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Table Of Contents
Commands for the Cisco 6400 NSP
atm input-xlate-table autominblock
atm input-xlate-table autoshrink
atm input-xlate-table minblock
tag-switching advertise-local-tags
Commands for the Cisco 6400 NSP
This chapter describes the commands and tasks specific to the Cisco 6400 node switch processor (NSP) except for show commands, which are described in:
Chapter 4, "Show Commands for the Cisco 6400 NSP"
ATM and Layer 3 Switch Router Command Reference, available at www.cisco.com or on the Cisco Documentation CD-ROM.
aps clear
To clear all of the APS priority requests created by the aps signal-degrade, aps lockout, aps force, and aps manual commands, use the aps clear EXEC command.
aps clear atm slot/subslot/port
Syntax Description
Command Modes
EXEC configuration
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
The aps clear EXEC command allows you to remove all of the APS priority requests on the named ATM interface.
This command works only if redundancy is configured on the specified interface.
In the following example, all the current APS priority requests on ATM 2/0/1 are cleared.
Switch# aps clear atm 2/0/1
Related Commands
aps force
aps lockout
aps manualaps force
To force an interface to switch to the alternate port within a redundant pair, use the aps force EXEC command.
aps force atm slot/subslot/port from [protection | working]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
Force is a defined APS request priority level. The request succeeds if no higher priority request (lockout is the only higher priority request) is posted. The aps force command does not persist over a system restart. The port type named in the command indicates the member of the redundant port pair that you want to switch away from.
For more information about APS priority requests, see the Telcordia GR-253-CORE specification.
This command works only if redundancy is configured on the specified interface.
The following example shows the ATM 1/1/1 interface being forced to switch from the working port to the protection port within the defined redundant pair.
Switch# aps force atm 1/1/1 from working
Related Commands
aps clear
aps lockout
aps manualaps lockout
To lock out the protection port within a redundant pair, use the aps lockout EXEC command.
aps lockout atm slot/subslot/port
Syntax Description
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
Lockout is defined as the highest APS request priority level. The aps lockout command does not persist over a system restart. When the protection port is locked out, only the working port is used for the specified interface.
For more information about APS priority requests, see the Telcordia GR-253-CORE specification.
This command works only if redundancy is configured on the specified interface.
In the following example, the ATM 1/1/1 interface is forced to use the working port within the defined redundant pair.
Switch# aps lockout atm 1/1/1
Related Commands
aps clear
aps force
aps manualaps manual
To post an APS request that switches an interface to the alternate port within a redundant pair, use the aps manual EXEC command.
aps manual atm slot/subslot/port from [protection | working]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
Manual is a defined APS request priority level. The request succeeds if no higher priority request is posted. The aps manual command does not persist over a system restart. The port type named in the command indicates the member of the redundant port pair that you want to switch away from.
Table 3-1 lists the priority requests, relevant to the Cisco 6400, that are higher than manual.
Table 3-1 APS Priority Request
Priority Priority request1
Lockout of protection
Forced switch
SF - Low priority
SD - Low priority
Manual switch
For a complete list of priority requests, see Table 5.3 of the Telcordia GR-253-CORE specification.
This command works only if redundancy is configured on the specified interface.
In the following example, the ATM 1/1/1 interface is switched from the working port to the protection port within the defined redundant pair, provided that no higher priority request is posted.
Switch# aps manual atm 1/1/1 from working
Related Commands
aps clear
aps force
aps lockoutaps mode
To set the APS operational mode on a Cisco 6400 for a pair of redundant ports, use the aps mode interface command. To remove the APS operational mode, use the no associate command.
aps mode {linear 1+1 nonreverting unidirectional}
Syntax Description
linear 1+1 nonreverting unidirectional
Specifies that the APS operation between the two redundant ports for the interface is linear, 1+1, nonreverting, and unidirectional.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
The linear 1+1 nonreverting unidirectional mode is the only APS mode currently supported on the Cisco 6400.
There is only one logical interface for a pair of redundant ports. The APS configuration commands are accepted only on an interface that represents a redundant pair of ports. If the redundancy between ports is removed by using the no associate command, two interface configuration sections are created, but the APS configuration commands are removed from both.
The APS mode is enabled by default on all Cisco 6400 OC-3 line cards.
The aps mode must be set before the other aps commands can be entered.
In the following example, the ATM interface 1/0/0 is configured for linear APS operation.
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/0/0
Switch(config-if)# aps mode linear 1+1 nonreverting unidirectional
Related Commands
aps signal-degrade
To set the bit-error-rate threshold for signal degrade APS priority posting, use the aps signal-degrade interface configuration command. To remove the BER threshold, use the no form of this command.
aps signal-degrade BER threshold value
no aps signal-degrade BER threshold value
Syntax Description
BER threshold
Specifies the name of the priority request for which you are setting a threshold.
Specifies the value of the threshold, which is 10-x, where x is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
For a complete list of priority requests, see Table 5.3 of the Telcordia GR-253-CORE specification.
In the following example, the BER threshold for the ATM 1/0/1 interface is set to 9.
