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Table of Contents

Release Notes for Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager, Release 2.0
Who Should Use This Software?
System Requirements
Installation Notes
Important Notes: Adding Additional Swap Space
Important Notes: For 6400 SCM Release 2.0 EFT Users
Related Documentation
Cisco Connection Online
Documentation CD-ROM
Obtaining Technical Assistance

Release Notes for Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager, Release 2.0

The 6400 Service Connection Manager (SCM) is a Cisco Element Manager Framework (CEMF) based element and service management solution for the Cisco 6400 Universal Access Concentrator. This release note contains compatibility and known problem information which may be relevant for installers and end users of the 6400 SCM solution. Also noted are a number of Cisco 6400 UAC hardware issues that may impact the otherwise correct operation of the 6400 SCM software.

Release 2.0 of the SCM is a major enhancement release, aimed at supporting the new features and scalability of CEMF v3, including CORBA Gateway integration capability for provisioning operational support system integration.

Who Should Use This Software?

The SCM 2.0 release is applicable only for customers who are installing it for the first time (without any existing installation of previous version of SCM). It is also applicable for customers who are interested in using this product in a lab trial environment.

It is NOT applicable for customers who have existing installations of SCM from a previous release (SCM 1.x). Customers who have existing installations of SCM 1.x must wait for an update to SCM 2.0 that will be available to facilitate upgrade to the latest SCM release.

New Software Features in 6400 SCM Release 2.0

Release 2.0 of the Cisco 6400 SCM software contains additional features as listed below.

6400 Services Supported in 6400 SCM, Release 2.0

The following 6400 aggregation services are supported in this release:

System Requirements

CEMF v3 has been designed for managing large-scale deployments. Customers planning to upgrade to this release are advised that the recommended deployment hardware specification for the CEMF v3.0 Server is:

Please contact Cisco for advice and consultation on planning large scale deployments (>100,000 subscribers).

Note   It is particularly important that any Sun workstation used to run CEMF v3 element managers such as 6400 SCM has sufficient swap space (2GB) and RAM (512 MB Minimum). Do not install this software on machines without this minimum specification.

Note   Use the Solaris commands swap -s and prtconf to determine the available amount of swap and RAM (respectively) on your machine.

Software Compatibility

This software release has been tested on release 2.6 of the Solaris operating environment, for Sun SPARC workstations, and for Year 2000 Compliance.

Additionally, 6400 SCM Release 2.0 has been tested with the following versions of Cisco IOS:

Determining the Software Version

To determine installed Cisco EMF packages, and version numbers, use the CEMF command:

<CEMFROOT>/bin/cemf install -show

Note   <CEMFROOT> is the convention adopted in CEMF documentation to indicate the installation directory for CEMF and the 6400 SCM software. This default location is /opt/cemf

Alternatively, to determine installed Cisco EMF packages, use the Solaris command sequence:

pkginfo | grep -v SUNW

To determine the versions of installed Cisco EMF packages, use the Solaris command:

pkginfo -l <package name>

Upgrading to 6400 SCM Release 2.0

Note that the SCM 2.0 release does not included automated support for upgrading the CEMF databases from CEMF v2.14, 6400 SCM v1.2, 1.3, to this release.

An update to the SCM 2.0 release will provide support for customer upgrading from 6400 SCM Release 1.2 or Release 1.3.

Installation Notes

The 6400 SCM software must be installed onto a running CEMF Server, so please ensure that the appropriate release of CEMF is installed prior to 6400 SCM installation. Also, please check Cisco Connection On-Line for latest patches which must be installed.

CEMF 3.0.4 with patch 3 is required for SCM release 2.0.

Note   CEMF v3 supports on-line element manager installation, and so 6400 SCM must be installed onto a running CEMF Server

Note   The installation of the 6400 SCM takes a long time on Sun Ultra 5 workstations (45 minutes). Note also that the Sun Ultra 5 is not a recommended deployment platform.

