
Table of Contents

Configuring the 6T3 Line Card
Using the EXEC Command Interpreter
Configuring the Interfaces
Checking the Configuration
CLI-Controlled OIR
Line Card Crash Recovery

Configuring the 6T3 Line Card

To continue your 6T3 line card installation, you must configure the serial interfaces.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Using the EXEC Command Interpreter

You modify the configuration of your router through the software command interpreter called the EXEC (also called enable mode). You must enter the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter with the enable command before you can use the configure command to configure a new interface or change the existing configuration of an interface. The system prompts you for a password if one has been set.

The system prompt for the privileged level ends with a pound sign (#) instead of an angle bracket (>). At the console terminal, use the following procedure to enter the privileged level:

Step 1   At the user-level EXEC prompt, enter the enable command. The EXEC prompts you for a privileged-level password as follows:

Router> enable

Step 2   Enter the password (the password is case sensitive). For security purposes, the password is not displayed.

When you enter the correct password, the system displays the privileged-level system prompt (#):


To configure the new interfaces, proceed to the "Configuring the Interfaces" section.

Configuring the Interfaces

After you verify that the new 6T3 line card is installed correctly (the STATUS LED goes on), use the privileged-level configure command to configure the new interfaces. Have the following information available:

If you installed a new 6T3 line card or if you want to change the configuration of an existing interface, you must enter configuration mode to configure the new interfaces. If you replaced a 6T3 line card that was previously configured, the system recognizes the new interfaces and brings each of them up in their existing configuration.

For a summary of the configuration options available and instructions for configuring interfaces on a 6T3 line card, refer to the appropriate configuration publications listed in the "Related Documentation" section.

You execute configuration commands from the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter, which usually requires password access. Contact your system administrator, if necessary, to obtain password access. (See the "Using the EXEC Command Interpreter" section for an explanation of the privileged level of the EXEC.)

This section contains the following subsections:

Shutting Down an Interface

Before you remove an interface that you will not replace, or replace line cards, use the shutdown command to shut down (disable) the interfaces to prevent anomalies when you reinstall the new or reconfigured interface processor. When you shut down an interface, it is designated administratively down in the show command displays.

Follow these steps to shut down an interface:

Step 1   Enter the privileged level of the EXEC command interpreter (also called enable mode). (See the "Using the EXEC Command Interpreter" section for instructions.)

Step 2   At the privileged-level prompt, enter configuration mode and specify that the console terminal is the source of the configuration subcommands, as follows:

Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Step 3   Shut down interfaces by entering the interface serial subcommand (followed by the interface address of the interface), and then enter the shutdown command. Table 4-1 shows the command syntax.

When you have finished, press Ctrl-Z—hold down the Control key while you press Z—or enter end or exit to exit configuration mode and return to the EXEC command interpreter.

Table 4-1   Syntax of the shutdown Command

Platform Command Example

Cisco 7304 routers

interface, followed by the type (serial) and slot/port (slot-number/

The example is for interface 0 and interface 1 on a 6T3 line card in slot 2.

Router(config-if)# interface serial 2/0
Router(config-if)# shutdown
Router(config-if)# interface serial 2/1
Router(config-if)# shutdown

Note    If you need to shut down additional interfaces, enter the interface serial command (followed by the interface address of the interface) for each of the interfaces on your line card. Use the no shutdown command to enable the interface.

Step 4   Write the new configuration to NVRAM as follows:

Router# copy running-config startup-config

The system displays an OK message when the configuration has been stored in NVRAM.

Step 5   Verify that new interfaces are now in the correct state (shut down) using the
show interfaces
command (followed by the interface type and interface address of the interface) to display the specific interface. Table 4-2 provides examples.

Table 4-2   Examples of the show interfaces serial Command

Platform Command Example

Cisco 7304 router

show interfaces serial, followed by slot/port (slot-number/

The example is for interface 0 on a 6T3 line card in slot 2.

Router# show interfaces serial 2/0
Serial 2/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down
[Additional display text omitted from this example]

Step 6   Reenable interfaces by doing the following:

    a. Repeat Step 3 to reenable an interface. Substitute the no shutdown command for the shutdown command.

    b. Repeat Step 4 to write the new configuration to memory.
    Use the copy running-config startup-config command.

    c. Repeat Step 5 to verify that the interfaces are in the correct state. Use the
    show interfaces command followed by the interface type and interface address of the interface.

