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Cisco IOS Release 11.2 Release Notes for LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software

Cisco IOS Release 11.2 Release Notes for LightStream 1010 ATM Switch Software

December 17, 1997

LightStream 1010 ATM Release 11.2(10)WA3(4)

This release note describes the features and caveats for Cisco IOS Release 11.2(10)WA3(4) for the LightStream 1010 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) switch software. The LightStream 1010 ATM switch software is based on Cisco IOS Release 11.2(10). This release includes enhancements for the LightStream 1010 ATM switch.


This release note discusses the following topics:

New Release 11.2(8)WA3(3) Features

The following feature was added to the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software:

The following default has changed:

The following new hardware is supported in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch, release 11.2(8)WA3(3):

See the section "Documentation" for a list of documents describing these features.

New Release 11.2(5)WA3(2b) Features

The following features have been added to the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software:

See the section "Documentation" for a list of documents describing these features.

New Release 11.2(2)WA3(1a) Features

The following features have been added to the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software:

The following new hardware is supported in the LightStream 1010 ATM switch release 11.2(2)WA3(1a):

Modifications For Release 11.2(8)WA3(3)

Releases before this assumed that in each priority level the default clock (if none was configured) was the system clock (ASP reference). With this release no defaults are assumed. If a clock at a priority is not configured that will be reflected by the "no clock" option. Decision on the which priority to use during clock switch over will skip priorities that are not configured.

Modifications for Release 11.2(2)WA3(1a)

The following clock selection changes listed in Table 1 apply to release 11.2(2)WA3(1a).

Table 1: Clock Selection Changes for Release 11.2(2)WA3(1a)
Clock Mode Release 11.1 Release 11.2

Network Derived

Derives clock from the port selected as the network clock at the highest priority. This can be the ASP if all clocks are bad or there was no selection.

If no selection for network-clock-select has been made the clock defaults to the ASP (default).


Uses the ASP clock (default).

Uses the port local oscillator on the PAM when available.


Uses the clock derived from the receive side.

Uses the clock derived from the receive side.

In the 11.2 release, the default clock selected on any port was changed. The default mode is network-derived. If no port is selected as the source of the network clock, the default is the system clock supplied by the ASP. In the 11.1 release, if no clock source was specified for a port, the clock mode default was free-running, internally equivalent to selecting the system clock supplied by the ASP. The defaults are not saved in the configuration.

If you changed the default in 11.1 to network-derived when upgrading to release 11.2 because network-derived is the default, the clock mode remains the same. However, if you move back to release 11.1, that port reverts to the free-running (with ASP) clock default configuration. If you want network-derived clock you must reconfigure the port.


For documentation of Cisco IOS Release 11.2 LightStream 1010 ATM switch software features, refer to the following publications, available as printed manuals or electronic documents:

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more up to date than printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call customer service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

Platform Support

This release supports the LightStream 1010 ATM switch.

Cisco IOS Packaging

The LightStream 1010 supports the routing of ATM signaling requests across a network of switches using the ATM routing protocols. Two standard routing protocols have been developed by the ATM Forum---Interim InterSwitch Signaling Protocol (IISP) and the Private Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI) Protocol, version 1.0. Both protocols are supported by the LightStream 1010.

Table 2 lists the feature set for the Cisco IOS Release 11.2(10)WA3(4), 11.2(8)WA3(3), and 11.2(5)WA3(2b) of the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software.

Table 2: Cisco IOS Release 11.2(10)WA3(4), 11.2(8)WA3(3), and 11.2(5)WA3(2b) for LightStream 1010 ATM Software Features
Type Feature

Cisco IOS Base Features


Asynchronous support (RS232)






ATM Features

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Permanent VCCs and VPCs

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Switched VCCs and VPCs (UNI 3.0)

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Switched VCCs and VPCs (UNI 3.1)

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Switched VCCs and VPCs (UNI 4.0)

Soft VCCs and VPCs

VP Tunneling

PNNI version 1.0

ILMI version 4.0


LANE client (LEC) and LANE Services (LES/BUS/LECS) on ASP

ATM ARP server on ASP

ATM ARP client on ASP

Port snooping

OAM F4 and F5

E.164 Address Translation

Circuit Emulation

ATM Access lists

ATM Accounting



Table 3 lists the feature set for the Cisco IOS Release 11.2(2)WA3(1a) of the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software.

