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Table Of Contents

Configuring MIB Support

Determining MIBs Included for Cisco IOS Releases

Downloading and Compiling MIBs

Considerations for Working with MIBs

Downloading MIBs

Compiling MIBs

Enabling SNMP Support

Configuring MIB Support

This chapter describes how to configure SNMP and MIB support for the Cisco 7304 router. It includes the following sections:

Determining MIBs Included for Cisco IOS Releases

Downloading and Compiling MIBs

Enabling SNMP Support

Determining MIBs Included for Cisco IOS Releases

Follow these steps to determine which MIBs are included in the Cisco IOS release running on the Cisco 7304 router:

Step 1 Go to the Feature Navigator home page http://tools.cisco.com/ITDIT/MIBS/servlet/index.

Step 2 Click MIB Locator to launch the application. The MIB Locator application allows you to find a MIB in the following three ways:

a. From the MIB Locator page, you can:

Click the drop-down menu and select the desired Cisco IOS software release.

From the Platform Family menu, select 7304-NPE-G100 or 7304-NSE-100. If you select the platform first, the system displays only those releases and feature sets that apply to the Cisco 7304 router.

From the Feature Set menu, select Service Provider.

b. From the MIB Locator page, you can search by image name. For example, enter the following input and click the Submit button:


c. From the MIB Locator page, you can search for the MIB from the list of MIBs in the menu. You can select one, or for a multiple selection, hold down the CTRL key, then click the Submit button.

Note After you make a selection, follow the links and instructions.

Downloading and Compiling MIBs

The following sections provide information about how to download and compile MIBs for the Cisco 7304 router:

Considerations for Working with MIBs

Downloading MIBs

Compiling MIBs

Considerations for Working with MIBs

While working with MIBs, consider the following:

Mismatches on Datatype Definitions

Mismatches on datatype definitions might cause compiler errors or warning messages. Although Cisco MIB datatype definitions are not mismatched, standard RFC MIBs do mismatch. For example:

MIB A defines: SomeDatatype ::= INTEGER(0..100)
MIB B defines: SomeDatatype ::= INTEGER(1..50)

This example is considered to be a trivial error and the MIB loads successfully with a warning message.

The next example is considered a nontrivial error (even though the two definitions are essentially equivalent), and the MIB is not successfully parsed.

MIB A defines: SomeDatatype ::= DisplayString
MIB B defines: SomeDatatype ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))

If your MIB compiler treats these as errors, or you want to delete the warning messages, edit one of the MIBs that define this same datatype so that the definitions match.

Many MIBs import definitions from other MIBs. If your management application requires MIBs to be loaded, and you experience problems with undefined objects, you might want to load the following MIBs in this order:


For additional information and SNMP technical tips, from the Locator page, click SNMP MIB Technical Tips and follow the links or go to the following URL:


For a list of SNMP object identifiers (OIDs) assigned to MIB objects, go to the following URL and click on SNMP Object Navigator and follow the links:


Note You must have a Cisco CCO name and password to access the MIB Locator.

For information about how to download and compile Cisco MIBs, go to the following URL:


Downloading MIBs

Follow these steps to download the MIBs onto your system if they are not already there:

Step 1 Review the considerations in the previous section ( "Considerations for Working with MIBs").

Step 2 Go to one of the following Cisco URLs. If the MIB you want to download is not there, try the other URL; otherwise, go to one of the URLs in Step 5.


Step 3 Click the link for a MIB to download that MIB to your system.

Step 4 Select File > Save or File > Save As to save the MIB on your system.

Step 5 You can download industry-standard MIBs from the following URLs:



Compiling MIBs

If you plan to integrate the Cisco 7304 router with an SNMP-based management application, then you must also compile the MIBs for that platform. For example, if you are running HP OpenView on a UNIX operating system, you must compile Cisco 7304 router MIBs with the HP OpenView Network Management System (NMS). For instructions, see the NMS documentation.

Enabling SNMP Support

The following procedure summarizes how to configure the Cisco 7304 router for SNMP support.

For detailed information about SNMP commands, see the following Cisco documents:

Cisco IOS Release 12.2 Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide, "Monitoring the Router and Network" section, available at the following URL:


Cisco IOS Release 12.2 Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference, Part 3: System Management Commands, "Router and Network Configuration Commands" section, available at the the following URL:


To configure the Cisco 7304 router for SNMP support, follow these steps:

Step 1 Set up your basic SNMP configuration through the command line interface (CLI) on the router. Note that these basic configuration commands are issued for SNMPv2c. For SNMPv3, you must also set up SNMP users and groups. (See the preceding list of documents for command and setup information.)

a. Define SNMP read-only and read-write communities:

Router (config)# snmp-server community Read_Only_Community_Name ro
Router (config)# snmp-server community Read_Write_Community_Name rw

b. Configure SNMP views (to limit the range of objects accessible to different SNMP user groups):

Router (config)# snmp-server view view_name oid-tree {included | excluded}

Step 2 Identify (by IP address) the host to receive SNMP traps from the router:

Router (config)# snmp-server host host

Step 3 Configure the router to generate traps. You can use keywords to limit the number and types of messages generated.

Router (config)# snmp-server enable traps [notification-type] [notification-option]

Step 4 Optional. Configure the router to generate SNMP traps released to Field Replaceable Units (FRUs):

Router (config)# snmp-server enable traps fru-ctrl

Step 5 Optional. Configure the router to generate SNMP traps related to environmental monitoring:

Router (config)# snmp-server enable traps envmon


Posted: Mon Dec 4 05:21:10 PST 2006
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