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Table Of Contents

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add-snmp-com command 4-2

add-snmp-mgr command 4-3

alarm command 4-4

alarm connections

troubleshooting 5-2

alarm contacts

setting 2-7

alarm out connector

description (table) 1-9


description 1-9, 5to 7

displaying gain mean levels 4-11

displaying gain trigger levels 4-12

displaying input mean levels 4-20

displaying input trigger levels 4-21

displaying lists of 4-4

internal case temperature mean 4-65

modifying 4-47

internal case temperature trigger 4-66

modifying 4-48

mean and trigger levels

displaying 4-59

optical input mean 4-42

optical input trigger 4-43

output signal mean 4-45

output signal power mean 4-32

output signal power trigger 4-33

output signal trigger 4-46

resetting to defaults 4-38

signal gain mean 4-40

signal gain trigger 4-41

types 3-4


ring topologies and 1-6

automatic gain control

adding wavelengths and 1-7

dropping wavelengths and 1-7

network design features 1-3


BER problems

preventing 1-7

transient suppression 1-4

bit error rate problems. See BER problems

boot-bank command 4-5

boot banks

displaying or modifying 4-5

boot modes

displaying or modifying 4-9


CLEI codes

displaying 4-63


displaying list of 4-15

displaying syntax 4-15

installation 2-7

introductory 2-7

operational 2-7

common language equipment identifier codes. See CLEI codes


basic system 3-2

SNMP 3-4

Telnet 3-3

console port

configuring 3-2


description (table) 1-9


DC input power

connecting 2-4to 2-5

grounding the chassis 2-5

specifications (table) B-2

troubleshooting 5-1

DC power input terminals

description (table) 1-9


resetting alarms to 4-38

resetting system and network settings 4-39

del-smnp-mgr command 4-8

del-snmp-com 4-7


electrical specifications

table B-1


displaying or modifying boot modes 4-9

Ethernet connection

troubleshooting 5-2

ethmode command 4-9



displaying build dates 4-63

displaying update dates 4-63

displaying versions 4-63

Flash banks

downloading and burning images 4-61

frame ground attachment

description (table) 1-9

front panel

features (table) 1-8

figure 1-8


burning images to Flash banks 4-61

downloading images 4-61



displaying 4-10

mean levels 4-11

trigger levels 4-12

gain command 4-10

gain flatness

network design features 1-3

gainmean command 4-11

gaintrig command 4-12

get-snmp-com command 4-13

get-snmp-mgr command 4-14

grounding the chassis 2-5


help command 4-15

hide-trap command 4-17

host-config command 4-18

host name

displaying or modifying 4-18



mean levels 4-20

trigger levels 4-21

input connector

description (table) 1-8

input power

displaying 4-19

inpwr command 4-19

inpwrmean command 4-20

inpwrtrig command 4-21

installation checklist

description 2-2

internal case temperature mean

displaying 4-65

internal case temperature trigger

displaying 4-66

IP addresses

displaying or modifying 4-22

pinging 4-34

ip-config command 4-22

IP default gateways

displaying or modifying 4-22

IP subnet masks

displaying or modifying 4-22


LAN connector

description (table) 1-9


description 1-9

description (table)

front panel (table) 5-3

troubleshooting 5-2

light emitting diodes. See LEDs.

local area network connector. See LAN connector.

local serial communication

equipment checklist (table) 3-1

set up 3-2


timeout interval 4-68

logout command 4-23


MAC addresses

displaying 4-63

mean levels

displaying 4-59

mechanical specifications

table B-2

Media Access Control address See MAC address

model numbers

displaying 4-63


neighbor-in command 4-24

neighbor-out command 4-26

network design features

automatic gain control 1-3

gain flatness 1-3

network management

console ports 1-5

SNMP 1-5

noise figure 1-5

output power 1-5

transient suppression 1-4

variable gain 1-4

network management

console ports 1-5

SNMP 1-5

network time protocol See NTP

noise figure

network design features 1-5


modifying or displaying status 4-28

ntp command 4-28

NTP IP addresses

modifying or displaying 4-29

ntp-ip command 4-29


optical input

mean levels 4-20

trigger levels 4-21

optical input mean

modifying 4-42

optical input power

displaying 4-19

optical input trigger

modifying 4-43

optical output power

displaying 4-30

optical power management

ring topologies and 1-7

optical signal-to-noise ratio. See OSNR.

optical specifications

table 1-2

optoutpwr command 4-30


cascaded EDFAs and (table) 1-4

noise figure 1-5

output connector

description (table) 1-8

output monitor connector

description (table) 1-8

output power

displaying 4-30

network design features 1-5

output signal mean

modifying 4-45

output signal power

displaying 4-31

output signal power mean level

displaying 4-32

output signal power trigger

displaying 4-33

output signal trigger

modifying 4-46

outsigpwr command 4-31

outsigpwrmean command 4-32

outsigpwrtrig command 4-33



modifying master 4-44

modifying user 4-51

recovery 5-3

setting 3-2

ping command 4-34

point-to-point topologies 1-5

power connecting. See DC input power connecting

power supply

voltage 4-35, 4-36

ps1 command 4-35

ps2 command 4-36



software 4-37

reboot command 4-37

remote communication

set up 3-3

resetmeantrig command 4-38

restore command 4-39

ring topologies 1-6


serial numbers

displaying 4-63

setgainmean command 4-40

setgaintrig command 4-41

setinpwrmean command 4-42

setinpwrtrig command 4-43

set-master-pwd command 4-44

setoutsigpwrmean command 4-45

setoutsigpwrtrig command 4-46

settempmean command 4-47

settemptrig command 4-48

set-time command 4-49

set-user-pwd command 4-51

sgain command 4-52

show-trap command 4-52

signal gain mean

modifying 4-40

signal gain trigger

modifying 4-41

simple network management protocol. See SNMP.

sinpwr command 4-54

site log

creating 2-1


adding community strings 4-2

adding or modifying an SNMP manager entry 4-3

configuring 3-4

deleting community strings 4-7

deleting SNMP manager entries 4-8

displaying community strings 4-13

displaying SNMP manager entries 4-14


burning images to Flash banks 4-61

downloading images via FTP or TFTP 4-61

reboot 4-37

soutsigpwr command 4-55

span loss 1-7


DC input power (table) B-2

electrical (table) B-1

mechanical (table) B-2

optical (table) 1-2

sps1 command 4-56

sps2 command 4-57

spump command 4-58

status command 4-59

stemp command 4-60

sw-download command 4-61

sys-info command 4-63

system information

displaying 4-63



configuring 3-3

temp command 4-64


internal case temperature

displaying 4-64

internal case temperature mean

displaying 4-65

modifying 4-47

internal case temperature trigger

displaying 4-66

modifying 4-48

tempmean command 4-65

temptrig command 4-66


burning images to Flash banks 4-61

downloading images 4-61


displaying 4-67

displaying or modifying 4-49

time command 4-67

timeout command 4-68

timeout interval

displaying or modifying 4-68


displaying or modifying 4-69

timezone command 4-69

time zones

codes (table) D-1


required 2-2

transient suppression

network design features 1-4


displaying trap messages 4-52

hiding trap messages 4-17

trigger levels

displaying 4-59


alarm connections 5-2

basic diagnostic procedures 5-1

DC input power 5-1

Ethernet connection 5-2

LEDs 5-2

password recovery 5-3


variable gain

network design features 1-4

variable optical attenuation. See VOA.

VOA 1-4


Posted: Thu Jun 24 10:14:16 PDT 2004
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