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Cisco ONS 15190 IP Transport Concentrator Release Notes for Release 3.5

Cisco ONS 15190 IP Transport Concentrator Release Notes for Release 3.5

April 4, 2002



This document describes all additions or changes to running the ONS 15190 IP Transport Concentrator with Software Release 3.5. The Cisco ONS 15190 was previously known as the PentaCom RingStar8000.

Introductory information is presented in the following sections:

Software Compatibility

Release 3.5 for the ONS 15190 is compatible with any existing ONS 15190 hardware platforms.

Software Release

In software releases below 3.0, use the command system show info to display the currently running release of the software.

admin>system show info   System uptime: 0:08:02.363   Name: ONS 15190   Description: Lab at Cisco Systems   Location:   Contact: Running image:   Release: 1.2   Created on: Wed Jan 19 21:14:46 2000   Created by: Cisco Systems   Length: 2282376   Signature: 0xEF2BE4F6   Software version: 1.2.15   Software built on: Jan 19 2000, 21:13:45   Bootstrap version: 3.2 Stored image:   Release: 1.0.23   Created on: Tue Feb 01 01:21:56 2000   Created by: Cisco Systems   Length: 2290824   Signature: 0x4E034E21

The running image release should be the same as the stored image release (in this example, Release 1.2). In Release 3.0 or above, use the command show version to display the currently running release of the software.

ons15190#show version System uptime: 19:34:52.215 System time: MON MAR 19 13:10:36 2001 Name: ons15190 Description: Location: Contact: Running image: Release: 3.5 Created on: Fri Mar 09 03:22:03 2001 Created by: Cisco Systems Length: 1099879 Signature: 0x21143E04 Software build: 3.5.4 Software created on: Mar 9 2001, 03:14:26 Bootstrap version: 3.5 Backplane info: Description: RingStar 8000 chassis Catalog number: RINGSTAR-8000 Serial number: 1160-001 Board version: B0 PEM 1: Status: Absent PEM 2: Status: Operational Description: Power Entry Module Catalog number: RS-PEM Serial number: 354-025 Board version: B1 Fans: Fan 1 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 2 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 3 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 4 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 5 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 6 [Tray 1]: Operational

Software Upgrade

Instructions for upgrading to Release 3.5 are provided in the "Installation Notes" section.

New Software Features in Release 3.5

Following is a list of the new software features supported by the Cisco ONS 15190 IP Transport Concentrator in Release 3.5:

SSH Support

Release 3.5 supports access via SSH or Telnet. Both DES and 3DES encrytion methods are supported for SSH. Use the show ssh EXEC command to display all active SSH sessions. Use the show users EXEC command to display all active sessions, including SSH.


Authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) is described in the following sections:


AAA authentication is used to restrict access to log in to the ONS 15190 or privileged EXEC command level. AAA authorization limits the use of specific commands according to user, by using the information retrieved from the user's profile on the TACACS+ security server. AAA accounting enables you to track the services users are accessing as well as the amount of network resources they are consuming. When AAA accounting is enabled, the network security server receives reports from the ONS 15190 regarding user activity in the form of accounting records. These records are saved at the security server and can be analyzed for network management purposes.

AAA is automatically enabled on the ONS 15190 and you can configure the security configuration to work with or without a TACACS+ server. Use of a TACACS+ server provides much more flexibility in terms of AAA security configurations.

By default, the ONS 15190 is set to work without a TACACS+ server, and the default login password is the same as the enable secret password. Because of this, you cannot log into the ONS 15190 via a network connection (SSH or Telnet) until the enable secret password has been defined or the AAA configurations have been changed from their default.

Note   Use of a TACACS+ server is the only security method provided on the ONS 15190 that allows authentication, authorization and accounting (AAA) definitions by specific user. Authorization can only be defined with the use of a TACACS+ server.

Note   For a complete description of the AAA Cisco model and TACACS+ server functionality, see the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide.

