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Release Notes for ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.4


Changes to the Release Notes


New Caveats

General Caveats

TL1 Caveats

SNMP and ASH Caveats

Resolved Caveats

New Features and Functionality

New Hardware Features

New Software Features

TL1 Enhancements


ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using TL1 Shell

ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using ASH Shell

ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Uninstall Using TL1 Shell

ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Uninstall Using ASH Shell

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Release Notes for ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.4

July 2004

These release notes support Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.4. Release notes for this product address closed caveats (resolved bugs) since the previous release, open caveats, and software upgrade and uninstall procedures.


Changes to the Release Notes

Changes to the Release Notes

Resolved Caveats

New Features and Functionality


Related Documentation

Obtaining Documentation

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Changes to the Release Notes

This section documents supplemental changes that have been added to the Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.4 since the production of the hard copy release notes for Release 2.4.

There are no changes to the release notes for Release 2.4.


New Caveats

The following caveats address issues opened since the publication of the Release Notes for ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.3.

DDTS # CSCed83223

Issue: Error message after upgrading from Release 2.3 to 2.4.

Description: The error message "snmp.cfg(77) Parser Error class ifXEntry. `pdu wrong value'" is displayed on the craft port while booting after upgrading from Release 2.3 to 2.4.

Workaround: None. These error messages are harmless.

Resolution: It is not known at this time when this issue will be resolved.

DDTS # CSCed92479

Issue: No SAAL or SAIN messages are sent for ALW-MSG-ALL and INH-MSG-ALL commands.

Description: When ALW-MSG-ALL and INH-MSG-ALL commands are repeated the unit responds with command completed, it should respond indicating that the command has already been executed.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will be resolved in a future release.

DDTS # CSCee16073

Issue: DLT-RFILE and RTRV-RFILE respond incorrectly if file does not exist.

Description: If the commands RTRV-RFILE and DLT-RFILE are executed when the specified file name doesn't exist in the FFS, the unit should return a COMPLD message, as per NSIF-3399, which reads, "When file or directory that is specified in the <fileurl> does not exist, the following error response is required: <header>crlf M^^<ctag>^COMPLDcrlf [^^^/* The file or directory does not exist */]". The response of the ONS 15216 EDFA2 differs from the expected.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will be resolved in a future release.

DDTS # CSCee37952

Issue: AO log does not capture events if no user is logged in.

Description: If there are no users logged into the ONS 15216 EDFA2 when an alarm or event occurs, the alarm/event is not logged into the Autonomous Output (AO) log. Thus, the AO log only works if there is a user logged in.

Workaround: Create a user with Read-Only permission, disable the read-only user timeout, and then log in as this read only user. All events will be captured in the log.

Resolution: This issue will be resolved in a future release.

DDTS # CSCee37961

Issue: Soft reset and power cycle clears the AO log.

Description: The Autonomous Output (AO) log is cleared if there is a soft reset of the ONS 15216 EDFA2. Thus, the INIT-SYS command in TL1 clears the AO log shown by RTRV-AO. Also, a power cycle clears the AO log. In both cases, the AO log should be preserved. The only command that should clear the AO log is STA-LOCL-RST, to set the ONS 15216 EDFA2 back to the defaults.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: It is not known at this time when this issue will be resolved.

DDTS # CSCee72437

Issue: Power Bus alarm escalation overrides alarm severity provisioning.

Description: If two Minor power bus alarms are generated, the second minor alarm will be escalated to a Critical alarm. Then, if the alarm severity is reprovisioned to some other value (such as Major), the alarm remains Critical. This is inconsistent with the other alarms which allow severity reprovisioning. This is due to the Power Bus alarm escalation feature, which overrides the alarm severity provisioning for this particular alarm.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This is as designed.

DDTS # CSCuk49193

Issue: cerent15216EdfaActionOpReset abort does not work.

Description: The 15216 EDFA does not allow the cerent15216EdfaActionOpReset operation to be aborted.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This is as designed.

DDTS # CSCuk49410

Issue: ifAdminStatus object cannot be set.

Description: The ifAdminStatus object is not supported.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCuk49411

Issue: ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable is not settable.

Description: The ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable object is not supported on 15216Edfa ports.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCuk49431

Issue: cerent15216EdfaOpCutover does not send a result to manager.

Description: When the attribute cerent15216EdfaOpCutover is set to perform, a result is not sent back to the manager. This is because the operation performs a processor reset.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCuk49559

Issue: When an alarm is changed from disabled to enabled, a clear trap is generated.

Description: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 generates clear traps when an alarm state is changed from disabled to enabled. When the optical mode is changed, the alarms associated with the mode will automatically change state from disabled to enabled.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This is as designed.

DDTS # CSCuk49619

Issue: Missing ActionOpStarted for ActionOpSaveConfig attribute.

Description: The cerent15216EdfaActionOpSaveConfig attribute, when set to perform, does not send the Cerent15216EdfaActionOpStarted trap.

Workaround: Use the OpSaveConfig attribute from the OpGroup in order to receive the Cerent15216EdfaActionOpStarted trap.

Resolution: This issue is under investigation.

DDTS # CSCuk49642

Issue: Alarm cleared traps are sent after resetting the unit.

Description: During system initialization the unit sends a sequence of clear alarm traps. If alarm conditions are present, then the appropriate alarm activation traps are sent.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCuk49709

Issue: In Duplex mode no alarm is raised for PWR-B or PWR-A down.

Description: When the ONS 15216 EDFA2 is in Duplex mode and both buses are connected, disconnecting either PWR-A or PWR-B does not have any effect - no alarm is sent and the POWER LED does not blink. An alarm should be sent and the front panel POWER LED should blink. This applies to hardware with a PCB version below B2, or HARDWAREREV below 74-2256-04-A0-B2, and only when PWR-A and PWR-B are connected to common ground.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue is under investigation.

DDTS # CSCuk50039

Issue: No software reset event is sent on both TL1 and SNMP when issued from SNMP.

Description: When issuing a software reset by SNMP, no TL1 or SNMP event is sent. There should be at least one incoming event of software reset. There is no problem with software reset by TL1 command.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This is as designed.

General Caveats

The following open caveats relate to the ONS 15216 EDFA2 in general.

