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Installing Cisco Edge Craft

1.1  Install Cisco Edge Craft Using the Install Wizard

1.2  Un-install Cisco Edge Craft

1.3  Commission IP Address via the VT100 Interface

1.3.1  Invoke ONSCLI

1.3.2  Configure Community-Handler

1.3.3  Assign an IP Address

1.3.4  Change Passwords

1.4  Connect to a Network Element

1.5  Configure the VT100 Terminal

Installing Cisco Edge Craft

This chapter describes how to install the Cisco Edge Craft and how to start the VT100 terminal.

1.1  Install Cisco Edge Craft Using the Install Wizard

Step 1 Insert the Cisco Edge Craft SW CD in desired drive on target PC.

Note Required diskspace for the Cisco Edge Craft installation is minimum 65 Mb.

Step 2 Run ciscocraft.exe; the Cisco Edge Craft Install shield launches ( Figure 1-1).

Figure 1-1 Install Shield preparing Installation Wizard


Step 3 Follow the instructions given in the Install wizard ( Figure 1-2).

Figure 1-2 Install Wizard - Introduction

1.2  Un-install Cisco Edge Craft

Step 1 Select Start > Programs > Cisco Edge Craft > unistall and follow the instructions given on the screen.


Step 2 Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and choose Cisco Edge Craft.

1.3  Commission IP Address via the VT100 Interface

A local terminal with VT100 emulation is required during the first commission of the network element to set up the necessary communications parameters enabling access to the NE via Cisco Edge Craft over the management port. After the first commission, the VT100 interface can be used for modifying the communications parameters and to perform status checks of the network element. The VT100 interface is password protected.

ONSCLI is a line-oriented ASCII-based management interface embedded in the Cisco network element. The ONSCLI is accessed via the VT100-port. The serial connection communications parameters are fixed:

19200 bits

no parity

8 bits

1 stop bit

no hardware flow control

VT100 terminal codes are used.

The VT100-port (Console port) for the Cisco network element is provided using a RJ-45 connector. A cable for connecting the VT100-port to the serial-port on the PC is available. Table 1-1 provides the pinouts.

Table 1-1 CLI Connector Pinout (RJ-45 to DS-9) 

RJ-45 Connector
DS-9 Connector

Pin 1


Pin 5


Pin 2


Pin 2


Pin 3


Pin 3


Pin 4



Pin 5



Pin 6


Pin 8


Pin 7



Pin 8




Note Pins 4, 5 and 7 are used only for debugging purposes.

1.3.1  Invoke ONSCLI

Step 1 Connect the VT100 interface of the network element to a free COM port of the PC running the Cisco Edge Craft application.

Step 2 A VT100 terminal application is available from the Cisco Edge Craft Logon window. Select Program > Cisco Edge Craft > Cisco Edge Craft.

Step 3 Double-click the VT100 icon in the lower right corner of the Logon window ( Figure 1-3).

Figure 1-3 Logon Window


The terminal application launches ( Figure 1-4).

Figure 1-4 Start Window

Step 4 Enter the COM port name and click OK.

Step 5 An ONSCLI session is invoked by typing onscli in terminal window. User authentication (a password, 6 to 12 ASCII characters) is required, as the following session start-up sequence shows. The default password is ONSCLI.

ONS 15305 Command Line Interface

Enter ONSCLI password: ******

Step 6 When access has been granted, you can define the following parameters:


It is sufficient to type leading characters of the command name to avoid ambiguity - the same applies to keywords.

Note The backspace or delete key can be used to edit the command line. Commands and keywords are not case-sensitive.

The management port IP address is a compulsory parameter, and must be specified by the user. All the other parameters (except default gateway) default to pre-defined values if they are not specified.

1.3.2  Configure Community-Handler

The following parameters settings are shown for both the Cisco ONS 15305 and the Cisco ONS 15302.

The following example shows how to set the community handler for a default user. When setting community handler for a specific user, the corresponding IP address must be entered instead of  ONS 15305

Step 1 Enter the following command:


Step 2 Press Enter.

Step 3 Enter the following command:


Step 4 Press Enter. The following text appears:

Add: Add Community entry
Edit: Edit Community entry
Remove: Remove Community entry
Show: Show Community entry

Step 5 Enter the following command:

ONSCLI>Community-handler\add man= com=public acc=super traps=disable

Step 6 Press Enter. The following text appears:

ACCESS: super
TRAPS: disable
ONSCLI>Community-handler\  ONS 15302

The pre-configured factory community appears as follows:

Community: public
Access: Super
Traps: Disabled

This is an insecure community, meaning it enables all managers, regardless of the IP-address, to access the device with the public community string.

