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Table Of Contents
environment-monitor shutdown fan
environment-monitor shutdown temperature
environment-monitor temperature-threshold
show optical wavelength mapping
show upgrade-info functional-image
System Management Commands
Use the following commands to manage your Cisco ONS 15540 ESP.
clear facility-alarm
To clear the external indications for the facility alarms, use the clear facility-alarm command.
clear facility-alarm [critical | major | minor]
Syntax Description
Clears all external alarm indications and LEDs.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to perform a one-time clear of the specified LEDS and external audible and visual alarm relays.
The facility alarm conditions and alarm threshold error conditions are still posted in the processor memory and can be seen by using the show facility-alarm status command. You can clear the alarm threshold error conditions in memory by disabling protocol monitoring using the no monitor enable command. Online removal of a component or disabling an interface with the shutdown command also clears an alarm from processor memory.
The following examples shows how to clear critical external facility alarm indications.
Switch# clear facility-alarm critical
Related Commands
Command DescriptionEnables signal monitoring for certain protocol encapsulations.
Shows the facility alarm status information.
Disables an interface.
environment-monitor shutdown fan
To enable the fan failure shutdown feature, use the environment-monitor shutdown fan command. To disable fan failure shutdown, use the no form of the command.
environment-monitor shutdown fan
no environment-monitor shutdown fan
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
If a single fan fails on the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, a minor alarm is reported to the processor card. However, the chassis will never reach critical high temperature when only one fan fails.
If two or more fans fail, a major alarm is reported to the processor card.
If all eight fans in the fan tray fail, the chassis will reach critical temperature after 14 minutes.
To prevent damage to the cards and modules in the shelf when two or more fans fail, use the environment-monitor shutdown fan command to configure the system to automatically reset or power off the transponder modules. The transponder modules power off if the hardware version of the line card motherboard is 5.1 or later; otherwise, the transponder modules reset. Use the show hardware command to determine the hardware version of the 2.5-Gbps line card motherboards.
To recover from fan failure shutdown, you must power-cycle the shelf.
CautionDo not save the startup configuration file after the line modules shutdown. This action would result in losing the previous startup configuration.
CautionThe fan failure shutdown feature disrupts traffic on the shelf when two or more fans fail.
The following example shows how to enable fan failure shutdown.
configure terminal
environment-monitor shutdown fan
Related Commands
Command DescriptionDisplays the temperature sensor and fan status.
Displays information about the hardware on the shelf.
environment-monitor shutdown temperature
To enable the automatic shutdown of the system if the operating temperature exceeds the critical threshold, use the environment-monitor shutdown temperature command. To disable this feature, use the no form of the command.
environment-monitor shutdown temperature slot /subslot/module
no environment-monitor shutdown temperature
Syntax Description
Specifies a chassis slot.
Specifies a chassis sub slot.
Specifies a temperature sensor module.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entry:
Usage Guidelines
The Cisco ONS 15540 ESP system automatically shuts down the 2.5-Gbps transponder cards if the operating temperature exceeds the critical threshold. Though possible, Cisco does not recommend that you disable this feature.
To recover from a shutdown, you must power-cycle the shelf.
CautionDo not save the startup configuration file after the line cards shut down. This action would result in losing the previous startup configuration.
CautionThe shutdown feature disrupts traffic on the shelf when the operating temperature exceeds the critical temperature.
The following example shows how to enable the automatic shutdown of the system if the operating temperature exceeds the critical threshold:
configure terminal
environment-monitor shutdown temperature 6/0/0Related Commands
Command DescriptionDisplays the temperature sensor and fan status.
Changes the default threshold temperatures.
environment-monitor temperature-threshold
To change the default threshold temperatures, use the environment-monitor temperature-threshold command. To reset all the thresholds to the default values for all temperature sensor modules, use the no form of the command.
environment-monitor temperature-threshold {critical | major | minor | low} slot/subslot/module <threshold value>
no environment-monitor temperature-threshold
Syntax Description
The following table provides the default threshold temperatures for the alarms:
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entry:
Usage Guidelines
If you do not specify the threshold temperature for an alarm (critical, major, minor, or low), the threshold will be reset to the default value. If you do not specify the module as well, the threshold temperature will be reset for all the temperature sensor modules.
