
Table of Contents

Cisco Broadband Operating System 2.3.0 Release Notes

Cisco Broadband Operating System 2.3.0 Release Notes

March 1, 2000

These release notes describe new features, important caveats, resolved issues, and the software upgrade process for the Cisco Broadband Operating System (CBOS) Release 2.3.0. Please refer to previous release notes for specific information concerning past releases.

For more detailed information about the features in these release notes, refer to the "Related Documentation" section. Information about electronic documentation can be found in the "Cisco Connection Online" section.

1. Contents

These release notes provide the following information:

2. Cisco Broadband Operating System

CBOS is the common operating system for Cisco customer premises equipment (CPE). The CBOS is modeled after Cisco IOS software and features a similar command syntax and format. This operating system is bundled with the CPE products listed below and can also be downloaded from Cisco Connection Online.

The CBOS Release 2.3.0 supports the following Cisco CPE products:

3. New Features for CBOS Release 2.3.0

3.1 Port Address Translation Enhancements

CBOS Release 2.3.0 adds Port Address Translation (PAT) enhancements as discussed in the following sections.

3.1.1 Support for Microsoft WINS Applications

CBOS Release 2.3.0 adds PAT support for Microsoft WINS-based applications:

3.1.2 Support for UDP Broadcast

CBOS Release 2.3.0 adds PAT support for UDP network-directed as well as subnetwork-directed broadcasts.

3.1.3 Support for Remote Shell (rsh), Remote Copy (rcp), and Remote Login (rlogin)

CBOS Release 2.3.0 adds PAT support for non-encrypted remote shell (rsh), remote copy (rcp), and remote login (rlogin) protocols.

3.2 Network Address Translation Enhancements

CBOS Release 2.3.0 adds Network Address Translation (NAT) enhancements that allow NAT to be applied to each interface. This means you can apply NAT to the Ethernet, logical WAN interfaces and the VIPs (virtual interfaces). With the latest NAT enhancements, eth0, vip0 through vip2 can be configured as inside or outside interfaces and wan0-0 through wan 0-3 can be configured as outside interfaces for NAT.

When NAT is enabled, NAT translates only inside to outside and outside to inside traffic. Traffic that remains within its own respective boundary (inside to inside or outside to outside) is not translated.

NAT Commands with No Changes

Use the current commands to globally configure interface timeout values. No new commands are added to create dynamic NAT table entries because the network generates these based on traffic. The NAT commands in Table 1 have not changed:

Table 1: NAT Commands with No Changes
Command Description

set nat { enable | disable }

Global on and off command for all interfaces

set nat disable

Disables NAT on all interfaces

set nat entry add

Adds a static NAT entry

set nat entry delete

Deletes a static NAT entry

set nat outside ip address

Adds a specific static NAT entry to the WAN0-0 table

show nat

Displays all NAT entries, including static and wildcard Wildcard entries display as asterisks.

NAT Commands with Changes

Table 2 lists new commands to set NAT protocols for specific interfaces.

Table 2: NAT Commands with Changes
Command Description

set nat outside ip ip address

Sets Outside Global IP Address for the WAN0-0 Interface as in CBOS 2.2

set interface wan0-1 outside ip

Sets a specific outside IP address for WAN0-1 interface

set int eth0 inside

Sets ETH0 interface as an inside network

set int vip0 inside

Sets virtual interface 0 as an inside network

Note The command set interface eth0 outside ip address is invalid.

Enhancements to the show nat command includes the NAT Status and Network Side for all Interfaces. The following is an example of the new format:

sh nat Example cbos#sh nat NAT is currently enabled Port Network Global eth0 Inside wan0-0 Outside vip0 Outside vip1 Outside vip2 Outside Local IP Port Global IP Port Timer Flags Proto Interface ***** ********** 0 0x3041 *** eth0

3.3 Support for IP Precedence

CBOS Release 2.3.0 recognizes IP Precedence bits defining Type of Service (TOS) in the IP header and routes IP packets based on this value. With this enhancement, you can use IP Precedence to route packets to a specific interface.

IP Precedence bits map to individual interfaces according to the following rules:

IP Precedence bits route IP packets to individual interfaces according to the following rules:

New extensions to the CBOS Release 2.3.0 CLI allow users with enable-level access to configure and map IP Precedence values to different interfaces. The syntax for the new command is:

set route add ip ip_address gateway gw_address precedence n

Table 3 shows examples of this command.