Step 1 To add your own community string, enter the following command: ONSCLI>Security\Community-Table\add manager= community=admin access=super traps=enable

Step 2 Press Enter.

1.3.3  Assign an IP Address

This section explains how to assign an IP address to an ONS 15305 or ONS 15302.  ONS 15305




[IP-ADDRESS=<IP address>]
[SUBNET-MASK=<IP address>]

Available independent of router license


Management mode for the management port

|clnp|ipAndClnp| only with OSI license

MODE: ip

Management port Status


To configure the device by setting the IP address to the management port, complete the following steps.

Step 1 Enter thef ollowing command: ONSCLI>ip ip= sub= def=

--- Change IP address, are you sure (y/n)? Y

Step 2 Press Enter.  ONS 15302

Step 1 Enter the following command:

ONSCLI>Device\Management-Configuration\Custom\Management-Port\IP-Configuration ip-address= subnet-mask= default-gateway=

Step 2 Press Enter.

Step 3 Verify the intention of the operation by pressing y. The following text appears:


Step 4 Type exit to terminate the session.

1.3.4  Change Passwords

This section explains how to change passwords for the ONS 15305 or ONS 15302.  ONS 15305

Step 1 Enter the following command:


The following text appears.

[ONSCLI -PASSWORD=<string[6:12]>]

Step 2 Use this command to change TELNET and ONSCLI passwords. Both passwords can be changed in the same command or they can be changed one by one.  ONS 15302

Step 1 Enter thef ollowing command:

ONSCLI>Security\Community-Table>ch ?

The following text appears:

[ONSCLI -PASSWORD=<string[6:12]>]

Step 2 Use this command to change TELNET and ONSCLI passwords. Both passwords can be changed in the same command or they can be changed one by one.

1.4  Connect to a Network Element

The purpose of this section is to describe the tasks involved in setting up a connection between the craft terminal and any Cisco network element. See also the "Commission IP Address via the VT100 Interface" section.

Step 1 Select Program > Cisco Edge Craft > Cisco Edge Craft ( Figure 1-5).

Figure 1-5 Starting Cisco Edge Craft

A logon window appears.

Step 2 Enter the community password.

Step 3 If it is present, select the desired network element from the Ip pull-down menu ( Figure 1-6).

Figure 1-6 Selection of IP Address - Logon Window


The system adds the selected IP address to the logon window.You can also fill in the IP address manually ( Figure 1-7).

Step 4 Click Logon to continue.

The network element supports three community access levels

ReadOnly - only read access to the whole MIB

ReadWrite - read and write to the MIB, but can not change community strings

Super - read and write to the complete MIB.

Figure 1-7 Cisco Edge Craft Logon Window

Step 5 The system validates the community string and IP address combination. If it is valid, meaning the combination is correct and the SNMP community string is valid , the craft terminal sets up a connection to the specified IP address. The desktop of the craft terminal with its working windows appears.

You can now browse the network element topology and perform the required management tasks.

If the community string is invalid, access to the network element is not granted and an error message is presented.

If the IP address you entered manually or selected in the list is not reachable/non-existent or does not belong to an Cisco network elemen, the system generates an error message and asks for a new IP address.

1.5  Configure the VT100 Terminal

The VT100 terminal can be launched from the Cisco Edge Craft desktop ( Figure 1-8) or the logon window ( Figure 1-7).

Figure 1-8 VT 100 available from Cisco Edge Craft Desktop

You can change the terminal software that will be launched by editing the VT 100 path description in the ExternalApplications.xml file, found in the installdir\CISCOEDGECRAFT\res\config\folder:.

The following is an example of the ExternalApplications.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
- <ExternalApplications>
  <vt100 file="../external/IVT VT220 Telnet/ivt.exe" />
  <exec file="rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" />
  <editor file="notepad.exe" />
  <fileexplorer file="explorer.exe" />
  <web file="rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" />
  <ciscoweb file="rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" params
="http://www.cisco.com" />
  <help file="rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" params="
../res/help/CEC1-0.pdf" />
  <releasenotes file="rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" params="
../res/help/CECRN10.pdf" />


Posted: Fri Sep 14 11:31:26 PDT 2007
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