The following example shows how to configure the critical threshold temperature:
configure terminal
environment-monitor temperature-threshold critical 6/0/0 65Related Commands
Command DescriptionDisplays the temperature sensor and fan status.
Enables the automatic shutdown of the system if the operating temperature exceeds the critical threshold
hw-module subslot power
To turn off the power to a 2.5-Gbps transponder module in a line card motherboard before removing it, use the hw-module subslot power command.
hw-module subslot slot/subcard power off
Syntax Description
Specifies a transponder module in a line card motherboard.
Turns off the power to the transponder module.
The power to the 2.5-Gbps transponder module is on.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
When removing a 2.5-Gbps transponder module from the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP, bit rate errors occur on the transponder modules in the same line card motherboard. These errors do not affect system traffic but they can cause the system to issue alarms if an alarm threshold is exceeded. You can avoid these errors and alarms by turning off the power to the online module with the hw-module subslot power command before removing it.
Use the show hardware linecard command to display the status of the power to a 2.5-Gbps transponder module.
The hw-module subslot power command is only supported on 2.5-Gbps transponder modules installed in line card motherboards with hardware version 5.1, or later, and with LRC (line card redundancy controller) functional image version 2.72, or later.
To determine the functional image and hardware versions on your system, use the show hardware detail command.To power up the transponder module, you must remove it from the line card motherboard and reinsert it.
The following examples shows how to turn the power off to a 2.5-Gbps transponder module before removing it.
Switch# hw-module subslot 8/1 power off
Warning: Power OFF subcard 8/1. Continue? [confirm]y
The following examples shows how to turn the power on to a 2.5-Gbps transponder module after reinserting it.
Switch# hw-module subslot 8/1 power on
Warning: Power ON subcard 8/1. Continue? [confirm]y
Related Commands
To reload the active processor card, use the reload command.
reload [text | in [hh:]mm [text] | at hh:mm [month day | day month] [text] | cancel]
Syntax Description
Immediate active processor card reload
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
This command halts the active processor card. If the processor card is set to restart on error, it reboots itself.
Use this command after configuration information is entered into a file and saved to the startup configuration. You cannot reload from a virtual terminal if the processor card is not set up for automatic booting. This prevents the processor card from dropping to the ROM monitor and thereby taking the processor card out of the remote user's control.
If you modify your configuration file, the system prompts you to save the configuration. During a save operation, the system asks you if you want to proceed with the save if the CONFIG_FILE environment variable points to a startup configuration file that no longer exists. If you enter yes in this situation, the processor card goes to setup mode upon reload.
When you schedule a reload to occur at a later time, it must occur within approximately 24 days.
This command can be entered on either the active or standby processor card console and only a reload of the processor card on which the command was entered occurs.
When entered on the active processor card, this command synchronizes the running-config to the standby processor card just before the reload is executed, and causes a switchover to the standby processor card only if the standby processor card is in the hot-standby state.
By default the system is configured to reboot automatically, so the active processor card reboots as the standby processor card after the reload.
To display information about a scheduled reload, use the show reload command.
The following example shows how to reload the software on the processor card.
The following example reloads the software on the processor card in 10 minutes.
reload in 10Reload scheduled for 11:57:08 PDT Mon Feb 26 2001 (in 10 minutes)
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
The following example reloads the software on the processor card at 1:00 p.m. today.
reload at 13:00Reload scheduled for 13:00:00 PPDT Mon Feb 26 2001 (in 1 hour and 2 minutes)
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
The following example reloads the software on the processor card on 2/27 at 2:00 a.m.
reload at 02:00 feb 27Reload scheduled for 02:00:00 PDT Tues Feb 26 2001 (in 38 hours and 9 minutes)
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
The following example cancels a pending reload.
reload cancel%Reload cancelled.
Related Commands
To upgrade the ROMMON or functional image on a selected card from a flash file, use the reprogram privileged EXEC command.
reprogram flash-file-name {slot | rommon} [subcard]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
This command the image to the controller you select. It also resets the selected controller, which causes active connections and configurations to be lost.
