
Table of Contents

NP O/S Command Reference

NP O/S Command Reference

This chapter contains the manual pages for those NP O/S commands and system utilities that you are most likely to need while operating your network of LightStream 2020 multiservice ATM switches (LS2020 switches).

The CLI shell command accesses the bash shell from the CLI so that you can execute NP O/S commands. You can also execute these commands from the bash shell when you log in as root or fldsup. (If you log in as oper or npadmin, the CLI automatically starts.) The following is a list of all the NP O/S commands that are described in this chapter:

Note The help command displays help information about commands that are built in to the bash shell (see the "GNU Bash Shell Reference" chapter). Of particular interest are the commands cd, kill, and pwd.

cat - concatenate files


cat [-benstuv] [filename ...]


The cat command concatenates the contents of one or more files onto the standard output. If no filename is given, or if the filename "-" is present in the list, cat copies standard input to standard output. If standard output is not redirected to a file or through a pipe, the effect of cat is to print the files on the current TTY.

The output of cat is line buffered if standard output is a TTY device. Otherwise, output is buffered in large blocks.


The following optional command-line switches are available

-b Omits line numbers from blank lines; used with the -n option.
-e Appends a $ character to each line; used with the -v option to indicate where the end-of-line character is.
-n Appends the line number to the beginning of each output line.
-s Replaces sequences of blank lines by a single blank line.
-t Converts tab characters to the string ^I; used with the -v option.
-u Forces unbuffered (character-by-character) output.
-v Indicates positions of non-printing characters. Non-printable characters whose ASCII value is less than 32 (40 octal) are output as ^ followed by the value plus 64; thus ASCII 26 (control Z) is printed as ^Z. The delete character, ASCII 127 (177 octal), is printed as ^?. Characters whose value is greater than 127 are printed as M- followed by the printable version of the low 7 bits of the value. Note that printable control characters such as newline or tab are not translated.

Note Commands like cat a b > a or cat a b > b do not work as expected and in fact destroy information because the shell opens and resets the output files before cat has a chance to read from the input files.

cbufpr - print contents of a circular buffer


cbufpr [-all] [-f] [-level {snmp|oper|info|trace|debug}] [-tail [-n]] file
cbufpr {[-h] | -v}


The cbufpr command displays contents of a circular buffer file on a Network Processor (NP). The show file command in the CLI executes this command. Files in appropriate circular buffer format include the following:

/usr/tmp/apps.log /usr/tmp/mma/mma.log /usr/tmp/mma/mma.traplog /usr/tmp/configure/configure.netdb.log


The file argument is the name of a log file to be printed. It may be omitted with the -h or -v switch.

-all Accept all formats, including plain file.
-f Continue reading from tail of file as new entries are added, rather than exiting. Type ^C to kill the process.
-h Display the help message. This is the default, with no argument. Any other argument given with the -h argument is ignored.
-level traplevel Only display traps above the indicated trap level, where traplevel is one of snmp, oper, info, trace, and debug. Useful only with a file containing trap output in LightStream 2020 trap format.
-tail [-n] Read the last 20 lines of the file, or (approximately) the last n lines if the -n switch is specified in the same command.
-v Display information about the version of cbufpr currently running. Any other argument given with the -v argument is ignored (except preceding -h).

ckswinstall - check software installation


ckswinstall [-v ver#] [-h]


The command ckswinstall verifies that the software installation for a particular version was successful.

When verifying a software installation using the ckswinstall utility on a redundant-NP system, the software installation on each of the two NPs must be checked explicitly.

Step 1 Run ckswinstall on the current primary NP.

Step 2 Run ckswinstall on the current backup NP.


-h Print a help message.
-v ver# Version to be verified (for example, 2.1.0). If ckswinstall is executed without a version number, it verifies the current running version.


The ckswinstall utility reports false permission mismatches on directories under /usr/app. Ignore these messages.

When using ckswinstall to verify an update distribution (for instance, 2.0.6), ckswinstall only verifies the software in the update. On a system running an update, most of the software in use is from the original release, so ckswinstall should also be run on that original release (in the example, 2.0.3). When running ckswinstall on the underlying release, false errors are reported against software that was upgraded as part of the update. Ignore these messages.

comment - issue a trap with specified text


comment {[-h] | [-v]} comment [-u name] [-level traplevel] [-cons={yes|no}] [-f filename]


The comment command accepts a text message as input, either interactively (terminated by ^D at the beginning of a line) or from a file specified with the -f filename switch. Optional arguments indicate how to identify the message and where to display it.

The command does the following:

The comment text is identified by the label [comment.PID]:, where PID is the process ID of the comment command. The trap is identified by the label Comment_n001, where the trap number n001 reflects the trap level as follows: 1001 is Oper, 2001 is Info, 3001 is Trace, and 4001 is Debug. In both cases, the invoker is identified by user name appended to the beginning of the message. The user name may be changed with the -u name switch.

The comment command is used mainly to provide a record in the trap log of operator-initiated events. For example, if one is taking down an interface for test purposes, a comment trap can be issued noting why the interface is coming down.


The following optional arguments are available:

-cons={no | yes} Suppress (no) or enable output to the console. The -cons=yes switch is the default.
-f filename Take the trap message text from filename, rather than from standard input.
-h Display a help message.
-level traplevel Determine the trap level for the comment trap, where the traplevel argument is one of oper, info, trace, debug, and none. The default is to generate an info trap. With the none argument, no trap is generated.
-u name Specify the user name to be included in the trap message. By default, the author of the trap is specified by login name.
-v Display program version information. This information is displayed with every invocation of the command, including invocations with the -h switch.

cp - copy files


cp [-irv] file1 file2
cp [-irv] file1 ... directory


The cp command creates copies of files. The destination file [file2] is created if it does not exist, or overwritten if it does. If more than two files are given, then the last filename must be a directory, and the files are copied into it with their original base names. cp does not copy a file to itself.


-i cp prompts the user whenever a file is about to be overwritten. Answer y to overwrite the existing file; type anything else to skip that file and go on to the next specified file (if any).
-r cp recursively copies all subtrees of all file arguments which are directories and deposits them into the destination directory. cp flags an error if the destination file is not a directory. Hard and symbolic links are not understood by cp; a complete copy is made based upon each directory entry in the source subtree. To truly duplicate subtrees, complete with link information, see "tar - combine files into an archive backup" later in this chapter.
-v Print list of files encountered during a recursive cp.


