Release Notes for Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager, Release 2.0.1
The Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager (SCM) is a Cisco Element Manager Framework (CEMF) based element and service management solution for the Cisco 6400 Universal Access Concentrator. This release note contains compatibility and known problem information which may be relevant for installers and end users of the Cisco 6400 SCM solution. Also noted are a number of Cisco 6400 UAC hardware issues that may impact the otherwise correct operation of the Cisco 6400 SCM software.
SCM Release 2.0.1 provides scalability enhancements, bug fixes, and a migration tool for upgrading from SCM Release 1.2, Release 1.3, and Release 2.0 installations. Like SCM Release 2.0, this release of SCM also runs on CEMF Release 3.0.4.
SCM Release 2.0.1 applies for both new and existing installations of SCM. Customers running SCM Release 1.2 or SCM Release 1.3 can upgrade to SCM Release 2.0.1, which offers improved scalability, more features, CORBA gateway support, and interoperability with the latest Cisco Element Management Framework (CEMF) 3.0.4 platform. We encourage customers currently running SCM Release 2.0 to upgrade to SCM Release 2.0.1 to take advantage of the above improvements. Customers who are installing SCM for the first time must install SCM Release 2.0.1.
New Software Features in SCM Release 2.0.1
In addition to the features supported in SCM Release 2.0, SCM Release 2.0.1 supports the following features:
Runs on the Cisco EMF Release 3.0.4 platform
Supports a migration tool for upgrading SCM 1.2 and SCM 1.3 installations running CEMF 2.1.4, and SCM 2.0 running CEMF 3.0.4, to SCM 2.0.1 running CEMF 3.0.4.
Improves scalability to support up to 100 CIsco 6400 chassis per SCM server, 200,000 subscribers, and provisioning 5000 subscribers per day
Supports Cisco 6400 elements running Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)DB for NSP and Release 12.0(7)DC for NRP
Problem resolutions from previous releases
Software Features in SCM Release 2.0
SCM Release 2.0 runs on Cisco EMF Release 3.0.4, which implements several changes that are visible when using the Cisco SCM software:
A Quick Start deployment option to deploy a Cisco 6400 quickly with SCM. You can launch this facility using the menu option Deployment > Deploy 6400 Quick Start. This option deploys a fully discovered Cisco 6400 chassis in your chosen site. Please consult the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager User Guide for more information and constraints on this feature.
New icons on the Cisco EMF launchpad—The Cisco EMF Release 2.x Map Viewer and Object Manager applications have been combined into a single Viewer application.
Supports Telecom Graphic Objects (TGO) in the Viewer application—TGO, a TeleManagement Forum sponsored standard for element management service (EMS) and network management service (NMS) applications, displays additional icons on top of the existing object icons displayed in Map Viewer. These icons provide information such as the state of the object or event status. For further details, refer to the section "Cisco 6400 SCM Services" in Chapter 2 of the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager User Guide.
Supports carrier-class security for Cisco SCM users—Refer to Chapter 11, "Security," in the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager User Guide.
Introduces connection templates (that is, Cisco IOS VC Classes)—Connection templates allow you to configure ingress and egress QoS parameters that can be applied over and over again when connecting a subscriber to a service instance and replacing subscriber QoS objects.
Adds NRP capacity statistics—Refer to the section "Cisco 6400 NRP Capacity Statistics" in Chapter 5 of the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager User Guide.
Supports OC-3, OC-12, and DS-3 Node Line Cards (NLC)—Release 1.x of the Cisco SCM software supported OC-3 and DS-3 NLCs only.
Integrates a number of common components (which provide common EMS windows for a number of distinct Cisco EMF EMSs)—SCM, Cisco DSL Manager, and the GSR 12000 EMS.
Simplified and improved Service and Subscriber provisioning windows—Subscriber QoS in SCM Release 1.x has been replaced by Connection Templates (which support use of the correct IOS VC class). Additionally, reflecting the traditional (single domain) and multi-domain (SSG) options of the Cisco 6400 service options, the Cisco 6400 SCM subscriber connection process in Version 2.0 provides two methods of subscriber connection to accurately reflect the operation of the Cisco 6400 IOS features.