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/0/1
Switch(config-if)# aps signal-degrade BER threshold 9
Related Commands
aps signal-fail
aps mode
snmp-server forwarder
show controllersaps signal-fail
To set the bit-error-rate threshold for signal fail APS priority posting, use the aps signal-fail interface configuration command. To restore the default BER threshold, use the no form of this command.
aps signal-fail BER threshold value
no aps signal-fail BER threshold
Syntax Description
BER threshold
Specifies the name of the priority request for which you are setting a threshold.
Specifies the value of the threshold, which is 10-x, where x is 3, 4, or 5.
The default BER threshold is 10-3.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
For a complete list of priority requests, see Table 5.3 of the Telcordia GR-253-CORE specification.
In the following example, the BER threshold for the ATM 1/0/1 interface is set to 5.
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/0/1
Switch(config-if)# aps signal-fail BER threshold 5
Related Commands
aps signal-degrade
aps mode
show aps
show controllersarchive tar
To list the contents of a UNIX-style tar archive or to extract its contents, use the archive tar privileged EXEC command.
archive tar /table URL
archive tar /xtract source destination
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the Cisco 6400 NSP only.
This command is mostly used to unpack updated Web Console pages. The Cisco 6400 ships with current Web Console HTML pages; however, you should download new or updated pages from time to time. The new pages will be stored in a tar archive that you must unpack with the archive tar command before viewing.
The following example shows how to extract files on the TFTP server named boothost and install them on the disk located in slot 0 on the NSP:
Switch# archive tar /xtract tftp://boothost/6400/c6400s-html.tar disk0:
To group two slots or two subslots for redundant operation, use the associate redundancy subcommand. To remove the redundancy, use the no form of this command.
associate {slot slot [slot] | subslot slot/slubslot [slot/subslot]}
no associate {slot slot [slot] | subslot slot/slubslot [slot/subslot]}
Syntax Description
No redundancy
Command Modes
Redundancy configuration
Usage Guidelines
This command can be entered only from the Cisco 6400 NSP.
The associate command must be entered in redundancy configuration mode. Redundant pairs consist of the odd-numbered slot and the following even-numbered slot. For example, slots 1 and 2 can be configured as a redundant pair but slots 2 and 3 cannot be configured as a redundant pair. The same applies to redundant subslots. For example, subslots 7/1 and 8/1 can form a redundant pair.
When you use the associate command for two slots, it implies that the related subslots are also associated and behave in a redundant manner.
In the following example, Cisco 6400 slots 1 and 2 are configured for redundant operation. You need only specify the first member of a redundant pair.
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-r)# associate slot 1
Related Commands
show redundancyatm input-xlate-table autominblock
To enable automatic determination of minimum Input Translation Table block sizes for all virtual path identifiers (VPI's) populated with permanent virtual circuits (PVC's) and Soft PVC source legs, use the atm input-xlate-table autominblock global configuration mode command. To disable autominblock mode, use the no form of this command.
atm input-xlate-table autominblock
no atm input-xlate-table autominblock
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Autominblock mode is disabled.
Command Modes
Global configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When you enable the autominblock mode on a Node Switch Processor (NSP), the system analyzes all interfaces and determines minimum ITT block sizes for all VPIs populated with PVCs and Soft PVC source legs that can use the ITT ( but a point to-multipoint leaf would not be included). The autominblock mode also updates the analysis when virtual circuits (VC's) are added or deleted. If you generate the configuration command-line interface (CLI), for example, by using the more system:running-config command, minblock commands are inserted as appropriate for all VPIs populated with PVCs on all external ATM interfaces.
You can specify a minimum block size for an interface and VPI combination by using the force keyword, even when the autominblock command is enabled. See the following table for the effect of minblock commands in different situations:
Enabling the autominblock mode does not alter the usage state of ITT at the moment the command is invoked in a running system. Since ITT memory may have already been allocated, autominblock mode alters only the subsequent behavior of the system.
Similarly, autominblock mode does not eliminate fragmentation generated as a result of VCs configured after the autominblock mode is enabled, but ensures that the software allocates optimal-size blocks on interface flaps subsequent to the definition of a PVC with a maximum VCI.
To ensure that the software subsequently allocates optimal-sized ITT blocks—even after you restart the system—enable the autominblock mode before or after all PVCs are defined. Save the configuration by using the copy running-config startup-config command.
You do not need to set up a cross-connect to specify a minimum block through autominblock analysis. Because autominblock analysis considers PVC half legs, you can use these half legs to establish the maximum intended virtual channel identifier (VCI) range, which helps to eliminate the growth of ITT block sizes in the future.
When the initial attempt to allocate an ITT block fails and the actual size needed is less than the specified minimum block size, the software retries the allocation by using the actual size.
The system analyzes the ITT needs of VP tunnel subinterfaces and configures the parent physical interface accordingly. Enabling this command mode increases the use of processor and memory resources.
This example shows how to enable autominblock mode:
atm input-xlate-table autominblock
Related Commands
atm input-xlate-table autoshrink
To shrink the existing Input Translation Table (ITT) blocks in-place when high numbered virtual circuits (VC's) are deleted, use the atm input-xlate-table autoshrink configuration mode command. To disable autoshrink, use the no form of this command.
atm input-xlate-table autoshrink
no atm input-xlate-table autoshrink
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Be careful when enabling this command mode, because it increases the use of processor and memory resources.