The following example simply copies from file1 into file2:

cp file1 file2

The following example copies file1, file2, and file3 into the directory dir1:

cp file1 file2 file3 dir1

The following example copies all files in dir1 recursively into dir2, and also copies file1 into dir2:

cp -r dir1 file1 dir2

cs - produce file checksum


cs [-value] file


The cs command sums every byte of the named file, modulo 256. If no value is given, the result is printed to standard output. If a value is given, cs compares it to the actual checksum and exits with status 1 if the values are different, or with status 0 if the values are the same.

date - display or set current date and time


date [-u] [-dn] [-zm] [newdate]


The date command can be used either to set the current system date and time or to display it. If no arguments are given, then date only displays the current date and time. You must be running as the user root to change the date.

The format for the newdate argument describing a new date and time is as follows:


Here, yy is the last two digits of the year, mm the number of the month (1-12), dd the day number in the month, hh the hour (0-23), mm the minute, and optionally, .ss the second. If the date and seconds parts are omitted, the current values are used.


The following optional arguments are available:

-u Displays the current date in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). When setting the current time, this flag prevents local transformations of the given time value.


Sets the daylight saving method to n, which must be one of the following values:
0 No daylight savings
2 Australia
3 Eastern Europe
4 Central Europe
5 Western Europe
-zm Sets the time zone to m, given as minutes from Greenwich (0× longitude). Positive values are for the western hemisphere, for example, for North America, and negative values are for longitudes east of Greenwich.


The following example shows how to set the date to December 8, 1986 12:30 AM GMT, and the daylight saving method to USA.:

date -d1 -u 8612080030

The following example shows how to leave the current time the same, but change the time zone to Central Standard Time:

date -z360

df - show free disk space


df [-i] [file ...]


The df program displays the total space and amounts of used and free space on selected mounted file systems. If file names a device on which a file system is mounted, df gives information for that file system.

If file refers to a regular file or directory, df gives information for the filesystem containing that file. If no file arguments are given, then df reads the file /etc/fstab and produces a report for each device listed there.


-i Give information on free and used inodes as well as free and used space.

fsck - file system check and repair


fsck block-dev


The fsck command checks and repairs the file system on the named block device. It looks for inconsistencies among the following file system components:

Inode contents All of the information recorded in each active inode is checked for consistency. The block pointers are all checked for validity. Cross-checks are made to ensure that blocks are owned by at most one inode. The block and byte sizes recorded in the inode are verified and corrected if necessary.
Directory structure Directory contents are checked for correctness and consistency. Reference counts for each inode are re-computed and repaired if necessary.
Free inode list The free inode list is rebuilt in reverse order of inode number.
Free block list The free block list is rebuilt in order of block number.

Any inconsistencies found are reported and repaired or otherwise dealt with.

If orphaned files exist, a /lost+found directory is created and the original /lost+found, if it exists, is renamed to the next name in the set /lost+found[A-z]. The orphaned file is put into /lost+found and its file name is set to its inode number.


The following example shows the use of the fsck command to check and repair the file system on /dev/sd0b:

LSnode:2# fsck /dev/sd0b (all sizes and block numbers in decimal) (file system creation time is Mon Apr 11 04:57:52 1994) checking used files recovering orphaned files making free block list making free inode list 32192 free blocks 3361 free inodes LSnode:2#

ftp - file transfer program


ftp [-v] [-d] [-i] [-n] [-g] [host]


The ftp command is the user interface to the ARPANET standard File Transfer Protocol. The program allows a user to transfer files to and from a remote network site.

The client host with which ftp is to communicate may be specified on the command line. If this is done, ftp immediately attempts to establish a connection to an FTP server on that host; otherwise, ftp enters its command interpreter and awaits instructions from the user.


Options may be specified at the command line, or to the command interpreter.

-v (Verbose) forces ftp to show all responses from the remote server, as well as report on data transfer statistics.
-n Restrains ftp from attempting "auto-login" upon initial connection. If "auto-login" is enabled, ftp checks the .netrc file in the user's home directory for an entry describing an account on the remote machine. If no entry exists, ftp uses the login name on the local machine as the user identity on the remote machine, and prompts for a password and, optionally, an account with which to log in.
-i Turns off interactive prompting during multiple file transfers.
-d Enables debugging.
-g Disables file name globbing.


When ftp is awaiting commands from the user, the prompt ftp> is provided for the user. The following commands are recognized by ftp:

! Invoke a shell on the local machine.
append local-file [remote-file] Append a local file to a file on the remote machine. If remote-file is left unspecified, the local file name is used in naming the remote file. File transfer uses the current settings for type, format, mode, and structure.
ascii Set the file transfer type to network ASCII. This is the default type.
bell Arrange that a bell be sounded after each file transfer command is completed.
binary Set the file transfer type to support binary image transfer.
bye Terminate the FTP session with the remote server and exit ftp.
cd remote-directory Change the working directory on the remote machine to remote-directory.
close Terminate the FTP session with the remote server, and return to the command interpreter.
connect host [port] A synonym for open.
delete remote-file Delete the file remote-file on the remote machine.
debug [debug-value] Toggle debugging mode. If an optional debug-value is specified, it is used to set the debugging level. When debugging is on, ftp prints each command sent to the remote machine, preceded by the string ->.
dir [remote-directory] [local-file] Print a listing of the directory contents in the directory remote-directory and, optionally, place the output in local-file. If no directory is specified, the current working directory on the remote machine is used. If no local file is specified, output comes to the terminal.
form format Set the file transfer form to format. The default format is "file."
get remote-file [local-file] Retrieve remote-file and store it on the local machine. If the local file name is not specified, it is given the same name it has on the remote machine. The current settings for type, form, mode, and structure are used while transferring the file.
hash Toggle hash-sign (#) printing for each data block transferred. The size of a data block is 1024 bytes.
glob Toggle file name globbing. With file name globbing enabled, each local file or pathname is processed for shell metacharacters. These characters include "*", "?", "[", "]", " " (that is, space), "{", "}". Remote files specified in multiple-item commands, for example, mput, are globbed by the remote server. With globbing disabled, all files and pathnames are treated literally.
help [command] Print an informative message about the meaning of command. If no argument is given, ftp prints a list of the known commands.
lcd [directory] Change the working directory on the local machine. If no directory is specified, the user's home directory is used.
ls [remote-directory] [local-file] Print an abbreviated listing of the contents of a directory on the remote machine. If remote-directory is left unspecified, the current working directory is used. If no local file is specified, the output is sent to the terminal.
mdelete remote-files Delete the specified files on the remote machine. If globbing is enabled, the specification of remote files is first expanded using ls.
mdir remote-files local-file Obtain a directory listing of multiple files on the remote machine and place the result in local-file.
mget remote-files Retrieve the specified files from the remote machine and place them in the current local directory. If globbing is enabled, the specification of remote files is first expanded using ls.
mkdir directory-name Make a directory on the remote machine.
mls remote-files local-file Obtain an abbreviated listing of multiple files on the remote machine and place the result in local-file.
mode [mode-name] Set the file transfer mode to mode-name. The default mode is "stream" mode.
mput local-files Transfer multiple local files from the current local directory to the current working directory on the remote machine.
open host [port] Establish a connection to the FTP server host. An optional port number may be supplied, in which case, ftp attempts to contact an FTP server at that port. If "auto-login" is enabled, ftp also attempts to automatically log the user in to the FTP server (see below).
prompt Toggle interactive prompting. Interactive prompting occurs during multiple file transfers to allow the user to selectively retrieve or store files. If prompting is turned off (default), any mget or mput transfers all files.
put local-file [remote-file] Store a local file on the remote machine. If remote-file is left unspecified, the local file name is used in naming the remote file. File transfer uses the current settings for type, format, mode, and structure.
pwd Print the name of the current working directory on the remote machine.
quit A synonym for bye.
quote arg1 arg2 ... The arguments specified are sent, verbatim, to the remote FTP server. A single FTP reply code is expected in return.
recv remote-file [local-file] A synonym for get.
remotehelp [command-name] Request help from the remote FTP server. If a command-name is specified it is supplied to the server as well.
rename [from] [to] Rename the file from on the remote machine, to the file to.
rmdir directory-name Delete a directory on the remote machine.
send local-file [remote-file] A synonym for put.
sendport Toggle the use of PORT commands. By default, ftp attempts to use a PORT command when establishing a connection for each data transfer. If the PORT command fails, ftp uses the default data port. When the use of PORT commands is disabled, no attempt is made to use PORT commands for each data transfer. This is useful for certain FTP implementations which do ignore PORT commands but, incorrectly, indicate that they have been accepted.
status Show the current status of ftp.
struct [struct-name] Set the file transfer structure to struct-name. By default, "stream" structure is used.
tenex Set the file transfer type to that needed to talk to TENEX machines.
trace Toggle packet tracing.
type [type-name] Set the file transfer type to type-name. If no type is specified, the current type is printed. The default type is network ASCII.
user user-name [passwd] [acct] Identify yourself to the remote FTP server. If the password is not specified and the server requires it, ftp prompts the user for it (after disabling local echo). If an account field acct is not specified, and the FTP server requires it, the user is prompted for it. Unless ftp is invoked with "auto-login" disabled, this process is done automatically on initial connection to the FTP server.
verbose Toggle verbose mode. In verbose mode, all responses from the FTP server are displayed to the user. In addition, if verbose is on, when a file transfer completes, statistics regarding the efficiency of the transfer are reported. By default, verbose is on.
? [command] A synonym for help.

Command arguments which have embedded spaces may be quoted with double quote (") marks.

File Naming Conventions

Files specified as arguments to ftp commands are processed according to the following rules.

  1. If the file name "-" is specified, then stdin (for reading) or stdout (for writing) is used.

  2. If the first character of the file name is "--", the remainder of the argument is interpreted as a shell command. ftp then forks a shell, using popen(3) with the argument supplied, and reads (writes) from the stdout (stdin). If the shell command includes spaces, the argument must be quoted;for example, "-- ls -lt". A particularly useful example of this mechanism is: "dir --more".

  3. Failing the above checks, if globbing is enabled, local file names are expanded according to the rules used in the shell; refer to the glob command.

File Transfer Conventions

The FTP specification specifies many parameters which may affect a file transfer. The type may be one of ASCII, image (binary), EBCDIC, and local byte size (for PDP-10s and PDP-20s mostly). The ftp command supports the ASCII and image types of file transfer.

ftp supports only the default values for the remaining file transfer parameters: mode, form, and struct.

Note Aborting a file transfer does not work right; if one attempts this the local ftp will likely have to be killed by hand.

This section was developed by the University of California, Berkeley.

hostname - print or set name of current host system


hostname [name]


The hostname command prints the name of the current host. The optional name argument is accepted only with superuser privilege, to set the host name.

The host name is normally set when the operating system is bootstrapped. If the hostname command gives no output, execute it as superuser with the host name as argument.

ls - show directory contents and file information


ls [-1ACFLRacdfgilnqrstu -T types] file ...


The ls command writes to standard output information requested by options for each file given. If a file is a directory, then the entire contents of that directory are written. Output is sorted alphabetically by default, but can optionally be sorted by access or modification time. If no file is given, the current directory is assumed.

The list of files is sorted alphabetically; non-directory arguments are always processed before directory arguments.



One line of output is generated for each file. This option is assumed when standard output is not to a terminal.


When listing directory contents, all files are included, including those whose names begin with "." (except for the directory names "." and "..").


ls lists as many files per output line as possible. This option is assumed when standard output is a terminal.


ls appends markers to file names in the listing to indicate file type, as follows:

/ directory
& named pipe (FIFO)
= socket (not implemented in LynxOS)
@ symbolic link
* executable regular file
| pipc special file

For each argument or directory element which is a symbolic link, information about the file or directory referenced by the link (instead of the link itself) is used for printing, sorting, and/or marking the output.


Each subdirectory encountered while scanning a directory is itself examined.

-T types

Only those files are shown whose type is one of those specified by types. The types list should be a string of one or more of -, b, c, d, f, l, p, r, s, i, I, and +, as described below.


When listing directory contents, all files are printed, including files which begin with ".".


The time value examined for printing (-l) and sorting (-t) is the file creation time instead of the modification time.


Instructs ls to give information about directory arguments themselves instead of listing the contents of the directories.


Each argument is interpreted as a directory, and contents are listed in the order encountered (no sort is performed). The -f option disables -l, -t, -s, and -r, and enables -a.


Group ID of each file is printed (only effective when -l is also given).


The inode number of each file is printed.


Extended information is given for each file, including file mode, number of links, owner, size in bytes, and time (usually modification time, but optionally access or file creation time). If a file is a special file, the major and minor numbers are given in place of file size. If a file is a symbolic link, then the target of the link is given after the file name.


Restricts listing to files created on the current system date.


Forces non-printable characters in file names to be printed as "?". This option is assumed when standard output is a terminal.


Reverses sort order.


Lists size of each file, in 512-byte blocks.


Sorts by time rather than by name.


Uses time of last access rather than modification time for printing (-l) and sorting (-t).

