
Table Of Contents

General API Concepts

Information About the Blocking API/Non-blocking API

Blocking API

Non-blocking API


C versus C++ API

Method Names

Handle Pointers

Information About API Initialization

API Construction

Setup Operations

Connecting to the Subscriber Manager

API Finalization

Information About the Return Code Structure


Return Code Structure Example

Information About the Error Code Structure

Error Code Structure Definition

Subscriber Name Format

Information About Network ID Mappings

Specifying IP Address Mapping

Specifying IP Range Mapping

Specifying VLAN Tag Mapping

Subscriber Domains

Subscriber Properties

Custom Properties

Logging Capabilities

Information About the Disconnect Callback Listener

Disconnect Callback Listener Example

Signal Handling

Practical Tips

General API Concepts

This module provides a description of the various concepts that are used when working with the SM C/C++ API.

Information About the Blocking API/Non-blocking API 


C versus C++ API 

Information About API Initialization 

API Finalization 

Information About the Return Code Structure 

Information About the Error Code Structure 

Subscriber Name Format 

Information About Network ID Mappings 

Subscriber Domains 

Subscriber Properties 

Custom Properties 

Logging Capabilities 

Information About the Disconnect Callback Listener 

Signal Handling 

Practical Tips 

Information About the Blocking API/Non-blocking API

This topic describes the differences between the blocking API and non-blocking API operations.

Blocking API 

Non-blocking API 

Blocking API

In a blocking API operation, which is the most common, every method returns after its operation has been performed.

The SM blocking C/C++ API provides a wide range of operations and is a superset of the non-blocking API functionality.

Non-blocking API

In a non-blocking API operation, every method returns immediately , even before the completion of its operation. The operation results are returned either to a set of user defined callbacks or not returned at all.

The non-blocking method is advantageous when the operation is lengthy and involves I/O. Performing the operation in a separate thread allows the calling program to continue performing other tasks and it improves overall system performance.

The SM non-blocking C/C++ API contains a small number of non-blocking operations. The API supports retrieval of operation results using result callbacks.


The SCMS SM C/C++ API is reliable in the sense that the operations performed on the API are kept until the SM returns their associated results. If the connection to the SM is lost, operations that were not sent to the SM and operations whose results did not yet return from the SM are sent to the SM immediately on reconnection. The order of operation invocation is maintained at all times.

C versus C++ API

The C and C++ APIs are essentially the same. The C API is actually a thin wrapper over the C++ API, with method prototype and signature changes imposed by the constraint of C not being an object-oriented programming language.

The following sections describe the C/C++ API differences and provide some examples.

Method Names 

Handle Pointers 

Method Names

The method names of the C API are the same as in the C++ API, except that the C API method names have an identifying prefix:

Blocking C API method names are prefixed with SMB_.

Non-blocking C API methods are prefixed with SMNB_.

Note C++ API methods are documented in this guide using their name and signature.


Both the blocking and non-blocking C++ APIs provide a login method. The method in the blocking C API is called SMB_login and the method in the non-blocking C API is called SMNB_login.

Handle Pointers

The blocking and non-blocking APIs are C++ Objects. Several API instances can co-exist in a single process, each having its own socket and state. To provide the same functionality in the C API, the handle concept is introduced. Each C API method accepts a handle as its first argument. The handle is used to identify the C API instance on which the caller wants to operate. Calling the SMB_init or SMNB_init method creates a new C API instance; the return value of these methods provides the handle to the instance. For more information, see Information About API Initialization.

Blocking API Example 

Non-Blocking API Example 

Blocking API Example

The following C++ blocking API logoutByName method signature:

ReturnCode* logoutByName(char* argName, char** argMappings, MappingType* argMappingTypes, int argMappingsSize)

is translated into C blocking API as:

ReturnCode* SMB_logoutByName(SMB_HANDLE argApiHandle, char* argName,
char** argMappings,
MappingType* argMappingTypes,
int argMappingsSize);

Non-Blocking API Example

The following C++ non-blocking API logoutByName method signature:

int logoutByName(char* argName,
char** argMappings,
MappingType* argMappingTypes,
int argMappingsSize);

is translated into C non-blocking API as:

int SMNB_logoutByName(SMNB_HANDLE argApiHandle, char* argName,
char** argMappings,
MappingType* argMappingTypes,
int argMappingsSize);

Information About API Initialization

To initialize the API

Construct the API using one of its two constructors.