Cisco 6400 Services Supported in Cisco 6400 SCM, Release 2.0
The following Cisco 6400 aggregation services are supported in this release:
ATM switching
PPPoA Single Domain
PPPoA over L2TP
RFC1483 Bridging
RFC1483 Routing (snap)
IP Uplink, with 6400 Service Selection Gateway, subscriber connection options as follows:
PPP Terminated Aggregation to Multiple Domains, PTA-MD (PPPoA and PPPoE)
Routed Bridge Encapsulation (RBE)
System Requirements
CEMF Version 3.0 has been designed for managing large-scale deployments. Customers planning to upgrade to this release are advised that the recommended deployment hardware specification for the CEMF Version 3.0 Server is:
Sun Ultra 60 workstation, 2 CPUs
4 GB Disk, + one additional disk for database performance
512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
2 GB swap space
17-inch color monitor
Solaris Version 2.6
Note In lab trials, it is possible to run CEMF v3 and Cisco 6400 SCM Release 2.0 on the Sun
Ultra 5 workstation, with the above specifications for swap and RAM. Note, however, that
the applications will appear slow.
Note It is particularly important that any Sun workstation used to run CEMF v3 element
managers such as 6400 SCM has sufficient swap space (2GB) and RAM (512 MB
Minimum). Do not install this software on machines without this minimum specification.
Note Use the Solaris commands swap -s and prtconf to determine the available amount of
swap and RAM, respectively, on your machine.
Software Compatibility
This software release was tested on Release 2.6 of the Solaris operating environment, for Sun SPARC workstations, and for Year 2000 Compliance.
Additionally, Cisco 6400 SCM Release 2.0.1 was tested with the following versions of Cisco IOS:
NSP: Release 12.0(7)DB
NRP: 12.0(7)DC
Determining the Software Version
To determine installed Cisco EMF packages and version numbers, use the CEMF command:
<CEMFROOT>/bin/cemf install -show
Note <CEMFROOT> is the installation directory for CEMF and the 6400 SCM software. The
default location is the /opt/cemf directory.
Alternatively, to determine installed Cisco EMF packages, use the Solaris command sequence:
pkginfo | grep -v SUNW
To determine the versions of installed Cisco EMF packages, use the Solaris command:
pkginfo -l <package name>
Upgrading to SCM Release 2.0.1
SCM Release 2.0.1 includes a migration tool for managing an existing SCM database in an SCM 1.2 or SCM 1.3 installation so that it is accessible after upgrading to SCM 2.0.1. To upgrade from an SCM 1.x version to SCM Release 2.0.1, you must:
Use a migration tool to backup and extract the existing database
Deinstall CEMF Release 2.1.4
Deinstall SCM Release 1.x
Install CEMF Release 3.0.4
Install SCM Release 2.0.1
Install CEMF Release 3.0.4 patch 5
Use the migration tool to import data from the existing SCM Release 1.x database
Refer to the guide Upgrading Databases to Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager for details on how to use this migration tool.
If you are upgrading from SCM Release 2.0, you must deinstall SCM Release 2.0, install CEMF patch 5 (or newer), and then install SCM Release 2.0.1
Installation Notes
You must install the Cisco 6400 SCM software onto a running CEMF Server, so be sure to make sure that the appropriate release of CEMF is installed before you perform SCM installation. Also, check Cisco Connection Online for the latest patches that must be installed.
CEMF Release 3.0.4 with patch 5 is required for SCM Release 2.0.1.
Note CEMF Version 3 supports online element manager installation, and so the Cisco 6400
SCM must be installed onto a running CEMF server.
Note the following conditions pertaining to installation and startup times, especially if you are using hardware specifications less than the minimums recommended in this document.
When installed for the first time, CEMF can take up to 30 minutes to start up. This is due to initial database setup, which only occurs on the first startup. Subsequent restarts are significantly faster.
