot req manual-switch east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee protection request forced-switch

rpr-ieee protection sonet holdoff-timer interval {east | west}

Use this command to configure the SONET hold-off timer for a protection event on the specified IEEE 802.17b based RPR span. Use the no form of this command to turn off the SONET holdoff timer.

Note This command replaces the pos vcat defect {delayed | immediate} command.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.


Timer interval expressed in milliseconds. Value is a multiple of 10 milliseconds in the range of 0 to 200 milliseconds (for example, interval 2 sets the holdoff timer to 20 milliseconds.


The default value is 0 milliseconds.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to allow the slower SONET protection mechanisms to take effect ahead of IEEE 802.17b based RPR protection. The SONET holdoff timer works in tandem with the keepalive timer. You could lengthen both of these interval values to avoid double hits when RPR-IEEE is running over a SONET-protected network.

In this command, protection can be shortenened to prot.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee prot sonet holdoff-timer 2

Related Commands

rpr-ieee keepalive-timer

rpr-ieee protection timer fast rate {east | west}

Use this command to configure the fast protection timer value for the specified IEEE 802.17b based RPR span.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.


The rate, expressed in milliseconds, at which the fast protection timer sends a protection message. This occurs after a protection event on a particular (east or west) span. Range is 1 to 20 milliseconds.



Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This rate determines how quickly the fast protection timer sends a protection message after a protection event occurs.

In this command, protection can be shortened to prot.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee prot timer fast 5 east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee protection timer slow

rpr-ieee protection timer slow rate {east | west}

Use this command to configure the slow protection timer value on the specified IEEE 802.17b based RPR span.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.


The rate, expressed in milliseconds, at which the slow protection timer sends a protection message. This occurs after a protection event on a particular (east or west) span. The rate is stated in 100-millisecond increments, with a value of 1 to 10. For example, a rate of 2 would be equivalent to 200 milliseconds.



Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This value determines the sending rate of protection messages between protection events.

In this command, protection can be shortened to prot.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee prot timer slow 2 east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee protection timer fast

rpr-ieee protection wtr-timer {interval | never}

Use this command to configure the amount of time that an IEEE 802.17b based RPR span stays in wait-to-restore (WTR) state before normal service is restored on a span. The never argument configures an RPR-IEEE span WTR timer to disallow the WTR function.

Syntax Description



The value, expressed in seconds, for the WTR timer to delay in restoring protection to the IEEE 802.17b based RPR span. Range is 0 to 1440 seconds.


Never restore protection. Nonrevertive mode.


The default value is enabled, and the default interval is 10 seconds.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to moderate an IEEE 802.17 RPR span that repeatedly changes into and out of a protected state. It is provisioned similarly to the WTR timer used in SONET protection schemes. Use the no argument to configure a span not to go through a WTR period before restoring service during a protection event.

In this command, protection can be shortened to prot.b based


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee prot wtr-timer 50

Related Commands


rpr-ieee flag c2 value

Use this command to specify the SONET C2 byte path overhead values for both IEEE 802.17b based RPR spans.

Syntax Description



The bytes that the path signal uses to flag the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface for faults. The numeric value range is 0 to 255, and the default is 0 (0x1b) for generic framing procedure (GFP) encapsulation.


The default is 0x1B, which indicates GFP encapsulation.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This value would only be changed if you do not want to specify GFP encapsulation for the span. In practical terms, ths term would almost never be changed.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee flag c2 0

Related Commands


rpr-ieee pdi holdoff time interval

Use this command to configure the interval that occurs before a path defect indication (PDI) is raised on an IEEE 802.17b based RPR span.

Syntax Description



The period, expressed in milliseconds. The range is 100 to 1,000 milliseconds.


The default is 100 milliseconds.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to prevent holdoff timer switching if a PDI is raised on an IEEE 802.17b based  RPR span. The PDI is an infrequent occurrence in this kind of span configuration.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int prp-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee pdi holdoff time 100

Related Commands


[no] rpr-ieee report alarm

Use this command to specify which IEEE 802.17b based RPR alarms or signals are logged to the console. Use the no form of the command to disable a particular type of notification.

Syntax Description



The SONET/SDH object that is logged to the console. The alarms are as follows:

all—All link down alarm and signal failures

encap—Path signal label encapsulation mismatch failure

pais—Path alarm indication signal failure

plop—Path loss of pointer failure

ppdi—Path payload defect indication failure

pplm—Payload label mismatch path

prdi—Path remote defect indication failure

ptim—Path trace indicator mismatch failure

puneq—Path label equivalent to zero failure

sd-ber-b3—PBIP BER in excess of SD threshold failure

sf-ber-b3—PBIP BER in excess of SF threshold failure



Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command does not determine whether alarms are reported to the TCC2P or whether they are shown in CTC. Conditions that are reported to the CLI console as a result of this command are soaked and cleared per Telcordia GR-253-CORE. Use the no form of the command to disable reporting of a specific alarm/signal.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee report all

Related Commands


[no] rpr-ieee ri {primary | secondary} peer peer-MAC-address

Use this command to set the mode for the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface and the peer address, or disables the feature. Use the no form to disable the feature.

Syntax Description



Single traffic queue mode.


Dual traffic queue mode.


The MAC of the alternate station. For a primary station, this command enters the MAC address of the secondary station. For a secondary station, this command enters the primary station MAC address.

Command Default

The default is disabled.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

The peer MAC address is in hexadecimal format. If you change the MAC address, you must repeat this command with the new address.

In this command, interface can be shortened to int. It is not necessary to use the RI term if you are specifically indicating a primary or secondary peer, as in the following example.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee ri mode primary peer 00.24.A4.0E.9A.68

Related Commands

rpr-ieee ri {primary | secondary} delay interval

[no] rpr-ieee ri {primary | secondary} delay interval

Use this command to change the soak time for a primary card in active mode. Use the no form of this command to set the timer to default.

Syntax Description



Single traffic queue mode.


Dual traffic queue mode.


Interval that the active mode timer waits before switching to the secondary card. Range is 1,000 to 20,000 milliseconds.

Command Default

The default is 3,000 milliseconds.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines



In this example, interface is shortened to int.

router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee ri primary delay 1000

Related Commands

rpr-ieee ri mode {primary | secondary}

[no] rpr-ieee shutdown {east | west}

This command is similar to a rpr-ieee protection request forced-switch {east | west} command on the span. This command is essentially no different in function; it is an easier way to do the same thing.

Syntax Description



Specifies a shutdown on the east span of the interface.


Specifies a shutdown on the west span of the interface.


Default is no shutdown.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Functionally, there is no difference between this command and the protection request commands.

In this command, shutdown can be shortened to shut.

Note This command cannot be cleared by transitioning the span state from OOS,DSBLD (Locked,disabled) to IS/IS,AINS/OOS,MT (Unlocked,enabled,automaticInService or Locked,maintenance).


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee shut east

Related Commands


rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit high rate [east | west]

Use this command to limit the rate at which Class A1 traffic is transmitted only on a specific (east or west) span.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.