AAA Configuration without TACACS+

There are two options of AAA security configuration without using a TACACS+ server:

aaa authentication login default none
aaa authentication enable default enable

These commands specify that no login authentication is performed, and that enable (privileged EXEC mode) authentication is performed using the enable secret password.

aaa authentication login default enable
aaa authentication enable default enable

These commands specify that the enable secret is to be used for both login authentication and enable (privileged EXEC mode) authentication. This scenario is the default for SSH and Telnet access, if no AAA authentication configuration is defined.

In both of these scenarios, the password (the enable secret) is per ONS 15190 and not dependant on the specific user being authenticated.

For authentication commands, you can specify more than one authentication method, in case the first method can not be used. For example, if the enable secret has not been defined, using the above commands will not provide access to the ONS 15190. The following commands will allow access even if the enable secret has not been set:

aaa authentication login default enable none
aaa authentication enable default enable none

In this example, authentication only reverts to none if there is no enable secret defined on the ONS 15190. If the user fails to provide the correctly defined enable secret, authentication fails.

AAA Configuration with TACACS+

To configure security on the ONS 15190 using AAA with TACACS+, follow this process.

    1. Use the tacacs-server host command to configure the security parameters for the TACACS+ server. It is advisable to provide more than one server, in the event that the first server is down.

    2. Define the method lists for authentication by using the aaa authentication login and aaa authentication enable commands. If you are using a TACACS+ server for authentication, you should provide a second method of authentication (such as enable or none), in the event that the TACACS+ server is down.

    3. Optional. Configure authorization using the aaa authorization commands or aaa authorization config-commands commands. You must be logged in to the ONS 15190 as an authenticated user in order to successfully define AAA authorizations.

Make special note of the following items before configuring AAA on the ONS 15190:

TACACS+ AAA Configuration Examples

The following example shows a sample AAA authentication configuration:

ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host key SpecialKey ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host ons15190(config)# tacacs-server key myTacacsPassWord ons15190(config)# tacacs-server timeout 15 ons15190(config)# aaa authentication login default tacacs+ enable ons15190(config)# aaa authentication enable default tacacs+ enable

This example specifies:

After authentication has been configured, you must log out of the ONS 15190 and log in as an authenticated user before configuring the AAA authorization. The following example shows a sample AAA authorization configuration:

ons15190(config)# aaa authorization commands 1 default tacacs+ if-authenticated ons15190(config)# aaa authorization commands 15 default tacacs+ if-authenticated ons15190(config)# aaa authorization config-commands

This example specifies:

Each authentication and authorization command should list several methods to be used if the first method returns an error. Subsequent methods are only used if an error is received; if the previous method fails, authentication or authorization is denied.

AAA Accounting Configuration

There are three types of accounting methods supported on the ONS 15190:

The only accounting method supported on the ONS 15190 is TACACS+. The ONS 15190 reports user activity to the TACACS+ security server in the form of accounting records. Each accounting record contains accounting attribute-value (AV) pairs and is stored on the security server.

There are two accounting record types implemented on the ONS 15190:

Before you can use the accounting features on the ONS 15190, you must configure a TACACS+ server. After AAA accounting is configured on the ONS 15190, the accounting records are saved for all active SSH, Telnet and console sessions.

AAA Accounting Configuration Examples

Following are example AAA accounting configuration scripts. The server IP address and key are examples only; you must provide your own IP address and key.

Use the following commands to configure system accounting using the start-stop record type:

ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host ons15190(config)# tacacs-server key abc13 ons15190(config)# aaa authentication login default tacacs+ enable ons15190(config)# aaa accounting system default start-stop tacacs+

Use the following commands to configure exec accounting using stop-only record type:

ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host ons15190(config)# tacacs-server key abc13 ons15190(config)# aaa authentication login default tacacs+ enable ons15190(config)# aaa accounting exec default stop-only tacacs+

Use the following commands to configure the accounting for level 1 commands using start-stop record type (level 1 commands relate to all user EXEC commands):

ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host ons15190(config)# tacacs-server key abc13 ons15190(config)# aaa authentication login default tacacs+ enable ons15190(config)# aaa accounting commands 1 default start-stop tacacs+