After it is installed, CEMF starts up each time the Sun Server is booted. CEMF startup time can take up to 30 minutes in some cases, which may increase the overall boot time of the Sun Server. If you do not want CEMF to auto-start during the Solaris boot process, disable it by renaming the CEMF startup file using the UNIX command:
mv /etc/rc2.d/S99cemf /etc/rc2.d/Unused-S99cemf
SCM installation time can take up to one hour (or more, if you do not use the recommended minimum hardware).
Version Support
In particular, for this SCM release, the following components must be installed:
CEMF Version 3.0.4 and CEMF Version 3.0.4 patch 5 (or later)
Deinstalling SCM
To deinstall the Cisco 6400 SCM, use the option cemfinstall -r as described in the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Installation Guide.
Important Notes: Adding Additional Swap Space
CEMF Version 3.0.x requires 2 GB of swap space. In general, if your machine requires additional swap space, you should repartition one of the disks to allocate a new swap partition. Use the Solaris command format(1M) and in particular the partition option of this command to partition appropriate swap space.
Note If you must repartition an existing disk in order to increase swap space, consult a Solaris
system administrator. Repartitioning a disk means that you will lose all data on that disk.
A simple, but less efficient (in performance terms) method of increasing swap space is to create a file as follows and add the file to your available swap. The following example shows how to add 1 GB swap to your Sun workstation (assuming sufficient available free disk space).
mkfile 1000m /opt/MY_EXTRA_SWAP_FILE
swap -a /opt/MY_EXTRA_SWAP_FILE
To ensure that this file is added to your swap after a system reboot, remember to add it to your machine's /etc./vfstab file. If in doubt, consult a Solaris system administrator.
Note This is not a particularly efficient swap file system and will result in slower application
Closed Caveats
Caveats Closed Since Last Release
CSCdr19903: Feature list names in Access Manager application related to CEMF are not user-friendly.
CSCdr34032: There is an occasional intermittent problem with sub-chassis auto-discovery: occasionally cards which are actually present do not appear in the c6400Manager View. However, they do appear in the physical view. Workaround is to refer to the physical view in these cases.
CSCdr34017: It is not possible to disable power supplies via the Chassis Management tab. Use CLI commands to enable and disable power supplies.
This section describes caveats identified in the Cisco EMF and SCM software.
Cisco EMF Version 3.0.4 Caveats
For a full list of known problems in Cisco EMF Version 3.0.4, consult the appropriate CEMF release note.
Table 1 lists the CEMF issues that affect the operation of Cisco 6400 SCM Release 2.0.1.
Table 1 Cisco EMF Version 3.0.4 Caveats
DDTS Entry
In the Cisco 6400 chassis view, object names overlap and may be difficult to read.
Workaround: None.
It is currently possible to deploy subscribers on objects other than ATM ports. This is not a valid deployment and should be avoided.
Workaround: None.
When deploying objects, the object selector appears with sites grayed out. To select the correct object for deployment, remember to navigate through the View hierarchy (past the grayed-out sites) to find objects for deployment.
Workaround: None.
Context menus are incomplete after configuring a service or subscriber.
Workaround: None.
In the generic deployment wizard, under the select relationship dialog, if you select the PHYSICAL object more than two times, an error message appears indicating that no object was selected.
Workaround: None.
Access security by management region (data partitioning) does not function correctly if the domain is set up at a CEMF site level.
Workaround: None.
Attempting to perform a Cisco IOS image download to a device in the errored state results in an Unable to Login error message if the device is not operational.
Workaround: None. Do not perform a Cisco IOS image download to an errored device.
Excessive logging messages are output to the c6400Controller.log file, which can make it difficult to track down error messages in the log file.
Workaround: None.
If an NLC is predeployed into a slot that is occupied by another type of NLC, the object may go into the normal state when commissioned, instead of a mismatched state.
Workaround: Delete the incorrectly deployed NLC and deploy the correct NLC.
