
Table Of Contents

Upgrade Objectives and Limitations

Upgrade Objectives

Supported Working Configurations

SCE Platform

Upgrade Procedure Limitations

SCA BB Clients and Service Configuration

Upgrade Procedure Limitations

Subscriber Manager

Upgrade Procedure Limitations

LEG Configuration

Quota Manager

Collection Manager

Upgrade Procedure Limitations


Rollback Procedure

Upgrade Objectives and Limitations

This module compares the objectives of the upgrade procedure with the limitations that can be expected for each component throughout this process.

Upgrade Objectives 

Supported Working Configurations 

SCE Platform 

SCA BB Clients and Service Configuration 

Subscriber Manager 

Collection Manager 

Rollback Procedure 

Upgrade Objectives

Generally, upgrade procedures aim for the following objectives for the entire solution:

No loss of configuration

No loss of data

No network downtime

Minimal or no service downtime

Safe rollback

Upgrade modularity

Functional equivalency

Upgrade verification

Some of these objectives are achieved through maintaining interface compatibility; for example, CSV files, RDRs, DB schemes, and CLI retain compatibility. Programmable interfaces retain binary compatibility or interface compatibility (for static C linking).

Not all requirements are met on each perspective of the solution. Limitations with respect to these objectives are mentioned in the following sections and in the relevant component manuals.

Supported Working Configurations

The SCA BB 3.1 solution supports a combination of component versions:

SCOS 3.1.

Application - SCA BB 3.1 (PQIs for installation on SCE platform and SCMS-SM).

SCMS-SM 3.1 (if an SM is required for the deployment).

SCMS-CM 3.1 or 3.0 (if a CM is required for the deployment).

Note that this document covers the upgrade of a system that includes an SM and a CM. In cases where one or both of these components are not required, the corresponding sections can be ignored.

SCE Platform

Upgrade Procedure Limitations

Link Downtime Due to LIC Re-Burning 

Misclassification of Flows Initiated Prior to Upgrade Completion 

Service Downtime 

Loss of Aggregated Unreported Data 

Loss of Configuration 

Link Downtime Due to LIC Re-Burning

When upgrading from 3.0.0 only: Link downtime is expected during SCE platform upgrade (the LIC chip firmware is reburned). The expected downtime depends on the system's auto-negotiation configuration, and can be up to one minute.

Misclassification of Flows Initiated Prior to Upgrade Completion

Flows that were initiated prior to upgrade completion can be misclassified. Gradual classification restoration is expected when SCE software upgrade is completed, or when a standby SCE becomes active. This reclassification is needed because the flow's previous classification decision is lost. This reclassification would usually be inaccurate because an accurate classification depends on analyzing the beginning of the flow. Therefore, the flow would usually be reclassified according to the corresponding Generic or Behavioral signature. This downtime ends when all these reclassified flows are closed.

Service Downtime

Service downtime is expected during SCE platform upgrade on non-High Availability setups and on High Availability setups.

On non-High Availability setups, the SCE platform does not perform traffic classification, reporting, and control during the SCE platform upgrade. These capabilities are restored after upgrade completion (restoration is gradual, due to misclassification of traffic flows that were initiated prior to upgrade completion). See Misclassification of Flows Initiated Prior to Upgrade Completion for further information.

On High Availability setups, service downtime is not expected (as the cascaded SCE platforms alternate on upgrade), except for gradual service buildup when switching SCE platforms due to misclassification of traffic flows that were initiated prior to upgrade completion. See Misclassification of Flows Initiated Prior to Upgrade Completion for further information.

Loss of Aggregated Unreported Data

During SCE platform upgrade subscriber quota and usage information maintained in the SCE platform that was not reported to a collection system is lost. Depending on the system data export frequency (configurable through periods between RDRs of all sorts), the amount of such information can be kept to a minimum.

This is true also for High Availability configurations.

Loss of Configuration

Any non-default assignments of RDR tags to categories are lost when upgrading: the default mapping is restored after the upgrade. If any non-default assignments were made, you should reconfigure them manually after the upgrade.

SCA BB Clients and Service Configuration

SCA BB Console, which incorporates the service configuration editor, SM GUI, and Reporter, is not backward compatible and can work only with the 3.1 system components (SCE platform, CM, SM).

Upgrade Procedure Limitations

SCA BB Console Interoperability 

Service Configuration Upgrade 

User Defined Signatures 

Reporter and DB Interoperability 

Running Two SCA BB Consoles or Reporters 

SCA BB Console Interoperability

Version 3.1 of the Network Navigator cannot apply service configurations to version 3.0 SCE platforms. Nevertheless, the Network Navigator 3.1 can upgrade the SCE to 3.1, and then service configurations can be applied.

Service Configuration Upgrade

Older Service Configuration files need to be adapted to SCA BB 3.1 prior to applying them to the upgraded system. This can be done in one of two ways:

Re-implement the Service Configuration using the SCA BB 3.1 Service Configuration Editor

Port the old configuration to SCA BB 3.1 semantics by opening it with the SCA BB 3.1 Service Configuration Editor. In this case, it is recommended to follow the SCA BB user guide description of the default 3.1 configuration, to allow incorporating 3.1 enhancements.

User Defined Signatures

If you created a DSS in the Signature Editor and want to install a protocol pack, you need to merge the DSS with the signatures in the protocol pack by performing the following general steps:

Extract the DSS from the protocol pack.

Open your DSS and import the protocol pack DSS into the signature editor and ensure there are no overlapping signature IDs.

Save the merged DSS.

Reporter and DB Interoperability

The Reporter and Reporter Templates of 3.1 can be used to create reports from a 3.0 database provided that the same reports existed in 3.0. However, reports that are new in 3.1 cannot be created when connecting to a 3.0 database.

Running Two SCA BB Consoles or Reporters

Running two SCA BB Consoles or Reporters of different versions on the same machine is not supported and should be avoided.

Subscriber Manager

Upgrade Procedure Limitations 

LEG Configuration 

Quota Manager 

Upgrade Procedure Limitations

In non-High Availability Subscriber Manager setups, the SM upgrade procedure causes downtime for subscriber provisioning and subscriber status awareness (LEG communication).

LEG Configuration

The configuration of the SM LEGs is lost during the upgrade. Follow the upgrade procedure of the SM LEGs in the relevant reference guide.

Quota Manager

If the QM is not deployed as a cluster, service downtime is expected. This is the same service downtime that is expected during an SM upgrade.

Collection Manager

Upgrade Procedure Limitations 


Upgrade Procedure Limitations

Upgrading the Collection Manager imposes downtime for the upgraded machine during the entire process. To avoid data collection downtime, an alternate Collection Manager can be used (for either bundled or unbundled configurations).

Sending RDRs to an alternate Collection Manager is supported by the SCE platform.


When upgrading the CM from 3.0.5 or 3.0.6 to 3.1, the users configuration on the CM server (the PRPC users file, prpc.usr) is deleted. It is necessary to redefine the users after the upgrade is completed.

Rollback Procedure

A software rollback might be required in cases where the upgrade process has failed, or has impaired the service. A software rollback requires a downgrade to the previous release to mitigate the damage to the network.

Generally, no automatic downgrade scripts are available for the solution components. To enable downgrade, the older configuration should be backed up before upgrading. To downgrade, a clean installation of the older release is required, for each component.

Note When downgrading the SCE, you must first uninstall the SCA BB PQI using the "PQI uninstall file" command. The new PQI file is needed to run this command.


Posted: Thu Aug 23 16:28:46 PDT 2007
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