Perform API-specific setup operations.

Connect the API to the SM.

The following sections describe these steps in more detail.

API Construction

Setup Operations

Connecting to the Subscriber Manager

Initialization examples can be found in the code examples sections under each API.

API Construction

Both C and C++ blocking and non-blocking APIs must construct and initialize the API. Be sure to check that the initialization has succeeded before proceeding.

To construct and initialize the C++ API, construct and API object and call the init function as shown in the following example:

SmApiNonBlocking nbapi;
if (!nbapi.init(0,2000000,10,30))

To construct and initialize the C API, call the init function, which allocates and initializes the API.


SMNB_HANDLE nbapi = SMNB_init(0,2000000,10,30); if (nbapi == NULL) { exit(1); }

Setting the LEG Name

Set the Login Event Generator (LEG) name if you intend to turn on the SM-LEG failure handling options in the SM. For more information about LEGs and SM-LEG failure handling, see the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide .

To set the LEG name, call the relevant setName function in the API. The SM will use the LEG name when recovering from a connection failure. A constant string that identifies the API will be appended to the LEG name as follows:

Blocking API: .B.SM-API.C

Non-blocking API: .NB.SM-API.C

Setting the LEG Name Example (blocking API)

If the provided LEG name is my-leg., the actual LEG name will be my-leg.

If no name is set, the LEG uses the hostname of the machine as the prefix of the name.

For additional information about SM-LEG failure handling, see Appendix A of the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide.

Setup Operations

The setup operations for the two APIs differ. Both APIs support setting a disconnect listener, which is described in Information About the Disconnect Callback Listener.

The following sections describe the setup operations for the blocking API and the non-blocking API.

Blocking API Setup 

Non-blocking API Setup 

Blocking API Setup

To set up the blocking API, you must set an operation timeout value. For more information, see the Blocking API module.

Non-blocking API Setup

To set up the non-blocking API you are required to set a disconnect callback, see the Non-blocking API module.

Connecting to the Subscriber Manager

The following example shows how to connect to the SM when using the C++ APIs:

connect(char* host, Uint16 argPort = 14374)

The following example shows how to connect when using the C blocking API:

SMB_connect(SMB_HANDLE argApiHandle, char* host, Uint16 argPort)

The following example shows how to connect when using the C non-blocking API:

SMNB_connect(SMNB_HANDLE argApiHandle, char* host, Uint16 argPort)

The argHostName parameter can be either an IP address or a reachable hostname. At any time during the API operation, you can check if the API is connected by using one of the variants of the function isConnected.

API Finalization

Both C and C++ blocking and non-blocking APIs must disconnect from the SM and free the memory of the API:

For the C++ APIs, call the disconnect method and free the API object.

For the C APIs, call the appropriate disconnect function and then free the API using the appropriate release function.

Information About the Return Code Structure

The results of the API operations are returned using a generic structure called ReturnCode. The ReturnCode structure contains several parameters:

u —A union of all of variables and pointers to variables that are the actual returned value.

type —A return code type parameter ( ReturnCodeType enumeration) that defines the type of the value ( u ) that the ReturnCode structure holds.

size —The number of elements in the value. If size equals 1 then there is one element in the value, such as a scalar, character string, void, or error. If size is greater than 1 then there are several elements in the array, and the type should be one of the array types.

The API allocates the return code structure and the API user must free the structure. You can use the freeReturnCode utility function to safely free the structure.