For complete descriptions of software configuration commands, refer to the publications listed in the "Related Documentation" section.

Performing a Basic Configuration

Following are instructions for a basic configuration: enabling an interface and specifying IP routing. You might also need to enter other configuration subcommands, depending on the requirements for your system configuration and the protocols you plan to route on the interface. For complete descriptions of configuration subcommands and the configuration options available for serial interfaces, refer to the appropriate software documentation.

In the following procedure, press the Return key after each step unless otherwise noted. At any time you can exit the privileged level and return to the user level by entering disable at the prompt as follows:

Router# disable

Step 1   Enter configuration mode and specify that the console terminal is the source of the configuration subcommands, as follows:

Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Step 2   Specify the first interface to configure by entering the interface serial subcommand, followed by the interface address of the interface you plan to configure. Table 4-3 provides an example.

Table 4-3   Examples of the interface serial Subcommand

Platform Command Example

Cisco 7304 router

interface serial, followed by slot/port (slot-number/

The example is for the first interface of a
6T3 line card in slot 4.

Router(config)# interface serial 4/0

Step 3   Assign an IP address and subnet mask to the interface (if IP routing is enabled on the system) by using the ip address subcommand, as in the following example:

Router(config-if)# ip address

Step 4   Add any additional configuration subcommands required to enable routing protocols and set the interface characteristics.

Step 5   Reenable the interfaces using the no shutdown command. (See the "Shutting Down an Interface" section.)

Step 6   Configure all additional line card interfaces as required.

Step 7   After including all of the configuration subcommands to complete your configuration, press Ctrl-Zhold down the Control key while you press Z—or enter end or exit to exit configuration mode and return to the EXEC command interpreter prompt.

Step 8   Write the new configuration to NVRAM as follows

Router# copy running-config startupup-config

This completes the procedure for creating a basic configuration.

Table 4-4 shows the default values for the 6T3 line card serial interfaces.

Table 4-4   6T3 Line Card Serial Interface Default Values

Parameter Configuration Command Default Value

Clock source

clock source [internal | line]


Cyclic redundancy check

crc [16 | 32]


DSU mode

[no] dsu mode [adtran | cisco | digital-link | kentrox| larscom]


DSU subrate bandwidth

[no] dsu bandwidth kbps



encapsulation [hdlc | ppp]


Far-end DSU bandwidth

[no] dsu remote fullrate


Framing mode

[no] framing [c-bit | m23]


Idle character mode

[no] idle-character [flags | marks]


Invert data

[no] invert data

No invert data


[no] keepalive [seconds]

keepalive 10

Loopback mode

[no] loopback [local | network line | network payload | remote | dte]

no loopback

Maximum transmission unit

[no] mtu bytes

4470 bytes

Payload scrambling

[no] scramble

no scramble

Remote requests

[no] dsu remote accept


Transmitter delay

[no] transmitter-delay # of idle characters


Cable length

cable length {0-450}


Customizing the 6T3 Line Card Configuration

There are two sides to the network, a local network side and a remote customer side, or near and far ends. The 6T3 line card supports third-party data service units (DSUs), Internet Service Provider (ISP)-provided DS3 lines, and so on. You can change the configuration parameter default values in the 6T3 line card port interfaces to match the remote DSUs on your network. Table 4-5 shows the configuration parameters.

Table 4-5   6T3 Line Card Serial Interface DSU Modes

Parameter Configuration Command Default Value Command

DSU mode

[no] dsu mode [adtran | cisco | digital-link | kentrox| larscom]


Router(config-if)# dsu mode cisco

DSU subrate bandwidth

[no] dsu bandwidth kbps


Router(config-if)# dsu bandwidth 44210

Far-end DSU bandwidth

[no] dsu remote fullrate


Router(config-if)# dsu remote fullrate

Payload scrambling

[no] scramble1

no scramble

Router(config-if)# scramble

Remote requests

[no] dsu remote accept


Router(config-if)# dsu remote accept

Cyclic redundancy check

crc [16 | 32]


Router(config-if)# crc 16

1Adtran DSU mode does not support payload scrambling.

Note   The local port and the remote port must have matching configuration.