DDTS # CSCdx41604

Issue: Ethernet activity LED initialization.

Description: When powered up without an Ethernet cable, the activity light remains on.

Workaround: The Ethernet activity light works correctly when connected to the network.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCea19177

Issue: Gain changes in constGainTempComp/GAINTEMP mode when input power goes above the range.

Description: If the pump is in constGainTempComp/GAINTEMP mode and the input power goes above the maximum input power and remains in that condition, the measured gain goes lower than the set value. Also, if the input power comes down within the range again, the gain may not remain fixed.

Workaround: Reapply the target gain when the input power is within range.

Resolution: This is as designed.

DDTS # CSCeb79455

Issue: Parameters that are not for the active mode are not backed up.

Description: While backing up the configuration database, only the parameters that are part of the active mode are backed up. Therefore, only active values can be restored. For example, if the pump control mode is constCurrent when the backup is created, then only the constCurrent control values are backed up and restored.

Workaround: Make sure that the pump mode and pump control values are the desired values before doing a database backup. All non-configuration related variables are not backed up. After restoring the system configuration, make any desired changes to inactive mode settings.

Resolution: This issue is under investigation.

TL1 Caveats

The following open caveats relate to TL1.

DDTS # CSCdy06088

Issue: Incorrect error message for input commands with wrong target identifier (TID).

Description: If an incorrect TID is used, the command is denied with a "Gateway forwarding failed" message. However, per Telcordia GR-831, the command should be denied with an IITA "Invalid Target Identifier" error code and message instead. Note that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 does not operate as a gateway network element (GNE).

Workaround: Not required because the ONS 15216 EDFA2 does not operate as a gateway network element.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy06097, CSCdy07176, and CSCdy09548

Issue: General Block should not be supported for certain commands.

Description: The General Block mostly has not been implemented in the ONS 15216 EDFA2 commands. Therefore unless expressly specified in the command syntax, it is not supported. For example, the General Block is not supported for the following commands: ACT-USER, DLT-RFILE, ED-DWDM, ED-ENV, RTRV-ALM-ALL, RTRV-ALM-DWDM, RTRV-ALM-ENV, RTRV-AO, RTRV-COND-ALL, RTRV-COND-DWDM, RTRV-COND-ENV, RTRV-DWDM, RTRV-ENV, RTRV-HDR, RTRV-NE-GEN, RTRV-RFILE, RTRV-TH-ENV, SET-TH-ENV.

Workaround: Do not attempt to use the general block where it is not supported.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy07244

Issue: No check is performed on BootRecordType field with ED-NE-GEN.

Description: There is no validity check performed on the NAME and BOOTIPADDR1 fields when the ED-NE-GEN command is entered.

Workaround: Manually verify with RTRV-NE-GEN that the intended NAME and BOOTIPADDR fields are correct.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy10646

Issue: Incorrect behavior of RTRV-AO command.

Description: RTRV-AO returns AO log even if ATAGSEQ, MSGTYPE, and DBCHGSEQ are not specified.

Workaround: This behavior does not prevent the RTRV-AO command from retrieving the required data.

Resolution: This is as designed.

DDTS # CSCdy12948

Issue: Incorrect autonomous message implemented for timeout of session.

Description: The correct message should be CANC, but the ONS 15216 EDFA2 gives CANC-USER.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy14134

Issue: REPT EVT DWDM for "LOS Threshold Changed" is not always dispatched.

Description: Further to a LOS Threshold Change done through ASH CLI, the TL1 does not return the related REPT EVT DWDM autonomous message unless the threshold changes very much (e.g., 150, which would be 150*100 dBm). Note that if the threshold change is done through TL1, it gets immediately notified with the REPT EVT DWDM message.

Workaround: Use TL1 to change the LOS Threshold.

Resolution: This issue is under investigation.

DDTS # CSCdy15392

Issue: Users defined in ASH CLI do not comply with TL1 rules.

Description: User names can be entered using the ASH CLI that are not valid TL1 user names.

Workaround: Use TL1 to create user names.

Resolution: This issue is under investigation.

DDTS # CSCdz53844

Issue: Downloading files to a full flash memory can falsely return success message.

Description: When using the COPY-RFILE command to FTP download to the flash when it is almost full, the system may return a REPT EVT FXFR autonomous message showing SUCCESS even though the download failed to complete.

Workaround: Ensure that the correct number of bytes have been transferred.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdz55020

Issue: Line wrapping problems with some TL1 commands.

Description: Some commands do not line wrap correctly when typing in the command line interface. For ED-DWDM, for example, the cursor doesn't move to a second line when it completes the first line, but instead writes over the line just entered.

Workaround: This is an intermittent issue. When this occurs, abort the command and enter the command again.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCea65976

Issue: File downloads using COPY-RFILE are aborted if performed using a serial connection and after sending a Ctrl-c.

Description: This issue has only been observed when doing FTP downloads via the RS-232 (EIA/TIA-232) port when the shell is TL1. Even then, it only occurs when a Ctrl-c interrupt precedes the COPY-RFILE command. Once the command is issued, the system returns a COMPLD message and then a file transfer START message, but a third message shows that only 1024 bytes have been transferred and the download failed. Subsequent attempts to download using the same command get completed successfully.

Workaround: If the download fails in this situation, perform the COPY-RFILE command again.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

SNMP and ASH Caveats

The following open caveats relate to SNMP and commands in the ASH shell.

DDTS # CSCdw47424

Issue: ifInOctets always returns a zero.

Description: Instead of counting the number of octets coming in to its Ethernet interface, ifInOctets always returns a zero.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdw47428

Issue: ipDefaultTTL always returns a zero.

Description: ipDefaultTTL is Read Only and returns a zero instead of 64.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdw50831

Issue: ifOutOctets always returns a zero.

Description: Instead of counting the number of octets transmitted out of the interface, the attribute ifOutOctets always returns a zero for the Ethernet interface.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdw51339

Issue: snmpInTraps does not increase.

Description: When a trap is received, the counter SnmpInTraps does not increment.

Workaround: None.

This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdx41575

Issue: OpFinished trap notification is sent before OpReset is completed.