Use the following commands to configure the accounting for level 15 commands using start-stop record type (level 15 commands relate to all EXEC privileged commands including configuration commands):

ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host ons15190(config)# tacacs-server key abc13 ons15190(config)# aaa authentication login default tacacs+ enable ons15190(config)# aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop tacacs+

Use the following commands to configure the accounting for all commands using stop-only record type, system and exec accounting using the start-stop record type:

ons15190(config)# tacacs-server host ons15190(config)# tacacs-server key abc13 ons15190(config)# aaa authentication login default tacacs+ enable ons15190(config)# aaa accounting commands 1 default stop-only tacacs+ ons15190(config)# aaa accounting commands 15 default stop-only tacacs+ ons15190(config)# aaa accounting exec default start-stop tacacs+ ons15190(config)# aaa accounting system default start-stop tacacs+

New Software Features in Release 3.2

Following is a list of the new software features supported by the Cisco ONS 15190 IP Transport Concentrator as of Release 3.2:

Cisco IOS-Compatible CLI

The Cisco ONS 15190 command line interface (CLI) has been changed to be compatible with Cisco IOS so that using a Cisco IOS command that is implemented in the ONS 15190, performs the same action as that described in the Cisco IOS documentation. In all cases where functionality differs significantly from Cisco IOS, the syntax is also slightly different. In some cases, the results may be less complete than in Cisco IOS. Following is a table that maps all Release 2.5 commands to Release 3.2 commands.

Table 1: CLI Conversion Table
Release 2.5 Command Release 3.2 Command Command Mode