Verifying Local and Remote DS3 Port Settings

You can use telnet to determine the DSU mode settings on the remote DS3 port. Once you verify the remote DS3 port settings, you can negotiate changing configuration parameters so that DSU mode settings are the same on both the local and remote DS3 ports. You can set the DSU bandwidth to accept or reject the incoming remote requests from the local DS3 port by entering the dsu remote accept interface configuration command.

Selecting a DSU Mode

The DSU mode supports several third-party DSU vendors—Adtran, Digital Link, Kentrox, and Larscom—and the default DSU mode, Cisco. If you use a DSU to make the connection between the Cisco 7304 router and another device, the local DS3 port configuration must match the remote DS3 port configuration. Therefore, if the remote DS3 port uses the Kentrox vendor, a request is sent to the local DS3 port to change the DSU mode to Kentrox, either by manually entering the dsu mode configuration command and specifying the Kentrox DSU or by using the Cisco Remote Connection Management (CRCM) feature to remotely configure the remote DS3 port. If you make a direct connection between a Cisco 7304 router and another device, you can use the Cisco DSU mode.

Setting the Sending and Receiving Rate

The local and remote DS3 ports must also agree on whether to use a subrate or fullrate sending and receiving rate, because the speed of the sending and receiving rate is regulated by the DSU mode. If the sending and receiving rates do not match, they will not work. Subrates are specific to DSU modes and must be configured appropriately. The subrate sending and receiving rate is slower and less expensive than the faster, more expensive, fullrate. You can synchronize the local and remote DS3 ports sending and receiving rates by entering the dsu remote interface configuration command.

Configuring the DSU Bandwidth Range

The DSU bandwidth range is from 0 to 44210 kbps. The local port and the remote port must have matching configuration. Therefore, if you reduce the effective bandwidth to 3000 on the local port, you must do the same on the remote port by entering the dsu bandwidth interface configuration command.

In interface configuration mode, reduce effective bandwidth (range of 0 to 44210 kbps) by entering the dsu bandwidth configuration subcommand, as in the following example:

Router(config-if)# dsu bandwidth 3000

Use the no form of this command to return to the default, 44210.

Note   The local port configuration must match the remote port configuration.

Enabling Payload Scrambling

Payload (data) scrambling converts the data received by the local or remote DS3 ports from the Digital Link, Kentrox, and Larscom third-party DSU vendor modes as well as the default, Cisco mode. The Adtran DSU mode does not support payload scrambling.

To enable payload scrambling on the local and remote DS3 ports, you must enter the scramble interface configuration command. If you do not enter the scramble command, payload scrambling remains disabled by default on the local and remote DS3 ports.

Configuring Cyclic Redundancy Checks

Table 4-6 summarizes cyclic redundancy check (CRC) commands. For more information, see the remainder of this section.

Table 4-6   CRC Commands

Purpose Command Example Further Information

Enable 32-bit CRC.

crc size

The example enables 32-bit CRC on a serial interface:

Router(config)# interface serial 3/0
Router(config-if)# crc 32

"Selecting a DSU Mode"

Return to default 16-bit CRC.

no crc size

The example disables 32-bit CRC on a serial interface and returns to the default 16-bit CRC:

Router(config)# interface serial 3/0
Router(config-if)# no crc 32

"Selecting a DSU Mode"

CRC is an error-checking technique that uses a calculated numeric value to detect errors in transmitted data. All interfaces use a 16-bit CRC (CRC-CITT) by default but also support a 32-bit CRC. The sender of a data frame calculates the frame check sequence (FCS). Before it sends a frame, the sender appends the FCS value to the message. The receiver recalculates the FCS and compares its calculation to the FCS from the sender. If there is a difference between the two calculations, the receiver assumes that a transmission error occurred and sends a request to the sender to resend the frame.

Enable 32-bit CRC using the crc 32 command. Before you can enable 32-bit CRC, you must use the interface serial command (followed by the interface address of the interface) to select the interface on which you want to enable 32-bit CRC. This command functions in the same way on all supported platforms.

In the example that follows, 32-bit CRC is specified:

Router(config-if)# crc 32

The preceding command example applies to all systems in which the 6T3 line card is supported.
Use the no crc 32 command to disable CRC-32 and return the interface to the default CRC-16 (CRC-CITT) setting.

