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Release Notes for the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Release 1.0

Release Notes for the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager Release 1.0

February 10, 1999

This release note describes the Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager (SCM) application Release 1.0. The Cisco 6400 SCM:

The Cisco 6400 UAC is the first system of a new series of broadband concentrators that combines Cisco IOS ATM switching and routing capabilities in a modular, scalable, redundant, NEBS/ETSI-compliant chassis. The Cisco 6400 is an integral part of the Cisco end-to-end service-centric DSL architecture, offering you the flexibility to deploy end-to-end ATM services, PPP termination, Tunneling, as well as local and cached content.

1. Contents

This release note contains the following sections:

2. System Requirements

Use the Cisco 6400 SCM on Sun Solaris/SPARC hardware. The application requires the Solaris operating system Release 2.6.

The application can be deployed to run on a single workstation (with both the server and client installed) or as a distributed management system. Table 1 describes the recommended system configurations.

Table 1:


  • Sun Ultra 60 (Ultra 30 is also suitable. However, the Sun Ultra 60 allows for expansion. For example, allows you to add an extra CPU)

  • 1 CPU

  • 512 MB RAM (256 MB RAM minimum)

  • 4 GB disk + additional SCSI disk (additional disk enhances database performance)

  • 17-inch color monitor


  • Sun Ultra 5

  • 256 MB RAM (128 MB RAM minimum, unless used as server, in which case 256 MB RAM is required)

  • 4 GB disk

  • 17-inch color monitor

Recommended System Configurations

3. Installation Notes

The Cisco 6400 SCM software is available on CD-ROM. This section provides instructions for installing the Cisco 6400 SCM software.

3.1 Before You Begin

Configure the Cisco 6400 Node Switch Processor card (NSP) and the Cisco 6400 Node Route Processor card (NRP) to communicate with the Cisco 6400 SCM. To do this, you must access privileged mode of the IOS command line interface from a terminal connected to the console port of each card. Upon accessing a card, you can perform the steps described below.

For more information on configuring a Cisco 6400 or to use the Cisco 6400 Web Console for configuration, refer to the Cisco 6400 documentation.

3.1.1 Setting the Enable Password

If there is no privileged command password (enable password), set one by entering the following commands:

Device> enable Device# config terminal Device (config)# enable password <password>

3.1.2 Configuring the Management Ethernet Port

To configure the management ethernet ports, enter the following commands:

Device> enable Password: <password> Device# config terminal Device (config)# interface Ethernet 0/0/0 Device (config-if)# ip address <address> <netmask> Device (config-if)# no shutdown Device (config-if)# exit Device (config)# exit Device#

Ensure that the 10Base-T ethernet port on the card is connected to the same network as the Cisco 6400 SCM.

The workstation running the Cisco 6400 SCM should now be able to ping the card.

3.1.3 Configuring SNMP Community Strings

To set permissions for the SNMP community strings, enter the following commands:

Device> enable Password: <password> Device# config terminal Device (config)# snmp-server community <read only community name> ro Device (config)# snmp-server community <read write community name> rw Device (config)# exit Device#

3.1.4 Configuring to Accept Telnet Sessions

If the NSP or NRP card does not accept a Telnet session, enter the following commands:

Device> enable Password: <password> Device# config terminal Device (config)# line vty 0 4 Device (config-line)# password <telnet password> Device (config-line)# login Device (config-line)# exit Device (config)# exit Device#

The workstation running the Cisco 6400 SCM should now be able to telnet to the card.

3.2 Installing Cisco 6400 SCM

To install a Cisco 6400 SCM using the avinstall command:

Step 1   Insert the Cisco 6400 SCM CD. Go to the CD ROM directory.

cd /cdrom/cdrom0

Step 2   Run the install script.


Step 3   From the menu, select either AccessVision Client or AccessVision Manager. (AccessVision is the framework application for the Cisco 6400 SCM.)

Step 4   Specify the location in which you want the application stored. The default location is /opt/AV.

Step 5   The installation application displays messages on the screen and, in some cases, asks questions about your operating environment. If your workstation has multiple network interfaces, the system prompts you to choose the appropriate interface.

Step 6   After the installation is complete, remove the Cisco 6400 SCM CD and reboot the system.

Step 7   If you installed AccessVision Manager, initialize the system by entering the following command:

<AVROOT>/bin/av dataload

You have completed the installation procedure for the Cisco 6400 SCM application.

3.3 Starting and Stopping the Cisco 6400 SCM

The following procedures explain how to start and stop the software and confirm that the server application is running.

3.3.1 Starting the Cisco 6400 SCM Client

To start the Cisco 6400 SCM client:

Step 1   Type:


Step 2   You are prompted to enter a user name and a password. The default user name is admin and the default password is admin.

3.3.2 Starting the Cisco 6400 SCM Server

The Cisco 6400 SCM server software automatically starts during system boot-up. To start the application at other times:

Step 1   Log in as the superuser.

Step 2   Type:

<AVROOT>/bin/av start

Step 3   The Cisco 6400 SCM processes begin.