privileged EXEC

card SLOT reset

hw-module slot reload

privileged EXEC

card SLOT show status

show hw-module


eips enable

eips enable

global conf

eips disable

no eips enable

global conf

eips set wtr DECIMAL

eips wtr-timer

global conf

eips show

show eips


l-aps all APS-NODE show status

show aps node


l-aps APS-NODE request lockout

l-aps lockout

privileged EXEC

l-aps APS-NODE request forced

l-aps force

privileged EXEC

l-aps APS-NODE request manual

l-aps manual

privileged EXEC

l-aps APS-NODE request clear lockout

no l-aps lockout

privileged EXEC

l-aps APS-NODE request clear forced

no l-aps force

privileged EXEC

l-aps APS-NODE request clear manual

no l-aps manual

privileged EXEC

motd enable


global conf

motd disable

no motd-banner

global conf

motd show

show banner motd


port blink DECIMAL

hw-module interface blink

privileged EXEC

port all clear sonet current

clear counters

privileged EXEC

port all loopback {facility | none | terminal}

loopback + loopback line + loopback internal

interface conf

port all reset

clear interface

privileged EXEC

port PORT clear pos total

clear counters

privileged EXEC

port PORT loopback {facility | none | terminal}

loopback + loopback line + loopback internal

interface conf

port PORT reset

clear interface

privileged EXEC

port all | PORT show pos current

show interfaces data current


port all | PORT show pos history

show interfaces data history


port PORT show pos total

show interfaces data total


port all | PORT show pos total {bytes | frames | errors}

show interfaces data total {byte | frame | errors}


port all | PORT show sonet current

show interfaces performance-monitor current


port all | PORT show sonet history

show interfaces performance-monitor history


port all | PORT show sonet {current | history | indications}

show controllers {srp | pos}


port all | PORT show laser

show interfaces laser


port all | PORT show status

show interfaces


port all | PORT show trace

show interfaces rx-pathtrace


rconf apply



rconf discard



rconf default



rconf show applied

1. display running
2 show rconf running


rconf show applied raw

1. show rconf running raw
2. display running raw


rconf show current

display draft


rconf node autodetect

node autodetect


rconf node delete NODE

no node create


rconf NODE ports PORT1 PORT2

node interfaces


rconf node NODE rename STRING

node rename


rconf node NODE show

show node

privileged EXEC

rconf node new

node create


rconf node NODE set ais

node set ais


rconf node NODE set clock-source

node set clock-source


rconf node NODE set mode

node set framing


rconf node NODE set sd-threshold

node set threshold sd-ber


rconf node NODE set sf-threshold

node set threshold sf-ber


rconf node NODE set switching

node set aps revert


rconf pos connect

pos connect


rconf pos disconnect

no pos connect


rconf ring delete

no ring create


rconf ring new

ring create


rconf ring RING add all | NODE

ring add


rconf ring RING autoorder

ring autoorder


rconf ring RING nodes NODE1

ring nodes


rconf ring RING remove all | NODE

no ring add


rconf ring RING rename

ring rename


rconf sniff connect

sniff connect


rconf sniff disconnect

no sniff connect


rconf raw enable

raw enable


rconf raw disable

no raw enable


rconf raw clear

raw clear


rconf raw connect

raw connect


rconf raw direct



rconf raw disconnect

1. no direct
2. no raw connect


rconf raw set {all | PORT} ais

raw set ais


rconf raw set {all | PORT} clock-source

raw set clock-source


rconf raw set {all | PORT} mode

raw set framing


rconf raw set {all | PORT} protocol

raw set protocol


rconf raw set {all | PORT} sd-threshold

raw set threshold sd-ber


rconf raw set {all | PORT} sf-threshold

raw set threshold sf-ber


slot SLOT disable

no hw-module shutdown

global conf

slot SLOT enable

hw-module shutdown

global conf

slot all | SLOT show status

show hw-module status


system reset


privileged EXEC

system tech-support

show tech-support


system set contact

snmp-server contact

global conf

system set description

snmp-server chassis-id

global conf

system set location

snmp-server location

global conf

system set name


global conf

system set prompt


global conf

system set session timeout


line conf

system set temp-protect

temperature-protect disable

global conf

system set time

1. calendar set
2. clock set

privileged EXEC

system set trace-mode {pos | raw | sniff | srp}


global conf

system set factory default

1. erase nvram:
2. write erase

privileged EXEC

system show box

show 15190


system show chassis

show version


system show info

show version


system show redundancy

show redundancy


system show session

show terminal


system show temp-protect

show temperature-protect (EXEC)


system show time

show calendar (EXEC)



enable (EXEC)



1. disable
2. exit

privileged EXEC
all modes


enable secret

global conf

net delete sntp server

no sntp server

global conf

net set arp flush

clear arp-cache

privileged EXEC

net set dns

ip domain-name + ip name-server

global conf

net set ip

ip address +
ip default-gateway

interface conf
global conf

net show arp

show arp


net show ip

show interface ethernet 0


net show route

show ip route


sntp set server

sntp server

global conf

sntp delete server

no sntp server

global conf

sntp show server

show sntp


tnetd abort

clear line vty

privileged EXEC

tnetd send

send message

privileged EXEC

tnetd set mirror

tnetd set mirror

privileged EXEC

tnetd set state

tnetd set state

privileged EXEC

tnetd show session

show users


tnetd show state

show tnetd


tftp get conf

1. configure network tftp://....
2. copy tftp://... startup-config

privileged EXEC

tftp get image

copy tftp://.. flash:

privileged EXEC

tftp get motd

copy tftp://... motd

global conf

tftp put conf

1. copy startup-config tftp://...
2. write

privileged EXEC




snmp show

show snmp


snmp trap add

snmp-server host

global conf

snmp trap remove

no snmp-server host

global conf


1. connect
2. telnet
3. <host|ipaddress>






show history


log set ip

logging host

global conf

log set DEVICE clear

clear logging

privileged EXEC

log set DEVICE state on


global conf

log set DEVICE state off

no logging

global conf

log set DEVICE threshold


global conf

log show all

show logging


serial set console baud


line conf

serial set maintenance baud


line conf

Note   In keeping with the Cisco IOS software convention of limiting access to the global configuration command mode to one concurrent session, Release 3.5 of the ONS 15190 software also limits access to global and rconf configuration command modes to one session only.

