
Table Of Contents

Messages and Recovery Procedures

New System Messages

ACL Messages






CDP Messages




COPS Messages





DRIP Messages




DTP Messages






DVLAN Messages






EARL Messages





ETHC Messages



FILESYS Messages


GL2PT Messages




GVRP Messages




IP Messages




KERNEL Messages





LD Messages



MCAST Messages





MGMT Messages







MLS Messages













PRUNING Messages for VTP






QOS Messages




RADIUS Messages




RSVP Messages









SNMP Messages





SNMP RMON Messages









SYS Messages









TAC Messages



UDLD Protocol Messages




VMPS Messages




VTP Messages






Messages and Recovery Procedures

This chapter lists the system messages by facility. Within each facility, the messages are listed by severity levels 0 to 7: 0 is the highest severity level, and 7 is the lowest severity level. Each message is followed by an explanation and a recommended action.

Note The messages listed in this chapter do not include the date/time stamp designation; the date/time stamp designation is displayed only if the software is configured for system log messaging.

New System Messages

Table 2-1 lists the system messages that are new to Catalyst software release 7.3.

Table 2-1 New System Messages for Catalyst Software Release 7.3



EARL-2-TABLE_FULL: Cam Table is currently [dec] Full


ETHC-5-LACPDISABLE: Lacp disabled on port [dec]/[dec] (half-duplex link)


ETHC-5-LACPENABLE: Lacp re-enabled on port [dec]/[dec]


SECURITY-3-DOT1X_RSPANVLAN: DOT1X: RSPAN vlan [dec] in RADIUS response - Port is unauthorized


SYS-3-PORT_BADPORT: Bad port [dec]/[dec] detected, inline power is turned off

ACL Messages

This section contains the Access Control Lists (ACL) messages.


Error Message    ACL-2-TASKFAIL: ACL task exits

Explanation    This message indicates that the ACL task cannot be created, so no security or QoS functions are available.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-2-VACLLOGTASKFAIL: VACL Logging task exits: [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN Access Control List (VACL) logging task is ending. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    ACL-3-NOLABEL: acl engine is out of label

Explanation    This message indicates that the hardware cannot map an ACL to the VLAN or to the port.

Recommended Action    Reduce the ACL to VLAN or port mapping or contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-NOLOU: acl engine is out of logical operation unit

Explanation    This message indicates that the hardware is out of logical operation units, which process the TCP/UDP port number operations.

Recommended Action    Reduce the number of different kinds of operations being run or contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_ADDPVLANFAIL: Failed to add secondary VLAN [dec] to primary VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message is displayed when an existing VLAN becomes a secondary VLAN and there was an IOS ACL or dynamic ACE mapped to the existing VLAN. It can also occur when an existing VLAN becomes a secondary VLAN and the primary VLAN has a policy routing ACL configured (valid on Supervisor Engine 2 only). The first [dec] is the secondary VLAN number and the second [dec] is the primary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Remove the IOS ACL mapping before adding the secondary VLAN.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_ATTACHACLFAIL: Failed to map router ACL to private VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message is displayed when the router tries to download an IOS ACL or dynamic ACEs on an existing secondary VLAN, or when a policy routing ACL is configured on a primary VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Set the PVLAN to a regular VLAN.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_DELETEACLFAIL: Failed to delete router ACL from secondary VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an attempt was made to remove router ACLs from a secondary VLAN. [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Make sure you do not have any router interfaces configured on a secondary VLAN.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_LDPGATEDLTACLFAIL: Failed to delete LDA ACL from secondary VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an ACL created by the LocalDirector Accelerator (LDA) feature cannot be removed from a secondary VLAN. [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Note LocalDirector Accelerator is now referred to as Accelerated Server Load Balancing (ASLB).

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_LDPGATEMAPFAIL: Failed to propagate LDA ACL to secondary VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an ACL created by the LDA feature cannot be mapped to a secondary VLAN. [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_PGATEDFLTACTION: Failed to propagate router default action to secondary to VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the router set a default action on a primary VLAN, but this action was not sent to the secondary VLANs. [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_PGATEDLTACLFAIL: Failed to propagate router ACL deletion to secondary VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message is displayed when a delete operation on a primary VLAN does not succeed in removing the mapping of the same ACL from the secondary VLANs. [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_PGATEMAPFAIL: Failed to propagate router ACL to secondary VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an IOS ACL downloaded to a primary VLAN did not get propagated to the secondary VLANs. [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-PVLAN_SETDFLTFAIL: Failed to set router default action on secondary VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message is displayed when the router tries to set a default action on a secondary VLAN. [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Make sure you do not have any router interfaces configured on a secondary VLAN.

Error Message    ACL-3-RACLMAPCOMMITFAIL: Failed to map Router ACL to VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN is configured with Private VLAN (PVLAN) and that the Router Access Control List (RACL) for this VLAN cannot be configured in the Policy Feature Card (PFC). The RACL is enforced in the Multilayer Switch Feature Card (MSFC) software. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Remove the PVLAN configuration and reattach the RACL to the VLAN to configure it in PFC.

Error Message    ACL-3-TCAMFULL: acl engine TCAM table is full

Explanation    This message indicates that the hardware ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) table was full when you attempted to configure a new ACL.

Recommended Action    Try to remove the unused security or QoS ACL, or contact your technical support

Error Message    ACL-3-VACLACLCOMMITFAIL: Failed to commit Security ACL [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the Access Control List (ACL) was not committed to the hardware. [chars] is the name of the Access Control List.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ACL-3-VACLACLNVRAMFAIL: Failed to commit Security ACL [chars] to NVRAM

Explanation    This message indicates that the NVRAM and hardware are not working together. The ACL configuration was saved to the hardware but was not saved to NVRAM. [chars] is the name of the Access Control List.

Recommended Action    Either move the ACL configuration to Flash or create space in NVRAM and commit again. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-VACLMAPCOMMITFAIL: Failed to Map Security ACL [chars] to Vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the mapping between the ACL and the VLAN has failed. [chars] is the Access Control List name and [dec] is the VLAN name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ACL-3-VACLMAPDELETEFAIL: Failed to remove map between ACL [chars] and Vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VACL cannot be detached from the VLAN. [chars] is the VACL string and [dec] is the VLAN interface number.

Recommended Action    Verify the VACL name and the VLAN interface number.


Error Message    ACL-4-ACLMERGE: Failed to enable bdd: not enough memory

Explanation    This message indicates that the ACL merge algorithm binary decision diagram (BDD) was not enabled because the supervisor engine has insufficient DRAM memory.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    ACL-5-RACLCONFLICTLDA: RACL conflicts with LDA on Vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that you are trying to configure IOS ACL on a VLAN that has LocalDirector Accelerator (LDA) configured. The switch fails the IOS ACL configuration. Vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Note LDA is now referred to as Accelerated Server Load Balancing (ASLB).


Error Message    ACL-6-LOUEXPANSION: Acl engine is performing l4 operators expansion

Explanation    This message indicates that the ACL code is converting an access control entry (ACE) into a series of eqivalent ACEs to overcome an out of logical operator unit (LOU) condition.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ACL-6-VACLFINISHRESTORE: Finished restoring Security ACL configuration to hardware

Explanation    This message is printed after the ACL configuration has been restored to the hardware. Traffic on VLANs with ACLs mapped to them follows the ACL configuration rules.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ACL-6-VACLSTARTRESTORE: Restoring Security ACL configuration to hardware

Explanation    This message is printed at startup to notify the user that the ACL configuration is being restored to hardware. All traffic is denied through VLANs that have ACLs mapped to them until the next message (VACLFINISHRESTORE) is printed.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ACL-6-VACLLOG: VLAN [dec] (Port [dec][dec]) denied [chars]

Explanation    This message is generated when the VACL logging function is enabled. Logged denied-packet information is displayed on the console or forwarded to the syslog server in the VACLLOG message format. The first [dec] is the VLAN number, Port [dec][dec] is module number and port number, and [chars] contains the source IP address, TCP source port number, destination IP address, TCP destination port number, and number of packets.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

CDP Messages

This section contains the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) messages.


Error Message    CDP-3-SENDFAIL: Transmit failure on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a transmit failure occurred on the port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    CDP-4-DUPLEXMISMATCH: Full/half duplex mismatch detected on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the duplex configuration of an Ethernet port is different from the configuration set on at least one of the neighboring ports. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the duplex settings. If the duplex configuration does not match, set it appropriately. If no apparent mismatch is found, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    CDP-4-NVLANMISMATCH: Native vlan mismatch detected on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the native VLAN is different from the one set on at least one of the neighboring ports. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number of the mismatched port.

Recommended Action    Check the native VLAN settings. If the VLAN configuration does not match, set it appropriately. If no apparent mismatch is found, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    CDP-7-PACKETRX: Packet Reception detected on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a packet has been detected on a module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    CDP-7-PACKETTX: Packet Transmission detected on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a packet has been transmitted from a module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    CDP-7-PKTDROP: Packet dropped as CDP is disabled on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a packet dropped as CDP was disabled on the port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the CDP port status. If the port is disabled, enable it; if the port is enabled, contact your technical support representative.

COPS Messages

This section contains the Common Open Policy Service (COPS) messages.


Error Message    COPS-3-DS-CLIENT_INIT_FAILED: Failed to intialize DsClient, error status [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS DS client failed to initialize. [dec] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    COPS-3-SERVER_NOT_CONFIGURED: COPS server not configured for [chars] client

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS server is not configured on the switch. [chars] is the client server name.

Recommended Action    Configure the COPS server IP address or name.

Error Message    COPS-3-TTL_TIMER_MALLOC_FAILED: Malloc Failed for Pib Ttl Timer

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS DS client could not allocate memory for one of its internal objects because of insufficient memory.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    COPS-5-HA_POLICY_TIMER_EXPIRED: HA Policy Timer Expired - Applying local policy on ports that do not have COPS policy

Explanation    This message indicates that COPS policy may be incomplete or not fully received from the COPS server. Until the COPS policy is completely received, a locally configured COPS policy will apply to the ports.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    COPS-5-TTL_TIMER_EXPIRED: Ttl Timer expired, reverting to NVRAM policy

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS DS client has lost connection to the COPS server. After the connection loss, the COPS policy is cached for a limited period of time. After the cache timer has expired, the COPS DS client applies local NVRAM policy to all interfaces.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    COPS-6-CONN_LOST: Connection to COPS server [chars] (port: [dec]) lost

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS Connection Manager lost its connection to the COPS server. [chars] is the IP address and [dec] is the port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    COPS-6-CONN_MADE: New Connection made to COPS server [chars] (port: [dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS Connection Manager has made a new connection to the COPS server. [chars] is the IP address and [dec] is the port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    COPS-6-DS_CLIENT_EXITING: COPS Ds Client Exiting

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS DS client has completely shut down after being disabled from the command line interface.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    COPS-6-KA_TIMER_EXPIRED: Keep Alive timer expired for connection to COPS

Explanation    This message indicates that the keepalive timer has expired. The COPS Connection Manager considers the connection to the COPS server broken and will try to reconnect to the server.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    COPS-6-SERVER_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED: Name lookup for [chars] COPS server for Cops-[chars] client failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS client was unable to resolve an incorrect COPS server name. The first [chars] is the name entered for the COPS server and the second [chars] is the name of the COPS client.

Recommended Action    Enter a new name for the COPS server.


Error Message    COPS-7-CONN_ATTEMPT_FAILED: Connection attempt to COPS server [chars] (port: [dec]) failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the COPS Connection Manager failed to make a connection to the COPS server. [chars] is the IP address and [dec] is the port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    COPS-7-CONN_ATTEMPT_MADE: Attempting to connect to COPS server [chars] (port: [dec]) for [chars] client

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch was attempting to connect to the COPS server for policy information. [chars] is the name of the COPS server, [dec] is the port number, and [chars] is the name of the client server.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

DRIP Messages

This section contains the Dual Ring Protocol (DRiP) messages.


Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPALRINIT: Drip Already Initialized

Explanation    This message indicates that DRiP was previously enabled and initialized, and a software module requested a reinitialization of the database.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPALRSHUT: Drip Already Shutdown

Explanation    This message indicates that DRiP was previously shut down, and a software module has requested another shutdown.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPCONFMAC2: LOC: [chars], REM: [chars]

Explanation    This message precedes each DRiP-3 level conflict message (for example, Invalid Change Request. Status [hex]). The first [chars] is the MAC address for the local switch, and the second [chars] is the MAC address for the remote switch.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPCOREERROR: Drip Core Error

Explanation    This message indicates that the DRiP code has detected an internal error, and that DRiP is an unreliable process at this point.

Recommended Action    Execute the show drip statistics command and provide the displayed information to your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPINVCHG: Invalid Change Request. Status [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that the DRiP database was called to update the database for a status byte that is invalid. [hex] is the status byte.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPNOLCLBOX: No Local Box. Vlanid [dec], MAC [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the DRiP database was called, but no entry exists for the local MAC address and VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN number and [chars] is the MAC address.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPNOMAC: No Mac [chars] Match. Vlanid [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the DRiP database was called, but no entry exists for this MAC address on the VLAN. [chars] is the MAC address and [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPNOVLAN: No Vlanid [dec] Match. MAC [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the DRiP database was called, but no entry exists for the VLAN for this switch. [dec] is the VLAN number and [chars] is the switch name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-3-DRIPOUTRANGE: Vlanid [dec] out of range. MAC [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the DRiP database received a request to enter a VLAN ID number that is out of range. [dec] is the VLAN number and [chars] is the MAC address.

Recommended Action    Document the VLAN ID and the MAC address, and contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    DRIP-4-DRIPCONFLICTACT: Vlanid [dec] Active Conflict. Status [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that a TrCRF VLAN has ports assigned and active on multiple switches that distribute the Concentrator Relay Function (CRF) VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN number and [hex] is the returned status. The DRiP database has an invalid status indication for this VLAN.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-4-DRIPCONFLICTCON: Vlanid [dec] Configuration conflict

Explanation    This message indicates that a TrCRF VLAN has ports assigned on multiple switches that distribute the CRF VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN number. Port assignments are allowed only on a single switch for this VLAN.

Recommended Action    Reassign ports for this VLAN only to one switch. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-4-DRIPCONFLICTCONACT: Vlanid [dec] Configuration/Active Conflict

Explanation    This message indicates that a TrCRF VLAN has ports assigned and active on multiple switches that distribute the CRF VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN ID number. Port assignments are allowed only on a single switch for this VLAN.

Recommended Action    Reassign ports for this VLAN to one switch. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DRIP-4-DRIPCONFMAC1: LOC: [chars], REM: [chars]

Explanation    This message precedes each DRiP-4 level conflict message (for example, Configuration conflict on vlan [dec]). The first [chars] is the MAC address for the local switch and the second [chars] is the MAC address for the remote switch.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    DRIP-5-DRIPFAILSCP: SCP Failure

Explanation    This message indicates that DRiP tried to send a Serial Communications Protocol (SCP) message to a module and failed.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

DTP Messages

This section contains the Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) messages.


Error Message    DTP-1-ILGLCFG: Illegal config (on, isl--on,dot1q) on Port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that one end of the trunk is configured as ON, ISL and the other end is configured as ON, dot1Q. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number where the syslog message is printed.

Recommended Action    This is an illegal configuration and you must change the encapsulation type so that both ends of the trunk match.


Error Message    DTP-3-NONTRUNKPORTFAIL: Port [dec]/[chars] failed to become non-trunk

Explanation    This message indicates that the port failed to become nontrunked. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Perform these steps, retrying the connection after each step:

Step 1 Check the total memory available. If the total memory is close to 0, this might be the cause of the failure; contact your technical support representative. If the total memory available is not close to 0, proceed to the next step.

Step 2 Check the status of the Serial Communications Protocol (SCP); observe the count field. Repeat several times. If the count rises, this might be the cause of the failure; contact your technical support representative. If the count does not rise, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DTP-3-TRUNKPORTFAIL: Port [dec]/[chars] failed to become trunk

Explanation    This message indicates that the port failed to become trunked. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Perform these steps, retrying the connection after each step:

Step 1 Check the total memory available. If the total memory is close to 0, this might be the cause of the failure; contact your technical support representative. If total memory available is not close to 0, proceed to the next step.

Step 2 Check the status of the SCP; observe the count field. If the count rises, this might be the cause of the failure; contact your technical support representative. If the count does not rise, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    DTP-4-PKTQFULL: DTP internal queue dtpPktQ full

Explanation    This message indicates that an overflow occurred in the DTP internal packet queue due to an abnormal condition.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    DTP-5-AUXVLANPORTOFF: Auxiliary vlan removed on port [dec]/[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the link is down on a multiple VLAN access port, or that the auxiliary VLAN has been removed from the configuration of a multiple VLAN access port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DTP-5-AUXVLANPORTON: Auxiliary vlan added on port [dec]/[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that during a linkup on a port configured with multiple VLANs, if the port does not negotiate to become a trunk port, then it becomes a multiple VLAN access port. This message also can occur when an auxiliary VLAN is added to a working access port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DTP-5-NONTRUNKPORTON: Port [dec]/[chars] has become non-trunk

Explanation    This message indicates the port is nontrunked. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DTP-5-NONVLAN2PORTON: Port [dec]/[chars] has become a nonvlan2-access port

Explanation    This message indicates that a link is broken on a multiple VLAN access port. This message also occurs when an auxiliary VLAN is removed from a working access port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port name.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DTP-5-TRUNKPORTCHG: Port [dec]/[chars] has changed from [chars] trunk to [chars] trunk.

Explanation    This message indicates that the encapsulation type of the trunk has changed. [dec] is the module number, the first [chars] is the port number, the second [chars] is the original encapsulation type, and the third [chars] is the new encapsulation type.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DTP-5-TRUNKPORTON: Port [dec]/[chars] has become trunk

Explanation    This message indicates that the port is trunked. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DTP-5-VLAN2PORTON: Port [dec]/[chars] has become a vlan2-access port

Explanation    This message indicates that a port configured with multiple VLAN did not negotiate to become a trunk port and instead became a multiple VLAN access port. This message also occurs when an auxiliary VLAN is added to a working access port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port name.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    DTP-7-MULTIDROP: Port [dec]/[dec] detected multiple neighbors.

Explanation    This message indicates that a trunk has detected multiple neighbors (shared environment). DTP turns off trunking to that port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary if you want the port to be nontrunking.

Error Message    DTP-7-NODTP: Port [dec]/[dec] not recd DTP packet for 5m.

Explanation    This message indicates that the port is nontrunking because it has not received any DTP packets from its neighbor port for five minutes. [dec][dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DTP-7-PORTLINKDOWN: Port [dec]/[chars] Link down

Explanation    This message indicates that DTP detects a broken link for the port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DTP-7-PORTLINKUP: Port [dec]/[chars] Link up

Explanation    This message indicates that DTP detects a link-up for the port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DTP-7-SYNCUPMSG: Port [dec]/[dec] recd [chars] from 2.2x4.4x

Explanation    This message indicates the DTP status received by the port and the MAC address of the neighbor port. [dec][dec] is the module number/port number and recd [chars] is the received status.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

DVLAN Messages

This section contains the switch Dynamic VLAN (DVLAN) messages.


Error Message    DVLAN-1-DENYHOST: Host [chars] denied on port [dec]/[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) sent a response to deny connectivity to the host. [chars] is the host's MAC address and [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Check the VMPS database to see why connectivity is denied. If the database information is correct, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-1-DENYHOSTVLAN: Host [chars] denied on port [dec]/[chars] by inactive vlan

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN assigned by the VMPS is not active in the switch. [chars] is the host's MAC address and [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Make sure the VLAN is active and retry operation. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-1-NOVMPS: VMPS address not configured

Explanation    This message indicates that the VMPS server address has not been configured.

Recommended Action    Configure the VMPS server address. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-1-SHUTDOWNPORT1: Port [dec]/[chars] shutdown by VMPS

Explanation    This message indicates that the VMPS detects an unknown MAC address on the port and shuts down the port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Remove the unknown host and enable the port. Retry operation. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-1-SHUTDOWNPORT2: Port [dec]/[chars] shutdown by EARL failure

Explanation    This message indicates that a dynamic Enhanced Address Recognition Logic (EARL) entry for a new host cannot be set in EARL because all four pages for the hashed index are full. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Enable the port and retry operation. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-1-SHUTDOWNPORT3: Port [dec]/[chars] shutdown by active host limit

Explanation    This message indicates that more than 50 active hosts are detected on a dynamic port. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Reduce the active hosts. Enable the port and retry operation. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-1-SHUTDOWNPORT4: Port [dec]/[chars] shutdown by Internal Vlan

Explanation    This message indicates that the port is shut down because the port is an internal VLAN that is reserved for intelligent modules. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    When you use extended range VLANs, assign data VLANs with numbers from 4094 or lower so that there is not a conflict with the internal VLAN assignment, which uses values of 1025 and greater.


Error Message    DVLAN-3-BINDFAIL: Failed to bind DVLAN socket

Explanation    This message indicates that a failure to bind the DVLAN socket has occurred.

Recommended Action    Set all the dynamic ports to static, and then try to set them back to dynamic. If unsuccessful, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-DOMAININVALID: Invalid-Management-Domain opcode in response

Explanation    This message indicates that the management domain name in the VMPS response does not match the VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP) domain name set in the system.

Recommended Action    Correct the domain name either in the database or in the system.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-NOCOOKIE: Response has no Cookie

Explanation    This message indicates that the VMPS response has no Cookie.

Recommended Action    Check the VMPS server, and then contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-NORESOURCE: No-Resource opcode in response

Explanation    This message indicates that the VMPS responds with no-resource.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-NOVLAN: Response has no VLAN ID

Explanation    This message indicates that the VMPS response has no VLAN name.

Recommended Action    Check the VMPS server, and then contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-RECEIVEFAIL: Failed (err = [dec]) to receive response from VMPS [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a failure to receive a response from the VMPS has occurred. [dec] is the error number and [chars] is the VMPS server address.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative about the error number displayed in the message.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-SENDFAIL: Failed (err = [dec]) to send query to VMPS [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a failure to send a query to the VMPS has occurred. [dec] is the error number and [chars] is the VMPS address.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative about the error number displayed in the message.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-SOCKFAIL: Failed to open socket for DVLAN

Explanation    This message indicates that a failure to open a socket for DVLAN has occurred.

Recommended Action    Set all the dynamic ports to static, and then try to set them back to dynamic. If unsuccessful, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-TRAPDIAGFAIL: EARL trap diag failed on supervisor module

Explanation    This message indicates that the EARL trap diagnostics have failed. If the EARL trap diagnostics have failed, you cannot set the ports to dynamic.

Recommended Action    Enter the show test command to check for trap failures. Reset the system. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-TRAPUNSUPPORTED: EARL trap not supported in supervisor module

Explanation    This message indicates that an older supervisor engine was installed (hardware version 1.3 or lower) that does not support the trap feature in EARL. You cannot set the ports to dynamic in these modules.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-VERSIONINVALID: Invalid-Version opcode in response

Explanation    This message indicates that the VMPS response has an invalid version number. The VMPS version should be 1.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    DVLAN-3-VLANINVALID: Invalid VLAN ID ([chars]) in response

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN name in the VMPS response is not available in the system. ([chars]) is the VLAN name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    DVLAN-4-NODYNPORT: No dynamic ports configured, reconfirm aborted

Explanation    This message indicates that the reconfirm vmps command was executed, and no dynamic ports were configured.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DVLAN-4-NOHOST: No host on dynamic ports, reconfirm aborted

Explanation    This message indicates that the reconfirm vmps command was executed, and no active host is connected to the dynamic ports.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    DVLAN-6-MOVEDHOST: Host [chars] moved from static to dynamic port [dec]/[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the host has moved from a static port to a dynamic port. [chars] is the host MAC address and [dec]/[chars] is the changed port module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    DVLAN-7-ASSIGNVLAN: VLAN [dec] assigned to Port [dec]/[chars]

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging. This message indicates that a VLAN was assigned to a dynamic port. [dec] is the VLAN number and [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    DVLAN-7-PRIMARYVMPS: Primary VMPS [chars] is alive

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging. This message indicates that the switch can communicate with the VMPS server. [chars] is the name of the server.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

EARL Messages

This section contains the Enhanced Address Recognition Logic (EARL) messages.


Error Message    EARL-2-EARL4LOOKUPRAMERROR: Address [hex], data [hex]-[hex]-[hex]-[hex], count [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a look-up RAM parity error has been detected. The address [hex] field is the address in the forwarding table where the error was detected. The data [hex]-[hex]-[hex]-[hex] field is the word0, word1, word2, and word3 of RAM data that generated the parity error; and the count [dec] field is the total number of parity errors.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    EARL-2-EARL6L2L3_SEQERROR: L2 Seq 1[dec], L3 Seq 1[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a critical error has occurred and that the EARL has stopped forwarding packets. This message is displayed as the system attempts to recover. The two [dec] values are the sequence numbers that have mismatched.

Recommended Action    No action is required unless you see this message every few minutes, or if linecards are power cycled repeatedly following the receipt of this message.

Error Message    EARL-2-TABLE_FULL: Cam Table is currently [dec] Full

Explanation    This message indicates that the CAM table is full and that the entries are being deleted through the aging process. [dec] is the number of entries in the CAM table.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    EARL-3-BADCOLOR: Bad color [dec] read from [hex] for a [chars] entry

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has learned a MAC address on an invalid VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN number, [hex] is the location, and [chars] is either static or dynamic.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    EARL-3-DELETEVLANTIMER: Failure to remove timer [dec] from vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the EARL cannot remove the aging timer for this VLAN. Timer [dec] is the timer number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    EARL-3-EARLDELETE: Earl delete error

Explanation    An attempt to delete an EARL entry failed.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    EARL-3-L3_PARERR: CentauriInterrupt:L3 parity Error [hex] [hex] [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that the Layer 3 switching engine has seen a parity error in the data from the Layer 3 table. The first [hex] is the count, the second [hex] is the contents of the L3 Parity Error Register 0, and the third [hex] is the contents of the L3 Parity Error Register 1.

Recommended Action    If there are multiple occurrences of this message, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    EARL-3-LTL: Failure to set LTL for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the EARL cannot program the Local Targeting Logic (LTL) ASIC on the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    EARL-3-MC_DBUSLEN: CentauriInterrupt:DBus length error [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that the Layer 3 switching engine has detected a DBUS length error. [hex] is the error count.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    EARL-3-SETVLANTIMER: Failure to set timer [dec] from vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the EARL cannot set the aging timer for this VLAN. Timer [dec] is the timer number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    EARL-5-FDDI: Failed to send CAM message to FDDI module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an interprocess message was not sent successfully. This can occur under heavy traffic conditions or a topology change on a system with many VLANs.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    EARL-7-MAC_NOTIF_SLEEP: Process is going to sleep for the next [dec] seconds

Explanation    This message is for debugging purposes. The message indicates that the corresponding process is going to sleep for the specified number of seconds. [dec] is the number of seconds the process will sleep.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is for informational purposes only.

ETHC Messages

This section contains the Ethernet Channel (ETHC) messages.