This command cannot override the blocksize hints specified by using the minblock/autominblock commands.
This example shows how to shrink an ITT block in place and release the unrequired ITT resources when high numbered VCs are deleted from the configuration:
atm input-xlate-table autoshrink
interface atm 1/0/0
no atm pvc 0 1010
no atm pvc 0 1011
no atm input-xlate-table autoshrink
Related Commands
atm input-xlate-table minblock
To specify the minimum Input Translation Table (ITT) block size for a specific virtual path identifier (VPI) on an interface, use the atm input-xlate-table minblock interface configuration mode command. To remove the minimum block size specification, use the no form of this command.
atm input-xlate-table minblock vpi vpi- value blocksize force
no atm input-xlate-table minblock vpi vpi-value
Syntax Description
No minimum block size is specified.
Command Modes
Interface configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Ensure that the block size you specify corresponds to the desired virtual circuit (VC) usage, so that the system resource is not overused. ITT resource is used only when a connection is installed (when both interfaces that the VC transits are up).
This command is particularly useful when you anticipate the needs of switched virtual circuits (SVCs) transiting an interface and VPI, and you want to avoid the fragmentation associated with ITT growth. If the initial ITT block allocation fails and the actual block size needed [to accomodate a specific virtual channel identifier (VCI) ] is less than the specified minimum block size, the software retries the allocation by using the actual size.
You cannot use this command on a virtual path (VP) tunnel subinterface. To specify minimum block size for a VP tunnel subinterface, configure this command on the main interface.
This example shows how to specify minimum block size for VPIs on an interface by manual configuration:
interface atm 1/0/0
atm input-xlate-table minblock vpi 0 1024 force
atm input-xlate-table minblock vpi 1 2048 force
atm input-xlate-table minblock vpi 4 1024 force
Related Commands
Command DescriptionAutomatically determines the minimum ITT block size needed for each VPI that is populated by PVCand Soft PVC source legs.
atm snoop interface atm
To set the current port snooping configuration and actual register values for the highest ATM interface, use the atm snoop interface atm interface configuration command.
atm snoop interface atm monitored-port [direction dir]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration on the snoop test port.
Usage Guidelines
The atm snoop interface atm subcommand applies only if the previously specified port is the highest system port residing on card 8 and subcard 1 (which has been shut down). If these conditions are met, the subcommand enables the snoop test port. Cells transmitted from the snoop test port are copies of cells transmitted to or from the monitored port. Transmissions in only one direction are captured.
When a port is in snoop mode, any prior permanent virtual connections to the snoop test port remain in the down state.
The port number of the test port depends on the card type.
The following example shows how to configure the highest port in the snoop mode to monitor port card 1, subcard 0, and port 1 in the transmit direction starting from the configuration mode:
Switch(config)# interface atm 8/1/1
Switch(config-if)# shutdown
Switch(config-if)# atm snoop interface atm 1/0/1 direction transmit
Switch(config-if)# no shutdown
Related Commands
show atm snoop
atm svc-upc-intent
To change the intended UPC mode to use on the cell flow received into the switch fabric for SVCs or destination legs of soft PVCs on an interface, use the atm svc-upc-intent command in interface configuration mode. Any change in this parameter is applied to SVCs or soft PVCs subsequently established on the interface. To assign the default value to the parameter, use the no form of this command.
atm svc-upc-intent [{abr | cbr | vbr-rt | vbr-nrt | ubr}] {tag | pass | drop}
no atm svc-upc-intent
Syntax Description
Pass for all service categories
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This configuration parameter determines the UPC to use for SVCs and for the destination leg of soft VC and VP. If policing is desired, it should be applied once for traffic entering a network.
In the following example, the intended UPC for SVCs on an interface is set to tagging.
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent tag
In the following example, the UBR traffic on an interface is passed while all other traffic is policed:
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent ubr pass
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent cbr tag
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent vbr-rt tag
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent vbr-nrt tag
Switch(config-if)# atm svc-upc-intent abr drop
Related Commands
To allow an automatic far end receive failure (FERF) to be inserted when an incoming alarm is received, use the auto-ferf interface configuration command. To cancel automatic FERF insertion, use the no form of this command.
auto-ferf {los | oof | red | ais | lcd}
no auto-ferf { los | oof | red | ais | lcd}
Syntax Description
Loss of signal.
Out of frame.
Indicates a major alarm. Does not apply to the DS3 NLC.
Alarm indication signaling.
Loss of cell delineation.
auto-ferf los
auto-ferf oof
auto-ferf red
auto-ferf ais
auto-ferf lcd (applies to non-plcp mode only)Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to the DS3 interfaces only.
To automatically synchronize the configuration between the Cisco 6400 primary and secondary redundant NSPs and NRPs, use the auto-sync redundancy subcommand. To disable automatic synchronization between redundant NSPs or NRPs, use the no form of this command.
auto-sync {startup-config | bootvar | config-register | standard}
no auto-sync {startup-config | bootvar | config-register | standard}
Syntax Description
No synchronization for individual objects. Standard is the default when auto-synchronization is enabled.