Support for Single Ring Redundancy

Release 3.5 supports the single ring redundancy (SRR) protocol. For DPT rings that operate in an "inner-outer" fiber topology with two ONS 15190 units, SRR provides redundancy to maintain full connectivity in the event of a failure in one ONS 15190. In this scenario, the inner ring fibers are connected to one ONS 15190 unit, and the outer ring fibers are connected to the second unit, meaning that only half of an SRP node is described in each ONS 15190 unit. For this reason, all configuration commands related to such nodes must be performed on both ONS 15190 units in order for them to operate correctly. If a command, such as a ring definition, is defined on only one unit, the configuration will be incomplete, and results may be unpredictable.

Note   In order for the SRR protocol to work correctly in the ring and provide complete system redundancy, all routers/devices in the ring must support SRR. SRR is supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(16)S for OC-48/STM-16.

Figure 1: ONS 15190 Units Connected in Inner-Outer Topology

In order to automatically configure two ONS 15190 units that are to work with SRR, use the io-autoconnect privileged EXEC command on both ONS 15190 units. The SRP rings will be defined from the inner and outer nodes in the same order in both units.

If other configuration changes need to be performed, such as reordering the nodes in the ring, adding or removing nodes from the ring, or parameter changes, the commands must be used on both units. When the configuration changes are complete, the apply rconf configuration command must be used on both units.

Software Changes in Release 3.2

The following changes were made to the software for Release 3.2 of the ONS 15190:


The autotrack capability is not supported in as of Release 3.2.

Cascading ONS 15190 Units

The procedure for cascading multiple ONS 15190 units into a single ring is simplified in the following procedure:

Step 1   Physically connect the units together with multiple pairs of fiber-optic cables. Each ONS 15190 unit is connected to the other units using two pairs of cables: if two units are being connected, two pairs of cables are connected between the two units; if three or more units are being connected, one pair of cables connects each ONS 15190 unit to each of its neighboring ONS 15190 units, such that each unit is connected to two other units.

Step 2   Enter the autoconnect command on the first ONS 15190 unit.

Step 3   Enter the write command on the first ONS 15190 unit.

Step 4   Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each of the connected ONS 15190 units, in the order that they are physically connected.

The units are now configured into the same ring. All nodes connected to any of the units are now contained within this ring. In the following figure, each line represents a pair of fiber optic cables.

Figure 2: Multiple ONS 15190 Units Cascaded into One Ring

Note   If a span of routers is connected to any of the ONS 15190 units, both the span and the cascaced links to other ONS 15190 units will need to be manually defined to be recognized by the cascaded ONS  15190 units.

Note   When cascading multiple ONS 15190 units together, set the trace-mode for SRP nodes to normal (default).

Create a Login Message

A message of the day (MOTD) is displayed when the system is accessed via Telnet. This message may now be created by entering the message. To create a new MOTD, use the banner motd global configuration command:

ons15190(config)#banner motd "This is the message-of-the-day banner which will be displayed"

After the MOTD has been defined, you must enable the display of the MOTD with the motd-banner command.

Disable SNMP Functionality

Release 3.5 currently loads with SNMP functionality disabled. This is in order to prevent security breaches via SNMP. In order to enable SNMP functionality, use the snmp-server community string global configuration command, where string is the community string that acts as a password and permits access to the SNMP protocol. To disable SNMP functionality after it has been enabled, use the no snmp-server EXEC command.

Installation Notes

If you are upgrading from a release of the software below Release 2.0, follow the upgrade procedure in the section "Upgrade from Release 1.x". If you are upgrading from Release 2.x, follow the upgrade procedure in the section "Upgrade from Release 2.x". To install the software from Release 3.2 and above, follow the procedure in the section "Upgrade from Release 3.x".

Note   Downtime due to the software upgrade will be up to two minutes due to an update in the firmware.

Note   Upgrades to Release 2.5 or above will discard all sniff connections, convert all unidirectional APS nodes to bidirectional nodes and discard all low level (raw) configurations.