When you have finished, press Ctrl-Z—hold down the Control key while you press Z—or enter end or exit to exit configuration mode and return to the EXEC command interpreter prompt. Then write the new configuration to NVRAM using the copy running-config startup-config command.

Note   When enabling a 16-bit or 32-bit CRC on a local interface, ensure that the remote device is also configured for a 16-bit or 32-bit CRC.

For command descriptions, refer to the Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide publication. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation" section and the "Obtaining Technical Assistance" section.

Configuring the Clock Source

The only exception for matching local and remote DS3 port configurations is that the clock sources must be set opposite each other. Therefore, if you enter the clock source internal command for the local DS3 port, you must enter clock source line for the remote DS3 port.

Defining the DSU Mode

In interface configuration mode, define the DSU interoperability mode by entering the dsu mode [adtran | [cisco | digital-link | kentrox | larscom ] configuration subcommand, as in the following example:

Router(config-if)# dsu mode cisco

Use the no form of this command to return to the default, 0.

Note   The local port configuration must match the remote port configuration. For example, if you define the DSU interoperability mode as cisco on the local port, you must do the same on the remote port. You need to know what type of DSU is at the remote port to find out if it interoperates with the 6T3 line card. For T3 serial interfaces, specify cisco for connection from a 6T3 line card to another 6T3 line card. Specify adtran for connection from a 6T3 line card to an Adtran DSU. Specify digital-link for connection to a Digital Link DSU (DL3100). Specify kentrox for connection from a 6T3 line card to a Kentrox DSU. Specify larscom for connection from a 6T3 line card to a Larscom DSU.

Also see the "Interoperability Guidelines for 6T3 Line Card DSUs" section for information regarding DSU feature compatibilities.

Enabling T3 Scrambling

In interface configuration mode, enable T3 scrambling by entering the scramble configuration subcommand, as in the following example:

Router(config-if)# scramble

Use the no form of this command to restore the default value, disabled.

Note   The local port configuration must match the remote port configuration. For example, if you enable scrambling on the local port, you must do the same on the remote port.

Also see the "Interoperability Guidelines for 6T3 Line Card DSUs" section for information regarding DSU feature compatibilities.

Specifying T3 Framing

In interface configuration mode, specify T3 framing by entering the framing {c-bit | m23} configuration subcommand, as in the following example:

Router(config-if)# framing c-bit

Use the no form of this command to return to the default, C-bit framing.

Setting the Cable Length

In interface configuration mode, set the cable length (0 to 450 feet), as in the following example:

Router(config-if)# cablelength 250

Use the no form of this command to return to the default, which is 50 feet.

Checking the Configuration

After configuring the new interface, use the show commands to display the status of the new interface or all interfaces, and use the ping and loopback commands to check connectivity. This section includes the following subsections:

Using show Commands to Verify the New Interface Status

Table 4-7 demonstrates how you can use the show commands to verify that new interfaces are configured and operating correctly and that the 6T3 line card appears in them correctly. Sample displays of the output of selected show commands appear in the sections that follow. For complete command descriptions and examples, refer to the publications listed in the "Related Documentation" section.

Note   The outputs that appear in this document may not match the output you receive when running these commands. The outputs in this document are examples only.

Table 4-7   Using show Commands

Command Function Example

show version or
show hardware

Displays system hardware configuration, the number of each interface type installed, Cisco IOS software version, names and sources of configuration files, and boot images

Router# show version

show controllers

Displays all the current interface processors and their interfaces

Router# show controllers

show diag slot

Displays types of line cards installed in your system and information about a specific chassis slot

Router# show diag 2

show interfaces type slot-number/

Displays status information about a specific type of interface (for example, serial) in a Cisco 7304 router

Router# show interfaces serial 2/0

show protocols

Displays protocols configured for the entire system and for specific interfaces

Router# show protocols

show running-config

Displays the running configuration file

Router# show running-config

show startup-config

Displays the configuration stored in NVRAM

Router# show startup-config

If an interface is shut down and you configured it as up, or if the displays indicate that the hardware is not functioning properly, ensure that the interface is properly connected and terminated. If you still have problems bringing up the interface, contact a service representative for assistance. This section includes the following subsections:

Choose the subsection appropriate for your system. Proceed to the "Using the ping Command to Verify Network Connectivity" section when you have finished using the show commands.