Command Modes
Main-cpu redundancy configuration
Usage Guidelines
To ensure that the configurations are identical between redundant NSPs or NRPs, you must use the auto-sync command. Otherwise, when operation changes from the primary to the secondary device, the operation of the switch or router might change if the configurations differ from one member of the redundant pair to the other.
The following example shows how to configure automatic synchronization of the startup configuration between redundant NSPs:
Switch# redundancy
Switch(config-r)# main-cpu
Switch(config-r-mc)# auto-sync startup-config
Related Commands
clear facility-alarm
To clear the external alarm relays or the device memory for the requested alarm level or source reported on a Cisco 6400, use the clear facility-alarm EXEC command.
clear facility-alarm [major | minor | critical] [source {sec-cpu | pem {0 | 1} | cardtype {slot | subslot}}]
Syntax Description
If no operator is specified, all external alarms are cleared.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
The clear facility-alarm command clears all of the specified external alarm indications. The alarm condition is still posted and can be seen by use of the show facility-alarm status command, and the LEDs are still illuminated. To clear the alarm status, you must remove the alarm condition at its source by specifying an alarm source with this command. When a source is specified, the memory of the specified device is cleared, thereby clearing the source of the alarm.
In the following example, only the minor alarms are cleared.
Switch> clear facility-alarm minor
Related Commands
debug pmbox
show facility-alarm statusclock source
To select a transmit clock source for a physical device such as a port, use the clock source interface configuration command. To return the clock source to the default, use the no form of this command.
clock source {free-running | loop-timed | network-derived}
no clock source {free-running | loop-timed | network-derived}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command allows selection of the transmit clock source for a port's physical device. When a transmit clock port is set to free-running, the port uses the NSP oscillator for clocking.
The following example shows how to enable the loop-timed clocking mode.
Switch(config-if)# clock source loop-timed
Related Commands
framing (interface configuration)
network-clock-selectdebug config-download
The Cisco 6400 uses a download protocol to download the NRP-2 startup configuration from the NSP. The download protocol and data pass through the NRP-2 PAM mailbox serial interface. To view the configuration download protocol message header types as they are received on the PAM mailbox serial interface, use the debug config-download EXEC command. The no form of this command disables debugging output.
debug config-download
no debug config-download
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Command History
In the following example, the debug config-download command is used to display configuration download protocol monitoring information:
Switch# debug config-download
CDNLD debugging is on
00:01:39: do_chksum num_bytes = 610
00:01:39: calc cksum = 0xC405
Related Commands
debug disk-mirror
To display debug messages for IFS call events, disk write events, and disk synchronization events, use the debug disk-mirror EXEC command. To disable debugging output, use the no form of this command.
debug disk-mirror
no debug disk-mirror
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
Command History
The following example shows how to enable debugging for disk mirroring. The example also shows the messages that appear when copying a file to the PCMCIA disks in disk slot 0 of both NSPs:
Switch# debug disk-mirror
NSP DISK MIRROR debugging is on
Switch# copy running-config mir-disk0:
21:38:06:DISK-MIRROR:enter mfs_open()...
21:38:06:DISK-MIRROR:leave mfs_open()
21:38:06:DISK-MIRROR:enter mfs_write()...
21:38:06:DISK-MIRROR:leave mfs_write()
21:38:06:DISK-MIRROR:enter mfs_close()...
21:38:06:DISK-MIRROR:leave mfs_close()
debug image-download
The Cisco 6400 uses a download protocol to download the NRP-2 image from the NSP or integrated file system (IFS). The download protocol and data pass through the NRP-2 PAM mailbox serial interface. To view the image download protocol message header types as they are received on the PAM mailbox serial interface, use the debug image-download EXEC command. The no form of this command disables debugging output.
debug image-download [tftp]
no debug image-download
Syntax Description
Command History
Related Commands
To enter explicit threshold temperatures for minor and major alarms, use the facility-alarm global configuration command. To disable the alarm for the minor or major temperature threshold, use the no form of this command.
facility-alarm [intake-temperature | core-temperature] [minor {°C}] [major {°C}]
no facility-alarm [intake-temperature | core-temperature] [minor {°C}] [major {°C}]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Usage Guidelines
The Cisco 6400 environmental monitoring hardware includes a digital thermometer that measures the intake airflow temperature at the hottest section of the chassis. The minor, major, and critical temperature defaults are empirically determined values that vary depending on the number and type of cards installed in the chassis. The facility-alarm command allows you to override the empirically determined default values. The no form of this command allows you to disable alarms for the selected alarm type.
Critical alarms cannot be disabled and the threshold cannot be changed. These alarms are defined as those that are triggered just before the system powers itself off.
In the following example, a setting is selected for the chassis core temperature at which a major alarm will be triggered.