CautionDo not power cycle the system during a reprogram operation because damage can occur to the controller you are reprogramming. If you power-cycle the system while reprogramming is in progress, you also might be unable to boot the system.
The following example shows how to reprogram the image on the processor card in slot 3.
Switch# reprogram bootflash:fi-ons15540-muxdemux.A.2-36.exo 3
Related Commands
show bootvar
To display boot and related environmental variables for both the active and standby processor cards, use the show bootvar command.
show bootvar
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
This command shows boot and related information for the active and standby processor cards.
The following example shows how to display boot information for the system. (See Table 8-1 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show bootvar
BOOT variable = bootflash:<imagename>;
CONFIG_FILE variable =
BOOTLDR variable =
Configuration register is 0x2
Standby auto-sync startup config mode is on
Standby auto-sync running config mode is on
Standby is up.
Standby BOOT variable = bootflash:<imagename>;
Standby CONFIG_FILE variable =
Standby BOOTLDR variable =
Standby Configuration register is 0x2
Related Commands
show ciscoview package
To display Embedded CiscoView package information, use the show ciscoview package command.
show ciscoview package
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display Embedded CiscoView package file information or for troubleshooting.
The following example shows how to display Embedded CiscoView package information. (See Table 8-2 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show ciscoview package
File source:slot1:
CVFILE SIZE(in bytes)
ONS15540-1.0.html 8861
ONS15540-1.0.sgz 1183238
ONS15540-1.0_ace.html 3704
ONS15540-1.0_error.html 401
ONS15540-1.0_jks.jar 17003
ONS15540-1.0_nos.jar 17497
applet.html 8861
cisco.x509 529
identitydb.obj 2523
Related Commands
show ciscoview version
To display Embedded CiscoView version information, use the show ciscoview version command.
show ciscoview version
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display Embedded CiscoView version information.
The following example shows how to display Embedded CiscoView version information. (See Table 8-3 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show ciscoview version
Engine Version: 5.3 ADP Device: ONS15540 ADP Version: 1.0 ADK: 39
Related Commands
show environment
To display the temperature sensor and fan status, use the show environment command.
show environment
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
The following example shows how to display the fan tray failure shutdown feature configuration:
Switch# show environment
Status: Total Failure
Line card shutdown on fan failure:enabled
Sensor Temperature Thresholds
(degree C) Minor Major Critcal Low
-------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------
Inlet Sensor 28 65 75 80 -15
Outlet Sensor 28 75 85 90 -15
Sensor Alarms
-------------------- ------------------------
Inlet Sensor 0 0 0
Outlet Sensor 0 0 0
Power Entry Module 0 type DC status: OK
Related Commands
show facility-alarm status
To display the facility alarm status, use the show facility-alarm status command.
show facility-alarm status [critical | info | major | minor]
Syntax Description
Displays all facility alarm status information. This information includes external alarms and protocol monitoring alarms.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the facility alarm and alarm threshold error status information.
The following example shows how to display the facility alarm status information. (See Table 8-4 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show facility-alarm status
System Totals Critical: 1 Major: 2 Minor: 1
Source: Chassis Severity: CRITICAL Description: 0 Chassis fan tray missing
Source: Transponder SC Severity: MAJOR Description: 0 Access to Tsp card failed
Source: Transponder SC Severity: MINOR Description: 1 Access to IDPROM failed
Source: Transponder SC Severity: MAJOR Description: 2 Line laser failure detected
Related Commands
Command DescriptionClears external facility alarm indications.
Enables signal monitoring for certain protocol encapsulations.
show hardware
To display hardware information, use the show hardware command.
show hardware [detail | linecard slot]
Syntax Description
Shows detailed hardware information for the entire shelf.
linecard slot
Shows detailed hardware information for the motherboard or processor card in a specific slot. The range is 0 to 11.
Displays summary hardware information for the entire shelf.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display hardware information for debugging and tracking.
The following example shows how to display hardware information for the shelf. (See Table 8-5 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show hardware
Manhattan_Backplane_PHASE_0 named Switch, Date: 10:25:38 UTC Tue Jul 3 2001
Back-Plane Information
Model Ver Serial No. MAC-Address MAC-Size RMA No. RMA Code MFG-Date
--------- --- ---------- ----------------- -------- ------- -------- ----------
Manhattan 3.0 TBC0503157 00-00-16-44-28-fb 16 0x00 0x00 02/16/2001
Slot Controller Type Part No. Rev Serial No. Mfg. Date RMA No. H/W Ver.
