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Table Of Contents
Quick Start Guide for Oracle Users
The Velocity Template Language
Obtaining Full Debug Information
Using the JDBC Framework in Scripts
Sample - Viewing and Setting the SCE Time Zone Offset
Scalability - Hints for Oracle
Database Configuration
This module describes how to configure the Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Collection Manager (CM) to work with your database, and how to use the database infrastructure of the CM to extend its functionality.
Quick Start Guide for Oracle Users
The Velocity Template Language
Database Configuration Files
Using the JDBC Framework in Scripts
Scalability - Hints for Oracle
Quick Start Guide for Oracle Users
To use an Oracle database with the CM, you will have to change basic connection parameters such as the IP address and port where Oracle is deployed; no other configuration changes are necessary. The following steps describe the necessary changes:
If the CM is running, stop the CM.
Configure the JDBC Adapter to use Oracle:
Open the file ~scmscm/cm/config/jdbcadapter.conf in a text editor.
Search for the string db_template_dir.
There are two lines containing this string, one for Sybase and one for Oracle. By default, the Oracle line is commented out.
Uncomment the Oracle line.
Comment out the Sybase line.
Save your changes.
This is illustrated in the following code fragment (after the changes have been made):
#db_template_dir = dbpacks/sybase db_template_dir = dbpacks/oracle/9204e/
Configure the Topper/Aggregator (TA) Adapter to use Oracle:
Open the file ~scmscm/cm/config/taadapter.conf in a text editor.
Search for the string db_template_dir.
There are two lines containing this string, one for Sybase and one for Oracle. By default, the Oracle line is commented out.
Uncomment the Oracle line.
Comment out the Sybase line.
Save your changes.
This is illustrated in the following code fragment (after the changes have been made):
#db_template_dir = dbpacks/sybase db_template_dir = dbpacks/oracle/9204e/
Configure your database connection parameters:
Open the file ~scmscm/cm/config/dbpacks/oracle/9204e/dbinfo.vm in a text editor.
Change the following lines to reflect your setup:
#set ($dbinfo.options.host = "localhost") #set ($dbinfo.options.port = "1521") #set ($dbinfo.options.user = "pqb_admin") #set ($dbinfo.options.password = "pqb_admin") #set ($dbinfo.options.sid = "apricot")
The dbinfo.vm file is not a shell script; each pound sign (#) is part of the declaration and not a comment sign.
The relevant parameters are:
The host name or IP address of the machine where Oracle is installed
The port number on which the Oracle server is listening
The user name and password for authentication against Oracle
An existing Oracle SID to be used by the CM
Save your changes.
Start the CM.
The Velocity Template Language
The JDBC Adapter framework uses macros written in the Velocity Template Language (VTL) to generate all SQL code that is passed to the database server. The following sections describe the configuration file used to control the generation process.
A full reference to VTL, which is part of the Apache Jakarta Project, can be found on the Web at http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/vtl-reference-guide.html.
The following table briefly describes VTL constructs:
Database Configuration Files
When you initialize the Database access framework, the first file the Database access framework searches for is main.vm , which contains definitions or pointers to all the required database SQL definitions. The location used to search for this file depends on the dbpack used in the CM. A dbpack is a collection of configuration files pertaining to a specific database installation. The adapter (in accordance with its configuration file) selects the dbpack. The following code fragment from the jdbcadapter.conf file configures it to work with an Oracle dbpack:
db_template_dir = dbpacks/oracle/9204e/ db_template_file = main.vm
The directory location is interpreted relative to the main CM configuration directory (usually ~scmscm/cm/config ).
To make the configuration more modular, the main.vm file generally points to other files; however this is not strictly necessary. The files can contain arbitrary definitions that can later be used, for example, in scripts. Some definitions are mandatory because the JDBC Adapter uses them for its operation. These definitions are listed in the following table:
Some objects representing the CM configuration in the VTL parsing context are available to be used in the templates. These objects are described in the following sections.