Table 3: Cisco IOS Release 11.2(2)WA3(1a) for LightStream 1010 ATM Software Features
Type Feature

Cisco IOS Base Features


Asynchronous support (RS232)






ATM Features

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Permanent VCCs and VPCs

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Switched VCCs and VPCs (UNI 3.0)

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Switched VCCs and VPCs (UNI 3.1)

Point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Switched VCCs and VPCs (UNI 4.0)

Soft VCCs and VPCs

VP Tunneling

PNNI version 1.0

ILMI version 4.0


LANE client (LEC) and LANE Services (LES/BUS/LECS) on ASP

ATM ARP server on ASP

ATM ARP client on ASP

Port snooping

OAM F4 and F5

E.164 Address Translation

Circuit Emulation

ATM Access lists


Memory Requirements

The system Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) resides on a SIMM module on the ATM Switch Processor (ASP). The default DRAM configuration is 16 MB. The amount of DRAM required on the ASP module is determined by the number of active physical and logical ports (virtual path tunnels) and the expected number of active switched virtual channels (SVCs) through the switch.

Table 4 provides an approximate guide to use when determining the amount of DRAM required for a switch with 32 physical ports.

Table 4:
SVCs Required DRAM Required

Less than 4000 active SVCs


Between 4000 and 16,000 active SVCs


Between 16,000 and 32,000 active SVCs


DRAM Required Determined by SVCs

Release 11.2(10)WA3(4) Caveats Corrected

This section describes caveats that have been corrected by Release 11.2(10)WA3(4) for the LightStream 1010 ATM switch.

Issue the "clear int e2/0/0 command" to bring the interface back up.
Make sure oc3 is not hot swapped in the slot that was used by T1/E1. If an oc3 card needs to be hot swapped in place of T1/E1, remove the T1/E1 card, reload, and then insert oc3 PAM.

Release 11.2(10)WA3(4) Caveats

This section describes unsupported features and limitations, caveats, and some potentially unexpected behavior by the LightStream 1010 ATM switch for Release 11.2(10)WA3(4).

The following caveats have been identified for this release of the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software.

The call attempt counters for PortSelectGroups might not count the outgoing calls on its NNI interfaces due to switch crankback attempts. This might cause a discrepancy between the call attempt counters shown on the following:
This might be more evident when a call fails to be established.
Support for ATM accounting background notifications is provided in the next maintenance release.
Use the ip host-routing command in the general configuration mode.
Do not turn on ip host-routing.
%ATMSIG-3-FAILASSERT: Assertion failed: file "../atm/atmsig_ie.c", line 5950
Correct the physical layer, which is usually the cause of the problem.
%AAL5-3-INTERNAL_ERROR: No more big aal5 pkts
The system continues to function, in most instances, but might stop accepting any more calls from the end systems.
If the switch does not bring up more calls, toggling an interface might help to reinitialize all the connections and bring the system back to working condition.
The normal mode of operation is to include the CallingPartyAddress information element in the AddParty message.
If different Emulated Local Area Networks (ELANs), using Cisco IOS Version 11.1(X), are configured on multiple subinterfaces of the same physical interface, then all LES(s) multiplex the control messages (which validate the clients) into a single VC.
For example, using the following LES router configuration:
atm1/0.1 sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN atm1/0.2 sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN atm1/0.3 sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN atm1/0.4 sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN
This configuration of an LECS sends the following warning messages to the console stating that an LES of one ELAN is attempting to obtain information about another ELAN.
%LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN'
The clients are still allowed to join the ELAN. Disregard the warning message.
Ensure that the interface is not shut down during a switch software reload.

Release 11.2(8)WA3(3) Caveats Corrected

This section describes caveats that have been corrected by Release 11.2(8)WA3(3) for the LightStream 1010 ATM switch.