Additional return code structure utility functions are:

printReturnCode —Prints the ReturnCode structure value to the stdout

isReturnCodeError —Checks whether the ReturnCode structure is an error


From the GeneralDefs.h header file:

OSAL_DllExport typedef struct ReturnCode_t
ReturnCodeType type;
int size; /* number of elements in the union element */
/* (for example: stringVal will have size=1) */
union { /* use union value according to the type value */
bool boolVal;
short shortVal;
int intVal;
long longVal;
char* stringVal;
bool* boolArrayVal;
short* shortArrayVal;
int* intArrayVal;
long* longArrayVal;
char** stringArrayVal;
ErrorCode* errorCode;
struct ReturnCode_t** objectArray;
} u;

Return Code Structure Example

In the following example, the subscriber data of subscriber1 is retrieved and displayed. The returned structure contains an array of ReturnCode structures held by the objectArray union value. Each structure contains a different value type.

For additional information, see the explanation of the "getSubscriber" method. This example code uses the isReturnCodeError and freeReturnCode methods.

ReturnCode* subFields = bapi.getSubscriber("subscriber1");
if (isReturnCodeError(subFields) == false)
printf("\tname:\t\t%s\n", subFields->u.objectArray[0]->u.stringVal);
printf("\tdomain:\t\t%s\n", subFields->u.objectArray[3]->u.stringVal);
printf("\tautologout:\t%d\n", subFields->u.objectArray[8]->u.intVal);
printf("error in subscriber retrieval\n");

Information About the Error Code Structure

The ErrorCode structure can be one of the values of the return code structure. This structure describes the error that occurred. The structure consists of the following parameters:

type —An ErrorCodeType enumeration that describes the error. See the GeneralDefs.h file for additional information

message —A specific error code

name —Currently not used

Error Code Structure Definition

From the GeneralDefs.h header file:

OSAL_DllExport typedef struct ErrorCode_t
ErrorCodeType type; /* type of the error see enumeration */
char* name; /* currently not used */
char* message; /* error message */

Subscriber Name Format

Most methods of both APIs require the subscriber name as an input parameter. This section lists the formatting rules of a subscriber name.

It can contain up to 64 characters. All printable characters with an ASCII code between 32 and 126 (inclusive) can be used; except for 34 ("), 39 ('), and 96 (`).

Information About Network ID Mappings

A network ID mapping is a network identifier that the SCE device can relate to a specific subscriber record. A typical example of a network ID mapping (or simply mapping) is an IP address. For additional information, see the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide . Currently, the Cisco Service Control Solution supports IP address, IP range, and VLAN mappings.

Both blocking and non-blocking APIs contain operations that accept mappings as a parameter. Examples consist of the following:

addSubscriber operation (blocking APIs)

login method (blocking or non-blocking APIs)

When passing mappings to an API method, the caller is requested to provide two parameters:

A character string ( char* ) mapping identifiers or array of character strings ( char** ) mappings.

A MappingType enumeration or array of MappingType variables.

When passing arrays, the MappingType variables array must contain the same number of elements as the mappings array.

The API supports the following subscriber mapping types (defined by the MappingType enumeration):

IP addresses or IP ranges

VLAN tags

Specifying IP Address Mapping

The string format of an IP address is the commonly used decimal notation:



The GeneralDefs.h header file provides the mapping type of an IP address:

IP_RANGE specifies IP mapping (IP-Address or IP-Range that matches the mapping identifier with the same index in the mapping identifier array).

Specifying IP Range Mapping

The string format of an IP range is an IP address in decimal notation and a decimal specifying the number of 1s in a bit mask:


Examples: is an IP range with a full mask, that is, a regular IP address. is an IP range with a 24-bit mask, that is, all the addresses ranging between and

Note The mapping type of an IP Range is identical to the mapping type of the IP address.

Specifying VLAN Tag Mapping

The string is a decimal in the specified range.

The GeneralDefs.h header file also provides the mapping type.

VLAN specifies a VLAN mapping that matches the mapping identifier with the same index in the mapping identifier array.

Subscriber Domains

A domain is an identifier that tells the SM which SCE devices to update with the subscriber record. For more information about domains, see the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide.

A domain name is of type ( char* ). During system installation, the network administrator determines the system domain names, which therefore vary between installations. The APIs include methods that specify to which domain a subscriber belongs and which also allow queries about the system domain names.

If an API operation specifies a domain name that does not exist in the SM domain repository, it is considered an error and an ERROR_CODE_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND error ReturnCode will be returned.