Context Objects
Before the VM templates are loaded and parsed by any CM components (for instance, a TA or JDBC Adapter, or a script), the parsing context is initialized with the following Java objects:
The tables Object
The tables object describes application-related database configuration, such as the structure of RDRs that should be stored in the database, the structure of the database tables and where they are stored, and the structure of any other database tables that the CM might use. The object is an array in which each row represents one of the database tables used by the CM. For each table, the row may contain the following information (not all items are relevant to all tables):
Logical name
Physical name
RDR tag associated with this table
List of fields/columns in this table, with the following attributes for each:
Field ID
Field name
Field native type
Free-form field options
List of indexes for this table, with the following attributes for each:
Index name
Names of columns indexed
Free-form index options
The contents of the tables object can be inspected or manipulated when loading the templates. The tables object is initialized using the application-specific XML configuration file. See Application Configuration.
The dbinfo Object
The dbinfo object describes configuration that is specific to the database, such as the parameters and the SID or schema to be used when opening a database connection. The object holds database-specific configuration options. It contains the following information:
The JDBC class name to be used as a driver for this database
The name of the JAR file containing the driver
The location of the database expressed as a JDBC URL
Free-form JDBC connection options, such as authentication data (user and password)
The tools Object
The tools object is a container for several utility methods that you might find useful when developing templates or manipulating the context data structures.
You invoke the object's methods by using $tools.method(arg1, ..., argN) , where method is the name of the method.
The included methods are listed in the following table:
For a sample that demonstrates how to use these tools, see Using the JDBC Framework in Scripts.
Application Configuration
All application-related configuration is done in one file ( tables.xml ) that includes the following items:
Name and version of the application
Name and properties of each database table, and specifically the structure of application RDRs that are to be stored in database tables
For each database table:
Names and native types of the table/RDR fields
Names and properties of the table indexes
This information is used primarily to populate the tables object in the template parsing context. See The tables Object.
A Working Sample
The main.vm file can contain references to other VM files to support modularization (see Database Configuration Files ). The names of these other files are arbitrary, except for the VM_global_library.vm file whose name is predetermined. Any macros that need to be defined should be put in this file, to ensure that they are loaded at the right time. For more details about this special file, see the Velocity User Guide .
The following sample illustrates the contents of main.vm for an Oracle setup:
#parse ('dbinfo.vm') #foreach ($table in $tables) #set ($table.sql.dropTable = "#parse ('drop_table.vm')") #set ($table.sql.createTable = "#parse ('create_table.vm')") #set ($table.sql.createIndexes = "#parse ('create_indexes.vm')") #set ($table.sql.insert = "#parse ('insert.vm')") #set ($table.sql.metaDataQuery = "#parse ('metadata.vm')") #end
In this sample, the mandatory database and SQL definitions (see Table 6-2) are moved to separate files, to be loaded and parsed using the #parse directive.
The following sections list possible contents for the various files in the Oracle dbpack. Some of the definitions use macros that are defined in the VM_global_library.vm file. This file should contain all macro definitions used by any template.
Macro Definitions
The following sample illustrates definitions for the mapping between native types and SQL types, and utility macros such as the optcomma macro, which inserts a comma between successive elements of lists.
#macro (optcomma)#if ($velocityCount >1),#end#end #macro (sqltype $field) #set ($maxStringLen = 2000) #if ($field.type == "INT8") integer #elseif ($field.type == "INT16") integer #elseif ($field.type == "INT32") integer #elseif ($field.type == "UINT8") integer #elseif ($field.type == "UINT16") integer #elseif ($field.type == "UINT32") integer #elseif ($field.type == "REAL") real #elseif ($field.type == "BOOLEAN") char(1) #elseif ($field.type == "STRING") varchar2(#if($field.size <= $maxStringLen)$field.size #else $maxStringLen #end) #elseif ($field.type == "TEXT") long #elseif ($field.type == "TIMESTAMP") date #end #end
dbinfo Configuration
In the following code sample, note that the only required fields are the URL and connection options (for authentication).
Blank lines in the code separate the code into distinct fields for readability and to ease later configuration changes.
#set ($dbinfo.driver = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver") #set ($dbinfo.driverjarfile = "ojdbc14.jar") #set ($dbinfo.options.host = "localhost") #set ($dbinfo.options.port = "1521") #set ($dbinfo.options.user = "pqb_admin") #set ($dbinfo.options.password = "pqb_admin") #set ($dbinfo.options.sid = "apricot") #set ($dbinfo.url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@$dbinfo.options.host:$dbinfo.options.port:$dbinfo.options.sid") #set ($dbinfo.connOptions.user = $dbinfo.options.user) #set ($dbinfo.connOptions.password = $dbinfo.options.password) ## the vendor-specific piece of SQL that will return the current ## date and time: #set ($dbinfo.options.getdate = "sysdate")
SQL Definitions
Code for "drop table"
The following code sample drops a table using normal SQL syntax
drop table $table.dbtabname
Code for "create table"
The following code sample creates a table using normal SQL syntax. Any customized database configuration that requires special directives for table creation can be implemented using this definition. For example, you can modify it to create the table in some unique tablespace or to use table partitioning.
