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Release Notes for ONS 15194 Release 1.2

Release Notes for ONS 15194 Release 1.2

September 3, 2002




The Cisco ONS 15194 is a high-density, high-performance IP transport management platform that delivers enhanced scalability and manageability in dynamic packet transport (DPT) and packet over SONET (POS) environments. Key features follow:

For the complete product documentation refer to the Cisco ONS 15194 Installation and Configuration Guide.

The following sections describe basic node and ring configuration that can be done using the Cisco ONS 15194.


The basic configurable unit in the ONS 15194 is a node. A node reflects the characteristics of the external device that is connected to the ONS 15194 interface using fiber-optic cables. External devices are typically routers, but can also be other ONS 15194s or other SONET/SDH equipment such as ADMs. An example of a node is the A and B interfaces of an SRP line card on a router. Another example is a POS interface on a router.

You can either manually define nodes or let the ONS 15194 automatically detect them. After you define nodes, you need to interconnect them. The way in which this is done depends on the types of nodes used. The following nodes are supported by the ONS 15194:

An APS node is supported by two optical interfaces, one of which is connected by a pair of fibers to the working (W) interface of an APS pair on the external device (typically a router or an ADM), and the other of which is connected by a second pair of fibers to the protection (P) interface. Internally the ONS 15194 can connect an APS node either to another APS node or to a POS node.

Although a node describes the characteristics of an external device, a node can be logically defined before the device is actually connected to the ONS 15194 or even before the line card supporting the node is present on the ONS 15194. A detailed description of the various types of nodes is presented later in this chapter.

Node and Ring Configuration

The rconf configuration mode is used for defining and connecting nodes. It contains a wide variety of commands that assist in configuring the ONS 15194 while causing minimal impact to existing traffic. The ONS 15194 automatically detects nodes, assists in forming valid connections, and aids in avoiding user errors. Two concepts are central to understanding the use of the rconf configuration mode: draft configurations and running configurations.

The running configuration pertains to both rconf configuration commands as well as other configuration commands. The draft configuration pertains only to rconf configuration commands.

Using rconf Configuration Mode

All rconf commands, except for the apply command, modify only the draft configuration. After you prepare all the elements of the desired configuration in the draft configuration, you can copy it or apply it to the running configuration using the apply command. Because the results of multiple configuration commands are applied to the hardware at one time, minimal traffic disruption occurs. Following is a short description of the diverse options available in the rconf configuration mode. All commands discussed in this section are described in detail in the Cisco ONS 15194 Installation and Configuration Guide, Chapter 5, "Command Line Interface Reference."

In rconf configuration mode, the user has two options to begin defining a new draft configuration:

System Requirements

Use five switch cards and two controller cards in the ONS 15194 so that the redundancy features in the software work correctly. Although not recommended, the ONS 15194 will continue to operate with four switch cards and one controller card.

Hardware Supported

The ONS 15194 software is only supported by the ONS 15194. You cannot run a ONS 15194 software image on the ONS 15190.

Determining the Software Version

In software Release 1.1, use the show version EXEC command to display the currently running release of the software. The following example illustrates sample output from the show version command. In this example, the software release is 1.0, and the software build is 1.0.24.

ons15194# show version System uptime: 0:01:01.804 System time: MON OCT 22 16:03:55 2001 Name: ons15194 Description: Location: Contact: Running image: File path: flash:/ons15194-11.bin Release: 1.0 Created on: Wed Oct 17 21:00:54 2001 Created by: Cisco Systems Length: 1781458 Signature: 0xC2DBA917 Software build: 1.0.24 Software created on: Oct 17 2001, 20:52:07 Bootstrap version: 1.2/20

Upgrading to a New Software Release

To upgrade the software to a new release, do the following:

Step 1   Enter privileged EXEC command mode and use the copy command to copy the software image to the ONS 15194 Flash memory from one of the PCMCIA ATA Flash memory disks or a TFTP or FTP server.

Note   You cannot boot the ONS 15194 from an image file located on a PCMCIA disk. The file must be copied to the ONS 15194 Flash memory.

Step 2   Use the boot system global configuration command to specify that the new software image be used to boot the system.