On_Demand accounting data collection would sometimes get into a loop
Connection-type checking for failed attempts was incorrect
Encoding of timestamp for data collection was incorrect for failed attempt records.
Remove the address from the peer and then re-establish it.

Step 1 Autoconfiguration must be disabled using the following interface level command.

    Switch(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration

Step 2 The UNI version must be manually configured using the following interface level command.

    Switch(config-if)# atm uni version 4.0.
The limitations follow:
Note that the Accounting management application does support Soft-PVC configurations.

Release 11.2(8)WA3(3) Caveats

This section describes unsupported features and limitations, caveats, and some potentially unexpected behavior by the LightStream 1010 ATM switch for Release 11.2(8)WA3(3).

The following caveats have been identified for this release of the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software.

Issue the "clear int e2/0/0 command" to bring the interface back up.
Use the ip host-routing command in the general configuration mode.
Make sure oc3 is not hot swapped in the slot that was used by T1/E1. If an oc3 card needs to be hot swapped in place of T1/E1, remove the T1/E1 card, reload, and then insert oc3 PAM.
%ALIGN-3-SPURIOUS: Spurious memory access made at 0x600D2EBC reading 0x0
This caveat does not affect the operation of the switch.
The normal mode of operation is to include the CallingPartyAddress information element in the AddParty message.
If different Emulated Local Area Networks (ELANs), using Cisco IOS Version 11.1(X), are configured on multiple subinterfaces of the same physical interface, then all LES(s) multiplex the control messages (which validate the clients) into a single VC.
For example, using the following LES router configuration:
atm1/0.1 sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN atm1/0.2 sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN atm1/0.3 sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN atm1/0.4 sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN
This configuration of an LECS sends the following warning messages to the console stating that an LES of one ELAN is attempting to obtain information about another ELAN.
%LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN'
The clients are still allowed to join the ELAN. Disregard the warning message.
Ensure that the interface is not shut down during a switch software reload.
The call attempt counters for PortSelectGroups might not count the outgoing calls on its NNI interfaces due to switch crankback attempts. This might cause a discrepancy between the call attempt counters shown on the following:
This might be more evident when a call fails to be established.
%AAL5-3-INTERNAL_ERROR: No more big aal5 pkts
The system continues to function, in most instances, but might stop accepting any more calls from the end systems.
If the switch does not bring up more calls, toggling an interface might help to reinitialize all the connections and bring the system back to working condition.
Support for ATM accounting background notifications is provided in the next maintenance release.

Release 11.2(5)WA3(2b) Caveats Corrected

This section describes caveats that have been corrected by the Release 11.2(5)WA3(2b) for the LightStream 1010 ATM switch.

ATMSIG: incoming msg has invalid protocol discriminator 0
This message indicates that SSCOP passed a PDU to Signaling that is not recognized as a valid message. The message might occur when heavy signaling loads occur between the switch and other Cisco Systems routers. No failure of function results from this.
crankback NULL while building IEs
This caveat does not affect the operation of the switch.
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# atm router pnni Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1 disable Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1 enable
As a result, the end system addresses are not automatically summarized using the 13-byte prefixes derived from the switch address. Use the following command sequence, which turns automatic summarization off and on, to correct this problem.
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# atm router pnni Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1 Switch(config-atm-router)# no auto-summary Switch(config-atm-router)# auto-summary
This can cause the following symptoms:

Release 11.2(5)WA3(2b) Caveats

This section describes unsupported features and limitations, caveats, and some potentially unexpected behavior by the LightStream 1010 ATM switch for Release 11.2(5)WA3(2b).

The limitations are following:
Note that the Accounting management application does support Soft-PVC configurations.
This caveat will be fixed in the next maintenance release.
%ALIGN-3-SPURIOUS: Spurious memory access made at 0x600D2EBC reading 0x0
This caveat does not affect the operation of the switch.
The normal mode of operation is to include the CallingPartyAddress information element in the AddParty message.
If different Emulated Local Area Networks (ELANs), using Cisco IOS Version 11.1(X), are configured on multiple subinterfaces of the same physical interface, then all LES(s) multiplex the control messages (which validate the clients) into a single VC.
For example, using the following LES router configuration:
atm1/0.1 sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN atm1/0.2 sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN atm1/0.3 sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN atm1/0.4 sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN
This configuration of an LECS sends the following warning messages to the console stating that an LES of one ELAN is attempting to obtain information about another ELAN.
%LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN'
The clients are still allowed to join the ELAN. Disregard the warning message.