Mode Information

The file mode given with the -l option is printed as a 10-character string. The first character gives general file type:

- Regular file
f Regular file
r Regular file
b Block special file
c Character special file
d Directory file
p Named pipe (FIFO)
l Symbolic link
s Socket
+ Contiguous file
i Non-persistent ipc special file
I Persistent ipc special file

The next nine characters tell whether or not read, write, and execute permissions are on for the owning user, owning group, and others:

r read permission
w write permission
x execute permission

The permissions are printed in the order read-write-execute; a dash in a position means that permission is off. For directory files, execute permission is interpreted as permission to search the directory. If the "sticky bit" in the mode is turned on (see the system call chmod), the last character of the mode string is printed as t rather than the usual x or -.

mkdir - create directories


mkdir [-pf] directory ...


The mkdir command creates directory files with the given pathnames. The standard entries "." and ".." are automatically created in the new directory. The mkdir program must have write permission into the parent directory of the new directory or directories.


-f Suppresses error messages.
-p The mkdir command creates each non-existent directory along each given pathname. Thus the following command creates the subdirectory integers along with test1, data, and numlists, if any of those do not exist: mkdir -p test1/data/numlists/integers

See Also

rm, rmdir remove (unlink) files or directories

more - file perusal filter for CRT viewing


more [-cdflsu] [-n] [+linenumber] [+/pattern] [name ...]


The more program is a filter which allows examination of continuous text, one screenful at a time on a soft-copy terminal. It normally pauses after each screenful, printing --More-- at the bottom of the screen. Type a carriage return to display one more line, and press the spacebar to display another screenful. Other possibilities are enumerated under Options.


The command line options are as follows:

n An integer which is the size (in lines) of the window which more will use instead of the default.
-c The more program draws each page by beginning at the top of the screen and erasing each line just before it draws on it. This avoids scrolling the screen, making it easier to read while more is writing. This option is ignored if the terminal does not have the ability to clear to the end of a line.
-d The more program prompts the user with the message "Press space to continue, `q' to quit at the end of each screenful," and responds to subsequent illegal user input by printing "Press `h' for instructions instead of ringing the bell." This is useful if more is being used as a filter in a setting, such as a class, where many users may be unfamiliar with more.
-f This causes more to count logical lines, rather than screen lines; that is, lines that are not folded.
-l Do not treat control-l (form feed) in a special way. If this option is not given, more pauses after any line that contains a control-l, as if the end of a screenful had been reached. Also, if a file begins with a form feed, the screen is cleared before the file is printed.
-s Squeeze multiple blank lines from the output, producing only one blank line.
-u Normally, more handles underlining in a manner appropriate to the particular terminal: if the terminal can perform underlining or has stand-out mode, more outputs appropriate escape sequences to enable underlining or stand-out mode for underlined information in the source file. The -u option suppresses this processing.
+linenumber Start up at linenumber.
+/pattern Start up two lines before the line containing the regular expression pattern.

The more program looks in the file /etc/termcap to determine terminal characteristics, and to determine the default window size. On a terminal capable of displaying 24 lines, the default window size is 22 lines.

The more program looks in the environment variable MORE to pre-set any flags desired. For example, if you prefer to view files using the -c mode of operation, the csh command setenv MORE -c or the sh command sequence MORE='-c', export MORE would cause all invocations of more to run with -c set. Normally, one should place the command sequences which set up the MORE environment variable in the .cshrc or .profile file.

If more is reading from a file, rather than a pipe, then a percentage is displayed along with the --More-- prompt. This gives the fraction of the file (in characters, not lines) that has been read so far.

Other sequences which may be typed when more pauses, and their effects, are as follows (i is an optional integer argument, defaulting to 1):

[i]<space> Display i more lines (or another screenful if no argument is given).
[i]control-d Display 11 more lines. If i is given, then the scroll size is set to i.
[i]d Same as control-d.
[i]z Same as typing <space> except that i, if entered, becomes the new window size.
[i]s Skip i lines and print a screenful of lines.
[i]f Skip i screenfuls and print a screenful of lines.
[i]b Skip back i screenfuls and print a screenful of lines.
[i]control-B Same as b.
q or Q Exit from more.
= Display the current line number.
v Start up the editor vi at the current line.
h Help command. Gives a description of all the more commands.
[i]/expr Searches for the i-th occurrence of the regular expression expr. If there are less than i occurrences of expr, and the input is a file (rather than a pipe), then the position in the file remains unchanged. Otherwise, a screenful is displayed, starting two lines before the place where the expression was found. The user's erase and kill characters may be used to edit the regular expression.
[i]n Search for the i-th occurrence of the last regular expression entered.
` (single quote) Go to the point from which the last search started. If no search has been performed in the current file, this command goes back to the beginning of the file.
!command Invoke a shell with command. The characters % and ! in command are replaced with the current file name and the previous shell command respectively. If there is no current file name, % is not expanded. The sequences and are replaced by % and !, respectively.
[i]:n Skip to the i-th next file given in the command line. (Skips to the last file if i does not make sense.)
[i]:p Skip to the i-th previous file given in the command line. If this command is given in the middle of printing out a file, then more goes back to the beginning of the file. If i does not make sense, more skips back to the first file. If more is not reading from a file, the bell is rung and nothing else happens.
:f Display the current file name and line number.
:q or :Q Exit from more (same as q or Q).

The commands take effect immediately, that is, it is not necessary to type a carriage return. Up to the time when the command character itself is given, the line kill character cancels the numerical argument being typed, and the erase character redisplays the --More-- (xx%)prompt.

When output is being sent to the terminal, the quit character causes more to stop sending output, and it displays the usual --More-- prompt. Any of the above commands may then be entered in the normal manner. Unfortunately, some output is lost when this is done, due to the fact that any characters waiting in the terminal's output queue are flushed when the quit signal occurs.

The terminal is set to noecho mode by this program so that the output can be continuous. This means that what you type does not show on your terminal, except for the / and ! commands.

If the standard output is not a teletype, then more acts just like cat, except that a header is printed before each file (if there is more than one).

If you do not know what the line kill or quit characters for your terminal are, you can find this information by using the stty command.


This section was developed by the University of California, Berkeley.


/etc/termcap Terminal data base
/usr/lib/ Help file


Utility Programs - csh, sh, stty

mv - move or rename files


mv [-fi] [-] file1 file2
mv [-fi] [-] file ... directory


In the first form, mv changes the name of file1 to file2. If pathname file2 describes a different directory than file1, then the link in the original directory is removed and a link is created in the new directory. In the second form, each file is moved from its former directory into directory, retaining its base name. In either form, if the move crosses a file system boundary, mv copies the information from the old file to the new file, then removes the old file.