Switch(config)# facility-alarm core-temperature major 105
Related Commands
clear facility-alarm
show facility-alarm statusframing
To select the frame type for the data line, use the framing controller interface configuration command.
framing {m23adm | m23plcp | cbitadm | cbitplcp}
Syntax Description
The framing mode is M23 ADM.
The framing mode is M23 PLCP.
The framing mode is C-Bit ADM.
The framing mode is C-Bit PLCP.
DS3 default is cbitplcp.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
In the DS3 environment, this subcommand allows selection of DS3 framing mode to M23 ADM, M23 PLCP, C-Bit ADM, or C-Bit PLCP.
The following example shows m23adm as the frame type:
Switch(config-if)# framing m23adm
Related Commands
show controllers
hw-module (image)
To identify the image to download to a specific NRP-2 processor, use the hw-module (image) global configuration command. To remove an NRP-2 image specification, use the no form of this command.
hw-module slot slot image image priority priority
no hw-module slot slot image image priority priority
hw-module (config-register)
To change the configuration register settings for the NRP-2, use the hw-module (config-register) global configuration command.
hw-module slot slot config-register value
hw-module (reset)
To simulate removal and insertion of a device installed in the Cisco 6400 chassis, use the hw-module (reset) EXEC command.
hw-module {slot slot | subslot slot/subslot | main-cpu | sec-cpu | nsp {A | B}} reset
hw-module (shutdown)
To simulate removal or shutdown of a device installed in the Cisco 6400 chassis, use the hw-module (shutdown) global configuration command. The device remains in removed state even through system reloads. To return the device to inserted state in the chassis, use the no form of this command.
hw-module {slot slot | subslot slot/subslot | main-cpu | sec-cpu | nsp {A | B}} shutdown
no hw-module {slot slot | subslot slot/subslot | main-cpu | sec-cpu | nsp {A | B}} shutdown
Syntax Description
hw-module (image)
No image identified
hw-module (config-register)
Configuration register value is 0x2101
hw-module (reset)
No default behavior or values
hw-module (shutdown)
Shutdown disabled
Command Modes
Global configuration
The reset version of this command can be used in EXEC mode.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
hw-module (image)
Enter at least one instance of this command for each NRP-2 in the Cisco 6400 system. Without the command in the NSP configuration, the NRP-2 attempts to load the default image (c6400r2sp-g4p5-mz) from the NSP disk0:/images/ directory. If the image cannot be located, the NRP-2 is not able to boot.
Cisco recommends that you store all NRP-2 images on the NSP PCMCIA "disk0:/images" directory, but you can also store NRP-2 images on any integrated file system (IFS) device, including disk1 and TFTP, FTP, or rcp servers.
For images in the disk0:/images directory, you can use a shortened no version of the command to remove an NRP-2 image specification: no hw-module filename.
The hw-module (image) command performs the same function for the NRP-2 as the boot system global configuration command does for the NRP-1. Because NRP-2 boot information is stored on the NSP, the hw-module (image) command is entered on the NSP.
The boot system global configuration command is not supported on the NRP-2.
hw-module (config-register)
This command enables you to change the NRP-2 configuration register settings.
The hw-module (config-register) command performs the same function for the NRP-2 as the config register global configuration and confreg ROMMON mode commands do for the NRP-1. Because the NRP-2 ROM state information is stored on the NSP, the hw-module (config-register) command is entered on the NSP.
The config register global configuration and confreg ROMMON mode commands are not supported on the NRP-2.
hw-module (reset)
This is the only version of the hw-module command that can be entered in EXEC mode. It can be used to reload the specified device from the NSP.
hw-module (shutdown)
This command keeps the selected card offline, even through system reloads.
hw-module (image)
In the following example, the NRP-2 in slot 2 of the Cisco 6400 chassis has three images assigned with different priorities, while the NRP-2 in slot 3 has only one image assigned:
Switch(config)# hw-module slot 2 image c6400r2sp-g4p5-mz.DC priority 2
Switch(config)# hw-module slot 2 image tftp:// priority 3
Switch(config)# hw-module slot 2 image disk0:MyDir/c6400r2sp-g4p5-mz.DC priority 4
Switch(config)# hw-module slot 3 image c6400r2sp-g4p5-mz.DC priority 2
If you don't use all the priority values for NRP-2 images, consider leaving priority 1 free for new or temporary images.
hw-module (config-register)
In the following example, the configuration register setting causes the NRP-2 in slot 4 to boot only to ROMMON mode:
Switch(config)# hw-module slot 4 config-register 0x0
In the following example, the configuration register setting causes the NRP-2 in slot 2 to boot the image specified with the hw-module (image) command:
Switch(config)# hw-module slot 2 config-register 0x1
hw-module (reset)
In the following example, the device in slot 5 is reset:
Switch# hw-module slot 5 reset
*Sep 28 22:30:56.590:%NSP_OIR-6-FULL_CREM:Card NRP2 removed from slot:5
*Sep 28 22:30:58.510:%NSP_OIR-6-FULL_CINS:Card NRP2 inserted into slot:5
*Sep 28 22:30:58.510:%NSP_OIR-6-FULL_ONLINE:Card NRP2, slot:5, being brought online
In the following example, the NSP in slot 0A is reset:
Switch# hw-module nsp A reset
hw-module (shutdown)
In the following example, the device in slot 4 is shutdown:
Switch(config)# hw-module slot 4 shutdown
To configure an interface type and enter interface configuration mode, use the interface global configuration command.
interface type slot/subslot/port
interface type number
To configure a subinterface, use the interface global configuration command.
interface type slot/subslot/port.vpt#
interface type slot/subslot/port.subinterface# [multipoint | point-to-point]
Syntax Description
Type of interface to be configured. Refer to Table 3-2 for a list of keywords.