Value, expressed in Mbps, of the maximum rate a station can use to transmit Class A1 traffic onto a particular (east or west) span. (Class A1 traffic is the Class A traffic in excess of A0.) The rate range is 0 to 1161 Mbps.


The default is 5 Mbps.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Class A1 traffic is used for latency-sensitive traffic, such as voice traffic, that should run at a low rate. This command allows you to control the traffic on a specific span. It applies to only one span. Specifying the span might not be necessary in all cases.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit high 10 east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee tx-traffic strict

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit medium [east | west]

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit low [east | west]

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit medium rate [east | west]

Use this command to limit the rate that Class B-CIR traffic is transmitted on a specific (east or west) span.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.


Value, expressed in Mbps, of the maximum rate a station can use to transmit Class B-CIR traffic onto a particular (east or west) span. The rate range is 0 to 1161 Mbps.


The default is 5 Mbps.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

This command is used for adding Class B traffic to a specific span. Traffic added at or below the configured rate (for example, at or below 5 Mbps) is Class B-CIR traffic and is not fairness-eligible. Traffic added above the configured rate (for example, above 5 Mbps) is set as class B-EIR traffic and is fairness-eligible. This command is specific to one span and would only be used if necessary to make this distinction.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit medium 2 east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit low [rate] {east | west}

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit high [rate] {east | west}

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit reserved

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit reserved rate [east | west]

Use this command to limit the transmission rate of Class A0 reserved traffic on a specific (east or west) span.

Syntax Description



Pertains to configuration for eastbound span traffic.


Pertains to configuration for westbound span traffic.


Value, expressed in Mbps, of the total bandwidth a station can use to transmit Class A0 traffic onto a particular (east or west) span. Range is 0 to 1161 Mbps.


The default is 0 Mbps.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

A0 bandwidth is dedicated and cannot be reused for any other traffic, and thus should be assigned cautiously. This command is specific to one span and would only be used if necessary to make a distinction.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit reserved 5 east

Related Commands

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit low [rate] {east | west}

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit medium [rate] {east | west}

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit high [rate] {east | west}

rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit reserved [rate]

[no] rpr-ieee tx-traffic strict

Use this command to configure either all or none of the traffic added by the node to have the strict order (SO) bit set on or off in the IEEE 802.17b-based RPR header.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default is off.

Command Modes

IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

By default, the SO bit is turned off. You can turn it on in the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface with this command if you need to accommodate an application with high sensitivity to out-of-order packets, originating at this node. This command is seldom utilized.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee tx-traffic strict

Related Commands


show controller pos interface-number [detail]

Use this command to display the status of the POS controller. Use the detail argument to obtain additional SONET and POS information for the interface.

Syntax Description



Number of the POS interface (0-1)



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to help diagnose and isolate POS or SONET problems.


The following example is an example of POS continuous concatenation circuit (CCAT) show controller output.

Router(config)# show controller pos 0
Router# show controller pos 0
Interface POS0
Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet
Concatenation: CCAT
Circuit state: IS
PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0
PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 0 PPDI = 0 PTIU = 0
BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 20 REI = 2
NEWPTR = 0 PSE = 0 NSE = 0

Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
Active Defects: None
Link state change defects: PAIS PLOP PUNEQ PTIM PPLM PRDI PPDI BER_SF_B3
Link state change time : 200 (msec)

DOS FPGA channel number : 0
Starting STS (0 based) : 0
VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255
Circuit size : VC4
RDI Mode : 1 bit
C2 (tx / rx) : 0x01 / 0x01
Framing : SDH

Path Trace
Mode : off
Transmit String :
Expected String :
Received String :
Buffer : Stable
Remote hostname :
Remote interface:
Remote IP addr :

B3 BER thresholds:
SFBER = 1e-4, SDBER = 1e-7

5 total input packets, 73842 post-HDLC bytes
0 input short packets, 73842 pre-HDLC bytes
0 input long packets , 0 input runt packets
67 input CRCerror packets , 0 input drop packets
0 input abort packets
0 input packets dropped by ucode

0 total output packets, 0 output pre-HDLC bytes
0 output post-HDLC bytes

Carrier delay is 200 msec

The following is an example of POS virtual concatenation (VCAT) show controller output.

Router# show controller pos 1
Interface POS1
Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet
Concatenation: VCAT
Defect Processing Mode: IMMEDIATE
PDI Holdoff Time: 100 (msec)
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None

*************** Member 1 ***************
ESM State: IS
PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0
PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 0 PPDI = 0 PTIU = 0
BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 16 REI = 17
NEWPTR = 0 PSE = 0 NSE = 0

Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
Active Defects: None
Link state change defects: PAIS PLOP PUNEQ PTIM PPLM PRDI PPDI BER_SF_B3
Link state change time : 200 (msec)

DOS FPGA channel number : 2
Starting STS (0 based) : 3
VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255
Circuit size : VC4
RDI Mode : 1 bit
C2 (tx / rx) : 0x01 / 0x01
Framing : SDH

Path Trace
Mode : off
Transmit String :
Expected String :
Received String :
Buffer : Stable
Remote hostname :
Remote interface:
Remote IP addr :

B3 BER thresholds:
SFBER = 1e-4, SDBER = 1e-7
*************** Member 2 ***************
ESM State: IS
PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0
PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 0 PPDI = 0 PTIU = 0
BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 15 REI = 35
NEWPTR = 0 PSE = 0 NSE = 0

Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
Active Defects: None
Link state change defects: PAIS PLOP PUNEQ PTIM PPLM PRDI PPDI BER_SF_B3
Link state change time : 200 (msec)

DOS FPGA channel number : 3
Starting STS (0 based) : 24
VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255
Circuit size : VC4
RDI Mode : 1 bit
C2 (tx / rx) : 0x01 / 0x01
Framing : SDH

Path Trace
Mode : off
Transmit String :
Expected String :
Received String :
Buffer : Stable
Remote hostname :
Remote interface:
Remote IP addr :

B3 BER thresholds:
SFBER = 1e-4, SDBER = 1e-7

13 total input packets, 5031 post-HDLC bytes
0 input short packets, 5031 pre-HDLC bytes
0 input long packets , 0 input runt packets
0 input CRCerror packets , 0 input drop packets
0 input abort packets
0 input packets dropped by ucode

13 total output packets, 5031 output pre-HDLC bytes
5031 output post-HDLC bytes

Carrier delay is 200 msec

Related Commands

show interface pos

clear counters

show controller rpr-ieee interface-number [detail]

Use this command to display the status of the IEEE 802.17b based RPR controller. Use the detail argument to obtain additional SONET and RPR-IEEE information for the interface.

