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Table Of Contents
Release Notes for
Catalyst 5000 Family RSM/VIP2 Cisco IOS 12.0T Software ReleasesNew Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(7)T
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(5)T
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(4)T
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(3)T
Caveats in Release 12.0(7)T for the RSM/VIP2
Caveats in Release 12.0(5)T for the RSM/VIP2
Caveats in Release 12.0(4)T for the RSM/VIP2
Caveats in Release 12.0(3)T for the RSM/VIP2
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(7)T for the RSM/VIP2
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(5)T for the RSM/VIP2
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(4)T for the RSM/VIP2
Release Notes for
Catalyst 5000 Family RSM/VIP2 Cisco IOS 12.0T Software Releases
December 13, 1999
Current Release:
12.0(7)TPrevious Releases:
12.0(4)T, 12.0(3)T, 12.0(5)TThese release notes describe the features, modifications, and caveats for the Catalyst 5000 family Route Switch Module (RSM) and the optional Versatile Interface Processor 2 (VIP2). These release notes apply to all Cisco IOS 12.0T software releases that support the RSM/VIP2.
For features, modifications, and caveats for the Catalyst 5000 family supervisor engine software, refer to the following URL:
The RSM ships with Cisco IOS software installed. However, before this module can run in your Catalyst 5000 family switch, be sure that the Catalyst 5000 family supervisor engine module is running supervisor engine software release 3.2(1) or later. A copy of release 3.2(1) or later is provided in the enclosed DOS floppy disk. Software images are also available with File Transfer Protocol (FTP) as described later in these notes.
This document consists of these sections:
Software Ordering Information
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(7)T
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(5)T
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(4)T
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(3)T
Caveats in Release 12.0(7)T for the RSM/VIP2
Caveats in Release 12.0(5)T for the RSM/VIP2
Caveats in Release 12.0(4)T for the RSM/VIP2
Caveats in Release 12.0(3)T for the RSM/VIP2
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(7)T for the RSM/VIP2
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(5)T for the RSM/VIP2
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(4)T for the RSM/VIP2
RSM Memory Requirements
The following RSM default memory requirements are acceptable for all Release 12.0T images:
32 MB for dynamic random-access memory (DRAM)
16 MB for Flash
Software Ordering Information
lists the images available for Release 12.0T and their order numbers.
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(7)T
No new features were introduced in Release 12.0(7)T.
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(5)T
The following new feature was introduced in Release 12.0(5)T:
Fast Simple Server Redundancy Protocol (FSSRP)
FSSRP is an enhancement to the current LANE Simple Server Redundancy Protocol (SSRP). In this new scheme, the LAN Emulation Clients (LECs) do not go down whenever there is a change in the master LAN Emulation Server (LES). This is achieved by connecting the LECs simultaneously to more than one LES/broadcast and unknown server (BUS) (up to four) so that if the master LES goes down, the backups are immediately available. With the basic SSRP, the LEC has to go down and completely recycle before coming back up. This operation is accomplished by keeping the control connections open to all of the active LESs and BUSs in the emulated LAN (ELAN). Although this method uses more VCs, the main benefits are the transparency and speed in the switchover.
The feature includes the following commands:
— lane config fssrpFSSRP is not enabled by default. The lane config fssrp command enables the special features of a LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) so it recognizes FSSRP. You must enable this command on all LECSs in the system whenever you want FSSRP operation.
— show lane client detailThis command generates additional information about the client that specifically relates to FSSRP. The information typically includes, but is not limited to, the extra connection information that is available to the client as a result of being simultaneously connected to multiple LESs and BUSs.
The following is a sample output for the show lane client detail command:
ATM#show lane client detail
LE Client ATM1/0.1 ELAN name:xxx Admin:up State:operational
Client ID:2 LEC up for 1 day 40 minutes 48 seconds
Join Attempt:14
Known LE Servers:1
Configured Idle Time:5 seconds
Last Fail Reason:Config VC being released
HW Address:00e0.8fcf.d820 Type:ethernet Max Frame Size:1516
ATM Address:47.0091810000000061705B0C01.00E08FCFD820.01
VCD rxFrames txFrames Type ATM Address
0 0 0 configure 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.006070174823.00
52 1778 3556 direct 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000C5A0C59.01
53 1778 0 distribute 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000C5A0C59.01
54 0 0 send 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000C5A0C5A.01
55 0 0 forward 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000C5A0C5A.01
93 122 234 direct 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000ABCD001.09
94 122 0 distribute 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000ABCD001.09
97 0 0 send 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000ABCD002.09
98 0 0 forward 47.00918100000000613E5A2F01.00000ABCD002.09
FSSRP is compatible with older releases of SSRP LANE software. However, the full benefits of the protocol will not be realized unless all LANE components in the network are FSSRP-capable. Older versions of LECS, LES, and BUS will not allow FSSRP-capable LECs to join the ELAN because of DDTs CSCdj82158 and CSCdm01992. For more information, refer to CSCdj82158 and CSCdm01992 in the "Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(5)T for the RSM/VIP2" section.