Error Message    ETHC-5-ACTIVATEPORT: Port [dec]/[dec] left suspended state (LACP active/passive mode)

Explanation    This message indicates that a port previously suspended has been reactivated because its operational condition is now compatible with the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) active and passive mode. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ETHC-5-LACPDISABLE: Lacp disabled on port [dec]/[dec] (half-duplex link)

Explanation    This message indicates that the LACP PDU transmission is suppressed, and that if the port is part of a channel and is detached, the port is now operating as a single connection. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Either set the port to full duplex or set the channel mode to off for that port. LACP is reenabled automatically when the link is set to full duplex.

Error Message    ETHC-5-LACPENABLE: Lacp re-enabled on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that LACP is reenabled on a port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ETHC-5-PORTFROMSTP: Port [dec]/[dec] left bridge port [dec]/[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the physical port disconnected from the logical port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, and [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ETHC-5-PORTTOSTP: Port [dec]/[dec] joined bridge port [dec]/[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the physical port joined the logical port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ETHC-5-SUSPENDPORT: Port [dec]/[dec] entered suspended state (LACP active/passive mode)

Explanation    This message indicates that a port has been suspended (not posted on the spanning tree) because of an operational condition that is not supported by the protocol. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Remove the condition that is preventing the protocol from running on the port. If a change to the operational characteristics on the port is not possible, set the channel mode for that port to off.


Error Message    ETHC-7-BADQUEUEMSG: Unknown message in queue [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the processor received a message it cannot identify. [chars] is the character string of the message.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    ETHC-7-INACTIVEVLAN: ([dec]/[dec]) vlan inactive

Explanation    This message indicates that the system tried to transmit a packet to a VLAN but the VLAN is not active. ([dec]/[dec]) is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the VLAN port setting to make sure it is correct. If the VLAN port setting is correct, reset the system. If the message recurs, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ETHC-7-INVALIDPORT: Invalid agportIndex = [dec] (mNo/aNo = [dec]/[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the agportIndex is out of range (the logical port is invalid). [dec] is the index and ([dec]/[dec]) is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ETHC-7-NOACTIVEVLAN: Failed to transmit info pdu --- no active vlan ([dec]/[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the system tried to transmit a packet through a VLAN that was not active. ([dec]/[dec]) is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ETHC-7-NOMEM: No (SCP) memory for PAgP_Group_Rx process

Explanation    This message indicates that the processor is trying to send a message to a module to configure a channel, but the buffer is unexpectedly full.

Recommended Action    Reset the system. If the message recurs, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ETHC-7-PROCFAIL: Failed to create PAgP_Group_Rx process

Explanation    This message indicates that the PAgP_Group_Rx process was not created, so channeling is not allowed.

Recommended Action    Reset the system. If the message recurs, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ETHC-7-QFULL: [chars] queue is full

Explanation    This message indicates that the message buffer between two processors is full. [chars] identifies the buffer.

Recommended Action    Reset the system. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ETHC-7-STPDISABLED: Failed to transmit info pdu --- disabled STP ([dec]/[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that spanning tree is disabled and cannot transmit a packet. ([dec]/[dec]) is the module number/port range.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    ETHC-7-WAITFORMEM: Wait for successful memory allocation

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is trying to dynamically allocate more memory for an operation, but there is insufficient memory left.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

FILESYS Messages

This section contains the Flash file system (FILESYS) messages.


Error Message    FILESYS-1-BT_REFMT: Bootflash size mismatch with file system

Explanation    This message indicates that there was a boot Flash file system configuration error.

Recommended Action    Format the boot Flash file.

Error Message    FILESYS-1-PC_INSERT: PCMCIA flash card inserted into [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a Flash PC card was inserted into a slot. [chars] is slot 0 or slot 1.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    FILESYS-1-PC_REMOVE: PCMCIA flash card removed from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a Flash PC card was removed from a slot. [chars] is slot 0 or slot 1.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    FILESYS-1-PCMCIA_INSERT: PCMCIA flash card inserted in [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a Flash PC card was inserted into a slot. [chars] is slot 0 or slot 1.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    FILESYS-1-PCMCIA_REMOVE: PCMCIA flash card removed from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a Flash PC card was removed from a slot. [chars] is slot 0 or slot 1.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

GL2PT Messages

This section lists the Generic Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling (GL2PT) messages.


Error Message    GL2PT-3-THRESHOLDEXCEEDDROP: PDU rate on tunneling port [dec]/[dec] exceeded drop threshold. PDU(s) dropped.

Explanation    This message indicates that the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) rate on the tunneling port has exceeded the drop threshold value and that PDUs are now being dropped. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Either increase the drop threshold on the port or decrease the incoming PDU rate.


Error Message    GL2PT-5-THRESHOLDEXCEEDDISABLE: PDU rate on tunneling port [dec]/[dec] exceeded shutdown threshold. Port disabled.

Explanation    This message indicates that the PDU rate on the tunneling port has exceeded the port shutdown threshold and that the port has been disabled. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Either increase the shutdown threshold on the port or decrease the incoming PDU rate. After you configure the proper threshold values, the port needs to be reenabled. Contact your technical support representative if the problem is not resolved.


Error Message    GL2PT-6-INGRESSSELFLOOP: Tunneling port [dec]/[dec] received a tunneled PDU. Port disabled.

Explanation    This message indicates that a tunneled PDU has been received on a tunneling port. The tunneling port has received an L2pt encapsulated PDU because of either a loop or some other misconfiguration in the switch or ISP switch. The port is disabled. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the configuration to make sure there is no loop for the encapsulated PDU. Contact your technical support representative if the problem persists.

GVRP Messages

This section lists the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) messages.


Error Message    GVRP-0-NOMBUF: no mbuf to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that GVRP failed to notify VTP when a VLAN was created or deleted. The problem occurred when VTP ran out of message buffer space. [chars] indicates the message body.

Recommended Action    Reinitialize the VTP configuration by toggling between VTP server mode and transparent mode. If the problem persists, you might need to reset or power cycle the switch.


Error Message    GVRP-2-DISABLEDYNVLANCREATE: Disable dynamic VLAN creation temporarily since non-dot1q or non-GVRP trunk [dec]/[dec] exists

Explanation    This message indicates that there is at least one non-dot1q or non-GVRP trunk existing on the switch. GVRP will temporarily disable the dynamic VLAN creation, even though the dynamic VLAN creation is configured as enabled. [dec]/[dec] is the first non-dot1q trunk module/port detected by GVRP.

Recommended Action    Either disable dynamic VLAN creation or configure all trunk ports to dot1q.

Error Message    GVRP-2-RESUMEDYNVLANCREATE: Resume dynamic vlan creation since the last non-dot1q or non-GVRP trunk [dec]/[dec] is removed

Explanation    This message indicates that GVRP detects that all trunk ports are dot1q or GVRP. GVRP resumes dynamic VLAN creation if dynamic VLAN creation is enabled on the switch. [dec]/[dec] is the last disappearing non-dot1q trunk module and port detected by GVRP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    GVRP-3-CREATEPROCESSFAILED: Failed to create GVRP process

Explanation    This message indicates that the GVRP process was not completed successfully when the system was initialized or the GVRP was set to enabled. The switch may have encountered resource allocation problems.

Recommended Action    Disable GVRP on the switch, and then retry it later when the system is more stable. If the problem recurs, you might need to reset or power cycle the switch.

Error Message    GVRP-3-CREATEVLANNONETHERNET: Can not create non-Ethernet VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a received GVRP join message contains a new VLAN number that is not an Ethernet VLAN currently existing on the switch. [dec] is the non-Ethernet VLAN number.

Recommended Action    You must either reassign the VLAN number to an Ethernet or correct the VLAN configuration on the peer side of the GVRP device for VLAN consistency.

Error Message    GVRP-3-CREATEVLANNOTALLOWED: Dynamically adding VLAN [dec] not allowed

Explanation    This message indicates that a received GVRP join message contains a new VLAN number that is not allowed because dynamic VLAN creation is not enabled on the switch. [dec] is the new VLAN number.

Recommended Action    You must enable the dynamic VLAN creation so that the new VLAN can be added to the switch.

Error Message    GVRP-3-CREATEVLANSUSPENDED: Can not create suspended VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a received GVRP join message contains a new VLAN number that is already suspended on the switch. [dec] indicates the suspended VLAN number.

Recommended Action    You can remove the suspended VLAN to allow it to be dynamically recreated or you can reactivate the suspended VLAN.

Error Message    GVRP-3-DELETEVLANNONEXISTING: Can not delete or withdraw non-existing VLAN [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN to be deleted or withdrawn by the GVRP or VLAN configuration does not exist. No VLAN deletion is required for GVRP. [dec] is the non-existent VLAN number.

Recommended Action    You must specify a valid VLAN number.

Error Message    GVRP-3-LOSTTRUNKEVT: TRUNK creation/deletion event lost for TRUNK [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that VTP does not receive the request sent by GVRP because the VTP queue is full or the VTP task is not running. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    GVRP-3-LOSTVLANEVT: vlan creation/deletion event lost for vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a received GVRP join message contains a new VLAN number that needs to be created dynamically and GVRP failed to notify VTP for the VLAN creation. The error can also occur when GVRP wants to delete a VLAN and fails to notify VTP about the deletion. The problem occurs when the VTP message queue is full. [dec] is the new VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Reinitialize the VTP configuration by toggling between VTP server mode and transparent mode. If the problem persists, you might need to reset or power cycle the switch.

Error Message    GVRP-3-RECVNONGVRPTRUNK: drop GVRP PDU received on non-GVRP port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a GVRP protocol data unit (PDU) frame received from a GVRP-disabled port was dropped because the port was not running GVRP. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number that received the GVRP PDU frame.

Recommended Action    Check the peer side of the GVRP device for consistent GVRP configuration. Either set the module/port to GVRP enable or set the peer side to GVRP disabled.

Error Message    GVRP-3-RECVVTPGVRPTRUNK: Drop VTP PDU received on GVRP port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a VTP message was received on a GVRP trunk and that the message was dropped because of a misconfiguration between the switches (one switch configured as VTP and the other switch configured as GVRP). [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Configure the same type of trunk (GVRP or VTP) on all connected ports.

IP Messages

This section contains the IP messages.


Error Message    IP-3-DUPIPADDR: Duplicate IP address [chars] sent from MAC address: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has received an ARP request or a reply with the source IP address that is the same as the NMP IP address. The first [chars] is the IP address in dotted decimal format and the second [chars] is the Ethernet MAC address in canonical format.

Recommended Action    Check for possible duplicate IP address assignments within the NMP management VLAN.

Error Message    IP-3-DUPIPADDR_TR: Duplicate IP address [chars] sent from MAC address: [chars] ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has received an ARP request or a reply with the source IP address that is the same as the NMP IP address. The first [chars] is the IP address in dotted decimal format, the second [chars] is the Token Ring MAC address in canonical format, and the third [chars] is the Token Ring MAC address in non-canonical format.

Recommended Action    Check for possible duplicate IP address assignments within the NMP management VLAN.

Error Message    IP-3-TCP_BADCKSUM:TCP bad checksum

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has received a TCP packet with a bad checksum from another device on the administrative VLAN. The packet will be dicarded.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    IP-3-TCP_SOCKOVFL: TCP socket [dec] overflow

Explanation    This message indicates that all buffers for a TCP socket on the NMP have been consumed due to excessive TCP traffic on the administrative VLAN. [dec] is the socket number.

Recommended Action    You should remove or block the source of the TCP packets to prevent further TCP packet loss.

Error Message    IP-3-UDP_BADCKSUM: UDP bad checksum

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has received a UDP packet with a bad checksum on the administrative VLAN from another device. The packet will be discarded.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    IP-4-PERMITFAIL: Unauthorized [chars] access attempt from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates an unauthorized access was attempted. The first [chars] is the access type, currently Telnet or SNMP, and the second [chars] is the IP address where the unauthorized attempt was made.

Recommended Action    Retry access. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    IP-6-UDP_SOCKOVFL: UDP socket overflow from Source IP:[chars], Destination port:[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that all buffers for a UDP socket on the Network Management Processor (NMP) have filled up due to excessive UDP traffic on the administrative VLAN. [chars] is the source IP address and [dec] is the destination port number.

Recommended Action    Remove or block the source of the UDP packets to prevent further UDP packet loss.

KERNEL Messages

This section contains the kernel (KERNEL) messages.

Note Kernel messages do not indicate a problem with system performance but should be reported to your technical support representative.


Error Message    KERNEL-0-SLEEPFROMINT: sleep() called from Interrupt context.

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    KERNEL-0-SLEEPFROMKER: sleep() called from Kernel context.

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    KERNEL-1-CHECKSTACK: stk-alrt [chars],sp: %08x size: 0x%04x

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes. [chars] is the stk-alrt message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    KERNEL-1-CREATEPROCESSFAILED: Error in creating process: [chars]; stack type: [dec]; Name: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the create process has failed; the system is out of processes. The first [chars] is the process ID, the [dec] is the stack type, and the second [chars] is the process name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    KERNEL-4-PDELAYFROMKER: pdelay () called from Kernel context.

Explanation    This message indicates that a function is calling a kernel utility from the kernel context.

Recommended Action    Call your technical support representative.

Error Message    KERNEL-4-YLDCPUFROMKER: yield_cpu() called from Kernel context.

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    KERNEL-5-DONTLOOKUPBIT: DONT LOOKUP BIT found: pid=[dec]/[chars]/[hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that the DONTLOOKUPBIT condition is set in the inband packet transmission. [dec] is the frame length, [chars] is the process ID name, and [hex] is the task ID.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    KERNEL-5-UNALIGNACCESS: Alignment correction made at 0x%08X [chars]ing 0x%08X

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

LD Messages

This section contains the LocalDirector (LD) messages.


Error Message    LD-3-LDACOMMITFAIL: Failed to Commit Local Director Accelerator

Explanation    This message indicates that the LocalDirector Accelerator, which is Accelerated Server Load Balancing (ASLB), was not committed to the hardware. This message is displayed only at startup.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    LD-5-LDHWDNORLSD: Hardware resources not completely freed

Explanation    This message indicates that some hardware resources allocated for Accelerated Server Load Balancing (ASLB) purposes were not freed. Possible resources: VLAN Access Control List (VACL) not deallocated, CAM table not cleared of LD entries, or full-flow mode not switched to destination-only mode.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

MCAST Messages

This section contains the multicast (MCAST) messages including the Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP)/Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) messages and GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP) messages.


Error Message    MCAST-2-ADDGDAFAIL: EARL add failed for GDA [chars] in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that IGMP snooping is unable to add an entry to the Earl 2 table. [chars] is the entry value and [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MCAST-2-IGMP_ADDRAL: IGMP: Address Aliasing for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the Network Management Processor (NMP) detects a multicast data stream that is being aliased to a special multicast address. [chars] is one of the following multicast addresses, which is causing the aliasing to occur:


Recommended Action    Check and isolate the host that is generating this type of multicast traffic. Verify which address is getting aliased; try not to use it for the multicast data feed.

Error Message    MCAST-2-IGMP_FALLBACK: IGMP: Running in FALL BACK mode

Explanation    This message indicates that the NMP detects a multicast data stream that disabled the protocol redirection escape logic and is aliased to one of the following special multicast addresses:


Recommended Action    Check and isolate the host that is generating this type of multicast traffic. Verify which address is getting aliased; try not to use this address for the multicast data feed.

Error Message    MCAST-2-IGMP_FALLBACKPERM: IGMP: Changed to FALL BACK permanently

Explanation    This message indicates that the NMP detects a multicast stream that disabled the protocol redirection escape logic and is aliased to one of the following special multicast addresses:


Recommended Action    Check and isolate the host that is generating this type of multicast traffic. Reset the switch, or disable and reenable the IGMP snooping feature.

Error Message    MCAST-2-MAXGDALIMIT: No. of Multicast entries has reached the max [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the number of multicast entries has reached the maximum limit. [dec] is 15488, which is the maximum number of multicast entries. No new entries will be created.

Recommended Action    Make sure no more than 15488 groups are used. Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    MCAST-4-IGMPV3_BADPKT: IGMPV3: Rcvd bad packet [chars] on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a bad packet has been received on a port. [chars] is the reason for the bad packet and [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MCAST-4-RTRDEL_TIMEOUT: Deleting Router Port [dec/dec] in vlan [dec] - Timeout

Explanation    This message indicates that the router port timer has timed out and the router port entry has been removed. [dec/dec] is the router module number/port number, and [dec] is the VLAN number. This problem might be caused by the switch not receiving any router-specific packets (IGMP general queries, PIMV1 queries, DVMRP probes, PIMV2 hellos, or MOSPF hellos).

Recommended Action    Check if a router is on that port, and verify that IGMP is enabled.

Error Message    MCAST-4-RX_IGMPLV: IGMP: Rcvd IGMP Leave [chars] on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch has received an IGMP leave message for a group on a module/port. [chars] is the group number and [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-4-RX_IGMPREPORT: IGMP: Rcvd IGMP Report [chars] on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch has received an IGMP report message for a group on a module/port. [chars] is the group number and [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-4-RX_JNRANGE: IGMP: Rcvd Report in the range of 01-00-5e-00-00-xx

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch received an IGMP report from a host for the group address in the range of 01-00-5e-00-00-xx. This range is used normally for control packets and should not be used for general multicast data traffic.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MCAST-4-RX_LVRANGE: IGMP: Rcvd Leave in the range of 01-00-5e-00-00-xx

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch received an IGMP leave from a host for the group address in the range of 01-00-5e-00-00-xx. This range is used normally for control packets and should not be used for general multicast data traffic.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    MCAST-5-CGMPLV_ENABLE: CGMP Leave Feature is [chars]abled

Explanation    This message indicates that the leave feature has either been enabled or disabled. [chars] is either [en]abled or [dis]abled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-5-GMRP_ADDGDA: GMRP: Add Multicast Group [chars] on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a multicast group address has been added to the EARL table by GMRP. This situation occurs after a join message is received by that particular group address. [chars] is the group address.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-5-GMRP_DELGDA: GMRP: Delete Multicast Group [chars] on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a multicast group address has been deleted from the EARL table by GMRP. This occurs after a leave timer expires. [chars] is the group address.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-5-GMRP_FWDALLEN: GMRP: ForwardAll [chars]abled on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the forward all feature is either enabled or disabled for this port. [chars] is either [en]abled or [dis]abled, and [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-5-GMRP_PORTENABLE: GMRP [chars]abled on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the GMRP is disabled on the port. [chars]abled is [dis]abled, and port [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number of the port where GMRP is disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-5-GMRP_REG: GMRP: Registration is set to [chars] on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates the type of registration for all the attributes registered on this port. [chars] can be either normal, fixed, or forbidden, and [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-5-IGMP_NORMAL: IGMP: Running in NORMAL mode

Explanation    This message indicates that the NMP has recovered from address aliasing and has reenabled redirection escape logic for the following multicast addresses:


Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-5-PROT_STATUS: [chars] Feature is [chars]abled

Explanation    This message indicates whether the Layer 2 multicast feature is enabled or disabled. The message displays whenever you execute CLI commands to enable or disable IGMP snooping or GMRP. The first [chars] is the feature is either enabled or disabled, and the second [chars] is either enabled or disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    MCAST-6-CGMP_JOININFO: CGMP: GDA: [chars] USA: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has received a CGMP join message for the Group Destination Address (GDA) from the router for the host whose source address is USA. The first [chars] is the group destination address and the second [chars] is the unicast source address.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-DELGDA: Deleting a GDA [chars] in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a multicast entry in the given VLAN is being deleted because an IGMP leave from the last host for this GDA was received. [chars] is the group destination address and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RGMP_JOIN: Rcvd RGMP Join Mesg [dec]/[dec] vlan [dec] for Group [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the router has joined a multicast group. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and group [chars] is the group name.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RGMP_JOINRANGE: Rcvd RGMP Join Mesg in the range 01-00-5e-00-00-xx

Explanation    This message indicates that the router has sent a message for an invalid (reserved) address. The address 01-00-5e-00-00-xx cannot be used by RGMP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RGMP_LEAVE: Rcvd RGMP Leave Mesg [dec]/[dec] vlan [dec] for Group [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the router has left a multicast group. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and group [chars] is the group name.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RGMP_LVRANGE: Rcvd RGMP Leave Mesg in the range 01-00-5e-00-00-xx

Explanation    This message indicates that the router has sent a message for an invalid (reserved) address. The address 01-00-5e-00-00-xx cannot be used by RGMP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RTRADD_HSRP: Adding Router Port [dec/dec] in vlan [dec] - HSRP mesg

Explanation    This message indicates that CGMP/IGMP snooping has learned a router port through Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) messages. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RTRADD_PIM: Adding Router Port [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] - PIM mesg

Explanation    This message indicates that CGMP/IGMP snooping has learned a router port through PIM messages. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RTRADD_PROT: Adding Router Port [dec/dec] in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that CGMP/IGMP has learned a new router port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RTRADD_USERCFG: Adding Router Port [dec/dec] in vlan [dec] - User Configd

Explanation    This message indicates that the user has used the set multicast router command to set a user-configured multicast router. [dec/dec] is the module number/port number, and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RTRRGMP_BYE: Router Port [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] has become nonRGMP-capable

Explanation    This message indicates that an RGMP router port has changed to a non-RGMP router port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RTRRGMP_HELLO: Router Port [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] has become RGMP-capable

Explanation    This message indicates that a router port has changed to a RGMP-capable port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RTRRGMP_TIMEOUT: Router Port [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] is no longer RGMP capable-Timeout

Explanation    This message indicates that the RGMP router has timed out and the port is no longer RGMP capable. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RX_CGMPJN: CGMP: Rcvd CGMP Join Mesg in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a CGMP join message was received by a VLAN. vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-RX_CGMPLV: CGMP: Rcvd CGMP Leave Mesg [dec/dec] vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a CGMP leave message was received on a VLAN port. [dec/dec] is the module number/port number where the message was received and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MCAST-6-TOPOCHG: Recvd Topology Change Notification in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the NMP received a topology change notification in a VLAN. vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

MGMT Messages

This section contains the MGMT messages.


Error Message    MGMT-1-DHCP_EXPIRE: DHCP lease expired, relinquishing IP address [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the DHCP lease has expired and that the NMP is about to clear the system IP address. [chars] is the system IP address being released.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    MGMT-3-TOPN_IOBYTE: Port [dec]/[dec] transmit receive byte count is excessive, 1st poll [chars], 2nd poll [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the difference between the TX/RX bytes value obtained during the first poll and TX/RX bytes value obtained during the second poll is too great. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, 1st poll [chars] is the first poll counter value, and 2nd poll [chars] is the second poll counter value.

Recommended Action    Check the TopN report for abnormal values in the Tx+Rx Bytes column. Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    MGMT-4-DHCP_REBIND: DHCP lease will expire in [dec] minutes

Explanation    This message indicates that the server is trying to renew the DHCP lease, but the DHCP lease time has nearly expired. [dec] is the number of minutes remaining in the DHCP lease.

Recommended Action    Resolve this issue as soon as possible before the DHCP lease expires, otherwise, the system IP address will be released by the software after the lease has expired. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MGMT-4-OUTOFNVRAM: Out of NVRAM space: ([dec], [dec], [dec],dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that an NVRAM write operation fails due to lack of space. The first [dec] is the configuration block that was being written to NVRAM, the second [dec] is the size of configuration that was being written to NVRAM, the third [dec] is the total NVRAM size in the system, and the fourth [dec] is the amount of NVRAM space available.

Recommended Action    Move the ACL configuration to Flash memory, or clear the configuration for modules not in use.


Error Message    MGMT-5-CONFIG_START: Auto config started with [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the startup configuration has started. [chars] is the configuration file name that is being used.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-DHCP: Assigned IP address [chars] from DHCP

Explanation    This message indicates that the system IP address has been assigned by the DHCP server. [chars] is the newly assigned IP address.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-DHCP_S: Assigned IP address [chars] from DHCP Server [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system IP address has been assigned by DHCP. The first [chars] is the newly assigned IP address and the second [chars] is the DHCP server IP address.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-ENABLE_FAIL: User [chars] failed to enter enable mode from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that you failed to enter enable mode because of a password failure or because you are administratively prohibited. The first [chars] is the user name and the second [chars] is the hostname or IP address.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-ERRDISPORTENABLED: Port [dec]/[dec] err-disabled by [chars] enabled by errdisable timeout

Explanation    This message indicates that an error disabled port is being reenabled. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number and [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HADISABLED: High Availability disabled due to lack of system resources

Explanation    This message usually occurs when a configuration file is loaded using the copy config command and the High Availability feature is enabled. This message indicates that because of a lack of resources the High Availability feature will be temporarily disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HADISABLEFAIL: High Availability disable due to lack of system resources failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the system tried to disable the High Availability feature because of a lack of resources, but was unsuccessful.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HANVRAMDISABLED: NVRAM synchronization disabled due to lack of system resources

Explanation    This message indicates that the system disabled NVRAM synchronization because of a lack of resources.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HANVRAMENABLED: NVRAM synchronization has been reenabled

Explanation    This message indicates that the system reenabled NVRAM synchronization.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HAREENABLED: High Availability has been re-enabled

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has reenabled the High Availability feature.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HAREENABLEFAIL: Failed to re-enable High Availability

Explanation    This message indicates that the system tried, but could not reenable the High Availability feature after it was disabled because of a lack of system resources.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HTTP_TABLEFULL: All HTTP sessions in use, client [chars] denied access

Explanation    This message indicates that all available HTTP sessions are in use. [chars] is the client denied access.

Recommended Action    Wait and then retry until an HTTP session becomes available.

Error Message    MGMT-5-HTTP_URINOTFOUND: Request for [chars] from client [chars] not found

Explanation    This message indicates that the file requested by the browser from the HTTP server running on the switch cannot be found. The first [chars] is the file being requested and the second [chars] is the client address.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MGMT-5-LOGIN_FAIL: User [chars] failed to log in from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the login attempt failed. [chars] is the login name if available and the second [chars] is the console or IP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-NVRAM_MINDOWN: Reset mindown in progress. Configuration changes are not set to nvram

Explanation    This message indicates that the configuration update will not be saved to NVRAM during reset mindown.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-PORT_ERRDISABLE: Port [dec]/[dec] is errdisabled because of Broadcast Suppression

Explanation    This message indicates that a port is errdisabled because of broadcast suppression. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-SYS_CONFIG_END: System config ended

Explanation    This message indicates that the system configuration process has ended.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-SYS_CONFIG_END_MOD: System config ended for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module configuration process has ended. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-SYS_CONFIG_MAX_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDED: File bootflash: [chars] exceeds 2000000 bytes, the maximum text configuration file size allowed

Explanation    This message indicates that the text configuration file is too large and cannot be executed. [chars] is the name of the text configuration file.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-SYS_CONFIG_START: System configuration started with [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system configuration process has begun. [chars] is the name of the configuration file.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-SYS_CONFIG_START_FAIL: Unable to start system configuration

Explanation    This message indicates that the system configuration process could not begin with the text configuration file at system bootup.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-SYS_CONFIG_START_MOD: System config started with [chars] for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system configuration process has begun on a specified module. [chars] is the name of the configuration file and [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-SYS_CONFIG_START_MOD_FAIL:Unable to start system configuration for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system configuration process could not start on a module with the test configuration file at system bootup. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-TOPN_ABORT: Report [dec] aborted due to configuration changes

Explanation    This message indicates that the TopN report was aborted due to a configuration change. [dec] is the number of the TopN report.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-TOPN_AVAILABLE: Report [dec] available

Explanation    This message indicates the TopN report running in background is ready. [dec] is the TopN report number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-TOPN_DROPMOD: Report [dec] dropped module [dec] data due to module reset

Explanation    This message indicates that the TopN report will not contain any ports from the module because the module was reset during the report generation. Report [dec] is the TopN report number and module [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-TOPN_START: Report [dec] started by [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the TopN message running with the specified background option is generating the report. [dec] is the TopN report number and [chars] is the process that started the report. A second message is generated when the report is available.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-5-TOPN_TERMINATE: Report [dec] terminated by [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the TopN message was terminated by the specified process. [dec] is the TopN report number and [chars] is the process that stopped the report generation.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    MGMT-6-CONFIG_END: Auto config ended

Explanation    This message indicates that the startup configuration has ended.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-6-ENABLEFAIL: User [chars] failed to enter enable mode from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the user was unsuccessful entering enable mode. [chars] is the login name if available and the second [chars] is console or IP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-6-ENABLEPASS: User [chars] entered enable mode from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the user has entered privileged mode successfully. [chars] is the login name if available and the second [chars] is console or IP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-6-LOGINFAIL: User [chars] failed to log in from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the login attempt failed. [chars] is the login name if available and the second [chars] is the console or IP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MGMT-6-LOGINPASS: User [chars] logged in from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the user has logged in successfully. [chars] is the login name if available and the second [chars] is the console
or IP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    MGMT-7-ERRDISPORTENABLEFAIL: ErrDisable process failed to enable [dec]/[dec] - [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the process of reenabling a previously error-disabled port has failed. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number of the failing port and [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

MLS Messages

This section contains the Multilayer Switching (MLS) messages.