Syntax Description



Number of the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface (0-1)


Greater detail per interface.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to help diagnose and isolate IEEE 802.17b based RPR or SONET problems.


router# show controller rpr-ieee 0 detail
Interface RPR-IEEE0
Hardware is RPR-IEEE channelized SONET
RPR Interface Defects:
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
East Span (Ringlet0 TX Ringlet1 RX)
Framing Mode: GFP
Concatenation: VCAT
East Span Defects:
FS = 0 SF = 0 SD = 0 MS = 0
LFD = 0 CSF = 0 UPI = 0
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None

*************** VCG ***************
Defect Processing Mode: IMMEDIATE
PDI Holdoff Time: 100 (msec)
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None

*************** Member 0 ***************
ESM State: IS
PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0
PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 1 PPDI = 0 PTIU = 0
BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 30 REI = 0
NEWPTR = 3 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 ENCAP = 0
OOU-TPT = 1 LOM = 1 SQM = 1 OOG = 0
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
Active Defects: None
DOS FPGA channel number : 0
Starting STS (0 based) : 0
VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255
Circuit size : STS1
RDI Mode : 1 bit
C2 (tx / rx) : 0x1B / 0x1B
Framing : SONET
Path Trace
Mode : off
Transmit String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Expected String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Received String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Buffer : Stable
Remote hostname :
Remote interface:
Remote IP addr :
B3 BER thresholds:
SFBER:1e-4, SDBER:1e-7, berMap:0x00, SFBER:0, SDBER:0
BER 1e-3:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:2455, clrTh:1003, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:1188
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-4:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:870, clrTh:201, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:405
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-5:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:358, clrTh:81, BurstMap:0x000F, BurstTh:71
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-6:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x07FF, BurstTh:22
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-7:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-8:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-9:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-10:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:0, clrTh:0, BurstMap:0x0000, BurstTh:0
Over threshold:TRUE, Bursty:FALSE, Clear higher:FALSE, Set level:TRUE

*************** Member 1 ***************
ESM State: IS
PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0
PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 1 PPDI = 0 PTIU = 0
BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 22 REI = 0
NEWPTR = 3 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 ENCAP = 0
OOU-TPT = 1 LOM = 1 SQM = 1 OOG = 0
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
Active Defects: None
DOS FPGA channel number : 1
Starting STS (0 based) : 1
VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255
Circuit size : STS1
RDI Mode : 1 bit
C2 (tx / rx) : 0x1B / 0x1B
Framing : SONET
Path Trace
Mode : off
Transmit String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Expected String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Received String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Buffer : Stable
Remote hostname :
Remote interface:
Remote IP addr :
B3 BER thresholds:
SFBER:1e-4, SDBER:1e-7, berMap:0x00, SFBER:0, SDBER:0
BER 1e-3:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:2455, clrTh:1003, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:1188
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-4:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:870, clrTh:201, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:405
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-5:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:358, clrTh:81, BurstMap:0x000F, BurstTh:71
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-6:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x07FF, BurstTh:22
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-7:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-8:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-9:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-10:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:0, clrTh:0, BurstMap:0x0000, BurstTh:0
Over threshold:TRUE, Bursty:FALSE, Clear higher:FALSE, Set level:TRUE
Input CMF Packets 0
Single bit errors cHec: 0 tHec: 0 eHec: 0
Multiple bit errors cHec: 0 tHec: 0 eHec: 0
Out of sync counts: 0
1398002919 input packets dropped by ucode
West Span (Ringlet0 RX Ringlet1 TX)
Framing Mode: GFP
Concatenation: VCAT
West Span Defects:
FS = 0 SF = 0 SD = 0 MS = 0
LFD = 0 CSF = 0 UPI = 0
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None

*************** VCG ***************
Defect Processing Mode: IMMEDIATE
PDI Holdoff Time: 100 (msec)
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
*************** Member 0 ***************
ESM State: IS
PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0
PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 1 PPDI = 0 PTIU = 0
BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 24 REI = 0
NEWPTR = 3 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 ENCAP = 0
OOU-TPT = 1 LOM = 1 SQM = 1 OOG = 0
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
Active Defects: None
DOS FPGA channel number : 2
Starting STS (0 based) : 24
VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255
Circuit size : STS1
RDI Mode : 1 bit
C2 (tx / rx) : 0x1B / 0x1B
Framing : SONET
Path Trace
Mode : off
Transmit String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Expected String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Received String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Buffer : Stable
Remote hostname :
Remote interface:
Remote IP addr :
B3 BER thresholds:
SFBER:1e-4, SDBER:1e-7, berMap:0x00, SFBER:0, SDBER:0
BER 1e-3:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:2455, clrTh:1003, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:1188
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-4:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:870, clrTh:201, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:405
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-5:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:358, clrTh:81, BurstMap:0x000F, BurstTh:71
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-6:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x07FF, BurstTh:22
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-7:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-8:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-9:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-10:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:0, clrTh:0, BurstMap:0x0000, BurstTh:0
Over threshold:TRUE, Bursty:FALSE, Clear higher:FALSE, Set level:TRUE

*************** Member 1 ***************
ESM State: IS
PAIS = 0 PLOP = 0 PRDI = 0 PTIM = 0
PPLM = 0 PUNEQ = 1 PPDI = 0 PTIU = 0
BER_SF_B3 = 0 BER_SD_B3 = 0 BIP(B3) = 24 REI = 0
NEWPTR = 3 PSE = 0 NSE = 0 ENCAP = 0
OOU-TPT = 1 LOM = 1 SQM = 1 OOG = 0
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None
Active Defects: None
DOS FPGA channel number : 3
Starting STS (0 based) : 25
VT ID (if any) (0 based) : 255
Circuit size : STS1
RDI Mode : 1 bit
C2 (tx / rx) : 0x1B / 0x1B
Framing : SONET
Path Trace
Mode : off
Transmit String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Expected String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Received String :
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
Buffer : Stable
Remote hostname :
Remote interface:
Remote IP addr :
B3 BER thresholds:
SFBER:1e-4, SDBER:1e-7, berMap:0x00, SFBER:0, SDBER:0
BER 1e-3:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:2455, clrTh:1003, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:1188
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-4:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:870, clrTh:201, BurstMap:0x0003, BurstTh:405
Counts:0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-5:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:358, clrTh:81, BurstMap:0x000F, BurstTh:71
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-6:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x07FF, BurstTh:22
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-7:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-8:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-9:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:399, clrTh:89, BurstMap:0x03FF, BurstTh:25
Counts:0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Over threshold:FALSE, Bursty:TRUE, Clear higher:TRUE, Set level:FALSE
BER 1e-10:
BIP Sum:0, setTh:0, clrTh:0, BurstMap:0x0000, BurstTh:0
Over threshold:TRUE, Bursty:FALSE, Clear higher:FALSE, Set level:TRUE
Input CMF Packets 0
Single bit errors cHec: 0 tHec: 0 eHec: 0
Multiple bit errors cHec: 2 tHec: 0 eHec: 0
Out of sync counts: 22
88086836 input packets dropped by ucode

Related Commands

show interface rpr-ieee

show interface pos interface-number

Use this command to display the status of the POS.

Syntax Description



Number of the POS interface (0-1)



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to help diagnose and isolate POS or SONET/SDH problems.

In this command, interface can be shortened to int.