    1. Autoconfiguration must be disabled using the following interface level command.

Switch(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration

    2. The UNI version must be manually configured using the following interface level command.

Switch(config-if)# atm uni version 4.0.
Ensure that the interface is not shut down during a switch software reload.
The call attempt counters for PortSelectGroups might not count the outgoing calls on its NNI interfaces due to switch crankback attempts. This might cause a discrepancy between the call attempt counters shown on the following:
This might be more evident when a call fails to be established.
%AAL5-3-INTERNAL_ERROR: No more big aal5 pkts
The system continues to function, in most instances, but might stop accepting any more calls from the end systems.
If the switch does not bring up more calls, toggling an interface might help to reinitialize all the connections and bring the system back to working condition.
Support for ATM accounting background notifications is provided in the next maintenance release.

Release 11.2(2)WA3(1a) Caveats

This section describes unsupported features and limitations, caveats, and some potentially unexpected behavior by the LightStream 1010 ATM switch for Release 11.2(2)WA3(1a).

The following features are not supported in this release even though the commands might be visible in the command-line interface.

Support for these features is expected in a subsequent release.

The following caveats have been identified for this release of the LightStream 1010 ATM switch software.

ATMSIG: incoming msg has invalid protocol discriminator 0
This message indicates that SSCOP passed a PDU to Signaling that is not recognized as a valid message. The message might occur when heavy signaling loads occur between the switch and other Cisco Systems routers. No failure of function results from this.
%ALIGN-3-SPURIOUS: Spurious memory access made at 0x600D2EBC reading 0x0
This caveat does not affect the operation of the switch.
incoming pak size 16 does not match embedded msg size
This caveat does not affect the operation of the switch.
%AAL5-3-INTERNAL_ERROR: No more big aal5 pkts
The system continues to function, in most instances but, on few occasions, it might stop accepting any more calls from the end systems.
In case the system does not bring up more calls, toggling the interface helps reinitialize all the connections and bring the system back to working condition.
The normal mode of operation is to include the CallingPartyAddress information element in the AddParty message.
crankback NULL while building IEs
This caveat does not affect the operation of the switch.
If different Emulated Local Area Networks (ELANs), using Cisco IOS Version 11.1(X), are configured on multiple subinterfaces of the same physical interface, then all LES(s) multiplex the control messages (which validate the clients) into a single VC.
For example, using the following LES router configuration:
atm1/0.1 sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN atm1/0.2 sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN atm1/0.3 sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN atm1/0.4 sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN
This configuration of an LECS sends the following warning messages to the console stating that an LES of one ELAN is attempting to obtain information about another ELAN.
%LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.1_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.2_LAN' %LANE-4-LECS_WARNING: interface ATM2/0/0: elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.4_LAN' LES asking for elan 'sysa_70k_31_a1.3_LAN'
The clients are still allowed to join the ELAN. Disregard the warning message.
"%SONICT-3-INTERNAL_ERROR: sonic_send: no free tbufs".
No failure of function results from this message.
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# atm router pnni Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1 disable Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1 enable
As a result, the end system addresses are not automatically summarized using the 13-byte prefixes derived from the switch address. Use the following command sequence, which turns automatic summarization off and on, to correct this problem.
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# atm router pnni Switch(config-atm-router)# node 1 Switch(config-atm-router)# no auto-summary Switch(config-atm-router)# auto-summary
This can cause the following symptoms:

Step 1 Autoconfiguration must be disabled using the following interface level command.

    Switch(config-if)# no atm auto-configuration

Step 2 The UNI version must be manually configured using the following interface level command.

    Switch(config-if)# atm uni version 4.0.


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Posted: Tue Apr 13 11:49:42 PDT 1999
Copyright 1989-1999©Cisco Systems Inc.