IP Management

With the IP Management window, you can:

Configuring IP Information

IP information consists primarily of information that identifies the switch in the network: the switch IP address, IP mask, broadcast address, default gateway, and domain name (see IP Information Table for descriptions of these items).

To configure IP information:

  1. Select the IP Configuration tab on the IP Management window.
  2. Enter your changes or additions to the IP information in the fields on this tab.
    See the IP Information Table for help with your entries.
  3. Click Apply to put your changes on this tab in effect.
  4. Click OK to close the IP Information window.

To delete IP information, double-click on your entry to select it, then press the Backspace key.

IP Information Table

IP Fields Description
IP Address The address that identifies the switch. If you enter a new address and click OK, the browser loses contact with the switch. You must then enter the new IP address in the browser Location field to reestablish contact with the switch.

Note: If you are displaying IP information for a cluster member switch with an IP address, it is displayed in the IP Address field. If the switch has no assigned IP address, this field contains the address of the command switch.

IP Mask The mask identifies the bits that denote the network number in an IP address. When the mask denotes a portion of the network number, it is referred to as a subnet mask.
Broadcast The broadcast address is reserved for sending a message to all stations.
Default Gateway The address where the CPU sends traffic when the traffic contains an unknown address.
Domain Name You might need to ask your network administrator for this information.

A domain name identifies an administrative region in an IP network. This name is appended to a host name to identify a particular network device. When network traffic contains no domain name, the switch software appends the domain name that you specified; it then adds the complete domain name and host name specification to its host name table. If you specify multiple domain names, the switch software creates a domain name and host name combination for each entry and adds them to the host name table.

Note: If you enter multiple domain names, separate names with a comma; do not use spaces in your entry.

Configuring DNS Servers

IP networks include servers that implement the domain name system (DNS), which translates host names to IP addresses. Using the DNS, you can specify up to six DNS servers to be used by the switch.

To add a DNS server:

  1. Select the DNS Configuration tab on the IP Information window.
  2. Enter the IP address of a valid DNS server in the New Server field.
  3. Click Add to move the server to the Current Servers list.
    Note: To restore the version of the Current Servers list that was last recorded, click Refresh.
  4. Click Apply to put your changes on this tab in effect.
  5. Click OK to close the IP Management window.