
Table of Contents

Troubleshoot the IPeXchange Internet Gateway

Troubleshoot the IPeXchange Internet Gateway

Once the IPeXchange internet gateway hardware and software are running and the IPeXchange client software is installed and running, Winsock 1.1-based applications run automatically from the client PC. This appendix describe how to troubleshoot problems that might occur with the client. For an explanation of error message, refer to the appendix "IPeXchange Internet Gateway Error Messages."

Troubleshoot the IPeXchange Client

The following questions help to check for communication between the IPeXchange client and the gateway and for proper installation of the client software:

Open the Cisco Internet Junction window and pull down the Gateways menu. The menu should display names of IPeXchange internet gateways. If one or more gateways are missing, check that the IPX configuration at the client and gateway use the same frame type, as described in the chapter "Configure the IPeXchange Client Software."
The chapter "Configure the IPeXchange Client Software" lists versions of IPX components that IPeXchange client software requires. If you did not check IPX component versions at installation, do it now.
The Setup program modifies win.ini and system.ini files on the IPeXchange client. Refer to the section "Run the Setup Program" in the chapter "Configure the IPeXchange Client Software" and make sure that all changes described there have been made correctly.
On Windows for Workgroups systems, problems often occur when net.cfg and protocol.ini specify different frame types. If you did not check frame types at installation, refer to the section "Prerequisites for Installation" in the chapter "Configure the IPeXchange Client Software" and do so now.

If You Need More Information

If you need more assistance in troubleshooting the IPeXchange gateway or client, contact one of the following:

Customer Service

To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco's products or documentation, or upgrades, call 800 553-6387 or 408 526-7208. Customer Service hours are 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific time, Monday through Friday (excluding company holidays). You can also send e-mail to

Technical Assistance Center

If you are a system administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco product which is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447 or 408 526-7209, or send an e-mail message to Emergency technical assistance (for network-down or severe network problems) is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

European Technical Assistance Center

Cisco and its European Service Partners coordinate all customer service in Europe, including hardware and software telephone technical support, onsite service, and module exchange and repair. For more information, contact the European TAC.

European TAC numbers and e-mail address are as follows:

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