
Table Of Contents

Introduction and Scope

Introduction and Scope

Introduction and Scope

This module provides an introduction to Service Security using the Cisco SCE.

Introduction and Scope

The need for protection from various types of attacks and malicious traffic that originate from the Internet has gained focus in recent years. DoS and DDoS attacks, worms, viruses, malicious HTTP content, and various types of intrusions are becoming increasingly popular.

SCE platforms are deployed inline and are stateful and programmable. These features position the SCE platform to detect and mitigate the effect of malicious traffic on service providers and their customers.

SCA BB includes Service Security functionality comprising anomaly detection, spam/mass-mailing detection, and signature detection. This functionality allows the SCE platform to address many of the threats that exist in current networks.

The SCA BB solution is not an airtight solution against network threats. It is effective in providing an insight into malicious activity in an operator network, and in mitigating large scale eruptions of malicious activity that might compromise overall network performance and degrade user experience.

This guide contains practical sections describing the specifics of configuration and reporting. The purpose is to explain and demonstrate the Service Security concepts. For a full operational description of the relevant management modules, refer to the SCA BB user guides.


Posted: Fri Aug 17 07:11:41 PDT 2007
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