SCM Release 2.0 Caveats
Table 2 lists known problems in this release of the SCM. Unless otherwise noted, there is no workaround.
Table 2 Open Caveats for SCM Release 2.0
DDTS Entry
If you manually deploy a Cisco 6400 chassis and subsequently run CEMF auto-discovery over this range, this chassis appears two times.
It can take up to 5 minutes to detect that a card (such as an NRP or NLC) has been physically removed from the Cisco 6400 chassis, that is, until you see an alarm condition in the Map Viewer application.
Launching CEMF auto-discovery from the NSP object in a Cisco 6400 chassis places all discovered network elements as children of the NSP in the Physical View.
Occasionally, ATM port configuration changes may not be saved; MIB attribute sets on the Cisco 6400 component fail.
When CEMF IP auto-discovery is run, NRPs can be discovered.
Whenever auto-discovery is launched from a site, the physical view is populated with the respective shelves and the NRPs lying in that range underneath it, giving the impression that the NRPs are contained within the site, which is not correct. They should be either placed under the chassis or should not appear at all until the chassis is commissioned.
It is possible to use the CEMF Delete menu option to delete subscribers and services. This deletes the CEMF object but does not remove the relevant Cisco IOS configuration from the Cisco 6400.
Workaround: Use the appropriate SCM windows, as described in the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager User Guide, to decommission the connections prior to deleting the subscriber or service object.
Occasionally, the deconfiguration of the PPPoE base configuration on the SSG Configuration window fails. If this happens, retry the deconfiguration.
The Over Subscription Management button in the L2TP RFC1483 Bridging and RFC1483 Routed Service is redundant and should not be present. This button has no function; do not use it.
The Restore option (of previous running configuration) for the NSP object functions correctly but actually prints out an error message stating that a problem has occurred. The error message is incorrect; the restore worked properly. This option does function correctly for the NRP; no erroneous error message appears.
If a line card (for example, NRP or NLC) is physically removed from the chassis, SCM correctly raises an alarm that can be viewed in the CEMF Event Browser. The SCM Map View does not indicate this error condition.
It is possible to delete connection templates using the CEMF Map Viewer Delete menu while subscribers are still connected using this connection template.
Workaround: Ensure that all subscribers are disconnected first before you delete the connection template object.
SCM Release 2.0.1 Caveats
Table 3 lists the known problems in Release 2.0.1 of the Cisco 6400 SCM. Unless otherwise noted, there is no workaround.
Table 3 Open Caveats for SCM 2.0.1
DDTS Entry
Do not use the standard deinstallation mechanism when certain Cisco EMF element managers are installed together. Specifically, if the Cisco 6400 SCM is installed on the same Cisco EMF server as one of the following element managers, you must not use the command cemfinstall -r.
Cisco DSL Manager (CDM)
Cisco GSR Manager (CGM)
Cisco Multi-Device Manager (Cisco MDM)
To deinstall the Cisco 6400 SCM from such a deployment, run the following command:
cemf load -remove CEMFSCMm for a server installation
cemf load -remove CEMFSCMcfor a client installation
To remove other EMSs from a Cisco 6400 SCM deployment, do not use cemfinstall -r for that EMS. Instead, consult the documentation and release notes for that EMS.
Occasionally, object lists in the IOS Download window are populated differently, depending on the Cisco EMF View from which the window is launched. In particular, downloading to a chassis is equivalent to downloading to the Cisco 6400 NSP. Also, it is possible that duplicates will appear in this list (that is, the chassis and NSP object will both be shown).
Workaround: Check manually the objects to which you choose to download (especially if you use multiselect).
If there are no profiles available, if you select the Apply Profile menu option from a service configuration window (for example, L2TP Service Configuration), this causes a core dump (indicated by the window disappearing). When you select the Apply Profile menu option, no submenu pop-up appears. If you select the Apply Profile menu again, the core dump occurs. This also applies for the Delete Profile option.
Workaround: Avoid selecting the Apply Profile option if there are no profiles.