3.3.3 Stopping the Cisco 6400 SCM Application

The Cisco 6400 SCM application is stopped during system shut down. To stop the application at other times:

Step 1   If any Cisco 6400 SCM sessions are running, quit them now.

Step 2   Log in as the superuser.

Step 3   Type:

<AVROOT>/bin/av stop

Step 4   The Cisco 6400 SCM processes stop.

3.3.4 Checking the Status of the Cisco 6400 SCM Server Application

To find out if the server application is running or inactive:

Step 1   Type:

<AVROOT>/bin/av query

Step 2   The system responds by listing the running processes if Cisco 6400 SCM is active or with the message Cisco 6400 SCM system not running if it is inactive.

3.4 Uninstalling the Cisco 6400 SCM

All Cisco 6400 SCM processes are automatically stopped when the avdeinstall script is run.

Step 1   Log on to the workstation that has Cisco 6400 SCM application installed.

Step 2   Log in as the superuser.

Step 3   Change the directory to the Cisco 6400 SCM admin area:

cd /var/adm/Atlantech/SCM

Step 4   Run the removal script by entering:


During the uninstall process, the screen displays the files that are being deleted. When the installation is complete, the following message appears:

Removal of <package> was successful.

4. Important Notes

The Cisco 6400 Service Connection Manager User Guide is available in PDF format. The guide is located on the Cisco 6400 SCM CD in the /cdrom/cdrom0/docs directory. (The docs directory also contains the documentation for AccessVision, the framework application for the Cisco 6400 SCM.)

To read PDF files, you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your workstation. To install Acrobat Reader, access the /cdrom/cdrom0/acrobat directory on the CD and enter the install command.

5. Caveats

This section describes possibly unexpected behavior by the Cisco 6400 SCM.

  In the Manage NRP screen (in the CLI Passwords grouping) an extra space is appended when you enter the login password and enable password fields. Because of the extra space in the password fields, the system denies you access to the NRP. As a result, you cannot perform service provisioning (for example, PPP-IP) on the NRP. Workaround: Before you save the NRP login and enable passwords, delete the appended space.
  After you deploy an NSP within a Cisco 6400 chassis by using the deployment wizard (for example, no NRP objects created yet), if you launch the NRP Logs screen from the NSP it causes the Cisco 6400 SCM to crash.
  In the NSP Redundancy screen:
  In the Slot Redundancy screen, you cannot configure the slots to be redundant.
  In the Subslot Redundancy screen, the subslot preference selector does not work.
  After you delete all Cisco 6400 objects, if you right-click on the manager within management containment (Object Admin), the system allows you the same chassis service options as if there were a deployed NSP. This in itself appears okay as sampling the screens offered (for example, Manage NSP) bring up a grayed-out screen. However launching the log screens causes the Cisco 6400 SCM to crash.
  The NRP object's state changes to error (orange visible on the maps). However, when you reinsert the NRP, a reconfiguration trap is received by the NSP.
  Consequently, a sub-chassis discovery cycle is started. This normally determines the IP addresses of any resident NRP cards. However, the NRP that you just reinserted takes several minutes to receive its allocated IP address, by which time the sub-chassis discovery cycle completes. The system allocates the NRP an IP address of and, thus, the NRP object's state never transitions out of the error state. Workaround: Wait until the NRP reboots, Decommission the NSP, and then Commission the NSP.
  If you do not configure the Cisco 6400 for redundant operation, when you open the SONET APS screen the system displays ERROR for all fields. The SONET APS screen only applies when redundancy has been configured.
  After the Peer DHCP option in PPP-IP service is enabled, the PPP-IP service is still configured for local IP address pool. When you enable the Peer DHCP, the option does not take effect on the NRP.
  After autodiscovery is started, the Stop button fails to stop autodiscovery. To stop autodiscovery before it is completed, you must manually halt the autodiscovery processes from the UNIX command line.
  If you name an NRP the same name as an existing NRP (for example, nrp-5), then nrp-5 displays has having two ports.
  If the NSP is in error state, you cannot delete the NSP object. This is because, from the NSP Configuration screen, it is not possible to decommission an NSP in error state. Thus, you cannot delete the NSP as it must be decommissioned before it can be deleted. Workaround: Move the NSP into the decommissioned state from the menu entry Open Configuration Dialog launched from the NSP concerned.
  If you use the CLI to view the Syslog table, you will see that it contains data. However, the Cisco 6400 SCM application does not display this information.
  You cannot set the ILMI Keepalive Time field on the NRP ATM Port screen cannot be set higher than 1. No matter which value you enter, the system saves (or at least displays) the value 1.
  You cannot save the ILMI VCI Value, ILMI VPI Value, and ILMI Keepalive Time fields. These values appear to be set, but in fact are not.

6. Cisco Connection Online

Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.

CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the World Wide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.

You can access CCO in the following ways:

For a copy of CCO's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact cco-help@cisco.com. For additional information, contact cco-team@cisco.com.

Note If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or tac@cisco.com. To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526-7208, or cs-rep@cisco.com.

7. Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more current than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at http://www.cisco.com, http://www-china.cisco.com, or http://www-europe.cisco.com.

If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco. We appreciate your comments.

Posted: Sat Sep 28 03:55:44 PDT 2002
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