Gateway# show interface pos 0
POS0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Packet/Ethernet over Sonet
Description: foo bar
MTU 4470 bytes, BW 155520 Kbit, DLY 100 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, crc 32, loopback not set
Keepalive set (10 sec)
Scramble enabled
Last input 00:00:09, output never, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 05:17:30
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue :0/40 (size/max)
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec

2215 total input packets, 223743 post-HDLC bytes
0 input short packets, 223951 pre-HDLC bytes
0 input long packets , 0 input runt packets
0 input CRCerror packets , 0 input drop packets
0 input abort packets
0 input packets dropped by ucode

0 packets input, 0 bytes
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 parity
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort

2216 total output packets, 223807 output pre-HDLC bytes
224003 output post-HDLC bytes

0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 applique, 8 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
0 carrier transitions

Related Commands

show controller pos

clear counters

show interface rpr-ieee interface-number

Use this command to display the status of chosen IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface.

Syntax Description



Number of the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface (0-1)



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to help diagnose and isolate IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface or SONET/SDH problems.

In this command, interface can be shortened to int.

The rpr-ieee tx-traffic rate-limit high command shows the Class A1 rate range as 0 to 1161 Mbps

Note If the Class A1transmit rate is set to 5 Mbps , this command does not provide full interface information as it does for other typical values (3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 Mbps).


router# show interface rpr-ieee 0

RPR-IEEE0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is RPR-IEEE Channelized SONET, address is 0005.9a3c.59c0 (bia 0005.9a3c.59c0)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 96768 Kbit, DLY 100 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 128/255, rxload 128/255
Encapsulation: RPR-IEEE,
West Span: loopback not set
East Span: loopback not set
MAC passthrough not set
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input 00:00:00, output never, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue: 0/40 (size/max)
West Span:5 minutes output rate 96361986 bits/sec, 76243 packets/sec
5 minutes input rate 89824634 bits/sec, 71241 packets/sec
East Span: 5 minutes output rate 71872254 bits/sec, 56867 packets/sec
5 minutes input rate 95391157 bits/sec, 75475 packets/sec
3402516571 packets input, 4038397818 bytes
Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicast)
0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
3 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
0 watchdog, 0 multicast
0 input packets with dribble condition detected
1355393210 packets output, 4104587724 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets
0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out

Related Commands

show int pos

show int spr

show ons alarm

Use this command to display all the active alarms on the ML-Series card running the Cisco IOS CLI session.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to help diagnose and isolate card problems.


router# show ons alarm Equipment Alarms Active: CONTBUS-IO-A CTNEQPT-PBWORK Port Alarms   POS0  Active: None   POS1  Active: None   FastEthernet0  Active: None   FastEthernet1  Active: None   FastEthernet2  Active: None   FastEthernet3  Active: None   FastEthernet4  Active: None   FastEthernet5  Active: None   FastEthernet6  Active: None   FastEthernet7  Active: None   FastEthernet8  Active: None   FastEthernet9  Active: None   FastEthernet10  Active: None   FastEthernet11  Active: None POS0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None           POS1 VCG State: VCG_NORMAL VCAT Group Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None Member 0 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None Member 1 Active Alarms : None Demoted Alarms: None

Related Commands

show controller pos

show ons alarm defect

show ons alarm failure

show ons alarm defect eqpt

Use this command to display the equipment-layer defects.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the set of active defects for the equipment layer and the possible set of defects that can be set.


router# show ons alarm defect eqpt
Equipment Defects

Related Commands

show ons alarm failure

show ons alarm defect port

Use this command to display the port-layer defects.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the set of active defects for the link layer and the possible set of defects that can be set. Note that the TPTFAIL defect can only occur on the POS ports and the CARLOSS defect can only occur on the Ethernet ports.


router# show ons alarm defect port
Port Defects
Active: None
Active: None

Related Commands

show interface

show ons alarm failure

show ons alarm defect pos interface-number

Use this command to display the link-layer defects.

Syntax Description



Number of the interface (0-1)



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the set of active defects for the POS layer and the possible set of defects that can be set.


router# show ons alarm defect pos 0
Active Defects: None

Related Commands

show controller pos

show ons alarm failure

show ons alarm defect rpr [interface-number]

Use this command to display the interface defects on the layer.

Syntax Description



Number of the interface (0-1)



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the set of active defects for the IEEE 802.17b based RPR and the possible set of defects that can be set.


router# show ons alarm defect rpr

Active: None

Related Commands

show ons alarm

show ons alarm failure eqpt

Use this command to display the equipment-layer failures.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the active failures for the equipment layer. If an EQPT alarm is present, the board fail defect that was the source of the alarm is displayed.


router# show ons alarm failure eqpt
Active Alarms: None

Related Commands

show ons alarm defect

show ons alarm failure port

Use this command to display the port-layer failures.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the set of active failures for the link layer.


router# show ons alarm failure port
Port Alarms
GigabitEthernet0 Active: None
GigabitEthernet1 Active: None

Related Commands

show interface

show ons alarm defect

show ons alarm failure pos interface-number

Use this command to display the link-layer failures.

Syntax Description



Number of the interface (0-1)



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the set of active failures for a specific interface at the POS layer. The display also specifies if an alarm has been demoted, as defined in Telcordia GR-253.


router# show ons alarm failure pos 0
Active Alarms : None
Demoted Alarms: None

Related Commands

show controller pos

show ons alarm defect

show ons alarm failure rpr [interface-number]

Use this command to display failures on a specific IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface.

Syntax Description



Number of the interface (0-1)



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the set of active failures for a specific IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface. The display also specifies if an alarm has been demoted, as defined in Telcordia GR-253-CORE.


router# show ons alarm failure rpr

Active: None

Related Commands

show ons alarm

show rpr-ieee counters

Use this command to display the various packet/byte counters for each span of the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface. For definitions of ML-Series card statistics, refer to the "Performance Monitoring" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET and DWDM Troubleshooting Guide or the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Troubleshooting Guide.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Defaults can vary by each counter.

Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command is primarily a troubleshooting tool. The same counter data is also available through Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) data, the Transaction Language 1 (TL1) interface, and CTC.


router# show rpr-ieee counters
Data Traffic Counters for Interface RPR-IEEE0
WEST Span:
Transit Packets Bytes
Total Low Priority 1162649477 183697386417
Total Med EIR Priority 8936750 1412005236
Total Med CIR+EIR Priority 48436675 7653001286
Total High Priority 17567660 2775677008
Total Multicast 66039554 10435555023
Total Unicast 1162614609 183690629992

Host Receive Packets Bytes
Unicast Low Priority 16147390254 2550939336924
Unicast Med EIR Priority 0 0
Unicast Med CIR Priority 0 0
Unicast High Priority 0 0
Multicast Low Priority 1389170314 219486727447
Multicast Med EIR Priority 0 0
Multicast Med CIR Priority 0 0
Multicast High Priority 0 0
Broadcast 0 N/A

Total Receive Packets Bytes
Unicast Low Priority 17319366142 2736075078618
Unicast Med EIR Priority 0 0
Unicast Med CIR Priority 0 0
Unicast High Priority 0 0
Multicast Low Priority 1389170314 219488627991
Multicast Med EIR Priority 0 0
Multicast Med CIR Priority 0 0
Multicast High Priority 0 0