Description: The cerent15216EdfaOpFinished notification trap, in the case of cerent15216EdfaOpReset, indicates that the operation is about to be performed. Instead, this notification should indicate that the operation has successfully completed.

Workaround: Manually ensure that the operation has been performed.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy19014

Issue: Handling of GET-BULK requests.

Description: For GET-BULK requests with particular values of "Non-repeaters" and "Max repetitions" fields, the operation does not return exactly the expected outcome (zero variables). For example, if non-repeaters = 0 and max-repetitions < 0, the GET-BULK returns all of them.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy20159 and CSCdz63745

Issue: Incorrect error-status for some Read-Write variables.

Description: The implementation of the Ethernet and RS-232 interfaces for the ONS 15216 EDFA2 does not allow the administration status ifAdminStatus, which indicates the desired status of an interface (up, down, or testing), to be changed.

Workaround: None. This feature is not available.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy21361

Issue: snmpInASNParseErrs does not get incremented.

Description: The counter snmpInASNParseErrs, which indicates the total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered when decoding received SNMP Messages, does not increment if an invalid message is sent to the agent.

Workaround: An error will be returned for the offending SNMP message.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy21381

Issue: ipInReceives returns an inconsistent value.

Description: The counter ipInReceives, which indicates the total number of input packets received from interfaces, including those received in error, is not equal to the sum of the counters ipInAddrErrors, ipForwDatagrams, ipInUnknownProtos, ipInDiscards, and ipInDelivers.

Workaround: Manually sum the individual counters to obtain the InReceive count.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy21386

Issue: ipFragCreates does not increment as expected.

Description: The counter ipFragCreates, which indicates the number of IP packet fragments generated when a packet fragmentation has happened, does not increment.

Workaround: Use packet counters to obtain IP performance statistics.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy22384

Issue: tcpOutRsts counter does not increment.

Description: When a connection is attempted to any port not represented in the tcpConnTable as available for connection, the expected outcome is for all the attempts to be denied, and for tcpOutRsts to increment. The connections are correctly denied but the counter tcpOutRsts, which keep track of the number of resets generated by a TCP, does not increment as it should.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy22389

Issue: snmpInTotalReqVars counter increments during GET.

Description: The counter snmpInTotalReqVars represents the total number of objects successfully retrieved as the result of receiving valid Get- and Get-Next requests. The agent does not increment this counter in the middle of a GET request. E.g., if is issued a GET containing two instances of snmpInTotalReqVars separated by an instance of sysDescr.0., the expected outcome is for both values in the response to be equal but actually they are different.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy26021

Issue: tcpPassiveOpens counter does not increment.

Description: The counter tcpPassiveOpens does not increment when a TCP connection is formed with the agent.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy26028

Issue: snmpOutTooBigs counter does not increment.

Description: The counter snmpOutTooBigs, which indicates the total number of SNMP messages generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is "tooBig," does not increment.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy34034

Issue: tcpActiveOpens does not increment.

Description: The counter tcpActiveOpens should increment if an outbound TCP connection is created. Instead it remains constant.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdy34039

Issue: tcpAttemptFails does not increment.

Description: tcpAttempFails counts the failed TCP connection attempts (e.g., a Telnet or FTP to an unreachable IP address either through or from the device). The counter tcpAttemptFails does not increment after the attempt.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdz53836

Issue: TFTP downloads interrupt some command line activity.

Description: TFTP downloads using the cerent15216Edfa MIB causes the ASH session to be blocked from further activity and new ASH and TL1 sessions cannot be established while the download is in progress.

Workaround: TFTP is not commonly used for file down loads. FTP is the recommended protocol for downloading files.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCdz53923

Issue: MIB entry for default Power Bus mode is incorrect.

Description: MIB value for default Power Bus mode is simplex when the specification and system uses duplex as the default value.

Workaround: Manually ensure that the Power Bus mode setting is correct.

Resolution: This issue is under investigation.

DDTS # CSCdz55040

Issue: snmp row set command is not allowed for cerent15216EdfaConstGainOverallGain.

Description: Since cerent15216EdfaVariableGainPreAttenuation cannot be changed in constGainTempComp mode, it does not allow use of the snmp row set command to change cerent15216EdfaConstGainOverallGain.

Workaround: Use snmp attribute set command to set cerent15216EdfaConstGainOverallGain.

Resolution: This is as designed.

DDTS # CSCdz63609

Issue: The sysServices object should have value 1 for the ONS 15216 EDFA2, but instead it shows 0.

Description: The value of sysServices object indicates the set of services that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 offers. Its value should be 1 since the ONS 15216 EDFA2 is an amplifier and as such works at layer 1 of the Internet suite of protocol as defined in RFC1213; instead, sysServices shows a value of 0.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCeb44850

Issue: The SNMP entPhysicalName should be Read Only.

Description: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 allows the user to set, for management purposes, the object cerent15216EdfaSromIpMgmtHostName. But after a soft reset, entPhysicalName gets changed to the value set for cerent15216EdfaSromIpMgmtHostName. This is incorrect since entPhysicalName is defined as Read Only in RFC-2737; it is meant to be a hard-wired name given to the physical components of the device.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This is as designed.

DDTS # CSCuk45779

Issue: The ifTableLastChange and ifStackLastChange cannot be retrieved.

Description: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 does not allow a user to retrieve ifTableLastChange and ifStackLastChange. They should be Read Only.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue will not be resolved.

DDTS # CSCuk45821

Issue: No SNMP trap is sent on a database backup or restore failure.

Description: When a database backup or restore operation fails, a message should be displayed to the user. When such a failure occurs, TL1 correctly generates an autonomous message, but SNMP does not deliver a corresponding trap. This is observed when starting a database backup through TL1 while another backup is already in progress through TL1.

Workaround: None.

Resolution: This issue is under investigation.

Resolved Caveats

DDTS # CSCdy12968

Issue: Incorrect error code for DLT-USER-SECU if user does not exist.

Description: If the DLT-USER-SECU command is executed for a non-existing user, then the ONS 15216 EDFA2 should return a PICC (Privilege, Illegal Command Code) error code, as per Telcordia TR-835. Instead the ONS 15216 EDFA2 returns an FCEX error code.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The correct error code is returned.

