
Table of Contents

Quick Start
for ViewRunner for HP OpenView®

Quick Start
for ViewRunner for HP OpenView®

ViewRunner for HP OpenView is the Element Management System (EMS) for the Cisco 6100. It is based on the industry-leading Hewlett-Packard OpenView SNMP management system, and uses an Oracle7 Relational Database Management System (RDMS) as an underlying data store.

Reference Material

Before installing any servers or applications, please have the following media available for reference:

System Requirements

The following sections will provide a quick overview of the hardware and software requirements necessary to install and use the ViewRunner system.

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Note Cisco highly recommends that an Oracle database administrator be on site during the installation and configuration of Oracle and the Oracle database to be used by ViewRunner.

Preparing Your System

Installing HP OpenView

The following sections will provide the information necessary to install HP OpenView, Oracle7 Server, ViewRunner Server Applications, and ViewRunner Client Applications.

Step 1 Log in as root

Step 2 Ensure that the required operating system packages are installed

Step 3 Ensure that changes to /etc/system are made to support the required shared memory and semaphore configurations (must be followed by a reboot)

Note See the ViewRunner for HP OpenView Setup and Installation Manual for a complete list of required settings

Step 4 Install HP OpenView 4.11 as detailed in the HP OpenView Network Node Manager Products Installation Guide

Step 5 Install the required HP OpenView consolidated patch

Installing Oracle7 Server

Step 1 Create a dba group id

Step 2 Create an oracle user id that is a member of the dba group

Step 3 Log in as oracle

Step 4 Install the following packages from the Oracle7 Software Asset Manager:

Note If you are running Solaris 2.5.1 at patch level 105428-01 or higher, you will need to use version or later of the Oracle Installer.

Installing the ViewRunner Server Applications

Step 1 Log in as root

Step 2 Change to the root directory of the ViewRunner for HP OpenView CD-ROM

Step 3 Type pkgadd -d . at the prompt

Step 4 Select the ViewRunner Server Applications as the package to install

Step 5 Follow the instructions in the ViewRunner for HP OpenView Setup and Installation Manual to complete the ViewRunner Server installation

Starting the ViewRunner Server Applications

Step 1 Log in as root

Step 2 Change to the root directory where you installed the server applications (default /opt/VR4HPOVS)

Step 3 Execute the environment variable script

Step 4 Start HP OpenView, Oracle, and the ViewRunner Servers with the vrStart utility

Installing the ViewRunner Client Applications

Step 1 Log in as root

Step 2 Change to the root directory of the ViewRunner for HP OpenView CD-ROM

Step 3 Type pkgadd -d . at the prompt

Step 4 Select the ViewRunner Client Applications as the package to install

Step 5 Follow the instructions in the ViewRunner for HP OpenView Setup and Installation Manual to complete the ViewRunner Client installation

Starting the ViewRunner Client Applications

Step 1 Log in as any user

Step 2 Change to the directory where you installed the client applications (default /opt/VR4HPOVC)

Step 3 Execute the environment variable script

Step 4 Execute OpenView Windows


Please refer to the ViewRunner for HP OpenView Provisioning and Operations Manual for specific troubleshooting and operational issues.

You must enable the ViewMap application in a new HP OpenView map before you can use ViewRunner. Existing maps cannot have ViewMap capability added to them.

Posted: Fri Oct 8 12:02:36 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.