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RMA Return Instructions

RMA Return Instructions

The parts contained in this shipment are replacement parts provided under a direct product purchase program, maintenance, or upgrade program. Under the terms and conditions of the Cisco Systems return materials authorization (RMA) policy, the replaced parts must be returned to Cisco Systems.

Follow these guidelines to return parts:

If you are a registered Cisco Direct Customer, you can check the status of your RMA at the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/front.x/agents/svo_tools/SVOStatusDispatcher .

Return shipping addresses and Asset Recovery contact information for the following:

Asia (excluding China)

For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery-asia@cisco.com

Voice: 65 6461 6257
Fax: 65-62891585
Cisco Systems, Inc.
RMA Receiving
2011A Senter Road
Dock Doors 2-3-4
San Jose, CA 95112


For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery-aust@cisco.com

Voice: 61 2 8446 6060
Fax: 61 2 8448 7521
Cisco Systems, Inc.
c/o Solectron Australia
No. 4 Military Road
Matraville, NSW 2036
Attn: Cisco RMA Receiving Dept.


Canada is an authorized consolidation depot only. RMAs will be processed when they are returned to San Jose, California, USA. Please allow up to 3 weeks for processing, closure, and any credits to be generated.

For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery@cisco.com

Voice: 1 800 800-1180 ext. 67284 or 408 526-7284
Fax: 408 525-9100
UPS Logistics
c/o Cisco Systems, Inc.
7315 David Hunting Dr.
Mississauga, ON
Attention: W1706

Central and South America

For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery@cisco.com

Voice: 408 526-7284 or 408 902-5098 (Se Habla Español)
Fax: 408 525-9100
Cisco Systems, Inc.
RMA Receiving
2011A Senter Road
Dock Doors 2-3-4
San Jose, CA 95112


For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery-china@cisco.com

Voice: 86 10 65268899 x 7278
Fax: 86 10 85182096
Cisco Systems, Inc.
RMA Receiving
2011A Senter Road
Dock Doors 2-3-4
San Jose, CA 95112


For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery-emea@cisco.com

Voice: 31 20 357 3586
Fax: 31 20 357 1310
Cisco Systems ERLC
c/o Bax Global Logistics B.V.
Trade Boulevard 2A
Dock Doors 1-6 and Door A
Industrial Estate Moerdijk
The Netherlands


For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery-jp@cisco.com

Voice: 81 3 5324 4085
Fax: 81 3 5324 4011
Cisco Systems K.K.
c/o FedEx Kasai EDC
4-3-1 Rinkai-cho,
Edogawa-ku, Tokyo
134-0086 Japan


Mexico is an authorized consolidation depot only. RMAs will be processed when they are returned to San Jose, California, USA. Please allow up to 3 weeks for processing, closure, and any credits to be generated.

For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery@cisco.com

Voice: 408 526-7284 or 408 902-5098 (Se Habla Español)
Fax: 408 525-9100
Worldwide Logistics de Mexico
Prolongacion Saturno #456 Almacen #20
Colonia Nueva Industrial Vallejo
Delegacion Gustavo A. Madero
C P 07700 Mex D F
Attention: W1707

New Zealand

For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery-aust@cisco.com

Voice: 65 6461 6257
Fax: 65-62891585
Auckland RFD
Cisco Systems NZ
c/o DHL International (NZ) Ltd.
Corner of Laurence Stevens and Hape Drive
Aukland International Airport
Auckland, NZ

United States

Cisco Systems has begun implementation of a Web-based Returns Solution. This program enables you to schedule a pickup of your service RMAs online. Until full implementation, you will continue to receive preprinted return airbills; however, you do not need them. The Web-based Returns Solution offers you several advantages, such as auto updates to Cisco with your return information, and no automated email reminders. Also, a Cisco.com (previously CCO) password is not required!

To schedule your pickup and provide us with your feedback: http://www.cisco.com/go/logistics

For questions regarding the RMA return or status, please e-mail: asset-recovery@cisco.com

Voice: 1 800 800-1180 ext. 67284 or 408 526-7284

Fax: 408 525-9100

Cisco Systems, Inc.
RMA Receiving
2011A Senter Road
Dock Doors 2-3-4
San Jose, CA 95112

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All other trademarks mentioned in this document or Web site are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0208R)

Posted: Sun Feb 2 22:00:56 PST 2003
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