---- ------------------ ---------- --- ----------- ---------- ------- ---------
0/* Mx-DMx-Mthrbd 73-5656-03 6 CAB0516HK31 05/30/2001 0x00 3.1
0/2 FILTER_8+1_CHANNEL 30-1321-01 2 401370 06/21/2001 0x00 1.0
1/* Mx-DMx-Mthrbd 73-5656-02 02 SAK0502000H 02/15/2001 0x00 2.3
1/2 FILTER_8+1_CHANNEL 30-1321-01 2 401231 06/21/2001 0x00 1.0
6/* Queens CPU 73-5621-02 02 CAB0515HJHD 02/15/2001 0x00 3.5
7/* Queens CPU 73-5621-06 02 CAB0517HL4Q 02/15/2001 0x00 3.5
10/* XpndrMotherboard 73-5813-05 05 CAB0517HLSF 03/30/2001 0x00 5.1
10/0 TRANSPONDER_Type_I 73-5757-02 02 CAB0431BCUH 04/10/2001 0x00 2.3
10/1 TRANSPONDER_Type_I 73-5757-02 02 CAB0431BCUP 02/23/2001 0x00 2.3
10/2 TRANSPONDER_Type_I 73-5757-02 02 CAB0512HGPK 02/23/2001 0x00 2.3
10/3 TRANSPONDER_Type_I 68-1425-01 02 CAB0522HWL4 02/23/200@ 0x00 2.3
Power-Supply Module
Power-Supply A is : OK
Power-Supply B is : OK
The following example shows how to display detailed hardware information for a specific slot. (See Table 8-6 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show hardware linecard 8
Slot Number : 8/*
Controller Type : XpndrMotherboard
Orderable Product Number: N/A
Board Part Number : 73-5813-05
Board Revision : 05
Serial Number : CAB0517HLRV
Manufacturing Date : 03/30/2001
Hardware Version : 5.1
RMA Number : 0x00
RMA Failure Code : 0x00
Functional Image Version: 2.55
Subcard Power Control : 0:ON, 1:ON, 2:ON, 3:ON
Slot Number : 8/0
Controller Type : NPlugXpndrMonitor
On-Board Description : TRANSPONDER_Type_I_PHASE_0
Orderable Product Number: N/A
Board Part Number : 73-5757-02
Board Revision : 02
Serial Number : CAB0520HRPE
Manufacturing Date : prog
Hardware Version : 2.3
RMA Number : 0x00
RMA Failure Code : 0x00
Functional Image Version: 1.59
Slot Number : 8/1
Controller Type : NPlugXpndrMonitor
On-Board Description : TRANSPONDER_Type_I_PHASE_0
Orderable Product Number: N/A
Board Part Number : 73-5757-02
Board Revision : 02
Serial Number : CAB0521HSBS
Manufacturing Date : 02/23/2001
Hardware Version : 2.1
RMA Number : 0x00
RMA Failure Code : 0x00
Functional Image Version: 1.59
Related Commands
show optical wavelength mapping
To display the mapping of Cisco ONS 15540 ESP channels to ITU grid frequencies and wavelengths, use the show optical wavelength mapping command.
show optical wavelength mapping
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display how the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP channels map to the ITU G.692 grid wavelengths. Channel 0 is the OSC. Channels 1 through 32 are the client data channels. The last two digits of the frequency correspond to the ITU number (for example, the frequency for channel 1 is 192.1 so the ITU grid number is 21).
The frequencies ending in 0 and 5 are missing from the output because they are used as buffers between the 4-channel bands.