Error Message    MLS-1-FIB_ADJCHECK_FAIL: Incorrect Adj [hex] for nextHop [0x08[hex]] dmac [[hex][hex][hex][hex][hex][hex]] vlan [dec] sw_vlan [dec] mtu [dec] sw_mtu [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the adjacency rewrite information for the prefix shown is incorrect. The inconsistency is detected but is not corrected. Adj [hex] is the prefix that has the incorrect rewrite information, nextHop [hex] is the next hop address, the dmac value is the memory address in hex, vlan [dec] is the hardware Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) value, sw_vlan [dec] is the software TCAM value, mtu [dec] is the hardware TCAM value, and sw_mtu is the software TCAM value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-1-FIB_TCAMCHECK_MASKFAIL: Inconsistent mask: Class [hex] Entry Index l[dec] Mask Index l[dec] Shadow TCAM [0x08l[hex]] Phy TCAM [0x08l[hex]]

Explanation    This message indicates that a mask inconsistency has been detected between the hardware TCAM and the corresponding software entry for the given prefix. The inconsistency is corrected immediately. Class [hex] can be 5 (IP), 6 (IPX), or 7 (Multicast IP). Entry Index is the TCAM index of the prefix that is inconsistent (value range can be from 0 to 256K minus 1). Shadow TCAM refers to the corresponding software entry and shows the software entry value in hex. Phy TCAM refers to the hardware TCAM entry in hex.

Recommended Action    Because the inconsistency is corrected immediately, you do not need to take corrective action. However, you can copy the message exactly as it appears and contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-1-FIB_TCAMCHECK_MASKSHUFFLEFAIL: TCAM blk shufle pbm: Ent Idx [dec] class [hex] Msk [dec] Shadow 0x08[hex] Prev Msk 0x08[hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that the prefix entry is programmed in the wrong mask. Ent Idx [dec] is the TCAM index of the prefix that has the inconsistent mask (value range can be 0 to 256K minus 1). Class [hex] can be 5 (IP), 6 (IPX), or 7 (Multicast IP). Msk [dec] is the mask of the corresponding entry. Shadow 0x08[hex] is the corresponding software mask entry. Prev Msk 0x08[hex] is the previous mask block.

Recommended Action    Copy the messages and contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-1-FIB_TCAMCHECK_PREFIXFAIL:Inconsistent prefix: Class [hex] Entry Index l[dec] Shadow TCAM [0x08l[hex]] Phy TCAM [0x08l[hex]]

Explanation    This message indicates that an inconsistency has been detected between the hardware TCAM and the corresponding software entry for the given prefix. The inconsistency is corrected immediately. Class [hex] can be 5 (IP), 6 (IPX), or 7 (Multicast IP). Entry Index is the TCAM index of the prefix that is inconsistent (value range can be 0 to 256K minus 1). Shadow TCAM refers to the corresponding software entry and shows the software entry value in hex. Phy TCAM refers to the hardware TCAM entry in hex.

Recommended Action    Because the inconsistency is corrected immediately, you do not need to take corrective action. However, you can copy the message exactly as it appears and contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-1-FIB_TCAM_MASKBLOCK_CHECK: Wrong mask block [dec] for mask [dec] at entry_index [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an incorrect mask block was selected to program a prefix entry. This message is displayed dynamically before the point of programming the prefix entry. Mask block [dec] is the hardware TCAM which is the wrong mask block value. mask [dec] is the mask of the corresponding entry, and entry_index [dec] is the TCAM index of the prefix that is inconsistent (value range can be 0 to 256K-1).

Recommended Action    Copy the message exactly as it appears, and contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-1-MCAST_RTRADDRCHNG: MAC address of the MLS Route Processor [chars] changed from [chars] to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a change in the MLS route processor MAC address has been detected. The first [chars] identifies the route processor, the second [chars] is the old MAC address, and the third [chars] is the new MAC address.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-1-MCAST_RTRDEL: MLS Route Processor [chars] deleted - Timeout

Explanation    This message indicates that the Multilayer Switch Feature Card (MSFC) is not responding to MLS supervisor engine messages. The supervisor engine considers the route processor unavailable and cleans up all of the shortcuts downloaded by the route processor. [chars] is the name of the route processor.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    MLS-2-BANFFLTLFAIL: Set BANFF LTL failed, new shortcuts disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that the creation of new MLS shortcuts is disabled because of a failure in the central rewrite engine configuration.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-2-MCAST_ASSERT: Function: [chars] msg: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a failure has been detected in a specified function. Function: [chars] is the name of the function and msg: [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-2-MCAST_METFULL: Multicast Expansion Table full

Explanation    This message indicates that the multicast expansion table used to store outgoing VLAN information is full. There is a problem with the network.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-2-MCAST_TASKFAIL: Task creation failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the Multicast Multilayer Switching (MMLS) feature could not start the process; the feature has been disabled by the switch.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-2-WHISTLERMIERRORDIS: Whistler MI error exceeded threshold, MLS stopped

Explanation    This message indicates that the number of memory interface errors exceeded the threshold. MLS is disabled.

Recommended Action    This is a hardware defect. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-2-WHISTLERPARITYERROR: Whistler parity error, MLS stopped

Explanation    This message indicates that a parity error occurred in the NetFlow Feature Card (NFFC) II Whistler ASIC.

Recommended Action    This is a hardware defect. Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    MLS-3-FIB_FAILRXMSG: SCP(mcast) registration for rxing fib msgs failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the NMP failed to receive Forwarding Information Base (FIB) table updates sent from MSRP because the NMP failed.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-3-FIB_MAXHSRP: Maximum number of supported HSRP addresses (16) exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that the number of Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) groups sent from the MSRP exceeded the number of HSRP groups supported by NMP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-3-GETNEWLEARN: Get new learn mac notification [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that MLS is not supposed to get any new source address learned notification. [hex] is the new source address. This message indicates an internal error.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-3-NEWSCCREATION: New MLS entries creation [chars]abled by [chars]

Explanation    This message warns you that a problem with new MLS entries creation was detected during the process exit. [chars]abled can be either disabled or enabled and the second [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-3-WHISTLERMIERRORHRST: Whistler MI error, MI hard reset

Explanation    This message indicates that a memory interface error occurred in the NFFC II Whistler ASIC. The memory interface is hard reset.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    MLS-4-LOSEEVENT: Event loss, purge all entries

Explanation    This message indicates that an internal MLS event loss occurred due to insufficient system resources. All MLS entries are purged.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-4-MOVEOVERFLOW: Too many moves, stop MLS for [dec] sec ([hex])

Explanation    This message indicates that there have been too many Layer 2 source address changes during a short period of time. This message might be caused by topology changes or spanning tree loops. MLS is stopped for a specified number of seconds and all entries are purged. [dec] is the number of seconds and [hex] is the event code for moves.

Recommended Action    Check the topology for any loops. Call your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-4-RESUMESC: Resume MLS after detecting too many moves

Explanation    This message indicates that MLS has resumed after being stopped due to too many Layer 2 source address changes being detected in a short period of time.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    MLS-5-FLOWMASKCHANGE: [chars] flowmask changed from [chars] to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the MLS flow mask for the switching engine has been changed from the original flow mask to the new flow mask. The first [chars] is the switching engine, the second [chars] is the original flow mask, and the third [chars] is the new flow mask. The flow mask can be DEST, DEST-SRC, or FULL.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-IPXMAXHOPCHANGE: IPX max hop count changed from [dec] to [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a change has been made to the maximum hop count value on the switch. The count is the minimum value requested by all the MLS route processors. [dec] is the old maximum hop count and the second [dec] is the new maximum hop count.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-MCAST_GLOBALPURGE: Purging All Multicast Flows due to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the MLS supervisor engine is purging all of the flows downloaded by the route processor. [chars] is the reason the purge is taking place.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-5-MCAST_LCFAILURE: Resetting linecard- [dec] due to SCP failures

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is resetting the linecard after detecting Serial Control Protocol (SCP) failures. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Make sure that all modules are seated properly and that the captive installation screws are tightened. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-5-MCAST_ROUTERPURGE: Received Global Delete Message from [chars]. Purging all related Multicast Flows

Explanation    This message indicates that the router has removed all the multicast flows which had been previously downloaded. This situation can occur when the multicast MLS feature is disabled on the router or when a serious problem occurs that disables the feature.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-5-MCAST_SCPFAILURE: SCP failure detected on module: ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified module failed to respond to out-of-band channel (EOBC) Serial Control Protocol (SCP) messages. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Make sure that all modules are seated properly and that the captive installation screws are tightened. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-5-MCAST_STATUS: IP Multicast L3 Multilayer Switching Feature is [chars]abled

Explanation    This message indicates that the multicast Layer 3 multilayer feature is enabled or disabled. [chars]abled can be either disabled or enabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-MLSDISABLED: Multilayer switching is disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that MLS is disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-MLSENABLED: Multilayer switching is enabled

Explanation    This message indicates that MLS is enabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-NDEDISABLED: Netflow Data Export disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that flow statistics for all aged flows have stopped being sent.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-NDEENABLED: Netflow Data Export enabled

Explanation    This message indicates that flow statistics for all aged flows are being sent to the configured host in a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagram.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-ROUTERADD: Route processor [chars] added

Explanation    This message indicates that an MLS route processor has been added by the MLS switching engine. [chars] is the ID of the MLS route processor. The MLS switching engine starts Layer 3 switching for the MLS route processor.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    MLS-5-ROUTERDEL: Route Processor [chars] deleted - [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that an MLS route processor has been deleted by the MLS switching engine. The first [chars] is the ID of the MLS route processor and the second [chars] indicates the cause of the deletion.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    MLS-6-MCAST_L3FLOW: Installed from the Route Processor [chars] for Source [chars] Group [chars] Vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a new multicast flow has been installed. The first [chars] is the route processor name, the second [chars] is the source name, the third [chars] is the group name, and Vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    MLS-6-WHISTLERXTAGERROR: Whistler error xtag=[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an xtag error occurred in the NFFC II Whistler ASIC. [dec] is the number of the xtag error. This error does not affect the MLS functionality.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


This section contains the private VLAN messages.


Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-ACL_MAPFAIL: Unable to map ACL to VLAN

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to map the ACL to the VLAN.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-ACL_RESTOREFAIL: Failed to apply configuration to ACLs

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to apply the configuration to the ACLs.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-ACL_UNMAPFAIL: Unable to unmap ACL from VLAN

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to unmap the ACL from the VLAN.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-DELASSOCIATIONFAIL: Failed to delete association between [dec] and [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to delete the association between the primary VLAN and the secondary VLAN. The first [dec] is the primary VLAN number and the second [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-DELMAPFAIL: Failed to delete map between [dec] and [dec] on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to delete the map between the primary VLAN and the secondary VLAN on the specified module and port. The first [dec] is the primary VLAN number, the second [dec] is the secondary VLAN number, and [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-MAPNVRAMFAIL: Failed to save mapping configuration to NVRAM

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to save the mapping configuration to NVRAM.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-PORT_CFGFAIL: Failed to set port [dec]/[dec] to Private Vlan [dec], [dec], [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to set the specified port to the private VLAN. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, private VLAN [dec], [dec] is the primary VLAN number and the secondary VLAN number, and [chars] is the error message character string.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-PORT_INACTIVE: Set port [dec]/[dec] to inactive because using vlan [dec] belonging to a Private Vlan

Explanation    This message indicates that the system set the specified port to inactive because the VLAN belongs to a private VLAN. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number and VLAN [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-PORT_REMOVEFAIL: Failed to remove port [dec]/[dec] from Private Vlan [dec], [dec] [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to remove the port from the private VLAN. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, private VLAN [dec], [dec] is the primary VLAN number and secondary VLAN number, and [chars] is the error message character string.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-REMAP_CFGFAIL: Failed to add mapping for [dec] to [dec] in port [dec]/[dec] [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to add mapping from the secondary VLAN to the primary VLAN on the specified module and port. The first [dec] is the secondary VLAN number, the second [dec] is the primary VLAN number, [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, and [chars] is an optional character string that describes the reason for the failure.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-REMAP_DELETED1: Mapping between [dec] and [dec] failed on [dec]/[dec] due to [chars] and has been deleted

Explanation    This message indicates that the mapping between the primary VLAN and the secondary VLAN has failed on the specified module and port and has been deleted. The first [dec] is the primary VLAN number, the second [dec] is the secondary VLAN number, [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, and [chars] is the character string that describes the failure reason.

The error messages REMAP_DELETED1 and REMAP_DELETED2 are usually displayed together because REMAP_DELETED2 is an addition to REMAP_DELETED1. This represents the action that is taken when an interface on the MSFC is present for a secondary VLAN and the interface creates a configuration failure.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-REMAP_DELETED2: Delete subinterface [dec] on module [dec] and recreate the mapping

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has deleted the subinterface VLAN on the specified module. The first [dec] is the VLAN number and the second [dec] is the module number.

The error messages REMAP_DELETED1 and REMAP_DELETED2 are usually displayed together because REMAP_DELETED2 is an addition to REMAP_DELETED1. This represents the action that is taken when an interface on the MSFC is present for a secondary VLAN and the interface creates a configuration failure.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-REMAP_REMOVEFAIL: Failed to remove mapping for [dec] to [dec] from port [dec]/[dec] [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to remove mapping from the secondary VLAN to the primary VLAN on the specified module and port. The first [dec] is the secondary VLAN number, the second [dec] is the primary VLAN number, [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, and [chars] is an optional character string that describes the reason for the failure.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-RESTOREASSOCFAIL: Failed to set association between [dec] and [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to set the association between the primary VLAN and the secondary VLAN. The first [dec] is the primary VLAN number and the second [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-RESTOREMAPFAIL: Failed to set mapping between [dec] and [dec] on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to set mapping between the primary VLAN and the secondary VLAN on the specified module and port. The first [dec] is the primary VLAN number, the second [dec] is the secondary VLAN number, and [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-RESTOREPORTFAIL: Failed to add port [dec]/[dec] to [dec], [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to add the port to the primary and secondary VLANs. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, the next [dec] is the primary VLAN number, and the last [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-3-RESTOREVLANFAIL: Failed to set private vlan type for [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has failed to set the VLAN type to private for the specified VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-5-DELPORTFAIL: Failed to remove port [dec]/[dec] from [dec], [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to remove a port from the primary and seconday VLANs. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number, the next [dec] is the primary VLAN number, and the last [dec] is the secondary VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    PRIVATEVLAN-7-SYS_MEMALLOCFAIL: Failed to allocate memory in private vlan features in [chars], line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system failed to allocate memory in the private VLAN feature. [chars] is the name of the file and [dec] is the line number where the failure occurred.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


This section contains the protocol filter (PROTFILT) messages.


Error Message    PROTFILT-5-AUTO_OFF: Port [dec]/[dec] is set to AUTO-OFF for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the port is set to auto-off for a protocol group. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [chars] is the protocol group.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PROTFILT-5-AUTO_ON: Port [dec]/[dec] is set to AUTO-ON for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the port is set to auto-on for a protocol group. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [chars] is the protocol group.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

PRUNING Messages for VTP

This section contains the PRUNING messages for VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP).


Error Message    PRUNING-2-INITSEMERR: semaphore [hex] not null at vtp_initialization!

Explanation    This message indicates that there was an initialization process error in creating a VTP semaphore. [hex] is the semaphore value.

Recommended Action    Reset the switch. If the error persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-2-INVSTS: FATAL- inv vlan [dec] status [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates an internal error. [dec] is the VLAN number and [hex] is the status value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-2-LOSTST1: update: lost trunk [dec]/[dec]([dec]) vlan [dec] state [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the attempt to save the VLAN spanning tree state change on the trunk was lost while updating. [dec] / [dec]([dec]) is the module number/port number (the port number is stored internally), vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and state [dec] is the lost spanning tree state (0=disabled, 1=listening, 2=learning, 3=forwarding, and 4=blocking).

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-2-LOSTST2: set: lost trunk [dec]/[dec]([dec]) vlan [dec] state [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the attempt to save the VLAN spanning tree state change on the trunk was lost while setting. [dec] / [dec]([dec]) is the module number/port number (the port number is stored internally), vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and state [dec] is the lost spanning tree state (0=disabled, 1=listening, 2=learning, 3=forwarding, and 4=blocking).

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-2-LOSTSTCHG: vlan state change: can't find trunk (index=[hex])

Explanation    This message indicates that the trunk could not be found while the VLAN pruning state changed. [hex] is the index for the lost trunk.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-2-NOVLANBITS: no vlan string for trunk [dec]/[dec] (domain [chars])

Explanation    This message indicates an internal error. [dec]/[dec] is the trunk module number/port number and [chars] is the domain name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-2-SCPWRERR: SCP failed to write LTL on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an internal error for the module [dec]. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    PRUNING-3-INVTLV: rx summary on trunk [chars] with invalid TLV value:[hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that some other VTP device has internal errors. [chars] is the trunk module number/port number and [hex] is the invalid value.

Recommended Action    Locate the VTP device with the internal error. Disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-3-JOININVFSTV: Join rx on trunk [chars]-invalid first vlan: [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that some other VTP device has internal errors. [chars] is the trunk module number/port number and [dec] is the invalid first VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Locate the VTP device with the internal error. Disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-3-JOININVLEN: Join rx on trunk [chars]-invalid len: [dec] ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that some other VTP device has internal errors. [chars] is the trunk module number/port number, [dec] is the number of the actual packet length, and the second ([dec]) is the invalid packet length.

Recommended Action    Locate the VTP device with the internal error. Disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-3-JOININVLSTV: Join rx on trunk [chars]-invalid last vlan: [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that some other VTP device has internal errors. [chars] is the trunk module number/port number and [dec] is the invalid last VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Locate the VTP device with the internal error. Disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-3-NOMEM: no memory to build trunk [dec]/[dec] info for dependent code

Explanation    This message indicates that no system memory is available and the internal status for the specified trunk will be lost. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Upgrade the system memory (RAM) size.

Error Message    PRUNING-3-NOSCPMEM: failed to allocate scpmsg buffer vtp_dep_vlan_state_change-notification

Explanation    This message occurs when VTP tries to allocate memory, but there is insufficient memory.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-3-SCPSENDERR: SCP send error: [chars] [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an internal error when the supervisor engine communicates with the modules. [chars] is the last logged debug message and [dec] is the last logged debug value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    PRUNING-4-INVASSOC: invalid vlan local assoc: [hex] (domain [chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that an intermediate error has occurred and VTP pruning might or might not work on the trunk. [hex] is the VLAN local association value and ([chars]) is the domain name.

Recommended Action    Enter the show trunk command to verify that VTP pruning is working for the trunk. If it is not working, disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-INVLNKST: invalid link state: [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates a trunk link is set to an invalid state. [hex] is the invalid state value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-INVPMODE: invalid pruning mode: [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that an intermediate error occurred and VTP pruning may or may not work on that trunk. [hex] is the pruning mode value.

Recommended Action    Disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-INVSPTST: invalid SPT state: [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that an intermediate spanning tree (SPT) error occurred and VTP pruning might or might not work on the trunk. [hex] could be one of the following errors:

invalid link state: link state value
vlan [vlan no] not found [domain name]
invalid SPT state: [spt state value]

Recommended Action    Enter the show trunk command to verify that VTP pruning is working for that trunk. If it is not working, disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-LOSTASSOCEVT: lost vlan local assoc event (vlan=[dec],assoc=[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that an internal event was lost due to insufficient buffer memory. vlan=[dec] is the VLAN number and assoc=[dec] is the local association status.

Recommended Action    No action needs to be taken, recovery is automatic.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-LOSTGVRPEVT: lost gvrp trunk change event (vlan=[dec])

Explanation    This message occurs when GVRP wants to send a join/leave request to VTP, but the VTP is either not running or the VTP queue is full. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-LOSTSPTEVT: lost spt state event (trunk=[dec]/[dec],vlan=[dec],state=[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates an internal event was lost due to insufficient buffer memory. trunk=[dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, vlan=[dec] is the VLAN number, and state=[dec] is the Spanning Tree Protocol status.

Recommended Action    No action needs to be taken, recovery is automatic.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-NOBUF: no mbuf to build join

Explanation    This message indicates that no buffer memory is available for VTP pruning.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-NODOMAIN: domain [chars]([dec]) not found

Explanation    This message indicates an intermediate configuration mismatch. [chars] is the domain name and ([dec]) is the domain name length.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative if the message appears repeatedly.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-NOTRUNK: trunk [dec]/[dec] not found (domain [chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that an intermediate error occurred and VTP pruning might or might not work on the trunk. [dec]/[dec] is the trunk module number/port number and ([chars]) is the domain name.

Recommended Action    Enter the show trunk command to verify that VTP pruning is working for the trunk. If it is not working, disable and then enable the trunk port. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-4-NOVLAN: vlan [dec] not found (domain [chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN was not found. [dec] is the VLAN number and ([chars]) is the domain name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    PRUNING-5-BOGUSTIMEOUT: bogus timeout for trunk [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that an internal notification occurred on trunk. [chars] is the module number/port number of the trunk.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-CHGPMODE: change domain [chars] pruning mode to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates a change to the VTP pruning mode. The first [chars] is the domain name and the second [chars] is enabled or disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-JOINDIFFDOMAIN: domain [chars] not found in rx Join (trunk [dec]/[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that some other VTP device is assigned to a different domain. [chars] is the domain name and (trunk [dec]/[dec]) is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check other VTP devices assigned to a different domain. Enter the clear config all command for the devices, and then assign the correct domain name.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-JOINDISCARD: rx Join on trunk [dec]/[dec] when pruning disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that VTP inconsistency exists in the network. trunk [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check other devices to find out where the inconsistency exists and correct.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-JOINNONAME: no domain name in rx Join (trunk [dec]/[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that some other VTP device may have internal errors. (trunk [dec]/[dec]) is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check other VTP devices for internal errors. If no errors are found, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-JOINNOTRUNK: trunk [dec]/[dec] not found for rx Join

Explanation    This message indicates that an intermediate error occurred. trunk [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-LEARNDOMAIN: learn domain [chars] from network

Explanation    This message indicates that the VTP domain is learned from another VTP device. [chars] is the domain name.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-RECOVASSOC: Recover from local assoc event loss

Explanation    This message indicates that the software recovers automatically from an internal event loss.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-RECOVSPT: recover from spt event loss for trunk [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the software recovers automatically from an internal event loss. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-VLANJOINED: Joined-trunk [dec]/[dec] vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN on the trunk is not pruned. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-5-VLANPRUNED: Pruned-trunk [dec]/[dec] vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN on the trunk is pruned. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    PRUNING-6-FSMSTCHG: T[chars],V[dec]:st=[chars],event=[chars],new st=[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the state change of a VLAN on a trunk, where the following applies:

T[chars] is the trunk module number and port number.

V[dec] is the VLAN number [vlan_id].

st=[chars] is the current state [state], where [chars] could be Null, Disable, NoPrune, Joined, or Pruned.

event=[chars] is the event [event], where [event] could be Null, RxVer1, RxJ1, RxJ0, Fwd, NonFwd, Tick, Tmo, LnkDn, LnkUp, Inelig, Eligi, Trans, NoTran, AddTrk, or Refrsh.

new st=[chars] is the new state [state], where [state] could be Null, Disable, NoPrune, Joined, or Pruned.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    PRUNING-6-TRIGJOIN: trunk [chars]- send trig Join

Explanation    This message indicates that a VTP pruning message is triggered on the trunk due to a VLAN status change. [chars] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

QOS Messages

This section contains the quality of service (QoS) messages.


Error Message    QOS-3-ACL_DEFINEFAIL: Unable to define ACL [chars]. Error is [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to define the ACL. The first [chars] is the name of the ACL list and the second [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-ACL_MAPPORTFAIL: Unable to map ACL [chars] to port [dec]/[dec]. Error is [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the ACL specified could not be mapped to the port. ACL [chars] is the access control list identifier, [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, and the second [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-ACL_MAPVLANFAIL: Unable to map ACL [chars] to VLAN [dec]. Error is [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the ACL specified could not be mapped to the VLAN. ACL [chars] is the access control list identifier, [dec] is the VLAN number, and the second [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-ACL_UNMAPPORTFAIL: Unable to unmap ACL [chars] to port [dec]/[dec]. Error is [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified QoS ACL map could not be cleared from the port. ACL [chars] is the access control list identifier, [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, and the second [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-ACL_UNMAPVLANFAIL: Unable to unmap ACL [chars] to VLAN [dec]. Error is [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified QoS ACL map could not be cleared from the VLAN. ACL [chars] is the access control list identifier, [dec] is the VLAN number, and the second [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-CLRSTATSFAIL: Unable to clear statistics on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to clear the statistics information from a port. [dec] /[dec] is the module number and port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETCOSMAPFAIL: Unable to get CoS map on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the class of service (CoS) map of a port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETDEFCOSFAIL: Unable to get default CoS on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the module port default CoS. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETIPPRECMAPENFAIL: Unable to get enable/disable mapping of IP precedence to CoS

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the enable or disable state of the IP precedence to CoS mapping from the forwarding engine.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETIPPRECMAPFAIL: Unable to get mapping of IP precedence to CoS

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the IP precedence to CoS mapping from the forwarding engine.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETPORTERRSTATSFAIL: Unable to retrieve QoS error statistics for port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the module port error statistics. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETRXQSIZEFAIL: Unable to get receive queue sizes on [dec]/[dec]. Error code [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch was unable to query the absolute values and the percentage values for the queue sizes of a particular port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [dec] is error code message.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETRXTHRFAIL: Unable to get receive threshold on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the receive thresholds of the module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETTRUSTFAIL: Unable to get trust type on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the module port trust type. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETTXQSIZEFAIL: Unable to get transmit queue sizes on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the transmit queue sizes on the module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETTXTHRFAIL: Unable to get transmit threshold on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the transmit thresholds of the module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-GETWRRFAIL: Unable to get WRR on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a failure to read the weighted round-robin weights of the module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-NOMEM: QoS: ERROR - Unable to allocate memory for SCP message to [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that there was insufficient memory for QoS to be configured. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Reset the system. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-POLICER_AGGFULL: Out of Aggregate policers. Failed to allocate [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the switch is unable to allocate aggregate policers in the software. The software allows you to store a greater number of policer definitions than can be stored in the hardware allowing you to choose the policers that are actually mapped to hardware. The actual process of creating policers in hardware is performed when a corresponding ACL is mapped to an interface. [chars] is the policer.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-3-POLICER_AGGUFFAIL: Aggregate [chars] - Microflow [chars] combination is not available at this time.