Using the show version or show hardware Commands

Display the configuration of the system hardware, the number of each interface type installed, the Cisco IOS software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images by using the show version (or show hardware) command.

Note   The outputs that appear in this document may not match the output you receive when running these commands. The outputs in this document are examples only.

Cisco 7304 Routers

Following is an example of the show version command from a Cisco 7304 router with the 6T3 line card:

Router# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 7300 Software (C7300-JS-M), Version 12.1(1.23.139), CISCO DEVELOPMENT VERSION
Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 20-Dec-01 03:25 by cva
Image text-base:0x40008970, data-base:0x41796000
ROM:System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(20011026:021245) [hih-rommon_1_1 101], DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE
Currently running ROMMON from ROM 1
BOOTLDR:7300 Software (C7300-BOOT-M), Version 12.1(1.23.87), CISCO DEVELOPMENT VERSION
nag-ws1 uptime is 10 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "disk0:c7300-js-mz.121-10.EX"
cisco 7300 (NSE100) processor (revision A) with 114688K/16384K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID
R7000 CPU at 350Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 3.2, 256KB L2, 1024KB L3 Cache
4 slot midplane, Version 65.48
Last reset from software reset or reload
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).
TN3270 Emulation software.
PXF processor tmc0 running 'system:pxf/ucode1' v1.4 is active
PXF processor tmc1 running 'system:pxf/ucode1' v1.4 is active
1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
2 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
6 Serial network interface(s)
509K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16064K bytes of ATA compact flash in bootdisk (Sector size 512 bytes).
31360K bytes of ATA compact flash in disk0 (Sector size 512 bytes).
Configuration register is 0x0

Using the show diag Command

Display the types of line cards installed in your system (and specific information about each) using the show diag slot command.

Note   The outputs that appear in this document may not match the output you receive when running these commands. The outputs in this document are examples only.

Cisco 7304 Routers

Following is an example of the show diag slot command that shows the 6T3 line card in slot 5 of a Cisco 7304 router:

Router# show diag 5
Slot 5:
T3 Line Card, 6 ports
Line Card state:Active
Insertion time:00:02:10 ago
Bandwidth points:30
EEPROM contents at hardware discovery:
Hardware Revision :2.1
Unknown Field (type 0046):00 00
PCB Serial Number :CAB0541KUZ4
Part Number :73-5938-02
Board Revision :A0
Fab Version :02
RMA Test History :00
RMA Number :0-0-0-0
RMA History :00
Deviation Number :0-0
Product Number :7300-6T3
Top Assy. Part Number :68-0000-00
Manufacturing Test Data :00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Field Diagnostics Data :00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Calibration Data :Minimum:0 dBmV, Maximum:0 dBmV
Calibration values :
EEPROM format version 4
EEPROM contents (hex):
0x00:04 FF 40 02 E8 41 02 01 46 00 00 C1 8B 43 41 42
0x10:30 35 34 31 4B 55 5A 34 82 49 17 32 02 42 41 30
0x20:02 02 03 00 81 00 00 00 00 04 00 80 00 00 00 00
0x30:CB 94 37 33 30 30 2D 36 54 33 20 20 20 20 20 20
0x40:20 20 20 20 20 20 87 44 00 00 00 C4 08 00 00 00
0x50:00 00 00 00 00 C5 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8
0x60:09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 7C F6 44 3F 30
0x70:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 08 64 32
0x80:28 37 26 09 C4 64 32 28 32 DD 0C E4 64 32 28 43
0x90:24 2E E0 AA 82 64 F4 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0xA0:00 00 00 00 00 00 F4 C8 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
This linecard has not crashed since its insertion

Using the show interfaces Command

The show interfaces command displays status information (including the physical slot and interface address) for the interfaces you specify. The example that follows specifies serial interfaces.

Note   The outputs that appear in this document may not match the output you receive when running these commands. The outputs in this document are examples only.

Cisco 7304 Routers

Following is an example of the show interfaces command for Cisco 7304 routers. In this example, the serial interfaces (0 to 5) are on a 6T3 line card in slot 5; also, the status information for interfaces 1 through 5 is omitted. (Interfaces are administratively shut down until you enable them.)