If the destination file exists, and its permissions disallow writing, mv prompts the user and completes the move only on a response of y.


- Allows first filename to begin with "-".
-f Force writing over existing files. Overrides the -i switch.
-i The user is prompted whenever a destination file already exists, regardless of permissions. The move is completed only on response y.

Note The mv command does not allow a file to be moved onto itself. The side-effects of cross-file system moves are that the user ID of the copying process becomes the owner of the new file, and all linking information tied to other files in the original file system is lost.

passwd - change user password


passwd [user]


The passwd command replaces the current password recorded in the /etc/passwd file for the current user or for the user named user. It prompts the user once for the current password, and then twice for a new one to guard against typographic errors. New passwords must be a minimum of 4 characters long if many different characters are used, 6 if the user decides to use a dull, monocase password.

Only the owner of the account or the superuser may change a password. Passwords are kept in the publicly readable /etc/passwd file in an encrypted form.


/etc/passwd User names and passwords
/etc/ptemp Temporary copy of /etc/passwd

ps - display status of current processes


ps [afmnostTx] [r [delay]] [-p pid] [-u uid] [-g pgrp]


The ps command displays the current status of processes in the system. The statistics available for each process are as follows:


Process ID number.


Thread ID number.


Process ID of the parent process.


Process group number.


System priority.


Size of text (executable code) segment, in terms of 1 kilobyte units. If the text segment is being shared with another process displayed by ps, the text size is followed by an asterisk.


Size of the process stack segment.


Size of the process data segment.


Semaphore ID number on which process is waiting, if any.


User and system time used so far by the process. Given as seconds, mm:ss minutes and seconds, hh+mm:ss hours, minutes and seconds, or hhhhh+mm hours and minutes, as space allows.


Control device of the process, as recorded in /dev.


Value of threads' flags.


User name (based on effective user ID) of the process owner.


Current process state, one of

C Currently executing process (usually ps itself).
R Ready to run, but not running.
S Suspended by a signal (SIGSTOP, SIGTSTP, SIGTTIN, or SIGTTOU).
W Waiting on a semaphore for some resource.
E New process awaiting completion of its fork operation.

Pathname of the executing process.


Current data size resource limit, in terms of 1 kilobyte units.


Percentage of data size limit currently used.


Current stack size resource limit.


Percentage of stack size limit currently used.


Shared memory pages in use, and number of shared memory regions.

By default, ps displays all processes with the same effective user ID as the current real user ID.


The following command-line options are available:

a Includes processes owned by others.
f Substitute the flags field for the dev field
m Show memory usage display instead of normal system use display. This option provides the dlim, d%, slim, s%, and smem fields but leaves out sem, time, dev, user, and S.
n Includes the operating system "null" pseudo-process in the output. The accumulated time for the null process is an indication of system idle time.
o Includes the supervisor stack size and process state segment size in the stack and data size values.
-p pid Includes information for process pid.
-g pgrp Includes information for all processes with process group number pgrp.
r delay Tells ps to repeat indefinitely. The display (selected by the other options) is drawn at the top of the CRT. By default, ps waits 10 seconds between updates; delay may be given to increase or decrease the update frequency.
s Substitute the sem field for the time field.
t Includes thread IDs.
T Includes stream tasks.
-u uid Includes information for all processes owned by user uid.
x Includes processes, owned by you, with no control device.


/dev/mem System memory device, used to get information about processes.


Since ps cannot sample and display the status of all processes at the speed at which the processes run, its accuracy is limited.

reboot - reboot the system


reboot [-ndamfph]


The reboot command calls the operating system reboot function to restart the entire system. The options to reboot allow bits to be set in the flag word that is passed to the operating system:

-n RB_ASKNAME Boot monitor will request bootstrap name.
-d RB_NOSYNC Do not sync before reboot.
-a RB_AUTOBOOT Non-interactive boot from default bootstrap.
-m RB_MFSCK Simulate corrupted disk cache upon reboot.
-f RB_NOFSCK Check file systems after boot.
-p RB_PANIC Simulate OS panic.
-h RB_HALT Halt the processor for manual reboot.
-s RB_NOTREALLY Set reboot flags, but do not really reboot.
-N RB_MAKENODES Instructs init to create nodes in /dev starting rc.

Probably the most common type of reboot is:

reboot -a

This command reboots to multiuser mode after syncing the disks.

To reboot to single user:


Another example of reboot is:

reboot -am

This command boots the OS into multi-user mode after performing a file systems check. The -m option of reboot forces the file systems check.

When testing a new operating system configuration, use the following command:

reboot -anN

This command syncs the disks and returns to the low-level monitor, which then requests the name of the new bootstrap program (the newly configured OS). The -N switch is very important if the new OS contains new device drivers and devices.


The reboot command can only be executed by user 0 (root).

See Also

Utility Programs - fsck

rsh - remote shell


rsh host [-l username] [-n] command host [-l username] [-n] command


The rsh program connects to the specified host, and there executes the specified command. The rsh program copies its standard input to the remote command, the standard output of the remote command to its standard output, and the standard error of the remote command to its standard error. Interrupt, quit, and terminate signals are propagated to the remote command; rsh normally terminates when the remote command does.

The remote username used is the same as the current local user name, unless a different remote name is given with the -l option. This remote name must be equivalent to the originating account; no provision is made for specifying a password with a command.

If command is omitted, then instead of executing a single command, rsh chains to rlogin to log into the remote host.

Shell metacharacters which are not quoted are interpreted on the local machine, while quoted metacharacters are interpreted on the remote machine. Thus, the following command appends remotefile to localfile:

rsh otherhost cat remotefile >> localfile

However, the following command appends remotefile to otherremotefile:

rsh otherhost cat remotefile `>>' otherremotefile

The -n option redirects output to /dev/null. This option is useful to avoid unexpected interaction between rsh and the shell that invokes the rsh command.

Host names are given in the file /etc/hosts. Each host has one standard name (the first name given in the file), which is rather long and unambiguous, and optionally one or more nicknames. The host names for local machines are sometimes made commands in the directory /usr/hosts; if you put this directory in the search path, then the word rsh can be omitted.


The rlogin executable must be located in the standard search path in order to be found by a command-less invocation of rsh.

Stop signals stop the local rsh process only; this is arguably wrong, but currently hard to fix for reasons too complicated to explain here.



(on remote host).
(on remote host).

rm, rmdir remove (unlink) files or directories


rm [options] file ... rmdir directory ...


