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The Cisco 6400 SCM can be deployed in a distributed manner, utilizing the power of multiple machines. Two types of installation (server and client) can be performed from the CD. Figure 1-1 shows a typical deployment.
Every Cisco 6400 SCM deployment must have a Cisco 6400 SCM server installed. The Cisco 6400 SCM server contains all the server processes which keep track of the current state of the network, such as models, user access, and events. The server also includes all client application windows.
A Cisco 6400 SCM deployment may have client installations on separate workstations. These client installations run Cisco 6400 SCM applications which access objects on the server. A client installation contains only those parts of the Cisco 6400 SCM system necessary to allow you to run a Cisco 6400 SCM user session. This user session communicates with the Cisco 6400 SCM server when required to retrieve management information. In this case, all window updates are processed locally on the client machine, freeing more resources on the Cisco 6400 SCM server to process network information.
The client install copies the client software onto the local machine; therefore, there is no need to mount files across the network. The only network traffic occurs when the client requires more data from the server.
The Cisco 6400 SCM is a CEMF-based solution and can be deployed in a number of configurations, from a `single hardware system' solution to a multi-site distributed management system. All CEMF-based solutions run on Sun Solaris/SPARC hardware running the Solaris operating environment, release 2.6.
Use the Cisco 6400 SCM with the following Cisco 6400 IOS releases:
In larger deployments, CEMF-based solutions can run in a client-server configuration.
For a small deployment (for example, trials), the typical client and server can run together on a single workstation. The requirements for this scenario are as follows:
The following list of prerequisites must be met before the Cisco 6400 SCM can manage a Cisco 6400 UAC.
Perform these steps through a Console Terminal session to the Node Switch Processor (NSP):
Step 1 If there is currently no privileged command password:
Switch> enable
Switch# config terminal
Switch (config)# enable password <ENABLE PASSWORD>
Step 2 If the NSP does not have a configured management ethernet port:
Switch> enable
Switch# config terminal
Switch (config)# interface Ethernet 0/0/0
Switch (config-if)# ip address <ADDRESS> <NETMASK>
Switch (config-if)# exit
Switch (config)# exit
The Ultra 60 running the Cisco 6400 SCM is now able to ping the NSP.
Step 3 If the NSP is not SNMP-manageable:
Switch> enable
Switch# config terminal
Switch (config)# snmp-server community <Read Only Community Name> ro
Switch (config)# snmp-server community <Read Write Community Name> rw
Switch (config)# exit
Step 4 Check to see if the NSP accepts a telnet session by entering: telnet <IP ADDRESS OF NSP> from the Ultra 60 running the Cisco 6400 SCM. If the NSP does not accept a telnet session:
Switch> enable
Switch# config terminal
Switch (config)# line vty 0 4
Switch (config-line)# password <TELNET PASSWORD>
Switch (config-line)# login
Switch (config-line)# exit
Switch (config)# exit
Step 5 If WebConsole access is required, refer to CISCO NSP documentation for set up details.
Perform the following steps through a Console Terminal session to each NRP:
If there is currently no privileged command password:
Router> enable
Router# config terminal
Router (config)# enable password <ENABLE PASSWORD>
Step 6 When the NRP does not have a configured management ethernet port:
Router> enable
Router# config terminal
Router (config)# interface Ethernet 0/0/0
Router (config-if)# ip address <ADDRESS> <NETMASK>
Router (config-if)# exit
Router (config)# exit
The Ultra 60 running the Cisco 6400 SCM is now able to ping the NRP.
Step 7 If the device is not SNMP-manageable:
Router> enable
Router# config terminal
Router (config)# snmp-server community <Read Only Community Name> ro
Router (config)# snmp-server community <Read Write Community Name> rw
Router (config)# exit
Step 8 If the device is not set up to send SNMPv1 traps to the management station:
Router> enable
Router# config terminal
Router(config)# snmp-server host <management station ipaddress> version 1 <Read Write Community Name>
Router(config)# exit
Step 9 Check to see if the NRP accepts a telnet session by entering: telnet <IP ADDRESS OF NRP> from the Ultra 60 running the Cisco 6400 SCM. If the NRP does not accept a telnet session:
Router> enable
Router# config terminal
Router (config)# line vty 0 4
Router (config-line)# password <TELNET PASSWORD>
Router (config-line)# login
Router (config-line)# exit
Router (config)# exit
Traps should be enabled so that the 6400 UAC sends traps to the SCM Server at the appropriate IP address.
To enable traps to be sent to the appropriate SCM server, proceed as follows:
Step 1 Telnet onto the 6400 (to the NSP and NRP), enter your login password (this is the 1st one in the NSP/NRP config EM screen)
Step 2 Type: enable
Step 3 Enter the enable password (this is the 2nd one in the NSP/NRP config EM screen)
Step 4 Type:
config t
snmp-server enable traps
snmp-server-host <IP address of SCM Server> <read community name of NSP>
The CEMF framework, upon which the Cisco 6400 SCM is based, requires a license key to operate. Please refer to the CEMF Server User Guide for details, or contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for assistance.
To install software onto a system that does not have its own CD-ROM drive, you need to mount the CD on the remote system and then export the device to make it accessible over the network. These operations are done on the remote system where the CD-ROM drive exists. Finally, on the local system where the installation is to take place, you need to mount the remote CD.
Step 1 Insert the Cisco 6400 SCM CD into the CD-ROM drive on the remote host.
Step 2 Login as superuser on the remote host and see if the volume manager is running.
Enter /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep vold
When the Volume Manager is running, a message similar to this one is returned:
root 591 1 0 Feb 26 ? 0 :01 /usr/sbin/vold
Step 3 If a message similar to the one shown above is not displayed, start the Volume Manager:
Enter /etc/rc2.d/S92volmgt start
Step 4 Export the CD-ROM device on the remote host:
A) If they are not already running, start the NFS related daemons.