Integer used to identify the interface.
Interface slot number. The numbers are assigned at the factory at the time of installation or when the card is added to a system. The number can be displayed with the show interface command. The slots are numbered from left to right.
Backplane subslot number. The value can be 0 or 1.
Port number of the interface.
Virtual path tunnel number for subinterface on physical ATM ports.
Subinterface number in the range 1 to 4,294,967,293. The number that precedes the period (.) must match the subinterface number.
Specifies a multipoint subinterface. This option applies only to the interface ATM 0/0/0.
Specifies a point-to-point subinterface. The default is multipoint. This option applies only to the interface ATM 0/0/0.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Usage Guidelines
For information or output for the NRP interface atm command, refer to the Cisco IOS 12.0 Wide-Area Networking Command Reference.
The following example shows the start of the ATM interface on slot 1, subslot 0, and port 1 configuration using the interface global configuration command:
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/0/1
In the following example, a VP tunnel is created with VPI 50 on slot 1, subslot 0, and port 1. The subinterface configuration mode is entered for the VP tunnel, by using the interface global configuration command:
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/0/1
Switch(config-if)# atm pvp 50
Switch(config-if)# interface atm 1/0/1.50
In the following example, configuration begins on the NRP interface ATM 0/0/0, by using the interface global configuration command:
Router(config)# interface atm 0/0/0
In the following example, the interface global configuration command is used to create a point-to-point subinterface on the NRP ATM 0/0/0 interface and enter the subinterface configuration mode:
Router(config)# interface atm 0/0/0.1 point-to-point
In the following example, configuration of the BVI 1 interface on the NSP begins by using the interface global configuration command:
Switch(config)# interface bvi 1
Related Commands
show interface
ip address
To set a primary or secondary IP address for an interface or to use DHCP to set the interface address, use the ip address interface configuration command. To remove an IP address or disable IP processing, use the no form of this command.
ip address [ip-address mask [secondary] | negotiated]
no ip address [ip-address mask [secondary] | negotiated]
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Usage Guidelines
The negotiated (default) option for this command allows the system to act as a DHCP client and automatically set the IP address, subnet mask, and default route for the specified interface. On the NSP, this command applies only to the Ethernet 0/0/0 and ATM 0/0/0 interfaces.
You can disable IP processing on a particular interface by removing its IP address with the no ip address command. If the switch detects another host using one of its IP addresses, it prints an error message on the console.
The optional keyword secondary allows you to specify an unlimited number of secondary addresses. Secondary addresses are treated like primary addresses, except the system never generates datagrams other than routing updates using the secondary source addresses. IP broadcasts and ARP requests are handled properly, as are interface routes in the IP routing table.
Secondary IP addresses can be used in a variety of situations. The following are the most common applications:
There might not be enough host addresses for a particular network segment. For example, your subnetting allows up to 254 hosts per logical subnet, but on one physical subnet you need to have 300 host addresses. Using secondary IP addresses on the switches, you can have two logical subnets using one physical subnet.
Two subnets of a single network might otherwise be separated by another network. This situation is not permitted when subnets are in use. In these instances, the first network is extended, or layered on top of the second network by means of secondary addresses.
If any switch on a network segment uses a secondary address, all other switches on that same segment must also use a secondary address from the same network or subnet. Inconsistent use of secondary addresses on a network segment can very quickly cause routing loops.
In the following example, is the primary address and and are secondary addresses for Ethernet interface 0/0/0:
Switch(config)# interface ethernet 0/0/0
Switch(config-if)# ip address
Switch(config-if)# ip address secondary
Switch(config-if)# ip address secondary
Related Commands
show interface
To set the line buildout to various lengths, use the lbo interface configuration command. For the DS3 NLC, the syntax is:
lbo {short | long}
Syntax Description
The default is short.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The lbo command applies on DS3 interfaces only.
The following example illustrates how to set the line buildout to more than 255 feet for a DS3 NLC:
Switch(config-if)# lbo long
To switch to the main-cpu submode of the redundancy mode, use the main-cpu redundancy command.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
After you enter the main-cpu submode, you can use the auto-sync command to synchronize the configuration between the primary and secondary route processors based on the primary configuration. In addition, you can use all of the redundancy commands that are applicable to the main CPU.
The following example shows how to switch to the main-cpu submode of redundancy mode.
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-r)# main-cpu
Related Commands
aps mode
show redundancymirror
To enable PCMCIA disk mirroring or specify mirroring characteristics, use the mirror main-cpu configuration command. To disable PCMCIA disk mirroring, use the no form of this command.
mirror [all | threshold size]
no mirror
Syntax Description
Enabled with file threshold size of 0 MB
Command Modes
Main-cpu configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
When you enter the no mirror command, any mirroring characteristics that were previously specified with the all and threshold keywords are permanently removed.