Table 3: Sample IP Precedence Setting Commands
Command Description

set route add ip gw precedence 5

Routes packet from network with a precedence of 5 to the gateway at

set route add ip gw wan0-1 precedence 5

Sets IP Precedence to 5 for gateway interface

set route default wan0-1 precedence 5

Sets a default route for precedence 5 packets to wan0-1

The set route command can accept either an IP address or an interface as valid entries according to the command syntax set route default { ip-address | interface } or set route add ip ip-address gw { ip-address | interface }. When using IP address as a gateway, the gateway address must exist in one of WAN interfaces. Use show route to display WAN addresses.

Enhancements to the set route default command include a precedence field that defines the default routes for packets with Precedence bits set. The syntax for the set route default command is:

set route default { ip address | interface } precedence n

The show route command now includes a column [P] showing the precedence level. The following is an example of the new format:

#show route [TARGET] [MASK] [GATEWAY] [M] [P] [TYPE] [IF] [AGE 1 SA WAN0-0 0 1 5 SAR WAN0-1 0 1 LA ETH0 0 1 A WAN0-0 0 1 AR WAN0-1 0 WAN Interfaces... 1 HA WAN0-0 0 1 HA WAN0-1 0 1 HA WAN0-2 0

3.4 Support for TFTP Checksum

CBOS Release 2.3.0 enhances its TFTP Client and Server programs to perform checksum validation for image and configuration file transfers. Image and configuration files will be written to NVRAM only after a successful checksum validation.

Caution The running configuration will be deleted when a TFTP file transfer is done.

3.5 New Default Settings

CBOS Release 2.3.0 defines new factory default settings. These settings apply to the Cisco 675 only:

set ppp wan0-0 ipcp

set ppp wan0-0 dns

set ppp wan0-0 subnet

set multicast forwarding disabled

set broadcast forwarding disabled

Note The show run command does not show these services as enabled. Default settings are not displayed in the running configuration.

3.6 Support for GSI 3.2 Firmware Update

The GSI 3.2 firmware update provides for lower baud rates to the 17 Kbaud and 64 Kbaud. CBOS Release 2.3.0 supports these rates in the Cisco 675 and 675e. The Cisco 677 can support these rates after downloading the CBOS Release 2.3 image. Service providers now have wider range of desirable rates from which to chose for these products. (See Table 4 and Table 5.)

Table 4: Downstream Channel Bit Rate per Constellation Size (kb/s)
Bit Rate per Constellation Size (kb/s)
Symbol Rate (Kbaud) Signal 256 uncoded 256 128 64 32 16 8


Payload with RS









Payload with RS









Payload with RS









Payload with RS








RS = Reed-Solomon error correction
F/A = Future Availability

Table 5: Available Downstream/Upstream Baud Rates
Downstream Kbaud Upstream Kbaud















The show rates command now includes entries with the additional baud rate combinations. The following is an example of the additional listings:

cbos#show rates Possible ATM/ADSL Line Rates Downstream Upstream (Kbps) --------------------------------------------- 952 Kbaud Downstream ----- 136 Kbaud Upstream 7168 1088 6272 952 4480 680 2688 408 --------------------------------------------- 680 Kbaud Downstream ----- 136 Kbaud Upstream 5120 1088 4480 952 3200 680 1920 408 --------------------------------------------- 340 Kbaud Downstream ----- 136 Kbaud Upstream 2560 1088 2240 952 1920 816 1600 680 1280 544 960 408 640 272 91 340 Kbaud Downstream ----- 68 Kbaud Upstream 2560 544 2240 476 1920 408 1600 340 1280 272 960 204 640 136 45 --------------------------------------------- 136 Kbaud Downstream ----- 136Kbaud Upstream 1024 1088 896 952 768 816 640 680 512 544 384 408 256 272 136 Kbaud Downstream ----- 68 Kbaud Upstream 1024 544 896 476 768 408 640 340 512 272 384 204 256 136 45 136 Kbaud Downstream ----- 17 Kbaud Upstream 1024 136 896 119 768 102 640 85 512 68 384 51 256 34 11

3.7 CBOS Modifications for Setting Upstream Transmit Power

New extensions to the CBOS Release 2.3.0 CLI allow a user with exec-level access to set the upstream transmit power. The syntax for the command is:

set interface wan0 txpower value_in_db

Valid values are:

1 = full
2 = -3 db
3 = -6 db
4 = -9 db
5 = -12 db
6 = -15 db

3.8 Enhancements to DHCP Pool Start Addressing

CBOS Release 2.3.0 enables you to learn the starting addresses for the DCHP pool. CBOS Release 2.3.0 enhancements use the mask learned during IPCP negotiation to define the range of IP addresses.