Version Supported

In particular, for this 6400 SCM release, the following components must be installed:

CEMF v3.0.4, and CEMF v3.0.4 patch 3 (or later)


To uninstall 6400 SCM, use the option "cemfinstall -r" as described in the Installation Guide

Important Notes: Adding Additional Swap Space

CEMF v3.0.x requires 2GB of swap space. In general, if your machine requires additional swap space, you are advised to re-partition one of the disks to allocate a new swap partition. Use the Solaris command format(1M) and in particular the partition option of this command to partition appropriate swap space.

Note   Please consult a Solaris system administrator if you must re-partition an existing disk in order to increase swap space, as re-partitioning a disk means that you will loose all data on that disk.

A simple, but less efficient (in performance terms) method of increasing swap space is to create a file as follows and add it to your available swap. The following example shows how to add 1GB swap to your Sun workstation (assuming sufficient available free disk space).

mkfile 1000m /opt/MY_EXTRA_SWAP_FILE
swap -a /opt/MY_EXTRA_SWAP_FILE

To ensure that this file is added to your swap after a system reboot, please remember to add it to your machine's /etc./vfstab file. If in doubt, please consult a Solaris system administrator.

Note   This is not a particularly efficient swap file system, and will result in slower application performance.

Important Notes: For 6400 SCM Release 2.0 EFT Users

Customers who have the 6400 SCM Release 2.0 EFT release installed should upgrade to this release as follows:


This section describes caveats identified in the Cisco EMF and SCM software.

Cisco EMF v3 Caveats

For a full list of known problems in Cisco EMF v3.0.4, please consult the appropriate CEMF release note.

In particular, a number of CEMF issues are pertinent to the operation of the Cisco 6400 SCM Release 2.0, and are listed here:

As part of the automatic view resolution carried out by the deployment wizard on ContainmentWizard Screen the following occurs:

User selects a parent using the object selector for a specific view, for example, PHYSICAL. Deployment Wizard then checks if the users choice is valid for any of the other unresolved paths. If it is it automatically fills out that path on the Containment Screen.

However, if the user has chosen root of a view, when it automatically assigns this value to other views they get displayed as PHYSICAL, which for no physical views is not correct. The system does not perform the correct process and put the object in the root of the correct view.

To avoid this problem, do not use the root view when selecting a view and using the Deployment Wizard.

6400 SCM Release 2.0 Caveats: Installation and Startup Times

Please note the following conditions regarding installation and startup times. This is particularly true if hardware specifications lower than the minimum recommended in this document are used.

mv /etc/rc2.d/S99cemf /etc/rc2.d/Unused-S99cemf

Alternatively, you may wish to background this command.

6400 SCM Release 2.0 Caveats

The following known problems exist in this release of the 6400 SCM. Unless otherwise noted, there is no workaround at Cisco.

Whenever auto discovery is launched from a site, the physical view is populated with the respective shelves and the NRPs lying in that range underneath it, giving the impression that the NRPs are contained within the site, which is not correct. They should be either placed under the Chassis or should not appear at all until the chassis is commissioned.

Related Documentation

As well as the 6400 SCM Release 2.0 documentation, you should consult the CEMF v3 User Guide and CEMF v3 Installation Guide.

Obtaining Documentation

The 6400 SCM Release 2.0 user and installation guides are contained within the software tar file. They are PDF files, viewable via the Adobe (R) Acrobat (R) Reader.

Cisco Connection Online

Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco's customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.

CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the World Wide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.

You can access CCO in the following ways:

For a copy of CCO's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact cco-help@cisco.com. For additional information, contact cco-team@cisco.com.

Note   If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or tac@cisco.com. To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526-7208, or cs-rep@cisco.com.

Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more current than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at http://www.cisco.com, http://www-china.cisco.com, or http://www-europe.cisco.com.

If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco. We appreciate your comments.

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Please contact the Cisco TAC for product support on 6400 SCM Release 2.0.

Posted: Tue Mar 4 02:48:23 PST 2003
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