Router# show interfaces serial 5/0
Serial5/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is Packet over DS3
Internet address is
MTU 9216 bytes, BW 44210 Kbit, DLY 200 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
Encapsulation HDLC, crc 16, loopback not set
Keepalive not set
Scramble enabled
Last input 15:00:13, output 15:00:13, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue :0/40 (size/max)
30 second input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
30 second output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 packets input, 520 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 101 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 parity
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun,, 42 abort
5 packets output, 520 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 applique, 4 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
4 carrier transitions
[Additional display text omitted from this example]

DS3 Alarm and Event Detection

This section assumes that you are familiar with DS3 alarms and line states. The 6T3 line card does not have an LED for alarm and event detection. However, you can enter the show controllers serial slot/port EXEC command to verify whether the alarm and event detection messages are active or inactive. Most alarm and event detection messages are short-lived, because if problems occur, the line card clears the error condition, but records the event to verify line card operation status.

The output from the show controllers serial slot/port EXEC command sends messages about the following types of alarms and events:

Cisco 7304 Routers

The output also indicates whether the alarm or event originates from the local end connector or the remote end connector, as shown in the following example:

Router# show controllers serial 5/0
Interface Serial5/0 (DS3 port 0)
Line state is up
rxLOS inactive, rxLOF inactive, rxAIS inactive
txAIS inactive, rxRAI inactive, txRAI inactive
Current configurable parameter settings:
Loopback is none, Framing is c-bit
Clock source is internal, Cable length is 50
DSU mode is cisco, DSU bandwidth limit is 44210
Payload scrambling is disabled, CRC is 16
Transmitter delay is 0, Encapsulation is HDLC
Idle character is flags, Invert data is disabled
Remote fullrate has no request outstanding
Remote accept is enabled, MTU is 9216
MIB information:
Data in current interval (127 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 P-bit Coding Violations
0 C-bit Coding Violations
0 P-bit Err Secs, 0 P-bit Sev Err Secs
0 Sev Err Framing Secs, 8 Unavailable Secs
0 Line Errored Secs, 0 C-bit Errored Secs, 0 C-bit Sev Err Secs
No alarms detected.
0 AIS, 1 LOF, 2 RAI, 118 FEBE
Last FEAC code received:AIS
Interface 5/0 counters:
Total input packets = 0, bytes = 0, drops = 0
Total output packets = 0, bytes = 0, drops = 0
PXF i/f number = 0x1E
PXF Hdr lo = 0x300001E, PXF Hdr hi = 0x30000000

Using the ping Command to Verify Network Connectivity

Using the ping command, you can verify that an interface port is functioning properly. This section provides a brief description of this command. Refer to the publications listed in the "Related Documentation" section for detailed command descriptions and examples.

The ping command sends echo request packets out to a remote device at an IP address that you specify. After sending an echo request, the system waits a specified time for the remote device to reply. Each echo reply is displayed as an exclamation point (!) on the console terminal; each request that is not returned before the specified timeout is displayed as a period (.). A series of exclamation points (!!!!!) indicates a good connection; a series of periods (.....) or the messages [timed out] or [failed] indicate a bad connection.

Following is an example of a successful ping command to a remote server with the address

Router# ping <Return>
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echoes to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/15/64 ms

If the connection fails, verify that you have the correct IP address for the destination and that the device is active (powered on), and repeat the ping command.

Proceed to the next section, "Using loopback Commands ," to finish checking network connectivity.

Using loopback Commands

With the loopback test, you can detect and isolate equipment malfunctions by testing the connection between the 6T3 line card interface and a remote device such as a modem or a CSU/DSU. The loopback command places an interface in loopback mode, which enables test packets that are generated from the ping command to loop through a remote device or compact serial cable. If the packets complete the loop, the connection is good. If not, you can isolate a fault to the remote device or compact serial cable in the path of the loopback test.

Table 4-8 provides examples of the loopback {dte | local | network {line | payload} | remote} command. The examples given are for interface 0 of a 6T3 line card in slot 2 of a Cisco 7304 router:

Table 4-8   Using loopback Commands

Command Function Example

loopback local

Sets the interface into local loopback mode. Local loopback loops the router output data back toward the router at the framer.


Router(config)# interface serial 2/0
Router(config-if)# loopback local

loopback network line


Sets the interface into network line loopback mode. Network line loopback loops the data back toward the network (before the framer).