Explanation    This message indicates that the specific combination of aggregate policer and microflow policer that are used by the ACL being configured cannot be supported by the hardware. The first [chars] is the aggregate name and the second [chars] is the policer name.

Recommended Action    This is a hardware limitation. No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-3-POLICER_HWAGGFULL: Out of Hardware Aggregate policers. Failed to allocate [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that no more aggregate policer entries are available in the hardware. The maximum limit is 1023, however, the actual number might be less because of underutilization of aggregate policer entries. [chars] is the policer.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-3-POLICER_HWUFFULL: Out of Hardware Microflow policers. Failed to allocate [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that no more microflow policer entries are available in hardware. The maximum limit is 64, but the actual number might be less. [chars] is the policer.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-3-POLICER_UFFULL: Out of Microflow policers. Failer to allocate [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the software has run out of microflow policers. The current maximum is 64. [chars] is the policer.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-3-QOS_CONFIG_MISMATCH: QoS: Unable to configure module [dec], NVRAM QoS configuration incompatible, module is disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected an invalid QoS NVRAM configuration. This can be caused by swapping Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching engines. [dec] is the failing module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SCPERR: SCP failure on message with opcode 0x[hex], errcode=[dec]. Error Code [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the QoS setting of the module failed. opcode [hex] is the op code value and error code [dec] is the error code value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative. The technical support representative will request the op code and error code values reported by the message.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETCOSMAPFAIL: Unable to set CoS map on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired CoS map could not be set on the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETDEFCOSFAIL: Unable to set default CoS on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired default CoS could not be set on the module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETFLOWMASKFAIL: Unable to set flow mask to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to set the flow mask. [chars] is the system identifier.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETIPPRECMAPENFAIL: Unable to enable/disable mapping of IP precedence to CoS

Explanation    This message indicates that the IP precedence to the CoS mapping function could not be enabled or disabled in the forwarding engine.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETIPPRECMAPFAIL: Unable to set mapping of IP precedence to CoS

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired IP precedence to CoS mapping could not be set in the forwarding engine.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETPORTQOSTYPEFAIL: Unable to set port qos type on port [dec]/[dec]. Error code [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was not able to set the QoS type on a particular port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [dec] is the error code number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETRXQSIZEFAIL: Unable to set receive queue sizes on module [dec]. Error code [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired receive queue sizes could not be set on the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETRXTHRFAIL: Unable to set receive threshold on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired receive thresholds on the module could not be set. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETTRUSTFAIL: Unable to set trust type on [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired trust type could not be set on the module. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETTXQSIZEFAIL: Unable to set transmit queue sizes on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired transmit queue sizes could not be set on the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETTXTHRFAIL: Unable to set transmit threshold on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired transmit thresholds on the module could not be set. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    QOS-3-SETWRRFAIL: Unable to set WRR on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the desired weight for the weighted round-robin (WRR) could not be set on the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Check the module for hardware problems. If a problem is not obvious, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    QOS-4-DEVICE_CDP_DIS: Port [dec]/[dec] configured for trust-device with CDP disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is not enabled on a port configured for trust-device. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Enable CDP.

Error Message    QOS-4-DEVICE_UNTRUSTED: Port [dec]/[dec] configured for trust-device with port trust set to untrusted

Explanation    This message indicates that a port's trust is set to untrusted and that the trust-device feature is enabled for that port. Features on that port will not function if the port's configuration trust is set to untrusted. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative

Error Message    QOS-4-HASWITCH: WARNING - QoS runtime information may be inconsistent for a short period after switchover

Explanation    This message indicates that for a short period of time after switchover, any commands relating to QoS might display values not consistent with the current hardware settings.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    QOS-5-COSMUTATED: Output codepoint mutation performed on Vlan Mapped Id [dec]. Outputted scheduling based on the mutated CoS.

Explanation    This message indicates that the CoS used for scheduling is based on a mutated DSCP. The prioritization within a QoS domain should be performed using the DSCP of the current domain instead of using the mutated DSCP, but the hardware cannot accomplish this. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-5-DEVICE_DETECTED: ciscoipphone detected on port [dec]/[dec], port set to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a change has occurred in port trust status. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [chars] is the new trust type for the port as specified in the configuration.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-5-DEVICE_LOST: ciscoipphone no longer detected on port [dec]/[dec], port set to untrusted

Explanation    This message indicates that a previously enabled feature on a port is no longer detected on that port. This message indicates that the device has left and that the port trust state has changed. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-5-DISABLED: QoS has been disabled on switch

Explanation    This message indicates that the QoS feature has been disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-5-ENABLE_BRIDGEPOL: Bridged microflow policing must be enabled in order for policing to occur for multicast flows.

Explanation    This message indicates that bridged microflow policing has been enabled so that policing can occur for multicast flows.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-5-ENABLED: QoS has been enabled on switch

Explanation    This message indicates that the QoS feature has been enabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-5-POLICER_DSCPMISMATCH: Mismatch in DSCP specified for aggregate policer [chars]. Mismatching DSCP=[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that two different DSCP values were associated with the same aggregate policer. [chars] is the aggregate policer and [dec] is the mismatched value.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    QOS-5-POLICER_TRSTMISMATCH: Mismatch in Trust specified for aggregate policer [chars]. Mismatching Trust = [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the aggregate policer is being used by two different ACEs and ACLs that have different ACL trust values. The first [chars] is the policer and the second [chars] is the mismatching trust value.

Recommended Action    You should either set the trust values the same or not use the aggregate policer with both ACLs and ACEs.

RADIUS Messages

This section lists the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) messages.


Error Message    RADIUS-2-NOSERVERS: No Radius servers configured

Explanation    This message indicates that RADIUS is enabled, but no servers are configured.

Recommended Action    Configure a RADIUS server.

Error Message    RADIUS-2-SRVRNORESP: Unable to contact RADIUS server

Explanation    This message indicates that RADIUS is enabled, but the switch was unable to contact the RADIUS server.

Recommended Action    Verify that the RADIUS server was set up correctly from the switch.


Error Message    RADIUS-3-REQUESTSENDFAIL: Request send error, bytes sent [dec], expected [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that there was a packet transmit error. sent [dec] is the number of packets transmitted and expected [dec] is the number of packets expected to be sent.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    RADIUS-3-RESPONSERECVFAIL: Response receive error, bytes received [dec], expected [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that there was a packet receive error. Received [dec] is the number of packets received and expected [dec] is the number of packets expected.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    RADIUS-3-SENDACCTFAIL: Fail to send out accounting information to configured Radius server(s)

Explanation    This message indicates that accounting information was not received from the RADIUS server or servers.

Recommended Action    Verify that the switch and the RADIUS server have the correct configurations. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    RADIUS-3-SOCKETFAIL: Radius socket error

Explanation    This message indicates that an attempt to open a socket failed possibly due to insufficient resources.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    RADIUS-5-ALLDEADSERVER: All Radius servers dead: identification [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is unable to establish connection with any of the RADIUS servers. [dec] is the identification number of the RADIUS request packet.

Recommended Action    Check network connectivity.

Error Message    RADIUS-5-SERVERALIVE: Radius server [dec] alive

Explanation    This message indicates that a message was successfully received from the RADIUS server. [dec] is the IP address of the RADIUS server.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

RSVP Messages

This section contains Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) messages.


Error Message    RSVP-3-ATTACHFAILED: Unable to attach RSVP Acl

Explanation    This message indicates that RSVP is unable to attach an Access Control List (ACL) in the hardware in response to a Common Open Policy Service (COPS) decision to install the ACL. This situation can occur when a section of the TCAM allocated to dynamic ACLs is full, or because of some other error in the QoS module or ACL manager module. By enabling syslog messages for these two features, you can obtain additional information about the failure.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    RSVP-4-DISCARDPATH: Input Path msg discarded

Explanation    This message is generated when a received Path message is dicarded before processing. This can occur when a burst of RSVP messages is received and the RSVP event queue is almost full. The COPS server might be overloaded and has not responded to requests regarding flows already in the database. New flows in the database are not accepted until the number of outstanding requests decreases.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    RSVP-4-MISSINGL2HOP: Missing or invalid NHOP_L2 in Path msg - dropping msg

Explanation    This message is generated when a received Path message to be forwarded downstream does not contain a properly filled NHOP_L2 object as required by the Subnet Bandwidth Manager (SBM) specifications. The switch does not know the MAC addess of the next hop and cannot find the correct output port.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    RSVP-6-PDPCLOSEDCONN: PDP closed connection - flushing policy

Explanation    This message is generated when a COPS Client Close message is received from the COPS server. When this occurs, the switch flushes its RSVP database and detaches all installed ACLs. A new connection to the COPS server is attempted.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    RSVP-6-PDPUP: New connection made to COPS server

Explanation    This message is generated when the COPS server responds with a COPS Client Accept message to a Client Open message sent by the switch. This indicates that an active COPS connection is present.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    RSVP-6-POLICYTTLEXPIRED: Disconnected from PDP: Policy timer expired

Explanation    This message is generated when connection to the COPS server is lost. The switch caches the downloaded policy and tries to reconnect for a preset amount of time. After the timer expires, the switch flushes the RSVP database, and continues trying to connect to the COPS server.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    RSVP-6-RSVPEXITING: RSVP Exiting

Explanation    This message is generated when RSVP is disabled or when QoS is disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    RSVP-6-UNKNOWNOUTPORT: Unknown output port for Path msg - flooding on VLAN

Explanation    This message is generated when the switch fails to learn the port corresponding to a MAC address as specified in the L2_NHOP object. The message is sent out on all ports of that VLAN.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


This section contains the security messages.


Error Message    SECURITY-1-DOT1X_BACKEND_SERVER: No Radius servers configured

Explanation    This message indicates that one of the following three possible conditions has occurred: The dot1x system-auth-control is enabled and all radius servers have been cleared from the CLI; the dot1x system-auth-control is enabled and the radius servers are removed one by one leaving no primary radius server; or no radius server is configured and dot1x system-auth-control is enabled.

Recommended Action    Configure the radius server using the set radius command. At least one valid WAP-RADIUS server should be configured for dot1x to do authentication.

Error Message    SECURITY-1-DOT1X_PORT_SHUTDOWN: DOT1X: Port [dec]/[dec] shutdown because of dot1x security violation by [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a dot1x port is shut down because of a security violation. An example is when a port is configured in single-host mode and the system has detected a MAC address on the port that is different from the authorized port MAC address. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Remove multiple hosts connected to the port because only one host is allowed on the port. You can also enable the multiple-host option on the port using the set port dot1x mod/port multiple-host enable command.

Error Message    SECURITY-1-DOT1X_PORT_UNAUTHORIZED_EARL_FAILURE: Dot1xPort [dec]/[dec] unauthorized due to EARL failure while adding an entry

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to add the supervisor engine MAC address from the VLAN to EARL. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SECURITY-1-PORTSHUTDOWN: Port [dec]/[dec] shutdown due to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a port has been shut down due to an insecure host sourcing a packet into that port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number of the port that has shut down and [chars] can be either a security violation or no space in the forwarding engine lookup table.

Recommended Action    Check why the host is sourcing a packet into that port.


Error Message    SECURITY-3-DOT1X_NONETHERVLAN: DOT1X: Inactive or non-Ethernet vlan [dec]in RADIUS response

Explanation    This message indicates that an inactive or non-Ethernet VLAN was detected. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SECURITY-3-DOT1X_RSPANVLAN: DOT1X: RSPAN vlan [dec] in RADIUS response - Port is unauthorized

Explanation    This message indicates that an 802.1x-enabled port has been detected by the RSPAN VLAN.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SECURITY-3-DOT1X_VLANINVALID: DOT1X: Invalid VLAN ID[chars]in RADIUS response

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to access VLAN information from the VTP database or that the VLAN is invalid. [chars] is the VLAN.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    SECURITY-5-CLEARADDRESS: [chars] cleared from secure address list for port [dec]/[dec] due to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that an address has been cleared from the secure address list. [chars] is the address cleared, [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, and the second [chars] is the reason the address was cleared, either age out or conflict with the online module.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SECURITY-5-DOT1X_ASSIGNVLAN: VLAN [dec] assigned to Dot1x Port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN was successfully assigned. [dec] is the VLAN number and [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SECURITY-5-DOT1X_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE: Authentication failed for port [dec]/[dec]: port unauthorized

Explanation    This message indicates that the designated port is set to unauthorized while the dot1x authentication process is in progress. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Authentication successful for port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that designated port is set to authorized while the dot1x authentication process is in progress. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SECURITY-5-DOT1X_PORT_AUTHORIZED: Port [dec]/[dec] authorized

Explanation    This message indicates that a dot1x port is authorized. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SECURITY-5-DOT1X_PORT_UNAUTHORIZED: Port [dec]/[dec] unauthorized

Explanation    This message indicates that a dot1x port is unauthorized. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SECURITY-5-DOT1X_STATE_MACHINE_INITIALIZATION: Dot1x State Machine Reset for port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a dot1x authenticator state system is initialized. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SECURITY-5-PORTREENABLED: Port [dec]/[dec] is re-enabled after shutdown timeout

Explanation    This message indicates that the port has been reenabled after a shutdown. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    SECURITY-7-DOT1X_AUTHENTICATOR_STATE: DOT1X: Port [dec]/[dec] is in [chars] state

Explanation    This message indicates the port's dot1x authenticator state. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number and [chars] is the authenticator state. The authenticator state can be disconnected, connecting, held, authenticating, authenticated, aborting, force_auth, or force_unath.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SECURITY-7-DOT1X_BACKEND_STATE: DOT1X: backend state for port [dec]/[dec] is [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the port's dot1x backend state. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number and [chars] is the authenticator state. The authenticator state can be request, response, success, fail, timeout, finished, or abort.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

SNMP Messages

This section contains the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) messages.


Error Message    SNMP-2-TCPSKTOPENFAIL: Can't open TCP socket for [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the TCP socket for the port cannot be opened. [dec] is the TCP port number.

Recommended Action    Reboot the system.


Error Message    SNMP-3-INITFAIL: Initialization failed [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the initialization process has failed on a module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Try reseating the module in the chassis.

Error Message    SNMP-3-UDPSKTOPENFAIL: Can't open UDP socket for [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the UDP socket for the port cannot be opened. [dec] is the UDP port number.

Recommended Action    Reboot the system.


Error Message    SNMP-5-CHASSISALARM: Chassis Alarm Trap: tmpAlarm([chars]), minorAlarm([chars]), and/or majorAlarm([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates the on and off condition of the Chassis Alarm Trap: tmpAlarm([chars]), minorAlarm([chars]) and majorAlarm([chars]). [chars] is on or off.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-CLOCKCHANGETRAP: clock changed to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system clock has been changed manually. [chars] is the new day, date, and time.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-COLDSTART: Cold Start Trap

Explanation    This message indicates that the sending protocol entity is reinitializing itself so the agent's configuration or the protocol entity implementation might be altered.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-ENTITYMODTRAP: Module [dec] status changed to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected a change in the cefcModuleOperStatus value. [chars] is the new status.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-ENTITYPOWERTRAP: Status changed to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected that the power status of a field replaceable device has changed. [chars] is the new power status.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-ENTITYTRAP: Entity Mib last change time [dec] ticks

Explanation    This message indicates that the entLastChangeTime MIB object value was changed. [dec] is the value of sysUpTime at the time this event occurs.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-ENVMONFANTRAP: Environmental Monitor Fan Trap: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected a problem with the fan tray. [chars] is the notification message.

Recommended Action    Replace the fan tray.

Error Message    SNMP-5-ENVMONPOWERTRAP: Environmental Monitor Redundant Power Supply Trap: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected a problem with the redundant power supply. [chars] is the notification message.

Recommended Action    Replace the indicated power supply.

Error Message    SNMP-5-ENVMONSHUTDOWNTRAP: Environmental Monitor Shutdown Trap: The system shutdown due to [chars], the sensor indes is [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was shut down due an environmental condition detected by the environmental monitor. [chars] is the reason for the shutdown and [dec] is the sensor indes value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SNMP-5-ENVMONTEMPTRAP: Environmental Monitor Temperature Trap

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected a problem with the system chassis temperature. [chars] is the notification message.

Recommended Action    Check the ambient temperature of the chassis. Check for airflow blockage in the chassis.

Error Message    SNMP-5-FRUINSERTEDTRAP: [chars] inserted

Explanation    This message indicates that a module, power supply, or fan tray has been inserted in the chassis. [chars] defines the field replaceable unit (FRU).

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-FRUREMOVEDTRAP: [chars] removed

Explanation    This message indicates that a module, power supply, or fan tray has been removed from the chassis. [chars] defines the field replaceable unit (FRU).

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-LERALARMTRAP: FDDI Ler Alarm [[chars]] Trap for [[dec]/[dec]]

Explanation    The fddimibPORTLerFlag object in the FDDI-SMT73-MIB (RFC 1512) has turned on or turned off one of its ports. [[chars]] is on or off and [[dec]/[dec]] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-LINKTRAP: Link [chars] Trap -- ifName=[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the type of link trap by the specified name. The first [chars] is up or down and the second [chars] is sc0/sl0/mNo-pNo.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-MODULETRAP: Module [dec] ([chars]) Trap

Explanation    This message indicates the type of module trap. [dec] is the module number and ([chars]) is up or down.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-NEWROOTTRAP: New Root Trap for VLAN [[dec]]

Explanation    This message indicates that there is a new root of the spanning tree. [[dec]] is a VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-RPTHEALTHTRAP: Repeater health trap:rptrOperStatus([dec],[dec])=[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the repeater health trap:rptrOperStatus status. [dec],[dec] is the module number, port number and [chars] is one of the following: other, ok, rptrFailure, groupFailure, portFailure, or generalFailure.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-RPTRESETTRAP: Repeater reset trap:rptrOperStatus([dec],[dec])=[chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the repeater reset trap:rptrOperStatus status. [dec],[dec] is the module number, port number and [chars] is one of the following: other, ok, rptrFailure, groupFailure, portFailure, or generalFailure.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-SNMPAUTHFAIL: Authentication failed for message from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch has received an SNMP message that was not properly authenticated. [chars] is the source of the message.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-STPXTRAP: STP Extension Inconsistency vlan [dec] port [[dec/dec]] ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) has detected an inconsistency in the VLAN. [dec] is the VLAN number, [[dec/dec]] is the module number/port number, and ([chars]) is the inconsistency detected.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-STPXTRAPROOT: STP Extension Root Inconsistency vlan [dec] port [dec]/[dec] ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that a port on a spanning tree instance has joined or left the root or loop inconsistency state. [dec] is the VLAN number, [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, and [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-TOPOTRAP: Topology Change Trap for VLAN [[dec]]

Explanation    This message indicates that a configured port changed from the learning state to the forwarding state, or from the forwarding state to the blocking state. [[dec]] is a VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-5-WARMSTART: Warm Start Trap

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine has taken control.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    SNMP-6-SUBAGENTCONN: Subagent [dec] [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the connection status of the subagent. [dec] is the subagent number and [chars] is one of the following: other, OK, rptr Failure, group Failure, port Failure, or general Failure.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-6-SUBAGENTDIS: Disconnect Subagent [dec], [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the subagent has been disconnected. [dec] is the subagent index and [chars] is the reason for the disconnection.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-6-SUBAGENTTIMEOUT: Subagent [dec] Timeout, drop connection

Explanation    This message indicates that the subagent has been disconnected when the master agent times out during communications with the subagent. [dec] is the subagent index.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-6-TCPSKTCLOSE: TCP socket [[dec]] closed

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified TCP socket closed. [[dec]] is the TCP port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-6-TCPSKTOPEN: TCP socket [[dec]] opened

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified TCP socket opened. [[dec]] is the TCP port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-6-UDPSKTCLOSE: UDP socket [[dec]] closed

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified UDP socket closed. [[dec]] is the UDP port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SNMP-6-UDPSKTOPEN: UDP socket [[dec]] opened

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified UDP socket opened. [[dec]] is the UDP port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

SNMP RMON Messages

This section contains the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) messages for Remote Monitoring (RMON).


Error Message    SNMP-5-RMONDISFAIL: Rmon Disable is progress, In another session

Explanation    This message indicates that in one Telnet session an RMON disable is in progress, and in another Telnet session a user is trying to disable RMON.

Recommended Action    Try to disable RMON at a later time. If the message reappears after numerous tries, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SNMP-5-RMONENFAIL: Rmon Enable is progress, In another session

Explanation    This message indicates that in one Telnet session an RMON enable is in progress, and in another Telnet session a user is trying to enable RMON.

Recommended Action    Try to enable RMON at a later time. If the message reappears after numerous tries, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SNMP-5-RMONNOALARM: Alarm Index [dec] is Not Saved

Explanation    This message indicates that the alarm entry with a specified index is not saved in nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM). [dec] is the index of the alarm entry.

Recommended Action    Set the alarm variable of the entry to an object whose Management Information Base (MIB) object identifier (OID) length is less than or equal to 18. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SNMP-5-RMONNOMEM: No memory for ControlEntry

Explanation    This message indicates that memory is full; no new RMON tables can be installed.

Recommended Action    Release some memory by deleting some of the existing RMON entries. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SNMP-5-RMONNOSCP: Out of RMON ScpUsage

Explanation    This message indicates that the ScpUsage table for RMON is full.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SNMP-5-TABLEFULL: [chars] Table is Full

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified table is full. [chars] is the history, alarm, or event table.

Recommended Action    Release some memory by deleting some of the existing RMON entries. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SNMP-5-UPDATENVRAM: UpdateNvram() failed: blockno is [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that updating the NVRAM configuration for the specified block failed. [dec] is the NVRAM block.

Recommended Action    You might be out of memory. Enter the show version command to ensure that you are running the correct version. Free some memory if necessary. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.


This section contains the Spanning Tree Protocol messages.


Error Message    SPANTREE-2-BPDU_SKEWING: BPDU skewed with a delay of [dec] seconds (max_age/2)

Explanation    This message indicates that a BPDU for one or more VLANs or instances when MISTP is running has been skewed for a time longer than max_age/2. [dec] is the number of seconds.

Recommended Action    No action is required. To determine which VLAN has been skewed, use the show spantree sum novlan command.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-CHNMISCFG: STP loop - channel [dec]/[chars] is disabled in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that there is a possible misconfiguration in the EtherChannel type setting (auto/desirable/on). A misconfigured channel formed, causing spanning tree loops. [dec] is the module number, [chars] is the port number, and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-LOOPGUARDBLOCK: No BPDUs were received on port [chars] in [chars] [dec]. Moved to loop-inconsistent state

Explanation    This message indicates that due to a unidirectional link failure, or failure of a bridge, BPDUs are not being received on the port. Loopguard has blocked the port to prevent loops. The first [chars] is module/port instance, the second [chars] is the VLAN instance, and [dec] is the VLAN number/instance number.

Recommended Action    Check the bridge connected to this port and test the link for any unidirectional failures. Sometimes excessive delay between BPDUs can trigger this event. If this is the case, no action is required because the port state is restored with the arrival of the next BPDU.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-LOOPGUARDUNBLOCK: Port [chars] restored in [chars] [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the previously blocked port has been restored. The first [chars] is module/port instance, the second [chars] is the VLAN instance, and [dec] is the VLAN number/instance number.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-MAPCONFLICTEND: conflict resolved for vlan [dec]. Prepare to enter instance [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a previously existing conflict has been resolved. After a forwarding delay, the VLAN will enter the instance. The first [dec] is the VLAN number and the second [dec] is the last instance claiming the VLAN.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-MAPCONFLICTSTART: vlan [dec] conflicting. Leaving instance [dec].

Explanation    This message indicates that two or more bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) associated with different Multi-Instance Spanning Tree Protocol (MISTP) instances claim the same VLAN as part of their instance. The VLAN is blocked until the conflict is resolved. The first [dec] is the VLAN number and the second [dec] is the first MISTP instance claiming the VLAN.

Recommended Action    Reconfigure MISTP on the network to make sure that only one instance maps to the VLAN. Use the show spantree conflict command to find out which switches are claiming the VLAN.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-PORTADD_FAILNOMEM: [dec]/[dec] in [dec] malloc fail ([chars]) not add STP

Explanation    This message indicates that adding a port to a specified VLAN has failed because the system does not have enough memory. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-PORTUNBLK: Unblock previously inc port [dec]/[chars] on vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the previously blocked port caused by port type or VLAN inconsistency is now unblocked. [dec] is the module number, [chars] is the port number, and the second [dec] is the VLAN number. This message also indicates that the previous inconsistency has been cleared and no more inconsistencies have been detected on the port.

Recommended Action    The port should have a normal spanning tree state.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-ROOTGUARDBLOCK: Port [chars] tried to become non-designated in [chars] [dec]. Moved to root-inconsistent state

Explanation    This message is displayed whenever a rootguard-enabled port receives a superior BPDU, which moves the role of the port from designated to root or to blocking port. [chars] is the port number (a list for channel ports); the second [chars] is either VLAN when Per VLAN Spanning Tree + (PVST+) is running, or instance when MISTP is running; [dec] is the VLAN number or the instance number.

Recommended Action    Reconfigure STP on the switch at the other end of the link to receive inferior BPDUs on the port indicated by the first [chars].

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-ROOTGUARDUNBLOCK: Port [chars] restored in [chars] [dec]

Explanation    This message is displayed when a port that previously had an inconsistent root is moved back to a normal STP state because the switch on the other end of the link stopped sending superior BPDUs. The first [chars] is the port number (a list for channel ports); the second [chars] is either VLAN when PVST+ is running, or instance when MISTP is running; [dec] is the VLAN number or the instance number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-RX_1QNON1QTRUNK: Rcved 1Q-BPDU on non-1Q-trunk port [chars] vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the non-1Q-trunking (ISL) port has received at least one 1Q-tagged spantree BPDU frame on the receiving VLAN. [dec] is the module number, [chars] is the port number, and [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Either reconfigure the non-1Q-trunking port into a 1Q-trunking port, or reconfigure the peer 1Q-trunking port into the corresponding non-1Q-trunking port.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-RX_1QNONTRUNK: Rcved 1Q-BPDU on non-trunk port [dec]/[dec] vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the nontrunking port has received at least one 1Q-tagged spantree BPDU frame on the receiving VLAN. [dec] is the module number, the second [dec] is the port number, and the third [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Either reconfigure the nontrunking port into a 1Q-trunking port, or reconfigure the peer 1Q-trunking port into a nontrunking port.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-RX_1QPVIDERR: Rcved pvid_inc BPDU on 1Q port [dec]/[dec] vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the 1Q-trunking port has received at least one 1Q-tagged spantree BPDU frame with an inconsistent transmitting VLAN ID to the receiving port VLAN ID. [dec] is the module number, the second [dec] is the port number, and the third [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Either reconfigure the receiving port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID of the peer port, or reconfigure the peer port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID of the receiving port.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-RX_BPDUGUARD: Received BPDU on bpdu guard enabled port. Disabling [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the Spanning Tree BPDU Guard feature is enabled on the switch and the port received a BPDU from another bridge. [chars] is the module/port number.