Host Transmit Packets Bytes
Unicast Low Priority 18701060600 2954767575274
Unicast Med EIR Priority 0 0
Unicast Med CIR Priority 0 0
Unicast High Priority 0 0
Multicast Low Priority 233345 38183383
Multicast Med EIR Priority 456173838 72075466404
Multicast Med CIR Priority 48446005 7654468790
Multicast High Priority 192647108 30438243064
Broadcast 0 N/A

Total Transmit Packets Bytes
Unicast Low Priority 19863597488 3138448403894
Unicast Med EIR Priority 0 0
Unicast Med CIR Priority 0 0
Unicast High Priority 0 0
Multicast Low Priority 268795 45108717
Multicast Med EIR Priority 495672023 78316179634
Multicast Med CIR Priority 57382139 9066377962
Multicast High Priority 210212898 33213637884

Traffic Rate (5 Minutes) packets/sec bits/sec
Transit Low Priority 0 0
Transit Med EIR Priority 0 0
Transit Med CIR+EIR Priority 0 0
Transit High Priority 0 0
Transit Multicast 0 0
Transit Unicast 0 0
Host Receive 71269 90075869
Total Receive 71269 90076596
Host Transmit 76333 96478080
Total Transmit 76332 96478112

Control Frames: Received Transmitted
Control 26155194 8462107
OAM Echo 0 0
OAM Flush 0 0
OAM Org 0 0
OAM SAS Notify 0 0
Topology ATD 1946003 392352
Topology Checksum 4034923 4034891
Topology Protection 20174268 4034864
LRTT 0 0
FDD 0 0

Received Errors:
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 ignored,
0 framer runts, 0 framer giants, 0 framer aborts,
0 mac runts, 0 mac giants, 0 mac ttl strips,
0 non_we drop, 0 ltb_strict drop, 0 htb_strict drop
0 scff errors, 0 bad addr frames, 0 self sourced frames

EAST Span:
Transit Packets Bytes
Total Low Priority 2561406909 404771885533
Total Med EIR Priority 19279 3064252
Total Med CIR+EIR Priority 35591 5614688
Total High Priority 32164 5113038
Total Multicast 1389153110 219542479597
Total Unicast 1172313263 185238866568

Host Receive Packets Bytes
Unicast Low Priority 6599528894 1042960369924
Unicast Med EIR Priority 11972905593 1891155540262
Unicast Med CIR Priority 1826846617 288560828526
Unicast High Priority 3693986118 583445203252
Multicast Low Priority 42456 9288351
Multicast Med EIR Priority 39498185 6240713230
Multicast Med CIR Priority 8936134 1411909172
Multicast High Priority 17565790 2775394820
Broadcast 0 N/A

Total Receive Packets Bytes
Unicast Low Priority 7761607024 1226426632416
Unicast Med EIR Priority 11972905600 1891010247740
Unicast Med CIR Priority 1826846617 288584487022
Unicast High Priority 3693986118 583547505106
Multicast Low Priority 42456 9288351
Multicast Med EIR Priority 39498185 6235011598
Multicast Med CIR Priority 8936134 1411909172
Multicast High Priority 17565790 2775394820

Host Transmit Packets Bytes
nicast Low Priority 6356990298 1004807678284
Unicast Med EIR Priority 7701766350 1216879083616
Unicast Med CIR Priority 1830175717 289167763286
Unicast High Priority 3695903572 583952764376
Multicast Low Priority 233345 38183383
Multicast Med EIR Priority 407714881 64418951198
Multicast Med CIR Priority 96890130 15308640540
Multicast High Priority 192646933 30438215414
Broadcast 0 N/A

Total Transmit Packets Bytes
Unicast Low Priority 7529228323 1190034710362
Unicast Med EIR Priority 7701766354 1216879084248
Unicast Med CIR Priority 1830175717 289167763286
Unicast High Priority 3695903572 583952764376
Multicast Low Priority 1389383752 219580264474
Multicast Med EIR Priority 407714881 64418951198
Multicast Med CIR Priority 96890130 15308640540
Multicast High Priority 192646933 30438215414

Traffic Rate (5 Minutes) packets/sec bits/sec
Transit Low Priority 6062 7654634
Transit Med EIR Priority 0 0
Transit Med CIR+EIR Priority 0 0
Transit High Priority 0 0
Transit Multicast 6062 7654634
Transit Unicast 0 0
Host Receive 75568 95494249
Total Receive 75568 95512522
Host Transmit 56933 71958410
Total Transmit 62992 79613030

Control Frames: Received Transmitted
Control 26155236 8462109
OAM Echo 0 0
OAM Flush 0 0
OAM Org 0 0
OAM SAS Notify 0 0
Topology ATD 1946019 392355
Topology Checksum 4034954 4034891
Topology Protection 20174268 4034864
LRTT 0 0
FDD 0 0

Received Errors:
3 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 ignored,
0 framer runts, 0 framer giants, 0 framer aborts,
0 mac runts, 0 mac giants, 3 mac ttl strips,
0 non_we drop, 0 ltb_strict drop, 0 htb_strict drop 0 scff errors, 0 bad addr frames, 0 self sourced frames

Related Commands

show int rpr-ieee interface-number

show rpr-ieee failure rpr-ieee interface-number

Use this command to display all inputs used to determine the failure state of each span on the IEEE 802.17b-based RPR interface.

Syntax Description




IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface number. No space is included between rpr-iee and the interface number (for example, rpr-ieee0).



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command is primarily used for troubleshooting. Some of its information overlaps that obtained with show rpr-ieee topology and show rpr-ieee protection commands.


router# show rpr-ieee failure rpr-ieee0
Self Detected Failures Information for Interface RPR-IEEE0
Span WEST:
Reported Debounced Current Stable Debounce
state state state for(sec) delay(sec)
HW missing IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Layer 1 IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
MAC Keepalive IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Link quality IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Mate interface IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Span mismatch IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Result Self Detect = IDLE
Span EAST:
Reported Debounced Current Stable Debounce
state state state for(sec) delay(sec)
HW missing IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Layer 1 IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
MAC Keepalive IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Link quality IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Mate interface IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Span mismatch IDLE IDLE IDLE 403628 0
Result Self Detect = IDLE

Related Commands

show int rpr-ieee

show rpr-ieee fairness detail

Use this command to display the state information of the fairness state machine for each span of the IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

This command can be used for troubleshooting traffic issues related to fairness weighting or bandwidth usage. It provides deep detail for the fairness state of all IEEE 802.17b based RPR traffic on the interface.


router# show rpr-ieee fairness detail
IEEE 802.17 Fairness on RPR-IEEE0:
Bandwidth: 96768 kilobits per second
Station using aggressive rate adjustment.
Westbound Tx (Ringlet 1)
Weighted Fairness:
Local Weight: 0 (1)
Single-Choke Fairness Status:
Local Congestion:
Congested? No
Head? No
Local Fair Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: 64892 Kbps
25957 normalized bytes per aging interval
51914 bytes per ageCoef aging interval
Downstream Congestion:
Congested? No
Tail? No
Received Source Address: 0000.0000.0000
Received Fair Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: FULL RATE
65535 normalized bytes per aging interval

Reserved Rate:

0 Kbps
0 bytes per aging interval
Unreserved Rate:
96768 Kbps
4838 bytes per aging interval
Allowed Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: 96000 Kbps
4800 bytes per aging interval
Allowed Rate Congested:
Approximate Bandwidth: 96000 Kbps
4800 bytes per aging interval
TTL to Congestion: 255
Total Hops Tx: 4
Advertised Fair Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: FULL RATE
65535 normalized bytes per aging interval
8191 bytes per aging interval
Eastbound Tx (Ringlet 0)
Weighted Fairness:
Local Weight: 0 (1)
Single-Choke Fairness Status:
Local Congestion:
Congested? No
Head? No
Local Fair Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: 0 Kbps
0 normalized bytes per aging interval
0 bytes per ageCoef aging interval
Downstream Congestion:
Congested? No
Tail? No
Received Source Address: 0000.0000.0000
Received Fair Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: FULL RATE
65535 normalized bytes per aging interval

Reserved Rate:
0 Kbps
0 bytes per aging interval
Unreserved Rate:
96768 Kbps
4838 bytes per aging interval
Allowed Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: 96000 Kbps
4800 bytes per aging interval
Allowed Rate Congested:
Approximate Bandwidth: 96000 Kbps
4800 bytes per aging interval
TTL to Congestion: 255
Total Hops Tx: 4
Advertised Fair Rate:
Approximate Bandwidth: FULL RATE
65535 normalized bytes per aging interval
8191 bytes per aging interval

Related Commands

show rpr-ieee fairness history

show rpr-ieee fairness history

Use this command to retrievs performance monitoring information about local and downstream IEEE 802.17b based RPR congestion history over a period of up to 24 hours.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to determine whether the local IEEE 802.17b based RPR station has been congested within the past 24 hr and, if so, what the time frame and degree of congestion is. Fairness history aids in managing traffic by allowing you to monitor or diagnose the ring.


router# show rpr-ieee fairness history
IEEE 802.17 Fairness History on RPR-IEEE0 for last 24 hours:
Congestion information gathered every 900 second(s)
Westbound Tx (Ringlet 1)
Local Congestion:
No. Time: Aging Intervals Seconds Percent
Congested / Total Congested / Total Congested
Instantaneous: 0 / 30 0 (ms) / 12 (ms) 0%
65 08:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
64 07:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
63 07:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
62 07:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
61 07:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
60 06:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
59 06:31:45: 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
58 06:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
57 06:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
56 05:46:45: 0 / 2250020 0 / 900 0%
55 05:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
54 05:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
53 05:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
52 04:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
51 04:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
50 04:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
49 04:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
48 03:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
47 03:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
46 03:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
45 03:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
44 02:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
43 02:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
42 02:16:45: 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
41 02:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
40 01:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
39 01:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
38 01:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
37 01:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
36 00:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
35 00:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
34 00:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
33 00:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
32 23:46:45: 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
31 23:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
30 23:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
29 23:01:45: 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
28 22:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
27 22:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
26 22:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
25 22:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
24 21:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
23 21:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
22 21:16:45: 0 / 2250050 0 / 900 0%
21 21:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
20 20:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
19 20:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
18 20:16:45: 0 / 2250060 0 / 900 0%
17 20:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
16 19:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
15 19:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
14 19:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
13 19:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
12 18:46:45: 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
11 18:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
10 18:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
9 18:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
8 17:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
7 17:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
6 17:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
5 17:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
4 16:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
3 16:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
2 16:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
1 16:01:45; 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
96 15:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
95 15:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
94 15:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
93 15:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
92 14:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
91 14:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
90 14:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
89 14:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
88 13:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
87 13:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
86 13:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
85 13:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
84 12:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
83 12:31:45: 0 / 2250100 0 / 900 0%
82 12:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
81 12:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
80 11:46:45: 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
79 11:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
78 11:16:45: 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
77 11:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
76 10:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
75 10:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
74 10:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
73 10:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
72 09:46:45: 0 / 2250070 0 / 900 0%
71 09:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
70 09:16:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
69 09:01:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
68 08:46:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
67 08:31:45: 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
Downstream Congestion:
No. Time : Aging Intervals Seconds Percent
Congested / Total Congested / Total Congested
Instantaneous : 0 / 30 0 (ms) / 12 (ms) 0%
65 08:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
64 07:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
63 07:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
62 07:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0
61 07:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
60 06:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
59 06:31:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
58 06:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
57 06:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
56 05:46:45 : 0 / 2250020 0 / 900 0%
55 05:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
54 05:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
53 05:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
52 04:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
51 04:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
50 04:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
49 04:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
48 03:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
47 03:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
46 03:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
45 03:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
44 02:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
43 02:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
42 02:16:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
41 02:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
40 01:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
39 01:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
38 01:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
37 01:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
36 00:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
35 00:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
34 00:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
33 00:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
32 23:46:45 : 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
31 23:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
30 23:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
29 23:01:45 : 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
28 22:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
27 22:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
26 22:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
25 22:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
24 21:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
23 21:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
22 21:16:45 : 0 / 2250050 0 / 900 0%
21 21:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
20 20:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
19 20:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
18 20:16:45 : 0 / 2250060 0 / 900 0%
17 20:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
16 19:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
15 19:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
14 19:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
13 19:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
12 18:46:45 : 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
11 18:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
10 18:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
9 18:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
8 17:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
7 17:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
6 17:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
5 17:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
4 16:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
3 16:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
2 16:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
1 16:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
96 15:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
95 15:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
94 15:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
93 15:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
92 14:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
91 14:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
90 14:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
89 14:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
88 13:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
87 13:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
86 13:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
85 13:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
84 12:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
83 12:31:45 : 0 / 2250100 0 / 900 0%
82 12:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
81 12:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
80 11:46:45 : 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
79 11:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
78 11:16:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
77 11:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
76 10:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
75 10:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
74 10:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
73 10:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
72 09:46:45 : 0 / 2250070 0 / 900 0%
71 09:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
70 09:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
69 09:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
68 08:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
67 08:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
Eastbound Tx (Ringlet 0)
Local Congestion:
No. Time : Aging Intervals Seconds Percent
Congested / Total Congested / Total Congested
Instantaneous: 0 / 30 0 (ms) / 12 (ms) 0%
65 08:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
64 07:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
63 07:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
62 07:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
61 07:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
60 06:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
59 06:31:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
58 06:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
57 06:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
56 05:46:45 : 0 / 2250020 0 / 900 0%
55 05:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
54 05:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
53 05:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
52 04:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
51 04:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
50 04:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
49 04:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
48 03:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
47 03:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
46 03:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
45 03:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
44 02:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
43 02:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
42 02:16:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
41 02:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
40 01:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
39 01:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
38 01:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
37 01:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
36 00:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
35 00:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
34 00:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
33 00:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
32 23:46:45 : 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
31 23:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
30 23:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
29 23:01:45 : 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
28 22:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
27 22:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
26 22:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
25 22:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
24 21:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
23 21:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
22 21:16:45 : 0 / 2250050 0 / 900 0%
21 21:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
20 20:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
19 20:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
18 20:16:45 : 0 / 2250060 0 / 900 0%
17 20:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
16 19:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
15 19:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
14 19:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
13 19:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
12 18:46:45 : 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
11 18:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
10 18:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
9 18:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
8 17:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
7 17:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
6 17:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
5 17:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
4 16:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
3 16:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
2 16:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
1 16:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
96 15:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
95 15:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
94 15:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
93 15:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
92 14:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
91 14:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
90 14:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
89 14:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
88 13:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
87 13:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
86 13:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
85 13:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
84 12:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
83 12:31:45 : 0 / 2250100 0 / 900 0%
82 12:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
81 12:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
80 11:46:45 : 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
79 11:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
78 11:16:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
77 11:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
76 10:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
75 10:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
74 10:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
73 10:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
72 09:46:45 : 0 / 2250070 0 / 900 0%
71 09:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
70 09:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
69 09:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
68 08:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
67 08:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%

