These release notes describe important information about the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager (SCM) Release 1.3. Information in this document is to be used in conjunction with the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager (SCM) Release 1.3 User Guide.
For information about the system requirements, installation procedures, and configuration of the Cisco 6400 SCM, see the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager (SCM) Release 1.3 User Guide.
The Cisco 6400 SCM Release 1.3 supports the Service Selection Gateway functionality in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)DB/DC, the Cisco 6400 services supported in Cisco 6400 SCM Release 1.2, and the following Cisco 6400 services:
PPP Termination Aggregation over Multiple Domains
PPP over ATM (PPPoA)
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
Routed Bridging Encapsulation (RBE)
RFC 1483—Routing
Closed User Groups
RBE—layer 3 service that allows a subscriber to dynamically connect to a service.
To install CDM 1.1 and SCM 1.3 on the same server:
Step 1 Install CEMF2.14
Note Patch 6 for CEMF is now available; refer to the CEMF documentation for more
Step 2 Install AV_2.1.4-P5_1
Step 3 Install SCM 1.3
Step 4 Install the latest CDM 1.1
Step 5 After installing the CDM 1.1 and SCM 1.3 software, you must modify files in the <AVROOT>/config/mibControl directory on the server and client according to the following instructions.
a. In the file x_c6260Manager.emLocalMibs, search and replace text as follows:
PPP-IP service does not support the use of IP unnumbered interfaces.
Workaround: After deploying the PPP-IP service through the Cisco 6400 SC:
Telnet to the relevant NRP
Edit the virtual template for the PPP-IP service through its IP address
Edit the virtual template to remove its IP address and subnet
Replace the IP address and subnet, with the IP unnumbered interface of your choice—for example, ATM, Fast Ethernet, or Ethernet
The Service Instance List in the Service/Subscriber Connect screen displays decommissioned and commissioned services.
Workaround: Connect subscribers to commissioned services only.
When a service is decommissioned and a subscriber is then disconnected from the decommissioned service, the subscriber disconnection process fails with the message "Unknown Error."
Workaround: Disconnect a subscriber prior to decommissioning a service.
In the Service/Subscriber Connect GUI, previously entered PVC information (VPI and VCI) is deleted when a service instance or NRP is selected from one of the object lists in the GUI.
Workaround: Select the required NRP and Service Instance prior to entering the PVC details.
When using the Cisco 6400 SCM, you must save changes before you apply an action—such as clicking a button on an Cisco SCM GUI. This is also true on the Manage NRP GUI on the SSG Configuration tab, where you must save changes to SSG configuration before clicking Configure for SSG configuration.
There is no workaround.
The Service Instance List in the Service/Subscriber Connect screen displays decommissioned and commissioned services.
Workaround: Connect subscribers to commissioned services only.
When an NRP fails (physically) during the process of executing a Cisco IOS software script, the changes made to the NSP are not rolled back.
There is no workaround.
When invoking Service Commissioning or Subscriber Connection actions, the operation might fail and the action report indicate that the NSP password is invalid. However, if you examine the Manage NSP Configuration tab, you will find that the correct passwords are in place.
Workaround: Close the GUI from which you are initiating the action, relaunch it, and start over.
It is possible to save the NRP SSG configuration, on the Manage NRP SSG Configuration tab, without applying the configuration to the equipment.
Workaround: When saving the configuration to the Cisco 6400 SCM database, use the File>Save option and also run the appropriate Configure or Deconfigure option.
If subscribers are connected to both PPPoA and PPPoE and you choose to deconfigure the NRP SSG and reconfigure it using the Manage NRP GUI on the More SSG Configuration tab, it is possible to cause a virtual template mismatch.
Workaround: Ensure that you Deconfigure/Configure on a per service type basis. For example, Deconfigure/Configure PPPoA first, then do the same for PPPoE.
L2TP services cannot be deployed on the same NRP as any type of PTA-MD service.
Workaround: Select different NRPs for L2TP and PTA-MD services.
Entering white space in the Service Route field in the PTA-MD Service Configuration GUI will cause the subsequent Service Commission operation to fail.
Workaround: Do not enter white space in the Service Route field in the PTA-MD Service Configuration GUI.
When Dynamic service binding is selected on the PTA-MD Service Configuration screen, the Service Access mode attribute should not be grayed in.
Workaround: Do not set any values in the Service Access mode attribute.
To change the values on a NRP SSG Configuration and More Configuration tabs, you must:
a. Deconfigure the SSG
b. Change the values and save them on the screen
c. Apply the Configure action again
Note Changing only the values on the GUI and saving them results in the changes not
being applied to the NRP-SSG.
There is no workaround.
The bridged-bridged service implements the bridge irb command and might cause the commissioning of the service to fail due to a timeout.
Workaround: This occurs only on the first attempt; repeat the commissioning operation.
Cisco IOS software downloads can only use the TFTP server on the Cisco 6400 SCM Server Solaris workstation.
There is no workaround.
If the Cisco 6400 is not configured for redundancy, the SONET APS screen will display ERROR for all fields.
Workaround: Use the SONET APS screen only when redundancy has been configured.
There might be blank fields on the More Configuration tab of the NLC ATM Port Configuration screen. The DS1/E1/DS3/E3 Physical Layer Configuration variables might also be blank.
There is no workaround. These fields are blank because they return no information when the Framing Mode is not relevant.
Object manager icons for NRPs, NLCs, and NSPs are not unique—they display the default SNMP icon.