3.9 Enhancements to WAN-LNK LED Blink Pattern

CBOS Release 2.3.0 adds new blink patterns to the WAN Link LED to indicate the connection state of the Cisco 675 in more detail.

Table 6: WAN Link LED Blink Patterns
Blink Pattern/Rate Description

Steady ON

A link is established to the WAN port. All parameters for physical and logical connections are correctly set. The equipment successfully transmits and receives data.

Continuous rapid blinking, about 3 blinks per second

The equipment is trying to establish a connection. The pattern continues until a connection is established.

Intermittent blinking.

For the Cisco 675: 6 rapid blinks followed by a 2-second pause before repeating.

For the Cisco 676 or 677: 5 rapid blinks followed by a 2-second pause before repeating.

The equipment is trying to establish a physical connection. At this time, the training session is not yet completed; there are no logical connections and negotiated line conditions with other equipment (such as DSLAMs) are not yet established.


Check all connections. Ensure the WAN0 interface is not disabled.

3.10 Enhancements to the Set Filter Command

Use the set filter command to specify and modify IP filtering conventions for the Cisco 67x.

set filter {code} {on | off | reset} [deny | allow] {incoming | outgoing} {interface eth0 | wan0-0 | all}{src-ip src-mask dest-ip dest-mask} [protocol TCP | UDP | ICMP] [srcport lo - hi] [destport lo - hi]

Syntax Description


Enter the filter number to be modified. Valid filter code values are 0 through 19.

on | off | reset

Enables, disables or resets the filter. Reset allows you to reset a filter to default values without removing an entire configuration.

deny | allow

Specifies whether the filter is to allow or deny packets that match the filter's address and mask.

incoming | outgoing

Specifies direction of traffic to be filtered; required.

interface eth0 | wan0-0 | all

Displays the Interface on which to apply the filter. This can be a particular interface such as eth0 or wan0-x or all interfaces.


Enter the source IP address for packets.


Enter the mask to be applied to source IP address. This allows the filter to match a group of incoming IP addresses.


Enter the destination IP address of outgoing packets.


Enter the mask to be applied to destination IP address. This allows the filter to match a group of outgoing IP addresses.

protocol TCP | UDP | ICMP

Specify which protocol to match; optional.

srcport lo - hi

Displays the inclusive range of source port numbers to block; 1 - 65535 matches all source ports.

destport lo - hi

Displays the inclusive range of destination port numbers to block; 1 - 65535 matches all destination ports.

Command Mode


Usage Guidelines

Use the set filter command to specify IP filtering conventions. The Cisco 67x has 20 filters that can be applied to TCP, UDP and ICMP packets passing through the router's interfaces. Enabled filters are applied to packets in sequential order according to filter number.

The rules that govern the filter command are:


The following example blocks all web access.

set filter 0 on deny all port 80

The following example blocks all telnet access from the network.

set filter 1 on deny all port 23

The following example accepts telnet access from the host

set filter 2 on allow all port 23

The following example blocks all FTP access on a wan port.

set filter 3 on deny wan0-1 port 21

The following example turns off the first filter.

set filter 0 off
Note Press enter only after entering all command parameters. A command may appear on two lines here for readability.

4. Upgrading to CBOS Release 2.3.0

The upgrade process is the same whether you use the Trivial File Transport Protocol (TFTP) or download by the management port the new image of the CBOS software. After the new file is written to Flash memory, enter the reboot command from the CBOS command line to reset your system. The new image loads, decompresses, and programs the new image to the correct flash memory locations.

Two files make up the CBOS Release 2.3.0. One file contains an image for upgrading systems with CBOS 2.2 release software. The second file contains the an image with CRC headers and platform identifiers. These headers and identifiers validate image and configuration file transfers for supported platforms. This second file is for upgrading systems with CBOS 2.3 or subsequent releases.