The rm command removes directory entries for files. If an entry was the last link to a file, the file is removed as well. Removal of an entry requires write permission in its directory. If a file is not writeable, and rm is using the current terminal for its standard input, the file permissions are printed on the screen and a response is read from the terminal. rm proceeds to remove the file if the response is y.

The rmdir command removes directories. Each directory must be empty except for the special entries "." and "..".


- Allow all arguments following to be treated as filenames. This option is useful for filenames which begin with the "-" character
-f Force removal of unwriteable files.
-i Ask user's permission every time a file or directory is to be removed. If the user responds with a y, the file is removed.
-r Recursively remove a directory subtree. rm does not remove a directory unless this option is specified.

swchgver - software change version


swchgver [version#] [-noreboot] [-nolinecardreset] [-nordist] [-noflashupdate] [-flashforce] [-force] [-h]


The swchgver command changes the symbolic link used in determining which version of the software will be run at start up time.

When no version is given, swchgver only works if the symbolic link /usr/app/base-new exists.

By default, swchgver updates the Flash, resets the line cards and reboots the network processor.

On a redundant system, swchgver should be executed from the primary network processor. If contact is possible, the primary copies the version of the software to the standby network processor using rdist before rebooting it. Then swchgver continues executing on the primary network processor by updating the Flash, resetting the line cards and rebooting the primary network processor.


-flashforce Reload Flash even if it has not changed.
-force Ignore failures to contact backup network processor on a redundant system. By default, swchgver will abort with an error if it cannot contact the backup network processor on a redundant system.
-h Produces a help message.
-noflashupdate Do not update Flash even if it has changed.
-nolinecardreset Do not reset linecards in the chassis.
-noreboot Do not reboot the network processor.
-nordist Do not rdist the files to the backup network processor
version# Set the software version to version#. The default is to set the software version to that which was most recently installed. This is the version of software to run the next time the NP is rebooted (for example, 2.1.0).

swdelete - software delete


swdelete [version] [-f]


The swdelete command deletes the indicated release, first checking to make sure that the release is not currently in use. (For update releases, both the update and the underlying major release are in use).

When no version is given, swdelete executes the default of swinfo, which is to list all installed releases, identifying the currently running version and (if it is a partial release) the releases on which the currently running version depends. See the following section, "swinfo - software information."

Swdelete is normally run on the current primary network processor. When run on the primary network processor, the command deletes the version on both network processors if it is found on either network processor. When run on a network processor that is not primary, the software on the primary network processor is ignored.


-f Remove even if currently running this version
version Version of software to delete (for example, 2.1.0)

See Also

swinfo - software information

swinfo - software information


swinfo [-currentonly] [-inuseonly] [-localonly] [-h]


The swinfo command is used to gather information about the software that is installed on the LightStream 2020. This command also reports on the status of the backup NP should the machine be a redundant system.

The default lists all installed releases, identifying the currently running version and (if it is a partial release) the releases on which the currently running version depends.

On a redundant system, the program lists releases installed on the other network processor. It uses a star (*) to mark releases installed on one network processor, but not on the other.

The swinfo program is normally run on the current primary network processor. When it is run on a network processor that is not primary, the software on the primary network processor is ignored


-currentonly List only the currently running version.
-h Print a help message.
-inuseonly List only the currently in-use versions (the currently running version and any versions on which that version depends).
-localonly On a redundant network processor system, do not list versions installed on the other network processor.

swinstall - software installation




The swinstall command installs the LightStream 2020 software from floppy diskette. You must execute this command for each diskette set in each release.

The command does the following, with displays at each step:

Step 1 Makes a request for the first diskette to be placed in the floppy drive.

Step 2 Checks to make sure that the disk inserted is the first disk, and responds with an error and an another request if it is not.

Step 3 If the diskette set is an Application or an Update diskette set, the program checks disk space for partitions /sd0b and /sd0c to verify a successful installation. If there is enough space on these partitions, then the installation continues to the next space. Otherwise, an error is given indicating that an old release must be deleted. Refer to the preceding section, "swdelete - software delete," for details on how to accomplish this.

Step 4 Starts the preinstallation stage, which varies for each diskette set.

Step 5 Finishes the preinstallation stage.

Step 6 Starts the installation stage, which extracts the files from tar format and then decompresses them using uncompress.

Step 7 Finishes the installation stage.

Step 8 Starts the software validation stage, which verifies that all the files were successfully copied from the diskette.

Step 9 Finishes the software validation stage.

Step 10 Determines if there are additional diskettes in the set that need to be installed. If the diskette is not the last in the set, the next diskette is requested. Once the correct disk is successfully placed into the floppy drive and the return key is pressed, the installation continues at
Step 6.

Step 11 Starts the postinstallation stage, which varies for each diskette set.

Step 12 Finishes the postinstallation stage and issues a message saying that the installation of the diskette set is complete.


The swinstall program can fail due to lack of free memory if extra processes are running. Make sure processes which are not needed during the installation, such as CLI, are not running.

See Also

swdelete - software delete
swremoteinstall - remote software installation

swremoteinstall - remote software installation


swremoteinstall -h hostname version


The swremoteinstall command copies a LightStream 2020 release from one machine to another using rdist. Both the hostname and version must be specified.

The command does the following, all of which is displayed to the operator:

Step 1 Displays the diskette sets appearing in the distribution and those that are not.

Step 2 Checks for available disk space on portions /sd0b and /sd0c of the target machine.

Step 3 Installs the description of the release on the target machine.

Step 4 Executes the preinstallation steps for all the diskette sets included in this release.

Step 5 Installs all the files for each diskette set, listing them one at a time.

Step 6 Creates a symbolic link named /usr/app/base-new that points to the release. This is used by swchgver to switch over to that version. See "swchgver - software change version" earlier in this chapter.

Step 7 Executes the postinstallations for all the diskette sets included in this release.

Step 8 Reports the completion of the remote installation and advises to run swchgver on the target machine. See "swchgver - software change version" earlier in this chapter.


-h hostname Host to be updated.
version Version of software to install (for example, 2.1.0)


/usr/app/dist/base-<version>/DIST/<diskette set>/rdist.flist
The list of files and symbolic links to be copied over to the target machine.

/usr/app/dist/base-<version>/DIST/<diskette set>/rdist.devlist
The list of device files to be copied over to the target machine.

See Also

swinstall - software installation
swchgver - software change version
swdelete - software delete

tail - print last few lines of a file


tail [options] [file]


The tail command copies to standard output lines from the end of the named file, or from standard input if no file is given. By default, the last ten lines are printed.