DDTS # CSCdy73907

Issue: The Power Bus failure alarm is reported as an Environmental alarm in TL1.

Description: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should report the DC Power Failure alarms as Common Equipment (COM) alarms, not as Environmental (ENV) alarms. This issue is broad in scope because the messages REPT EVT ENV and REPT ALM ENV as well as the commands RTRV-ALM-ENV and RTRV-COND-ENV need to be changed to show COM. The AID needs to be replaced with COM as well.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The Power Bus failure alarm is reported as an Equipment (EQPT) alarm in TL1.

DDTS # CSCdy79325

Issue: The default administrative user can be deleted.

Description: All users with RWA (read_write_admin) access privileges can be deleted using the DLT-USER-SECU or user entry delete command, leaving the system with no administration level access.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. It is no longer possible to delete a logged in user. Since only RWA user can delete users, it is not possible to delete the last RWA user.

DDTS # CSCea19265

Issue: No error message for blank password while editing password.

Description: If changing the password using user entry edit command, no error message is displayed if no password (blank) is entered.

Resolution: An error message is displayed.

DDTS # CSCea83531

Issue: Power Bus alarm severity reported as Major instead of Minor in the SNMP Alarm Entry table.

Description: The severity for Power Bus alarm should be Minor, and the ONS 15216 EDFA2 reports it as MN in TL1, but the SNMP cerent15216EdfaAlarmEntry table reports it as Major.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. A Power Bus alarm is correctly displayed as Minor in the SNMP Alarm Entry table. Note that a second Power Bus alarm is Critical in Release 2.3 and above software.

DDTS # CSCeb84303

Issue: Pump control values are not restored if the value is zero.

Description: Pump control values are not restored if the value of the attributes on the unit being restored are zero. That is, if the control mode is Constant Current and all the pump values are zero, then restoring the configuration with non-zero values does not work. There is a strict sequential order imposed on the configuration of pump control mode attributes. The mode values must be configured before the mode is configured.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The strict ordering on the configuration of pump control mode attributes has been removed. The pump mode values are applied if the current pump mode is consistent with the values set. For example, if the pump mode is Constant Current and pump1 and pump2 current values are set, then these values will be applied immediately; otherwise they will be applied when the pump mode is set to Constant Current.

DDTS # CSCeb86286

Issue: Authentication Failure trap is not generated.

Description: A set-Req with Read-Only CommunityString does not generate an Authentication Failure notification. The request is timed out. Since there is no response for the set-Req, the management system has no information to handle the situation.

Workaround: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The Authentication Failure trap is generated.

DDTS # CSCeb87365

Issue: No standing condition is raised at the start of a configuration database backup.

Description: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should raise a standing condition in the system and indicate to all interfaces that it is backing up or restoring the database.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The database backup and restore are raised as provisionable alarms, with a default of minor.

DDTS # CSCec07681

Issue: An OpCutOver action does not generate an OpFinished notification.

Description: An OpCutOver action does not generate an OpFinished notification.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The notification is generated.

DDTS # CSCec12369

Issue: Incorrect MIB module identity date.

Description: The MIB integrated into the Release 2.3 software image is dated 2002/Oct/24, which is the same date as the MIB for Release 2.2.1 software, even though the MIB has been revised. The only way to determine if a MIB is the new version for Release 2.3 is to perform a get on the cerent15216EdfaOpGroup table and check that it supports the backup and restore operation.

Resolution: The MIB identity date has been corrected for the 2.4 MIB release.

DDTS # CSCec71920

Issue: OpSaveConfig perform command fails after a restore system command is executed.

Description: The OpSaveConfig command fails after a restore system command is executed.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The OpSaveConfig command does not fail after executing a restore system command.

DDTS # CSCec81704

Issue: The cerent15216EdfaBootTable Index starts at zero.

Description: The cerent15216EdfaBootTable Index starts at zero, it should start from one. No other table index in the cerent15216 MIB starts at zero.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The cerent15216EdfaBootTable index starts at one.

DDTS # CSCed39358

Issue: Database backup does not complete successfully.

Description: If the Ethernet connection fails during a database backup operation, the SNMP operation attribute stays at "Perform" instead of changing to "Abort." This impacts any SNMP management system, and it might cause a CTM session to report the backup failure "AUD-4201: Auto Backup Job Status has: failed. Unable to send backup Request to NE: Inconsistent value." The unit must be reset to recover from this condition.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The unit responds correctly during an Ethernet failure.

DDTS # CSCed95552

Issue: TCP connections can be reset.

Description: Established TCP connections can be reset by suspicious user messages.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. Suspicious user messages cannot drop a TCP connection.

DDTS # CSCed93823

Issue: Admin user can modify an active user's password.

Description: An Administrator user can modify the password of an active user. For example, if there are two active Admin users, then one of the Admin users can modify the other Admin user without informing the active user.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. An active user's password cannot be modified by other users.

DDTS # CSCee00699

Issue: User IDs can be changed when concurrent logins are present.

Description: If a user is logged in as CISCO19, another user can initiate a Telnet session as CISCO19. One of the users could change the user ID from CISCO19 to something else while the other user is also logged in. The other user will not be informed of the user ID modification.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. User IDs cannot be modified if the user ID is active.

DDTS # CSCee10293

Issue: Random memory contents can be displayed in TCP/IP packets.

Description: There is a potential for memory contents to be displayed via TCP/IP packets.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4.

DDTS # CSCee12706

Issue: Malformed IP packets can reset unit.

Description: Malformed packets can cause the ONS 15216 EDFA2 to reset. There is no impact to optical traffic.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4.

DDTS # CSCee19407

Issue: No check is performed on the software file name.

Description: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 software does not perform any validity check of the software file name. Thus, if the ED-NE-GEN command is used to specify the boot1 or boot2 file name and a typo is made, the command will complete successfully even though the file specified does not actually exist in the EFDA2 flash file system. If the software upgrade steps are completed (APPLY, INIT-SYS), the EDFA2 will attempt to boot from the file name specified. If this file does not exist, the EDFA2 will attempt to boot from the backup file name specified. If both names are invalid, the EDFA2 will continue to attempt to boot the software indefinitely. To recover, you must access the RS-232 port and specify a correct boot file name.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The file must exist on the flash file system before a file name is assigned to a boot entry.