4.1 Upgrading from CBOS 2.2

Download the file named nsrouter.c6xx. where c6xx is your platform. For example, c675. This file cannot be validated by the TFTP checksum feature. Use a terminal emulation application such as Hyperterminal to download the image.

To serially download the image, enter the following settings through a serial console connected to your system:

Note Serial downloads at this setting take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Caution Downloading the image with the CRC headers onto a CBOS 2.2 system will result in a No router image present error when the CPE is rebooted. To recover, use the monitor's xmodem download procedure:
df 10008000 es 0 es 1 es 2 es 3 es 4 es 5 pb 10008000 fee00000 <byte size reported by df command>

If upgrading a Cisco 62x, enter the following:

df 10008000 es 0 es 1 es 2 es 3 es 4 es 5 pb 10008000 fef00000 <byte size reported by df command>
Caution Do not reset the system or halt its operation in any way during the upgrade process. Resetting while writing a new image to Flash memory will corrupt the Flash memory. The router will not reboot. Use the monitor's xmodem download procedure to recover.
Sample output

The following shows a sample output of a successful image download:

Ron960 User Interface:Build 111 (Jan 30 2000 17:25:27) NetSpeed HomeRunner(TM); i960 JX; JA step number 03 Copyright 1997 NetSpeed Corporation Copyright 1998, 1999 Cisco Systems =>es 0 Erasing sector 00000000... Sector erased =>es 1 Erasing sector 00000001... Sector erased =>es 2 Erasing sector 00000002... Sector erased =>es 3 Erasing sector 00000003... Sector erased =>es 4 Erasing sector 00000003... Sector erased =>es 5 Erasing sector 00000003... Sector erased =>df 10008000 Downloading CCCCCCCCCC -- Download complete -- Transferred 000ce000 bytes =>pb 10008000 fee00000 ce000 Programming flash address 00000000 from 10008000... Flash programmed =>rb Hello! C67x self-update code:Release 2.3.0 NOTE:Do not power off router until update is finished! Decompressing router... Erasing FLASH...... Programming... Decompressing monitor... Erasing FLASH......... Programming... Finished. Rebooting... Hello! Expanding CBOS image... CBOS v2.3.0.053 - Release Software

4.2 Upgrading from CBOS 2.3 or later

Download the file named c6xx. where c6xx is your platform. For example, c675. This file is validated by the TFTP checksum feature. Use TFTP to download the image.

TFTP Download

Follow these instructions to use TFTP to download a new software image:

Step 1 Log in to the Cisco equipment using the Enable password.

Step 2 Enable TFTP on the Cisco equipment:

set tftp enabled

Step 3 Determine the equipment's IP address:

show int eth0

Step 4 From the DOS window or TFTP client, use TFTP to send the image to the CPE. In a DOS window, the command is:

tftp -i <ip address of CPE> put <filename>
Note Download the file named c6xx. where c6xx is your platform.

Step 5 Ensure that the file downloaded correctly:

show errors

You should see an "Image downloaded successfully" message.

Step 6 Reboot the CPE.

5. RFC 1483 Routing

This section provides two scenarios with instructions for setting up your network to run the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) in RFC Routing mode.

Scenario 1--- Assign the Cisco 675 to a subnet of the network of the terminating (Cisco 6400 or equivalent) equipment's ATM subinterface

Table 7 provides sample values to configure the Cisco 675 for Scenario 1:

Note The values in Table 7 are examples only.

Table 7: Scenario 1---Sample Values for the Cisco 675 and the Terminating Equipment
Cisco 675 Terminating Equipment




ip address

WAN0-0 destination:

rip network

With the example values above, the terminating equipment accepts RIP updates when they are sent from the 192.168.18.x network coming in on the terminating equipment's ATM subinterface (atm0/0/0.40).

The benefit of this method is that you do not have to enter additional commands to the Cisco 675.

