
Table Of Contents

Information About Getting Started

System Requirements

Information About Installing the Package

Installing the Package

Distribution Content

Information About Compiling and Running the Service Configuration API

Compiling and Running the Service Configuration API

Running the Service Configuration API with Java 1.5

Information About Service Control Engine Platform Setup

SCA BB Setup

PRPC Server

Information About Getting Started

This chapter explains how to install, compile, and run the Cisco SCA BB Service Configuration API (Service Configuration API).

System Requirements 

Information About Installing the Package 

Information About Compiling and Running the Service Configuration API 

Information About Service Control Engine Platform Setup 

System Requirements

You can run the Service Configuration API on Win32, Solaris, and Linux platforms.

Compiling and running Java programs using the Service Configuration API requires JDK and JRE versions 1.4 or 1.5.

Note Note To use the API with Java 1.5, you must set a special JRE option (see Running the Service Configuration API with Java 1.5 ).

Information About Installing the Package

Installing the Package 

Distribution Content 

Installing the Package

The Service Configuration API distribution is packaged in the file serviceconfig-java-api-dist.tgz , which is included in the SCA BB installation package.

To install, unpack the TGZ file (keeping the folder structure) to an empty folder.

On Win32 platforms, use any common Windows compression utility to extract the file.

On Linux/Solaris platforms, use:

#>tar -xvfpz serviceconfig-java-api-dist.tgz

The Service Configuration API is now installed and ready for use.

Distribution Content

The Service Configuration API distribution package installs the following folders and files:

<installation folder>

<installation folder>\doc —The Service Configuration API Javadoc documentation

<installation folder>\lib

serviceconfigapi.jar —The Service Configuration API library


This folder may contain additional library JAR files that are necessary for the Service Configuration API operation.

Information About Compiling and Running the Service Configuration API

Compiling and Running the Service Configuration API 

Running the Service Configuration API with Java 1.5 

Compiling and Running the Service Configuration API

In order to compile and run a program that uses the Service Configuration API, you must have serviceconfigapi.jar in the CLASSPATH.

For example, if your program source is in , your compilation command line should be:

#>javac -classpath .;<installation folder>\lib\serviceconfigapi.jar

To run the program, the command line should be:

#>java -cp .;<installation folder>\lib\serviceconfigapi.jar MyApiClass

Running the Service Configuration API with Java 1.5

To use the Service Configuration API with Java 1.5, some library classes must precede the JRE classes in the boot classpath. Add the following argument to the command line:

-Xbootclasspath/p:<installation folder>/lib/jdmkrt.jar

For example:

#>java -Xbootclasspath/p:<installation folder>/lib/jdmkrt.jar -cp .;<installation folder>/lib/serviceconfigapi.jar MyApiClass

Information About Service Control Engine Platform Setup

The following sections describe the configuration that is performed on the Service Control Engine (SCE) platform to allow correct Service Configuration API functioning.

SCA BB Setup 

PRPC Server 

SCA BB Setup

The Service Configuration API configures SCA BB, which should be installed on the SCE platform. For more information, see the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide .

PRPC Server

The Service Configuration API uses the Proprietary Remote Procedure Call (PRPC) protocol as a transport for the connection to the SCE. PRPC is a proprietary RPC protocol designed by Cisco. For more information, see the Cisco SCMS SCE Subscriber API Programmer's Guide .

Before using the Service Configuration API, ensure that:

The SCE is up and running, and reachable from the machine that hosts the Service Configuration API

The PRPC server on the SCE has started


Posted: Thu Jul 26 16:58:24 PDT 2007
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