Recommended Action    If PortFast is enabled or if PortFast default is enabled globally, disable PortFast on the port. If BPDU guard is enabled on the port, disable it for the port, then reenable it.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-RX_BLKPORTPVID: Block [dec]/[dec] on rcving vlan [dec] for inc peer vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is blocking the port from receiving traffic on the receiving VLAN of the BPDU. [dec] is the module number, the second [dec] is the port number, the third [dec] is the receiving VLAN number, and the fourth [dec] is the peer VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Either reconfigure the receiving port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID of the peer port, or reconfigure the peer port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID of the receiving port.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-SWOVER_TOOLONG: Switchover took too much time. All STP ports restarted

Explanation    This message indicates that the switchover process took longer than four seconds to complete. As a result, all of the STP ports are restarted.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-2-TX_BLKPORTPVID: Block [dec]/[dec] on xmtting vlan [dec] for inc peer vlan

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is blocking the port from receiving traffic from the transmitting VLAN by the BPDU. [dec] is the module number, the second [dec] is the port number, and the third [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Either reconfigure the receiving port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID of the peer port, or reconfigure the peer port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID as the receiving port. The port is set to pvid-inconsistent state.


Error Message    SPANTREE-3-EVACT_NOTREG: unexpected HA-event received by STP on the active supervisor ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine in spanning tree received an event it is not registered for. [dec] is the active supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    No action is required because the event in question is discarded.

Error Message    SPANTREE-3-EVREC_NOTREG: unexpected HA-event received by STP for switchover recovery ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that spanning tree received an event it is not registered for. The event was received after High Availability switchover. [dec] is the supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    No action is required because the event in question is discarded.

Error Message    SPANTREE-3-EVSTBY_NOTREG: unexpected HA-event received by STP on the active supervisor ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine in spanning tree received an event it is not registered for. [dec] is the redundant supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    No action is required because the event in question is discarded.


Error Message    SPANTREE-4-UFAST_BRREGFAIL: Uplinkfast unable to register Ibipc port

Explanation    This message indicates that the UplinkFast feature might not work with some Gigabit Ethernet modules.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical service representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-4-UFAST_MGETFAIL: Uplinkfast unable to get mbuf

Explanation    This message indicates that the UplinkFast task was unable to get a memory buffer. Fast convergence may not occur for some or all stations.

Recommended Action    If this message is seen repeatedly, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-4-UFAST_QFULL: Uplinkfast task does not exist or queue full

Explanation    This message indicates that the notification of a change in a port's forwarding status failed. Fast convergence will not occur for all end stations in some VLANs.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    SPANTREE-5-MSTCONFIG_COMMIT: Changes to MST Configuration (Name: [chars] Revision [dec]) are saved

Explanation    This message indicates that the new MST configuration from the edit buffer is successfully stored in NVRAM. [chars] is the filename and [dec] is the file revision number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-MSTCONFIG_ROLLBACK: new mst configuration made by [chars] are discarded

Explanation    This message indicates that the user has accessed the edit buffer and discarded the new configuration.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-MSTWITH_NEWCONFIG: MST spanning trees are restarted with the new configuration

Explanation    This message indicates that if the spanning tree mode is MST, then the MST spanning trees are restarted with the new configuration stored in NVRAM. This message automatically appears after the MSTCONFIG_COMMIT message appears.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-PORTADD_FAILNONOPER: Port [dec]/[dec] in [dec] not up ([chars]) not added to STP

Explanation    This message indicates that a port on a specific VLAN has not been added to the spanning tree because the port is not active. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is the error message.

Recommended Action    Try reenabling the port. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-PORTADD_FAILTRNONOPER: Port [dec] in [dec] not up - not added to STP

Explanation    This message indicates that a port for a specific VLAN was not added to STP because the port is not operational. Port [dec] is the failed port number and [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Disable and reenable the port.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-PORTDEL_FAILNOTFOUND: [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] not found ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the port passed for deletion was not found in the spanning tree database. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is an identifier for the task that started the deletion.

Recommended Action    This message is for debugging purposes only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-PORTDEL_FAILOUTRANGE: [dec]/[dec] - vlan [dec] out of range ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the port passed for deletion has not been deleted because the port VLAN is out of the valid range. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is an identifier for the task that started the deletion.

Recommended Action    This message is for debugging purposes only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-PORTLISTEN: port [dec]/[chars] state in vlan [dec] changed to Listening

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified port in the VLAN state has changed to listening. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-TR_PORTLISTEN: trcrf [dec] in trbrf [dec] changed to Listening

Explanation    This message indicates that the port associated with the specified TrCRF located in the specified TrBRF has changed to listening. The first [dec] is the TrCRF number and the second [dec] is the TrBRF number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-5-UFAST_PORTFWD: port [dec]/[chars] in vlan [dec] moved to Fwding (UplinkFast)

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified port in the VLAN has moved directly to the forwarding state with the UplinkFast feature. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    SPANTREE-6-PORTBLK: port [dec]/[chars] state in vlan [dec] changed to blocking

Explanation    This message indicates the specified port state in the VLAN changed to blocking. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-PORTFWD: port [dec]/[chars] state in vlan [dec] changed to forwarding

Explanation    This message indicates the port state in the VLAN changed to forwarding. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-PORTLEARN: port [dec]/[chars] state in vlan [dec] changed to Learning

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified port in the VLAN state has changed to learning. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-RX_INFBPDU: Received inferior BPDU on port [dec]/[chars] in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the port is receiving BPDUs. This message indicates that the designated switch has lost connectivity to the root switch. This message appears only if you enable the BackboneFast feature. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-RX_RLQREPLY: Received RLQ response PDU on port [dec/chars] in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the BackboneFast feature is attempting to fast converge, which means that a link has failed somewhere in the network, most likely at the specified port in the VLAN. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-RX_RLQREQ: Received RLQ request PDU on port [dec]/[chars] in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the BackboneFast feature is attempting to fast converge, which means that a link has failed somewhere in the network, most likely at the specified port in the VLAN. [dec]/[chars] is the module number/port number and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-SSTP_PORTBLK: Block [dec]/[dec] on rcving vlan [dec] for inc trunk port

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is blocking the port from receiving traffic on the receiving VLAN. This situation prevents traffic looping, which might be caused by the peer port-type inconsistency. The port is set to type-inconsistent state. [dec] is the module number, the second [dec] is the port number, and the third [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Either reconfigure the receiving port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID of the peer port, or reconfigure the peer port VLAN ID to the same VLAN ID as the receiving port VLAN ID.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-TR_MSGAGEEXPIRY: Msg Age timer expired on trcrf [dec] in trbrf [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified TrCRF in the TrBRF has not received BPDUs for message age time. The first [dec] is the port number and the second [dec] is the VLAN number. Use the show spantree command to show the VLAN message age.

Recommended Action    If this message is seen too often for the same VLAN and port, a fault is indicated. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-TR_PORTBLK: trcrf [dec] in trbrf [dec] changed to blocking

Explanation    This message indicates that the TrCRF port corresponding to the TrBRF VLAN has changed to blocking. trcrf [dec] is the TrCRF port number and trbrf [dec] is the TrBRF VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-TR_PORTFWD: trcrf [dec] in trbrf [dec] changed to forwarding

Explanation    This message indicates that the TrCRF port corresponding to the TrBRF VLAN has changed to forwarding. trcrf [dec] is the TrCRF port number and trbrf [dec] is the TrBRF VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-6-TR_PORTLEARN: trcrf [dec] in trbrf [dec] changed to Learning

Explanation    This message indicates that the TrCRF port located in the TrBRF VLAN has changed to learning. The first [dec] is the port number and the second [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    SPANTREE-7-MISTPORTDEL_ERROR: [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] (instance [dec]) status [dec] ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that an error occurred while deleting a port from spanning tree. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number, VLAN [dec] is the VLAN number, instance [dec] is the instance number the VLAN is assigned to, status [dec] is the status number, and [chars] is the name of the process trying to delete the port. This message does not always indicate an error in deleting a port. The message also can be displayed if the port does not exist, the port does not have any VLANs mapped to it, or that there are conflicting VLANs.

Recommended Action    Examine the condition of the port. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-MISTPORTDEL_FAILNOTFOUND: [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] (instance [dec]) not found ([chars)]

Explanation    This message indicates that during the process of deleting a port from a VLAN, which is part of a MISTP instance, the port cannot be found. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number, VLAN [dec] is the VLAN number, instance [dec] is the instance number the VLAN is assigned to, and [chars] is the name of the process trying to delete the port. This message does not always indicate an error in deleting a port. The message also can be displayed if the port does not exist, the port does not have any VLANs mapped to it, or that there are conflicting VLANs.

Recommended Action    Examine the condition of the port. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-MSGAGEEXPIRY: Msg Age timer expired on port [dec/chars] in vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a BPDU was not received by the port for 20 seconds (assuming a default value of max_age). [dec]/[chars] designates the port and vlan [dec] is the VLAN number. The port becomes a designated port.

Recommended Action    An occasional message of this type is acceptable; however, if multiple messages occur within a short time for a specific VLAN, a fault is indicated. Because this message is per VLAN, multiple messages for different VLANs are normal. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTADD_DISABLE: [dec]/[dec] in [dec] add stp - disable O[dec] E-[dec] S-[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a port for a VLAN has been added to the spanning tree in a disable state. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [dec] is the VLAN number, O[dec] is operational or nonoperational, E-[dec] is enabled or disabled, and S-[dec] is supported or nonsupported.

Recommended Action    Examine the condition of the port. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTADD_FAILACTIVEVLAN: [dec]/[dec] in [dec] add fail A-[dec] ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that a port on a VLAN has not been added to STP because the addSTP flag is set to false. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [dec] is the VLAN number, A-[dec] is the addSTP flag value, and ([chars]) is the error message.

Recommended Action    This message is for debugging purposes only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTADD_FAILAGPORT: [dec]/[dec] in [dec] agport=0 ([chars]) not add STP

Explanation    This message indicates that a port for a VLAN has failed to add to STP because the corresponding AgPort number is 0. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTADD_FAILCLCFG: [dec]/[dec] in [dec] cl-cfg ([chars]) not add STP

Explanation    This message indicates that adding a port for a VLAN has failed because a clear configuration operation is running on the system. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is the message.

Recommended Action    Disable and reenable the port. If that fails to resolve the problem, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTADD_FAILINACTIVEVLAN: [dec]/[dec] in [dec] add fail S-[dec] ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that a port for a VLAN has failed to be added to spanning tree because the VLAN is inactive. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [dec] is the VLAN number, S-[dec] is supported or nonsupported, and [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Activate the VLAN to add the port. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTDEL_FAILEMPTYVLAN: [dec]/[dec] - vlan [dec] empty ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN referred to for port deletion does not contain the ports. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is an identifier for the task that started the deletion.

Recommended Action    This message is for debugging purposes only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTDEL_SUCCESS: [dec]/[dec] removed from vlan [dec] ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the deletion has completed successfully. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is an identifier for the task that started the deletion.

Recommended Action    This message is for debugging purposes only.

Error Message    SPANTREE-7-PORTDEL_SUCCESSFROMCHN: [dec]/[dec] in vlan [dec] deleted - channel still on ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the port has been deleted, but it was part of a channel and the channel is still on. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, vlan [dec] is the VLAN number, and ([chars]) is an identifier for the task that started the deletion.

Recommended Action    This message is for debugging purposes only.

SYS Messages

This section contains the system (SYS) messages, including system semaphore messages.


Error Message    SYS-0-FAB_DISABLEPORT: Last switch fabric module [dec] down. Disabling all ports

Explanation    This message is displayed when system crossbar-fallback is set to none. When the last switch fabric module is removed, all ports on both fabric-compatible and non-fabric-compatible modules are disabled. [dec] is the last switch fabric module number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_ATMEXCEED: Max limit of atm/rsm card in the system exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that system configuration has exceeded the maximum allowed number of ATM and RSM modules.

Recommended Action    Check your release notes for the supported configuration.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_INBANDFAILURE: Module [dec] local inband failure... resetting module

Explanation    This message indicates that a communication error occured between the active and the standby NMP supervisor engine processors and that the error was caused by a problem on the local supervisor engine module. [dec] is the module number of the failing supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resetting the failing supervisor engine. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_INSTANCEBAD: Unable to assign instance for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the instance is not assigned to the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Verify that the module is booted and online. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_NOATMINFO: Unable to obtain atm information for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the instance is not assigned to the ATM module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Verify that the module is online. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_NOSLCPRESPONSE: Module [dec] SLCP not responding... resetting module

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine processor failed to respond to requests from the supervisor engine NMP. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_SCPLOCALERROR: Module [dec] local SCP error detected... resetting module

Explanation    This message indicates that there is a problem with the supervisor engine serial channel used for out-of-band communication with other modules in the system. [dec] is the module number where the error occured.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resetting the supervisor engine. If the problem persists, replace the supervisor engine.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_TEMPMAJORFAIL: Module [dec] major temperature threshold exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that the module temperature sensor has detected a temperature exceeding the major temperature threshold. The module shuts down after a 5-minute time delay has expired. If the temperature drops below the major threshold level before the time delay expires, the shutdown is canceled. [dec] is the slot number of the module that detected the elevated temperature.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-MOD_TEMPMAJORRECOVER: Module [dec] major temperature threshold recovered

Explanation    This message indicates that the module temperature has dropped below the major temperature threshold. The module shutdown has been canceled and the system returns to normal operation. [dec] is the module slot number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-SUP_TEMPMAJORFAIL: Supervisor in slot [dec] [chars] major temperature threshold exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine's temperature sensor has detected a temperature exceeding the major temperature threshold. The supervisor engine shuts down after a 5-minute time delay has expired. If the temperature drops below the major threshold level before the time delay expires, the shutdown is canceled. [dec] is the slot number of the supervisor engine that detected the elevated temperature and [chars] is the name of the submodule on the supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-SUP_TEMPMAJORRECOVER: Supervisor in slot [dec] [chars] major temperature threshold recovered

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine's temperature has dropped below the major temperature threshold. The supervisor engine shutdown has been canceled and the system returns to normal operation. [dec] is the supervisor engine slot number and [chars] is the name of the submodule on the supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-SYS_LCPERR0:Module [dec]: Coil Mdtif Parity Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error in the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    Replace the module if the error occurs several times, or contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-SYS_LCPERR0:Module [dec]: Coil Pb Rx Parity Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error in the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    Replace the module if the error occurs several times, or contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-SYS_SCHEDRESET: Schedule reset will happen in [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a reset is scheduled to occur sometime in the future. [chars] is the amount of time left before the reset happens; the value can be 2 hours, 1 hour, 30 minutes, 5 minutes, or 1 minute.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-SYS_TEMPMAJORFAIL: Chassis major temperature threshold exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that the chassis temperature sensor has detected a temperature exceeding the major temperature threshold. The system shuts down after a 5-minute time delay has expired. If the temperature drops below the major threshold level before the time delay expires, the system shutdown is canceled.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-SYS_TEMPMAJORRECOVER: Chassis major temperature threshold recovered

Explanation    This message indicates that the chassis temperature has dropped below the major temperature threshold. The automatic system shutdown has been canceled and the system returns to normal operation.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-TEMP_CRITFAIL: Temp critical failure

Explanation    This message indicates that the internal temperature has risen above 70°C (158°F). If the temperature remains above 70°C (158°F), the system automatically powers down after 5 minutes. This message applies only to the redundant supervisor engine in the switch.

Recommended Action    Power down the system and contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-0-TEMP_CRITOK: Temp critical okay

Explanation    This message indicates that the internal temperature has dropped below 70°C (158°F). This message applies only to the redundant supervisor engine in the switch.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-TEMP_CRITRECOVER: Temp critical recovered

Explanation    This message indicates that the internal temperature dropped below 70°C (158°F), and the automatic power down was canceled. This message applies only to the redundant supervisor engine in the switch.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-0-VTT_MAJORFAIL: VTT major alarm. Two VTT modules failed

Explanation    This message indicates that at least two of the three voltage termination (VTT) modules have failed. A minimum of two VTT modules are required for the system to function properly. The switching bus is disabled, and the supervisor engine is accessible through the console port.

Recommended Action    Replace the bad VTT modules. Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    SYS-1-CFG_ACL_DEALLOC: NVRAM full. Qos/Security ACL configuration deleted from NVRAM

Explanation    This message indicates that NVRAM is full and that the ACL configuration is currently only stored in DRAM.

Recommended Action    Make more room in Flash and try to save the ACL file configuration to NVRAM again.

Error Message    SYS-1-CFG_FLASH: ACL configuration moved to bootflash [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that during the software upgrade the ACL configuration has moved to NVRAM. [chars] is the name of the file.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-1-CFG_FLASH_ERR: Failed to write ACL configuration to bootflash: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a failure occurred in writing the ACL configuration file to NVRAM. [chars] is the name of the file.

Recommended Action    Make more room in Flash and try to save the ACL file configuration to NVRAM again.

Error Message    SYS-1-FAB_DISABLEPORTERR: Failed to disable port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that one or more module ports failed as they were being disabled after the failure or removal of the last switch fabric module and the set system crossbar-fallback command is set to none. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-1-FAB_MODSYNCERR: Connection between switch fabric module [dec] and module [dec] failed

Explanation    This message indicates that multiple synchronization errors have occurred between the switch fabric module and a module. The module is either reset or shut down unless there are multiple modules experiencing synchronization errors. In this situation, the switch fabric module is shut down. The first [dec] is switch fabric module number and the second [dec] is the failing module number.

Recommended Action    The system will attempt to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-1-FAB_MULTISYNCERR: Multiple fabric channel sync errors

Explanation    This message indicates that the fabric channel has experienced an error and that the channel is still not synchronized after retry.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-1-FAB_NORESPONSE: Module [dec] not responding to switch mode change message

Explanation    This message is displayed in response to a module being powered down after failing to switch to flow-through mode. When the system is in compact or truncated mode and the last fabric switching module is removed, a request is sent to all modules equipped with the fabric channel interface telling them to switch to flow-through mode. The request is resent to any modules that failed to respond to the first request. If they fail to respond again, the modules are powered down. [dec] is the number of the module that failed to switch over.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-1-FAB_SWOVER: Fabric channel errors on active switch fabric module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that multiple errors occurred between the active switch fabric module and the switching module and that all recovery actions have been exhausted. The system now switches over to the standby switch fabric module. [dec] is the switch fabric module number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-1-FAB_SYNCFAIL: Connection between switch fabric module [dec] and [chars] supervisor failed

Explanation    This message indicates that a channel error has occurred between the switch fabric module and the supervisor engine. [dec] is the switch fabric module number and [chars] is the standby supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-1-FAB_SYNCHMISMATCH: Fabric removed during synch process. Reset the module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that during a synchronization process, one of the two modules at the end of the fabric channel is removed. [dec] is the number of the removed module.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-1-MOD_INVALIDSEQ: Bus asic invalid sequence occurred on module [dec] (asic=[dec], srcidx=0x[hex], seq=[dec])

Explanation    This message is generated during system boot on systems with redundant supervisor engines. As the system boots up, the supervisor engine in slot 2 runs diagnostics on all of the modules to verify that it can be the standby supervisor engine. This supervisor engine then turns control over to the supervisor engine in slot 1.

During the transition, there are no packet transfers on the backplane. There is a sequence number associated with each packet transferred on the backplane. The modules remember the last sequence number N sent. When the active supervisor engine takes over and begins sending packets, it does not start with sequence number N+1. The sequence error is detected by the modules that generate the error message. Module [dec] is the module number detecting the error, asic=[dec] is the asic number, srcidx=[hex] is the error string, and seq=[dec] is the sequence number.

Recommended Action    This message can occur in systems with redundant supervisor engines. It should not occur in systems with only one supervisor engine. No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-1-MOD_MACBAD: Module [dec] has invalid MAC address, [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine module has an invalid MAC address. [dec] is the module number and [chars] is one of the following text messages: remains offline or bypass enabled.

Recommended Action    This message is provided for information only, but might indicate the MAC address of the supervisor engine is the same as the default MAC address (00-40-4b-ff-00-00). Enter the show mac [mod_num/port_num] command to check the module's MAC address. If the listed MAC address is the default MAC address, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-1-MOD_PATHTESTFAIL: Path test failure occurred on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the test of the local data path has failed. [dec] is the module number where the failure occurred.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-1-MOD_PWRSPROMFAIL: Power mgmt sprom failure for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a serial EPROM read on a module has failed. [dec] is the module number. The module is powered off.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-1-MOD_SEQERROR: Switching bus sequence error occurred on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a bus ASIC on the reporting module sensed a bus sequence error. The ASIC will automatically recover. [dec] is the number of the module reporting the error.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-1-MOD_SEQMISMATCH: Bus asic sequence mismatch occurred on module [dec] (asic=[dec], srcidx=0x[hex], seq=[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the bus ASIC on a module has reported a bus sequence mismatch error. Module [dec] is the module reporting the error, ASIC [dec] is the ASIC number reporting the error, srcidx [hex] is the source index to header value, and seq [dec] is the sequence number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_DISABLEPS: Rating of power supplies in redundancy not equal, power supply [dec] disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that the power rating of the power supplies do not match and one power supply is being shut down. [dec] is the number of the power supply being shut down.

Recommended Action    Make sure that both power supplies in the chassis have the same power rating.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_ENABLEPS: Power supply [dec] enabled

Explanation    This message indicates that the power supply is enabled. [dec] is power supply number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_IDPROMBAD: Chassis idprom data invalid

Explanation    This message indicates that the chassis serial EEPROM data is invalid.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_MACBAD: Chassis has invalid MAC address, using module MAC address

Explanation    This message indicates that the chassis has an invalid MAC address.

Recommended Action    This message is provided for information only, but could indicate that the MAC address of the chassis is the same as the default MAC address (00-40-4b-ff-00-00). Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_NORMPWRMGMT: System in normal power management operation

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is operating in normal power-management mode; both active and redundant supervisor engines have equal power requirements.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_OVERPWRRTNG: System drawing more power than the power supply rating

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is drawing more power than the power supply rating. The power management LED is red. This condition can occur only when the system is fully configured and the supervisor engines are drawing unequal power.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_SCHEDRESETCANCEL: Schedule reset cancelled by [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a scheduled rest has been cancelled by either an internal error or by the user. [chars] is user or internal error.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-1-SYS_SCHEDRESETDELAY: System is not ready for reset yet. Scheduled reset will be delayed for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is not ready for the scheduled reset and that the reset will be delayed. [chars] is the amount of time for the delay.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    SYS-2-CFG_FLASH_NO_FILE: ACL configuration set to flash but no ACL configuration file found

Explanation    This message indicates that the ACL configuration file was sent to Flash but the file was not found in Flash.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-DTP_MODDOWN: Module Down: cfg port trunk-hw failed [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the port trunk hardware failed to set because the module is not online. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-DTP_MODEMPTY: Module Empty: cfg port trunk-hw failed [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the port trunk hardware failed to set because the module is empty. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-DTP_MODSTDBY: Module standby: cfg port trunk-hw failed [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that trunk hardware on the port failed to set because the module is in standby. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-DTP_SCPFAIL: SCP failure: cfg port trunk-hw failed [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the port trunk hardware failed to set because the SCP message was not sent successfully. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-FAN_FAIL: Fan failed

Explanation    This message indicates the chassis fan failed.

Recommended Action    Replace the fan.

Error Message    SYS-2-FAN_OK: Fan okay

Explanation    This message indicates the chassis fan tray was plugged back in or returned to a proper state.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_INBANDERROR: Module [dec] local inband error detected

Explanation    This message indicates that a communications error has occured between the active and standby NMP supervisor engine processors. The error occurred due to a problem on the local supervisor engine. This message is displayed first and some recovery processes are attempted. If the supervisor engines still cannot communicate after multiple retries, the SYS-0-MOD_INBANDFAILURE message is displayed. [dec] is the failing supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover the failing supervisor engine. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_INBANDOK: Module [dec] inband ok

Explanation    This message indicates that the inband communications from the supervisor engine to the module has recovered after a failure. [dec] is the number of the recovered module.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_INBANDTEST: Module [dec] error detected... testing

Explanation    This message indicates that the inband communications channel has detected an error between a module and the supervisor engine and that testing is taking place. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_INBANDTESTOK: Module [dec] test ok. Check possible fault in standby supervisor.

Explanation    This message indicates that the inband communications channel testing of the module has passed. The fault might be in the standby supervisor engine. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_NOINBANDRESPONSE: Module [dec] not responding over inband

Explanation    This message indicates that the module is not responding to the supervisor engine requests over the inband communication channel. This error can be caused by the following reasons: the supervisor engine being excessively busy; spanning tree protocol loops; ACLs and QoS policers throttling or dropping traffic over the inband communications channel; port ASIC synchronization problems; or Switch Fabric Module problems. [dec] is the number of the module not responding.

Recommended Action    If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_NOSCPRESPONSE: Moduel [dec] not responding over SCP

Explanation    This message indicates that a module has failed to respond to the supervisor engine requests over the out-of-band communication channel. This error can occur when the out-of-band channel is very busy. [dec] is the number of the module not responding.

Recommended Action    If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_SCPERROR2: Module [dec] local SCP error detected... resetting

Explanation    This message indicates that there is a problem with the supervisor engine serial channel used for out-of-band communication with other modules in the system. [dec] is the failing supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resetting the failing supervisor engine. If the problem persists, replace the failing supervisor engine.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_SLPERROR:Module [dec] local SLP error detected... resetting

Explanation    This message indicates that there is a problem with the supervisor engine serial channel used for out-of-band communication with the redundant supervisor engine. [dec] is the failing supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resetting the failing supervisor engine. If the problem persists, replace the supervisor engine.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_SLPINBANDREMOTE: Detecting SLP and the inband remote failure resetting slot [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine is unable to communicate with the redundant supervisor engine over the SLP out-of-band channel and the inband communication channel. [dec] is the number of the redundant supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resetting the redundant supervisor engine. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_SLPREMOTE: Detecting SLP remote failure to slot [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a module failed to respond to the supervisor engine requests over the out-of-band communication channel. [dec] is the number of the failing module.

Recommended Action    If this problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_TEMPMINORFAIL: Module [dec] minor temperature threshold exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that the module temperature sensor has detected a temperature greater than the minor temperature threshold. [dec] is the slot number of the module that detected the elevated temperature.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_TEMPOK: Module [dec] temperature OK

Explanation    This message indicates the module temperature has dropped below the minor temperature threshold.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-MOD_TEMPSHUTDOWN: Module [dec] shutdown due to high temperature reading

Explanation    This message indicates that a temperature exceeding the threshold has been detected on the module causing the module to shut down. [dec] is module number.