-f tail Print the tail of the file, then wait for the file to grow, printing each new line as it appears. Useful for watching log files.
+n[blc] Begin output starting n blocks (b), lines (l), or characters (c) from the beginning of the file. Default unit is lines.
-n[blc] Begin output starting n blocks, lines, or characters from the end of the file. Default unit is lines.
-r Print lines in reverse order. If no distance is specified, tail prints the entire file in reverse.


Strange things may happen if tail is used with character special files.

tar - combine files into an archive backup


tar {ctxru} [opbXIBfhmvwk] [blksize] [tape] [-C dir] [-P prefix] files ...


The tar command is historically intended to combine files into an archive on a tape. The archive need not actually be a tape. tar operates according to actions given as a command and zero or more modifiers. Each file is copied to or from the archive; directory files are taken to mean the entire subtree beneath the directory.

When creating an archive, tar provides two special mechanisms to allow the archive to reflect a different directory structure than the source of the archived files. A pair of arguments -C dir causes the tar process to switch to directory dir before interpreting subsequent filenames. A pair of arguments -P prefix causes the string prefix to be appended to the beginning of each filename as it is recorded in the tar output file. Any number of directory-switch and prefixing commands can be given in the file list. Note that once the tar process has changed its working directory, subsequent relative pathnames given in -C requests are interpreted relative to the then current directory.


The tar command string must be the first argument given. It need not (but can) begin with a dash. The basic operation of tar is dictated by one of the following letters embedded in the string:

c Create a new output archive.
r Append files to the end of an existing archive.
t Pertinent information about files on an existing archive is printed to the standard output. If no file arguments are given to select files in the archive, all files in the archive are shown.
u Each file is appended to the archive only if it is not there already, or if it has been changed since last put there. Note that the older versions of files are not deleted.
x Each file is extracted from the tape. If a file is actually a directory, the entire subtree is extracted. Shell wildcard operators are recognized within file arguments.


The tar command can be used with a floppy disk, but error messages are uninformative, and the tar process can hang.

If no diskette is present in the drive, or if the diskette in the drive has not been formatted for an IBM PS/2 (models 50, 60, 70, 80, and compatibles), uninformative error messages appear on the console.

If the diskette in the drive has media errors, the tar process may hang, preventing access to the floppy drive or to the terminal on which the command was executed. If this happens, the NP must be rebooted.


The following characters may also appear in the command string, and alter the behavior of the basic tar commands.


Instructs tar to recognize the argument following the key as the blocking factor. Tar constructs the archive as groups of 512-byte records. The default blocking factor is 20 records; the maximum blocking factor is 256 records. Each block is written with one write request, and therefore constitutes a physical record on a raw tape device. The blocksize is determined automatically when reading an archive.

Note: If you use both the b and the f modifiers, be careful to enter their arguments in the correct order. For example:

tar cbf 20 archive


tar cfb archive 20
B This command has no effect and exists for backward compatibility only. Older versions of tar truncate the final block of an archive so that its blocking factor is not always the same as the other blocks. The B command then forced tar to pad the final block with null records up to the blocking factor. The current version of tar always pads the final block, regardless of the B command.
f Instructs tar to recognize the argument following the key as the name of the archive. If omitted, tar writes to the file /dev/tar.default. If the file name given is a single dash ('-'), tar writes to standard output or reads from standard input. The tar command thus provides the method of choice for moving directory subtrees, as follows: cd source; tar cf - | (cd dest; tar xf -)

See note under the b option.

h Instructs tar to follow symbolic links when creating an archive. Normally, symbolic links are recorded as such in the output.
k Instructs tar not to repair access times of files read during archive creation. Normally, tar ensures that access and modification times of files read during archive creation are not affected by the process.
l Causes tar to produce error messages during an extraction when attempts to recreate hard links fail.
m Prevents restoration of modification times. The time stamp on extracted files is equal to the time at the inception of the tar process.
o Prevents tar from explicitly recording directory files in the archive.
X Instructs tar to use POSIX-format tar headers, instead of the (simpler and less powerful) UNIX format headers. LynxOS tar can read either format.
I Ignore checksum. Use if checksum error is reported and you would like to extract the files anyway.
p Causes present umask information to be ignored when restoring modes of extracted files.
R Suppresses attempts to rename existing files to resolve type conflicts with the archive (see below).
v Sets verbose mode, so that tar prints information about each file processed. When checking the contents of an archive (the t command), the verbose option gives more information about the files. Normally tar operates silently.
w Causes tar to request verification of each transaction.

Conflicts During Extraction

When tar is extracting files from an archive into a file system, it can encounter conflicts in file type between existing files and files in the archive. In such cases, tar attempts to rename the existing file and then retries the extraction. Files are renamed by prefixing a dot and appending a suffix of the following form:


In other words, the suffix includes the tag ,tar- followed by the date and time of the extraction. All files renamed in a single run of tar have the same date tag. Because the new file names begin with a dot, they do not appear in directory listings. Take care that old renamed files do not clutter the disk.

Conflicts arise when one of the following is true:

If the R flag is present in the tar command string, renames are not attempted, and messages to that effect are printed should conflicts arise.


To collect all files in a subdirectory called dir into an archive called archive:

tar cf archive dir

To print the contents of the archive:

tar tvf archive

To extract the files from the archive and create a duplicate of dir in the subdirectory backup:

cd backup tar xf ../archive

To copy the contents of one directory to another:

cd fromdir tar cf - | (cd destdir; tar xf -)

To create an archive of /backup on a tape mounted on drive /dev/rsd1:

cd /backup tar cvf /dev/rsd1.

To extract an archive from a tape mounted on drive /dev/rsd1 and place it in the root directory:

cd / tar xvf /dev/rsd1.

telnet - user interface to the Telnet protocol


telnet [host [port]]


The telnet command is used to communicate with another host using the Telnet protocol. If telnet is invoked without arguments, it enters command mode, indicated by its prompt (telnet>). In this mode, it accepts and executes the commands listed below. If it is invoked with arguments, it performs an open command (see below) with those arguments.

Once a connection has been opened, telnet enters an input mode. The input mode entered is either character-at-a-time or line-by-line, depending on what the remote system supports.

In character-at-a-time mode, most text typed is immediately sent to the remote host for processing.

In line-by-line mode, all text is echoed locally, and (normally) only completed lines are sent to the remote host. The local echo character (initially ^E) may be used to turn the local echo off and on (this would mostly be used to enter passwords without the password being echoed).