Step 3   Use the write privileged EXEC command to save the boot system configuration changes to the Flash memory.

Step 4   Use the show bootvar EXEC command to verify that the boot variable has been changed to be the new software image.

Step 5   Use the reload privileged EXEC command to boot the controllers with the new software image. It will take a few minutes for both controllers to be reloaded.

Step 6   When the system reloads, use the show version command to verify that the new software image is running.

The following example illustrates the software upgrade procedure, where the software image file name is ons15194-12.bin.

ons15194# copy tftp:// flash: Write file flash:/ons15194-12.bin [confirm]? y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1781458 bytes copied. ons15194# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15194(config)# boot system flash:/ons15194-12.bin ons15194(config)# end ons15194# write 1115 bytes copied. ons15194# show bootvar BOOT variable = flash:/ons15194-12.bin CONFIG_FILE variable = ons15194# reload Controller will be reset. Are you sure? y Software upgrade - reloading standby controller. MON OCT 22 16:03:04 2001 [13:0] Reloading this controller. This is Tac#1- the NTTacPlus security server. You are welcome. Username: username Password: Login 'username' succeeded ons15194> enable Password: ons15194# show version Controller Uptime: 6d, 1:53:02.457 Controller Active time: 6d, 1:51:38.124 System time: WED NOV 28 13:31:28 2001 Name: ons15194 Description: Location: Contact: Running image: File path: flash:/ons15194-12.bin Release: 1.2 Created on: Wed Nov 21 19:39:42 2001 Created by: Cisco Systems Length: 1791082 Signature: 0x78DFF740 Software build: 1.2.1 Software created on: Nov 21 2001, 19:36:11 Bootstrap version: 1.2/20

New and Changed Information

The main addition to Release 1.1 is the data statistics recording and display capability. In addition, a number of new commands were added to the command line interface.

New Software Features in Release 1.2

New software features in Release 1.2 are described following:

SSH Support

Release 1.2 supports access via SSH or Telnet. Both DES and 3DES encrytion methods are supported for SSH. Use the show ssh EXEC command to display all active SSH sessions. Use the show users EXEC command to display all active sessions, including SSH.

New Software Features in Release 1.1

New software features in Release 1.1 are described following:

Node and Interface Data Statistics

The following new functionality and improvements were made in Release 1.1:

To display the data statistics of traffic flowing through the ONS 15194, use the following commands:

The rate displayed in the show nodes data command is the net rate for the node, meaning that if more data is transmitted than received, the rate will be a positive value. Use the rate value to determine if data is being passed through the node, data is originating in the node, or data is exiting via the node. If the same amount of data is transmitted and received, the rate value should be equal to zero.

For syntax information for the data statistics commands, refer to the Cisco ONS 15194 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Transmitted Path Trace Message

The hw-module interface tx-pathtrace command was added to the command line interface. This command temporarily changes the path trace message transmitted by an interface. This command is primarily intended for testing purposes. The transmitted path trace message reverts to the default when any change occurs in the ONS 15194 configuration, including use of the apply rconf configuration command or when the physical status of the node or connection changes.

Use the show interfaces tx-pathtrace command to view the current path trace message transmitted by an interface.

Refer to the Cisco ONS 15194 Installation and Configuration Guide for the syntax of these commands.

Display Standby Controller Log Files

To display the logging file of the standby controller, use the show logging remote command. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15194 Installation and Configuration Guide for the syntax of this command.

Installation Notes

The installation of the ONS 15194 is discussed in the document Cisco ONS 15194 Installation Note.

Important Notes

Enhanced Intelligent Protection Switching

The EIPS functionality is disabled by default. When it is enabled, it applies to both A/B SRP rings and SRP-inner and SRP-outer rings.

If you are using SRP-inner and SRP-outer rings, enable the EIPS functionality using the eips enable rconf configuration command on both ONS 15194s. If the EIPS functionality is not enabled, and there is a failure in one of the ONS 15194s, a subsequent router failure will cause the ring to stop functioning.