The following example shows how to display wavelength mapping information for the system. (See Table 8-7 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show optical wavelength mapping
Frequency Wavelength
Channel (THz) (nm)
------- --------- ----------
0 191.9 1562.23
1 192.1 1560.61
2 192.2 1559.79
3 192.3 1558.98
4 192.4 1558.17
5 192.6 1556.55
6 192.7 1555.75
7 192.8 1554.94
8 192.9 1554.13
9 193.1 1552.52
10 193.2 1551.72
11 193.3 1550.92
12 193.4 1550.12
13 193.6 1548.51
14 193.7 1547.72
15 193.8 1546.92
16 193.9 1546.12
17 194.1 1544.53
18 194.2 1543.73
19 194.3 1542.94
20 194.4 1542.14
21 194.6 1540.56
22 194.7 1539.77
23 194.8 1538.98
24 194.9 1538.19
25 195.1 1536.61
26 195.2 1535.82
27 195.3 1535.04
28 195.4 1534.25
29 195.6 1532.68
30 195.7 1531.90
31 195.8 1531.12
32 195.9 1530.33
show temperature
To display shelf temperature information, use the show temperature command.
show temperature
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the current shelf temperature and the alarm threshold temperatures.
The following example shows how to display internal redundancy software state information. (See Table 8-8 for field descriptions.)
Switch> show temperature
Sensor Temperature Thresholds
(degree C) Minor Major Critcal Low
-------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------
Inlet Sensor 31 65 75 80 -15
Outlet Sensor 33 75 85 90 -15
Sensor Alarms
Minor Major Critical
-------------------- ------------------------
Inlet Sensor 0 0 0
Outlet Sensor 0 0 0
Related Commands
show upgrade-info functional-image
To display functional image version diagnostics, use the show upgrade-info functional-image command.
show upgrade-info functional-image {all | latest-version [software-compatible]}
dat-file device:filename [detail]Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
SV-Release Modification12.2(18)SV
This command was introduced.
S-Release Modification12.2(22)S
This command was integrated in this release from release 12.2(22)SV.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the version diagnostics for ROMMON and functional images. The data file to use in conjunction with this command can be downloaded from the following URL:
The following example shows how to display detailed APS information for all APS groups. (See Table 8-9 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show upgrade-info functional-image all dat-file bootflash:fi-ons15540-index.008.dat
Validating CRC...100%
Generating Functional Image Upgrade Information for the currently running IOS
using DAT file bootflash:fi-ons15540-index.008.dat, created on Tues Aug 19 00:20:15 PST 2003.
Please ensure that you are using the latest DAT file from
Cisco Connection Online (CCO) Webpage
Abbr: Cur.FV = Functional Image Version of the Card.
Lis.FV = List of Func. Image Versions found in the DAT-file for the
corresponding card.
(U) = IOS Software upgrade is required, to upgrade to
the recommended functional image version.
Slot Product No Cur.FV Lis.FV Listed Functional Image
---- ------------------------- ------ ------ -------------------------------
0/* 15540-LCMB-UNKNOWN 2.66 2.66 No Func. Image Upgrade Required
1/* 15540-LCMB-UNKNOWN 2.67 2.67 No Func. Image Upgrade Required
3/* 15540-LCMB-1100 2.72 2.72 No Func. Image Upgrade Required
3/0 15540-TSP2-0100= 1.F1 1.F1 No Func. Image Upgrade Required
3/1 15540-TSP2-0100= 1.F1 1.F1 No Func. Image Upgrade Required
3/3 15540-TSP1-13B3= 1.F1 1.F1 No Func. Image Upgrade Required
4/0 15540-LCMB-1100 1.A0 1.A1 fi-ons15540-tlcmdb.A.1-A1.exo
6/* 15540-CPU= 1.25 1.27 fi-ons15540-ph0cpu.A.1-27.exo
7/* 15540-CPU= 1.27 1.27 No Func. Image Upgrade Required
Related Commands
Command DescriptionUpdates the ROMMON or functional image on a card or module.
Displays information about the hardware on the shelf.
show version
To display the system hardware configuration, software version, and names and sources of configuration files and boot images, use the show version command.
show version
Syntax Description
This command has no other arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the system hardware configuration, software version, and names and sources of configuration files and boot images.
Always specify the complete software version number when reporting a possible software problem.
The following example shows how to display version information for the system. Table 8-10 describes the output from the show version command.