DDTS # CSCee22080

Issue: AgentTrapEnable is not restored.

Description: The cerent15216EdfaAgentTrapEnable is not restored.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. AgentTrapEnable is restored by a database restore operation.

DDTS # CSCee40333 and CSCee43944

Issue: FfsOp objects cause MIB compile errors.

Description: The MIB is not fully SMIv2 compliant. When trying to compile the MIB with Solaris utility mosy, the error given is that objects cerent15216EdfaFfsOpCopyProgress, cerent15216EdfaFfsOpResult, and cerent15216EdfaFfsOpRequestId require either upper-lower bounds or named-number enumerations to the INTEGER syntax definition.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The CERENT-15216-EDFA-MIB.mib has been modified to avoid the compile errors detected by some MIB compilers.

DDTS # CSCee45759

Issue: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 resets if ED-DWDM and RTRV-DWDM commands are sent frequently.

Description: Toggling between GAINTEMP and IDLE modes can reset the unit. If the mode is toggled frequently between GAINTEMP and IDLE with an input signal, the unit resets when retrieving the DWDM parameters through another session while the modes are changing.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The ONS 15216 EDFA2 no longer crashes while processing concurrent ED-DWDM and RTRV-DWDM commands.

DDTS # CSCee49404

Issue: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 resets when subjected to excessive IP packets.

Description: The ONS 15216 EDFA2 resets when subjected to excessive IP packets. The reset occurs only when specific types of IP packets are received. There is no reset under normal operating communication scenarios.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The unit no longer resets when subjected to the failure scenarios.

DDTS # CSCee53852

Issue: SNMP OID errors can reset the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

Description: SNMP OID errors can reset the ONS 15216 EDFA2. There is no impact to optical traffic.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. SNMP OID errors do not cause a reset.

DDTS # CSCee74651

Issue: Power Bus alarm does not clear on transition from low voltage to normal.

Description: If the operating voltage is above the clearing voltage for the high voltage alarm but below the high voltage alarm condition, and then the fuse is pulled, the Power Bus alarm occurs due to a low voltage. But when the voltage is restored, the Power Bus alarm does not clear. The Power Bus alarm remains raised, even though the bus voltage is in the valid range. The software is not keeping track of the original condition that raised the alarm and therefore is not clearing it in this situation.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The unit clears a Power Bus alarm on the fault that caused the alarm. For example, if a low voltage fault causes a power bus alarm, then the unit only considers the low voltage hysteresis when determining if the alarm should be cleared.

DDTS # CSCuk45561

Issue: SNMP sysName is limited to 20 characters.

Description: The SNMP sysName and TL1 SID/TID are set to the same string. The current implementation limits the SNMP sysName to 20 characters. RFC1213 specifies that the sysName length can be a maximum of 255 characters.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. SNMP is allowed to set the sysName to a string with a maximum length of 255 characters. The first 20 characters will be used for the TL1 SID/TID. If the SID is modified via the ED-NE-GEN command then the sysName will be set to the SID, which is limited to 20 characters.

DDTS # CSCuk45624

Issue: If a configuration database restore fails, an ASH shell user cannot retry it.

Description: If a database restore operation fails, an ASH shell user cannot delete the .tmp file created in the FFS and cannot re-perform the restore system command.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. Failed database restore operations no longer prevent subsequent database restore attempts.

DDTS # CSCuk45626

Issue: REPT EVT FXFR message is sent only to the local session.

Description: When starting COPY-RFILE command, the related REPT EVT FXFR autonomous messages is sent only to the local session. Other users logged in the same ONS 15216 EDFA2 are not notified.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. This autonomous message will appear on all TL1 sessions.

DDTS # CSCuk45632

Issue: SNMP shows an incorrect severity for the Case Temperature alarm.

Description: The SNMP trap reports a Case Temperature alarm as Major severity instead of Minor.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The Case Temperature default severity is Minor.

DDTS # CSCuk45777

Issue: The snmpInBadCommunityUses counter does not increment.

Description: The snmpInBadCommunityUses counter always returns zero. It should increment by the number of SNMP-Set requests sent with a community name not valid for the same operation.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. The snmpInBadCommunityUses counter increments.

DDTS # CSCuk49634

Issue: TL1 sends a software "reset" instead of a "reset after cutover" message.

Description: After SNMP issues a cutover operation, TL1 does not emit the "reset after cutover" event, but instead only a "reset" event.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. TL1 sends a "reset after cutover" event message.

DDTS # CSCuk49656

Issue: Database Backup alarms are not emitted.

Description: DB Backup alarm is not generated either with TL1 or SNMP. The alarms for DB backup should come up in both TL1 and SNMP.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. Starting a database backup or database restore operations results in an alarm being generated. The alarm is cleared when the operation completes.

DDTS # CSCuk49671

Issue: cerent15216EdfaFfsDelete does not send OpStarted trap.

Description: The cerent15216EdfaFfsOpStarted is not generated for the cerent15216EdfaFfsDelete event. This trap should be generated when the file delete action is started.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. A FfsOpStarted trap is sent when a cerent15216EdfaFfsDelete operation is started, and a FfsOpFinished trap is sent when the operation finishes.

DDTS # CSCuk50102

Issue: System resources can be reduced by frequently issuing system commands for extended periods of time.

Description: While executing two long duration TL1 commanding scripts, system resources were reduced by frequently issuing system commands for extended periods of time.

Resolution: This issue is resolved in Release 2.4. System resources are not reduced by stress test scenarios.

New Features and Functionality

Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.4 contains the following new features.

New Hardware Features


A new version of the Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 hardware with better noise figures and gain flatness has been introduced. The new version is designated as EDFA2-A, and the SNMP/TL1 model name is "216EDFA2-A." Software Release 2.4 can be installed on all hardware versions.

General Hardware Enhancements

On the new revision of the ONS 15216 EDFA2 hardware (PCA Number 74-2256-05), male ground studs on the rear have been replaced with female threaded inserts.

Note To determine the revision of hardware, use the ASH shell command srom id display or the TL1 shell command RTRV-INV.