create table $table.dbtabname ( #foreach ($field in $table.fields) #optcomma()$field.name #sqltype($field) #if ("$!field.options.notnull" == "true") not null #end #end)
Code for "create indexes"
The following code creates the indexes using normal SQL syntax. Any customized database configuration requiring special directives for index creation can be implemented using this definition. For example, you can modify it to create the indexes in some unique tablespace.
#foreach ($index in $table.indexes) create index $index.name on $table.dbtabname ($index.columns) #end
Code for "insert"
The following code creates the JDBC PreparedStatement corresponding to the table structure.
insert into ${table.dbtabname} ( #foreach ($field in $table.fields) #optcomma()${field.name} #end) values ( #foreach ($field in $table.fields) #optcomma()? #end)
Code for metadata query
The following code defines a simple query that is used to get the table metadata (column names and types). Any query that returns an empty result set can be used.
select * from ${table.dbtabname} where 1=0
Testing and Debugging
While you develop a set of templates for your database, it is useful to be able to see the results of parsing directly. To enable, this, the JDBC Adapter supports direct invocation via the CM main script ~scmscm/cm/bin/cm.
The general syntax for such an invocation is:
~/cm/bin/cm invoke com.cisco.scmscm.adapters.jdbc.JDBCAdapter argument
where argument is one of the flags described in the following sections. You can use this mechanism whether or not the CM is running.
Additionally, the query and update execution methods described in the following section can be used to test the template results against a live database.
Obtaining Full Debug Information
Parsing a String
Any string can be parsed as a VTL template with the complete context in place. The result of the parsing is displayed on the standard output. To parse a string, call the adapter with the -parse flag. Here are a few examples (the responses are shown in bold ):
$ ~/cm/bin/cm invoke com.cisco.scmscm.adapters.jdbc.JDBCAdapter -parse 'xxx'
$ ~/cm/bin/cm invoke com.cisco.scmscm.adapters.jdbc.JDBCAdapter -parse '$dbinfo.url'
$ ~/cm/bin/cm invoke com.cisco.scmscm.adapters.jdbc.JDBCAdapter -parse '$tools.getTableByName($tables, "LUR").sql.createTable'
create table RPT_LUR (
,LINK_ID integer
,SERVICE_ID integer
,DURATION integer
,END_TIME integer
,SESSIONS integer
Obtaining Full Debug Information
To see a dump of all the contents of the tables and dbinfo structures as created by the templates, use the -debug flag. When this flag is used, a very detailed view of all the fields, properties, and options of these structures is printed to standard output.
Using the JDBC Framework in Scripts
You can send arbitrary SQL commands to the database for execution and view the resulting data. This may be useful for periodic database maintenance, monitoring the contents of database tables, managing extra database tables, or any other purpose.
To perform an update operation, call the adapter with the -executeUpdate flag. To perform a query and view the results, call the adapter with the -executeQuery flag.
Sample - Viewing and Setting the SCE Time Zone Offset
Sample - Viewing and Setting the SCE Time Zone Offset
The following sample of an update operation demonstrates how to programmatically change the value in the database table holding the Service Control Engine (SCE) time zone offset setting. The name of this table is usually JCONF_SE_TZ_OFFSET ; since the table may be assigned another name, it is referred to here by its logical name TZ. See the listing in The tables.xml File, page A-1.
To avoid the need to first check that the table exists and then update it, the table is dropped (ignoring the error status if it does not exist) and then recreated, and the proper values are inserted. Since the table contains a timestamp column, you must get the current date from the database. This operation is specific to each database vendor; therefore this example uses the preconfigured getdate operation that has been defined in the templates.
Note the use of the tools assignParams and getTableByName to generate the SQL.
