
Table of Contents

New Features and Enhancements
Software Upgrade Procedures
Special Considerations
Resolved Problems
Appendix A: Flash Memory Image Checksum Values
Appendix B: Software Diagnostic Versions
Cisco Connection Online

LightStream 2020 Release Notes
for Software Release 2.3(1.1)

January 23, 1997

These release notes for Software Release 2.3(1.1) are update release notes based on Software Release 2.3(1) (a base release) for the LS2020 node software.

Note Software Release 2.3(1) completely replaces Release 2.1(1.93) with a full set of installation diskettes.


Introduction     2

New Features and Enhancements     2

Software Upgrade Procedures     2

Special Considerations     7

Resolved Problems     7

Appendix A: Flash Memory Image Checksum Values     7

Appendix B: Software Diagnostic Versions     7


Software Release 2.3(1.1) is an update release based on Software Release 2.3(1). Software Release 2.3(1.1) addresses the following special consideration:

The NP POST is incorrectly updating a temperature sensor warning of EEPROM location.

New Features and Enhancements

There are no new features and enhancements for Software Release 2.3(1.1).

Release 2.3(1.1) Changes in Functionality

The Network Processor POST is incorrectly updating a temperature sensor warning EEPROM location. A NP flash image (which contains a POST executable) must be modified to eliminate this update.

Software Upgrade Procedures

This section provides information about upgrading the LightStream 2020 multiservice ATM switch to Software Release 2.3(1.1) of the LightStream 2020 software.

Note The following procedures are for upgrades, not for new installations. If you are installing a network processor (NP) with an uninitialized disk, use the installation procedures in the LightStream 2020 Installation Guide. Use the upgrade procedures described here only if you are upgrading software on a LightStream 2020 node that has already been installed and is running.

Upgrade Requirements

The software upgrade requirements for installing Software Release 2.3(1.1) are as follows:

Distribution Media

Below is a list of the LS2020 Software Release 2.3(1.1) node software distribution diskettes.

LS2020 Release 2.3(1.1) Distribution Diskette Version Listed on Diskette Label
Upgrade Diskette 1 2.3(1.1)

Procedure 1, Copy New Software to the Distribution Node

With this procedure, you copy the new software to a local LS2020 node from the distribution disk set. This local node is referred to as the distribution node. To perform this procedure, use a terminal connected to the console port of the distribution node. Only the person doing the installation should be logged on to the system.

Note If for any reason you discontinue installation of this release after you have started loading software, you should delete this release using Special Procedure A, Freeing Up Disk Space, found in the release notes for 2.3(1). This minimizes the impact of the interrupted installation on future installations. When you resume installation of this release, you must restart at the beginning of this procedure.


The following tasks are necessary for an upgrade to the distribution node (or any local node) to Software Release 2.3(1.1) node software:

  1. Connect to the Primary NP

  2. Verify that you have loaded Software Release 2.3(1).

  3. Copy Software Release 2.3(1.1) from the upgrade diskette to the hard disk.

To perform these tasks, use a terminal connected to the console port of the distribution node. The system should be running with no one else logged on the system.

Connect to the Primary NP

Step 1 Enter '. (backquote plus dot, that is, left single quote plus period).

Step 2 At the TCS HUB prompt, use the connect command to connect to the NP in slot 1:

You may need to press Return a second time after typing the connect command in order to get a prompt from the NP.

A prompt should appear asking for a user login name:

Note If someone using the machine before you has not logged out, your prompt may be different. If this occurs, log out and log back in as root.

Step 3 Log in as root. The bash prompt appears (with # indicating a root login):

If your system has only one NP, go to Step 6 now.

Step 4 On a system with redundant NPs, verify that you are connected to the primary NP (the active NP), as follows:

bash# cli
Are you connected to the primary or backup NP? If the two entries identify the same NP number, you are connected to the primary NP (the active NP). Since you connected to slot 1 in Step 1, above, the following is true:

primary = 1
backup = 2

Make a note of this. Use the value 1 where you see the parameter name "primary" in later procedures.

If the two entries do not identify the same NP number, you are connected to the backup NP. Since you connected to slot 1 in Step 1 above, the following is true:

primary = 2
backup = 1

Make a note of this. Use the value 2 where you see the parameter name "primary" in Step 5, below, and in other procedures.

If you are connected to the primary NP, go to Step 6 now.

Step 5 If you are connected to the backup NP, disconnect from it and connect to the primary NP (the active NP):

TCS HUB<<A>> connect primary

Copy Release 2.3(1.1) Software from Floppy Diskettes to the Hard Disk

Step 6 Determine which floppy disk drive is appropriate to use for the upgrade. NP slot 1 is connected to the bottom disk drive, and NP slot 2 is connected to the top disk drive.