If disk synchronization is in progress when you enter the no mirror command, a prompt warns you that disk synchronization will terminate. You can either proceed with or cancel your disable request.
Press Return to proceed with disabling disk mirroring and terminating the unfinished disk synchronization:
Switch(config-r-mc)# no mirror
Disk synch will terminate. Proceed with disable? [confirm] <Cr>
21:35:19:%DISKMIRROR-6-FINISH:Disk Sync Finished (0 files syncd; 6 failed)
Type no to cancel the no mirror command and to allow disk synchronization to continue:
Switch(config-r-mc)# no mirror
Disk synch will terminate. Proceed with disable? [confirm] no
In the following example, PCMCIA disk mirroring is disabled:
auto-sync standard
no mirror
In the following example, PCMCIA disk mirroring is enabled and set to copy all files blindly:
auto-sync standard
mirror all
In the following example, PCMCIA disk mirroring is enabled with a specified files size threshold of 2 MB:
auto-sync standard
mirror threshold 2
Related Commands
Command DescriptionCopies the data from one PCMCIA disk to its mirror disk.
show redundancy sync-status
Displays status of disk mirroring and disk synchronization.
Use the network-clock-select global configuration command to specify selection priority for the clock sources. Use the no form of this command to cancel the network clock selection.
network-clock-select {priority {ATM slot/subslot/port | BITS | system} | BITS {E1 | T1} | revertive}
no network-clock-select {priority {ATM slot/subslot/port | BITS | system} | BITS {E1 | T1} | revertive}
Syntax Description
System clock is the priority 5 clock source.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
You can specify up to four clock priorities. If the network-clock-select revertive command is used, the highest priority active interface in the router supplies the primary reference source to all other interfaces that require network clock synchronization services.
The fifth priority is always the system, or local clock oscillator on the NSP. You cannot configure the priority 5 clock source.
The following example shows how to configure the network clock as revertive and assign clock sources to each available priority:
Switch(config)# network-clock-select revertive
Switch(config)# network-clock-select bits e1
Switch(config)# network-clock-select 1 bits
Switch(config)# network-clock-select 2 ATM1/0/0
Switch(config)# network-clock-select 3 ATM5/0/0
Switch(config)# network-clock-select 4 ATM7/0/0
Related Commands
To telnet from the NSP to the NRP-2, use the nrps EXEC command alias.
Syntax Description
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
EXEC (alias)
Command History
Not applicable for command aliases
Usage Guidelines
This is a command alias that telnets to the NRP-2.
You need to set the VTY line password before you can telnet to the NRP-2.
In the following example, the user telnets from the NSP to the NRP-2 in slot 4 of the Cisco 6400 chassis, enters privileged EXEC mode, and then exits the Telnet session.
NSP# nrps4
Trying ... Open
Router> enable
Router# exit
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
To configure two full-height slots, two half-height slots, or the main CPU for redundant operation, use the redundancy global configuration command. The redundancy command starts a configuration submode, where the redundant configuration is specified.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Global configuration
Usage Guidelines
The redundancy command starts a configuration submode for setting slot and subslot redundancy. The exact redundancy implementation between a pair of redundant entities is a property of the objects actually installed in the chassis.
Only adjacent (odd and even) slot pairs can be configured for redundancy. When a slot is configured for redundancy, both the subslots, if there are any, are automatically configured for redundancy. When subslots are configured for redundancy, all ports on the two subslots are redundant.
The following example shows how to configure the two Cisco 6400 NRPs installed in slots 1 and 2 for redundant operation:
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-r)# associate slot 1
Related Commands
aps mode
redundancy force-failover
show redundancyredundancy force-failover
To force the current primary and secondary devices in a redundant pair to change roles, use the redundancy force-failover EXEC command.
redundancy force-failover {slot | slot/subslot | slot/subslot | main-cpu}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Usage Guidelines
The redundancy force-failover command can be used to force a change in the primary/secondary relationship required for software and hardware upgrade situations. This command has no effect on interfaces that are running in SONET linear 1+1 nonreverting unidirectional APS mode. To reverse the roles of two redundant ports, use the aps force command.
This command does not generate an alarm (as a hardware reset would).
In the following example, the primary/secondary relationship is reversed between the router card in slot 2 and its redundant partner. The other slot in the redundant pair is not specified in this command. You can use the show redundancy command to view the configured redundant pairs.
Switch# redundancy force-failover slot 2
Related Commands
show redundancyredundancy sync
To initiate disk synchronization, or copy the data from one PCMCIA disk to another, use the redundancy sync EXEC command.
redundancy sync [disk0 | disk1 | local] [reverse] [all]
Syntax Description
With no keywords entered, this command copies data from disk0: of the primary NSP to disk0: of the secondary NSP. The system compares files between the PCMCIA disks and does not copy files with matching file names, sizes, and time stamps.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
By default, when performing disk synchronization (either through disk mirroring or user initiation), the system compares files between the PCMCIA disks. The system does not copy files with matching file names, sizes, and time stamps. The all keyword specifies to copy all files without comparison.