Scenario 2---Assign an IP address to the WAN0-0 interface on Cisco 675 that resides on the same network as the terminating equipment's ATM subinterface

Table 8 provides sample values to configure the Cisco 675 for Scenario 2:

Note The values in Table 8 are examples only.
Table 8: Scenario 2---Sample Values for the Cisco 675 and the Terminating Equipment
Cisco 675 Terminating Equipment




ip address

WAN0-0 destination:

rip network

If the Cisco 675 is in RFC 1483 Routing Mode with an IP address assigned to the WAN0-0 interface, it uses that address as the source address when sending a RIP update out WAN0-0, instead of using the Ethernet interface (ETH0) address. The Cisco 675 does this because the WAN0-0 destination on the Cisco 675 in this example is on the same subnet as the terminating equipment's ATM subinterface, the terminating equipment processes the RIP update it receives from the Cisco 675.

The drawback of this scenario is that you must use an IP address on the Cisco 675 destination IP and add another configuration step. However, it is necessary due to the unnumbered nature of the Cisco 675's DSL/ATM interface.

6. Resolved Issues in CBOS Release 2.3.0

Table 9 lists resolved issues for CBOS 2.3.0 and the affected plaform.

Table 9: Resolved Issues for CBOS Release 2.3.0
ID Number Description Platform


Change start address for DHCP pool



Idle/Session Timers do not appear in Commander



Must write and reboot for snmp changes to take effect



NAT 675/677 Session hangs when FTPing from outside to inside



Timers set in CPE not working properly with Commander



Timeouts keep counting after link drops; only reset when ppp opens



Should be a command on the 633 to set the Serial port clock rate



BNCP confreq (PPP-bridging) rejected by CPE



When 633 is DCE it need clock setting capability



Getting the interface data via snmp causes the cpe to hang



The CLI virtual circuit close command closes all VCs



The snmp agent is not returning the correct data to the client



cbos: Dynamic NAT entry must be purged when CPE re-trains



cbos:Bridging over PPP does not work



cbos: TFTP Server Busy Message Is Desirable



Session and/or idle time-out is broken for RFC1483 routing



cbos:snmp poll will crash cpe



cbos:change eth0 addr. should not require wan0 retrain



cbos:SNMP trap doesn't work across wan link



cbos:Inside Global overwritten by Eth0 IP if changed while CPE up



idle time-out is broken for RFC1483 Bridging



cbos:Upstream traffic stops after few hours on the 633



DSL dhcp lease resets at 1000



cbos: R1483 routing rip sources the wrong address



cbos: snmp manager shows cpe 677 eth int. table mtu value 4096



cbos: DHCP server logic broken under RFC1483 routing



Cannot add static route a c675



DHCP server leased timer does not reset.



SNMP: the community string should be case sensitive



cbos: SNMP trap always use public instead of the configured community name


7. Known Issues in CBOS Release 2.3.0

The following list describes known issues and functionality details.

Table 10 lists known issues, conditions, and workarounds for CBOS Release 2.3.0.

Table 10: Open Issues for CBOS Release 2.3.0
ID Number Description


cbos: SNMP variable changes should be written in NVRAM or run cfg

Description : CPE SNMP SET variables are not retrained in the NVRAM when they are changed using the SNMP manager.

Condition : SNMP variables state are reverted back to the previous "NVRAM" write. This affects the 67x CPEs.

Workaround: Use the CLI method to configure the CPE.


cbos: Data-traffic halts if in-band management via telnet is access

Description : Accessing the CPE using the in-band management interface ATM0 of the 627 CPE will halt traffic on other VCs. This problem only appears for the in-band access on ATM0. ATM0 is the subscriber-side interface.

Condition : Connectivity for the other VCs is lost. This affects the 627 CPE.

Workaround: There is no workaround. Use the console port for management.


cbos:Downstream performance with 512 byte packets stops after few hours

Description : Uni-direction downstream traffic stops after the 677 CPE is subjected to the maximum theoretical throughput of 8032 KBPS trained rate. This occurs after few hours.

Condition : Traffic stops after few hours. This affects the 677 CPE.

Workaround: There is no workaround. The CPE needs to be rebooted.


cbos: priority queuing is not working properly

Description : Traffic prioritization policy is not maintained when the aggregate traffic flow exceeds the maximum upstream trained rate.

Condition : High priority traffic may be lost due to traffic contention. This affects the 67x and 633 CPE.

Workaround: There is no workaround.


ATM OAM Pings dont appear to reflect end-to-end vs segment

Description : ATM Segment OAM ping don't work.

Condition : Segment OAM is treated as End-to-End OAM ping when issued from the CLI. This affects the 67x CPE.