File System

The ONS 15194 has a Flash memory file system. While the file system is designed to be an open file system that enables flexible manipulation of directories and files, the following guidelines should be followed:

Ethernet Management Interface

Each controller card has one Ethernet interface. When the software is running, only the interface of the active controller card is operational. Because of this, only one IP address needs to be configured for the ONS 15194, which is always used by the currently active controller card.

You should connect both Ethernet interfaces to a hub or switch. If two controller cards are installed in the ONS 15194, but only one is connected to a hub or switch, you will loose all IP connectivity if the controller card is reloaded.

If IP connectivity is necessary and you must reload the controller card, you should verify that the standby controller is connected to the network via the Ethernet interface. Either visually verify the presence of the Ethernet cable and the link LED or use the following command remotely on the standby controller:

show hw-module slot {C1 | C2}

Verify that the link status field is up as illustrated in the following example:

ons15194# show hw-module slot C2 Controller Card 2 (Other controller): Subtype: TurboStar Controller State: Operational Active state: Active Link status: Up Catalog number: TS-controller Serial number: 000002c Board version: 73-7180-01 CPU type: MIPS-R4650 RAM size (MB): 64 Flash size (MB): 96 Temperature Status: Normal Temperature 1: 34.5 degC (94.1 degF) Temperature 2: 35.0 degC (95.0 degF)


Following are all open and resolved caveats in Release 1.1.

Open Caveats

This section contains the following open caveats for Release 1.1:

There is no indication when Flash memory disk cards are inserted into the controller cards. Also, any Flash memory disk cards on the standby controller cannot be accessed. (CSCdu72367)

To work around this problem, do the following:

The configured value for the TACACS+ server timeout is ignored, and the default value is always used. If a TACACS+ server does not respond within the default time, the next authentication method is attempted. (CSCdv65584)

The default value should be sufficient in most cases, so this problem should have minimal impact in real networks.

Resolved Caveats

This section lists the resolved caveats in Release 1.1:

Related Documentation

The following documents pertain to the Cisco ONS 15194:

Document Title Part Number

Cisco ONS 15194 Installation and Configuration Guide


Cisco ONS 15194 Documentation Roadmap


Cisco ONS 15194 Installation Note


Obtaining Documentation

The following sections explain how to obtain documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at the following URL:

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Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a Cisco Documentation CD-ROM package, which is shipped with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or through an annual subscription.

Ordering Documentation

Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:

Documentation Feedback

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Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco provides as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from online tools by using the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Web Site. registered users have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open access to Cisco information, networking solutions, services, programs, and resources at any time, from anywhere in the world. is a highly integrated Internet application and a powerful, easy-to-use tool that provides a broad range of features and services to help you to

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Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco TAC is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product, technology, or solution. Two types of support are available through the Cisco TAC: the Cisco TAC Web Site and the Cisco TAC Escalation Center.

Inquiries to Cisco TAC are categorized according to the urgency of the issue:

Which Cisco TAC resource you choose is based on the priority of the problem and the conditions of service contracts, when applicable.

Cisco TAC Web Site

The Cisco TAC Web Site allows you to resolve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time. The site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and software. To access the Cisco TAC Web Site, go to the following URL:

All customers, partners, and resellers who have a valid Cisco services contract have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. The Cisco TAC Web Site requires a login ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a login ID or password, go to the following URL to register:

If you cannot resolve your technical issues by using the Cisco TAC Web Site, and you are a registered user, you can open a case online by using the TAC Case Open tool at the following URL:

If you have Internet access, it is recommended that you open P3 and P4 cases through the Cisco TAC Web Site.

Cisco TAC Escalation Center

The Cisco TAC Escalation Center addresses issues that are classified as priority level 1 or priority level 2; these classifications are assigned when severe network degradation significantly impacts business operations. When you contact the TAC Escalation Center with a P1 or P2 problem, a Cisco TAC engineer will automatically open a case.

To obtain a directory of toll-free Cisco TAC telephone numbers for your country, go to the following URL:

Before calling, please check with your network operations center to determine the level of Cisco support services to which your company is entitled; for example, SMARTnet, SMARTnet Onsite, or Network Supported Accounts (NSA). In addition, please have available your service agreement number and your product serial number.

This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Related Documentation" section.

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Posted: Thu Sep 5 06:50:29 PDT 2002
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