The automatic domain roaming feature of the SM allows subscribers tomove between domains by calling the login method for a subscriber with an updated domain parameter.

Note Automatic domain roaming is not compatible with previous versions of the SM API, because these versions did not allow changing the domain of the subscriber.

Subscriber Properties

Several operations manipulate subscriber properties. A subscriber property is a key-value pair that affects the way the SCE analyzes and reacts to network traffic generated by the subscriber.

More information about properties can be found in the Cisco SCMS Subscriber Manager User Guide and in the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB) User Guide. The latter provides application-specific information. It lists the subscriber properties that exist in the application running on your system, the allowed value set, and the significance of each property value.

To format subscriber properties for C/C++ API operations, use the String arrays ( char** ) propertyKeys and propertyValues.

Note The arrays must be of the same length , and NULL entries are forbidden. Each key in the keys array has a matching entry in the values array. The value for propertyKeys[j] resides in propertyValues[j].


If the property keys array is {"packageId","monitor"} and the property values array is {"5","1"} , the properties will be packageId=5, monitor=1.

Custom Properties

Some operations manipulate custom properties. Custom properties are similar to subscriber properties, but do not affect how the SCE analyzes and manipulates the subscriber's traffic. The application management modules use custom properties to store additional information for each subscriber.

To format custom properties, use the string ( char** ) arrays customPropertyKeys and customPropertyValues, the same as used in formatting Subscriber Properties.

Logging Capabilities

The API package contains a Logger abstract class that can be inherited and used to integrate the SM API with the host application log. The Logger class exposes four basic levels of logging: error messages, warning messages, informative messages, and several levels of trace messages. Both the blocking and non-blocking API have this capability. The Logger.h header file provides the Logger class.

The API user should implement a logger by inheriting from the Logger class. To have the API use this logger, the code should call the API's setLogger method of the C++ implementation of the API.

For testing and for simple LEG implementations, the API package provides the PrintLogger class, which is a simple implementation of the Logger class that prints the log messages to the standard error (STDERR). An API user can initiate the PrintLogger object, set its logging level using the setLoggingLevels method of the PrintLogger class, and pass the logger object to the API using the API setLogger method. The PrintLogger.h header file provides the PrintLogger class.

Information About the Disconnect Callback Listener

Both blocking and non-blocking APIs allow setting a disconnect callback listener to be notified when the API is disconnected from the SM. The disconnect callback is defined as follows:

typedef void (*ConnectionIsDownCallBackFunc)();

To set the disconnect listener, use the setDisconnectListener method.

Disconnect Callback Listener Example

The following example is a simple implementation of a disconnect callback listener that prints a message to stdout and exits:

#include "GeneralDefs.h"
void connectionIsDown(){
printf("Message: connection is down.");
exit(0); }

Signal Handling

The SCMS SM C/C++ API as a networking module might handle sockets that are closed by the SM, for example, if the SM is restarted, which may cause "Broken Pipe" signals. It is especially advisable for the UNIX environment to handle this signal.

To ignore the signal, add the following call:


Practical Tips

When implementing the code that integrates the API with your application, consider the following practical tips:

Connect to the SM once and maintain an open API connection to the SM at all times, using the API many times. Establishing a connection is a timely procedure, which allocates resources on the SM side and the API client side.

Share the API connection between your threads. It is better to have one connection per LEG. Multiple connections require more resources on the SM and client side.

Do not implement synchronization of the calls to the API. The client automatically synchronizes calls to the API.

It is recommended to place the API clients (LEGs) in the same order of the SM machine processor number.

If the LEG application has bursts of logon operations, enlarge the internal buffer size accordingly to hold these bursts (Non-blocking flavor).

During the integration, set the SM logon_logging_enabled configuration parameter to view the API operations in the SM log to troubleshoot the integration, if any problems arise.

Use the debug mode for the LEG application that logs/prints the return values of the non-blocking operations.

Use the automatic reconnect feature to improve the resiliency of the connection to the SM.

In cluster setups, connect the API using the virtual IP address of the cluster and not the management IP address of one of the machines.


Posted: Thu May 31 00:18:16 PDT 2007
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