Caution   Due to changes in the database made in newer releases, it is not possible, following an upgrade, to revert to earlier versions of the system configuration. For this reason, you are advised to save the current configuration on your system before upgrading. Then if you experience a problem with the new release, you will be able to revert to the previous software revision and reload the old configuration.

To upload the configuration to a tftp server, use the privileged EXEC command copy startup-config tftp://host[/dir]/filename, where host is the IP address of the TFTP server where you are saving the configuration file, and filename is the filename of the configuration file.

Upgrade from Release 3.x

To upgrade your ONS 15190 with a new release of software after Release 3.x is installed, do the following:

Step 1   Download the new software image file into the ONS 15190 flash memory by using the privileged EXEC command copy tftp://host[/dir]/filename image, where host[/dir]/filename is the address of the image file on a TFTP server. For example:

ons15190#copy tftp:// image Retrieving 1.17MB Done. Release : 3.2 Created by: Cisco Systems Created on: Mon Apr 16 13:40:33 2001 Are you sure? y Checking CRC of image...OK Storing image ...100%. Updating image information (might take a while) Done.

In this example, the TFTP server IP address is, and the remote filename of the software update is ver30. When prompted with the release to be saved, enter y to continue the process. After the file is downloaded, it is stored within the Flash memory of both controller cards of the ONS 15190. A reset is performed automatically to the standby controller card such that the new software release will be up and running on the standby controller, but not on the active controller.

You will be prompted to reset the active controller in order to begin running the new software release.

Step 2   Enter y to continue.

Control will be transferred to the previous standby controller that is already running the new software, and the active controller is reset with the new software as well.

Changes will take affect only after controller reset Do you want to reset now? y Resetting... SUN APR 29 15:29:15 2001 Controller reset 0:00:00.270 System powered on.

When the system is reset, communication will be lost to the controller and one of the following occurs:

Step 3   Log in to the system again. The software upgrade procedure is now complete.

Upgrade from Release 2.x

To upgrade your ONS 15190 to Release 3.x after Release 2.x is installed, do the following:

Step 1   Use the tftp get command to download the new software image file into the ONS 15190. You need the TFTP server IP address where the file is located, as well as the name of the file. For example:

admin>tftp get ons15190-30.bin image       Retrieving 2.91MB Done. Release : 3.2 Created by: Cisco Systems Created on: Mon May 01 20:55:40 2000 Are you sure? y Storing image ...100%. Updating image information (might take a while) Done. synchronizing Image OK

In this example, the TFTP server IP address is, and the remote filename of the software update is ver30. When prompted with the release to be saved, enter y to continue the process. After the file is downloaded, it is stored within the Flash memory of both controller cards of the ONS 15190. A reset is performed automatically to the standby controller card such that the new software release will be up and running on the standby controller, but not on the active controller.

You will be prompted to reset the active controller in order to begin running the new software release.

Step 2   Enter y to continue.

Control will be transferred to the previous standby controller that is already running the new software, and the active controller will be reset with the new software as well.

Changes will take affect only after controller reset Do you want to reset now? y resetting...

When the system is reset, communication will be lost to the controller and one of the following occurs:

Step 3   Log into the system again via the console interface.

The system will now be running the new software release. If you perform the EXEC command show version, you will see that the new software release is currently running.

ons15190#show version System uptime: 18:00:15.014 System time: THU MAR 15 10:44:11 2001 Name: ons15190 Description: Description Location: Location Contact: Running image: Release: 3.2 Created on: Fri Mar 09 03:22:03 2001 Created by: Cisco Systems Length: 1099879 Signature: 0x21143E04 Software build: Private Software created on: Mar 9 2001, 03:14:26 Bootstrap version: 3.2 Backplane info: Description: ons15190 series chassis Catalog number: ons15190 Serial number: 1377-004 Board version: B1 PEM 1: Status: Faulty Description: POWER ENTRY MODULE CARD WITH SWITCH Catalog number: RS-PEM-SWT Serial number: 1175-078 Board version: C1 PEM 2: Status: Operational Description: POWER ENTRY MODULE CARD WITH SWITCH Catalog number: RS-PEM-SWT Serial number: 1175-072 Board version: C1 Fans: Fan 1 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 2 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 3 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 4 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 5 [Tray 1]: Operational Fan 6 [Tray 1]: Operational

The software download procedure is now successfully completed.