Preprovisioning a half-height card into a slot where the other sub slot is populated with a live card can cause Cisco 6400 SCM to indicate that the preprovisioned card is actually present. The Cisco 6400 SCM incorrectly allows you to Commission this card.
Workaround: None.
If an NLC is removed from the Cisco 6400 chassis, the Cisco 6400 SCM correctly indicates that this card has been removed. However, it is possible that ports on the card will be incorrectly marked as being in the normal state.
Workaround: None.
There may be a mismatch between the number of PVCs on a port as reported by SCM and the Cisco IOS show atm pvc command. The figure reported by SCM is accurate, but includes dynamically created PVCs used for signaling, which are not reported by the show atm pvc command.
Workaround: None.
If the NRP and NLC objects are deleted from a chassis in SCM, and then sub-chassis discovery is initiated, the cards are rediscovered correctly. However, these objects may not show all the alarm conditions present in the alarm table on the Cisco 6400.
Workaround: None.
It is possible to commission an NRP object that has the same IP address as an existing commissioned NRP object.
Workaround: Decommission the duplicate card and delete it.
If an NRP card is removed from a Cisco 6400 chassis and inserted into another Cisco 6400 chassis, the SCM should notice this change. However, this may not always happen if the CEMF server fails to receive the chassis change trap from the Cisco 6400. This can occur due to network problems, or if the Cisco 6400 is not correctly configured to send traps to the CEMF server.
Workaround: Manually delete the NRP object from the original chassis, and redeploy it into the new chassis in SCM.
In the NRP Capacity Statistics window, it is unclear that the Over-Subscription Factor attribute is a percentage value (for example, a value of 15 means that the NRP is 15% oversubscribed, not 15 times oversubscribed).
Workaround: The attribute tooltip provides a clear explanation.
A decommissioned chassis can be deleted, even though there may be active services and connections on that chassis.
Workaround: None.
An NRP object can be deleted, even though there may be active services and connections using that NRP.
Workaround: None.
A subscriber can be connected to the same service more than one time, even though it is usually inappropriate to do so.
Workaround: Disconnect duplicate subscriber connections through the Subscriber Disconnection dialog.
Service commission and subscriber connection actions can be launched, irrespective of the state of the port or card.
Workaround: None. If the operation cannot be completed because a port or card is unavailable, the action will fail and rollback to a consistent state.
In some rare circumstances, the Subscriber Connection window may "hang," displaying the busy watch cursor.
Workaround: Close the dialog and re-open it.
The SSG Configuration window can be edited after the Configure action has taken place. When the Deconfigure action is performed, it will try and remove the edited configuration, which may not match what was originally configured on the device.
Workaround: Avoid making changes to the SSG Configuration dialog after the Configure action has taken place.
It is possible to delete a commissioned service, or a connected subscriber and connection objects, without removing the corresponding configuration from the Cisco 6400 device.
Workaround: Avoid deleting SCM objects unless you are certain that it is safe to do so. If these objects are deleted, you should manually remove the corresponding configuration from the device by using appropriate Cisco IOS commands.
If you click on a tooltip associated with an Object List, this may cause the GUI manager process to crash. This results in the window (and possibly other open windows) closing. Any unsaved changes on these windows are lost.
Workaround: Reopen the windows from the Map Viewer application.
The Connect buttons on the Service/Subscriber Connection window can become disabled or enabled incorrectly.
Workaround: If you select a different tab in the window, then return to the original tab, may enable the Connect button. If this does not work, close and reopen the window.
If two windows are opened in quick succession, their contents can become mixed up, with the contents of both windows displayed in one window.
Workaround: Close the windows, then reopen them.
The Cisco 6400 UAC menu options are not available if you right-click an RBE connection object.
Workaround: Launch the required window from a parent object or the chassis.
IP address fields may accept invalid IP address values (for example,
Workaround: Enter a valid IP address.