Recommended Action    Check the fan tray assembly in the chassis to make sure there is adequate airflow through the chassis.

Error Message    SYS-2-P2_LogGalInsufficientFansShutdown: Resetting linecards due to too few working fans

Explanation    This message indicates that one or more fans in the fan tray or fans in the power supplies has failed. The line cards have been reset to reduce heat generation.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-P2_LogGalInsufficientPowerShutdown: Resetting linecards due to insufficient power

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was running on less than the required number of power supplies for more than the allowed time. The line cards have been reset to reduce power consumption.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-P2_LogGalOverheatingShutdown: Resetting linecards due to critical temperature

Explanation    This message indicates that the critical temperature for the system has been exceeded. The line cards have been reset to reduce heat generation.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-P2_LogGalSeepromInvalid: Module's serial eeprom is invalid, must manually program

Explanation    This message indicates that the contents of the supervisor engine's serial EEPROM is invalid, and the switch cannot come up.

Recommended Action    This situation can occur if the read failed because the supervisor engine is not seated correctly in the slot. Try removing and reinserting the supervisor engine. If that action does not work, cycle the power on the switch.

Error Message    SYS-2-P2_LogStoreOutOfChunks: Out of chunks of memory

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has run out of memory.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-P2_LogVc5WatchdogTriggered: NMP Watchdog triggered, system will now reset, please wait...

Explanation    This message indicates that the NMP management software has not reset the watchdog timer. An infinite loop might exist or the system might have crashed.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-PS_FAIL: Power supply [dec] failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the power supply failed. [dec] is the power supply number.

Recommended Action    Replace the indicated power supply.

Error Message    SYS-2-PS_FANFAIL: Power supply [dec] fan failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the power supply fan failed. [dec] is the power supply number.

Recommended Action    Replace the indicated power supply fan.

Error Message    SYS-2-PS_INSUFFICIENT: Insufficent power supplies operating, this system requires [dec] and only has [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected a mismatch between the amount of power required by the modules and the amount of power supplied by the power supplies. The first [dec] is number of supplies necessary to power the system and the second [dec] is number of power supplies detected in the system.

Recommended Action    In a system that has redundant power supplies, one of the two supplies may have shut down or is not producing sufficient power. Check the power supplies for low or missing voltages.

Error Message    SYS-2-PS_NFANFAIL: Power supply [dec] and power supply fan failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the power supply and power supply fan failed. [dec] is the power supply number.

Recommended Action    Replace the indicated power supply and fan.

Error Message    SYS-2-PS_OK: Power supply [dec] okay

Explanation    This message indicates the power supply has been turned on or has returned to a proper state. [dec] is the power supply number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_IMGNEEDSMOREDRAM: Image [chars] needs at least [dec] MB DRAM

Explanation    This message indicates that the software image you are trying to download to the supervisor engine is too large to fit in the available DRAM. [chars] is the name of the software image and [dec] is the amount of DRAM needed for the image.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_MSFCMISMATCH: MSFC mismatch detected. MSFC on standby supervisor is disabled.

Explanation    This message indicates that a different type of MSFC daughter card has been detected on the standby supervisor engine. Both MSFC daughter cards must be same. The MSFC daughter card on the standby supervisor engine is disabled.

Recommended Action    Replace the MSFC daughter card on the supervisor engine with the correct type.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_NOBOOTIMG: Unable to find boot image on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system could not find the boot image in Flash memory on a module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_NOBOOTVERSION: Unable to read boot image version on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a boot image was detected in Flash memory on a module, but the system was unable to read the version number. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_NORUNTIMEIMG: Unable to find runtime image on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was not able to find the runtime image on a module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_TEMPMINORFAIL: Supervisor in slot [dec] [chars] minor temperature threshold exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine's temperature sensor has detected a temperature greater than the minor temperature threshold. [dec] is the slot number of the supervisor engine that detected the elevated temperature and [chars] is the name of the submodule on the supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_TEMPOK: Supervisor in slot [dec] [chars] temperature OK

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine's temperature has dropped below the minor temperature threshold.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-SUP_TEMPSHUTDOWN: System shutdown due to high temperature reading on supervisor [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a high temperature has been detected by the temperature sensor on the supervisor engine and the system is shutting down. [dec] is the supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    Check the chassis fan assembly for disabled fans and check for blocked airflow through the chassis.

Error Message    SYS-2-SYS_TEMPMINORFAIL: Chassis minor temperature threshold exceeded

Explanation    This message indicates that the chassis temperature sensor has detected a temperature greater than the minor temperature threshold.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-SYS_TEMPOK: Chassis temperature OK

Explanation    This message indicates that the chassis temperature has dropped below the minor temperature threshold.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-SYS_TEMPSHUTDOWN: System shutdown due to high temperature reading on chassis [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is shutting down because of a high temperature condition. [dec] is the chassis number.

Recommended Action    Check the chassis fan assembly for defective fans. Also check that the airflow paths through the chassis are not blocked.

Error Message    SYS-2-TEMP_HIGHFAIL: Temp high failure

Explanation    This message indicates that the internal temperature has risen above 50°C (122°F). This message applies only to the redundant supervisor engine in the switch.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only. If the temperature exceeds 70°C (158°F), the Temp Critical Failure message appears and the system automatically powers down after 5 minutes.

Error Message    SYS-2-TEMP_HIGHOK: Temp high okay

Explanation    This message indicates that the internal temperature has dropped below 50°C (122°F).

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-VTT_MINORFAIL: VTT minor alarm. A VTT module failed

Explanation    This message indicates that one of the three VTT modules has failed. The system can function correctly with the remaining two VTT modules.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-2-VTT_OK: VTT modules recovered from failure

Explanation    This message indicates that one or more VTT modules previously identified as failing are now operating correctly.

Recommended Action    Replace the bad VTT modules.


Error Message    SYS-3-CFG_FILESTRINGDELERR: Unable to delete the text configuration file name on the standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that the text configuration file name could not be deleted on the standby supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-CFG_FILESTRINGSYNCERR: Unable to synchronize the text configuration file name [chars] to the standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that the text configuration file name string could not be synchronized to the standby supervisor engine. This situation might cause the standby supervisor engine to come up with an incorrect configuration if it becomes the active supervisor engine after a system reset. [chars] is the text configuration file name string.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-CFG_FLASH_AUTOCONFIG: Failed to set auto-config options

Explanation    This message indicates that the auto-config options could not be set. This error can occur at system initialization during a software upgrade when the ACL configuration must be moved out of NVRAM because there is insufficient NVRAM space for the new software.

Recommended Action    Try manually setting the auto-config options after the system comes up.

Error Message    SYS-3-CFG_FLASH_FILEDELSBYERR: Error deleting file [chars] from the standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to delete a configuration file from the standby supervisor engine. [chars] is the name of the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Try deleting the configuration file again.

Error Message    SYS-3-CFG_FLASH_FILESTRINGSYNCERR: Failed to sync the auto-config file string to the standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that the auto-config file string could not be synchronized from the active to the standby supervisor engine. If the standby supervisor engine becomes active after a system reset, this inconsistency can cause the system to boot up with the incorrect configuration if either the start-up configuration feature was enabled or the ACL configuration was saved in Flash.

Recommended Action    You can try to manually set the auto-config file string on the standby supervisor engine.

Error Message    SYS-3-CFG_FLASH_FILESYNCERR: Failed to sync file [chars] to the standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was unable to synchronize a configuration file to the standby supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Try synchronizing the configuration file again.

Error Message    SYS-3-CFG_FLASH_RECURRINGSYNCERR: Failed to sync the auto-config recurring option to the standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that the auto-config recurring option could not be synchronized from the active supervisor engine to the standby supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Try to manually set the recurring option on the standby supervisor engine.

Error Message    SYS-3-EOBC_HASYNCSCPSENDFAIL: SCP channel fail ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that a communications failure occurred between the active and standby supervisor engines. The active supervisor engine synchronizes the configuration and other information to the standby supervisor engine which then sends an acknowledgment back to the active supervisor engine. If either the active supervisor engine does not receive a response or the standby supervisor engine does not receive the information, the error message is generated indicating that the EOBC channel is broken between the two supervisor engines. [dec] is the supervisor engine number.

Recommended Action    Try resetting the supervisor engine that logged this message.

Error Message    SYS-3-FAB_CHNGMODE: System switching mode is being changed to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a change to the system mode has occured because either the first Switch Fabric Module or a non-fabric module was installed, or the last Switch Fabric Module or non-fabric module was removed. [chars] is the switching mode.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-FAB_DENY: SWITCH FABRIC MODULE not supported in this chassis

Explanation    This message indicates that a Switch Fabric Module has been detected in a chassis that does not support it.

Recommended Action    Remove the Switch Fabric Module from the chassis.

Error Message    SYS-3-FAB_INCOMPMODE: Module [dec] is incompatible with the current switch mode

Explanation    This message is displayed when a non-fabric module is installed in a system that has the set system crossbar-fallback command set to none and the system is not in flow-through mode. The non-fabric module is shut down.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-FAB_STBYSYNCERR: Connection between standby switch fabric module [dec] and module [dec] failed

Explanation    This message is displayed when a fabric module boots up in a system equipped with redundant Switch Fabric Modules and the fabric module fails to synchronize its channel to the standby Switch Fabric Module. The first [dec] is the number of the Switch Fabric Module and the second [dec] is the failing module number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-3-FAB_SWDONE: Fabric switchover completed

Explanation    This message indicates that the standby Switch Fabric Module has finished synchronizing its channels to the fabric-enabled modules and is online.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-FAB_SWPROGRESS: Fabric switchover in progress

Explanation    This message indicates that the active Switch Fabric Module is powering down and the standby Switch Fabric Module is taking over.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-FAB_SYNCERR: [chars] detected on fabric channel [dec] from module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a fabric channel error has been detected. [chars] is the type of channel error, the first [dec] is the channel number, and the second [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    The system attempts to recover by resynchronizing or resetting the module. If the system cannot recover the module, try replacing the module.

Error Message    SYS-3-FPOE_MEMALLOCFAIL: Failed to allocate memory in fpoe ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the FPOE configurations on the modules will fail because there is no memory available in the system. Other applications running on the switch may also experience memory problems. [dec] is the location within the code where the error took place.

Recommended Action    Reset the supervisor engine. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-LLC_IPC2REGFAIL: Failed to register to Ibipc2

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine cannot communicate with the module for Layer 2 protocol packets.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-LLC_REGTBLEXIST: Entry exists in LLC registration table.

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-LLC_REGTBLFULL: Registration table full

Explanation    This message indicates that a Layer 2 protocol cannot be registered. The supervisor engine is unable to receive this protocol's packets.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-LLC_REGTBLNOTEXIST: Entry not exists in LLC registration table.

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-LLC_SCPSTATNOTOK: Send scp message to module [dec] status [dec]

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-LLC_SENDSCPFAIL: Send scp message to module [dec] failed

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Note The next message appears as four lines.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_CFGMISMATCH1: Module [dec] configuration mismatch [chars] Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_CFGMISMATCH2: *Config:[chars] Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_CFGMISMATCH3: *Actual:[chars] Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_CFGMISMATCH4: Insert config type module or do a 'clear config [dec]'

Explanation    These messages resulted from a module being inserted into a slot that had been configured for another module type. Module [dec] is the module number; [chars] is either an empty field or disabled ports; Config [chars] is the description of the module configured in NVRAM; Actual [chars] is the description of the module inserted in the slot; and clear config [dec] is the number of the module on which you want to clear the configuration.

Recommended Action    Insert a module that matches the slot configuration, or enter the clear config [mod/port] command to clear the slot. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_DIAG: Module [dec] is in offline diagnostic mode

Explanation    This message indicates that the module is in offline diagnostics mode. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    This message is provided for information only, but might indicate that a problem exists with the diagnostic testing. If this is the case, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_DMPEXCEPTION: DMP exception occurred on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a Data Movement Processor (DMP) exception has occurred on the FDDI module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_DNLDWAIT: Module [dec] waiting for download

Explanation    This message indicates that the module is waiting for download. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    This message is provided for information only, but might indicate that a problem exists with the download task. If this is the case, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_FAIL: Module [dec] failed to come online

Explanation    This message indicates that the module failed to come online. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Note The next message appears as four lines.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_FAILREASON: Module [dec] failed due to [chars] Error Message    [chars] Error Message    [chars] Error Message    [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has failed due to a specified error. [dec] is the module number and [chars] is one of the following: CPU Initialization Error, Memory Test Failed, Boot Checksum Verification Failed, SPROM Checksum Verification Failed, EOBC Loopback Test Failed, LTL-A Error, Flash Erase/Write Error, Pinnacle CBL Error, Pinnacle Packet Buffer Error, Pinnacle TLB Error, or Unknown or Undocumented Error. The first [chars] line is "Ports disabled" if the module is non-ATM Route Switch Module (RSM) (non-IOS). The second [chars] line is a description of the module type configured in NVRAM. The third [chars] line is a description of the module type inserted in the slot.

Recommended Action    Reset the module. If this message reappears, insert a new module. If this message appears again, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_FCPEXCEPTION: FCP exception occurred on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an exception has occurred in the FDDI Control Processor (FCP). [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_GSGINTLGPORTFAIL: Intelligent [dec] backplane port [dec] link down

Explanation    This message indicates that the gigabit backplane port link is down. The first [dec] is the module and the second [dec] is the port number.

Recommended Action    If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_ILCGSGNOREPLY: Exceeded max # of retries sending 0x[hex] msg to ILC module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the SCP message exchange between the NMP and the module exceeded the maximum number of retries. 0x[hex] is the opcode in hexadecimal and [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Verify that the module is online. If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_ILCGSGUNKNOWNOPCODE: Unknown SCP opcode 0x[hex] sent from ILC module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a module has sent an unrecognizeable opcode. 0x[hex] is the hexadecimal opcode and [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the problem persists, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_MINORFAIL: Minor problem in module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a module failed the self-test. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Reset the module. If this message reappears, insert a new module. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_PORTINTFINSYNC: Port Interface in sync for Module [dec]

Explanation    This message confirms that the module booting up has synchronized the onboard ASICs that handle the transfer of packets between the backplane and the network ports. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_PORTINTFOUTOFSYNC: Port Interface not in sync for Module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the onboard ASICs that handle the transfer of packets between the backplane and the network ports are not in sync. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Try reseating the module and tightening down the captive installation screws.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_PORTINTFPOWERDOWN: Port Interface sync not recovered for module [dec]. Powering it down

Explanation    This message indicates that the module port synchronization process could not recover and that the module is powering down. [dec] is module in question.

Recommended Action    Try reseating the module and tightening down the captive installation screws.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_PWRFAIL: Module [dec] failed to power up

Explanation    This message indicates that a module did not power up. [dec] is the number of the module that did not power up.

Recommended Action    Try reseating the module and tightening down the captive installation screws.

Error Message    SYS-3-MOD_TRCPEXCEPTION: TRCP exception occurred on module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a Token Ring Control Processor (TRCP) exception has occurred on a FDDI module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogBrBadGbic: Port [chars]: Gbic's seeprom is bad, try reinserting: vendor: [chars], p/n: [chars], s/n: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a GBIC with a serial EEPROM has been detected and that an EEPROM contents read operation succeeded but the contents are not valid. The port [chars] is the location of the defective GBIC; the remaining three [chars] fields contain information from the read operation including GBIC vendor, GBIC part number, and GBIC serial number.

Recommended Action    Reseat the GBIC in the port. If this action does not work, replace the GBIC.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogBrGbicSeepromReadFailed: Failed to read gbic serial eeprom on port [chars], try reinserting

Explanation    This message indicates that a GBIC has been detected in the port identified by the specified field, but a serial EEPROM read operation failed. You need to read the EEPROM to determine the type of GBIC installed.

Recommended Action    Reseat the GBIC. If this action does not work, replace the GBIC.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogBrSeepromReadFailedAfterWrite: Wrote module's serial eeprom, but it read back incorrectly

Explanation    This message indicates that after writing to a module's serial EEPROM in response to a CLI request, the wrong data was read back from the serial EEPROM.

Recommended Action    Try reseating the module. If that action does not work, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogEbmCantAllocateEbmPort: No EbmPort memory to allocate EbmPort for PimPort [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that there is not sufficient memory to allocate space for information associated with the port. [chars] is the port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogEbmCantAllocateIeNode: No interposition table memory to add entry for addr [ether]

Explanation    This message indicates that there is not sufficient memory to allocate space for the internal data structure. [ether] is the host address.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogEbmCantAllocatePortHostEntry: No port host table memory to add entry for addr [ether]

Explanation    This message indicates that there is not sufficient memory to allocate space for the internal data structure. [ether] is the address that cannot be added to the host table.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogEbmCantAllocateVlanGroupEntry: No vlan group table memory to add entry for addr [ether]

Explanation    This message indicates that there is not sufficient memory to support additional group entries. [ether] is the address that cannot be added to the group table.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogEbmCantAllocateVlanHostEntry: No vlan host table memory to add entry for addr [ether]

Explanation    This message indicates that there is not sufficient memory to support additional host addresses. [ether] is the host address that could be entered into the table.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalBadGbic: Port [chars]: Gbic's seeprom is bad, try reinserting: vendor: [chars], p/n: [chars], s/n: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a GBIC with a serial EEPROM has been detected in the port. port [chars] is the port number. A read of the serial EEPROM contents was successful, but the contents were not valid. The vendor [chars], part number [chars] and the serial number [chars] contain information read from the serial EEPROM.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalBadMacRangeInSprom: Module [dec] serial eeprom contains [dec] mac addresses, but needs [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the number of MAC addresses contained in the serial EEPROM does not correspond with the number of ports on the module front panel. The first [dec] is the module number, the second [dec] is the number of MAC addressses read from the serial EEPROM, and the third [dec] is the correct number of MAC addresses needed.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalDaughterCardSeepromReadFailed: Failed to read the serial eeprom on module [dec], daughter card [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that multiple attempts to read the serial EEPROM on a module daughter card have failed. Because the read operation has failed, the daughter card remains offline. Module [dec] is the module number and the daughter [dec] is the daughter card number.

Recommended Action    Remove and reinstall the daughter card on the module.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalGbicSeepromReadFailed: Failed to read gbic serial eeprom on port [chars], try reinserting

Explanation    This message indicates that a GBIC with a serial EEPROM has been detected, but reading the EEPROM has failed. The port [chars] field indicates the port the GBIC is installed in.

Recommended Action    Remove and reinstall the GBIC.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalIlcS2wCommunicationError: Communication with ILC over S2W failed, reason [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the logical configuration protocol between the supervisor engine and an intelligent line card processor failed due to I2C failure. [dec] is the message number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalLinecardSeepromReadFailed: Failed to read module [dec] serial eeprom, try reinserting module

Explanation    This message indicates that the serial EEPROM read operation on the module failed. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Reseat the module in the slot.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalLinecardSeepromWriteFailed: Failed to write module [dec] serial eeprom

Explanation    This message indicates that the serial EEPROM write operation on the module failed. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Reseat the module in the slot.

Error Message    SYS-3-P2_LogGalUnknownLinecard: Unknown module (fru minor type [dec]) in slot [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an unknown type of module has been detected in the system. The first [dec] is the FRU minor type number and the second [dec] is the slot number that the unknown module occupies.

Recommended Action    A system software upgrade might be required for this module. Contact your technical service representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-PKTBUFBAD: Port [dec]/[dec] failed packet buffer test. This port [chars] automatically disabled for future use.

Explanation    This message indicates that the packet buffer test detected a corrupted packet buffer on a module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number where the test failed and [chars] is faulty.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_BADPORT: Bad port [dec]/[dec] detected, inline power is turned off

Explanation    This message indicates that a fault in a module has been detected by the system and the inline power to that port has been turned off. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_COLL: Port [dec]\[dec] [chars] collision ([dec]) detected

Explanation    This message indicates that you are logging excessive or late collisions on the port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [chars] is the error type, either late or excessive, and [dec] is the collision counter value.

Recommended Action    Check for and correct the duplex mismatch on the port.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_COLLDIS: Port [dec]\[dec] disabled due to collision

Explanation    This message indicates that you have exceeded the threshold values for late or excessive collisions on a port. There are four sets of criteria for disabling the port: The excessive collisions per the 500 milliseconds value is greater than 11 and the page counter value is greater than 335; the excessive collisions per the 500 milliseconds value is greater than 11, the single collision value is less than 3, and the multiple collision value is less than 3; the Abort Late collision per the 500 milliseconds value is greater than 5; and the late collision per the 500 milliseconds value is greater than 11. If any of these four criteria are met, the port is disabled. [dec]\[dec] is the module number/port number for the port.

Recommended Action    Check for a duplex mismatch, bad cable, or incorrect cable length, and then reenable the port.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_DEVICENOLINK: Device on port [dec]/[dec] powered but no link up

Explanation    This message indicates that a device powered by a port using inline power does not give the expected link-up indication within the allotted amount of time. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number. The power to the port is turned off.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_ERR: Port [dec]/[dec] [chars] ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that a port error has been detected. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number, [chars] is the port counter name, and ([dec]) is the counter value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_GBICBADEEPROM: Port [dec]/[dec] bad gbic eeprom checksum

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected a bad checksum from a GBIC installed in a module. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_GBICFAILED: Port [dec]/[dec] gbic can not be enabled/disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that the GBIC installed in a module is not responding. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number where the faulty GBIC is located.

Recommended Action    Replace the GBIC.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_GBICNOTAPPROVED: Port [dec]/dec] gbic not approved

Explanation    This message indicates that the system does not support the GBIC installed in the module port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Remove the nonsupported GBIC from the module and replace it with a supported GBIC.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_MIIBAD: Bad MII status Port [dec]/[dec], [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the Media Independent Interface (MII) for the module is bad. The reason might be either a communications failure between the LCP and the MCP or a diagnostics failure. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number and [chars] is the error message.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_NO64POLL1: SWPoll64bCnt task exits: failed to malloc scp queue buffers

Explanation    This message indicates that your switch may be out of memory and that the 64-bit counters have not been polled. You may need to increase DRAM size.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_NO64POLL2: Memory allocation fail: no 64 bit counters for module [dec] will be available

Explanation    This message indicates that your switch may be out of memory and that the 64-bit counters have not been polled. [dec] is the module number. You may need to increase DRAM size.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_NOPOWERAVAIL: Device on port [dec]/[dec] will remain unpowered

Explanation    This message indicates that there is not enough system power available to power up a port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number. The port remains unpowered until enough power becomes available to power up the port.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-PORT_SSUPFAIL: Failed to bring up ports on standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates either the Serial Link Protocol (SLP) channel between the active and redundant supervisor engines is broken or that one or more ports on the redundant supervisor engine are broken.

Recommended Action    Reset the redundant supervisor engine. If that does not work, reset the system or call your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SEM_HOLDMANY: Task [chars] holds too many semaphores

Explanation    This message indicates that a task is holding too many semaphores. [chars] is the name of the task.

Recommended Action    This is an internal error. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SEM_IDBAD: Invalid sem_id:[hex] ([chars],[chars])

Explanation    This message indicates an invalid semaphore is being requested by the specified task's function. [hex] is the semaphore ID value, the first [chars] is the task name, and the second [chars] is the function name.

Recommended Action    The system has an internal error if this message is shown. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SEM_KERNELWAIT: Kernel wait for semaphore [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the kernel task requests a semaphore. [chars] is the semaphore name.

Recommended Action    This is an internal error. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SEM_MAGICNUMBAD: Invalid magic number:[hex] ([chars],[chars])

Explanation    This message indicates the magic number for a semaphore being requested by the specified task's function is invalid. [hex] is the magic number, the first [chars] is the task name, and the second [chars] is the function name.

Recommended Action    The system has an internal error if this message is shown. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SEM_NOPID: Dequeued pid([dec]) not found

Explanation    This message indicates the task being removed from a semaphore's waiting list does not exist. [dec] is the task ID number.

Recommended Action    The system has an internal error if this message is shown. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SEM_NOWAIT: No waiting task to dequeue

Explanation    This message indicates the semaphore could not find its waiting list while a task is to be removed from it.

Recommended Action    The system has an internal error if this message is shown. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SEM_REQBAD: Task [chars] waits for the same semaphore [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a task was trying to request the same semaphore it already holds. [chars] is the name of the task and semaphore [chars] is the name of the semaphore.

Recommended Action    This is an internal error. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SPAN_MEMALLOCFAIL: Failed to allocate memory in span [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that memory allocation failed in SPAN code. [dec] specifies a location marker in the code.

Recommended Action    This is an internal error. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SPAN_SRCNOTSUPPORTED: Port [dec]/[dec] not supported as SPAN source

Explanation    This message indicates that the port indicated does not support the SPAN function. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Use the show port capabilities command to check whether or not the port can support SPAN source. Choose the appropriate port for SPAN source.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ACONNFAIL: [chars] unable to connect with standby

Explanation    This message indicates [chars] is unable to establish a TCP/IP connection with the redundant supervisor engine. [chars] is the task name on the active supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Perform a system reset. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AIMGCPYFAIL: [chars] unable to copy flash into DRAM

Explanation    This message indicates that the task is unable to uncompress the Flash code and download into DRAM. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    This condition is possibly due to a bad or corrupted Flash file; contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AIMGDIFF: The nvram update tasks will not be running

Explanation    This message indicates the NVRAM update task is not running.

Recommended Action    Perform a system reset. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AIMGDIFF1: Module [dec] runtime image differs from flash image

Explanation    This message indicates the run time image of the module differs from the Flash image. [dec] is the module number. This message indicates that the NVRAM update task is not running and a system reset must be performed to correct the problem.

Recommended Action    Perform a system reset. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AIMGDIFF2: Please reset the system to rectify the problem

Explanation    This message indicates a system reset must be performed to correct a problem.

Recommended Action    Perform a system reset. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AIMGTOOBIG: [chars] image is larger than reserved memory

Explanation    This message indicates that the image file to synchronize is too large to fit into the active supervisor engine buffer. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AOUTOFSYNC: [chars] standby is out of sync

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine and the redundant supervisor engine communications are out of synchronization. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_APENDINGCLI: The command [chars] did not execute completely before the HA switchover

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine command currently being executed did not finish executing before the High Availability switchover. [chars] is the command line that was not executed.