The boot disk is not used in this upgrade procedure. You will run the swinstall utility once for each diskette set in the following order:

If you are currently running version... Install the floppy diskette sets in this order
2.03 through 2.0(9.2) Obtain the 2.3(1) Release Notes and floppy diskettes; install the diskettes in the recommended order.
2.3(1) 2.3(1.1) Update diskette

Step 7 Enter the swinstall command at the bash prompt:

Note If the swinstall program reports that there is insufficient disk space for the installation, refer to the release notes for Software Release 2.3(1)
Special Procedure A, Freeing Up Disk Space, before continuing. If the swinstall program reports insufficient memory, refer to Special Procedure F, Freeing Up Memory on an NP.

When the program prompts you for a diskette, insert the first diskette (of the diskette set that you are currently installing) into the appropriate drive and press Return. Repeat as the program prompts you for more diskettes in the current set.

Step 8 Repeat Step 7 for each diskette set, following the order given under Step 6.

Procedure 2, Copy New Software to Remote Nodes

With this procedure you distribute new software from the distribution node to other LS2020 nodes. Carry out this procedure for all remote nodes before going to Procedure 3, Change the Running Software Version.

Note It is also possible to upgrade software directly from the distribution diskettes on each node in your LightStream 2020 network. To do this, carry out Procedure 1, Copy New Software to the Distribution Node, and Procedure 3, Change the Running Software Version, on each node in the network.

Requirements for Performing the Procedure

The following connectivity requirements apply

Distribution Node Remote Node

  • You are logged in to the distribution node.

  • No other user is logged in.

  • The distribution node is running LS2020 application software.

  • You are able to establish an rsh connection and a modem connection at each remote site. (You do not need to be physically located at the remote node site.)

  • The remote node is running LS2020 application software.


Perform the following steps for each node in your LightStream 2020 network:

Step 1 Verify remote command execution.

Step 2 Distribute Release 2.3(1.1) to the remote node.

Verify Remote Command Execution

Verify that it is possible to execute commands on the remote node from the distribution node:

Step 1 On the distribution node, execute the following command:

Enter the name of the remote node in place of remote-node.

If the command succeeds, it prints the name of remote-node. Continue to Step 2 .

If this is the first time you have upgraded, this step is likely to fail. If the command fails, it prints one of the following messages:

Note If this is the first time you have upgraded, then this step is likely to fail. For more information, see the release notes for Software Release 2.3(1), Special Procedure D, Getting rsh to Work on a Remote Node.

Distribute Release 2.3(1.1) to Remote Nodes

Step 2 Copy Release 2.3(1.1) files to remote-node. In a window running a login on distribution-node, execute the following command:

Enter the name of the remote node in place of remote-node.

The swremoteinstall process checks disk space and copies Release 2.3(1) to remote-node. It should take 5 to 10 minutes, depending upon bandwidth between the nodes.

Note If the swremoteinstall program reports there is not enough disk space for the installation, connect to the remote node through a modem port or Telnet connection and refer to the release notes for Software Release 2.3(1), Special Procedure A, Freeing Up Disk Space. If the swremoteinstall program reports insufficient memory, refer to the release notes for Software Release 2.3(1), Special Procedure F, Freeing Up Memory on an NP. Then return to Step 2.

Procedure 3, Change the Running Software Version

There are no changes to this procedure. For more information, see Software Release 2.3(1) Software Upgrade Procedures.

Special Considerations

There are no changes to this section. For more information, see Software Release 2.3(1) Special Considerations.

Resolved Problems

This section lists the resolved problems for this and previous releases since 2.3(1).

The resolved problems listed below have been fixed in Release 2.3(1.1):


NP POST incorrectly adjusts TEMP2 WARN value (0x86 should be 0x93)

Appendix A: Flash Memory Image Checksum Values

In Software Release 2.3(1.1), one checksum value has changed for the network processor.

Every time you install a card in a slot of the system, you must verify that it has the correct Flash memory checksum, and upgrade Flash if necessary. The procedure for doing this is given in the LightStream 2020 Hardware Reference and Troubleshooting Guide. Use the bash command sysver -a | more to display Flash checksums. The checksums for this new release are listed below.

If the Flash checksum is 0xE82A for a Release 2 switch card, or 0x50CA for a Release 1 switch card, then the specified switch card already has the latest Flash image.

Appendix B: Software Diagnostic Versions

The following diagnostic versions are used in this release.

diag_clc1.aout version 2.110
diag_ls1.aout version 0.721
diag_ms1.aout version 1.495
diag_np1.aout version 1.575
diag_plc1.aout version 2.005
sys_np1.aout version 1.460

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Copyright © 1997, Cisco Systems, Inc.
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