Downstream Congestion:
No. Time : Aging Intervals Seconds Percent
Congested / Total Congested / Total Congested
Instantaneous : 0 / 30 0 (ms) / 12 (ms) 0%
65 08:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
64 07:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
63 07:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
62 07:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
61 07:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
60 06:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
59 06:31:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
58 06:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
57 06:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
56 05:46:45 : 0 / 2250020 0 / 900 0%
55 05:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
54 05:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
53 05:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
52 04:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
51 04:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
50 04:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
49 04:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
48 03:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
47 03:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
46 03:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
45 03:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
44 02:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
43 02:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
42 02:16:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
41 02:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
40 01:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
39 01:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
38 01:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
37 01:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
36 00:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
35 00:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
34 00:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
33 00:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
32 23:46:45 : 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
31 23:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
30 23:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
29 23:01:45 : 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
28 22:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
27 22:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
26 22:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
25 22:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
24 21:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
23 21:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
22 21:16:45 : 0 / 2250050 0 / 900 0%
21 21:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
20 20:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
19 20:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
18 20:16:45 : 0 / 2250060 0 / 900 0%
17 20:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
16 19:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
15 19:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
14 19:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
13 19:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
12 18:46:45 : 0 / 2250090 0 / 900 0%
11 18:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
10 18:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
9 18:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
8 17:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
7 17:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
6 17:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
5 17:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
4 16:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
3 16:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
2 16:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
1 16:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
96 15:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
95 15:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
94 15:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
93 15:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
92 14:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
91 14:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
90 14:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
89 14:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
88 13:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
87 13:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
86 13:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
85 13:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
84 12:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
83 12:31:45 : 0 / 2250100 0 / 900 0%
82 12:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
81 12:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
80 11:46:45 : 0 / 2250030 0 / 900 0%
79 11:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
78 11:16:45 : 0 / 2250010 0 / 900 0%
77 11:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
76 10:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
75 10:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
74 10:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
73 10:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
72 09:46:45 : 0 / 2250070 0 / 900 0%
71 09:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
70 09:16:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
69 09:01:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
68 08:46:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%
67 08:31:45 : 0 / 2250000 0 / 900 0%

Related Commands

show rpr-ieee fairness

show rpr-ieee protection

Use this command to display the protection state of the local station, along with brief overview of the station's neighbors, timer configuration, and self-detected failures that might contribute to the current state.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show the current protection status on the ring.

In this command, protection can be shortened to prot.


router# show rpr-ieee protection

Protection Information for Interface RPR-IEEE0
MAC Addresses
West Span (Ringlet 0 RX) neighbor 000b.fcff.9d34
East Span (Ringlet 1 RX) neighbor 0013.1991.1fc0
Station MAC address 0005.9a3c.59c0
TP frame sending timers:
fast timer: 10 msec
slow timer: 1x100 msec (100 msec)
Protection holdoff timers:
L1 Holdoff Keepalive Detection
West Span 0x10 msec ( 0 msec) West Span 5 msec
East Span 0x10 msec ( 0 msec) East Span 5 msec
Configured protection mode: STEERING
Protection Status
Ring is IDLE
Protection WTR period is 10 sec. (timer is inactive)
Self Detected Requests Remote Requests
West Span IDLE West Span IDLE
East Span IDLE East Span IDLE
Distant Requests
East Span IDLE West Span IDLE
West Span Failures: none
East Span Failures: none

Related Commands


show rpr-ieee rate detail

Use this command to display the configured rate limits for each service class of traffic.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to show the configured rates for Class A1, B-EIR, B-CIR, and reserved traffic.


router# show rpr-ieee rate detail
Rate Limit Information for Interface RPR-IEEE0
West Span:
Reserved Bandwidth (Class A0): 0 Mbps
Rate Limiter High (Class A1): 20 Mbps
Rate Limiter Medium (Class B-CIR): 10 Mbps
Rate Limiter Low (Class B-EIR, C): full
East Span:
Reserved Bandwidth (Class A0): 0 Mbps
Rate Limiter High (Class A1): 20 Mbps
Rate Limiter Medium (Class B-CIR): 10 Mbps
Rate Limiter Low (Class B-EIR, C): full
Service Type: Relaxed
Idle Shaper is Enabled
Transmit at 500 packets per million when PTQ vacancy above 18432 bytes
Transmit at 250 packets per million when PTQ vacancy below 18432 bytes

Related Commands


show rpr-ieee topology detail

Use this command to display topology information gathered by the station from the protection and ATD messages received on either span of an IEEE 802.17b based RPR ring.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Privileged executive

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to obtain an extremely detailed status of the ring, including details about each station's configuration.


router# show rpr-ieee topology detail
802.17 Topology Display
RX ringlet0->West span RX ringlet1->East span
Number of nodes on
ringlet0: 5 ringlet1: 5
Local Station Topology Info
Topology entry:
Station MAC address: 0005.9a3c.59c0
West Span (Outer ringlet RX) neighbor 000b.fcff.9d34
East Span (Inner ringlet RX) neighbor 0013.1991.1fc0
Ring Topology: CLOSED (STABLE)
Containment Active: NO
A0 class reserved rate:
ringlet0: 0 (mbps) ringlet1: 0 (mbps)
Ringlet reserved rate:
ringlet0: 0 (mbps) ringlet1: 0 (mbps)
Ringlet unreserved rate:
ringlet0: 96 (mbps) ringlet1: 96 (mbps)
Ringlet effective unreserved rate:
ringlet0: 95.9 (mbps) ringlet1: 95.9 (mbps)
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Configured protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't support JUMBOS)
Is revertive: YES
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
ATD timer: 1 sec
Station Name: ML100T-481
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology Map for Outer ringlet

Topology entry at Index 1 on ringlet 0:
Station MAC address: 000b.fcff.9d34
Valid on ringlet0: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML100X-491
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 2 on ringlet 0:
Station MAC address: 0011.2130.b568
Valid on ringlet0: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML1000-491
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 3 on ringlet 0:
Station MAC address: 0005.9a39.7630
Valid on ringlet0: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML1000-492
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 4 on ringlet 0:
Station MAC address: 0013.1991.1fc0
Valid on ringlet0: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML100T-482
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 5 on ringlet 0:
Station MAC address: 0005.9a3c.59c0
Valid on ringlet0: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML100T-481
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
Topology Map for Inner ringlet

