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ONS 15194 Boot Application

ONS 15194 Boot Application

The ONS 15194 boot application is software that resides on the ROM memory of the controller card. The primary function of the boot application is to boot the main ONS 15194 software that is stored in the Flash memory. Additionally, the boot application provides a number of command line interface (CLI) commands that can be accessed via the maintenance serial port on the controller card. This CLI, which is a subset of the main ONS 15194 software CLI, can be used for basic configuration and testing functions.

If a ONS 15194 controller card does not boot, the boot application is entered automatically, so that you can repair the controller card file system and configure the card to use the main ONS 15194 software. The boot application is presented in the following sections:

Entering the Boot Application

To enter the boot application, do the following:

Step 1   Connect to the ONS 15194, via the maintenance port on one of the controller cards.

Step 2   Physically reset the ONS 15194 while pressing the Enter key until the boot application opens. The following prompt is displayed:


The commands available in the boot application are a subset of the commands available in the main ONS 15194 software.

Step 3   Type ? at the boot prompt to display the available commands.

Step 4   Use the enable command to enter the enable command mode of the boot application.

Note   When you enter the boot application, the startup configuration is not automatically used as the running configuration. If want to use parameters set in the startup configuration in the boot application (such as IP address), use the command copy startup-configuration running-configuration.

Refer to "Command Line Interface Reference" for command syntax.

Validating the File System

You should check the configuration and functioning of the file system before downloading a new software image. Use the following privileged EXEC commands to display, validate and fix the file system:

Downloading a Software Image

The main reason to enter the boot application is because the ONS 15194 does not boot. To fix this problem, you need to download a new software image to the ONS 15194 Flash memory and reboot the system, as described following:

Step 1   Use the copy privileged EXEC command to copy the software image to the ONS 15194 Flash memory from one of the PCMCIA ATA Flash memory disks or a TFTP or FTP server. Before you can copy a file from a TFTP or FTP server, you must set the IP parameters as described in Setting the IP Parameters.

Caution   You cannot boot the ONS 15194 from an image file located on a PCMCIA disk. The file must be copied to the ONS 15194 Flash memory.

Step 2   Use the boot system global configuration command to specify that the new software image be used to boot the system.

Step 3   Use the write privileged EXEC command to save the boot system configuration changes to the Flash memory.

Step 4   Use the show bootvar command to veirfy that the boot parameters are configured correctly.

Step 5   Use the exit or reload command to boot the controller with the new software image.

Step 6   Detach the serial cable from the maintenance port. At this point, you should access the main ONS 15194 software via the console or Ethernet ports only.

Setting the IP Parameters

Before you can download an image file by means of TFTP, you need to provide the networking parameters of the ONS 15194. To set the networking parameters, enter interface command mode for the Ethernet interface and use the ip address command to set the IP address and subnet mask of the ONS 15194, as shown in the following example:

ons15194> enable ons15194# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ons15194(config)# interface ethernet 0 ons15194(config-if)# ip address

In the ip address command, the first string is the IP address, and the second string is the subnet mask.

To set the default gateway, use the ip default-gateway global configuration command, as shown in the following example:

ons15194(config-if)# exit ons15194(config)# ip default-gateway

You can now access a TFTP or FTP server via the network.

Posted: Sun Oct 6 02:20:23 PDT 2002
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