Automatic Laser Shutdown

An Automatic Laser Shutdown feature is available. If the feature is enabled, when the amplifier input power goes below the LOS threshold value, the laser pumps are shut down until the input power is restored beyond the value of LOS threshold plus LOS hysteresis.

New Software Features

User Provisionable Alarm Severity

A user-provisionable alarm severity feature allows the user to provision the severity of any alarm. If the alarm is active and an alarm severity is modified, then the alarm is cleared and another alarm with the provisioned severity is asserted. Severities are set using cerent15216EdfaAlarmCfgPriority and SET-ATTR-DWDM/SET-ATTR-EQPT commands.

Alarm Changes

The following changes have been made to alarms for Release 2.4.

There are new Minor (default) alarms for database backup/restore and software download.

If the power system is in Simplex mode, a power bus alarm is Critical by default. It was Minor in Release 2.3. As with release 2.3, if the power system is in Duplex mode, a single power bus alarm is Minor by default, and if an alarm is raised on both power buses, the second alarm is escalated to Critical.

Increased Security

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 is not identified in its welcome text when accessing a management port. The login banners are no longer displayed to reduce potential security exposure.

MIBs Functionality

A new CERENT-15216-EDFA-MIB.mib is required with Release 2.4.

TL1 Enhancements

The following enhancements have been added to TL1 for Release 2.4.

The TL1 RTRV-INV parameter HARDWAREREV includes PCA and PCB revisions. For example, HARDWAREREV=74-2256-05-A0-C0.

The DC Power Bus fail alarm was previously reported as an Environmental alarm in TL1, but it is now reported as an Equipment alarm.


This section provides the software and firmware upgrade procedures for upgrading an ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.3 to Release 2.4 using either the TL1 or ASH shell. It also includes a software uninstall procedure to return to Release 2.3.

ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using TL1 Shell

The following procedure is used to upgrade the software image from Release 2.3 to Release 2.4 using TL1 commands. This procedure is not service affecting.

To upgrade using ASH shell commands, see "ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using ASH Shell" section.

Note For correct operation of your ONS 15216 EDFA2, you must have already upgraded to software Release 2.3 before performing this procedure. To upgrade from software Release 2.1.0 to 2.2.1 and then from 2.2.1 to 2.3, see the upgrade procedures in Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.2.1 followed by the upgrade procedure in Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.3.

Step 1 If the ONS 15216 EDFA2 already has been assigned and IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and sid/tid name, skip to Step 9.

Step 2 Connect to the RS-232 (EIA/TIA-232) port on the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

Step 3 Open a Terminal application. (In Microsoft Windows, HyperTerminal can be used and is found in the Accessories menu.) The port settings should be 19200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.

Step 4 Verify that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 TL1 login prompt appears (you may need to press Enter one or more times for the system to respond):

sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2> 

If this TL1 login prompt appears, skip to Step 6.

Step 5 When in ASH shell, the screens opens to a multi-line login screen beginning with -- LOGIN--- and with the cursor positioned in the Username line. To change to the TL1 shell, log in using Step 6 of "ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using ASH Shell" section, and then enter the following command at the ASH hostname prompt:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> shell type modify tl1

Then enter the following command at the ASH hostname prompt:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> processor reset

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should log you off and then bring up the TL1 shell login prompt.

Step 6 At the command prompt, log in as a user with administrative (RWA) privileges (default is CISCO15 with no password) using the ACT-USER command according to the syntax of the following example:

sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2> ACT-USER::CISCO15:100;

After the semicolon is entered, the ONS 15216 EDFA2 displays the login response:

sidtidname 2003-01-30 11:29:49
/* ACT-USER */
sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2> 

Step 7 At the command prompt, set the IP address using the ED-NE-GEN command according to the syntax of the following example:

sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2> ED-NE-GEN:::101:::NAME=Amp01,IPADDR=,IPMASK=255.255. 255.0,DEFRTR=;

The NAME is the sid/tid name (sidtidname) in the command line prompt.

Step 8 If any changes have been made, the system must be rebooted to make the IP address active. Enter the INIT-SYS command according to the syntax of the following example:

sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2> INIT-SYS:Amp01:ALL:102::1;

Step 9 Put the Release 2.4 software image file on a PC or server that has an FTP server and is on the same LAN as the ONS 15216 EDFA2 or is directly connected using an Ethernet crossover cable.

The Release 2.4 software is available at the Cisco software download web site in the "Optical Software, ONS15216" support section.

Step 10 Verify that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 is connected to the LAN via the module's LAN port.

If not, use a straight-through Cat5 Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connectors to connect from the LAN port to a LAN switch or hub.

Step 11 Open a Telnet session to the ONS 15216 EDFA2. In Microsoft Windows, click Start > Run, and enter the following:

telnet <ONS 15216 EDFA2 IP address>

Step 12 Verify that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 TL1 login prompt appears:

Welcome to ONS15216 EDFA2 Console (v2.3.0)
Amp01:ONS15216 EDFA2> 

If this TL1 login prompt does not appear, perform Step 5 before proceeding with Step 13.

Step 13 Log into the ONS 15216 EDFA2 as a user with administrative privileges (see Step 6).

Step 14 At the command prompt, enter the COPY-RFILE command to transfer the file according to the syntax of the following example:

Amp01:ONS15216 EDFA2> COPY-RFILE:Amp01::103::TYPE=SWDL,SRC="ftp://user1:passwd@192.168.85. 10:21/bin/15216EdfaSw_2.4.0",DEST="file://localhost/15216EdfaSw_2.4.0",OVERWRITE=YES;

An FTP URL has the following format:


A file URL (referring to the local system) has the following format:



<userid> is the FTP user identifier

<password> is the FTP password for the user

<ftphost> is the IP address of the FTP server

<port> is the port number to connect to

<urlpath> is the path in the following format: <cwd1>/<cwd2>/.../<cwdn>/<filename>

where <cwd1>...<cwdn> are directory levels and <filename> is the file name

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should respond with autonomous messages with syntax of the following examples:

   Amp01 2003-01-30 11:34:05
   Amp01 2003-01-30 11:34:05
   Amp01 2003-01-30 11:35:24

When the SUCCESS message appears, the file transfer is complete.

