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CDDI/FDDI SBus Adapter Software Release Summary

CDDI/FDDI SBus Adapter Software Release Summary

This appendix describes the enhancements to SBus drivers by software release.

SBus Driver Release 2.1 for SunOS 4.1.x (2/93)

Software Release 2.1 of the SBus adapter includes the following enhancements:

SBus Driver Release 2.2 for SunOS 4.1.x (5/93)

Release 2.2 of the SBus driver for SunOS 4.1.x contains the following enhancements:

SBus Driver Release 2.3 for SunOS 4.1.x (10/93)

Release 2.3 of the SBus driver for SunOS 4.1.x contains the following enhancements:

SBus Driver Release 3.2 for SunOS 4.1.x

Release 3.2 of the SBus driver for SunOS 4.1.x contains the following enhancements:

The following new features have been added to the CDDI/FDDI SBus Adapter Driver software Version 3.2:

Table  F-1: Flashcode File Matrix for Release 3.2
Filename SMT Version Adapter Card Type Product Number
sbus25.rom 6.2 Nonturbo WA-C300, WA-C301M, WA-C303, WA-C305,
WA-C306M, WA-C308
sbus36.rom 6.2 Turbo WA-C301T, WA-C303T, WA-C306T, WA-C308T
sbus42.rom 7.3 Turbo WA-C301T, WA-C303T, WA-C306T, WA-C308T

The appendix "Download Utilities" in the Workgroup CDDI/FDDI SBus Adapter User Guide describes how to use the download_flash utility to update the firmware on the SBus adapter.

The README file on the CDDI/FDDI SBus adapter driver for SunOS 4.1.x diskette contains detailed descriptions and configuration instructions for the following features:

SBus Driver Release 4.1 for SunOS 4.1.x

Release 4.1 of the SBus driver for Solaris 2.x contains the following enhancements:

The SunOS IP multicast driver only works with the SunOS Version 4.1.x multicast kernel.

SBus Driver Release 1.1 for Solaris 2.x (3/93)

Release 1.1 of the SBus driver for Solaris 2.x contains the following enhancements and fixes:

SBus Driver Release 1.2 for Solaris 2.x (10/93)

Release 1.2 of the SBus driver for Solaris 2.x contains the following enhancements:

Release 1.2 of the SBus driver for Solaris 2.x contains the following fixes:

Note Running snoop under Solaris 2.2 or 2.3 causes snoop to core dump.

SBus Driver Release 2.4 for Solaris 2.x (2/94)

Release 2.4 of the SBus driver for Solaris 2.x contains the following enhancements:

SBus Driver Release 2.6 for Solaris 2.x

Release 2.6 of the SBus driver for Solaris 2.x contains the following enhancements:

Table  F-2: Flashcode File Matrix for Release 2.6
Filename SMT Version Adapter Card Type Product Number
sbus25.rom 6.2 Nonturbo WA-C300, WA-C301M, WA-C303, WA-C305,
WA-C306M, WA-C308
sbus36.rom 6.2 Turbo WA-C301T, WA-C303T, WA-C306T, WA-C308T
sbus42.rom 7.3 Turbo WA-C301T, WA-C303T, WA-C306T, WA-C308T

The appendix "Download Utilities" in the Workgroup CDDI/FDDI SBus Adapter User Guide describes how to use the download_flash utility to update the firmware on the SBus adapter.

The README file on the CDDI/FDDI SBus adapter driver for Solaris 2.x diskette contains detailed descriptions and configuration instructions for the following features:

Network device names, for example, fddi0 and fddi1, now use the OBP's instance number (see the README file or man page for /etc/path_to_inst for more information).

SBus Driver Release 3.1 for Solaris 2.x

Release 3.1 of the SBus driver for Solaris 2.x contains the following enhancements:

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