Workaround: There is no workaround.


cbos: WINS registration with inside IP address if wildcard entry is cfged

Description : Under a NATed enviroment, the private address (WINS Client) are registered to the outside WINS-Servers (public addresses) if a static wildcard NAT entry matching the inside IP address of the WINS Client is configured on the CPE.

Condition : Private IP addresses are returned in the WINS name resolution. This affects the 67x CPEs.

Workaround: Don't configure a wildcard NAT entry (ie :set nat entry add instead use a NAT entry which contains the protocol type. (ie: set nat entry 137 udp)


cbos: CBOS infrequenlty faults when eth0 ip changed from telnet session

Description : Changing the ethernet ip address of the CPE from a telnet session may cause the CPE to exit abnormally. This occurs infrequently.

Condition : Connectivity/access to the CPE is lost. This affects the 67x CPEs

Workaround: There is no workaround. The CPE needs to be rebooted


cbos: High PPP memory utilization reported by Show Proc

Description : Repeat PPP authentication failures will cause the CPE to run out of memory. This occurs when "ppp restart" is enabled and the PPP credentials don't match between the CPE and CO side.

Condition : Memory utilization will be consumed by the PPP process. This affects the 67x

Workaround: Verify that the PPP username and password match the CO side.


cbos:Cant pass traffic with NAT enabled in Bridged Mode (ppp/rfc)

Description : For bridging over RFC1483 or bridging over PPP, traffic between the CPE and the CO will not work unless NAT is Disabled. NAT is not designed to work on a bridged-connection.

Condition : No traffic flow until the NAT is disabled. This affects the 67x

Workaround: Disable NAT. NAT is disabled by default.


CPE hangs when different platforms image is sent via Xmodem

Description : Xmodem download using other 6xx image may hang the CPE or place the CPE into the monitor mode once the CPE is rebooted after the Xmodem download.

Condition : This may happen only if the image is incorrect.

Workaround: Make sure the image to be downloaded is for the correct platform.


cbos: eth0 int up/down event does not generate syslog msg

Description : The ethernet0 interface state is not logged in the syslog server when the port is disabled from the CLI. This affects the 67x CPE.

Workaround: None


cbos: rip v2 md5 authentication is not working

Description : RIP updates originated from the CPE side are not validated on the remote router.

Workaround: There is no workaround. MD5 authentication should be disabled.


cbos: sh snmp shows unrelated messages. c675

Description : Obtaining SNMP state show incorrect data via show snmp cli cmd

Condition : No traffic flow until the NAT is disabled. This affects the 67x

Workaround: Use "show run" or "debug SNMP" to view the SNMP information.


cbos:Cannot change pool size after learn is disabled

Description : The DHCP server pool 0 size cannot be changed after disabling DHCP server learn.

Condition : After the DHCP server learn is disabled and the DHCP server pool 0 size is manually changed, the new pool is not written in the running configuration or NVRAM. This affects the 6xx CPE.

Workaround: Using the SET NVRAM DELETE cmd to remove the pool 0 size from the running configuration.


cbos:rip v2 does not receive routes from neighbors

Description:When rip v2 is configured on the cpe and the remote neighbor, routes are not shown in the routing table locally but in the remote table. CPE sends updates in broadcast but fails to receive the updates from the neighbor.

Condition:When rip v2 is configured on an interface.


8. Information from Previous Releases

The following new features are supported by CBOS Release 2.2.0. See the Release Notes for Cisco Broadband Operating System Release 2.2.0 for additional information.

9. Related Documentation

Use these release notes in conjunction with these documents:

10. Cisco Connection Online

Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Maintenance customers and partners can self-register on CCO to obtain additional information and services.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco's customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, product documentation, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator, configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.

CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously: a character-based version and a multimedia version that resides on the World Wide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem, FTP, and Internet e-mail, and it is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.

You can access CCO in the following ways:

For a copy of CCO's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), contact For additional information, contact

Note If you are a network administrator and need personal technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract, contact Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) at 800 553-2447, 408 526-7209, or To obtain general information about Cisco Systems, Cisco products, or upgrades, contact 800 553-6387, 408 526-7208, or

11. Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more current than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

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Posted: Thu Mar 23 04:46:28 PST 2000
Copyright 1989 - 2000©Cisco Systems Inc.