
Table Of Contents

Using the RADIUS Listener LEG CLU

Information About the p3radius Utility

Viewing the RADIUS Listener LEG Status

Viewing the RADIUS Listener LEG Statistics

Using the RADIUS Listener LEG CLU

This module describes the command-line utility commands when the software is installed on the Subscriber Manager.

Information About the p3radius Utility

The p3radius utility displays the RADIUS Listener configurations, status, and statistics. The RADIUS Listener configuration includes all configured NAS devices and general RADIUS Listener parameters.

The p3radius command format is p3radius <operation>.

The following table lists the p3radius operations.

Table 5-1 p3radius Operations


Displays all of the NAS and RADIUS configurations and other general information (status of ports, etc.)


Displays counters of RADIUS messages handled and number of logon operations performed

Viewing the RADIUS Listener LEG Status

The following is an example using the p3radius command-line utility with the show operation:

>p3radius --show
Radius Listener information =========================== running: true listen-only: true accounting port: 1813 packet types: accounting-start, accounting-interim, accounting-stop NASs: ==== name: Access134 nasId: ACCESS134 ip: secret: secret123 domain: subscribers auth-servers: none acct-servers: none login on: accounting-start Subscriber ID ============= radius attribute: 1 radius attribute type: string Properties ========== radius attribute: 26 radius_vendor_id: 5655 radius_sub_attribute: 1 radius attribute type: string property name: packageId Command terminated successfully >

Viewing the RADIUS Listener LEG Statistics

The following is an example of the p3radius command-line utility with the show-statistics operation:

>p3radius --show-statistics
Statistics: =========== Packets Received: 0 Packets Transmitted: 0 Accounting Request: 0 Accounting Start: 0 Accounting Interim: 0 Accounting Stop: 0 Accounting Response: 0 Dropped: 0 Successful logins: 0 Failed logins: 0 Successful logouts: 0 Failed logouts: 0 Command terminated successfully >


Posted: Mon Jan 21 23:34:40 PST 2008
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