Enter /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd 8
Then enter /usr/lib/nfs/mountd
B) Share the mount point from the remote host.
Enter share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom/cdrom0
C) Verify that this host has now made the CD-ROM drive accessible.
Enter share
The listing displayed includes the /cdrom mount point.
Step 5 Mount the remote CD-ROM on the local host (on which the installation is to take place):
A) Create a mount point when none exists already.
Enter mkdir /mnt/cdfiles
B) Mount the remote directory.
Enter mount -r <remote-host> : /cdrom/cdrom0 /mnt/cdfiles
The contents of the CD are visible under the /mnt/cdfiles mount point.
To install a Cisco 6400 SCM using avinstall:
Step 1 Login as superuser.
Step 2 Insert the Cisco 6400 SCM CD. Change the directory into the cdrom area: cd /cdrom/cdrom0
Step 3 Stop CEMF processes if they are running. Enter: <CEMFROOT>/bin/av stop, where <CEMFROOT> is the CEMF installation path (for example, /opt/av).
Step 4 Run the install script ./avinstall
A menu listing the SCM client and SCM server installation options (shown in Figure 1-2) appears:
Step 5 Select the installation you require.
The utility performs the appropriate installation.
Step 6 Once the installation is complete, exit the cdrom area by entering: cd / then remove the Cisco 6400 SCM CD ROM by entering: eject cdrom.
Step 7 Start the CEMF and 6400 SCM processes by entering: <CEMFROOT>/bin/av start.
Step 8 Initialize the system by entering <CEMFROOT> av dataload.
Step 9 Start the application set by entering <CEMFROOT>/bin/avsession.
The Cisco 6400 SCM is now ready to use.
All Cisco 6400 SCM processes stop and are de-installed when the avinstall script is run with the -r option.
Step 1 Log on to the machine as superuser with Cisco 6400 SCM installed.
Step 2 Insert the Cisco 6400 SCM CD. Change the directory into the cdrom area by entering: cd /cdrom/cdrom0.
Step 3 Run the de-installation script provided.
Enter ./avinstall -r
A menu appears, listing SCM client and SCM server de-installation options (as shown in Figure 1-3).
Step 4 Select the de-installation you require.
You are notified that the deinstallation is about to take place. When you proceed with the de-installation, the window scrolls through the software as it is deleted and the following message appears:
Message Removal of <package> was successful.
Configuring a TFTP server enables the configuration backup/restore to operate. This section describes how to configure the TFTP server to run on the SCM server.
Configuring the SCM server as a TFTP server is optional. You may alternatively choose to use a different machine as the TFTP server, or not to use the backup/restore functionality at all. If you decide to use another machine as a TFTP server, make sure that empty backup files exist on the TFTP server. You also need the appropriate permissions set to allow read and write access. The NSP backup files have the filename NSPaa.bb.cc.dd where aa.bb.cc.dd is the IP address of the NSP, and the NRP backup files have the filename NRPaa.bb.cc.dd where aa.bb.cc.dd is the IP address of the NRP. A backup file is created for the active NSP and each active NRP in the 6400 chassis.
TFTP enables you to transfer files to and from remote systems. The configuration backup/restore window in the SCM allows you to backup and restore the configuration of a Cisco 6400 SCM (NSP and NRPs). TFTP transfers the configuration files from a device to your system through the network.
Verify the following information: that the TFTP daemon is enabled; that the TFTP environment variable is set correctly; and that a tftpboot directory exists.
The TFTP daemon must be enabled for the Cisco 6400 SCM to upload or download a configuration file.
If you are using standard Sun software, verify that TFTP daemon (tftpd) is enabled:
Step 1 Log in as a superuser.
Step 2 Edit the /etc/inetd.conf file using a text editor (such as vi).
Step 3 Look in the file /etc/inetd.conf for the line that invokes tftpd. When the line is commented out (starts with a pound sign [#] as in the following example), remove the pound sign with an editor.
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
Step 4 Save the changes in the edited file and exit.
Step 5 Reboot the system.
Step 6 Now verify that TFTP daemon is enabled by typing:
hostname# netstat -a | grep tftp
The output should be similar to the following:
*.tftp Idle
The tftpboot directory stores the configuration files from the Cisco 6400 SCM NSP and NRPs.
Step 1 When the tftpboot directory does not exist, use the following command to create the directory:
hostname# mkdir /tftpboot
Step 2 The tftpboot directory must have the appropriate permissions. Modify the permissions with the following command:
hostname# chmod 777 /tftpboot
The Cisco 6400 SCM software is automatically started during system boot-up. Otherwise, start the software as follows:
Step 1 Login as superuser.
Step 2 Enter <CEMFROOT>/bin/av start. The Cisco 6400 SCM processes start.
The Cisco 6400 SCM software is stopped during system shut down. Otherwise, stop the software as follows:
Step 1 Quit any Cisco 6400 SCM Launchpad sessions currently running.
Step 2 Login as superuser.
Step 3 Enter <CEMFROOT>/bin/av stop.
The Cisco 6400 SCM processes cease.
You can check the status of Cisco 6400 SCM as follows:
Step 1 Enter <CEMFROOT>/bin/av query
Step 2 The system responds with a list of running processes when the Cisco 6400 SCM is active or with the following message when the SCM is inactive:
Message Cisco 6400 SCM system not running
Start a client application as follows:
Step 1 Enter <CEMFROOT>/bin/avsession.
Step 2 You are prompted to enter a user name and password. The default user name is admin and the default password is also admin.
Posted: Tue Feb 1 14:20:15 PST 2000
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