Step 4   Before you can access the box via Telnet you will need to configure the security parameters. See TACACS AAA.

Upgrade from Release 1.x

To upgrade the software on your ONS 15190 to Release 3.x from Release 1.x, do the following:

Step 1   Reset the active controller card, before beginning the software download, with the command: system reset. This may result in a subsequent reset of the standby controller as well. When the controller(s) have completed the reset, continue to Step 2.

Step 2   Use the tftp get command to download the new software image file into the ONS 15190.

You need the TFTP server IP address where the file is located, as well as the name of the file. For example:

admin>tftp get ons15190-32.bin image     Retrieving 2.18MB Done. Release : 3.2 Created by: Cisco Systems Created on: Tue Feb 01 01:21:56 2000 Are you sure? y Storing image ...100%. Validating image Done. Updating image information (might take a while) Done. Synchronizing image... waiting for standby controller to save image information.... ........image synchronized OK done

In this example, the TFTP server IP address is, and the remote file name of the software update is ver3.2.

Step 3   Enter y when prompted for the release to be downloaded.

When the download is complete, the file is stored within the Flash memory of both controller cards of the ONS 15190, but is not the currently running release of the software.

Step 4   Reset the system to run the newer release of the software. This reset may be done via the management software (as in the following example) or physically.

admin>sys reset Controller will be reset. Are you sure? y bye User Name: Password: admin>

When the system is reset, communication will be lost to the controller and one of the following occurs:

When the system reboots, the now active controller (which was previously the standby controller) will still be running the old software release. However, the standby controller will be running the new software release. Use the command system show info, to verify that the old software release is currently running. For example:

admin> system show info   System uptime: 0:08:02.363   Name: ONS 15190   Description: Lab at Cisco Systems   Location:   Contact: Running image:   Release: 1.0.23   Created on: Wed Jan 19 21:14:46 2000   Created by: Cisco Systems   Length: 2282376   Signature: 0xEF2BE4F6   Software version: Build 23   Software built on: Jan 19 2000, 21:13:45   Bootstrap version: 3.2 Stored image:   Release: 3.2   Created on: Tue Feb 01 01:21:56 2000   Created by: Cisco Systems   Length: 2290824   Signature: 0x4E034E21

Note that the stored release is 3.2, but the current running software release is only release 1.0.23.

Step 5   Reset the system once again in order to complete the procedure so that the new release will be running on the active controller card.

This reset will transfer control back to the original active controller which is already running the new release. The standby controller will now be reset to the new release as well. Once again, communication to the controller will be lost.

Step 6   Log into the system again via the console interface.

When the system boots, it will be running Release 3.2. The software download procedure is now successfully completed.

Step 7   Before you can access the box via Telnet you will need to configure the security parameters. See TACACS AAA.

Release Supported

All features specified in this document are supported in Release 3.5.


If you must revert to a previous release of the software, do the following:

Step 1   Use the command erase nvram:.

Step 2   Download the software image file into the ONS 15190. You need the TFTP server IP address where the file is located, as well as the name of the file. For example:

ons15190#copy tftp:\\\ons15190-25.bin image:

In this example, the TFTP server IP address is, and the remote filename of the software update is ons15190-25.bin.

Step 3   When the image is downloaded and running on your system, you must either download a previously saved release of the configuration file, or execute the command system set factory-default. The factory default will provide a blank configuration for which you to begin defining your own configuration definitions.

To download a previously saved release of the configuration file, use the command tftp get IP fname conf, where IP is the IP address where you have saved the configuration file, and fname is the name of the file.

Step 4   Power down the unit and restart it before beginning to work with the new software release.

Limitations and Restrictions

Limitations and restrictions of this software release are presented in the following sections:

Enable Password Not Supported

The enable password command is not supported, so you cannot view unencrypted passwords using the show running command. The enable secret global configuration command is the only command you can use to define the enable password (secret).