Note the following restrictions:
— If more than one LECS is used, the LECS databases must be identical before the network is brought up.— The LECS configuration phase must never be bypassed, either by explicitly configuring an LECS address on subinterfaces or by any other method. If the configuration phase is bypassed, the restricted ELAN feature might be seriously compromised.— If an LEC's status needs to be changed, such as moving it from one ELAN to another, it must first be brought down before any changes to the LECS databases are made. The LEC can be brought up only after all the databases have been updated and are identical.New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(4)T
No new features were introduced in Release 12.0(4)T.
New Features for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(3)T
No new features were introduced in Release 12.0(3)T.
Important Notes
Last Maintenance Release of Cisco IOS Release 12.0T
Cisco IOS Release 12.0(6)T has been renamed 12.0(7)T to align this release with the 12.0(7) mainline release. The closed caveats for Release 12.0(7)T are identical to the caveats closed in the 12.0(7) mainline release. There was no change in the feature content of the renamed release--the features in 12.0(6)T are the same as 12.0(7)T. Release 12.0(7)T is the last maintenance release of the 12.0T release train.
Customers needing closure of caveats for the 12.0T features should migrate to the 12.1mainline release, which has the complete feature content of Release 12.0T and will eventually reach General Deployment (GD). Release 12.0T is a super set of the 12.0 mainline release, so all caveats closed in the 12.0 mainline are also closed in 12.0T.
Caveats in Release 12.0(7)T for the RSM/VIP2
There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(7)T.
Caveats in Release 12.0(5)T for the RSM/VIP2
There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(5)T.
Caveats in Release 12.0(4)T for the RSM/VIP2
There are no open caveats for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(4)T.
Caveats in Release 12.0(3)T for the RSM/VIP2
This section describes the caveat and unexpected behavior for the RSM/VIP2 in Release 12.0(3)T.
The POTENT adapter is not recognized on the RSM/VIP2.
Workaround. There is no workaround.
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(7)T for the RSM/VIP2
An intermittent hardware problem on the RSM might cause the C5IP (the interface processor that connects to the Catalyst 5000 backplane) to fail. The following message appears:
%C5IP-0-MSG: slot0 %DB-0-FATAL_ERROR: Fatal error (code=34) status=0x0 cause=0x8020 epc=0x80029974
When this occurs, the RSM has to reload the C5IP microcode, which causes all VLAN interfaces to go down for 30 to 90 seconds. No packets are forwarded during this time.
This ddts enhances the error-processing routines in the C5IP, which allows it to recover from the error in most circumstances. The RSM will continue running with no interruption in service.
Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(5)T for the RSM/VIP2
The following caveats are resolved in Release 12.0(5)T:
If you have upgraded your LECs to a FSSRP-supported software release, they will not be able to join their ELANs if the LESs are running earlier versions of the following IOS releases: 11.2(12), 11.3(2)WA4, and 12.0(1).
Workaround: You must upgrade your LANE server components to one of these FSSRP-supported IOS releases:
— Release 11.2(12)— Release 11.3(2)WA4— Release 12.0(1)•
You will experience network partitioning if you have servers in your ATM network running a software release that supports FSSRP mixed with servers running an older non-FSSRP-supported software release.
Workaround: You must upgrade your LANE server components to one of these FSSRP-supported IOS releases:
— Release 11.2(12)— Release 11.3(8)WA4(11)— Release 12.0(5)Resolved Caveats in Release 12.0(4)T for the RSM/VIP2
The following caveats are resolved in Release 12.0(4)T:
The IPX traffic gets blocked by the access list when you tunnel IPX over an IP tunnel, and when you use an extended inbound access list for IP on the tunnel interface.
Workaround. Add a "permit gre" statement in the extended access list.
A group of related software bugs that create an undesired interaction between network address translation (NAT) and input access list processing in certain Cisco routers running 12.0-based versions of Cisco IOS software has been resolved. Refer to the following URL for complete information:
If you use any form of RSP turbo switching (optimum/flow/cef) on any Ethernet interface, packet errors can occur in the MAC address fields of packets input from any interface sharing the same MEMD packet-free pools as that Ethernet interface.
Workaround. Use one of the following workarounds:
— Disable all forms of RSP turbo switching by configuring ip-route-cache on all interfaces.— Disable MEMD cache using the test rsp cache memd uncached EXEC command, or by using the memory cache-policy io uncached configuration command.Supported Port Adapters
Table 2 lists the port adapters supported in Release 12.0T.