It is not possible to deploy a Service object by launching the Deployment Wizard using the Cisco 6400 UAC > Service > Deploy menu from another Service object. The wizard requires that you select a containment relationship in the C6400SSManager view, which is hidden.
Workaround: Use the Cisco 6400 UAC > Service > Deploy menu option from the Chassis to deploy a Service object.
The Uplink VPI and VCI values for an ATM service are not verified when the service is commissioned. An invalid value can be entered, which subsequently causes connection to the service to fail.
Workaround: If connection to an ATM service fails, check that the Uplink VPI and VCI values are valid on the ATM Service Configuration window.
Nonnumeric characters are accepted as valid input in some fields that require numerical values.
Workaround: Avoid using invalid characters in these fields.
If the Disconnect action is performed on the Service/Subscriber Disconnection window, the following incorrect error message appears: Default Action - Failed: Check Controller log file for more details. Possible error in state machine file.
Workaround: Select a Connection object before you select the Disconnect button.
The Connection Template Configuration dialog and Service/Subscriber Connection windows do not display connection template objects that were created since the window was opened.
Workaround: Close and reopen the window to display the new connection templates.
The PPP Authentication type mschap does not work correctly on the L2TP and PPPoA-SD configuration windows. The service commission action fails.
Workaround: To use this authentication type, open the Object Configuration window for the L2TP or PPPoA-SD service (right-click the Service object, and select Tools > Open Object Configuration). From the Object Types selector, select VirtualTemplate, then enter ms-chap as the value for the attribute C6400SSControl-MIB.vtAuthenticationType. Save this change, and close the Object Configuration window. The service can now be commissioned.
In the SSG Configuration window, if the Deconfigure button on the PPPoE Configuration tab is selected, and PPPoE was not configured (or was deconfigured already), an incorrect error message PPPoA is already Deconfigured appears.
Workaround: None.
The Connection Template Configuration window does not validate QoS values. Incorrect values are rejected if the connection template is used to connect a subscriber.
Workaround: If an error occurs when connecting a subscriber, check that the connection template has valid values.
The Current Connections object list on the ATM Service Configuration window may remain empty, even though there is a connection to this service.
Workaround: Open the Service/Subscriber Disconnection window from the ATM Service object. This shows details of the connection to this service.
In the Line Card Management window, the Module Type attribute is incorrectly reported for OC-12 NLCs. This should be reported as OC-12 Single Mode Fiber.
Workaround: None.
In the Service/Subscriber Connection window, the Service Type attribute on the Single Domain tab uses the old SCM service naming convention.
Workaround: The correct name mappings are as follows:
Bridged-Bridged = RFC1483 Bridging
Bridged-Routed = RFC1483 IRB
PTA-MD = IP Uplink
RFC1483 = RFC1483 Routing
Some action reports include extra debugging information that is not relevant to the user. Ignore this extra information.
Workaround: None.
The Global Performance Logging button on the Chassis Configuration window does not turn on bandwidth utilization monitoring on ATM ports.
Workaround: Turn on bandwidth utilization manually from the Interface Performance dialog.
If an RFC1483 Routing service is decommissioned while there are subscribers connected to the service, the decommission action may fail and show the following error message: Updating ATM port bulk list result in error.
Workaround: Do not decommission a service while there are subscribers connected to it.
It is possible that some of SCM's help files could be overwritten by the installation of another EM package onto the same CEMF server. In particular, the installation of Cisco DSL Manager overwrites the help files for some of the common windows used by both applications. The help file is still relevant for the window, but may link to other CDM help files instead of SCM files.
Workaround: None.
The Username and Password fields should be separated. Currently these are combined into a single field, with Username and Password separated by a space.
Workaround: None
Deletion of connection templates is possible, even if the template is being used by a subscriber connection.
Workaround: None. Use the Delete button on the Connection Template Configuration window to delete connection templates.
Cisco IOS interaction scripts can time out under severe adverse network conditions.