Reverting to an Older Software Release

In order to revert to a older software release, follow the upgrade procedure to download the proper software release. When the upgrade is completed, set the factory defaults with the command system set factory default. To set the system configuration, you can do one of the following:

Sniff Nodes

Release 3.5 supports the connection of only one sniff node at a time. All previously defined sniff connections will be disconnected when Release 3.5 is installed.

APS Nodes

Release 3.5 supports only bidirectional APS nodes. Any previously defined unidirectional nodes will be converted to bidirectional mode when Release 3.5 is installed.

Fiber Loops

If fiber loops are present on the system, the path trace mode must be set to normal in order for features such as autoconnect, and autodetect to function correctly.

Throughput Limitation

When using OC-48c/STM-16 cards and traffic is comprised of minimally-sized packets (64 bytes), throughput may drop to 98 percent. Specifically, in the event of a burst of 2000 minimally-sized packets, about 2 packets may be dropped. Such scenarios are very unlikely in real networks, so this limitation is not expected to cause any impact on throughput.

Sniff Node Compatibility

Sniff nodes do not automatically receive the characteristics of the sniffed node, so they must be manually configured to be compatible with the node being sniffed.


Caveats in using the ONS 15190 as of Release 3.5 are presented in the following sections:

Reload Command Warning

When using the reload command, you may be prompted with the following message, even though no configuration changes were made.

Running-config is different from startup-config. Save running to startup?[Yes/No]:No

Choose either Yes or No. In either case, all previously saved configurations will be retained.

Hw-module slot shutdown Command

Although the hw-module slot shutdown command appears in the global configuration command mode, it is not saved to Flash memory when a write command is used, so this configuration command does not survive a reload.

Long Node Names

Node names cannot exceed 15 characters. If a node is given a name exceeding 15 characters, this command fails. In addition, the interfaces used in the failed command are not available for further use. If this occurs, use the discard rconf configuration command to discard all current draft configuration changes, and then begin the node configurations anew.

Errors on Disconnected Ports

When running OC-12/STM-4 traffic on 4-port line cards, sometimes errors of type too short or too long Upgrade from Release 1.x

The active controller card must be reset before beginning the software download with the system reset command. This may result in a subsequent reset of the standby controller as well. When the controller(s) complete the reset, follow the standard upgrade procedure as described in "Upgrade from Release 1.x" section.

Note   Resetting the controllers does not effect the flow of traffic.

No Commands

In standard Cisco IOS releases, any configuration command can be preceded by the keyword no to revert to the default configuration. Release 3.5 of the ONS 15190 software does not support the full parameter list following the no command. For example, if the configuration contains the following command

ip default-gateway

then the following command

no ip default-gateway

is not acceptable. However, the command

no ip default-gateway

is acceptable and will result in the default gateway being set to its default value.

Documentation Updates

DOC-7811392 is the updated ONS 15190 Installation and Configuration Guide for Release 3.0.

Related Documentation

DOC-7811392, the ONS 15190 Installation and Configuration Guide describes all new and existing features of the product, including all new CLI syntax.

Obtaining Documentation

The following sections provide sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at the following sites:

Documentation CD-ROM

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.

Ordering Documentation

Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:

Documentation Feedback

If you are reading Cisco product documentation on the World Wide Web, you can submit technical comments electronically. Click Feedback in the toolbar and select Documentation. After you complete the form, click Submit to send it to Cisco.

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Obtaining Technical Assistance

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Contacting TAC by Using the Cisco TAC Website

If you have a priority level 3 (P3) or priority level 4 (P4) problem, contact TAC by going to the TAC website:

P3 and P4 level problems are defined as follows:

In each of the above cases, use the Cisco TAC website to quickly find answers to your questions.

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Contacting TAC by Telephone

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P1 and P2 level problems are defined as follows:

This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Related Documentation" section.

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Posted: Mon Apr 22 12:46:06 PDT 2002
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