
Table of Contents



About the Micro Webserver

The Cisco Micro Webserver is a versatile Web server that is easy to install, cost-effective, and secure. You can use it for Web hosting, to set up a corporate workgroup intranet, and to upload router configuration images and download router software updates.

Based on HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) architecture, the Micro Webserver offers a Java graphical user interface (GUI) and data throughput of more than 2 Mbps.

A removable 100 MB ZIP drive disk allows quick information distribution and Web authoring. In addition, support for multiple CD-ROM drives and a 1.2 MB hard drive provides a distributed networking solution.

An embedded HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 1.1-compliant microkernel provides security, protection from file corruption, and the ability to operate in all networking environments, allowing cross-platform support. You simply need a workstation running a Netscape 3.x or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x Web browser.

The Micro Webserver Home Page

The Micro Webserver Home Page provides access to the system and its applications. From the following icons on the home page, you can access all of the Micro Webserver's applications:

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