
Table Of Contents

Getting Started

Information About the Java API



Package Content

How to Install the Java API

Subscriber Manager Setup

Installing on a Unix or Linux Platform

Installing on the Windows Platform

Compiling and Running

Getting Started

This module describes the platforms on which the Java API can be used and how to install, compile, and start running the API.

Information About the Java API 

How to Install the Java API 

Compiling and Running 

Information About the Java API



Package Content 


The Java API is used for updating, querying, and configuring the SCMS Subscriber Manager (SM). It consists of two parts, which can be used separately or together without restriction.

SM Non-blocking Java API—A high-performance API with low visibility to errors and other operation results. It supports automatic integrations with OSS/AAA systems.

SM Blocking Java API—A more user-friendly API. It supports user interface applications for accessing and managing the SM.


The SM Java API was developed and tested on a Windows platform, but it is operable on any platform that supports Java version 1.4.

Package Content

For brevity, <installdir>r efers to the installation directory

The <installdir>/javadoc folder contains the API JAVADOC documentation.

The <installdir>lib folder contains the smapi.jar file, which is the API Executable. It also contains additional jar files necessary for the API operation.

Table 1-1 Layout of Installation Directory







API readme file




Index of all API specifications


(API specification files, etc.)

API specification documents




SM API executable



Utility jar used by the API



Utility jar used by the API



Utility jar used by the API

Property file needed for the API logging functionalities



Utility jar used by the API

How to Install the Java API

The Java API distribution is part of the SCMS SM-LEG distribution file and is located in the sm_api directory

The Java SM API is packaged in a Unix tar file. You can extract the Java SM API using the Unix tar utility or most Windows compression utilities.

Subscriber Manager Setup 

Installing on a Unix or Linux Platform 

Installing on the Windows Platform 

Subscriber Manager Setup

The API connects to the PRPC server on the SM. For the API to work:

The SM must be up and running, and reachable from the machine that hosts the API

The PRPC server must be started.

The PRPC server is a proprietary RPC protocol designed by Cisco. For more information about the PRPC server, see the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide .

Installing on a Unix or Linux Platform

Note The abbreviations vvv and bb stand for the Java SM API version and build number.

Step 1 Extract the SCMS SM-LEG distribution file.

Step 2 Locate the Java SM API distribution tar sm-java-api-dist.tar

Step 3 Extract the Java SM API distribution tar and obtain the

#>tar -xvf sm-java-api-dist.tar

Step 4 Extract the Java SM API package tar

#>tar -xvf

Installing on the Windows Platform

Step 1 Use a zip extractor (such as WinZip)

Compiling and Running

To compile and run a program that uses the SM Java API, smapi.jar must be in the CLASSPATH.

For example, if the program source is in , use the following command line to compile the program:

#>javac -classpath smapi.jar

After compiling the program, use the following command line to run the program:

#>java -cp .;<installdir>/lib/smapi.jar SMApiProgram


Posted: Thu May 31 04:20:26 PDT 2007
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