
Table Of Contents

CSV File Formats

Information About Service Configuration Entities CSV File Formats

Service CSV Files

Protocol CSV Files

Zone CSV Files

Information About Flavor CSV Files

Information About Subscriber CSV File Formats

Import/Export File: Format of the mappings Field

SCE Subscriber CSV Files

SCMS SM Subscriber CSV Files

SCE Anonymous Group CSV Files

SCE Subscriber Template CSV File

Information About Collection Manager CSV File Formats

CSV Adapter CSV Files

TA Adapter CSV Files

RAG Adapter CSV Files

CSV File Formats

The Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband (SCA BB) provides several types of Comma-Separated Value (CSV) flat files that you can review and configure using third-party applications such as Excel.

Information About Service Configuration Entities CSV File Formats 

Information About Subscriber CSV File Formats 

Information About Collection Manager CSV File Formats 

Information About Service Configuration Entities CSV File Formats

This section describes the file formats of the CSV files created when exporting service configuration entities into CSV files. The same format must be used for importing such entities into service configurations.

For more information about exporting and importing service configuration entities, see "Managing Service Configurations" in the "Using the Service Configuration Editor" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Application for Broadband User Guide .

Note There is no need to repeat the same values in subsequent rows of the CSV file. If a field is left empty in a row, the value of that field from the previous row is used.

Service CSV Files

Lines in Service CSV files have the following fixed format:

service name,service numeric ID,[description],sample rate,parent name,global counter index,subscriber counter index,[flavor],initiating side,protocol,[zone]

The only service that does not have a parent service is the default service.

The default service is the parent of all other services.

If the service will be counted with its parent, it must have a counter index of -1.

One service can have multiple entries in the file (see the following example). There is no need to state the service properties for each of its items.

Some fields can take a null value (see the last line of the following example).

The following is an example of a service CSV file:

P2P,9,,10,Default Service,9,9,,EitherSide,DirectConnect,zone1 P2P,9,,10,Default Service,9,9,flavor1,EitherSide,Manolito, zone1 ,,,,,,,,EitherSide,Hotline, zone1 ,,,,,,, flavor2,EitherSide,Share, zone1 Generic,1,,10,Default Service,-1,-1,No items,null,null,null

Protocol CSV Files

Lines in Protocol CSV files have the following fixed format:

protocol name,protocol index,[IP protocol],[port range],signature

One protocol can have multiple entries in the file (see the following example). Port range has the format: MinPort-MaxPort. For example, 1024-5000 means port 1024 to port 5000.

The following is an example of a protocol CSV file:

HTTP Browsing,2,TCP,80-80,Generic HTTP Browsing,2,TCP,8080-8080,Generic HTTP Browsing,2,,,HTTP

Zone CSV Files

Lines in Zone CSV files have the following fixed format:

zone name,zone index,IP range

where IP range is an IP address in dotted notation, followed by a mask.

The following is an example of a zone CSV file:

zone1,1, ,,

Information About Flavor CSV Files

The format of flavor CSV files depends on the flavor type.

Each line of every flavor CSV files begins with the same three fields:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type[,flavor specific field[s]]

The formats of the CSV files of different flavors are described in the following sections.

The following is an example of a line from a flavor CSV file:



Lines in HTTP URL CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,host suffix,params prefix, URI suffix,URI prefix

The following is an example of an HTTP URL CSV file:

NEWS,0,HTTP_URL,*,,,/news/* ,,,*,,, ,,,*,,,/news/technology/* ,,,*,,,/sections/world/* ,,,*,,,/WORLD/*

HTTP User Agent

Lines in HTTP User Agent CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,user agent

RTSP User Agent

Lines in RTSP User Agent CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,user agent

RTSP Host Name

Lines in RTSP Host Name CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,host suffix

RTSP Composite

Lines in HTTP Composite CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,RTSP_Host_Name,RTSP_User_Agent_name

where RTSP_Host_Name and RTSP_User_Agent_name are the names of existing flavors of types RTSP Host Name and RTSP User Agent respectively

SIP Destination Domain

Lines in SIP Destination Domain CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,host suffix

SIP Source Domain

Lines in SIP Source Domain CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,host suffix

SIP Composite

Lines in HTTP Composite CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,SIP_Destination_Domain_name, SIP_Source_Domain_name

where SIP_Destination_Domain_name and SIP_Source_Domain_name are the names of existing flavors of types SIP Destination Domain and SIP Source Domain respectively

SMTP Host Name

Lines in SMTP Host Name CSV files have the following fixed format:

flavor name,flavor index,flavor type,host suffix

Information About Subscriber CSV File Formats

This section describes the file formats of various subscriber CSV files used by the Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Subscriber Manager(SM). For more information about these CSV file formats, see "Subscriber Files" in the "Managing Subscribers" chapter of the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide and see the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Subscriber Manager User Guide .

Import/Export File: Format of the mappings Field 

SCE Subscriber CSV Files 

SCMS SM Subscriber CSV Files 

SCE Anonymous Group CSV Files 

SCE Subscriber Template CSV File 

Import/Export File: Format of the mappings Field

Some of the CSV files include a mappings field. This field can include one or more of the following values delimited by colons (":") or semicolons (";"):

A single IP address in dotted notation (xx.xx.xx.xx).

An IP address range in dotted notation (xx.xx.xx.xx/mask).

