
Table of Contents

SNMP Traps

SNMP Traps

This chapter lists SNMP traps. In the trap log, these traps display as type "generic." For detailed information about SNMP traps, refer to the document IETF RFC 1157, A Simple Network Management Protocol, by J. Case and others. If you need help in interpreting these traps, contact your customer support representative.

Trap Name Authentication Failure
Trap Text Authentication Failure Trap from <node name>, System Up Time <XX Hr XX Min XX Sec>
Description The source of an SNMP request received by the specified switch has been sent a protocol message that is not properly authenticated.
Action You may wish to verify that the sources of SNMP requests received by the switch are using an SNMP community name string that matches one of those configured on the switch and that the associated privileges allow for the operation. Also, verify that the IP address of the source is among those configured as acceptable on the switch. (For more information, see the section "Changing Default SNMP Community Names" in the LightStream 2020 Installation Guide.)
Trap Name Cold Start
Trap Text Cold Start Trap from <node name>, System Up Time <XX Hr XX Min XX Sec>
Description The specified node has been rebooted and its NP processes have completed their startup routines.
Action None.
Trap Name Link Down
Trap Text Link down trap from <node name>, System Up Time <XX Hr XX Min XX Sec> Port <port#>
Description The node has missed an established number of link up/down messages.
Action If the trunk is not returned to service within 10 minutes, refer to the LightStream 2020 Network Operations Guide for troubleshooting procedures.
Trap Name Link Up
Trap Text Link up trap from <node name>, System Up Time <XX Hr XX Min XX Sec> Port <port#>
Description A link has returned to service.
Action None.

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