Without the all keyword, and if the mirror main-cpu configuration command is configured with a file threshold size, only files smaller than the threshold will be copied without comparison.
The following example shows PCMCIA disk synchronization:
Switch# redundancy sync disk0
00:29:52:%DISKMIRROR-6-PROGRS:Disk Sync in Progress (disk0 to sec-disk0, 0%)
The following example shows reverse disk synchronization:
Switch# redundancy sync disk0 reverse
00:32:13:%DISKMIRROR-6-PROGRS:Disk Sync in Progress (sec-disk0 to disk0, 0%)
The following example shows local disk synchronization:
Switch# redundancy sync local
00:32:13:%DISKMIRROR-6-PROGRS:Disk Sync in Progress (disk0 to disk1, 0%)
Related Commands
Command DescriptionEnables PCMCIA disk mirroring.
show redundancy sync-status
Displays status of disk mirroring and disk synchronization.
snmp-server forwarder
To enable the SNMPv3 proxy forwarder, use the snmp-server forwarder global configuration command. To disable the proxy forwarder, use the no form of this command.
snmp-server forwarder
no snmp-server forwarder
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder feature enables all NSP and NRP-2 components of the Cisco 6400 system to be managed as one functional entity. With the Proxy Forwarder feature enabled, the NSP:
Forwards all SNMPv3 formatted messages (such as manager requests to get or set data) destined for the NRP-2s
Routes the SNMPv3 formatted traps from NRP-2s to the NSP combined Network Management Ethernet (NME) interface
When the NSP and NRP-2 are properly configured for SNMPv3 and the Proxy Forwarder feature, both the NSP and NRP-2 automatically generate a series of SNMP commands. Do not modify or delete the automatically generated commands; doing so might prevent SNMP from working properly.
In the following example, the NSP is configured to act as the proxy forwarder:
snmp-server group usmgrp v3 noauth
snmp-server user usmusr usmgrp v3
snmp-server forwarder
snmp-server host vrf 6400-private version 3 noauth trapusr
The previous commands cause the NSP to automatically generate the following commands:
snmp-server engineID remote vrf 6400-private 80000009030000107BA9C7A0
snmp-server user trapusr trapusr v3
snmp-server user trapusr trapusr remote vrf 6400-private v3
snmp-server user usmusr usmgrp remote vrf 6400-private v3
snmp-server group trapusr v3 noauth notify *tv.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF
In the following example, the NRP-2 is configured to allow the NSP to act as the proxy forwarder:
snmp-server group usmgrp v3 noauth
snmp-server user usmusr usmgrp v3
snmp-server enable traps
snmp-server host vrf 6400-private version 3 noauth trapusr
The previous commands cause the NRP-2 to automatically generate the following commands:
snmp-server user trapusr trapusr v3
snmp-server group trapusr v3 noauth notify *tv.FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart
snmp-server enable traps config
snmp-server enable traps syslog
snmp-server enable traps bgp
snmp-server enable traps ipmulticast
snmp-server enable traps rsvp
snmp-server enable traps frame-relay
snmp-server enable traps rtr
Related Commands
The SNMPv3 Proxy Forwarder feature requires the NSP and NRP-2 to be configured by using specific options in the snmp-server global configuration commands:
tag-switching advertise-local-tags
To control which tags are advertised and to which nodes they are advertised, use the tag-switching advertise-local-tags global configuration command. To disable advertisement of tags, use the no form of this command.
tag-switching advertise-local-tags [for access-list-num [to access-list-num] ]
no tag-switching advertise-local-tags [for access-list-num [to access-list-num] ]
Syntax Description
for access-list-num
Specifies an access list of prefixes that should be advertised.
to access-list-num
Specifies an IP access list of TDP peer prefixes that should receive advertisements.
For all tags and to all peers
Command Modes
Global configuration
Usage Guidelines
Multiple tag-switching advertise-local-tags commands can be used. When multiple commands are entered, their effect is combined to determine an overall specification of how locally allocated tags are advertised.
In the following example, the router is configured to advertise all locally assigned tags to all TDP neighbors. The assumption is that before the command is entered, the default of no tag advertisement is in effect:
Switch(config)# tag-switching advertise-local-tags
In the following example, the router is configured to advertise tags for networks and to all TDP neighbors. The assumption is that before the commands are entered, the default of no tag advertisement is in effect:
Switch(config)# access-list 1 permit
Switch(config)# access-list 4 permit
Switch(config)# tag-switching advertise-local-tags for 1
Switch(config)# tag-switching advertise-local-tags for 4
In the following example, the router is configured to advertise all tags to all TDP neighbors except neighbor The assumption is that before the commands are entered, the default of no tag advertisement is in effect:
Switch(config)# access-list 1 permit any
Switch(config)# access-list 2 deny
Switch(config)# tag-switching advertise-local-tags
Switch(config)# tag-switching advertise-local-tags for 1 to 2
Posted: Thu Oct 27 13:23:27 PDT 2005
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