Cluster Manager

The Cluster Manager window consists of two frames: the right frame contains a graphic of the switch cluster in a wiring closet view; the left frame contains a list of switches that reflects the cluster hierarchy. The cluster graphic shows the status of each switch and its ports. For the command switch, the graphic also shows the switch IP address. A menu bar at the top of this window offers menu options for managing the entire cluster or any combination of individual switches and switch ports.

You can rearrange the position of switches in the graphic by selecting Cluster > Device Position.

From the Cluster Manager window, you can:

Monitoring Switches and Ports

You can check the status of a switch by checking its icon in the cluster list. If the switch is up, the icon is green; if it is down, the icon is red. (On the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch, the icon is yellow if the fan is broken or the switch is too hot.) The switch images on the Cluster Manager window show the status of switches and ports at the last poll interval.

You can check the status of ports by using the switch graphic. Click the MODE button on the graphic to display the STAT, SPD, FDUP, and LINE PWR settings in sequence. The port LEDs change color to reflect the setting. Select Help > Legend to learn the meanings of the colors on any switch in the cluster. (You cannot display switch utilization (UTIL) from the Cluster Manager window.)

Note: LINE PWR is shown only on on Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switches, and only STAT and FDUP are shown on Catalyst 1900 and 2820 switches.

Cluster Manager updates status information in real-time using data that the command switch receives from cluster members at regular polling intervals. You can change the polling interval by selecting Cluster > User Settings.

Displaying Switch Bandwidth Graphs and Link Graphs

From the Cluster Manager window, you can monitor switch bandwidth utilization by selecting Bandwidth Graph from a switch pop-up menu. You can monitor link utilization by selecting Link Graph from a port pop-up menu. (See Using Pop-up Menus for details.)

Selecting Switches and Ports

You can select only one switch at a time from the switch list on the Cluster Manager window (you can select multiple switches from the configuration windows; see Using the Device List). When you select a switch, its graphic is highlighted in the list and on the cluster graphic. Whenever a switch is selected, you can display its pop-up menu from any location in the switch list frame. To deselect a switch, select a different switch or the cluster name in the switch list.

To select a port, click on it in the switch graphic. To select multiple ports, hold down the Ctrl key while you click on each port you want to select. You can select a group of ports on any combination of switches, and then select a menu option to check or change configuration settings. To deselect a port, click anywhere on the switch chassis.

Using Pop-up Menus

You can display a pop-up menu for a switch from the switch list and from any switch graphic. To display the pop-up menu from the switch list, select the switch and right-click anywhere in the switch list frame. To display the pop-up menu from a switch graphic, right-click the graphic anywhere on the switch chassis (do not position the mouse cursor on a port). You can access all monitoring and configuration options for an individual switch by using this pop-up menu and its submenus.

To display a pop-up menu for a port, right-click on the port graphic. To display the pop-up menu for several ports, hold down the Ctrl key while you select the ports; then right-click on any of the selected ports to display the menu.

Pop-up menu and submenu options that are followed by an ellipsis (...) display a dialog box in which to make changes.

Using the Menu Bar and Tool Bar

The menu bar organizes configuration options into several menus: cluster-level options are listed on the Cluster menu; switch-level options are listed on the System and Device menus; port-level options are listed on the Port, VLAN, and Security menus; and documentation options are listed on the Help menu. Menu items that are followed by an ellipses (...) display a configuration window that you use to check or change configuration settings on one or several cluster switches.

If any ports are selected on the Cluster Manager window, only the port-level menus are active. Inactive menus are grayed out.

The tool bar contains icons for many options listed on the menu bar. To determine the function of an icon, move the mouse over the icon and read the tool tip that is displayed.

Using Cluster Manager Windows

Items on the Cluster Manager menu bar that are followed by an ellipses (...) display a configuration window where you can check or change configuration settings. Some windows are organized into tabs, each of which contains related groups of configuration parameters. To make changes to a window or tab, you usually use a modification dialog box (see Using Buttons). When you close the dialog box, your changes are put in effect, and the new settings are shown in the window or on the tab.

Using the Device List

Many configuration windows contain a device list, which is centered at the top of the window. When a window contains a device list, the information displayed on the window, and any changes that you make on the window, apply to the switch selected in the device list. If All Devices is selected in the device list, the displayed information and your changes apply to all cluster switches.

Using Buttons

Buttons on Cluster Manager windows and dialog boxes have the following effect:

Button Effect
Apply Puts your changes on a tab or dialog box in effect.
OK Applies any unapplied changes in an entire window and closes the window. If you change settings anywhere on the window and do not click Apply, clicking the OK button puts these changes in effect before closing the window.
Modify Displays a modification dialog box for changing parameters.
Refresh Restores the settings that are currently in effect on the switch. Use Refresh before you click Apply or OK to remove unwanted entries.
Cancel Clears any entries in a window or dialog box that are not applied.
Note: The Cancel button does not delete entries that you already put in effect by clicking the Apply or OK button.
Help Displays the help file that is specific to the window.

Saving Your Changes

Whenever you make changes to Cluster Manager windows, your changes take effect when you click the Apply or OK button. However, if you want your changes to be permanent (remain in effect after the switch is powered off and powered on again), you must save them to nonvolatile memory. To save your changes to nonvolatile memory, select System > Save Config.
Note: Catalyst 1900 and 2820 switches automatically save configuration changes to nonvolatile memory, so this step is not required. Allow several seconds for changes to be saved to nonvolatile memory before resetting or turning off these switch.