Workaround: The default timeout setting is 60 seconds. You can change this by creating a timeout file that contains the new timeout value in seconds. Create the file in the directory <CEMFROOT>/config/perl. For example, the following command, executed as root, sets the timeout value to 120 seconds (where /opt/cemf is the default CEMF installation directory):
echo 120 > /opt/cemf/config/perl/timeout
The Service/Subscriber Connection window requires that you use the Save button or the File > Save menu option to save attribute changes before selecting an action button. Otherwise, the updated values are not used by the action. This is inconsistent with the operation of the Service Configuration windows, which automatically save changes when an action button is selected.
Workaround: Save changes before you select an action button.
The Deployment Wizard incorrectly allows the deployment of objects directly beneath the root of a view. If you deploy certain SCM objects incorrectly (such as Services or Subscribers), this causes operations to fail.
Workaround: Avoid deploying Service or Subscriber objects beneath the root of the Service or Subscriber views. Delete incorrectly deployed objects, and deploy them correctly.
The Encapsulation Type options on the Service/Subscriber Connection window may not be appropriate for the selected service. For example, the options aal5mux ppp and aal5cisco ppp are available for connections to RFC1483 Routing services.
Workaround: Ensure that the correct encapsulation type is selected.
The Status display at the bottom of some SCM windows incorrectly displays the state of some objects as having no value.
Workaround: Determine the correct state of the objects by launching the corresponding management dialog (for example, NRP Management dialog for NRPs).
In the IP Uplink Service Configuration window, it is possible to enter duplicate values in the Next Hop Gateway Key field, which could affect the stability of the service.
Workaround: Avoid entering duplicate values in this field. If a service was commissioned with a duplicate key, decommission the service and correct the error.
The value of the Administration Status attribute on the Cisco 6400 NRP Management dialog cannot be changed.
Workaround: Use Cisco IOS to change the Administration Status of the card.
In the RFC1483 Routing Service Configuration window, if you select the Add button on the Service Uplink tab, this creates a new Service Uplink. However, if you select this button, this action causes unsaved changes to the service to be lost.
Workaround: Before you create a new Service Uplink, click the Save icon or the File > Save menu option to save any changes to the service.
It is possible to connect a Subscriber to the same Service more than one time. Although this is usually not a sensible thing to do, SCM does not prevent it.
Workaround: Use the Service/Subscriber Disconnection window to disconnect additional connections.
Data migration from SCM Release 1.x to SCM Release 2.0.1 may fail if all of the following conditions are true:
In SCM Release 1.x, there is an NRP object deployed with no IP address set in SCM.
The NRP is deployed in a slot that is empty on the actual Cisco 6400 chassis.
There is an NRP in another slot in the Cisco 6400 chassis, but there is no corresponding NRP object in SCM.
Workaround: In SCM Release 1.x, delete the NRP object, and deploy a new NRP object that correctly matches the Cisco 6400 device configuration.
The ATM Port management windows may not work correctly with ATM port objects migrated from SCM Release 1.x. This is because of a problem in the Cisco 6400 IOS software, which is worked-around for nonmigrated ATM port objects, but not for migrated ones.
Workaround: Open the Object Configuration window for the ATM Port object (right-click the ATM Port object, and select Tools > Open Object Configuration). Select snmpManageable, and enter the value 1 for the attribute snmp-varbinds-per-packet. Save this change and close the Object Configuration dialog.
The Authentication Type attribute of an L2TP service may not be correctly migrated from SCM Release 1.x to SCM Release 2.0.1.
Workaround: Select the correct Authentication Type before you commission the service (also see CSCat19871).
Related Documentation
In addition to the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Release 2.0.1 documentation, refer to the Cisco Element Management Framework User Guide and Cisco Element Management Framework Installation Guide for Cisco EMF Release 3.0.4.
Obtaining Documentation
The SCM Release 2.0.1 user and installation guides are available on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) at http:.// in both HTML and PDF format.
Cisco Connection Online
Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.
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Obtaining Technical Assistance
Contact the Cisco TAC for product support on Cisco 6400 SCM Release 2.0.1.
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