A single VLAN (xx) as an integer in decimal notation in the range of 0 to 2044.

A VLAN range (xx-yy) where both values are integers in decimal notation in the range of 0 to 2044.

Note Note Specifying VLAN and IP Mappings together in the same line is not allowed.

Multiple IP mappings—;

Multiple VLAN mappings—450:896-907

SCE Subscriber CSV Files

Lines in SCE Subscriber CSV files have the following fixed format:

subscriber-id,mappings,package-id,upstream Virtual Link id,downstream Virtual Link id

The following is an example CSV file for use with the SCE CLI:

JerryS,;,0,1,3 ElainB,,3,55,87

SCMS SM Subscriber CSV Files

Lines in SCMS SM Subscriber CSV files have the following fixed format:

subscriber-id,domain,mappings,package-id,upstream Virtual Link id,downstream Virtual Link id

If no domain is specified, the default domain (subscribers) is assigned.

The following is an example CSV file for use with the SM CLI:

JerryS,subscribers,,0,0,0 ElainB,,,3,12,1

SCE Anonymous Group CSV Files

Lines in SCE Anonymous Group CSV files have the following fixed format:


If no subscriber-template-number is specified, then the anonymous subscribers of that group will use the default template (equivalent to using a subscriber-template-number value of zero).

The mapping between subscriber-template-number and package-id is defined in the SCE Subscriber Template CSV file, which is described in the following section.

The following is an example of an anonymous group CSV file

group1,;,2 group2,,3 group3,

SCE Subscriber Template CSV File

Lines in Subscriber Template CSV files have the following fixed format, as described below:


SCA BB includes a default one-to-one mapping between package-id and subscriber-template-number for values from 0 to 63.

Subscriber-template-numbers can take values between 0 and 199. You can map more than one subscriber-template-number to the same package-id.

For more information about this file, see the Cisco Service Control Engine (SCE) Software Configuration Guide .

Information About Collection Manager CSV File Formats

This section describes the file formats of the CSV files created by adapters of the Cisco Service Control Management Suite (SCMS) Collection Manager (CM). For more information about the CM and its adapters, see the Cisco Service Control Management Suite Collection Manager User Guide .

Each RDR is routed to the appropriate adapter—the Comma-Separated Value (CSV) Adapter, the Topper/Aggregator (TA Adapter), or the Real-Time Aggregating (RAG) Adapter—converted, and written to a CSV file.

CSV Adapter CSV Files 

TA Adapter CSV Files 

RAG Adapter CSV Files 

CSV Adapter CSV Files

By default, the CSV Adapter writes files to subdirectories of ~/cm/adapters/CSVAdapter/csvfiles , where each subdirectory name is the RDR tag of the RDR that generated the CSV file.

Each CSV file created by the CSV Adapter has a structure matching the RDR represented in the file.

TA Adapter CSV Files

The TA Adapter receives Subscriber Usage RDRs, aggregates the data they contain, and outputs statistics to CSV files. By default, these files are created once every 24 hours, at midnight.

The name of the CSV file is the date and time of its creation. The default format of the file name is yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.csv (for example, 2005-09-27_18-30-01.csv ). By default, the location of the CSV files is ~/cm/adapters/TAAdapter/csvfiles.

By default, the fields in each row of the CSV file are as follows:

TIMESTAMP,TAG,subsID,svcALLup,svcALLdown,svcALLsessions,svcALLseconds, svc0up,svc0down,svc0sessions,svc0seconds,svc1up,svc1down,svc1sessions, svc1seconds,...,svcNup,svcNdown,svcNsessions,svcNseconds

where subsID is the Subscriber ID and svcXY is the aggregated volume of metric Y for service X. (The N in svcN is the highest service number, which is the configured number of services minus 1.)

The combined volume is not stored in the CSV file, since it is easily obtained by adding the upstream and downstream volumes.

You can configure the adapter to insert a comment at the beginning of every CSV file. This comment contains a time stamp showing when the file was created, and an explanation of its format. By default, this feature is disabled. To turn this option on, edit the file csvadapter.conf and change the value of includeRecordSource.

RAG Adapter CSV Files

The RAG Adapter processes RDRs of one or more types and aggregates the data from predesignated field positions into buckets . When a RAG Adapter bucket is flushed, its content is written as a single line into a CSV file, one file per RDR, in the adapters' CSV repository.

The name of the CSV file is the date and time of its creation. The default format of the file name is yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.csv (for example, 2005-09-27_18-30-01.csv ). By default, the CSV repository is flat (all CSV files in one directory), and located at ~/cm/adapters/RAGAdapter/csvfiles. Alternatively, you can configure the adapter to use a subdirectory structure; the CSV files are written to subdirectories of ~/cm/adapters/RAGAdapter/csvfiles , where each subdirectory name is the RDR tag of the RDR type that was written to this CSV file.

Each line written to the CSV file may have some synthesized fields added to it, such as time stamps of the first and last RDRs that contributed to this bucket and the total number of RDRs in this bucket. Other fields may be removed altogether. Fields in the output line that are not used for aggregation will have values corresponding to the values in the first RDR that contributed to the bucket. However, the time stamp field that is prepended to the line in the CSV file will have a value corresponding to the time stamp of the last RDR in the bucket.


Posted: Thu May 31 03:04:20 PDT 2007
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