Recommended Action    Reexecute the failed command.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ARECVFAIL: [chars] unable to receive data from standby

Explanation    This message indicates that an error occurred during Flash code copy from the [chars] redundant supervisor engine to the active supervisor engine. [chars] is the active supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    The TCP/IP connection might be broken due to a problem in the system. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ASEARLDIFF: Active and standby supervisors are of different earl types

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engines have incompatible forwarding engine types. With this condition, the synchronization of Flash and NVRAM configuration is disabled.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ASENDFAIL: [chars] unable to send data to standby

Explanation    This message indicates that an error occurred during Flash code copy from the active supervisor engine to the redundant supervisor engine. [chars] is the active supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    The TCP/IP connection might be broken due to a problem in the system. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ASIMGDIFF: Active supervisor card is running a different version of NMP image

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine is running a different Network Management Processor (NMP) image version than the redundant supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Check the versions of NMP software being run on the active and standby supervisor engines.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ASMSGUNKNOWN: [chars] unknown message received

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine received an unknown TCP/IP message from the active supervisor engine. [chars] is the redundant supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ASTATBAD: [chars] status failed received from standby

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine was unable to process a TCP/IP request sent by the active supervisor engine. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    There might be a problem with the redundant supervisor engine; contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_ASTYPEDIFF: Active and standby supervisors are of different card types

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has detected a difference between the active and redundant supervisor engine types. This message can also mean that there is a difference between ASIC types on the active and redundant supervisor engines.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AUTHENTICATION_ACTION: Shutdown port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a port has been shut down because the installed GBIC does not match security signatures. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE: Ports [dec]/[dec] and [dec]/[dec] have the same serial number

Explanation    This message indicates that two installed GBICs share the same serial number. [dec]/[dec] are the module numbers and port numbers for the two ports.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical services representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_BUSSYNCFAILURE: Bus sync failure. Resetting Active Supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that following a High Availability switchover, the new active supervisor engine failed to complete a bus synchronization and that the active supervisor engine is being reset.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_CFGNOSYNC: Nvram synchronization will not happen

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engines in the chassis do not have the same type of EARL or supervisor engines.

Recommended Action    Make sure that the redundant supervisor engines have the same type of EARL board and the redundant supervisor engines are the same type.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_CONFIGNOSYNC: Config file synchronization will not happen

Explanation    This message indicates that synchronization of the configuration file between the active supervisor engine and the standby supervisor engine did not occur.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_DIFFBOOTIMAGE: Supervisor's boot images are not identical ([chars])

Explanation    This message indicates that the boot versions of the active and redundant supervisor engines are different. [chars] can be high version, low version, or timestamp indicating where the mismatch occured.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_DNLDAREAEXCEED: Download aborted. File size larger than download buffer

Explanation    This message indicates that the file size exceeds the buffer size. Check that the image is correct.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_DNLDINPROG: Download in progress

Explanation    This message indicates that the software image is being downloaded to the supervisor engine. During the image download, reset is disabled.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_HA_DISABLE_AND_SRM_ENABLE: Invalid system configuration. High availability disabled with single router mode enabled.

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine needs to be configured for High Availability in order to run the router processor in single router mode (SRM)

Recommended Action    Enable High Availability on the supervisor engine.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_IMGNOSYNC: Flash synchronization will not happen

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engines in the chassis do not have the same type of EARL or supervisor engines.

Recommended Action    Make sure the redundant supervisor engines have the same type of EARL board and the redundant supervisor engines are the same type.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_NOSTANDBYSUP: No standby supervisor in system

Explanation    This message indicates that the task reset mindown could not be executed because the system does not have a redundant supervisor engine installed. Reset mindown only works on systems with redundant supervisor engines.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_NVQUEUE: NVRAM Queue not empty

Explanation    This message indicates that the NVRAM queue is not empty.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_OSBOOTSTATUS: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a command failed to execute completely. [chars] describes the command.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_PORTINTFRESET: Supervisor Port Interface sync (Module [dec]) not recovered. Resetting the module.

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine port interface module is not synchronized. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Try reseating the supervisor engine. If the problem continues, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_RESETMINDOWNNOPROC: Unable to create reset mindown process

Explanation    This message indicates that the create process failed to create the reset mindown task.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_RESETMINDOWNNOTSUP: Reset mindown not supported by downloaded version

Explanation    This message indicates that downloaded software version does not support the reset minimum down time command.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_RESETMINFAILED: Reset mindownload failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine failed to reset itself. Another error message might be generated before this message, which can provide additional information as to why the active supervisor engine failed to reset itself.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SACCEPTFAIL: [chars] standby task accept call failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the TCP/IP accept call failed. In this case, the duplicate Flash and NVRAM synchronization tasks do not run. [chars] is the redundant supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SBINDFAIL: [chars] standby task bind call failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the TCP/IP bind call failed. In this case, the duplicate Flash and NVRAM synchronization tasks do not run. [chars] is the redundant supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SBYSUPNOTONLINE: Failed to bring standby supervisor online

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine did not come online. The reset mindown task is aborted.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SBYSUPRSTMINMSG: Standby supervisor did not acknowledge reset mindown message

Explanation    This message indicates that the standby supervisor engine did not respond to the reset mindown message issued by the active supervisor engine. The active supervisor engine will not initiate a reset.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SBYSUPSLPFAILED: Unable to communicate with standby using SLP

Explanation    This message indicates that SLP communication failed between the active and redundant supervisor engines.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SDNLDNOSPACE: [chars] image larger than standby supervisor reserved memory

Explanation    This message indicates that the image file to synchronize is too large to fit into the redundant supervisor engine buffer. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SIMGPROGFAIL: [chars] standby flash programming failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the Flash programming of the redundant supervisor engine failed. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SINBOOT: Standby supervisor module [dec] is running boot code

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine module [dec] is running BOOT code. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    This message is provided for information only, but could indicate that the supervisor engine's Flash is corrupted, the redundant supervisor engine is not configured to boot up with a valid image, or the boot failed. If you suspect the supervisor engine's Flash is corrupted, wait for the active supervisor engine to reprogram the Flash. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SLISTENFAIL: [chars] standby task listen call failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the TCP/IP listen call failed. [chars] is the redundant supervisor engine. In this case, the duplicate Flash and NVRAM synchronization tasks do not run.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SMSGUNKNOWN: [chars] unknown message received

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine received an unknown message for the task during a Flash to NVRAM synchronization. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SOUTOFSYNC: [chars] standby is out of sync

Explanation    This message indicates that the duplicate Flash synchronization process between the active and redundant supervisor engines is not working due to some problems in the system. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SRECVFAIL: [chars] unable receive data from active

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine cannot receive data from the active supervisor engine due to a problem in the system. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SSENDFAIL: [chars] unable send data to active

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine cannot send data to the active supervisor engine due to a problem in the system. [chars] is the task name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SSOCKFAIL: [chars] standby task socket call failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the TCP/IP socket call failed. In this case, the duplicate Flash and NVRAM synchronization tasks do not run. [chars] is the redundant supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_SYNCDIAGFAILED: Unable to sync diag info. Please reset manually

Explanation    This message indicates that the diagnostic information between the active and redundant supervisor engines was not synchronized, which prevents the active supervisor engine from transferring control to the redundant supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_THISSUPRESET: Resetting this supervisor .. standby supervisor will take over

Explanation    This message indicates that reset mindown is resetting the active supervisor engine. The redundant supervisor engine will take over.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SUP_WAITSBYSUPONLINE: Wait for standby supervisor to come online

Explanation    This message indicates that the reset mindown task is waiting for the redundant supervisor engine to come online.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Bus Asic #[dec] out of sync error

Explanation    This message indicates a multiple-synchronization problem between the bus ASIC and the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number.

Recommended Action    Replace the module if the error occurs several times, or contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Bus Asic #[dec] Pt #[dec] receive FIFO error detected

Explanation    This message indicates an error in a bus ASIC for a specific port. The module has detected a receive FIFO error in the bus ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number. The third [dec] is the ASIC port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the message occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Coil [dec] Port [dec] stuck [dec] times([dec] due to lcol; [dec] due to notx)

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected a problem with the port ASIC. The module has detected that a port is locked up. Module [dec] is the module reporting the error. Coil [dec] is the ASIC number reporting the error. Port [dec] is the ASIC port with the error. stuck [dec] is the error duration. The last two [dec] are the late collision and no data transmission counts. [dec] values start at 0.

Recommended Action    Check the port's physical status for duplex mismatch, out-of-sync network interface cards on the attached workstations, error disable condition, late collisions, or any link level errors. The message does not necessarily indicate a hardware problem. If the error reoccurs, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Coil Master CPU Interface Error - Coil #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error on the port ASIC control access. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Coil Mdtif CPU Interface State Machine Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error in the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Coil Pb Rx Underflow Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an underflow in the port ASIC receive packet buffer. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Coil Pb Tx Underflow Error - Port #dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an underflow in the port ASIC transmit buffer. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Coil Pinnacle Header Checksum Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error in the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Debug Port Counter Initialization Complete

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has started the port counter error-detection task.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: EOBC Collision detect count = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected a problem with the channel used for out-of-band communication with other modules in the system. The module reports an abnormal level of collision. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: EOBC CRC detect count = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected a problem with the channel used for out-of-band communication with other modules in the system. The module has detected frames with CRC errors. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: EOBC Illegal frame length error count = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected a problem with the channel used for out-of-band communication with other modules in the system. The module has detected frames with illegal length. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Medusa #[dec]: Number of packet(s)/byte(s) switched through the fabric uplink is 0 (Registers B0 & B2)

Explanation    This message indicates that the reporting module is not transmitting to the active switch fabric module. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Pinnacle #[dec] : Port #[dec], Frames with CRC errors on RBus (PI_PN_S_RBUS_ERR_CNT_REG - 0x159) = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected frames with a CRC error received by the bus ASIC from the Rbus. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number reporting the error. The third [dec] is the ASIC port. The fourth [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Pinnacle #[dec], Frames with Bad Checksum on RBus(PI_CI_S_RBUS_FCS - 0xC6) = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected frames with bad checksum receive by the bus ASIC from the RBus. The first [dec] is the module number specially if it occurs multiple times. The second [dec] is the ASIC number reporting the error. The third [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Pinnacle #[dec], Frames with Bad Header Checksum on DBus (PI_CI_S_HDR_FCS - 0xC5) = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected frames with a bad checksum received by the bus ASIC from the DBus. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number reporting the error. The third [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Pinnacle #[dec], Frames with Bad Packet CRC Error (PI_CI_S_PKTCRC_ERR - 0xC7) = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected frames with a bad packet CRC received by the bus ASIC from the DBus. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number reporting the error. The third [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Pinnacle #[dec], Frames with Bad Packet Length Error (PI_CI_S_PKTLEN_ERR - 0xC8) = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected frames with a bad packet length received by the bus ASIC from the DBus. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number reporting the error. The third [dec] is the error count.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Port #[dec] (Bus Asic #[dec] Pt #[dec]) receive FIFO error detected

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module detected a receive FIFO error in the bus ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the front panel port. The third [dec] is the ASIC number. The fourth [dec] is the ASIC port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_LCPERR3:Module [dec]: Santa Ana #[dec] is stuck (SA_GLOBAL_CONTROL_0 reg is RESET)

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has detected a problem with an ASIC that interconnects this module to the active switch fabric module. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the ASIC number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_MEMERR: [chars] while [chars] address 0x[hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that memory management has detected memory corruption. The first [chars] can be Out of range, Bad alignment, Block is not free, Back pointer mismatch, Bad magic number, succeeding block out of range, succeeding block improperly aligned, preceeding block out of range, preceeding block improperly aligned, or bad process id. The second [chars] can be freeing or allocating. The [hex] field is the block address you are trying to free or allocate.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_MEMLOW: [chars] usage exceeded 90%

Explanation    This message indicates that memory usage has exceeded 90 percent. [chars] can be memory cluster (NMP operating system memory) or mbuf (memory buffer). If memory usage is memory cluster, the NMP operating system memory has exceeded 90 percent usage. If memory usage is mbuf, the control plane frame buffer usage, which includes Spanning Tree BPDUs, CDP, PAgP, DISL, and all other administrative protocols as well as SNMP and NTP type protocols in the administrative VLAN bound for the NMP CPU, has exceeded 90 percent.

Recommended Action    If the message indicates memory cluster usage exceeded 90 percent, try disabling some features or upgrade memory. If the message indicates mbuf usage exceeded 90 percent, try to decrease traffic on the administrative VLAN to prevent future packet loss.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_RMONLOWMEM: Fail to allocate memory for RMON. Memory usage exceeds [dec]%

Explanation    This message indicates that the user-defined RMON memory allocation has failed. [dec] is the memory percentage exceeded.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-3-SYS_RMONMEMLOW: Fail to allocate memory for RMON. System memory usage excess [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the RMON facility is requesting memory from the system and the system memory usage exceeds or will exceed the preset threshold.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    SYS-4-MODHPRESET: Host process (860) [dec] [dec] got reset asynchronously

Explanation    This message indicates that the module host processor has been reset for some reason. The first [dec] is the module number where the host processor resides; the second [dec] is the number of the processor that was reset (some modules may have more than one processor onboard).

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogBrObsoleteGbicInserted: Port [chars]: Gbic serial eeprom date [chars] is earlier than 07/98; return to [chars] for reprogramming

Explanation    This message indicates that a preproduction GBIC has been detected. The first [chars] is the port where the faulty GBIC is installed, the second [chars] is the serial EEPROM date, and the third [chars] is where the GBIC should be returned.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogEbmZeroEtherAddr: Filtering Ethernet MAC address of value zero from agent host table interface

Explanation    This message indicates that a MAC address of 00:00:00:00:00:00 has been discovered. The MAC address is not standards compliant.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogEpcHostAccessDenied: Host [ether] access denied on port [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the specified host is seen as a source address on the specified port. However, the system has been configured to deny traffic from the host on the specified port. As a result, all traffic from this address on this port is dropped. The most common reason for this situation is that port security is enabled. If a different address is currently assigned to the secure port, traffic from any other address is dropped because it is a security violation. [ether] is the Ethernet host address and [chars] is the port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogEpcMulticastSource: Invalid traffic from multicast source address [ether] on port [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that traffic from a multicast source is being received on the specified port. This is not a standards-compliant operation, however, the information will be forwarded based on the destination address. [ether] is the source address and [chars] is the port where the data is being received.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogEpcPermanentHostWrongPort: Traffic from permanent host [ether] but seen on incorrect port [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the host, which was configured to appear on a specific port only, is also being seen on another port. All host traffic on the incorrect port is dropped. [ether] is the host address and [chars] is the port where the host traffic is appearing.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogEpcVlanTagConflictsWithAccessPort: Tag [dec] on packet from [ether] port [chars], but port's native vlan is [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an 802.1q tagged packet was received on a non-trunk port. The VLAN derived from the packet's tag is different from the port's native VLAN. The Tag [dec] is the VLAN identifier from the packet, [ether] is the host address, port [chars] is the port identifier, and the second [dec] is the native VLAN number.

Recommended Action    The local port may be incorrectly configured as an access port instead of a trunk port. Alternately, the remote side could be configured as a trunk port instead of an access port. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogGalLinecardCleanupTooLong: Module [dec] is taking an unusual amount of time to come online

Explanation    This message indicates that the powering-up process for a hot-swapped module is taking too long. During the new module's powering-up process, a clean-up process is performed to remove conditions associated with the old module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Do not immediately remove and reinsert the module because the clean-up process will begin again. Wait ten minutes and if the module does not come online, reset the switch.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogNicerManDiagsFailed: [chars] failed diags

Explanation    This message indicates that an ASIC has failed diagnostics. [chars] is the ASIC name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogNicerManFailedToSendLoopbackTries: [chars] port [dec] failed to send packet in [dec] tries

Explanation    This message indicates that an ASIC was unable to send a loopback packet on the ASIC port identified. The loopback packet is sent only three times. [chars] is the ASIC, [dec] is the port number, and the second [dec] is the number of tries and failures.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogNicerManNotifySuicide: Online diags [chars] received suicide event while in state [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the time limit for completion of the ASIC diagnostics has expired. [chars] identifies which ASIC exceeded its time limit and [dec] identifies what state the ASIC was in when time expired.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogNicerManResettingNicer: Warning-resetting Nicer [chars] due to loss of all communications

Explanation    This message indicates that the ASIC manager has done ten consecutive retransmissions of a packet to the ASIC without receiving a response. The ASIC manager attempts to reset the ASIC. [chars] is the ASIC name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogNicerManUnexpectedLoopback: [chars] sent out a loopback packet on port [dec], but it came back on port [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the ASIC diagnostics for the ASIC sent a loopback packet out of one port and received the loopback packet on another port. [chars] is the name of the ASIC, the first [dec] is the first port number, and the second [dec] is the second port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogScxManOutOfMcis: Out of multicast table entries

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has run out of resources required to forward multicast traffic and unknown destination traffic.

Recommended Action    This is usually a transient condition seen during periods of heavy traffic. If the problem persists, try disabling CGMP/IGMP.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogScxSingleK1ManOutOfMcis: Out of multicast table entries

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has run out of resources required to forward multicast traffic and unknown destination traffic.

Recommended Action    This is usually a transient condition seen during periods of heavy traffic. If the problem persists, try disabling CGMP/IGMP.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogScxTripleK1ManOutOfMcis:Out of multicast table entries

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has run out of resources required to forward multicast traffic and unknown destination traffic.

Recommended Action    This is usually a transient condition seen during periods of heavy traffic. If the problem persists, try disabling CGMP/IGMP.

Error Message    SYS-4-P2_LogSknmpInvalidVlanDropPacket: Invalid vlanId [dec], dropping packet DA [ether] SA [ether]

Explanation    This message indicates that an index-directed packet from the supervisor engine was received with an invalid VLAN number. [dec] is the invalid VLAN number, DA [ether] is the destination address of the packet, and SA [ether] is the source address of the packet.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-PORT_ERR: Port [chars] [chars] [hex]

Explanation    This message indicates that there was an error detected on a port. The first [chars] is the module number/port number, the second [chars] is the counter name, and [hex] is the counter value.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-PORT_GBICBADEEPROM: Port [dec]/[dec] bad gbic eeprom checksum

Explanation    This message indicates that a bad checkum has been detected in a GBIC module. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number of the faulty GBIC.

Recommended Action    Replace the GBIC.

Error Message    SYS-4-PORT_GBICNOTSUPP: Port [dec]/[dec] GBIC is unsupported

Explanation    This message indicates that an installed GBIC could not be identified because either the GBIC serial EPROM is bad or the GBIC is an unsupported version. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number of the faulty GBIC.

Recommended Action    If you are using a Cisco-supported GBIC, contact your technical support representative. Otherwise, either replace the unsupported GBIC with a supported GBIC or disregard the message.

Error Message    SYS-4-PORT_WARN: Port [dec]/[dec] [chars] ([dec]) [chars] ([dec]) [chars] ([dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that multiple port error counters have incremented. [dec]/[dec] is module number/port number, the first [chars] ([dec]) is the first port error counter and its count, the second [chars] ([dec]) is the second port error counter and its count, and the third [chars] ([dec]) is the third port error conter and its count.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SUPERVISOR_ERR: [chars] [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine's error counters have incremented. The first [chars] is the counter name and the second [chars] is the counter value ( the 64-bit counters are converted to string format before being printed).

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Bic Catastrophic Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number, and [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Bic Fifo Overflow Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Noc Global Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number, and [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Port#[dec] Noc Address Sequence Error

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module has detected a sequencing error in the QChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number, and the second [dec] is the front panel port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Pq Arb Fifo Full Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Red Average Count Overflow Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number, and [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Red Used Count Overflow Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number, and [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: QChip Txmm Noc Decrement Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: RChip Boc Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    The module has detected an error related to the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number, and [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: RChip Port#[dec] Boc Header Crc Error

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module has detected an error in the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number. The second [dec] is the front panel port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-4-SYS_LCPERR4:Module [dec]: RChip Port#[dec] Nic Fifo Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module has detected an error in the RChip ASIC. This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number and the second [dec] is the front panel port. [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    SYS-5-CFG_FLASH_CONFIGSYNCFINISH: Active supervisor has synchronized config file [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine has finished synchronizing the configuration file. [chars] is the name of the configuration file.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-CFG_FLASH_CONFIGSYNCSTART: Active supervisor is synchronizing config file [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine is currently synchronizing the configuration file. [chars] is the name of the configuration file.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-CFG_FLASH_FILEDELSBY: File [chars] deleted from the standby supervisor

Explanation    This message indicates that a configuration file has been deleted from the standby supervisor engine. [chars] is the name of the deleted file.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-CHASSIS_NOT_SUPPORTED: chassis not supported in current image

Explanation    This message indicates that the software image has determined that the chassis is not supported.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-ERRBRDPRES: Erroneous Boards Present message has been received

Explanation    This message indicates that the NMP received an invalid "board present" message from the MCP. The NMP ignores the message, so there is no effect to the system.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only. You can enter the show log command to obtain a display of the erroneous message.

Error Message    SYS-5-FAB-BUSMODERESET: Switch Fabric module [dec] reset to change mode

Explanation    This message indicates that the Switch Fabric Module crossbar fabric has changed from not fail-over at all to the bus mode to fail over to the bus mode. [dec] is the Switch Fabric Module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_DCPWRMISMATCH: Module [dec] DC power failure detected during polling

Explanation    This message indicates that during normal polling, the supervisor engine has detected a problem in the power management circuitry on one of the modules. The module will not be polled again after the failure is detected. [dec] is the module number

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_DNLDFAIL: Download failed for module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the code download failed for a particular module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Reset the module and try to reload the code. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_INSERT: Module [dec] has been inserted

Explanation    This message indicates that a module was inserted. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only. If a module is inserted and the message does not appear, this might indicate a problem. Enter the show module or show port [mod_num/port_num] command to verify that the system has acknowledged the module and brought it online. If not, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_NOREGISTRATION: No registration received from module [dec]... resetting module

Explanation    This message indicates that a registration message from the module to the supervisor engine did not occur within 30 seconds after the supervisor engine detected the module in the chassis. The supervisor engine resets the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_NORESETACK: Module [dec] not responding... resetting module

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine or the NMP did not receive an acknowledgment from the module after it began executing its runtime code. This message is displayed every 3 minutes. The module is reset each time. At the end of 9 minutes, a failure is declared. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_NORESPONSE: Module [dec] failed to respond

Explanation    This message indicates that after three resets, the module failed to send a reset acknowledgment to the NMP. A failure is declared for the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_NOSCPPINGRESPONSE: Module [dec] not responding... resetting module

Explanation    This message indicates that after three attempts to poll a module, the module has failed to respond back to the supervisor engine. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_NOTSUPPORTED: Module [dec] is not supported

Explanation    This message indicates that a module with an invalid feature ID has been inserted into the system. [dec] is the slot number where the module was inserted.

Recommended Action    Remove the module from the indicated slot and
replace it.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_OK: Module [dec] is online

Explanation    This message indicates that the module passed the diagnostic self-test and is online. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_PASSWDCLR: Module [dec] password cleared from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module password is cleared. The user name or user identifier who cleared the password also is identified. [dec] is the module number and [chars] is where the password was cleared from. This could be either Telnet, console, or SNMP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_PROGSTAT: Module [dec] flash programming [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates the Flash programming status for the intelligent modules. [dec] is the module number and [chars] is the status, which can be either complete or failed.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_PWRDENY: Power denied to module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a module cannot be powered up because there is insufficient power supply capacity available. The supervisor engine monitors the power consumption of the modules during boot. As the supervisor engine attempts to power up a module, it compares the module's power needs with the remaining capacity of the power supply. If there is not enough power supply capacity remaining, the supervisor engine will not power up the module. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_PWRDN: Module [dec] powered down

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has powered down. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_PWRMISMATCH: Module [dec] SW/HW power status mismatch

Explanation    This message indicates that a mismatch has been detected by the supervisor engine between the power management hardware registers and the software registers. Every 300 milliseconds the supervisor engine software performs a power management check between the software and the hardware. When a mismatch is detected, this message is generated. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_PWRON: Module [dec] powered up

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has powered up. [dec] is module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_REMOVE: Module [dec] has been removed

Explanation    This message indicates that a module was removed. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only. If a module is removed and the message does not appear, this might indicate a problem. Enter the show port [mod_num/port_num] command to query the module. The system should respond with the message: Module n is not installed.
If you do not see this response, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_RESET: Module [dec] reset from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the module was reset from a specified requestor. [dec] is the module number and [chars] could be a console number if the request is from a console session, or an IP address if the request is from a Telnet session or SNMP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-MOD_RMVDNLDSTOP: Download terminated for module [dec]. Module removed

Explanation    This message indicates that during a code download the module was removed. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-P2_LogGalOverheatingOver: Resuming normal operation after return to acceptable temperatures

Explanation    This message indicates that the system modules have been reset to reduce heat generation because the unit was exceeding critical temperature. The unit temperature has returned to an acceptable level and normal operation is resuming.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-P2_LogGalSufficientFansRestored: Resuming normal operation after restoration of adequate fan cooling

Explanation    This message indicates that the system modules have been reset to reduce heat generation due to an insufficent number of operational fans. Adequate fan cooling has been restored and normal operation is resuming.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-P2_LogGalSufficientPowerRestored: Resuming normal operation after restoration of adequate power

Explanation    This message indicates that the system modules have been reset to save power due to the lack of the required number of power supplies. Adequate power has been restored and normal operation is resuming.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-P2_LogPimFlapShutdown: Temporarily disabling port [chars] due to flap

Explanation    This message indicates that the port link is alternately going up and down in rapid succession. This is usually the result of a bad connection or problems with the link-level hardware. To prevent this from impacting performance, the problem port is shut down. Every five seconds the port is reenabled to see if the problem has gone away. If not, the port is shut down until the problem is corrected. [chars] is the number of the port.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-PKTTESTDONE: Packetbuffer test done. Use 'show test' to see test results

Explanation    This message indicates that the packet buffer test is complete. Use the show test command to display the test results.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-PKTTESTSTART: Packet buffer test started

Explanation    This message indicates that the packet buffer test has started.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-PORT_SSUPOK: Ports on standby supervisor (module [dec]) are up

Explanation    This message indicates that the ports on the redundant supervisor engine are up on systems equipped with redundant supervisor engines. [dec] is the module number. This message occurs when the system is powered up or reset.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-PS_INSERT: Power supply [dec] has been inserted

Explanation    This message indicates that a power supply has been inserted in the chassis. [dec] is the power supply number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-PS_NOTSUPP: Power supply type present is not supported by this system

Explanation    This message indicates that a power supply which is not supported by the chassis has been installed in the system.

Recommended Action    Check the power supplies installed in the chassis and make sure that they are supported by your chassis.