Topology entry at Index 1 on ringlet 1:
Station MAC address: 0013.1991.1fc0
Valid on ringlet1: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML100T-482
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 2 on ringlet 1:
Station MAC address: 0005.9a39.7630
Valid on ringlet1: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML1000-492
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 3 on ringlet 1:
Station MAC address: 0011.2130.b568
Valid on ringlet1: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML1000-491
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 4 on ringlet 1:
Station MAC address: 000b.fcff.9d34
Valid on ringlet1: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML100X-491
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Topology entry at Index 5 on ringlet 1:
Station MAC address: 0005.9a3c.59c0
Valid on ringlet1: YES
Entry reachable: YES
Advertised Protection requests:
ringlet0: IDLE ringlet1: IDLE
Active Edges:
ringlet0: NO ringlet1: NO
Preferred protection mode: STEERING
Jumbo preference: NOT SET (ring doesn't supports JUMBOS)
Measured LRTT: 0
Sequence Number: 3
Station Name: ML100T-481
A0 reserved Bandwidth:
ringlet0: 0 mbps ringlet1: 0 mbps
SAS enabled: YES
ringlet0: 1 ringlet1: 1
Secondary Mac Addresses:
MAC 1: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)
MAC 2: 0000.0000.0000 (UNUSED)

Related Commands


[no] shutdown

Use this command to place a POS or IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface in pass-through mode. This command has no arguments or keywords. Use the no form of this command to reverse the shutdown.


The default is not shut down.

Command Modes

POS or IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

For GFP and high-level data link control (HDLC) modes, the POS shutdown causes a path alarm indication signal (AIS-P) to be sent to the peer. In RPR-IEEE mode, AIS-P is not inserted toward the peer.

In this command, shutdown can be shortened to shut.


In this example, interface is shortened to int.

Router(config)# int pos 0
Router(config-if)# shut

Related Commands


spr-intf-id shared-packet-ring-number

Use this command to assign the POS interface to the SPR interface.

Syntax Description



The only valid shared-packet-ring-number (SPR number) is 1.



Command Modes

POS interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

The SPR number must be 1, which is the same SPR number assigned to the SPR interface.

The members of the SPR interface must be POS interfaces.

An SPR interface is configured similarly to a EtherChannel (port-channel) interface. Instead of using the channel-group command to define the members, you use the spr-intf-ID command. Like port-channel, you then configure the SPR interfaces instead of the POS interface.

Note A similar command, the spr drpri-id [0 | 1] command, is not supported in R7.2.


In this example, interface is shortened to int. An ML-Series card POS interface is being assigned to an SPR interface with a shared-packet-ring-number of 1:

Router(config)# interface pos 0
Router(config-if)# spr-intf-id 1

Related Commands

interface spr 1

spr station-id

spr wrap

[no] spr load-balance {auto | port-based}

Use this command to specify the Cisco proprietary RPR load-balancing scheme for unicast packets.

Syntax Description



The default auto option balances the load based on the MAC addresses or source and destination addresses of the IP packet.


The port-based load balancing option maps even ports to the POS 0 interface and odd ports to the POS 1 interface.


The default setting is auto.

Command Modes

SPR interface configuration


The following example configures an SPR interface to use port-based load balancing:

Router(config)# interface spr 1
Router(config-if)# spr load-balance port-based

Related Commands

interface spr 1

spr station-id station-id-number

Use this command to configure a station ID.

Syntax Description



The user must configure a different number for each SPR interface that attaches to the Cisco proprietary RPR. Valid station ID numbers range from 1 to 254.



Command Modes

SPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

The different ML-Series cards attached to the RPR all have the same interface type and number, spr1. The station ID helps to differentiate the SPR interfaces.


The following example sets an ML-Series card SPR station ID to 100:

Router(config)# interface spr 1
Router(config-if)# spr station-id 100

Related Commands

interface spr 1


spr wrap

spr wrap {immediate | delayed}

Use this command to set the Cisco proprietary RPR wrap mode to either wrap traffic the instant it detects a link state change or to wrap traffic after the carrier delay, which gives the SONET protection time to register the defect and declare the link down.

Syntax Description



Wraps Cisco proprietary RPR traffic the instant it detects a link state change.


Wraps Cisco proprietary RPR traffic after the carrier delay time expires.


The default setting is immediate.

Command Modes

SPR interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

Immediate should be used if Cisco proprietary RPR is running over unprotected SONET/SDH circuits. Delayed should be run for SONET protected circuits, such as BLSR or path protection, or SDH protected circuits, such as subnetwork connection protection (SNCP) or multiplex section-shared protection ring (MS-SPRing).


The following example sets an ML-Series card to delayed:

Router(config)# interface spr 1
Router(config-if)# spr wrap delayed

Related Commands

interface spr 1


spr station-id

[no] xconnect [destination] [vc-id] [encapsulation mpls]

Use this command at customer-edge (CE) or service provider-edge customer-located equipment (PE-CLE) ingress and egress Ethernet ports, or at dot1Q VLAN subinterfaces with a destination and virtual connection identifier (VC ID) to route Layer 2 packets over a specified point-to-point VC by using Ethernet over multiprotocol label switching (EoMPLS). Use the no form of this command on both edge devices to delete the VC.

Note This command replaces the mpls l2transport route command.

Syntax Description


The destination label distribution protocol (LDP) IP address of the remote provider edge device. The IP address cannot be an IP address on the route on which the command is entered. The destination is required for the standard form of the command. It cannot be used with the no form of the command.


Assign a vc-id for the virtual connection between the two peer provider edge devices. The range is 1 to 4294967295. The vc-id is required for the standard form of the command. It cannot be used with the no form of the command.

encapsulation mpls

Specify the MPLS data encapsulation method.

Note Though visible in the command-line help strings, the pw-class keyword is not supported.


No point-to-point connections are configured by default.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Usage Guidelines

An MPLS VC runs across an MPLS cloud to connect Ethernet interfaces on two PE-CLE devices at each edge of the service provider network. You must enter the command at the PE device at each edge of the service provider network to establish a bidirectional virtual connection, which consists of two unidirectional label-switched paths (LSPs). A VC is not established if it is not properly defined from both ends.

For the destination parameter, specify the LDP IP address of the other PE-CLE device; do not specify the IP address of the device on which you are entering the command.

The vc-id must be unique for each pair of provider edge devices. Therefore, in large networks, you should keep track of the VC ID assignments to ensure that a VC ID is not assigned more than once.


This example shows how to establish an EoMPLS tunnel between the PE1 VLAN 3 interfaces and the PE2 VLAN 4 interface. PE1 has IP address that PE2 discovers through routing and PE2 has IP address that PE1 discovers through routing.

At the PE1 interface:

Switch(config)# interface vlan 3
Switch(config-if)# xconnect 123 encapsulation mpls

At the PE2 interface:

Switch(config)# interface vlan 4
Switch(config-if)# xconnect 123 encapsulation mpls

Related Commands

show mpls l2transport route


Posted: Mon Oct 22 09:04:16 PDT 2007
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