Step 15 Ensure that the entire 2.4 image file was downloaded. The number after SUCCESS in the final REPT EVT FXFR message should be 2352955 bytes. If the entire file did not download, you need to create room on the ffs by deleting unnecessary files and redownloading the 2.4 image before proceeding.

Step 16 At the command prompt, enter the APPLY command to make the new image current according to the syntax of the following example:

Amp01:ONS15216 EDFA2> APPLY:Amp01::104;

Step 17 At the command prompt, enter the INIT-SYS command to reboot with the new image active according to the syntax of the following example:

Amp01:ONS15216 EDFA2> INIT-SYS:Amp01:ALL:105::1;

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should respond with an autonomous message with syntax of the following example:

   Amp01 2003-01-30 11:38:44
   "EQPT:CUTOVERRESET,TC,1-30,11-38-44,,,,:\"Reset After Cutover\""

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should log you off and reboot with the new software version. The software upgrade procedure is complete. Press Enter to get out of the present console and Telnet again to open a session with the new console.

ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using ASH Shell

The following procedure is used to upgrade the software image from Release 2.3 to Release 2.4 using ASH shell commands. This procedure is not service affecting.

To upgrade using TL1 commands, see "ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using TL1 Shell" section.

Note For correct operation of your ONS 15216 EDFA2, you must have already upgraded to software Release 2.3 before performing this procedure. To upgrade from software Release 2.1.0 to 2.2.1 and then from 2.2.1 to 2.3, see the upgrade procedures in Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.2.1 followed by the upgrade procedure in Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Release 2.3.

Step 1 If the ONS 15216 EDFA2 already has been assigned and IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and host name, skip to Step 10.

Step 2 Connect to the RS-232 (EIA/TIA-232) port on the ONS 15216 EDFA2.

Step 3 Open a Terminal application. (In Microsoft Windows, HyperTerminal can be used and is found in the Accessories menu.) The port settings should be 19200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.

Step 4 Verify that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 ASH login window appears (you may need to press Enter one or more times for the system to respond):

-- LOGIN ---------------------------------------------------- sysname
ONS15216 EDFA2 Optical Amplifier
Software Version 2.3.0
Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Username: { }
Password: { }

If this ASH login prompt appears, skip to Step 6.

Step 5 When in TL1 shell, the screen opens to a simple prompt (sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2>). To change to ASH shell, log in using Step 6 of "ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Upgrade Using TL1 Shell" section, and then enter the following command at the sid/tid name prompt:

sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2> ED-NE-GEN:::123:::CLI=ASH;

Then enter the following command at the hostname prompt:

sidtidname:ONS15216 EDFA2> INIT-SYS::ALL:124::1;

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should log you off and then bring up the ASH shell login window.

Step 6 Enter both a user name and password of a user with administrative privileges (read_write_admin).

The default user name and password is CISCO15 with no password (press Enter).

Press Enter when [Login] becomes highlighted. The ONS 15216 EDFA2 displays the login response:

Welcome to ONS15216 EDFA2 Console (v2.3.0)
ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2>

Step 7 At the command prompt, enter the following command, entering the response information line by line:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp row set local cerent15216EdfaSromIpMgmtGroup

cerent15216EdfaSromIpMgmtHostName ""

Step 8 To save the changes, enter the following command:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp attribute set local cerent15216EdfaOpSaveConfig perform

Step 9 If any changes have been made, the system must be rebooted to make the IP address active. Enter the following command:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> processor reset

Step 10 Put the Release 2.4 software image file on a PC or server that has an FTP server and is on the same LAN as the ONS 15216 EDFA2 or is directly connected using an Ethernet crossover cable.

The Release 2.4 software is available at the Cisco software download web site in the "Optical Software, ONS15216" support section.

Step 11 Verify that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 is connected to the LAN via the module's LAN port.

If not, use a straight-through Cat5 Ethernet cable with RJ-45 connectors to connect from the LAN port to a LAN switch or hub.

Step 12 Open a Telnet session to the ONS 15216 EDFA2. In Microsoft Windows, click Start > Run, and enter the following:

telnet <ONS 15216 EDFA2 IP address>

Step 13 Verify that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 login window appears:

-- LOGIN ---------------------------------------------------- sysname
ONS15216 EDFA2 Optical Amplifier
Software Version 2.3.0
Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Username: { }
Password: { }

If this ASH login prompt does not appear, perform Step 5 before proceeding with Step 14.

Step 14 Log into the ONS 15216 EDFA2 as a user with administrative privileges (see Step 6).

Step 15 At the hostname prompt, enter the following command to log in to the FTP site.

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> network host ftp FTP_server_IP_address

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should respond as follows:

connecting to FTP_server_IP_address
connected to FTP_server_IP_address

Once the login process is completed, the ftp prompt should be available.

Step 16 At the ftp prompt, enter the command as shown below to complete the ftp logon.

ftp> login FTP_username

Step 17 When prompted, enter the FTP user password as shown.

Password: *****

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should respond as follows:

230 User FTP_username logged in.

Step 18 At the ftp prompt, enter the following command:

ftp> cd /Directory_of_FTP_site

Step 19 At the ftp prompt, enter the following command:

ftp> type i

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should respond as follows:

type set to BINARY

Step 20 At the FTP prompt, enter the following command:

ftp> get 15216EdfaSw_2.4.0

When the command is entered, the file transfer begins. When the file transfer is completed, the following information should be displayed:

Bytes received: 2352955
Transfer complete.

Step 21 At the FTP prompt, enter the following command:

ftp> quit

The FTP session is terminated and the following response should be displayed:

Ftp session terminated.

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 then returns to the hostname prompt.

Step 22 At the hostname prompt enter the following command:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> ffs file list

Check the response to be sure that the entire 2.4 image file was downloaded. The file length column for 15216EdfaSw_2.4.0 should be 2352955 bytes. If the entire file did not download, you need to create room on the ffs by deleting unnecessary files and redownloading the 2.4 image before proceeding.