Table 2 Supported Port Adapters on the RSM
Part Number DescriptionPA-4T+
4-Port Serial Port Adapter, Enhanced
8-Port Serial, V.35 Port Adapter
8-Port Serial, 232 Port Adapter
8-Port Serial, X.21 Port Adapter
4-Port Token Ring 4/16-Mbps Port Adapter
4-Port Token Ring 4/16-Mbps, Full-Duplex Port Adapter
1-Port FDDI Multimode Port Adapter
1-Port FDDI Single-Mode Port Adapter
1-Port FDDI Full Duplex Multimode Port Adapter
1-Port FDDI Full Duplex Single-Mode Port Adapter
1 Port ATM OC3 Single Mode Intermediate Reach Port Adapter
1-Port ATM OC3 Multimode Port Adapter
2-Port Channelized T1/PRI Port Adapter
2-Port Channelized E1/PRI Port Adapter, 75 Ohm
2-Port Channelized E1/PRI Port Adapter, 120 Ohm
Service Adapter; Compression (64 VCs Stac)
Service Adapter; Compression (256 VCs Stac)
4-Port Ethernet 10BaseT Port Adapter
8-Port Ethernet 10BaseT Port Adapter
HSSI Port Adapter; can be used only in C5500 Chassis, two maximum
Encryption Service Adapter
Fast Ethernet Port Adapter
Fast Ethernet Port Adapter
1-Port ATM Enhanced E3 Port Adapter
1-Port ATM Enhanced T3 Port Adapter
1-Port ATM Enhanced OC3c/STM1 Multimode Port Adapter
1-Port ATM Enhanced OC3c/STM1 Single-Mode (IR) Port Adapter
1-Port ATM Enhanced OC3c/STM1 Single-Mode (LR) Port Adapter
1-Port E3 Serial Port Adapter with E3 DSU; can be used only in C5500 Chassis, two maximum
2-Port E3 Serial Port Adapter with E3 DSU; can be used only in C5500 Chassis, two maximum
1-Port T3 Serial Port Adapter with T3 DSU; can be used only in C5500 Chassis, two maximum
PA- 2T3
2-Port T3 Serial Port Adapter with T3 DSU; can be used only in C5500 Chassis, two maximum
5-Port Ethernet 10BaseFL Port Adapter
1-Port Packet/SONET OC3c/STM1 Multimode Port Adapter
1-Port Packet/SONET OC3c/STM1 Single Mode (IR) Port Adapter
1-Port Packet/SONET OC3c/STM1 Single Mode (LR) Port Adapter
4-Port Multichannel DS1/PRI Port Adapter
8-Port Multichannel DS1/PRI Port Adapter
Multichannel E1/PRI Port Adapter
8-Port Multichannel DS1/PRI Port Adapter
Multichannel E3 Port Adapter
Multichannel T3 Port Adapter
1 Supported as of Release 12.0(2)T
Port Adapter Caveats
The following caveats apply to port adapters used in the Catalyst VIP2:
If you are using the High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) single- or dual-port adapter, PA-E3, PA-2E3, PA-T3, or PA-2T3 in the Catalyst 5000, 5500, 5505, or 5509 switch, you must install the port adapter on the Catalyst Versatile Interface Processor 2 (VIP2-15 or VIP2-40) Revision 2 (board part number 73-3468-XX, where XX is the version number). Do not use any of these port adapters in the Catalyst 5000, 5505, or 5509 switch if you are installing it on the Catalyst VIP2 (either VIP2-15 or VIPS-40) module that is not Revision 2. If you fail to comply with this restriction, your system will shut down because of an overload on the power supply.
You can only have two HSSI single- or dual-port adapters, or PA-E3, PA-2E3, PA-T3, or PA-2T3 port adapters per chassis installed on a Catalyst VIP2-15 or VIP2-40 module Revision 2 and used in the Catalyst 5500 switch.
The Channelized T1 port adapter (PA-2CT1/PRI) interfaces require shielded serial cables and connectors.
Additional Documentation
The following documents are available for the Catalyst 5000 family RSM/VIP2:
Core RSM/VIP2 documentation
— Catalyst 5000 Family Module Installation Guide— Software Configuration Guide—Catalyst 5000 Family, 4000 Family, 2926G Series, 2948G, and 2980G— Catalyst 5000 Family Route Switch Module Installation and Configuration Note— Route Switch Module Catalyst VIP2-15 and VIP2-40 Installation and Configuration Note— Catalyst 5000 Family RSM/VIP2 Port Adapter Installation and Configuration Notes•
Token Ring-specific documentation
— Token Ring VLAN Support on the Route Switch Module— Catalyst Token Ring Switching Implementation GuideCisco Connection Online
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78-6489-04 Rev. A0
Posted: Tue May 25 13:23:36 PDT 2004
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