#! /bin/bash this=$0 tableName=TZ usage () { cat <<EOF Usage: $this --status - show currently configured TZ offset $this --offset=N - set the offset to N minutes (-1440 <= N <= 1440) $this --help - print this message EOF } query () { ~/cm/bin/cm invoke com.cisco.scmscm.adapters.jdbc.JDBCAdapter -executeQuery "$*" } update () { ~/cm/bin/cm invoke com.cisco.scmscm.adapters.jdbc.JDBCAdapter -executeUpdate "$*" } get_tz () { query 'select * from $tools.getTableByName($tables, "TZ").dbtabname' } set_tz () { update '$tools.getTableByName($tables, "TZ").sql.dropTable' update '$tools.getTableByName($tables, "TZ").sql.createTable' update '$tools.assignParams($tools.getTableByName($tables, "TZ").sql.insert, [$dbinfo.options.getdate, '$1'])' } case $1 in --status) get_tz ;; --help) usage exit 0 ;; --offset=*) n=$(echo $1 | egrep 'offset=[-]?[0-9]+$' | sed 's/.*=//') if [ "$n" ]; then if [ "$n" -ge -1440 -a "$n" -le 1440 ]; then set_tz $n &>/dev/null ok=1 fi fi if [ ! "$ok" ]; then usage exit 2 fi get_tz ;; *) usage exit 3 ;; esac
When a result set is returned by an executed query, it is displayed to standard output in tabular form with appropriate column headers.
Scalability - Hints for Oracle
The following two sections demonstrate ways to make your database handling more scalable for the CM. These are specific to Oracle, and are provided merely as hints to illustrate the possibilities.
Using Custom tablespaces
Suppose you have created several tablespaces and wish to distribute the CM tables among them. An easy way to do this is to specifythe tablespace to be used for each table in the file tables.xml. For one table, the definition looks like this (note especially the code in bold ):
<rdr name="LUR" dbtabname="RPT_LUR" tag="4042321925" createtable="true"> <options > <option property="tablespace" value="tspace1" /> </options > <fields> <field id="1" name="TIME_STAMP" type="TIMESTAMP"> <!-- (other field declarations) --> <field id="10" name="DOWNSTREAM_VOLUME" type="UINT32"/> <field id="11" name="SESSIONS" type="UINT32"/> </fields> <indexes> <index name="RPT_LUR_I1" columns="END_TIME"> <options> <option property="clustered" value="true"/> <option property="allowduprow" value="true"/> <option property="tablespace" value="tspace2" /> </options> </index> </indexes> </rdr>
This sample adds the required tablespaces ( tspace1 and tspace2 ) for the index and for the table. There is no preconfigured meaning to the option tablespace in the CM; any new option name could have been used. Its meaning is derived from its subsequent use in the templates.
To create the table in the correct tablespace, modify create_table.vm as follows:
create table $table.dbtabname ( #foreach ($field in $table.fields) #optcomma()$field.name #sqltype($field) #if ("$!field.options.notnull" == "true") not null #end #end)#if ("$!table.options.tablespace" != "") TABLESPACE $table.options.tablespace #end
To create the index in its own tablespace, modify create_indexes.vm as follows:
#foreach ($index in $table.indexes) create index $index.name on $table.dbtabname ($index.columns) #if ("$!index .options.tablespace" != "") TABLESPACE $index.options.tablespace #end #end
Using Table Partitioning
To implement rolling partitioning for a particular table on a weekly basis, you can create a partitioned option for the table in the tables.xml file in a similar manner to the example in the previous section ( Using Custom tablespaces ). Then augment the create_table.vm code as follows (note especially the code in bold ):
create table $table.dbtabname ( #foreach ($field in $table.fields) #optcomma()$field.name #sqltype($field) #if ("$!field.options.notnull" == "true") not null #end #end)#if ("$!table.options.partitioned" != "") partition by range (timestamp) (partition week_1 values less than (to_date ('01-JAN-2005 00:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')), partition week_2 values less than (to_date ('08-JAN-2005 00:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) partition week_3 values less than (to_date ('15-JAN-2005 00:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) partition week_4 values less than (to_date ('22-JAN-2005 00:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) ); #end
Since Oracle does not accept nonconstant expression for the time boundaries, the values must be hardwired for the time the tables are created.
Create a cron job to roll the partitions (delete an old partition and create a new one) on a weekly basis. This cron job runs a script that calls the command-line interface of the JDBC Adapter (as explained in Using the JDBC Framework in Scripts ) to issue the appropriate alter table drop partition and alter table add partition SQL commands.
Posted: Wed May 30 12:00:05 PDT 2007
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