Switch# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) ONS-15540 Software (manopt-M0-M), Experimental Version 12.1(20001031:221042) [ffrazer-man_cosmos 252]
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 23-Feb-01 15:23 by ffrazer
Image text-base:0x60010950, data-base:0x604E8000
ROM:System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(20001031:194138) [ffrazer-man_cosmos 233], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE
BOOTFLASH:ONS-15540 Software (manopt-M0-M), Experimental Version 12.1(20001031:221042) [ffrazer-man_cosmos 246]
Switch uptime is 30 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is "tftp://"
cisco (QUEENS-CPU) processor with 98304K/32768K bytes of memory.
R7000 CPU at 234Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 2.1, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache
Last reset from power-on
2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
509K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K).
16384K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 64K).
Configuration register is 0x102
To trace the IP routes the packets actually take when traveling from the Cisco ONS 15540 ESP NME (network management Ethernet) port to their destination, use the traceroute EXEC command.
traceroute protocol destination
Privileged EXEC Mode
traceroute [protocol] [destination]
Syntax Description
The protocol argument is based on the format of the destination argument. For example, if the system finds a destination in IP format, the protocol defaults to ip.
Command Modes
EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
This table includes the following release-specific history entries:
Usage Guidelines
The traceroute command works by taking advantage of the error messages generated by the system when a datagram exceeds its TTL (Time To Live) value. The traceroute command starts by sending probe datagrams with a TTL value of 1. This causes the first system to discard the probe datagram and send back an error message. The traceroute command sends several probes at each TTL level and displays the round-trip time for each.
The traceroute command sends out one probe at a time. Each outgoing packet may result in one or two error messages. A
time exceeded
error message indicates that an intermediate system detected and discarded the probe. Adestination unreachable
error message indicates that the destination node received and discarded the probe because it could not deliver the packet. If the timer goes off before a response comes in, traceroute prints an asterisk(*).The traceroute command terminates when the destination responds, when the maximum TTL is exceeded, or when the user interrupts the trace with the escape sequence. By default, to invoke the escape sequence, enter ^X.
Common Trace Problems
Due to bugs in the IP implementation of various hosts and switches, the IP traceroute command may behave in unexpected ways.
Not all destinations respond correctly to a probe message by sending back an
ICMP port unreachable
message. A long sequence of TTL levels with only asterisks, terminating only when the maximum TTL is reached, may indicate this problem.There is a known problem with the way some hosts handle an
ICMP TTL exceeded
message. Some hosts generate an ICMP message, but they reuse the TTL of the incoming packet. Because this is zero, the ICMP packets do not make it back. When you trace the path to such a host, you may see a set of TTL values with asterisks (*). Eventually, the TTL gets high enough that the ICMP message can get back. For example, if the host is 6 hops away, traceroute times out in responses 6 through 11.Examples
The following example displays sample IP traceroute output in EXEC mode when a destination host name is specified. (See Table 8-11 for field descriptions.)
Switch> traceroute ip ABA.NYC.mil
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to ABA.NYC.mil (
1 DEBRIS.CISCO.COM ( 1000 msec 8 msec 4 msec
2 BARRNET-GW.CISCO.COM ( 8 msec 8 msec 8 msec
3 EXTERNAL-A-GATEWAY.STANFORD.EDU ( 8 msec 4 msec 4 msec
4 BB2.SU.BARRNET.NET ( 8 msec 8 msec 8 msec
5 SU.ARC.BARRNET.NET ( 12 msec 12 msec 8 msec
6 MOFFETT-FLD-MB.in.MIL ( 216 msec 120 msec 132 msec
7 ABA.NYC.mil ( 412 msec 628 msec 664 msec
Table 8-12 describes the characters that can appear in traceroute output.
The following example displays sample IP traceroute output in privileged EXEC mode when a destination IP address is specified. (See Table 8-13 for prompt descriptions and Table 8-11 for field descriptions.)
Switch# traceroute
Protocol [ip]:
Target IP address:
Source address:
Numeric display [n]:
Timeout in seconds [3]:
Probe count [3]:
Minimum Time to Live [1]:
Maximum Time to Live [30]:
Port Number [33434]:
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]:
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
1 msec 0 msec 4 msec
2 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec
3 0 msec 0 msec 4 msec
Posted: Sun Feb 19 15:27:42 PST 2006
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