Step 23 At the hostname prompt enter the following command:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> srom cfg boot modify

Step 24 After the response message, enter the following:

Boot Count = 2

After the response message, enter the following:

Boot Record 0 type 2 Flash

Step 25 After the response message, enter the following:

Filename = 15216EdfaSw_2.3.0

After the response message, enter the following:

Boot Record 1 type 2 Flash

Step 26 After the response message, enter the following:

Filename = 15216EdfaSw_x.x.x

Step 27 At the hostname prompt, enter the following command:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> processor reset

The ONS 15216 EDFA2 should log you off and reboot with the new software version. The software upgrade procedure is complete. Press Enter to get out of the present console and Telnet again to open a session with the new console.

ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Uninstall Using TL1 Shell

The following procedure is used to change the software image from Release 2.4 back to Release 2.3 using TL1 commands. This procedure is not service affecting.

Step 1 Log into the TL1 shell as a user with administrative privileges. (If using a Telnet session, specify port 3083 to be sure to log into the TL1 shell.)

Step 2 At the command prompt, enter the RTRV-NE-GEN command to check the boot images according to the syntax of the following example:

Amp01:ONS15216 EDFA2> RTRV-NE-GEN:Amp01::101;

From the response, check that BOOTFILENAME1 is 15216EdfaSw_2.4.0 and BOOTFILENAME2 is 15216EdfaSw_2.3.0.

Step 3 At the command prompt, enter the APPLY command to make the old image current according to the syntax of the following example:

Amp01:ONS15216 EDFA2> APPLY:Amp01::102;

Step 4 At the command prompt, enter the INIT-SYS command to reboot with the old image active according to the syntax of the following example:

Amp01:ONS15216 EDFA2> INIT-SYS:Amp01:ALL:103::1;

The software uninstall procedure is complete.

ONS 15216 EDFA2 Software Uninstall Using ASH Shell

The following procedure is used to change the software image from Release 2.4 back to Release 2.3 using ASH shell commands. This procedure is not service affecting.

Step 1 Log into the ASH shell as a user with administrative privileges. (If using a Telnet session, specify port 8023 to be sure to log into the ASH shell.)

Step 2 At the hostname prompt, enter the following command:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> srom cfg boot modify

Step 3 After the response message, press Enter:

Boot Count = 2

After the response message, enter the following:

Boot Record 0 type 2 Flash

Step 4 After the response message, enter the following:

Filename = 15216EdfaSw_2.4.0

After the response message, press Enter:

Boot Record 1 type 2 Flash

Step 5 At the hostname prompt, enter the following command:

ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> processor reset

The software uninstall procedure is complete.

Related Documentation

The release notes for Cisco ONS 15215 EDFA2 Release 2.4 should be used in conjunction with the Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide.

Obtaining Documentation

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available on Cisco also provides several ways to obtain technical assistance and other technical resources. These sections explain how to obtain technical information from Cisco Systems.

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Obtaining Technical Assistance

For all customers, partners, resellers, and distributors who hold valid Cisco service contracts, Cisco Technical Support provides 24-hour-a-day, award-winning technical assistance. The Cisco Technical Support Website on features extensive online support resources. In addition, Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) engineers provide telephone support. If you do not hold a valid Cisco service contract, contact your reseller.

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Submitting a Service Request

Using the online TAC Service Request Tool is the fastest way to open S3 and S4 service requests. (S3 and S4 service requests are those in which your network is minimally impaired or for which you require product information.) After you describe your situation, the TAC Service Request Tool automatically provides recommended solutions. If your issue is not resolved using the recommended resources, your service request will be assigned to a Cisco TAC engineer. The TAC Service Request Tool is located at this URL:

For S1 or S2 service requests or if you do not have Internet access, contact the Cisco TAC by telephone. (S1 or S2 service requests are those in which your production network is down or severely degraded.) Cisco TAC engineers are assigned immediately to S1 and S2 service requests to help keep your business operations running smoothly.

To open a service request by telephone, use one of the following numbers:

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USA: 1 800 553 2447

For a complete list of Cisco TAC contacts, go to this URL:

Definitions of Service Request Severity

To ensure that all service requests are reported in a standard format, Cisco has established severity definitions.

Severity 1 (S1)—Your network is "down," or there is a critical impact to your business operations. You and Cisco will commit all necessary resources around the clock to resolve the situation.

Severity 2 (S2)—Operation of an existing network is severely degraded, or significant aspects of your business operation are negatively affected by inadequate performance of Cisco products. You and Cisco will commit full-time resources during normal business hours to resolve the situation.

Severity 3 (S3)—Operational performance of your network is impaired, but most business operations remain functional. You and Cisco will commit resources during normal business hours to restore service to satisfactory levels.

Severity 4 (S4)—You require information or assistance with Cisco product capabilities, installation, or configuration. There is little or no effect on your business operations.

Obtaining Additional Publications and Information

Information about Cisco products, technologies, and network solutions is available from various online and printed sources.

Cisco Marketplace provides a variety of Cisco books, reference guides, and logo merchandise. Visit Cisco Marketplace, the company store, at this URL:

The Cisco Product Catalog describes the networking products offered by Cisco Systems, as well as ordering and customer support services. Access the Cisco Product Catalog at this URL:

Cisco Press publishes a wide range of general networking, training and certification titles. Both new and experienced users will benefit from these publications. For current Cisco Press titles and other information, go to Cisco Press at this URL:

Packet magazine is the Cisco Systems technical user magazine for maximizing Internet and networking investments. Each quarter, Packet delivers coverage of the latest industry trends, technology breakthroughs, and Cisco products and solutions, as well as network deployment and troubleshooting tips, configuration examples, customer case studies, certification and training information, and links to scores of in-depth online resources. You can access Packet magazine at this URL:

iQ Magazine is the quarterly publication from Cisco Systems designed to help growing companies learn how they can use technology to increase revenue, streamline their business, and expand services. The publication identifies the challenges facing these companies and the technologies to help solve them, using real-world case studies and business strategies to help readers make sound technology investment decisions. You can access iQ Magazine at this URL:

Internet Protocol Journal is a quarterly journal published by Cisco Systems for engineering professionals involved in designing, developing, and operating public and private internets and intranets. You can access the Internet Protocol Journal at this URL:

World-class networking training is available from Cisco. You can view current offerings at this URL:


Posted: Sun Apr 2 01:04:23 PST 2006
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