Error Message    SYS-5-PS_REMOVE: Power supply [dec] has been removed

Explanation    This message indicates that a power supply has been removed from the chassis. [dec] is the power supply number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-REDUNDANTCLOCK_FAIL: Redundant clock failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant (standby) clock has failed. Clock switchover from the primary clock to the redundant clock is prevented.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-REDUNDANTCLOCK_OK: Redundant clock recovered

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant (standby) clock has recovered from an error. Clock switchover from the primary clock to the redundant clock can occur.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-RTE_DEFGATEFROM: Default Gateway switching from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the default IP gateway has failed. [chars] is the name of the IP gateway.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-RTE_DEFGATETO: Default Gateway switching to [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the IP gateway is the new default IP gateway. [chars] is the name of the gateway.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_ADMINPORTDEL: Admin ports delteded for [chars] session for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that one or more ports are being removed from the admin ports list of a session. The first [chars] specifies the local or remote SPAN session, the second [chars] specifies the destination port or RSPAN VLAN. This error might occur when a module is removed and replaced with a module of a different type.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_CFGFAIL: Failed to configure source port [dec/dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the SPAN feature is not supported on the source module. [dec/dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_CFGSTATECHG: [chars] session [chars]active for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a session has been active or inactive. The first [chars] specifies local or remote SPAN session, the second [chars] is for active or inactive, and the third [chars] specifies the destination port or RSPAN VLAN.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_NOADMINPORTS: No admin ports: [chars] session disabled for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a session has been disabled as the admin port list becomes empty. This error might occur when a module is removed and replaced with a module of a different type. The first [chars] specifies the local or remote SPAN session and the second [chars] specifies the destination port or the RSPAN VLAN.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This mesage is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_NOADMINVLANS: No admin vlans: [chars] session disabled for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a session has been disabled as the admin VLAN list becomes empty. This error might occur when a module is removed and replaced with a module of a different type. The first [chars] specifies the local or remote SPAN session and the second [chars] specifies the destination port or RSPAN VLAN.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_NOFILTERVLANS: No filter vlans: [chars] session disabled for [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that a session has been disabled as the filter VLAN list became empty. This error might occur when one or more VLANs are cleared. The first [chars] specifies either local or remote SPAN session and the second [chars] specifies the destination port or RSPAN VLAN.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_SRCMODCFGFAIL:Failed to configure source module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that ports on the module could not be configured as SPAN source ports. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Verify whether the module specified in the message supports the SPAN feature or not. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SPAN_SRCPORTCFGFAIL: Failed to configure source port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the port could not be configured as a SPAN source port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Verify whether the module specified in the message supports the SPAN feature or not. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_BOOTSYNCFINISH: Supervisor's boot images are synchronized

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine finished synchronizing the BOOT images.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_CHASSISMISMATCH: Supervisor does not support the current chassis

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine is not supported in the chassis.

Explanation    Check the hardware software compatibility matrix in the release notes.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_CONFIGSYNCFINISH: Active supervisor has [chars] the Config File

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine has either finished copying or synchronizing the configuration file. [chars] is either copied or synchronized.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_CONFIGSYNCSTART: Active supervisor is [chars] the Config File

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine is starting to either copy or synchronize the configuration file. [chars] is either copying or synchronizing.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5_SUP_FILENOTFOUND: File [chars] not found.

Explanation    This message indicates that the system could not find a file. [chars] is the file name.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_HASWOVER: Supervisor becoming active (HA switchover)

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine is becoming active after a switchover has occurred with High Availability enabled.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_HASWOVERDONE: Started switching traffic after HA switchover

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine has started switching packets following a supervisor engine switchover with High Availability enabled.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_IMGSYNC: File synchronization process will start in [dec] seconds

Explanation    This message indicates that the file synchronization process between the active supervisor engine and the redundant supervisor engine will begin in the indicated number of seconds. [dec] is the number of seconds.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_IMGSYNCFINISH: Active supervisor has [chars] the NMP image

Explanation    This message indicates that the active supervisor engine has copied or synchronized the NMP image. [chars] is copied or synchronized.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_IMGSYNCSTART:Standby supervisor is [chars] the NMP image

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine is copying or synchronizing the NMP image. [chars] is copying or synchronizing.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_MODNONSBY: Module [dec] is present but not in standby mode

Explanation    This message appears only when using Supervisor Engine III modules, and only on the active Supervisor Engine III module. This message occurs only with systems containing redundant supervisor engines when one of the Supervisor Engine III modules has a problem booting up and is sent out to the ROM-based monitor (ROMMON). [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    From the redundant supervisor engine console, boot the redundant supervisor engine manually. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_MODSBY: Module [dec] is in standby mode

Explanation    This message indicates that the module is in standby mode. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_NOINTERNALVLANAVAILABLE: No Internal Vlan Available

Explanation    This message indicates that the internal VLANs required for an Optical Services Module (OSM) or a FlexWAN module are not available and as a result the module interfaces will not come up. By default, VLAN numbers 1025 and up are assigned to OSM and FlexWAN interfaces and subinterfaces. The internal VLAN allocation fails if VLAN 1025 is assigned for user traffic.

Recommended Action    If you need to use the extended VLAN for user traffic, start at VLAN 4094 and decrement down.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_NONHASWOVER: Supervisor becoming active (non-HA switchover)

Explanation    This message indicates that the supervisor engine is coming online following a non-High Availability switchover in the system.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_REDMISMATCH: Standby supervisor [dec] redundancy/power mgmt board detection mismatch

Explanation    This message indicates that the standby supervisor engine has a redundancy or power management situation. [dec] is the module number of the standby supervisor engine.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_SBYHIGHPWR: Standby drawing more power. System may run over power budget

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine is using more power than the active supervisor engine. A fully configured system could draw more power than the power supply rating. The active supervisor engine normally reserves the same amount of power that is reserved for the redundant supervisor engine. If the redundant supervisor engine uses more power than the active supervisor engine, the power requirement could exceed the rated power available.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SUP_SBYLOWPWR: Standby drawing less power. Potential power budget violation at switchover

Explanation    This message indicates that the redundant supervisor engine is using less power than the active supervisor engine. If the system is fully configured and a switchover from an active to redundant supervisor engine occurs, the power requirements might exceed the power supply ratings.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_HITRFC: [dec] traffic load exceeded threshold on switching bus

Explanation    This message indicates that the traffic load on the switching bus has exceeded the customer-defined level. [dec] is the load level detected on the switching bus.

Recommended Action    Take action as necessary to reduce the traffic load on the switching bus.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_HITRFC3: [dec] traffic load exceeded threshold on switching bus [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the traffic load on one of the switching buses has exceeded the customer-defined level. [dec] is the load level detected on the switching bus and [chars] is the overloaded switching bus.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_INSUFFPWR: Insufficient power available for current configuration

Explanation    This message indicates that the current module configuration in the chassis cannot be supported by the power supplies that are installed in the chassis.

Recommended Action    Either remove some of the modules from the chassis or upgrade the power supply to one with a higher wattage rating.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_LCPERR5:Module [dec]: Coil Mdtif Packet CRC Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error in the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number and the second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_LCPERR5:Module [dec]: Coil Mdtif CPU Interface State Machine Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error in the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number and the second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_LCPERR5:Module [dec]: Coil Pinnacle Header Checksum Error - Port #[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates an error in the port ASIC. The first [dec] is the module number and the second [dec] is the ASIC port number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_LCPERR5:Module [dec]: QChip Bic Length Mismatch Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_LCPERR5:Module [dec]: QChip Packet Filter Payload Crc Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_LCPERR5:Module [dec]: QChip Port#[dec] Noc Header Crc Error

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module has detected a header CRC error in the QChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number and the second [dec] is the front panel port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_RESET: System reset from [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the system was reset from a specified session. [chars] could be a console number if the request is from a console session or an IP address if the request is from a Telnet session or SNMP.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-5-SYS_TIMECHNG: System time has changed to due to summertime

Explanation    This message indicates that the system has switched to daylight savings time.

Recommended Action    No action is required. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    SYS-6-CFG_CHG: [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that the configuration block has been modified. The message also provides the user name of the person who modified the configuration when the user name is authenticated.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-6-MOD_INVALIDSEQ: Bus asic invalid sequence occured on module [dec] (asic=[dec], srcidx=0x[hex], seq=[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that an invalid sequence number has been logged by the system. When a module carrying traffic is removed or reset, or experiences online insertion and removal, an invalid data sequence number may be generated. The switch takes corrective action and generates this message. Module [dec] is the module number, asic [dec] is the ASIC number, srcidx [dec] is the source index number, and seq [dec] is the invalid data sequence number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only. However, if you feel that you are receiving these messages without the module being reset, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-MOD_SEQMISMATCH: Bus asic sequence mismatch occurred on module [dec] (asic=[dec], srcidx=0x[hex], seq=[dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the received sequence number does not match the expected sequence number. When a module carrying traffic is removed or reset, or experiences online insertion and removal, a sequence number mismatch may be generated. The switch takes corrective action and generates this message. Module [dec] is the module number, asic [dec] is the ASIC number, srcidx [dec] is the source index number, and seq [dec] is the mismatched data sequence number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only. However, if you feel that you are receiving these messages without the module being reset, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-PORT_INLINEPWRFLTY: Port [dec]/[dec] reporting inline power as faulty

Explanation    This message indicates that an IP phone is reporting a problem with the inline power it is receiving on a port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number the IP phone is attached to.

Recommended Action    You may need to replace the inline power daughter card on the voice module.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Coil Tx got stuck and restart at Port [dec]

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number and the second [dec] is the front panel port number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Pentamak Ddr Sync Error

Explanation    This message indicates that the module has a port that received an error in Double Date Rate (DDR) checker. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: QChip Cpu State Machine Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The [dec] is the module number and the [hex] is the state machine information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: QChip Packet Filter Do Not Forward Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: QChip Packet Filter Header Crc Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: QChip Port#[dec] Noc Payload Crc Error

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module detected a payload CRC error in the QChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number and the second [dec] is the front panel port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: RChip Cpu State Machine Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    The module detected an error related to the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The [dec] is the module number, and the [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: RChip Ddr Sync Error

Explanation    The module has detected an error related to the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: RChip Port#[dec] Boc Payload Crc Error

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module detected an error in the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number, and the second [dec] is the front panel port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: RChip Port#[dec] Nic Header Crc Error

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module detected an error in the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number, and the second [dec] is the front panel port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: RChip Port#[dec] Nic Length Error

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module detected an error in the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number, and the second [dec] is the front panel port.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: RChip Port#[dec] Nic Sequence Error, Info=[hex]

Explanation    This message indicates an error for a specified port. The module detected an error in the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. The first [dec] is the module number, and the second [dec] is the front panel port. [hex] is debugging information.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: RChip Rxmm Over Read Error

Explanation    The module detected an error related to the RChip ASIC. This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Cbic Int State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Cbic State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Cbif CycStl State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Cboc Header CRC Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Cboc State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Cboc Packet Length Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor CpGen State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Pll Tune State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Rwen Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Rxpr State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Rxwr State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Tbwr Sequence Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Tbwr State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Txif Dbus Header CRC Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Txif Packet Length Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Txif Sequence Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    SYS-6-SYS_LCPERR6:Module [dec]: Sculptor Txif State Machine Error

Explanation    This is a debugging message for Cisco development purposes. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    If the error is limited to a single module, replace the module. If the error occurs several times, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    SYS-7-LLC_TUNNEL: Tunnel-[chars]([dec]) ([chars], vlan [dec],proto [hex])

Explanation    This is a debug message for Cisco development purposes.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

TAC Messages

This section contains the Catalyst 6000 family switch TACACS+ messages.


Error Message    TAC-2-DROPPKT: Accounting queue is full. Some accounting events may not be logged

Explanation    This message indicates that there are too many accounting packets queued to be sent out. The queue limit is set to 1000 accounting packets. Once the limit is reached, no additional packets will be queued. This message will appear only once for every 500 accounting packets dropped.

Recommended Action    Check your accounting server connection and slow down the accounting activity.

Error Message    TAC-2-NOADDR: No TACACS server defined

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch could not contact a TACACS+ server because no TACACS+ server was defined.

Recommended Action    Set a TACACS+ server address from the switch.

Error Message    TAC-2-SRVRNORESP: Unable to contact TACACS server

Explanation    This message indicates that the switch did not receive a response from the TACACS+ server.

Recommended Action    Verify that the TACACS+ server address is set correctly and that the server is up and running.


Error Message    TAC-7-BADADDR: Address not configured as a Server

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging, and indicates that the TACACS+ address is not configured as a server.

Recommended Action    Configure the TACACS+ address as a TACACS+ server.

Error Message    TAC-7-BADDATA: Received unsane data from server

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging, and indicates that data received from the server is not recognized.

Recommended Action    Retry the connection. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    TAC-7-BADLEN1: Received bad packet: length = [dec]

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging, and indicates that a bad packet was received. The length = [dec] is the bad packet length.

Recommended Action    Retry the operation. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    TAC-7-BADLEN2: Received bad packet: length = [dec], expected [dec]

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging, and indicates that a bad packet was received. The length = [dec] is the bad packet length and the second [dec] is the expected length.

Recommended Action    Retry the operation. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    TAC-7-BADSESS: Received packet with bad session id

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging, and indicates that a packet with a bad session ID was received.

Recommended Action    Retry the operation. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    TAC-7-BADVER: Received packet with bad version

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging, and indicates that a packet with a bad version was received.

Recommended Action    Check the version of server software; upgrade if necessary.

Error Message    TAC-7-CONNERR: Socket connection error to [integer]

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging, and indicates that a bad network connection error occurred to a server. [integer] is the server address.

Recommended Action    Retry the connection. If this message reappears, perform these steps, retrying the connection after each step:

Step 1 Check the interface setup. If the interface is bad, reconfigure the interface setup and retry the connection; if the interface is good, proceed to the next step.

Step 2 Check the network connection. If the connection is bad, repair it. If the connection is good, contact your technical support representative.

Step 3 Check server operation; if the server is bad, contact your technical support representative. If the server is good, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    TAC-7-DECRYPTERR1: Decrypt: no key for encrypted packet

Explanation    This message appears during debugging only; it indicates that the packet is encrypted but a key is not available.

Recommended Action    Configure the correct key.

Error Message    TAC-7-DECRYPTERR2: Decrypt: packet is unencrypted but we have a key

Explanation    This message appears during debugging only; it indicates that the packet is unencrypted but a key is available.

Recommended Action    Remove the key.

Error Message    TAC-7-PAKSENDERR: Error sending continue packet

Explanation    This message indicates that the system is unable to send TACACS+ packets to the server.

Recommended Action    Verify that the TACACS+ server is online. If not, bring the TACACS+ server online. If the TACACS+ server is online, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    TAC-7-SOCKERR: Socket creation error

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging and indicates that a bad network connection error occurred.

Recommended Action    Retry the connection. If this message reappears, perform these steps, retrying the connection after each step:

Step 1 Check the interface setup. If the interface is bad, reconfigure the interface setup and retry the connection; if the interface is good, proceed to the next step.

Step 2 Check the network connection. If the connection is bad, repair it. If the connection is good, contact your technical support representative.

Step 3 Check server operation; if the server is bad, contact your technical support representative. If the server is good, contact your technical support representative.

UDLD Protocol Messages

This section lists the UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) Protocol messages.


Error Message    UDLD-3-AGGRDISABLE: Neighbor(s) of port [dec]/[dec] disappeared on bidirectional link. Port disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that a fault has been detected in an Ethernet port connection and that the port has been disabled to prevent other protocols from malfunctioning. The heartbeat packets on a bidirectional link have stopped and, as a precaution, the port has been disabled to prevent a spanning tree loop. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Verify that all of the fiber strand pairs or copper wire pairs are connected correctly and that the Tx and Rx fiber connectors are bundled together. Also check that the port is functioning normally and that the hardware counters are operating properly. If no apparent misconnection or malfunction is found, try reenabling the port and disabling the aggressive mode. Make sure that the port is not connected to a hub, media converter, or similar device.

Error Message    UDLD-3-AGGRDISABLEFAIL:Neighbor(s) of port [dec]/[dec] disappeared on bidirectional link. Failed to disable port

Explanation    This message indicates that a fault was detected in the wiring on an Ethernet port, but that UDLD could not disable the port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Verify that all of the fiber strand pairs or copper wire pairs are connected correctly and that the Tx and Rx fiber connectors are bundled together. Also verify that the port is functioning correctly and that the hardware counters are operating properly. If no apparent misconnection or malfunction is found, try disabling aggressive mode. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    UDLD-3-DISABLE: Unidirectional link detected on port [dec]/[dec]. Port disabled

Explanation    This message indicates that a fault has been detected in an Ethernet port connection and that the port has been disabled to prevent other protocols from malfunctioning. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Verify that all of the fiber strand pairs or copper wire pairs are connected correctly and that the Tx and Rx fiber connectors are bundled together. Also check that the port is functioning normally. If no apparent misconnection or malfunction is found, try reenabling the port.

Error Message    UDLD-3-DISABLEFAIL: Unidirectional link detected on port [dec]/[dec], failed to disable port

Explanation    This message indicates that a fault was detected in the wiring on an Ethernet port, but UDLD could not disable the port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Verify that all of the fiber strand pairs or copper wire pairs are connected correctly and that the Tx and Rx fiber connectors are bundled together. Also check that the port is functioning correctly. Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    UDLD-3-SENDFAIL: Transmit failure on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a transmit failure occurred on a specified port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    UDLD-4-ONEWAYPATH: A unidirectional link from port [dec]/[dec] to port [dec]/[dec] of device [chars] was detected

Explanation    This message indicates that a fault has been detected in an Ethernet connection in a shared media environment and that the connection may cause a possible malfunction. [dec]/[dec] are the module numbers/port numbers and [chars] is the CDP name of the neighbor. To find the name, enter show cdp neighbor.

Recommended Action    Verify that all of the fiber strand or copper wire pairs are connected correctly (both on the local device and on the neighboring devices) and that the Tx and Rx connectors are bundled together. Also check that the ports are functioning normally. If no apparent misconnection or malfunction is found, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    UDLD-7-PKTDROP: Packet dropped as UDLD is disabled on port [dec]/[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a packet was dropped as UDLD was disabled on a specified port. [dec]/[dec] is the module number/port number.

Recommended Action    Check the UDLD port status. If the port is disabled, enable it. If the port is enabled, contact your technical support representative.

VMPS Messages

This section contains the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) messages.


Error Message    VMPS-2-BINDFAIL: Failed to bind socket

Explanation    This message indicates insufficient system resources.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-DNLDFAIL: Download Failed. VMPS is now inactive

Explanation    This message indicates that the attempt to download failed and VMPS is inactive.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VMPS-2-DOWNLOADFAIL1: Another download in progress, try later

Explanation    This message indicates that another download process is currently in progress.

Recommended Action    After the other process completes, download again. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-DOWNLOADFAIL2: Unable to download file [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that either the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server is not online or the file does not exist on the server. [chars] is the VMPS filename.

Recommended Action    Make sure the server is online, and the filename and the pathname are correct and exist on the server. If any of these conditions have not been met, correct them. If the conditions are correct, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-ENABLEFAIL: VMPS Enable Failed

Explanation    This message indicates that the attempt to enable VMPS failed.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VMPS-2-INVFILE: PARSER: Invalid File Format, syntax error at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a syntax error exists at the specified line number in the configuration file. [dec] is the line number.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-NOMEM: Out of memory

Explanation    This message indicates that there is insufficient DRAM to load the VMPS configuration database.

Recommended Action    Increase the DRAM on the supervisor engine. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-NOMGMTDOM: Management Domain not defined in configuration file

Explanation    This message indicates that the management domain is not defined in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Configure the management domain name in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-NORES: Insufficient resources to build database

Explanation    This message indicates that there is not enough DRAM to load the VMPS configuration database.

Recommended Action    Increase the DRAM on the supervisor engine. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-PARSEMSG: PARSER: [dec] lines parsed, Errors [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the VMPS parsed a specified number of lines in the configuration file and found a number of errors. [dec] lines are the number of lines parsed and Errors [dec] are the number of errors found.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If the message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-PREVCONF: VMPS is using the previous configuration

Explanation    This message indicates that VMPS is using a previous configuration.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VMPS-2-SOCFAIL: Failed to create socket

Explanation    This message indicates that there are insufficient system resources.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-2-TASKCREATFAIL: Failed to create task

Explanation    This message indicates that the number of processes in the system reached the maximum limit.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    VMPS-3-BADKEYWRD: PARSER: Unknown keyword [chars] at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an unknown keyword exists at the specified line number in the configuration file. [chars] is the keyword and [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-3-INVARGS: PARSER: Invalid no. of args at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates a parsing error in the configuration file. [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file.

Error Message    VMPS-3-INVIP: PARSER: Invalid IP addr [chars] at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an invalid IP address at the specified line number exists in the configuration file. [chars] is the IP address and [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-3-INVMAC: PARSER: Invalid MAC addr [chars] at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an invalid MAC address at the specified line number exists in the configuration file. [chars] is the MAC address and [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-3-INVPORTGRP: PARSER: Unknown port group [chars] at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an unknown port group at the specified line exists in the configuration file. [chars] is the port group number and [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-3-INVSYNTAX: PARSER: Invalid syntax at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an invalid syntax exists at the specified line in the configuration file. [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-3-INVVLAN: PARSER: Invalid VLAN [chars] at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an invalid VLAN at the specified line exists in the configuration file. [chars] is the VLAN number and [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-3-INVVLANGRP: PARSER: Unknown VLAN group [chars] at line [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an unknown VLAN group at the specified line exists in the configuration file. [chars] is the VLAN group number and [dec] is the line number in the configuration file.

Recommended Action    Correct the error in the configuration file. If this message reappears, contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    VMPS-7-INVLEN: Invalid length [dec] for IP address

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging and indicates that the server received an invalid request from the client. [dec] is the length of invalid data in the request.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-7-INVOPCODE: Invalid opcode 0x[hex] in packet

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging and indicates that the server received an invalid request from the client. 0x[hex] is the invalid request number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-7-INVTLV: Invalid TLV type 0x[hex]

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging and indicates that the server received an invalid request from the client. 0x[hex] is the invalid data in the request.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VMPS-7-INVVER: Invalid version 0x[hex] in packet

Explanation    This message appears only during debugging and indicates that the server is running an older version of VMPS. 0x[hex] is the version the client is running.

Recommended Action    Upgrade the server to a newer version.

VTP Messages

This section contains the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) messages.


Error Message    VTP-1-GVRPDYNVLANCREATE: Can't get out of transparent mode when dynamic vlan creation is enabled

Explanation    This message indicates that you can only enable dynamic VLAN creation when VTP is in transparent mode.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    VTP-2-INBANDINRSPANVLAN: Rspan vlan [dec] assigned to inband port

Explanation    This message indicates that a Remote SPAN (RSPAN) VLAN has been assigned to the inband port. [dec] is the RSPAN VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-2-ISL1QMAPMALLOCFAIL: Malloc failed [chars]

Explanation    This message indicates that memory allocation failed. [chars] is the action.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-2-ISL1QMAPSCPSENDFAIL: Send [chars] via scp failed to module [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that an SCP message failed to reach the module. [chars] is the information sent and [dec] is the module number to which the message was sent.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-2-ISL1QMAPSCPSTATUSNOTSUPPORTED: Module [dec] does not support vlan mapping - upgrade module software if vlan mapping is required

Explanation    This message occurs when the switch sends all of the isl-1q VLAN mapping to all of the 1q-capable modules. If a module returns status of SCPSTAT_NOTSUPPORTED to the switch, the above message is generated. [dec] is the module number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-2-LLCRXFAIL: LLC couldn't parse received vtp packet.

Explanation    This message indicates an internal error in LLC.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-2-RXINVSUMMARY: rx invalid summary from [chars], len=[dec], rev=[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the sanity check in VTP detects a received VTP message with an invalid length. [chars] is the module/port where the message was received, the first [dec] is the message length, and the second [dec] is the configuration revision number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-2-SOFTBOUNDARY: Failed to create [chars] Vlan ([dec]) in [chars]-Vlan range. Highest-IV=[dec], lowest-UV=[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that VLAN creation has failed due to either trying to create an internal VLAN in the user VLAN range or trying to create a user VLAN in the internal VLAN range. The first [chars] is either internal or user, Vlan ([dec]) is the VLAN number, [chars] is either internal or user, Highest-IV=[dec] indicates the highest internal VLAN number from 1025 to the Highest-IV, and Lowest-UV=[dec] is the lowest user VLAN number in the extended range (from the Lowest-UV to 4094 is the user VLAN range).

Recommended Action    Use a valid VLAN number in the correct range.

Error Message    VTP-2-TXINVSUMMARY: tx invalid summary to [dec]/[dec], len=[dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the sanity check in VTP detects a VTP message with an invalid length to be transmitted. [dec]/[dec] is the destination module/port and [dec] is the message length.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.


Error Message    VTP-4-DBLOCKED: Database for domain [chars] locked, giving up

Explanation    This message indicates that the database for a domain is locked. [chars] is the domain name and will not permit entry.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-4-ISL1QMAPSCPSTATUSNOTOK: Send [chars] via scp to Module [dec] result no OK, status = [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that the information sent to the module through SCP was not transmitted successfully. [chars] is the message sent, Module [dec] is the module number where the message was sent, and status = [dec] is the error message.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-4-NODOMAIN: domain [chars] not found

Explanation    This message indicates that the domain cannot be found. [chars] is the domain name.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-4-NOTSERVER: Cannot configure a VLAN in client mode

Explanation    This message indicates that you tried to create a VLAN when VTP is in client mode.

Recommended Action    You can change VTP to server or transparent mode to create the VLAN.

Error Message    VTP-4-NOVLAN: vlan [dec] not found (mode = [dec])

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN cannot be found while trying to modify or delete it. vlan [dec] is the VLAN number and (mode= [dec]) is the mode value.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-4-PORTSINRSPANVLAN:Port [dec]/[dec] inactive in rspan vlan [dec]

Explanation    This message indicates that a port has become inactive for RSPAN. [dec]/[dec] is the module number and port number and vlan [dec] is the RSPAN VLAN number.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-4-RSPVLAN_NOHWSUPP: Rspan vlan not supported: hardware upgrade required

Explanation    This message indicates that a hardware upgrade is required to use the RSPAN VLAN feature.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-4-UNSUPPORTEDCFGRCVD: Rcvd VTP advert with unsupported vlan config on trunk [chars] - VTP mode changed to transparent

Explanation    This message indicates that a switch has received a VTP advertisement indicating an unsupported VLAN configuration on a trunk port. The switch has changed the VTP mode to transparent. [chars] is the trunk port.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    VTP-5-DYNCREATEVLAN: Vlan [dec] dynamically created successful

Explanation    This message indicates that a dynamic VLAN has been created. [dec] is the number of the VLAN created.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-5-DYNDELETEVLAN: Vlan [dec] dynamically deleted successful

Explanation    This message indicates that a dynamic VLAN has been deleted. [dec] is the number of the VLAN deleted.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-5-PVLANMODECONFLICT: VTP has to be in Transparent mode if Private Vlans are configured

Explanation    This message indicates that an attempt was made to set VTP to client or server mode while private VLANs are configured on the switch. Private VLANs cannot be configured if VTP is not in transparent mode.

Recommended Action    Set the VTP mode to transparent.

Error Message    VTP-5-RSPANVLANCHG: Rspan vlan [dec] [chars]ed

Explanation    This message indicates that an RSPAN VLAN has been created or deleted. [dec] is the RSPAN VLAN number and [chars]ed is either created or deleted.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Error Message    VTP-6-DOMAINCHG: Domain [chars] modified

Explanation    This message indicates that the domain was modified. [chars] is the domain name.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.

Error Message    VTP-6-EXTVLANCHG: Vlan [dec] added in Extended Range does not propogate

Explanation    This message indicates that the extended range VLAN is not managed by VTP so that configuration changes will not be propagated to the entire VTP management domain. The message is displayed when an extended range VLAN is created. [dec] is the VLAN number.

Recommended Action    Contact your technical support representative.

Error Message    VTP-6-VLANCHG: VLAN [dec] [chars]ed

Explanation    This message indicates that the VLAN is modified, added, or deleted. [dec] is the VLAN number and [chars]ed is the action.

Recommended Action    No action is necessary. This message is provided for information only.


Posted: Mon Sep 25 16:14:00 PDT 2006
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