Router(config)# interface serial 2/0
Router(config-if)# loopback network line

loopback network payload

Sets the interface into network payload loopback mode. Network payload loopback loops just the payload data back toward the network at the T3 framer.


Router(config)# interface serial 2/0
Router(config-if)# loopback network payload

loopback remote1


Sets the interface into remote loopback mode. Remote loopback loops the data back toward the network (before the framer at the remote T3 device).

Router(config)# interface serial 2/0
Router(config-if)# loopback remote

loopback dte


Sets the interface into loopback data terminal equipment (DTE). Loopback DTE loops the router output data back toward the router (after the LIU).

Router(config)# interface serial 2/0
Router(config-if)# loopback dte
1Remote loopback mode works with C-bit framing only. The other loopback modes listed above work with C-bit and M23 framing. Refer to the "Specifying T3 Framing" section for information on configuring C-bit framing.

Figure 4-1 shows the data flow for three loopback configuration paths, including no loopback.

Figure 4-1   DS3 Loopback Paths

Bit Error Rate Testing

The ratio of received bits on an interface that contain errors is called the bit error rate (BER). A bit error rate test (BERT) is used to check the BER. T3 bit error rate testing is used on the Cisco 7304 router to check communication between local and remote DS3 ports. If traffic is not being transmitted or received on a DS3 port, or if the quality of the line simply needs to be tested, T3 bit error rate testing can be used to test the port.

For information on performing bit error rate testing, refer to T3 Bit Error Rate Testing on the Cisco 7304 Router.

CLI-Controlled OIR

Line cards can be removed from the Cisco 7304 router without disrupting data flow by using the hw-module slot slot # stop/start command in EXEC mode. The hw-module slot slot # stop command will stop traffic, shut down all line card interfaces, and deactivate the line card. The hw-module slot slot # start command resets the line card, puts the line card back online and turns off the OIR LED.

Note   Upon insertion of a line card, the system will automatically activate the card. The hw-module slot slot # start command is only necessary when reactivating an installed line card that has been deactivated with the hw-module slot slot # stop command.

To remove and install an active line card in slot 2 proceed as follows:

Router# hw-module slot 2 stop

When the OIR LED turns green, the line card in slot 2 has been deactivated and can be physically removed and replaced with a new line card (see the "Line Card Removal and Installation" section.)

When the new line card is inserted in slot 2 it is automatically reset, put online, and the OIR LED is turned off.

Line Card Crash Recovery

The 6T3 line card automatically recovers from the following catastrophic errors:

If the 6T3 line card encounters more than five fatal errors within one hour, recovery will not be attempted and the line card will be deactivated. To reactivate the line card use the hw-module slot slot # start command, or physically remove and replace the line card.

The 6T3 line card crash history may be viewed by using the show diag slot command. The crash history is saved as long as the line card is physically present in the chassis. Physically removing the 6T3 line card from the chassis or performing a CLI-controlled OIR will clear the crash history.

The following messages are associated with line card recovery:

Error Message   00:00:06:% LC-3-RECOVERY: Line card (slot <x>) recovery in progress

Error Message   00:00:06:% LC-3-EXCESSERRORS: Noof errors seen on the line card (slot <x>) exceed the threshold

When the 6T3 line card encounters any of the non-recoverable errors listed below, the line card is deactivated and must be restarted by performing a CLI-controlled OIR or physically removing and installing the line card.

The following examples show non recoverable fatal error messages:

Error Message   00:00:06% SERIAL-0-DLL_OUTOFLOCK: T3 HW DLLS failed to lock in line card at slot <x>

Error Message   00:00:06% SERIAL-0-860_BOOT_NOTOK: T3 Line card local processor at slot <x> failed to boot

Error Message   00:00:06% SERIAL-3-FW_CHECKSUM_FAILED: T3 line card in slot <x>, firmware integrity check failed (section <x>, expected checksum: <x>, calculated checksum: <x>)

Error Message   00:00:06% ENVM-0-SHUTDOWN: Environmental Monitor initiated shutdown due to <voltage/temperature/power supply> in slot <x>

Error Message   00:00:06% SERIAL-1-ALLOCFAIL: T3 (slot <x>) line card plugin structure allocation failure

Posted: Tue Jun 10 13:47:08 PDT 2003
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