In either mode, if the localchars toggle is TRUE (the default in line mode; see below), the user's quit, intr, and flush characters are trapped locally and sent as Telnet protocol sequences to the remote side. There are options (see toggle autoflush and toggle autosynch below) which cause this action to flush subsequent output to the terminal (until the remote host acknowledges the Telnet sequence) and flush previous terminal input (in the case of quit and intr).

While connected to a remote host, telnet command mode may be entered by typing the telnet escape character (initially ^]). When in command mode, the normal terminal editing conventions are available.


The following commands are available. Only enough of each command to uniquely identify it need be typed (this is also true for arguments to the mode, set, toggle, and display commands)

open host [port]

Open a connection to the named host. If no port number is specified, telnet attempts to contact a Telnet server at the default port. The host specification may be either a host name or an Internet address specified as four dot-separated decimal octets.


Close a Telnet session and return to command mode.


Close any open Telnet session and exit telnet. An end of file (in command mode) also closes a session and exits.


Suspend telnet. This command enters a sub-shell. The user may return to telnet by exiting the subshell.

mode type

Type is either line (for line-by-line mode) or character (for character-at-a-time mode). The remote host is asked for permission to go into the requested mode. If the remote host is capable of entering that mode, the requested mode is entered.


Show the current status of telnet. This includes the peer one is connected to, as well as the current mode.

display [argument...]

Displays all, or some, of the set and toggle values (see below).

? [command]

Get help. With no arguments, telnet prints a help summary. If a command is specified, telnet prints the help information for just that command.

send arguments

Sends one or more special character sequences to the remote host. The following are the arguments which may be specified (more than one argument may be specified at a time):

escape Sends the current telnet escape character (initially ^]).
synch Sends the Telnet SYNCH sequence. This sequence causes the remote system to discard all previously typed (but not yet read) input. This sequence is sent as TCP urgent data (and may not work if the remote system is a 4.2 BSD system - if it does not work, a lowercase r may be echoed on the terminal).
brk Sends the Telnet BRK (Break) sequence, which may have significance to the remote system.
ip Sends the Telnet IP (Interrupt Process) sequence, which should cause the remote system to abort the currently running process.
ao Sends the Telnet AO (Abort Output) sequence, which should cause the remote system to flush all output from the remote system to the user's terminal.
ayt Sends the Telnet AYT (Are You There) sequence, to which the remote system may choose to respond.
ec Sends the Telnet EC (Erase Character) sequence, which should cause the remote system to erase the last character entered.
el Sends the Telnet EL (Erase Line) sequence, which should cause the remote system to erase the line currently being entered.
ga Sends the Telnet GA (Go Ahead) sequence, which likely has no significance to the remote system.
nop Sends the Telnet NOP (No OPeration) sequence.
? Prints out help information for the send command.
set argument value

Set any one of a number of telnet variables to a specific value. The special value off turns off the function associated with the variable. The values of variables may be interrogated with the display command. The variables which may be specified are:

echo This is the value (initially ^E) which, when in line-by-line mode, toggles between doing local echoing of entered characters (for normal processing), and suppressing echoing of entered characters (for entering, say, a password).
escape This is the telnet escape character (initially ^[) which causes entry into telnet command mode (when connected to a remote system).
interrupt If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars below) and the interrupt character is typed, a Telnet IP sequence (see send ip above) is sent to the remote host. The initial value for the interrupt character is taken to be the terminal's intr character.
quit If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars below) and the quit character is typed, a Telnet BRK sequence (see send brk above) is sent to the remote host. The initial value for the quit character is taken to be the terminal's quit character.
flushoutput If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars below) and the flushoutput character is typed, a Telnet AO sequence (see send ao above) is sent to the remote host. The initial value for the flush character is taken to be the terminal's flush character.
erase If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars below), and if telnet is operating in character-at-a-time mode, then when this character is typed, a Telnet EC sequence (see send ec above) is sent to the remote system. The initial value for the erase character is taken to be the terminal's erase character.
kill If telnet is in localchars mode (see toggle localchars below), and if telnet is operating in character-at-a-time mode, then when this character is typed, a Telnet EL sequence (see send el above) is sent to the remote system. The initial value for the kill character is taken to be the terminal's kill character.
eof If telnet is operating in line-by-line mode, entering this character as the first character on a line causes this character to be sent to the remote system. The initial value of the eof character is taken to be the terminal's eof character.
toggle arguments...

Toggle (between TRUE and FALSE) various flags that control how telnet responds to events. More than one argument may be specified. The state of these flags may be interrogated with the display command. Valid arguments are:

localchars If this is TRUE, then the flush, interrupt, quit, erase, and kill characters (see set above) are recognized locally, and transformed into (hopefully) appropriate Telnet control sequences (respectively ao, ip, brk, ec, and el; see send above). The initial value for this toggle is TRUE in line-by-line mode, and FALSE in character-at-a-time mode.
autoflush If autoflush and localchars are both TRUE, then when the ao, intr, or quit characters are recognized (and transformed into Telnet sequences; see set above for details), telnet refuses to display any data on the user's terminal until the remote system acknowledges (via a Telnet Timing Mark option) that it has processed those Telnet sequences. The initial value for this toggle is TRUE if the terminal user had not executed an stty noflsh command, otherwise it is FALSE.
autosynch If autosynch and localchars are both TRUE, then when either the intr or quit character is typed (see set above for descriptions of the intr and quit characters), the resulting Telnet sequence sent is followed by the Telnet SYNCH sequence. This procedure should cause the remote system to begin throwing away all previously typed input until both of the Telnet sequences have been read and acted upon. The initial value of this toggle is FALSE.
crmod Toggle carriage return mode. When this mode is enabled, most carriage return characters received from the remote host are mapped into a carriage return followed by a line feed. This mode does not affect those characters typed by the user, only those received from the remote host. This mode is not very useful unless the remote host only sends carriage return, but never line feed. The initial value for this toggle is FALSE.
debug Toggles socket level debugging (useful only to the superuser). The initial value for this toggle is FALSE.
options Toggles the display of some internal telnet protocol processing (having to do with Telnet options). The initial value for this toggle is FALSE.
netdata Toggles the display of all network data (in hexadecimal format). The initial value for this toggle is FALSE.
? Displays the legal toggle commands.

This section was developed by the University of California, Berkeley. This LynxOS component is available only as a part of the Lynx TCP/IP package.

touch - change the modify date of files


touch [-cf] file ...


The touch command sets the modification date of a file to the current date. If the file exists, the date is changed by reading a character from it and then writing it back. If the file does not exist, it is created.


-c If the file does not exist, do not create it.
-f Perform a touch even if read and write permissions are denied on the file.

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