There is no workaround.
When the AccessVision Auto Discovery Application is used to discover a Cisco 6400, the Network node on the Map representing the first Network discovered overlaps the Top Site icon.
There is no workaround.
When deleting a site that has a commissioned chassis under it— the site, its descendants, and the chassis are deleted.
Workaround: The chassis under a site must be decommissioned before you delete the site.
Action buttons, such as Commission and Decommission, do not have tool tips.
There is no workaround.
The LHS navigation on maps does not display complete names.
Workaround: Use the LHS on the map viewer when navigating.
Note The LHS displays up to 16 characters only, and this can cause problems when you
have many auto-discovered chassis.
The NRP Management Screen displays the wrong containment path in its title. The NRP Management Screen displays its port in the containment path in the window title.
There is no workaround.
Removing the green labeling from a chassis results in stripes.
There is no workaround.
Fields with errors occur on the Port dialog if the Cisco 6400 is configured with redundant secondary slots or subslots.
Workaround: If slots or subslots are configured, first the redundant and then the primary slot and the subslot will retain their port ifIndex. However, the port IfIndex of the secondary slot and subslot are set to zero by the Cisco 6400. This results in the port dialog for the secondary slot or subslot being in error.
Monitored attributes can disappear from the performance manager.
Workaround: Stop the system and move the monitored attribute file from <AVROOT>/config/monitoredAttrib-utes/install to <AVROOT>/config/monitoredAttributes/ and restart the system.
When the NRP is deployed manually, it is displayed as commissioned but it is actually decommissioned. When an NRP card is deployed, its card state is queried. If the card is present, it will be transitioned into the commissioned state and then into the normal state.
Workaround: Decommission the card after it has transitioned into the normal state.
Deleting connections results in incorrect behavior in the object list. If the Disconnect Subscribers GUI is launched from a connection object and a connection is deleted, the NSP Object List might be populated incorrectly and it will not be possible to disconnect any additional subscribers.
Workaround: Close and then relaunch the dialog and try again.
When Select All is launched from relevant Object Lists, it fails when you right-click the mouse.
Workaround: Use Shift+left click.
Quickly clicking the Previous and Next buttons on the Chassis Management screen can cause the window to hang.
Workaround: Close the window and relaunch.
An option is not given to install Access Vision or SCM on a dual-hosted machine.
Workaround: When installing on a dual hosted machine (and the network card to be used does not have its details presented by default in the machine set up section), "Is this Correct?" appears. Enter n for no, and then enter the correct details about the product and associated applications.
Fields cannot be saved on the Cisco 6400 SCM NRP ATM Port Configuration tab.
Workaround: Before saving, the SNMP write community must be setup correctly. However, there are three attributes that will not be saved, even if the SNMP write community is set up correctly:
ILMI Keepalive Time
Impact on the Cisco 6400 SCM: On the NRP and NSP Management GUI Configuration tabs, these values appear to be set, but are not.
There is no workaround.
The NRP does not populate the Syslog SNMP. On the Syslog tab of the NRP Logs screen, no data is displayed. When this table is checked through the CLI, it contains data. When this table was checked using HP OpenView, the table contains no data.
Workaround: To view these logs, use Cisco CLI commands.
The following list describes the problems that impact the operation of the Redundancy Configuration screen of the Cisco 6400 SCM:
Auto Sync Configuration—Does not reflect the configuration read and set by CLI commands. Using the HP Openview MIB Browser, the MIB attribute c64MainCPUConfigAutoSync can only be set a value of 1 (standard) or 2 (startup config). When it is set to 2, the NSP performs a switchover and reboots the NRPs in the chassis. There is no workaround
Slot Redundancy Tab—Slots cannot be configured to be redundant. The MIB table that supports slot redundancy cannot be read or written, and therefore slots cannot be configured to be redundant. There is no workaround
Subslot Redundancy Tab—Subslot preference selector and the MIB attribute does not work. There is no workaround.
When a query is performed on the c64ChassisAlarmTable, an Alarm Type of 0 is returned for some alarms (for example, the NRP alarms). The MIB does not contain any Alarm Type enumerations for any Cisco 6400-specific alarms. This affects the Fault tab on the Chassis Management screen.
There is no workaround.
If the ciscoAtmIfTable is queried using a MIB browser, the NSP returns the following entries:
These entries are not defined in the MIB.
There is no workaround.
The NRP IP address appears as
The command show nrp-ip-address slot x is used by SCM on the NSP to determine the IP addresses of the NRPs colocated with the NSP. Sometimes this command returns blank fields even though in previous invocations, it returned the correct IP addresses.
Workaround: Reboot the Cisco 6400 NSP. In the AccessVision management solution, this appears to be an apparent failure of the chassis auto-discovery via the Commission button on the Configuration tab of the Manage NSP GUI.
The MIB attribute c64ChassisTempThresholdAdmin can be set only to Disabled.
There is no workaround.
The Cisco 6400 UAC does not support write functionality of Admin Status through SNMP.
There is no workaround.
The attribute Chassis System Type on the Chassis Management Inventory tab is incorrect. There is an incompatibility between the latest Cisco-Rhino MIB and the previous Cisco-Rhino MIB. This results in the following: Chassis System Type shows c8510 on the Chassis Management Dialog instead of c6400. Also, when running SCM against Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4), a number of other attributes on the same tab have errors.
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This document is to be used in conjunction with the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager (SCM) Release 1.3 publication.
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